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READMEH A D27-Jan-2021410 127

cdf2dm.F90H A D27-Jan-20213.3 KiB11231

dm2cdf.F90H A D27-Jan-20215 KiB16148

dmUnblock.F90H A D27-Jan-20215.3 KiB200102

dm_noncol_sign_flip4.f90H A D27-Jan-20212.5 KiB10924

dmbs2dm.F90H A D27-Jan-20214.9 KiB18899

dmfilter.f90H A D27-Jan-20213.3 KiB13340

f2kcli.F90H A D27-Jan-20218.4 KiB23586

m_getopts.f90H A D27-Jan-20216 KiB20379

makefileH A D27-Jan-20212 KiB7326

read_dm.mH A D27-Jan-2021867 4032

read_dmhs.mH A D27-Jan-20211.3 KiB4840


1Utilities to convert between the classic DM and netCDF format, and to
2filter the contribution of certain orbitals to the DM.
4Also, experimental octave scripts to read DM.nc and DMHS.nc files.
6dmbs2dm and dmUnblock are used to convert "blocked" DM (or H or S)
7files to the classic Siesta format.
9To allow reuse of non-collinear DM files produced with versions <
104.0.2, use the program dm_noncol_sign_flip4.