1 #ifndef SimTK_SimTKCOMMON_ARRAY_H_
2 #define SimTK_SimTKCOMMON_ARRAY_H_
4 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
5  *                       Simbody(tm): SimTKcommon                             *
6  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
7  * This is part of the SimTK biosimulation toolkit originating from           *
8  * Simbios, the NIH National Center for Physics-Based Simulation of           *
9  * Biological Structures at Stanford, funded under the NIH Roadmap for        *
10  * Medical Research, grant U54 GM072970. See https://simtk.org/home/simbody.  *
11  *                                                                            *
12  * Portions copyright (c) 2010-15 Stanford University and the Authors.        *
13  * Authors: Michael Sherman                                                   *
14  * Contributors:                                                              *
15  *                                                                            *
16  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may    *
17  * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a  *
18  * copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.         *
19  *                                                                            *
20  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        *
21  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,          *
22  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.   *
23  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        *
24  * limitations under the License.                                             *
25  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
27 /** @file
28  * This file defines the Array_<T,X> class and related support classes
29  * including base classes ArrayViewConst_<T,X> and ArrayView_<T,X>, and
30  * helper class ArrayIndexTraits<X>.
31  */
33 #include "SimTKcommon/internal/common.h"
34 #include "SimTKcommon/internal/ExceptionMacros.h"
35 #include "SimTKcommon/internal/Serialize.h"
37 #include <algorithm>
38 #include <iterator>
39 #include <vector>
40 #include <ostream>
41 #include <climits>
42 #include <typeinfo>
43 #include <type_traits>
44 #include <initializer_list>
45 #include <utility>
47 namespace SimTK {
49 // These are the classes defined in this header.
50 template <class X>                   struct ArrayIndexTraits;
51 template <class T, class X=unsigned> class  ArrayViewConst_;
52 template <class T, class X=unsigned> class  ArrayView_;
53 template <class T, class X=unsigned> class  Array_;
55 namespace Xml {
56 class Element;
57 }
59 // NOTE: I have attempted to force the compilers to inline certain trivial
60 // methods here because I observed Visual C++ 2013 fail to inline operator[]
61 // in a performance-critical method (getCacheEntry() to be specific). It is
62 // essential that there be no overhead introduced by the Array_ classes, which
63 // Simbody uses extensively specifically because std::vector was too slow.
64 // (sherm 20140404).
66 //==============================================================================
67 //                           CLASS ArrayIndexTraits
68 //==============================================================================
70 /** This templatized type is used by the Array_<T,X> classes to obtain the
71 information they need to use the class X as an index class for the array.
72 There must be a specialization here providing ArrayIndexTraits for each of
73 the built-in integral types that is suitable for use as an index. Any other
74 type X will qualify as an index if it defines the following members:
76   - typedef size_type
77   - typedef difference_type
78   - static size_type max_size()
79   - operator size_type() const (conversion from X to size_type)
81 max_size() determines the largest number of elements that a container may hold
82 if its index type is X.
84 size_type must be an integral type large enough to hold
85 all the values from 0 to max_size(), including all the index values (which
86 range from 0 to max_size()-1). size_type may be signed or unsigned; it is the
87 type returned by size(), max_size(), capacity(), etc. and may be compared
88 directly against an index of type X without producing a compiler warning.
90 difference_type is a signed integral type that can hold all possible
91 differences between two indices, that is, values between -(max_size()-1) and
92 +(max_size()-1). In most cases we use an integral type with the same number of
93 bits for size_type and difference_type but when the index type is very small
94 (bool, unsigned char, or unsigned short) we want to allow the full range (2,
95 255, or 65535 elements, resp.) in which case we need a wider type to hold the
96 differences.
98 The conversion operator ensures that we can write size_type(i) for an index
99 i of type X. An explicit conversion member does not need to be present as long
100 as the conversion size_type(i) already works as it does for all the integral
101 type specializations.
103 The SimTK type-generating macro SimTK_DEFINE_UNIQUE_INDEX_TYPE() provides the
104 necessary members so that these types can be used directly as index types for
105 Array_ objects with no further preparation. For example, you can make an
106 Array_<int,MobilizedBodyIndex> that stores ints that can be indexed only via
107 MobilizedBodyIndex indices.
109 @tparam X   A type suitable for use as an Array_ index.
110 @see Array_
111 **/
112 template <class X> struct ArrayIndexTraits {
113     /** The signed or unsigned integral type to which an object of index type
114     X can be converted without producing any compiler warnings. **/
115     typedef typename X::size_type       size_type;
116     /** A signed integral type large enough to hold the full range of
117     possible signed differences i-j between two indices i and j of type X. **/
118     typedef typename X::difference_type difference_type;
119     /** The maximum allowable size for any Array_<T,X> that uses this type X
120     as its index type. **/
max_sizeArrayIndexTraits121     static size_type max_size() {return X::max_size();}
122 };
124 /** Specialization of ArrayIndexTraits for \c unsigned (that is, \c unsigned
125 \c int) used as an index. **/
126 template <> struct ArrayIndexTraits<unsigned> {
127     typedef unsigned        size_type;
128     typedef int             difference_type;
129     static size_type        max_size() {return (unsigned)INT_MAX;}
130 };
132 /** Specialization of ArrayIndexTraits for (signed) \c int used as an index. **/
133 template <> struct ArrayIndexTraits<int> {
134     typedef int             size_type;
135     typedef int             difference_type;
136     static size_type        max_size() {return INT_MAX;}
137 };
139 /** Specialization of ArrayIndexTraits for \c unsigned \c long used as an index.
140 @warning
141 Different 64 bit platforms have different lengths for long. In particular,
142 64 bit MSVC++ has sizeof(long)==sizeof(int) while 64 bit gcc has
143 sizeof(long)==sizeof(long long). We recommend that you avoid using long
144 and unsigned long (ever, not just here) and instead use int or long long (or
145 their unsigned versions) which are unambiguously 32 or 64 bits, resp. **/
146 template <> struct ArrayIndexTraits<unsigned long> {
147     typedef unsigned long       size_type;
148     typedef long                difference_type;
149     static size_type            max_size() {return (unsigned long)LONG_MAX;}
150 };
152 /** Specialization of ArrayIndexTraits for (signed) \c long used as an index.
153 @warning
154 Different 64 bit platforms have different lengths for long. In particular,
155 64 bit MSVC++ has sizeof(long)==sizeof(int) while 64 bit gcc has
156 sizeof(long)==sizeof(long long). We recommend that you avoid using long
157 and unsigned long (ever, not just here) and instead use int or long long (or
158 their unsigned versions) which are unambiguously 32 or 64 bits, resp. **/
159 template <> struct ArrayIndexTraits<long> {
160     typedef long                size_type;
161     typedef long                difference_type;
162     static size_type            max_size() {return LONG_MAX;}
163 };
165 /** Specialization of ArrayIndexTraits for \c unsigned \c short used as an
166 index. We don't have any bits to spare here so we want to allow the full
167 65535 elements for an unsigned short indexed container. That means the index
168 difference range is -65534..+65534 which doesn't fit in a short so we have to
169 use an int for difference_type to accommodate the whole range. **/
170 template <> struct ArrayIndexTraits<unsigned short> {
171     typedef unsigned short      size_type;
172     typedef int                 difference_type;
173     static size_type            max_size() {return USHRT_MAX;}
174 };
176 /** Specialization of ArrayIndexTraits for (signed) \c short used as an
177 index. In contrast to unsigned short, here the max size is 32767 so the index
178 difference range -32766..+32766 still fits in a short so we don't need a wider
179 type for difference_type. **/
180 template <> struct ArrayIndexTraits<short> {
181     typedef short               size_type;
182     typedef short               difference_type;
183     static size_type            max_size() {return SHRT_MAX;}
184 };
187 /** Specialization of ArrayIndexTraits for \c unsigned \c char used as
188 an index. Here we don't have any bits to spare and we want to use the full
189 max size of 255. The max index must then be 254, so the difference_type must
190 hold -254..254 which takes a short. **/
191 template <> struct ArrayIndexTraits<unsigned char> {
192     typedef unsigned char       size_type;
193     typedef short               difference_type;
194     static size_type            max_size() {return UCHAR_MAX;} // not CHAR_MAX
195 };
197 /** Specialization of ArrayIndexTraits for \c signed \c char used as
198 an index. In contrast with the unsigned char case which allows 255 elements,
199 the max size here is 127 meaning the max index is 126 and the difference range
200 is -126..126 which still fits in a signed char so we don't need a wider type
201 for difference_type. **/
202 template <> struct ArrayIndexTraits<signed char> {
203     typedef signed char         size_type;
204     typedef signed char         difference_type;
205     static size_type            max_size() {return SCHAR_MAX;}
206 };
208 /** Specialization of ArrayIndexTraits for \c char used as
209 an index. The C++ standard does not specify whether \c char is a signed or
210 unsigned type; here we'll limit its max size to 127 so that we don't have
211 to use the non-standard high bit. That means it behaves just like the signed
212 char case; if you want the full range to a size of 255, use unsigned char
213 instead. **/
214 template <> struct ArrayIndexTraits<char> {
215     typedef char                size_type;
216     typedef signed char         difference_type;
217     static size_type            max_size() {return (char)SCHAR_MAX;}
218 };
220 /** Specialization of ArrayIndexTraits for \c bool used as an index. OK, this
221 seems unlikely but it works fine -- you get a container that can hold only two
222 elements indexed by either \c false (0) or \c true (1). You'll get warnings
223 if you try to index with an ordinary int. If anyone finds a legitimate use for
224 this, please post to the forum and let us know! **/
225 template <> struct ArrayIndexTraits<bool> {
226     typedef unsigned char       size_type;
227     typedef signed char         difference_type;
228     static size_type            max_size() {return 2;}
229 };
231 /** Specialization of ArrayIndexTraits for \c unsigned \c long \c long used as
232 an index. This only makes sense in a 64-bit compilation. **/
233 template <> struct ArrayIndexTraits<unsigned long long> {
234     typedef unsigned long long  size_type;
235     typedef long long           difference_type;
236     static size_type            max_size()
237                                     {return (unsigned long long)LLONG_MAX;}
238 };
240 /** Specialization of ArrayIndexTraits for \c long \c long used as
241 an index. This only makes sense in a 64-bit compilation. **/
242 template <> struct ArrayIndexTraits<long long> {
243     typedef long long           size_type;
244     typedef long long           difference_type;
245     static size_type            max_size() {return LLONG_MAX;}
246 };
248 // Don't show this in Doxygen.
249 /** @cond **/
250 // This helper class decides what integral type we should use to best pack
251 // the index type's size_type representation. The idea is to pack the whole
252 // Array_ structure into 8 bytes on a 32 bit machine, 16 bytes on a 64 bit
253 // machine, using the largest integral type that will work, giving a layout
254 // like this:          |       data pointer     |
255 //                     |   nUsed   | nAllocated |
257 // The default implementation just uses the integral type itself.
258 template <class Integral, class is64Bit> struct ArrayIndexPackTypeHelper
259 {   typedef Integral packed_size_type;};
261 // On 32 bit machine, pack anything smaller than a short into a short.
262 template<> struct ArrayIndexPackTypeHelper<bool,FalseType>
263 {   typedef unsigned short packed_size_type;};
264 template<> struct ArrayIndexPackTypeHelper<char,FalseType>
265 {   typedef unsigned short packed_size_type;};
266 template<> struct ArrayIndexPackTypeHelper<unsigned char,FalseType>
267 {   typedef unsigned short packed_size_type;};
268 template<> struct ArrayIndexPackTypeHelper<signed char,FalseType>
269 {   typedef short packed_size_type;};
271 // On 64 bit machine, pack anything smaller than an int into an int.
272 template<> struct ArrayIndexPackTypeHelper<bool,TrueType>
273 {   typedef unsigned int packed_size_type;};
274 template<> struct ArrayIndexPackTypeHelper<char,TrueType>
275 {   typedef unsigned int packed_size_type;};
276 template<> struct ArrayIndexPackTypeHelper<unsigned char,TrueType>
277 {   typedef unsigned int packed_size_type;};
278 template<> struct ArrayIndexPackTypeHelper<signed char,TrueType>
279 {   typedef int packed_size_type;};
280 template<> struct ArrayIndexPackTypeHelper<unsigned short,TrueType>
281 {   typedef unsigned int packed_size_type;};
282 template<> struct ArrayIndexPackTypeHelper<short,TrueType>
283 {   typedef int packed_size_type;};
285 template <class Integral> struct ArrayIndexPackType
286 {   typedef typename ArrayIndexPackTypeHelper<Integral,Is64BitPlatformType>
287                         ::packed_size_type  packed_size_type;};
288 /** @endcond **/
295 //==============================================================================
296 //                            CLASS ArrayViewConst_
297 //==============================================================================
298 /** This Array_ helper class is the base class for ArrayView_ which is the
299 base class for Array_; here we provide only the minimal read-only "const"
300 functionality required by any Array_ object, and shallow copy semantics. The
301 ability to write is added by the ArrayView_ class, and the additional ability
302 to reallocate, insert, erase, etc. is added by the Array_ class.
304 This class is particularly useful for recasting existing const data into a
305 const Array_ without copying. For example a const std::vector can be passed
306 to a const Array& argument by an implicit, near-zero cost conversion to an
307 ArrayViewConst_ which can then convert to a const Array&.
309 An ArrayViewConst_ is given all the data it is going to have at the time it is
310 constructed (except when it is being accessed from the derived Array_ class
311 that has more capability). The contents and size of a ArrayViewConst_ cannot be
312 changed after construction. In particular, the default copy assignment operator
313 is suppressed. The destructor simply disconnects the ArrayViewConst_ handle
314 from the data it was referencing; no element destruction or heap deallocation
315 occurs.
317 @tparam T
318     The type of object to be stored in this container.
319 @tparam X
320     The type to be used for indexing this container, with default unsigned
321     (not size_t). Any integral type may be used, as well as user types that
322     satisfy the requirements discussed with class ArrayIndexTraits.
323 @see Array_, ArrayView_, ArrayIndexTraits **/
324 template <class T, class X> class ArrayViewConst_ {
325 public:
328 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
329 /** @name                        Typedefs
331 Types required of STL containers, plus index_type which is an extension, and
332 packed_size_type which is an implementation detail. **/
333 /*@{*/
334 /** The type of object stored in this container. **/
335 typedef T           value_type;
336 /** The index type (an extension). **/
337 typedef X           index_type;
338 /** A writable pointer to a value_type. **/
339 typedef T*          pointer;
340 /** A const pointer to a value_type. **/
341 typedef const T*    const_pointer;
342 /** A writable value_type reference. **/
343 typedef T&          reference;
344 /** A const value_type reference. **/
345 typedef const T&    const_reference;
346 /** A writable iterator for this container (same as pointer here). **/
347 typedef T*          iterator;
348 /** A const iterator for this container (same as const_pointer here). **/
349 typedef const T*    const_iterator;
350 /** A writable reverse iterator for this container. **/
351 typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator>                 reverse_iterator;
352 /** A const reverse iterator for this container. **/
353 typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>           const_reverse_iterator;
354 /** An integral type suitable for all indices and sizes for this array. **/
355 typedef typename ArrayIndexTraits<X>::size_type         size_type;
356 /** A signed integral type that can represent the difference between any two
357 legitimate index values for this array. **/
358 typedef typename ArrayIndexTraits<X>::difference_type   difference_type;
359 /** The integral type we actually use internally to store size_type values. **/
360 typedef typename ArrayIndexPackType<size_type>::packed_size_type
361                                                         packed_size_type;
362 /*@}    End of typedefs **/
365 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
366 /** @name         Construction, conversion, and destruction
368 Constructors here are limited to those that don't allocate new data, and can
369 only accept const data to reference. Copy assignment is suppressed. **/
370 /*@{*/
372 /** Default constructor allocates no heap space and is very fast. **/
373 ArrayViewConst_() : pData(0), nUsed(0), nAllocated(0) {}
375 /** Copy constructor is shallow; the constructed const array object will be
376 referencing the original source data. However, if the source is zero length,
377 this will result in a default-constructed array view handle with a null data
378 pointer, even if the source had some unused data allocated.
380 @param[in]  src
381     The object whose data will be referenced.
382 @par Complexity:
383     Constant time; extremely fast. **/
384 ArrayViewConst_(const ArrayViewConst_& src)
385 :   pData(0), nUsed(src.nUsed), nAllocated(0) {
386     if (nUsed) pData = const_cast<T*>(src.pData);
387 }
389 // Copy assignment is suppressed.
391 /** Construct an ArrayViewConst_<T> by referencing (sharing) a given range of
392 const data [first,last1), without copying that data. This will work as long as
393 the size of the source data does not exceed the array's max_size. The resulting
394 object is not resizeable but can be used to read elements of the original data.
395 This will becomes invalid if the original data is destructed or resized, but
396 there is no way for the ArrayViewConst_ class to detect that.
398 @param[in]  first
399     A pointer to the first data element to be referenced.
400 @param[in]  last1
401     A pointer to the position one element past the last one in the range to be
402     referenced.
403 @remarks
404   - If the source data is empty, the resulting ArrayViewConst_ will also
405     be empty and will look as though it had been default-constructed.
406   - You can break the connection between the array handle and the data it
407     was constructed from by calling disconnect().
408 @pre first <= last1, last1-first <= max_size()
409 @par Complexity:
410     Dirt cheap. There will be no construction, destruction, or heap allocation
411     performed.
412 @see disconnect() **/
413 ArrayViewConst_(const T* first, const T* last1)
414 :   pData(0),nUsed(0),nAllocated(0) {
415     if (last1==first) return; // empty
417     SimTK_ERRCHK((first&&last1)||(first==last1),
418         "ArrayViewConst_<T>(first,last1)",
419         "One of the source pointers was null (0); either both must be"
420         " non-null or both must be null.");
422     SimTK_ERRCHK3(this->isSizeOK(last1-first),
423         "ArrayViewConst_<T>(first,last1)",
424         "The source data's size %llu is too big for this array which"
425         " is limited to %llu elements by its index type %s.",
426         this->ull(last1-first), ullMaxSize(), indexName());
428     pData = const_cast<T*>(first);
429     nUsed = packed_size_type(last1-first);
430     // nAllocated is already zero
431 }
433 /** Construct a ArrayViewConst_<T> by referencing (sharing) the data in a const
434 std::vector<T>, without copying the data; this is also an implicit conversion.
435 This will work as long as the size of the vector does not exceed the array's
436 max_size. The resulting array object is not resizeable but can be used to read
437 elements of the original std::vector. The array becomes invalid if the original
438 std::vector is destructed or resized, but there is no way for the array class
439 to detect that.
441 @param[in]  src
442     The std::vector<T> whose data will be referenced by the constructed
443     ArrayViewConst_ handle.
444 @remarks
445   - If the source std::vector is empty, the resulting array will also be empty
446     and will look as though it had been default-constructed. It will therefore
447     not have any connection to the source vector.
448   - This is quite dangerous to use since the connection between the array
449     and the vector is tenuous and subject to the vector remaining untouched
450     during the lifetime of the array handle. There is no reference
451     counting; destructing the vector leaves the array referring to garbage. Be
452     careful!
453   - You can break the connection between the array view and the vector it was
454     constructed from by calling disconnect().
455 @pre src.size() <= max_size()
456 @par Complexity:
457     Dirt cheap. There will be no construction, destruction, or heap allocation
458     performed.
459 @see disconnect() **/
460 template <class A>
461 ArrayViewConst_(const std::vector<T,A>& src)
462 :   pData(0),nUsed(0),nAllocated(0) {
463     if (src.empty()) return;
465     SimTK_ERRCHK3(this->isSizeOK(src.size()),
466         "ArrayViewConst_<T>::ctor(std::vector<T>)",
467         "The source std::vector's size %llu is too big for this array which"
468         " is limited to %llu elements by its index type %s.",
469         this->ull(src.size()), ullMaxSize(), indexName());
471     pData = const_cast<T*>(&src.front());
472     nUsed = packed_size_type(src.size());
473     // nAllocated is already zero
474 }
475 /** This is an implicit conversion to const ArrayView_<T,X>&, which is
476 harmless since the const result won't permit writing on the elements. **/
477 operator const ArrayView_<T,X>&() const
478 {   return *reinterpret_cast<const ArrayView_<T,X>*>(this); }
479 /** This is an implicit conversion to const Array_<T,X>&, which is harmless
480 since the const result can't be used to write on or resize the data. **/
481 operator const Array_<T,X>&() const
482 {   return *reinterpret_cast<const Array_<T,X>*>(this); }
484 /** Disconnect this array handle from any data to which it refers,
485 restoring it to the condition it would be in if it had just been
486 default-constructed. The data pointer will simply be set to null; we'll assume
487 the owner will clean things up later. In either case the size() and capacity()
488 will be zero after this call and data() will return null (0). **/
489 void disconnect() {
490     SimTK_ASSERT(nAllocated==0,
491         "ArrayViewConst_::deallocate(): called on an owner Array_");
492     nUsed = 0;
493     pData = 0;
494 }
496 /** The destructor just disconnects the array view handle from its data; see
497 disconnect() for more information. @see disconnect() **/
498 ~ArrayViewConst_() {
499     disconnect();
500 }
501 /*@}    End of constructors, etc. **/
504 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
505 /** @name                       Size and capacity
507 These methods examine the number of elements (size) or the amount of allocated
508 heap space (capacity). See the derived Array_<T,X> class for methods that can
509 \e change the size or capacity. **/
510 /*@{*/
512 /** Return the current number of elements stored in this array. **/
513 size_type size() const {return size_type(nUsed);}
514 /** Return the maximum allowable size for this array. **/
515 size_type max_size() const
516 {   return ArrayIndexTraits<X>::max_size(); }
517 /** Return true if there are no elements currently stored in this array. This
518 is equivalent to the tests begin()==end() or size()==0. **/
519 bool empty() const {return nUsed==0;}
520 /** Return the number of elements this array can currently hold without
521 requiring reallocation. The value returned by capacity() is always greater
522 than or equal to size(), even if the data is not owned by this array in
523 which case we have capacity()==size() and the array is not reallocatable. **/
524 size_type capacity() const
525 {   return size_type(nAllocated?nAllocated:nUsed); }
526 /** Return the amount of heap space owned by this array; this is the same
527 as capacity() for owner arrays but is zero for non-owners.
528 @note There is no equivalent of this method for std::vector. **/
529 size_type allocated() const {return size_type(nAllocated);}
530 /** Does this array own the data to which it refers? If not, it can't be
531 resized, and the destructor will not free any heap space nor call any element
532 destructors. If the array does not refer to any data it is considered to be
533 an owner since it is resizeable.
534 @note There is no equivalent of this method for std::vector. **/
535 bool isOwner() const {return nAllocated || pData==0;}
536 /*}*/
539 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
540 /** @name                  Read-only element access
542 These methods provide read-only (const) access to individual elements that are
543 currently present in the array. The derived ArrayView_<T,X> class adds the
544 non-const versions of these methods. **/
545 /*@{*/
547 /** Select an element by its index, returning a const reference. Note that only
548 a value of the array's templatized index type is allowed (default is unsigned).
549 This will be range-checked in a Debug build but not in Release.
550 @pre 0 <= \a i < size()
551 @par Complexity:
552     Constant time. **/
554 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE const T& operator[](index_type i) const {
555     SimTK_INDEXCHECK(size_type(i),size(),"ArrayViewConst_<T>::operator[]()");
556     return pData[i];
557 }
558 /** Same as operator[] but always range-checked, even in a Release build.
559 @pre 0 <= \a i < size()
560 @par Complexity:
561     Constant time. **/
562 const T& at(index_type i) const {
563     SimTK_INDEXCHECK_ALWAYS(size_type(i),size(),"ArrayViewConst_<T>::at()");
564     return pData[i];
565 }
566 /** Same as the const form of operator[]; exists to provide a non-operator
567 method for element access in case that's needed. **/
568 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE const T& getElt(index_type i) const {
569     SimTK_INDEXCHECK(size_type(i),size(),"ArrayViewConst_<T>::getElt()");
570     return pData[i];
571 }
572 /** Return a const reference to the first element in this array, which must
573 not be empty (we'll check in a Debug build but not Release).
574 @pre The array is not empty.
575 @par Complexity:
576     Constant time. **/
577 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE const T& front() const
578 {   SimTK_ERRCHK(!empty(), "ArrayViewConst_<T>::front()", "Array was empty.");
579     return pData[0]; }
580 /** Return a const reference to the last element in this array, which must
581 not be empty (we'll check in a Debug build but not Release).
582 @pre The array is not empty.
583 @par Complexity:
584     Constant time. **/
585 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE const T& back() const
586 {   SimTK_ERRCHK(!empty(), "ArrayViewConst_<T>::back()", "Array was empty.");
587     return pData[nUsed-1]; }
589 /** Select a contiguous subarray of the elements of this array and create
590 another ArrayViewConst_ that refers only to those element (without copying).
591 @param[in]      index
592     The index of the first element to be included in the subarray; this can
593     be one past the end of the array if \a length is zero.
594 @param[in]      length
595     The length of the subarray to be produced.
596 @return
597     A new ArrayViewConst_<T,X> object referencing the original data.
598 @note
599     If \a length==0 the returned array will be in a default-constructed,
600     all-zero and null state with no connection to the original data.
601 @pre \a index >= 0, \a length >= 0
602 @pre \a index + \a length <= size()
603 @pre We'll validate preconditions in Debug builds but not Release.
604 @par Complexity:
605     Dirt cheap; no element construction or destruction or heap allocation
606     is required. **/
607 ArrayViewConst_ operator()(index_type index, size_type length) const {
608     const size_type ix(index);
609     SimTK_ERRCHK2(isSizeInRange(ix, size()), "ArrayViewConst_<T>(index,length)",
610         "For this operator, we must have 0 <= index <= size(), but"
611         " index==%llu and size==%llu.", this->ull(ix), ullSize());
612     SimTK_ERRCHK2(isSizeInRange(length, size_type(size()-ix)),
613         "ArrayViewConst_<T>(index,length)",
614         "This operator requires 0 <= length <= size()-index, but"
615         " length==%llu and size()-index==%llu.",this->ull(length),this->ull(size()-ix));
617     return ArrayViewConst_(pData+ix, pData+ix+length);
618 }
619 /** Same as const form of operator()(index,length); exists to provide
620 non-operator access to that functionality in case it is needed. **/
621 ArrayViewConst_ getSubArray(index_type index, size_type length) const
622 {   return (*this)(index,length); }
624 /*@}    End of element access. **/
627 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
628 /** @name                   Iterators (const only)
630 These methods deal in iterators, which are STL generalized pointers. For this
631 class, iterators are just ordinary const pointers to T, and you may depend on
632 that. By necessity, reverse iterators can't be just pointers; however, they
633 contain an ordinary iterator (i.e. a pointer) that can be obtained by calling
634 the reverse iterator's base() method. **/
635 /*@{*/
637 /** Return a const pointer to the first element of this array if any, otherwise
638 cend(), which may be null (0) in that case but does not have to be. This method
639 is from the C++11 standard; there is also an overloaded begin() from
640 the original standard that returns a const pointer. **/
641 const T* cbegin() const {return pData;}
642 /** Return a const pointer to what would be the element just after the last one
643 in the array; this may be null (0) if there are no elements but doesn't have to
644 be. This method is from the C++11 standard; there is also an
645 overloaded end() from the original standard that returns a const pointer. **/
646 const T* cend() const {return pData + nUsed;}
647 /** The const version of begin() is the same as cbegin(). **/
648 const T* begin() const {return pData;}
649 /** The const version of end() is the same as cend(). **/
650 const T* end() const {return pData + nUsed;}
652 /** Return a const reverse iterator pointing to the last element in the array
653 or crend() if the array is empty. **/
654 const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const
655 {   return const_reverse_iterator(cend()); }
656 /** Return the past-the-end reverse iterator that tests equal to a reverse
657 iterator that has been incremented past the front of the array. You cannot
658 dereference this iterator. **/
659 const_reverse_iterator crend() const
660 {   return const_reverse_iterator(cbegin()); }
661 /** The const version of rbegin() is the same as crbegin(). **/
662 const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const {return crbegin();}
663 /** The const version of rend() is the same as crend(). **/
664 const_reverse_iterator rend() const {return crend();}
666 /** Return a const pointer to the first element of the array, or possibly
667 (but not necessarily) null (0) if the array is empty.
668 @note
669     cdata() is not in the C++11 standard although it would seem
670     obvious in view of the cbegin() and cend() methods that had to be added.
671     The C++11 overloaded const data() method is also available. **/
672 const T* cdata() const {return pData;}
673 /** The const version of the data() method is identical to cdata(). **/
674 const T* data() const {return pData;}
675 /*@}    End of iterators. **/
678 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
679                                  protected:
680 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
681 // The remainder of this class is for the use of the ArrayView_<T,X> and
682 // Array_<T,X> derived classes only and should not be documented for users to
683 // see.
685 // Don't let doxygen see any of this.
686 /** @cond **/
687 packed_size_type psize() const {return nUsed;}
688 packed_size_type pallocated() const {return nAllocated;}
690 // These provide direct access to the data members for our trusted friends.
691 void setData(const T* p)        {pData = const_cast<T*>(p);}
692 void setSize(size_type n)       {nUsed = packed_size_type(n);}
693 void incrSize()                 {++nUsed;}
694 void decrSize()                 {--nUsed;}
695 void setAllocated(size_type n)  {nAllocated = packed_size_type(n);}
697 // Check whether a given size is the same as the current size of this array,
698 // avoiding any compiler warnings due to mismatched integral types.
699 template <class S>
700 bool isSameSize(S sz) const
701 {   return ull(sz) == ullSize(); }
703 // Check that a source object's size will fit in the array being careful to
704 // avoid overflow and warnings in the comparison.
705 template <class S>
706 bool isSizeOK(S srcSz) const
707 {   return ull(srcSz) <= ullMaxSize(); }
709 // This is identical in function to std::distance() (reports how many
710 // elements lie between two iterators) but avoids any slow
711 // Release-build bugcatchers that Microsoft may have felt compelled to add.
712 // The implementation is specialized for random access iterators because
713 // they can measure distance very fast.
714 template<class Iter> static
715 typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::difference_type
716 iterDistance(const Iter& first, const Iter& last1) {
717     return iterDistanceImpl(first,last1,
718                 typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::iterator_category());
719 }
721 // Generic slow implementation for non-random access iterators. This is fine
722 // for forward and bidirectional iterators, but it will *consume* input
723 // iterators so is useless for them.
724 template<class Iter> static
725 typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::difference_type
726 iterDistanceImpl(const Iter& first, const Iter& last1, std::input_iterator_tag) {
727     typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::difference_type d = 0;
728     for (Iter src=first; src != last1; ++src, ++d)
729         ;
730     return d;
731 }
733 // Fast specialization for random access iterators (including ordinary
734 // pointers) -- just subtract.
735 template<class Iter> static
736 typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::difference_type
737 iterDistanceImpl(const Iter& first, const Iter& last1,
738                  std::random_access_iterator_tag) {
739     return last1 - first;
740 }
742 // This method attempts to determine whether any elements in the iterator range
743 // [first,last1) overlap with the elements stored in this array. This is used
744 // for error checks for operations where source is not permitted to overlap the
745 // destination. For random access iterators (including ordinary pointers), we
746 // can answer this question definitively because we expect the data to be
747 // consecutive in memory. For other kinds of iterators, we will just assume
748 // there is no overlap. Note that null ranges do not overlap even if the
749 // pair of equal iterators points within the other range -- what matters is
750 // the number of overlapping elements.
751 template<class Iter> bool
752 overlapsWithData(const Iter& first, const Iter& last1) {
753     return overlapsWithDataImpl(first,last1,
754                 typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::iterator_category());
755 }
757 // This is a partial specialization of the above where the data is given
758 // with ordinary pointers.
759 template <class T2> bool
760 overlapsWithData(const T2* first, const T2* last1) {
761     // Find the start and end+1 of the alleged overlap region. There is
762     // overlap iff end+1 > start. Note that this works if either range
763     // is [0,0) or [p,p), or if last1 is illegally less than first (we just
764     // want to report no overlap in that case -- it is someone else's business
765     // to complain).
766     const T* obegin = std::max(cbegin(), (const T*)first);
767     const T* oend1  = std::min(cend(),   (const T*)last1);
769     return obegin < oend1;
770 }
772 // This is the generic implementation for any type of input iterator other than
773 // random access (i.e., bidirectional, forward, or input) -- assume no overlap.
774 template<class Iter> bool
775 overlapsWithDataImpl(const Iter&, const Iter&, std::input_iterator_tag)
776 {   return false; }
778 // Here we can actually test for overlap since we have random access iterators.
779 // We convert them to pointers and then look for memory overlap.
780 template<class Iter> bool
781 overlapsWithDataImpl(const Iter& first, const Iter& last1,
782                      std::random_access_iterator_tag) {
783     // We must check that the input iterators span a non-zero range before
784     // assuming we can dereference them.
785     if (last1 <= first)
786         return false; // zero or malformed source range: no overlap
788     // We now know we can dereference first and last1-1 (can't safely
789     // dereference last1 but we can use pointer arithmetic to point past
790     // the (last-1)th element in memory). We then take the dereferenced
791     // object's address to get ordinary pointers that we can use to
792     // watch for illegal overlap.
793     return overlapsWithData(&*first, &*(last1-1)); // use pointer overload
794 }
796 // Cast an integral type to maximal-width unsigned long long to avoid accidental
797 // overflows that might otherwise occur due to wraparound that can happen
798 // with small index types.
799 template <class S>
800 static unsigned long long ull(S sz)
801 {   return (unsigned long long)sz; }
803 // Return size(), capacity(), and max_size() cast to unsigned long long.
804 unsigned long long ullSize()     const {return ull(size());}
805 unsigned long long ullCapacity() const {return ull(capacity());}
806 unsigned long long ullMaxSize()  const {return ull(max_size());}
808 // Useful in error messages for explaining why something was too big.
809 const char* indexName() const {return NiceTypeName<X>::name();}
811 /** @endcond **/
813 private:
814 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
815 //                               DATA MEMBERS
816 // These are the only data members and this layout is guaranteed not to change
817 // from release to release. If data is null, then nUsed==nAllocated==0.
819 T*                  pData;      // ptr to data referenced here, or 0 if none
820 packed_size_type    nUsed;      // number of elements currently present (size)
821 packed_size_type    nAllocated; // heap allocation; 0 if pData is not owned
823 ArrayViewConst_& operator=(const ArrayViewConst_& src); // suppressed
824 };
831 //==============================================================================
832 //                            CLASS ArrayView_
833 //==============================================================================
834 /** This Array_ helper class is the base class for Array_, extending
835 ArrayViewConst_ to add the ability to modify elements, but not the ability to
836 change size or reallocate.
838 @tparam T
839     The type of object to be stored in this container.
840 @tparam X
841     The type to be used for indexing this container, with default unsigned
842     (not size_t). Any integral type may be used, as well as user types that
843     satisfy the requirements discussed with class ArrayIndexTraits.
844 @see Array_, ArrayViewConst_, ArrayIndexTraits **/
845 template <class T, class X> class ArrayView_ : public ArrayViewConst_<T,X> {
846 typedef ArrayViewConst_<T,X> CBase;
847 public:
848 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
849 /** @name                        Typedefs
851 Types required of STL containers, plus index_type which is an extension, and
852 packed_size_type which is an implementation detail. **/
853 /*{*/
854 typedef T                                               value_type;
855 typedef X                                               index_type;
856 typedef T*                                              pointer;
857 typedef const T*                                        const_pointer;
858 typedef T&                                              reference;
859 typedef const T&                                        const_reference;
860 typedef T*                                              iterator;
861 typedef const T*                                        const_iterator;
862 typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator>                 reverse_iterator;
863 typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>           const_reverse_iterator;
864 typedef typename ArrayIndexTraits<X>::size_type         size_type;
865 typedef typename ArrayIndexTraits<X>::difference_type   difference_type;
866 typedef typename ArrayIndexPackType<size_type>::packed_size_type
867                                                         packed_size_type;
868 /*}*/
871 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
872 /** @name       Construction, conversion, and destruction
874 Constructors here are limited to those that don't allocate new data, however
875 they can reference writable data. **/
876 /*@{*/
878 /** Default constructor allocates no heap space and is very fast. **/
879 ArrayView_() : CBase() {}
881 /** Copy constructor is shallow. **/
882 ArrayView_(const ArrayView_& src) : CBase(src) {}
884 /** Construct from a range of writable memory. **/
885 ArrayView_(T* first, const T* last1) : CBase(first,last1) {}
887 /** Construct to reference memory owned by a writable std::vector. **/
888 template <class A>
889 ArrayView_(std::vector<T,A>& v) : CBase(v) {}
891 /** Implicit conversion of const ArrayView_ to const Array_& (zero cost). **/
892 operator const Array_<T,X>&() const
893 {   return *reinterpret_cast<const Array_<T,X>*>(this); }
895 /** Implicit conversion of non-const ArrayView_ to Array_& (zero cost). **/
896 operator Array_<T,X>&()
897 {   return *reinterpret_cast<Array_<T,X>*>(this); }
899 /** Forward to base class disconnect() method -- clears the handle without
900 doing anything to the data. */
901 void disconnect() {this->CBase::disconnect();}
903 /** The destructor just disconnects the array view handle from its data; see
904 ArrayViewConst_<T,X>::disconnect() for more information. **/
905 ~ArrayView_() {this->CBase::disconnect();}
906 /*@}    End of construction, etc. **/
909 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
910 /** @name                     Assignment
912 Assignment is permitted only if the source and destination are the same
913 size. The semantics here are different than for a resizeable Array_
914 object: here the meaning is elementwise assignment rather than destruction
915 followed by copy construction. That is, if our elements are of type T, and
916 the source elements are of type T2, we will use the operator of T that
917 best matches the signature T::operator=(const T2&) to perform the assignments.
918 When the source also has type T, this is just T's copy assignment operator.
919 We never perform any element destruction or construction here. **/
920 /*@{*/
922 /** Copy assignment; source must be the same size as this array. **/
923 ArrayView_& operator=(const ArrayView_& src) {
924     if (&src != this)
925         avAssignIteratorDispatch(src.cbegin(), src.cend(),
926                                  std::random_access_iterator_tag(),
927                                  "ArrayView_<T>::operator=(ArrayView_<T>)");
928     return *this;
929 }
932 /** Assignment from any other array object is allowed as long as the number
933 of elements matches and the types are assignment compatible. **/
934 template <class T2, class X2>
935 ArrayView_& operator=(const ArrayViewConst_<T2,X2>& src) {
936     if ((const void*)&src != (void*)this)
937         avAssignIteratorDispatch(src.cbegin(), src.cend(),
938                                  std::random_access_iterator_tag(),
939                                  "ArrayView_<T>::operator=(Array_<T2>)");
940     return *this;
941 }
943 // Help out dumb compilers struggling to match the template arguments and
944 // promote the Array_ or ArrayView_ to ArrayConstView_ at the same time.
946 /** Assignment from any other array object is allowed as long as the number
947 of elements matches and the types are assignment compatible. **/
948 template <class T2, class X2>
949 ArrayView_& operator=(const ArrayView_<T2,X2>& src)
950 {   return *this = static_cast<const ArrayViewConst_<T2,X2>&>(src); }
951 /** Assignment from any other array object is allowed as long as the number
952 of elements matches and the types are assignment compatible. **/
953 template <class T2, class X2>
954 ArrayView_& operator=(const Array_<T2,X2>& src)
955 {   return *this = static_cast<const ArrayViewConst_<T2,X2>&>(src); }
957 /** Assignment from any std::vector object is allowed as long as the number
958 of elements matches and the types are assignment compatible. **/
959 template <class T2, class A2>
960 ArrayView_& operator=(const std::vector<T2,A2>& src) {
961     avAssignIteratorDispatch(src.begin(), src.end(),
962                              std::random_access_iterator_tag(),
963                              "ArrayView_<T>::operator=(std::vector<T2>)");
964     return *this;
965 }
967 /** Fill assignment -- all elements are set to fillValue. @see fill() **/
968 ArrayView_& operator=(const T& fillValue)
969 {   fill(fillValue); return *this; }
971 /** Assign the supplied fill value to each element of this array, using T's
972 copy assignment operator for each element. Note that this also serves to allow
973 fill from an object whose type T2 is different from T, as long as there is a
974 constructor T(T2) that works since that can be invoked (implicitly or
975 explicitly) to convert the T2 object to type T prior to the call. **/
976 ArrayView_& fill(const T& fillValue) {
977     for (T* d = begin(); d != end(); ++d)
978         *d = fillValue; // using T::operator=(T)
979     return *this;
980 }
982 /** This is the same as fill() but has the usual std::vector signature for
983 compatibility; it will only work if the given number of elements is the same
984 as this array's (fixed) size. **/
985 void assign(size_type n, const T& fillValue) {
986     SimTK_ERRCHK2(n == size(), "ArrayView_<T>::assign(n,value)",
987         "Assignment to an ArrayView is permitted only if the source"
988         " is the same size. Here n==%llu element(s) but the"
989         " ArrayView has a fixed size of %llu.",
990         this->ull(n), this->ull(size()));
992     fill(fillValue);
993 }
995 /** Assign to this array to make it a copy of the elements in range
996 [first,last1) given by ordinary pointers, provided that the range is the same
997 size as the array. It is not allowed for the source range to include any of the
998 elements currently in the array. The source elements can be
999 of a type T2 that may be the same or different than this array's element type
1000 T as long as there is a T=T2 assignment operator that works. Note that although
1001 the source arguments are pointers, those may be iterators for some container
1002 depending on implementation details of the container. Specifically, any
1003 ArrayViewConst_, ArrayView_, or Array_ iterator is an ordinary pointer.
1005 @param[in]      first
1006     A pointer to the first element to be copied.
1007 @param[in]      last1
1008     A pointer to the element one past the last element to be copied.
1009 @pre last1-first == size()
1010 @par Complexity:
1011     The T=T2 assignment operator will be called exactly size() times. **/
1012 template <class T2>
1013 void assign(const T2* first, const T2* last1) {
1014     const char* methodName = "ArrayView_<T>::assign(T2* first, T2* last1)";
1015     SimTK_ERRCHK((first&&last1)||(first==last1), methodName,
1016         "One of the source pointers was null (0); either both must be"
1017         " non-null or both must be null.");
1018     // Valid pointers are random access iterators.
1019     avAssignIteratorDispatch(first, last1, std::random_access_iterator_tag(),
1020                              methodName);
1021 }
1023 /** Assign to this array to make it a copy of the elements in range
1024 [first,last1) given by non-pointer iterators (the pointer case is handled
1025 with a specialized assign() variant). It is not allowed for this range to
1026 include any of the elements currently in the array. The source elements can be
1027 of a type T2 that may be the same or different than this array's element type
1028 T as long as there is a T=T2 operator that works.
1030 The source must have the same number of elements as the current (fixed) size
1031 of this ArrayView. For input_iterators we'll be happy if we get enough elements
1032 and won't insist that the input stream is empty after that. For forward_ and
1033 bidirectional_iterators we'll copy the elements and complain at the end if
1034 there are too few or too many. For random_access_iterators we'll check in
1035 advance since we can do that fast.
1037 @param[in]      first
1038     An iterator pointing to the first element to be copied.
1039 @param[in]      last1
1040     An iterator pointing to the element one past the last element to be copied.
1042 @remarks
1043 This variant of assign() will not be called when the iterators are forward
1044 iterators from ArrayViewConst_, ArrayView_, or Array_ objects since those are
1045 ordinary pointers.
1047 @pre last1 is reachable from first
1048 @pre distance(first,last1)==size()
1049 @par Complexity:
1050     The T=T2 assignment operator will be called exactly size() times. **/
1052 // Watch out for integral types matching this signature -- they must be
1053 // forwarded to the assign(n, fillValue) signature instead.
1054 template <class Iter>
1055 void assign(const Iter& first, const Iter& last1)
1056 {   avAssignDispatch(first,last1,typename IsIntegralType<Iter>::Result(),
1057                      "ArrayView_<T>::assign(Iter first, Iter last1)"); }
1058 /*@}    End of assignment. */
1061 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1062 /** @name                     Element access
1064 These methods provide read and write access to individual elements that are
1065 currently present in the array; the ArrayViewConst_<T,X> base class provides the
1066 read-only (const) methods. **/
1067 /*@{*/
1069 /** Select an element by its index, returning a const reference. Note that only
1070 a value of the array's templatized index type is allowed (default is unsigned).
1071 This will be range-checked in a Debug build but not in Release.
1072 @pre 0 <= \a i < size()
1073 @par Complexity:
1074     Constant time. **/
1075 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE const T& operator[](index_type i) const
1076 {   return this->CBase::operator[](i); }
1078 /** Select an element by its index, returning a writable (lvalue) reference.
1079 Note that only a value of the Array's templatized index type is allowed
1080 (default is unsigned). This will be range-checked in a Debug build but not
1081 in Release.
1082 @pre 0 <= \a i < size()
1083 @par Complexity:
1084     Constant time. **/
1085 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE T& operator[](index_type i)
1086 {   return const_cast<T&>(this->CBase::operator[](i)); }
1088 /** Same as operator[] but always range-checked, even in a Release build.
1089 @pre 0 <= \a i < size()
1090 @par Complexity:
1091     Constant time. **/
1092 const T& at(index_type i) const {return this->CBase::at(i);}
1094 /** Same as operator[] but always range-checked, even in a Release build.
1095 @pre 0 <= \a i < size()
1096 @par Complexity:
1097     Constant time. **/
1098 T& at(index_type i) {return const_cast<T&>(this->CBase::at(i));}
1100 /** Same as the const form of operator[]; exists to provide a non-operator
1101 method for element access in case that's needed. **/
1102 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE const T& getElt(index_type i) const
1103 {   return this->CBase::getElt(i); }
1104 /** Same as the non-const form of operator[]; exists to provide a non-operator
1105 method for element access in case that's needed. **/
1106 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE T& updElt(index_type i)
1107 {   return const_cast<T&>(this->CBase::getElt(i)); }
1109 /** Return a const reference to the first element in this array, which must
1110 not be empty.
1111 @pre The array is not empty.
1112 @par Complexity:
1113     Constant time. **/
1114 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE const T& front() const {return this->CBase::front();}
1116 /** Return a writable reference to the first element in this array, which must
1117 not be empty.
1118 @pre The array is not empty.
1119 @par Complexity:
1120     Constant time. **/
1121 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE T& front() {return const_cast<T&>(this->CBase::front());}
1123 /** Return a const reference to the last element in this array, which must
1124 not be empty.
1125 @pre The array is not empty.
1126 @par Complexity:
1127     Constant time. **/
1128 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE const T& back() const {return this->CBase::back();}
1130 /** Return a writable reference to the last element in this array, which must
1131 not be empty.
1132 @pre The array is not empty.
1133 @par Complexity:
1134     Constant time. **/
1135 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE T& back() {return const_cast<T&>(this->CBase::back());}
1137 /** Select a contiguous subarray of the elements of this array and create
1138 another ArrayView_ that refers only to those element (without copying).
1139 @param[in]      index
1140     The index of the first element to be included in the subarray; this can
1141     be one past the end of the array if \a length is zero.
1142 @param[in]      length
1143     The length of the subarray to be produced.
1144 @return
1145     A new ArrayView_<T,X> object referencing the original data.
1146 @note
1147     If \a length==0 the returned array will be in a default-constructed,
1148     all-zero and null state with no connection to the original data.
1149 @pre \a index >= 0, \a length >= 0
1150 @pre \a index + \a length <= size()
1151 @pre We'll validate preconditions in Debug builds but not Release.
1152 @par Complexity:
1153     Dirt cheap; no element construction or destruction or heap allocation
1154     is required. **/
1155 ArrayView_ operator()(index_type index, size_type length) {
1156     const size_type ix(index);
1157     SimTK_ERRCHK2(isSizeInRange(ix, size()), "ArrayView_<T>(index,length)",
1158         "For this operator, we must have 0 <= index <= size(), but"
1159         " index==%llu and size==%llu.", this->ull(ix), ullSize());
1160     SimTK_ERRCHK2(isSizeInRange(length, size_type(size()-ix)),
1161         "ArrayView_<T>(index,length)",
1162         "This operator requires 0 <= length <= size()-index, but"
1163         " length==%llu and size()-index==%llu.",this->ull(length),this->ull(size()-ix));
1165     return ArrayView_(data()+ix, data()+ix+length);
1166 }
1167 /** Same as non-const operator()(index,length); exists to provide non-operator
1168 access to that functionality in case it is needed. **/
1169 ArrayView_ updSubArray(index_type index, size_type length)
1170 {   return (*this)(index,length); }
1171 /*@}    End of element access. **/
1174 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1175 /** @name                       Iterators
1177 These methods deal in iterators, which are STL generalized pointers. For this
1178 class, iterators are just ordinary pointers to T, and you may depend on that.
1179 By necessity, reverse iterators can't be just pointers; however, they contain
1180 an ordinary iterator (i.e. a pointer) that can be obtained by calling the
1181 reverse iterator's base() method. **/
1182 /*@{*/
1184 /** Return a const pointer to the first element of this array if any, otherwise
1185 end(), which may be null (0) in that case but does not have to be. This method
1186 is from the C++11 standard; there is also an overloaded begin() from
1187 the original standard that returns a const pointer. **/
1188 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE const T* cbegin() const {return this->CBase::cbegin();}
1189 /** The const version of begin() is the same as cbegin(). **/
1190 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE const T* begin() const {return this->CBase::cbegin();}
1191 /** Return a writable pointer to the first element of this array if any,
1192 otherwise end(). If the array is empty, this \e may return null (0) but does
1193 not have to -- the only thing you can be sure of is that begin() == end() for
1194 an empty array. **/
1195 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE T* begin() {return const_cast<T*>(this->CBase::cbegin());}
1197 /** Return a const pointer to what would be the element just after the last one
1198 in the array; this may be null (0) if there are no elements but doesn't have to
1199 be. This method is from the C++11 standard; there is also an
1200 overloaded end() from the original standard that returns a const pointer. **/
1201 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE const T* cend() const {return this->CBase::cend();}
1202 /** The const version of end() is the same as cend(). **/
1203 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE const T* end() const {return this->CBase::cend();}
1204 /** Return a writable pointer to what would be the element just after the last
1205 one in this array. If the array is empty, this \e may return null (0) but does
1206 not have to -- the only thing you can be sure of is that begin()==end() for an
1207 empty array. **/
1208 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE T* end() {return const_cast<T*>(this->CBase::cend());}
1210 /** Return a const reverse iterator pointing to the last element in the array
1211 or crend() if the array is empty. **/
1212 const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const
1213 {   return this->CBase::crbegin(); }
1214 /** The const version of rbegin() is the same as crbegin(). **/
1215 const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
1216 {   return this->CBase::crbegin(); }
1217 /** Return a writable reverse iterator pointing to the last element in the
1218 array or rend() if the array is empty. **/
1219 reverse_iterator rbegin() {return reverse_iterator(end());}
1221 /** Return the past-the-end reverse iterator that tests equal to a reverse
1222 iterator that has been incremented past the front of the array. You cannot
1223 dereference this iterator. **/
1224 const_reverse_iterator crend() const
1225 {   return this->CBase::crend(); }
1226 /** The const version of rend() is the same as crend(). **/
1227 const_reverse_iterator rend() const
1228 {   return this->CBase::crend(); }
1229 /** Return a writable past-the-end reverse iterator that tests equal to a
1230 reverse iterator that has been incremented past the front of the array. You
1231 cannot dereference this iterator. **/
1232 reverse_iterator rend() {return reverse_iterator(begin());}
1234 /** Return a const pointer to the first element of the array, or possibly
1235 (but not necessarily) null (0) if the array is empty.
1236 @note
1237     cdata() is not in the C++11 standard although it would seem
1238     obvious in view of the cbegin() and cend() methods that had to be added.
1239     The C++11 overloaded const data() method is also available. **/
1240 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE const T* cdata() const {return this->CBase::cdata();}
1241 /** The const version of the data() method is identical to cdata().
1242 @note This method is from the C++11 std::vector. **/
1243 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE const T* data() const {return this->CBase::cdata();}
1244 /** Return a writable pointer to the first allocated element of the array, or
1245 a null pointer if no space is associated with the array.
1246 @note This method is from the C++11 std::vector. **/
1247 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE T* data() {return const_cast<T*>(this->CBase::cdata());}
1248 /*@}    End of iterators. */
1251 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1252 /** @name                   Size and capacity
1254 These methods report the number of elements (size) or the amount of allocated
1255 heap space (capacity) or both but cannot be used to change size. **/
1256 /*@{*/
1258 // Note: these have to be explicitly forwarded to the base class methods
1259 // in order to keep gcc from complaining. Note that the "this->" is
1260 // apparently necessary in order to permit delayed definition of templatized
1261 // methods. Doxygen picks up the comments from the base class.
1263 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE size_type size()      const {return this->CBase::size();}
1264 size_type max_size()  const {return this->CBase::max_size();}
1265 bool      empty()     const {return this->CBase::empty();}
1266 size_type capacity()  const {return this->CBase::capacity();}
1267 size_type allocated() const {return this->CBase::allocated();}
1268 bool      isOwner()   const {return this->CBase::isOwner();}
1269 /*@}    End of size and capacity. **/
1272 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1273                                    private:
1274 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1275 // no data members are allowed
1277 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1278 //                       ARRAY VIEW ASSIGN DISPATCH
1279 // This is the assign() implementation for ArrayView_ when the class that
1280 // matched the alleged InputIterator template argument turned out to be one of
1281 // the integral types in which case this should match the assign(n, fillValue)
1282 // signature.
1283 template <class IntegralType>
1284 void avAssignDispatch(IntegralType n, IntegralType v, TrueType isIntegralType,
1285                       const char*)
1286 {   assign(size_type(n), value_type(v)); }
1288 // This is the assign() implementation for ArrayView_ when the class that
1289 // matched the alleged InputIterator template argument is NOT an integral type
1290 // and may very well be an iterator.
1291 template <class InputIterator>
1292 void avAssignDispatch(const InputIterator& first, const InputIterator& last1,
1293                       FalseType isIntegralType, const char* methodName)
1294 {   avAssignIteratorDispatch(first, last1,
1295         typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::iterator_category(),
1296         methodName); }
1298 // This is the assign() implementation for a plain input_iterator
1299 // (i.e., not a forward, bidirectional, or random access iterator). These
1300 // have the unfortunate property that we can't count the elements in advance.
1301 // Here we're going to complain if there aren't enough; but will simply stop
1302 // when we get size() elements and not insist that the input stream reached
1303 // the supplied last1 iterator. Semantics is elementwise assignment.
1304 template <class InputIterator>
1305 void avAssignIteratorDispatch(const InputIterator& first,
1306                               const InputIterator& last1,
1307                               std::input_iterator_tag,
1308                               const char* methodName)
1309 {
1310     T* p = begin();
1311     InputIterator src = first;
1312     while (src != last1 && p != end())
1313         *p++ = *src++; // call T's assignment operator
1315     // p now points just after the last element that was copied.
1316     const size_type nCopied = size_type(p - begin());
1317     SimTK_ERRCHK2_ALWAYS(nCopied == size(), methodName,
1318         "The supplied input_iterator provided only %llu elements but this"
1319         " ArrayView has a fixed size of %llu elements.",
1320         this->ull(nCopied), ullSize());
1322     // We don't care if there are still more input elements available.
1323 }
1325 // This is the assign() implementation that works for forward and bidirectional
1326 // iterators, but is not used for random_access_iterators. Here we'll count
1327 // the elements as we copy them and complain at the end if there were too
1328 // few or too many.
1329 template <class ForwardIterator>
1330 void avAssignIteratorDispatch(const ForwardIterator& first,
1331                               const ForwardIterator& last1,
1332                               std::forward_iterator_tag,
1333                               const char* methodName)
1334 {
1335     T* p = begin();
1336     ForwardIterator src = first;
1337     while (src != last1 && p != end())
1338         *p++ = *src++; // call T's assignment operator
1340     // p now points just after the last element that was copied.
1341     const size_type nCopied = size_type(p - begin());
1342     SimTK_ERRCHK2_ALWAYS(nCopied == size(), methodName,
1343         "The supplied forward_ or bidirectional_iterator source range provided"
1344         " only %llu elements but this ArrayView has a fixed size of"
1345         " %llu elements.", this->ull(nCopied), ullSize());
1347     // Make sure we ran out of source elements.
1348     SimTK_ERRCHK1_ALWAYS(src == last1, methodName,
1349         "The supplied forward_ or bidirectional_iterator source range"
1350         " contained too many elements; this ArrayView has a fixed size of"
1351         " %llu elements.", ullSize());
1352 }
1354 // This is the assign() implementation that works for random_access_iterators
1355 // including ordinary pointers. Here we check the number of elements in advance
1356 // and complain if the source and destination aren't the same size. The
1357 // copying loop can be done faster in this case.
1358 template <class RandomAccessIterator>
1359 void avAssignIteratorDispatch(const RandomAccessIterator& first,
1360                               const RandomAccessIterator& last1,
1361                               std::random_access_iterator_tag,
1362                               const char* methodName)
1363 {
1364     SimTK_ERRCHK2_ALWAYS(this->isSameSize(last1-first), methodName,
1365         "Assignment to an ArrayView is permitted only if the source"
1366         " is the same size. Here the source had %llu element(s) but the"
1367         " ArrayView has a fixed size of %llu.",
1368         this->ull(last1-first), this->ull(size()));
1370     SimTK_ERRCHK_ALWAYS(!this->overlapsWithData(first,last1), methodName,
1371         "Source range can't overlap with the destination data.");
1373     T* p = begin();
1374     RandomAccessIterator src = first;
1375     while (p != end())
1376         *p++ = *src++; // call T's assignment operator
1377 }
1380 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1381 // The following private methods are protected methods in the ArrayViewConst_
1382 // base class, so they should not need repeating here. However, we explicitly
1383 // forward to the base methods to avoid gcc errors. The gcc complaint
1384 // is due to their not depending on any template parameters; the "this->"
1385 // apparently fixes that problem.
1387 packed_size_type psize()      const
1388 {   return this->CBase::psize(); }
1389 packed_size_type pallocated() const
1390 {   return this->CBase::pallocated(); }
1392 // This just cast sizes to unsigned long long so that we can do comparisons
1393 // without getting warnings.
1394 unsigned long long ullSize()     const
1395 {   return this->CBase::ullSize(); }
1396 unsigned long long ullCapacity() const
1397 {   return this->CBase::ullCapacity(); }
1398 unsigned long long ullMaxSize()  const
1399 {   return this->CBase::ullMaxSize(); }
1400 // This is the index type name and is handy for error messages to explain
1401 // why some size was too big.
1402 const char* indexName() const   {return this->CBase::indexName();}
1403 };
1406 //==============================================================================
1407 //                               CLASS Array_
1408 //==============================================================================
1409 /** The Array_<T> container class is a plug-compatible replacement for
1410 the C++ standard template library (STL) std::vector<T> class, but with some
1411 important advantages in performance, and functionality, and binary
1412 compatibility.
1414 @tparam T
1415     The type of object to be stored in this container.
1416 @tparam X
1417     The type to be used for indexing this container, with default unsigned
1418     (not size_t). Any integral type may be used, as well as user types that
1419     satisfy the requirements discussed with class ArrayIndexTraits.
1421 @par Performance:
1422 There are several performance and memory footprint problems with the C++
1423 standard STL design in general, and with Microsoft's implementation in
1424 particular, that are addressed here. Microsoft in its wisdom decided that STL
1425 containers should still do runtime range checks in Release builds for safety,
1426 but that makes them too slow for use in some high-performance contexts (and
1427 also breaks the promise of generic programming but that's another rant). In
1428 practice, VC++12 (2013) std::vector runs about half speed for simple operations
1429 like indexing and push_back (see Simbody's TestArray regression test for an
1430 executable performance comparison). Attempting to disable these runtime checks
1431 with `_SECURE_SCL` breaks binary compatibility with other code built with the
1432 same compiler but without the flag. In contrast the performance of this
1433 Array_<T> class on any platform is indistinguishable from what you would
1434 get by managing your own heap-allocated arrays. 64 bit compilers vary on how
1435 well they handle 32 bit integers though, so in some cases the default index
1436 type (32 bit unsigned) won't be as fast as if you use a 64 bit unsigned type
1437 as does std::vector.
1439 @par
1440 Regarding memory footprint, the typical implementation of std::vector uses
1441 three pointers: 12 bytes for 32 bit machines; 24 bytes for 64 bit machines.
1442 Microsoft somehow manages to trump this with 20 to 24 bytes on a 32 bit
1443 machine (last checked in VC++9); they are at 24 bytes for 64 bit Release builds
1444 in VC++12, 32 bytes in Debug builds. Array_ instead uses one pointer and two
1445 lengths for a total size as little as 8 bytes on 32 bits and 16 on 64 bits;
1446 see below for details. The binary representation for Array_ is the same in
1447 Release and Debug builds.
1449 @par
1450 Some nuts and bolts:
1452 - We promise that no heap allocation occurs when an empty Array_<T> object
1453   is declared (that is, when an Array_<T> is default-constructed); in
1454   that case both begin() and end() are null.
1455 - Array_<T> methods are extremely fast in Release builds with zero overhead,
1456   inline, unchecked methods. The implementations of inline methods are kept
1457   small to ensure that they are actually inlined in practice; and generated
1458   assembly code was examined to make sure.
1459 - There are some dangerous extensions provided that permit the expert user
1460   to construct objects directly into the array without having to copy them,
1461   a big win for complicated objects and even bigger for those that don't
1462   have copy constructors!
1463 - There is a constant-time eraseFast() method you can use if you don't mind the
1464   array being reordered after the erase. This avoids the extremely expensive
1465   "compress" activity required by the standard erase() method.
1466 - The optional index-type template parameter can be used to reduce the memory
1467   footprint to as little as 8 bytes on a 32 bit machine (e.g., a 32 bit
1468   pointer and two shorts).
1469 - The default size_type for an Array_<T> is a 32-bit unsigned integer rather
1470   than a size_t. On a 64-bit machine that keeps the memory footprint down
1471   substantially since the structure is then one 64-bit pointer and two 32-bit
1472   integers, fitting tightly into a cleanly alignable 16 bytes.
1475 @par Functionality:
1476 For the most part Array_<T> is a plug-compatible replacement for std::vector<T>,
1477 and everything that both classes can do is done with an identical API. However,
1478 there are a few additions and subtractions:
1480 - This class always uses the default new/delete allocator; there is no option
1481   to specify your own as there is in std::vector.
1482 - Instead of an allocator, the second template argument X to Array_<T,X> is an
1483   optional index type which can be used to provide type-safe indexing (i.e. the
1484   array can only be indexed by indices of a particular type, like
1485   MobilizedBodyIndex). This has zero performance cost if the index is an
1486   integral type or class consisting of only an integral value such as those
1487   produced by the SimTK_DEFINE_UNIQUE_INDEX_TYPE macro.
1488 - You can create uninitialized slots in the array and construct directly into
1489   them rather than having to construct a temporary object which must then be
1490   copied into the array.
1491 - You can create Array_<T> objects that reference existing data, including
1492   the contents of std::vectors.
1493 - This class implements the std::vector features from the C++11 standard (with
1494   a few exceptions; see below).
1496 @par Compatibility:
1497 Included here are binary compatibility issues and compatibility with the C++
1498 standard STL objects.
1500 - Most important, it is safe to pass an Array_<T> through an API to a binary
1501   library without worrying about compiler version or Release/Debug compatibility
1502   issues. For a given compiler (e.g. gcc or Microsoft cl) and word size (64 bit
1503   vs. 32 bit), Array_<T> has an extremely stable memory layout that is preserved
1504   across compiler versions, and between Release and Debug builds. This allows us
1505   to use Array_<T> in the SimTK API where use of std::vector<T> would be
1506   desirable but problematic.
1507 - It supports all standard types, methods, iterators, and operators of the
1508   C++11 standard std::vector, so it works smoothly with all STL containers and
1509   algorithms. However, it does not provide the same guarantees of behavior
1510   when exceptions occur. In particular, when resizing Array_ will use move
1511   construction if available even if the move constructor hasn't been marked
1512   "nothrow".
1513 - It is convertible to and from std::vector, usually without copying the
1514   elements. It is easy to provide APIs that accept either Array_<T> or
1515   std::vector<T>; the std::vector's data is referenced by an Array_ handle
1516   that is used to convey the data across the API without binary compatibility
1517   problems.
1519 @see Array_, ArrayViewConst_, ArrayIndexTraits **/
1520 template <class T, class X> class Array_ : public ArrayView_<T,X> {
1521     typedef ArrayView_<T,X>      Base;
1522     typedef ArrayViewConst_<T,X> CBase;
1523 public:
1526 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1527 /** @name                        Typedefs
1529 Types required of STL containers, plus index_type which is an extension, and
1530 packed_size_type which is an implementation detail. **/
1532 // Doxygen picks up individual descriptions from the base class.
1533 /*{*/
1534 typedef T                                               value_type;
1535 typedef X                                               index_type;
1536 typedef T*                                              pointer;
1537 typedef const T*                                        const_pointer;
1538 typedef T&                                              reference;
1539 typedef const T&                                        const_reference;
1540 typedef T*                                              iterator;
1541 typedef const T*                                        const_iterator;
1542 typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator>                 reverse_iterator;
1543 typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>           const_reverse_iterator;
1544 typedef typename ArrayIndexTraits<X>::size_type         size_type;
1545 typedef typename ArrayIndexTraits<X>::difference_type   difference_type;
1546 typedef typename ArrayIndexPackType<size_type>::packed_size_type
1547                                                         packed_size_type;
1548 /*}*/
1550 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1551 /** @name        Construction, conversion and destruction
1553 A variety of constructors are provided for this class, including all those
1554 required by the C++ standard for std::vector implementations, plus additional
1555 ones providing smooth conversions between Array_<T> and std::vector<T> objects.
1556 **/
1557 /*{*/
1559 /** Default constructor allocates no heap space and is very fast. **/
1560 Array_() : Base() {}
1562 /** Construct an array containing \a n default-constructed elements. T's default
1563 constructor (if any) is called exactly \a n times. If \a n is zero no heap space
1564 will be allocated; although in that case it is preferable to use the default
1565 constructor if you can since that will be somewhat faster. **/
1566 explicit Array_(size_type n) : Base() {
1567     SimTK_SIZECHECK(n, max_size(), "Array_<T>::ctor(n)");
1568     allocateNoConstruct(n);
1569     defaultConstruct(data(), data()+n);
1570     setSize(n);
1571 }
1573 /** Construct an array containing \a n elements each set to a copy of the given
1574 initial value. T's copy constructor will be called exactly \a n times. If \a n
1575 is zero no space will be allocated. **/
1576 Array_(size_type n, const T& initVal) : Base() {
1577     SimTK_SIZECHECK(n, max_size(), "Array_<T>::ctor(n,T)");
1578     setSize(n);
1579     allocateNoConstruct(size());
1580     fillConstruct(begin(), cend(), initVal);
1581 }
1582 /** Construct an Array_<T> from a range [first,last1) of values identified by a
1583 pair of iterators.
1584 @note
1585 The standard requires that if an integral type matches this signature, it must
1586 behave as the Array_(size_type,value_type) constructor.
1587 @par Complexity:
1588 The performance of this constructor depends on the type
1589 of iterator:
1590 - random_access_iterator: n=(last1-first); a single space allocation;
1591   n calls to T's copy constructor.
1592 - forward or bidirectional iterator: must increment from first to last1 to
1593   determine n; otherwise same as random access.
1594 - input iterator: can't determine n in advance; expect log n reallocations
1595   during construction as we "push back" one input element at a time.
1596 **/
1597 template <class InputIter>
1598 Array_(const InputIter& first, const InputIter& last1) : Base() {
1599     ctorDispatch(first,last1,typename IsIntegralType<InputIter>::Result());
1600 }
1602 /** Construct an Array_<T> from a range [first,last1) of values identified by a
1603 pair of ordinary pointers to elements of type T2 (where T2 might be the same as
1604 T but doesn't have to be). This is templatized so can be used with any source
1605 type T2 which is either T or implicitly convertible to T, provided
1606 that the number of source elements does not exceed the array's max_size(). **/
1607 template <class T2>
1608 Array_(const T2* first, const T2* last1) : Base() {
1609     static_assert(std::is_assignable<T&,T2>::value,
1610         "Array_<T> construction from T2 requires that "
1611         "T2 implicitly converts to T");
1612     SimTK_ERRCHK((first&&last1)||(first==last1), "Array_<T>(first,last1)",
1613         "Pointers must be non-null unless they are both null.");
1614     SimTK_ERRCHK3(this->isSizeOK(last1-first), "Array_<T>(first,last1)",
1615         "Source has %llu elements but this array is limited to %llu"
1616         " elements by its index type %s.",
1617         this->ull(last1-first), ullMaxSize(), indexName());
1619     setSize(size_type(last1-first));
1620     allocateNoConstruct(size());
1621     copyConstruct(begin(), cend(), first);
1622 }
1624 /** Construct an Array_<T> from an std::initializer_list whose elements were
1625 convertible to type T, provided that the number of source elements does not
1626 exceed the array's max_size(). Note that this constructor is not `explicit`,
1627 so a suitable std::initializer_list will implicitly convert to an Array_<T>. **/
1628 Array_(std::initializer_list<T> ilist)
1629 :   Array_(ilist.begin(), ilist.end()) {} // invoke above constructor for T*
1631 /** Construct an Array_<T> by copying from an std::vector<T2>, where T2 may
1632 be the same type as T but doesn't have to be. This will work as long as the
1633 size of the vector does not exceed the array's max_size(), and provided there
1634 is a working T(T2) conversion constructor. **/
1635 template <class T2>
1636 explicit Array_(const std::vector<T2>& v) : Base() {
1637     if (v.empty()) return;
1639     SimTK_ERRCHK3(this->isSizeOK(v.size()), "Array_<T>::ctor(std::vector<T2>)",
1640         "The source std::vector's size %llu is too big for this array which"
1641         " is limited to %llu elements by its index type %s.",
1642         this->ull(v.size()), ullMaxSize(), indexName());
1644     // Call the above constructor, making sure to use pointers into the
1645     // vector's data rather than the iterators begin() and end() in case
1646     // they are different types.
1647     new (this) Array_(&v.front(), (&v.back())+1);
1648 }
1650 /** Copy constructor allocates exactly as much memory as is in use in the
1651 source (not its capacity) and copy constructs the elements so that T's copy
1652 constructor will be called exactly src.size() times. If the source is empty,
1653 no heap space will be allocated. **/
1654 Array_(const Array_& src) : Base() {
1655     setSize(src.size());
1656     allocateNoConstruct(size());
1657     copyConstruct(begin(), cend(), src.data());
1658 }
1660 /** Move constructor swaps in the source and leaves the source default
1661 constructed. **/
1662 Array_(Array_&& src) : Base() {
1663     swap(src);
1664 }
1666 /** Construct this Array_<T,X> as a copy of another Array_<T2,X2> where T2!=T
1667 or X2!=X. This will work as long as the source is not larger than will fit
1668 here, and as long as the source element type T2 is assignment compatible with
1669 this array's element type T. One of T's constructors will be called exactly
1670 src.size() times; the particular constructor is whichever one best matches
1671 T(T2). **/
1672 template <class T2, class X2>
1673 Array_(const Array_<T2,X2>& src) : Base() {
1674     new (this) Array_(src.begin(), src.cend()); // see above
1675 }
1677 /** Construct an Array_<T> by referencing (sharing) a given range of data
1678 [first,last1), without copying that data; better to use the corresponding
1679 ArrayView_<T> constructor if you can. This is very fast but can be
1680 dangerous -- it is most useful for argument passing where the array handle
1681 will be discarded immediately after use. Note that this is available only if
1682 you have write access to the data because there is no way to construct
1683 a non-writable array. This will work as long as the size of the data does
1684 not exceed the array's max_size. The resulting array object is not resizeable
1685 but can be used to read and write elements of the original data. The
1686 array is invalid if the original data is destructed or resized, but there is
1687 no way for the array class to detect that.
1689 @remarks
1690   - If the source data is empty, the resulting array will also
1691     be empty and will look just like a default-constructed array. It will
1692     therefore not have any connection to the source and will be an
1693     ordinary resizable array.
1694   - This is quite dangerous to use since the connection between the array and
1695     the data is tenuous and subject to the data remaining untouched during
1696     the lifetime of the array handle. There is no reference counting;
1697     destructing the original data would leave the array referring to garbage.
1698     Be careful!
1699   - You can break the connection between the array and the data it was
1700     constructed from by calling deallocate().
1702 @par Complexity:
1703     Dirt cheap. There will be no construction, destruction, or heap allocation
1704     performed.
1705 @see deallocate() **/
1706 Array_(T* first, const T* last1, const DontCopy&) : Base(first,last1) {}
1708 /** Construct an Array_<T> by referencing (sharing) the data in an
1709 std::vector<T>, without copying the data; better to use the ArrayView_<T>
1710 constructor instead if you can. This is very fast but can be
1711 dangerous -- it is most useful for argument passing where the array handle
1712 will be discarded immediately after use. Note that this is available only if
1713 you have write access to the std::vector because there is no way to construct
1714 a non-writable array. This will work as long as the size of the vector does
1715 not exceed the array's max_size. The resulting array object is not resizeable
1716 but can be used to read and write elements of the original std::vector. The
1717 array is invalid if the original std::vector is destructed or resized.
1719 @remarks
1720   - If the source std::vector is empty, the resulting array will also
1721     be empty and will look just like a default-constructed array. It will
1722     therefore not have any connection to the source vector and will be an
1723     ordinary resizable array.
1724   - This is quite dangerous to use since the connection between the array and
1725     the vector is tenuous and subject to the vector remaining untouched during
1726     the lifetime of the array handle. There is no reference counting;
1727     destructing the vector leaves the array referring to garbage. Be careful!
1728   - You can break the connection between the array and the vector it was
1729     constructed from by calling deallocate().
1731 @par Complexity:
1732     Dirt cheap. There will be no construction, destruction, or heap allocation
1733     performed.
1734 @see deallocate() **/
1735 template <class A>
1736 Array_(std::vector<T,A>& v, const DontCopy&) : Base(v) {}
1738 /** The destructor performs a deallocate() operation which may result in
1739 element destruction and freeing of heap space; see deallocate() for more
1740 information. @see deallocate() **/
1741 ~Array_() {
1742     deallocate();
1743 }
1745 /** Empty this array of its contents, returning the array to its
1746 default-constructed, all-zero state. If this array is the owner of its data,
1747 the destructor (if any) is called for each data element and the array's
1748 allocated heap space is freed. If it is a non-owner the array handle is
1749 cleaned out using disconnect() but the referenced data is untouched.
1750 @note There is no equivalent to this method for std::vector.
1751 @return A reference to the now-empty, default-constructed array, ready for
1752 reassignment. **/
1753 Array_& deallocate() {
1754     if (allocated()) { // owner with non-zero allocation
1755         clear(); // each element is destructed; size()=0; allocated() unchanged
1756         deallocateNoDestruct(); // free data(); allocated()=0
1757     }
1758     this->Base::disconnect(); // clear the handle
1759     return *this;
1760 }
1762 /*@}    End of constructors, etc. **/
1765 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1766 /** @name           Assignment methods and operators
1768 These methods put new data values in an existing array, but the meaning of
1769 assignment is subtly different for resizeable (owner) arrays and fixed
1770 (non-owner) arrays. The standard std::vector type is always an owner so the
1771 non-owner description here is an extension applying only to Array_.
1773 For the normal case of resizeable arrays, assignment does not have an
1774 elementwise definition because the source will typically have a different
1775 number of elements than the array's current size. So regardless of the actual
1776 numbers, assignment in the resizeable case is defined as it is for std::vector:
1777 first clear the array by erasing (destructing) all the current elements in the
1778 array, then reserve sufficient heap space to hold a copy of the source, then
1779 use appropriate constructors of type T (most commonly T's copy constructor
1780 T(T)) to initialize each element to be a copy of the corresponding source
1781 element. T's assignment operators are never used in this case.
1783 For fixed arrays, the source must have the same number of elements as are
1784 currently in the array and the meaning is conventional elementwise assignment;
1785 that is, an appropriate assignment operator of type T (most commonly T's copy
1786 assignment operator T=T) is used to change the value of each existing element.
1788 So there are different requirements on the value type T for owner and non-owner
1789 assignments to type T2: for owner assignment T must have a constructor T(T2)
1790 available; for non-owner assignment, T must have an assignment operator T=T2
1791 available.
1793 @remarks
1794 - When reallocating the destination array, we may reuse the existing heap
1795 allocation if it is sufficient and not \e too big; otherwise we'll reallocate
1796 before copying.
1797 - The fill() method here has elementwise assignment semantics regardless of
1798 whether the array is an owner or non-owner. **/
1799 /*@{*/
1801 /** Set this array to be \a n copies of the supplied \a fillValue. Note that
1802 this serves to allow fill from an object whose type T2 is different from T, as
1803 long as there is a constructor T(T2) that works since that can be invoked
1804 (implicitly or explicitly) to convert the T2 object to type T prior to the
1805 call. If this is a non-owner array then \a n must be the same as the current
1806 size(); consider using the fill() method instead.
1807 @param[in] n            The number of elements to be in the result.
1808 @param[in] fillValue    The value to which to initialize each element.
1810 @pre \a n <= max_size()
1811 @pre for non-owner, n==size()
1812 @par Complexity:
1813 For a non-owner with \a n==size(), there will be exactly \a n calls to T's
1814 copy assignment operator. For an owner, there will be size() calls to T's
1815 destructor (if it has one), possibly a heap reallocation (but with no element
1816 copying), followed by \a n calls to T's copy constructor.
1817 @see fill() **/
1818 void assign(size_type n, const T& fillValue) {
1819     SimTK_ERRCHK3(this->isSizeOK(n), "Array_<T>::assign(n,value)",
1820         "Requested size %llu is too big for this array which is limited"
1821         " to %llu elements by its index type %s.",
1822         this->ull(n), ullMaxSize(), indexName());
1824     SimTK_ERRCHK2(isOwner() || n==size(), "Array_<T>::assign(n,value)",
1825         "Requested size %llu is not allowed because this is a non-owner"
1826         " array of fixed size %llu.", this->ull(n), this->ull(size()));
1828     if (!isOwner())
1829         this->Base::fill(fillValue);
1830     else {
1831         clear(); // all elements destructed; allocation unchanged
1832         reallocateIfAdvisable(n); // change size if too small or too big
1833         fillConstruct(data(), cdata()+n, fillValue);
1834         setSize(n);
1835     }
1836 }
1838 /** Assign all current elements of the array to the same \a fillValue. This is
1839 similar to assign(size(),fillValue) but the semantics are subtly different.
1840 Here we use repeated application of T's copy assignment operator T=fillValue,
1841 whereas the assign() semantics are to first destruct all the existing elements,
1842 then allocate if necessary, then use the copy constructor to initialize the
1843 new elements. Note that you can use this to fill from a source type T2 that
1844 is different from T as long as there exists a suitable constructor T(T2) that
1845 can be used to create the type T \a fillValue from the original T2 source.
1846 @note Unlike other assignment methods, the behavior of fill() is identical for
1847 owner and non-owner arrays.
1849 @param[in] fillValue    The value to which all existing elements are set.
1850 @par Complexity:
1851 Just size() calls to T's copy assignment operator. **/
1852 void fill(const T& fillValue) {this->Base::fill(fillValue);}
1855 /** Assign to this array to to make it a copy of the elements in range
1856 [first,last1) given by ordinary pointers. It is not allowed for this range to
1857 include any of the elements currently in the array. The source elements can be
1858 of a type T2 that may be the same or different than this array's element type
1859 T as long as there is a working constructor T(T2) (for owner arrays) or a
1860 working assignment operator T=T2 (for non-owner arrays). Note that although the
1861 source arguments are pointers, those may be iterators for some container
1862 depending on implementation details of the container. Specifically, any
1863 Array_<T2>::iterator or const_iterator is an ordinary pointer.
1865 @param[in] first    A pointer to the first source element to be copied.
1866 @param[in] last1    A pointer to one element past the last source element.
1868 @par Complexity:
1869 For non-owner arrays, n=last1-first must equal the current size() in which
1870 case there will be exactly size() calls to the T=T2 assignment operator.
1871 For owner arrays, say the array initially has capacity c, and the
1872 source provides n new elements. If type T has a destructor, it will be called
1873 exactly size() times. Reallocation will then occur if c < n and may occur if
1874 c >> n to avoid leaving a lot of unused space. Then the constructor T(T2) will
1875 be called exactly n times. **/
1876 template <class T2>
1877 void assign(const T2* first, const T2* last1) {
1878     const char* methodName = "Array_<T>::assign(T2* first, T2* last1)";
1879     SimTK_ERRCHK((first&&last1)||(first==last1), methodName,
1880         "Pointers must be non-null unless they are both null.");
1881     SimTK_ERRCHK(!this->overlapsWithData(first,last1), methodName,
1882         "Source range can't overlap the current array contents.");
1883     // Pointers are random access iterators.
1884     assignIteratorDispatch(first,last1,std::random_access_iterator_tag(),
1885                            methodName);
1886 }
1889 /** Assign this array from a range [first,last1) given by non-pointer
1890 iterators. See the assign(first,last1) method with pointer arguments for a
1891 relevant discussion.
1893 @remarks
1894   - For a non-owner array this is only allowed if we can calculate the number of
1895     source elements, and if that number is exactly the same as the current
1896     size().
1897   - See Complexity discussion below for behavior for the different kinds of
1898     iterators that might be supplied.
1899   - It is not permitted for any of the source elements to overlap in memory
1900     with the initial contents of the array.
1902 @param[in]      first
1903     An iterator pointing to the first source element to be copied.
1904 @param[in]      last1
1905     A iterator pointing one element past the last source element.
1907 @pre last1-first <= max_size()
1908 @pre for non-owner array, last1-first == size()
1909 @par Complexity:
1910 For a non-owner array, this is only allowed if n=last1-first equals the
1911 current size(), in which case we'll perform exactly n calls to the appropriate
1912 assignment operator of element type T. For owner arrays, if we can determine
1913 how many elements n=last1-first the source contains in advance, we'll do only
1914 a single allocation here and call one of T's constructors exactly n times after
1915 just size() destructor calls needed to erase the original data. If the
1916 iterators are random access iterators, calculating n is a fast constant-time
1917 operation. For forward or bidirectional iterators, we have to advance through
1918 the iterators once to count the source elements prior to allocating space,
1919 adding an O(n) cost. For input iterators, we can't count them in advance so
1920 we just have to add elements as we find them using push_back() meaning we may
1921 need to reallocate log(n) times, calling the destructor and copy constructor
1922 each time to move the elements around.
1923 @see assign(T2* first, T2* last1) **/
1924 template <class Iter>
1925 void assign(const Iter& first, const Iter& last1) {
1926     assignDispatch(first,last1,typename IsIntegralType<Iter>::Result(),
1927                    "Array_<T>::assign(Iter first, Iter last1)");
1928 }
1930 /** Copy assignment operator destructs the current contents of this array and
1931 then makes it a copy of the source array by repeated calls to the element
1932 type's copy constructor. At most one reallocation of heap space occurs that
1933 may result in this array having a larger or smaller capacity, although of
1934 course it will be at least as large as the source. **/
1935 Array_& operator=(const Array_& src) {
1936     if (this != &src)
1937         assignIteratorDispatch(src.begin(), src.end(),
1938                                std::random_access_iterator_tag(),
1939                                "Array_<T>::operator=(Array_<T>)");
1940     return *this;
1941 }
1943 /** Move assignment operator swaps the contents of this Array_ with the
1944 source Array_. **/
1945 Array_& operator=(Array_&& src) {
1946     swap(src);
1947     return *this;
1948 }
1950 /** This is assignment from a source array whose element type T2 and/or index
1951 type X2 are different from this array's T and X. This will work as long as
1952 this array can accommodate all the elements in the source and T2 is assignment
1953 compatible with T. See discussion for the copy assignment operator for more
1954 information. */
1955 template <class T2, class X2>
1956 Array_& operator=(const Array_<T2,X2>& src) {
1957     assignIteratorDispatch(src.begin(), src.end(),
1958                            std::random_access_iterator_tag(),
1959                            "Array_<T>::operator=(Array_<T2,X2>)");
1960     return *this;
1961 }
1964 /** This is assignment from a source std::vector<T2>. This will work as long as
1965 this array can accommodate all the elements in the source and T2 is assignment
1966 compatible with T. See discussion for the copy assignment operator for more
1967 information. */
1968 template <class T2, class A>
1969 Array_& operator=(const std::vector<T2,A>& src) {
1970     assignIteratorDispatch(src.begin(), src.end(),
1971                            std::random_access_iterator_tag(),
1972                            "Array_<T>::operator=(std::vector)");
1973     return *this;
1974 }
1976 /** This is a specialized algorithm providing constant time exchange of data
1977 with another array that has identical element and index types. This is \e much
1978 faster than using the default std::swap() algorithm on the arrays since that
1979 would involve O(n) copying operations; we provide a specialization for
1980 std::swap() that uses the method here instead. This method makes no calls to any
1981 constructors or destructors. This is allowable even for non-owner arrays; the
1982 non-owner attribute will follow the non-owned data. **/
1983 void swap(Array_& other) {
1984     T* const pTmp=data(); setData(other.data()); other.setData(pTmp);
1985     size_type nTmp=size(); setSize(other.size()); other.setSize(nTmp);
1986     nTmp=allocated(); setAllocated(other.allocated()); other.setAllocated(nTmp);
1987 }
1989 /** This dangerous extension allows you to supply your own already-allocated
1990 heap space for use by this array, which then becomes the owner of the supplied
1991 heap space. Any memory currently associated with the array is deallocated;
1992 see deallocate() for more information.
1993 @see deallocate(), shareData() **/
1994 Array_& adoptData(T* newData, size_type dataSize,
1995                   size_type dataCapacity)
1996 {
1997     SimTK_SIZECHECK(dataCapacity, max_size(), "Array_<T>::adoptData()");
1998     SimTK_ERRCHK2(dataSize <= dataCapacity, "Array_<T>::adoptData()",
1999         "Specified data size %llu was greater than the specified data"
2000         " capacity of %llu.", this->ull(dataSize), this->ull(dataCapacity));
2001     SimTK_ERRCHK(newData || dataCapacity==0, "Array_<T>::adoptData()",
2002         "A null data pointer is allowed only if the size and capacity are"
2003         " specified as zero.");
2004     SimTK_ERRCHK(!this->overlapsWithData(newData, newData+dataSize),
2005         "Array_<T>::adoptData()",
2006         "The new data can't overlap with the old data.");
2008     deallocate();
2009     setData(newData);
2010     setSize(dataSize);
2011     setAllocated(dataCapacity);
2012     return *this;
2013 }
2014 /** A variant of adoptData() that assumes the capacity is the same as the
2015 current size. @see adoptData(data,size,capacity) **/
2016 Array_& adoptData(T* newData, size_type dataSize)
2017 {   return adoptData(newData, dataSize, dataSize); }
2020 /** This dangerous extension allows you to make this array handle refer to
2021 someone else's data without copying it. Any memory currently associated
2022 with the array is deallocated; see deallocate() for more information. This
2023 method makes the array a fixed-size, non-owner array that cannot be
2024 reallocated, and no element destruction nor heap deallocation will occur when
2025 the handle is subsequently destructed or deallocated.
2026 @note
2027   - A null (0) pointer is allowed for the pointer as long as \a dataSize==0,
2028     however in that case the array handle ends up deallocated (that is,
2029     indistinguishable from a default-constructed array) so is resizeable.
2030   - This is implemented by setting the nAllocated data member to zero while
2031     the nUsed data member is set to the given \a dataSize.
2032 @see deallocate(), adoptData() **/
2033 Array_& shareData(T* newData, size_type dataSize) {
2034     SimTK_SIZECHECK(dataSize, max_size(), "Array_<T>::shareData()");
2035     SimTK_ERRCHK(newData || dataSize==0, "Array_<T>::shareData()",
2036         "A null data pointer is allowed only if the size is zero.");
2037     SimTK_ERRCHK(!this->overlapsWithData(newData, newData+dataSize),
2038         "Array_<T>::shareData()",
2039         "The new data can't overlap with the old data.");
2041     deallocate();
2042     setData(newData);
2043     setSize(dataSize);
2044     setAllocated(0); // indicates shared data
2045     return *this;
2046 }
2048 /** Same as shareData(data,size) but uses a pointer range [first,last1) to
2049 identify the data to be referenced. **/
2050 Array_& shareData(T* first, const T* last1) {
2051     SimTK_ERRCHK3(this->isSizeOK(last1-first),
2052         "Array_<T>::shareData(first,last1)",
2053         "Requested size %llu is too big for this array which is limited"
2054         " to %llu elements by its index type %s.",
2055         this->ull(last1-first), ullMaxSize(), indexName());
2056     return shareData(first, size_type(last1-first));
2057 }
2059 /*@}    End of assignment. **/
2062 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2063 /** @name                   Size and capacity
2065 These methods examine and alter the number of elements (size) or the amount of
2066 allocated heap space (capacity) or both. **/
2067 /*@{*/
2069 // Note: these have to be explicitly forwarded to the base class methods
2070 // in order to keep gcc from complaining. Note that the "this->" is
2071 // apparently necessary in order to permit delayed definition of templatized
2072 // methods.
2074 /** Return the current number of elements stored in this array. **/
2075 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE size_type size() const {return this->CBase::size();}
2076 /** Return the maximum allowable size for this array. **/
2077 size_type max_size() const {return this->CBase::max_size();}
2078 /** Return true if there are no elements currently stored in this array. This
2079 is equivalent to the tests begin() == end() or size()==0. **/
2080 bool empty() const {return this->CBase::empty();}
2081 /** Return the number of elements this array can currently hold without
2082 requiring reallocation. The value returned by capacity() is always greater
2083 than or equal to size(), even if the data is not owned by this array in
2084 which case we have capacity() == size() and the array is not reallocatable. **/
2085 size_type capacity() const {return this->CBase::capacity();}
2087 /** Change the size of this Array, preserving all the elements that will still
2088 fit, and default constructing any new elements that are added. This is not
2089 allowed for non-owner arrays unless the requested size is the same as the
2090 current size. **/
2091 void resize(size_type n) {
2092     if (n == size()) return;
2094     SimTK_ERRCHK2(isOwner(), "Array_<T>::resize(n)",
2095         "Requested size change to %llu is not allowed because this is a "
2096         "non-owner array of fixed size %llu.",
2097         this->ull(n), this->ull(size()));
2099     if (n < size()) {
2100         erase(data()+n, cend());
2101         return;
2102     }
2103     // n > size()
2104     reserve(n);
2105     defaultConstruct(data()+size(), cdata()+n); // data() has changed
2106     setSize(n);
2107 }
2109 /** Change the size of this array, preserving all the elements that will still
2110 fit, and initializing any new elements that are added by repeatedly copy-
2111 constructing from the supplied value. This is not allowed for non-owner arrays
2112 unless the requested size is the same as the current size. **/
2113 void resize(size_type n, const T& initVal) {
2114     if (n == size()) return;
2116     SimTK_ERRCHK2(isOwner(), "Array_<T>::resize(n,value)",
2117         "Requested size change to %llu is not allowed because this is a"
2118         " non-owner array of fixed size %llu.", this->ull(n), this->ull(size()));
2120     if (n < size()) {
2121         erase(data()+n, cend());
2122         return;
2123     }
2124     // n > size()
2125     reserve(n);
2126     fillConstruct(data()+size(), cdata()+n, initVal);
2127     setSize(n);
2128 }
2130 /** Ensure that this array has enough allocated capacity to hold the indicated
2131 number of elements. No heap reallocation will occur after this until the array
2132 is grown beyond this capacity, meaning that adding elements will not invalidate
2133 any iterators or element addresses until that point. This method will never
2134 reduce the capacity of the array. It is OK to call this on a non-owner array
2135 as long as you are not asking for an increase in capacity. **/
2136 void reserve(size_type n) {
2137     if (capacity() >= n)
2138         return;
2140     SimTK_ERRCHK2(isOwner(), "Array_<T>::reserve()",
2141         "Requested capacity change to %llu is not allowed because this is a "
2142         "non-owner array of fixed size %llu.",
2143         this->ull(n), this->ull(size()));
2145     T* newData = allocN(n); // no construction yet
2146     moveConstructThenDestructSource(newData, newData+size(), data());
2147     freeN(data());
2148     setData(newData);
2149     setAllocated(n);
2150 }
2152 /** Request that the capacity of this array be reduced to the minimum necessary
2153 to hold the number of elements currently in use. In practice no shrinkage will
2154 occur if the current size is just slightly too big, unless the current size is
2155 exactly zero in which case we guarantee to deallocate all heap space associated
2156 with this array leaving a null data pointer and begin()==end()==0, exactly as
2157 though the array had just been default-constructed. Otherwise you can check
2158 capacity() afterwards to see what happened. If the capacity() is reduced by
2159 this method, then all the elements will have been moved to new locations so
2160 existing iterators and references into the array will become invalid.
2162 @note
2163   - This method matches the C++11 std::vector method, except for
2164     the guaranteed behavior for a zero-size container.
2165   - It is OK to call this on a non-owner array but it has no effect since
2166     capacity()==size() already in that case.
2168 @par Complexity:
2169     If the capacity is reduced, there will be one call to T's move constructor
2170     and destructor (if any) for each element currently in the array. Otherwise
2171     this is very fast. **/
2172 void shrink_to_fit() {
2173     // Allow 25% slop, but note that if size()==0 this will always reallocate
2174     // unless capacity is already zero.
2175     if (capacity() - size()/4 <= size()) // avoid overflow if size() near max
2176         return;
2177     T* newData = allocN(size());
2178     moveConstructThenDestructSource(newData, newData+size(), data());
2179     deallocateNoDestruct(); // data()=0, allocated()=0, size() unchanged
2180     setData(newData);
2181     setAllocated(size());
2182 }
2184 /** Return the amount of heap space owned by this array; this is the same
2185 as capacity() for owner arrays but is zero for non-owners.
2186 @note There is no equivalent of this method for std::vector. **/
2187 size_type allocated() const
2188 {   return this->CBase::allocated(); }
2189 /** Does this array own the data to which it refers? If not, it can't be
2190 resized, and the destructor will not free any heap space nor call any element
2191 destructors. If the array does not refer to \e any data it is considered to be
2192 an owner and it is resizeable.
2193 @note There is no equivalent of this method for std::vector. **/
2194 bool isOwner() const {return this->CBase::isOwner();}
2195 /*@}    End of size and capacity. **/
2198 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2199 /** @name                       Iterators
2201 These methods deal in iterators, which are STL generalized pointers. For this
2202 class, iterators are just ordinary pointers to T, and you may depend on that.
2203 By necessity, reverse iterators can't be just pointers; however, they contain
2204 an ordinary iterator (i.e. a pointer) that can be obtained by calling the
2205 reverse iterator's base() method. **/
2206 /*@{*/
2208 /** Return a const pointer to the first element of this array if any, otherwise
2209 cend(), which may be null (0) in that case but does not have to be. This method
2210 is from the C++11 standard; there is also an overloaded begin() from
2211 the original standard that returns a const pointer. **/
2212 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE const T* cbegin() const {return this->CBase::cbegin();}
2213 /** The const version of begin() is the same as cbegin(). **/
2214 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE const T* begin() const {return this->CBase::cbegin();}
2215 /** Return a writable pointer to the first element of this array if any,
2216 otherwise end(). If the array is empty, this \e may return null (0) but does
2217 not have to -- the only thing you can be sure of is that begin() == end() for
2218 an empty array. **/
2219 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE T* begin() {return this->Base::begin();}
2221 /** Return a const pointer to what would be the element just after the last one
2222 in the array; this may be null (0) if there are no elements but doesn't have to
2223 be. This method is from the C++11 standard; there is also an
2224 overloaded end() from the original standard that returns a const pointer. **/
2225 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE const T* cend() const {return this->CBase::cend();}
2226 /** The const version of end() is the same as cend(). **/
2227 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE const T* end() const {return this->CBase::cend();}
2228 /** Return a writable pointer to what would be the element just after the last
2229 one in this array. If the array is empty, this \e may return null (0) but does
2230 not have to -- the only thing you can be sure of is that begin()==end() for an
2231 empty array. **/
2232 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE T* end() {return this->Base::end();}
2234 /** Return a const reverse iterator pointing to the last element in the array
2235 or crend() if the array is empty. **/
2236 const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const
2237 {   return this->CBase::crbegin(); }
2238 /** The const version of rbegin() is the same as crbegin(). **/
2239 const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
2240 {   return this->CBase::crbegin(); }
2241 /** Return a writable reverse iterator pointing to the last element in the
2242 array or rend() if the array is empty. **/
2243 reverse_iterator rbegin() {return this->Base::rbegin();}
2245 /** Return the past-the-end reverse iterator that tests equal to a reverse
2246 iterator that has been incremented past the front of the array. You cannot
2247 dereference this iterator. **/
2248 const_reverse_iterator crend() const
2249 {   return this->CBase::crend(); }
2250 /** The const version of rend() is the same as crend(). **/
2251 const_reverse_iterator rend() const
2252 {   return this->CBase::crend(); }
2253 /** Return a writable past-the-end reverse iterator that tests equal to a
2254 reverse iterator that has been incremented past the front of the array. You
2255 cannot dereference this iterator. **/
2256 reverse_iterator rend() {return this->Base::rend();}
2258 /** Return a const pointer to the first element of the array, or possibly
2259 (but not necessarily) null (0) if the array is empty.
2260 @note
2261     cdata() is not in the C++11 standard although it would seem
2262     obvious in view of the cbegin() and cend() methods that had to be added.
2263     The C++11 overloaded const data() method is also available. **/
2264 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE const T* cdata() const {return this->CBase::cdata();}
2265 /** The const version of the data() method is identical to cdata().
2266 @note This method is from the C++11 std::vector. **/
2267 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE const T* data() const {return this->CBase::cdata();}
2268 /** Return a writable pointer to the first allocated element of the array, or
2269 a null pointer if no space is associated with the array.
2270 @note This method is from the C++11 std::vector. **/
2271 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE T* data() {return this->Base::data();}
2272 /*@}*/
2274 /** @name                     Element access
2276 These methods provide read and write access to individual elements, or groups
2277 of elements, that are currently present in the array. **/
2278 /*@{*/
2280 /** Select an element by its index, returning a const reference. Note that only
2281 a value of the Array's templatized index type is allowed (default is unsigned).
2282 This will be range-checked in a Debug build but not in Release.
2283 @pre 0 <= \a i < size()
2284 @par Complexity:
2285     Constant time. **/
2286 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE const T& operator[](index_type i) const
2287 {   return this->CBase::operator[](i); }
2289 /** Select an element by its index, returning a writable (lvalue) reference.
2290 Note that only a value of the Array's templatized index type is allowed
2291 (default is unsigned). This will be range-checked in a Debug build but not
2292 in Release.
2293 @pre 0 <= \a i < size()
2294 @par Complexity:
2295     Constant time. **/
2296 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE T& operator[](index_type i) {return this->Base::operator[](i);}
2298 /** Same as operator[] but always range-checked, even in a Release build.
2299 @pre 0 <= \a i < size()
2300 @par Complexity:
2301     Constant time. **/
2302 const T& at(index_type i) const {return this->CBase::at(i);}
2304 /** Same as operator[] but always range-checked, even in a Release build.
2305 @pre 0 <= \a i < size()
2306 @par Complexity:
2307     Constant time. **/
2308 T& at(index_type i) {return const_cast<T&>(this->Base::at(i));}
2310 /** Same as the const form of operator[]; exists to provide a non-operator
2311 method for element access in case that's needed. **/
2312 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE const T& getElt(index_type i) const
2313 {   return this->CBase::getElt(i); }
2314 /** Same as the non-const form of operator[]; exists to provide a non-operator
2315 method for element access in case that's needed. **/
2316 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE T& updElt(index_type i) {return this->Base::updElt(i);}
2318 /** Return a const reference to the first element in this array, which must
2319 not be empty.
2320 @pre The array is not empty.
2321 @par Complexity:
2322     Constant time. **/
2323 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE const T& front() const {return this->CBase::front();}
2325 /** Return a writable reference to the first element in this array, which must
2326 not be empty.
2327 @pre The array is not empty.
2328 @par Complexity:
2329     Constant time. **/
2330 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE T& front() {return const_cast<T&>(this->Base::front());}
2332 /** Return a const reference to the last element in this array, which must
2333 not be empty.
2334 @pre The array is not empty.
2335 @par Complexity:
2336     Constant time. **/
2337 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE const T& back() const {return this->CBase::back();}
2339 /** Return a writable reference to the last element in this array, which must
2340 not be empty.
2341 @pre The array is not empty.
2342 @par Complexity:
2343     Constant time. **/
2344 SimTK_FORCE_INLINE T& back() {return const_cast<T&>(this->Base::back());}
2346 /** Select a subrange of this const array by starting index and length, and
2347 return a ArrayViewConst_ referencing that data without copying it. **/
2348 ArrayViewConst_<T,X> operator()(index_type index, size_type length) const
2349 {   return CBase::operator()(index,length); }
2350 /** Same as const form of operator()(index,length); exists to provide
2351 non-operator access to that functionality in case it is needed. **/
2352 ArrayViewConst_<T,X> getSubArray(index_type index, size_type length) const
2353 {   return CBase::getSubArray(index,length); }
2355 /** Select a subrange of this array by starting index and length, and
2356 return an ArrayView_ referencing that data without copying it. **/
2357 ArrayView_<T,X> operator()(index_type index, size_type length)
2358 {   return Base::operator()(index,length); }
2359 /** Same as non-const operator()(index,length); exists to provide non-operator
2360 access to that functionality in case it is needed. **/
2361 ArrayView_<T,X> updSubArray(index_type index, size_type length)
2362 {   return Base::updSubArray(index,length); }
2363 /*@}    End of element access. **/
2366 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2367 /**@name                Element insertion and removal
2369 These are methods that change the number of elements in the array by insertion
2370 or erasure. **/
2371 /*@{*/
2373 /** This method increases the size of the Array by one element at the end and
2374 initializes that element by copy constructing it from the given value. If
2375 capacity() > size(), that's all that will happen. If capacity()==size(), there
2376 is no room for another element so we'll allocate more space and move all the
2377 elements there. A reference to the just-inserted element can be obtained using
2378 the back() method after the call to push_back().
2379 @param[in]      value
2380     An object of type T from which the new element is copy-constructed.
2382 @remarks
2383   - If you are appending a default-constructed object of type T, consider using
2384     the alternate non-standard but safe push_back() method rather than
2385     push_back(T()). The non-standard method default-constructs the new element
2386     internally. That avoids a call to the copy constructor which can be
2387     expensive for some objects, and nonexistent for others.
2388   - If you are constructing the source object with a non-default constructor,
2389     and the object is expensive or impossible to default-construct and/or
2390     copy-construct, consider using the non-standard and dangerous method
2391     raw_push_back() which enables you to construct the new element in place.
2393 @par Complexity:
2394     Constant time if no reallocation is required; otherwise the current
2395     contents of the array must be moved to new space, costing one call to T's
2396     move constructor and destructor (if any) for each element currently in the
2397     array. Either way there is also one call to T's copy constructor to
2398     construct the new element from the supplied value. **/
2399 void push_back(const T& value) {
2400     if (pallocated() == psize())
2401         growAtEnd(1,"Array_<T>::push_back(const T& value)");
2402     copyConstruct(end(), value);
2403     incrSize();
2404 }
2406 /** This is the move form of push_back(), taking an rvalue reference rather
2407 than an lvalue reference. See the other signature for information, with
2408 move-construction instead of copy-construction (reallocation is the same
2409 in either case). **/
2410 void push_back(T&& value) {
2411     if (pallocated() == psize())
2412         growAtEnd(1,"Array_<T>::push_back(T&& value)");
2413     moveConstruct(end(), std::move(value));
2414     incrSize();
2415 }
2417 /** This is similar to push_back() but rather than copying, it constructs the
2418 element in place at the end of the array. To do that it invokes the constructor
2419 of T whose signature matches the supplied argument pack. This has the same
2420 effect as `push_back(T(Args...))` would have but avoids the extra copy that
2421 would be required. Reallocation is handled the same as for push_back().
2423 @note This method should be preferred to the nonstandard raw_push_back()
2424 method. **/
2425 template<class... Args>
2426 void emplace_back(Args&&... args) { // special syntax; not an rvalue reference
2427     if (pallocated() == psize())
2428         growAtEnd(1,"Array_<T>::emplace_back(Args...)");
2429     new(end()) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...); // invoke constructor for T
2430     incrSize();
2431 }
2433 /** (Deprecated, use emplace_back() instead) This is a non-standard version of
2434 push_back() that increases the size of the array by one default-constructed
2435 element at the end. This avoids having to default-construct the argument to the
2436 standard push_back(value) method which then has to copy-construct or
2437 move-construct it into the array. By carefully avoiding reallocation and using
2438 this form of push_back() you can use the Array_<T> class to hold objects of type
2439 T even if T has no copy or move constructor, which is prohibited by the standard
2440 std::vector<T> definition.
2442 @note Since C++11 added emplace_back() you can accomplish the same thing
2443 by calling emplace_back() with no arguments.
2445 @par Complexity:
2446     Same as the standard push_back(value) method except without the final
2447     call to T's copy constructor.
2448 @see emplace_back(), push_back(value)
2449 **/
2450 void push_back() {
2451     if (pallocated() == psize())
2452         growAtEnd(1,"Array_<T>::push_back()");
2453     defaultConstruct(end());
2454     incrSize();
2455 }
2457 /** (Deprecated, use emplace_back() instead) This dangerous non-standard method
2458 increases the Array's size by one element at the end but doesn't perform any
2459 construction so the memory is filled with garbage. You must immediately
2460 construct into this space, using code like:
2461 @code
2462     new(a.raw_push_back()) MyConstructor(args...);
2463 @endcode
2464 This is a substantial performance improvement when the element type is something
2465 complicated since the constructor is called once and not copied; it can also be
2466 used for objects that have neither default nor copy constructors.
2467 @return
2468     An iterator (pointer) pointing at the unconstructed element.
2470 @note Since C++11 added emplace_back() you can accomplish the same thing safely
2471 by calling emplace_back(args...) with the constructor arguments.
2473 @par Complexity:
2474     Same as ordinary push_back().
2475 @see emplace_back(), push_back(value)
2476 **/
2477 T* raw_push_back() {
2478     if (pallocated() == psize())
2479         growAtEnd(1,"Array_<T>::raw_push_back()");
2480     T* const p = end();
2481     incrSize();
2482     return p;
2483 }
2485 /** Remove the last element from this array, which must not be empty. The
2486 element is destructed, not returned. The array's size() is reduced by one. **/
2487 void pop_back() {
2488     SimTK_ERRCHK(!empty(), "Array_<T>::pop_back()", "Array was empty.");
2489     destruct(&back());
2490     decrSize();
2491 }
2493 /** Erase elements in range [first,last1), packing in any later elements into
2494 the newly-available space and reducing the array's size by the number of
2495 elements erased. Capacity is unchanged. If the range is empty nothing happens.
2497 @pre begin() <= \a first <= \a last1 <= end()
2498 @param      first
2499     Points to the first element that will be erased.
2500 @param      last1
2501     Points one element past the last element to be erased.
2502 @return
2503     An iterator pointing to the new location of the element immediately
2504     following the erased ones, or end() if there are none. Either way, this is
2505     the same memory address as the passed-in \a first argument since there can
2506     be no reallocation here.
2507 @par Complexity:
2508     Calls T's destructor once for each erased element and calls T's move
2509     constructor and destructor once for each element that has to be moved. **/
2510 T* erase(T* first, const T* last1) {
2511     SimTK_ERRCHK(begin() <= first && first <= last1 && last1 <= end(),
2512     "Array_<T>::erase(first,last1)", "Pointers out of range or out of order.");
2514     const size_type nErased = size_type(last1-first);
2515     SimTK_ERRCHK(isOwner() || nErased==0, "Array_<T>::erase(first,last1)",
2516         "No elements can be erased from a non-owner array.");
2518     if (nErased) {
2519         destruct(first, last1); // Destruct the elements we're erasing.
2520         moveElementsDown(first+nErased, nErased); //Compress followers into gap.
2521         setSize(size()-nErased);
2522     }
2523     return first;
2524 }
2526 /** Erase just one element, moving all subsequent elements down one slot and
2527 reducing the array's size by one. This is equivalent to erase(p,p+1) but faster;
2528 that means \a p cannot be end() because end()+1 is not defined. Capacity is
2529 unchanged.
2531 @note If you don't mind the elements being reordered, you can erase an element
2532 in constant time using the non-standard extension eraseFast().
2534 @param      p
2535     Points to the element that will be erased; \a p cannot be end().
2536 @return
2537     A pointer to the element that replaced the one at \a p, or end() if \a p
2538     was the last element. Either way, this is the same memory address as the
2539     erased element had since there can be no reallocation here.
2540 @pre begin() <= \a p < end()
2541 @par Complexity:
2542     Calls T's destructor once for the erased element and calls T's move
2543     constructor and destructor once for each element that has to be moved.
2544 @see eraseFast() **/
2545 T* erase(T* p) {
2546     SimTK_ERRCHK(begin() <= p && p < end(),
2547         "Array_<T>::erase(p)", "Pointer must point to a valid element.");
2548     SimTK_ERRCHK(isOwner(), "Array_<T>::erase(p)",
2549         "No elements can be erased from a non-owner array.");
2551     destruct(p);              // Destruct the element we're erasing.
2552     moveElementsDown(p+1, 1); // Compress followers into the gap.
2553     decrSize();
2554     return p;
2555 }
2558 /** Be careful with this non-standard extension; it erases one element and
2559 then moves the last one in its place which changes the element order
2560 from what it was before (unlike the standard erase() method). This avoids
2561 having to compress the elements so this runs in constant time:
2562 the element is destructed; then if it wasn't the last element the
2563 move constructor is used to move the last element into the vacated
2564 space, and the destructor is called to clear the last element. The
2565 size is reduced by 1 but the capacity does not change.
2567 @param      p
2568     Points to the element that will be erased; \a p cannot be end().
2569 @return
2570     A pointer to the element that replaced the one at \a p, or end() if \a p
2571     was the last element. Either way, this is the same memory address as the
2572     erased element had since there can be no reallocation here.
2573 @pre begin() <= \a p < end()
2574 @par Complexity:
2575     Calls T's destructor once for the erased element and calls T's move
2576     constructor and destructor once for each element that has to be moved.
2577 @see erase() **/
2578 T* eraseFast(T* p) {
2579     SimTK_ERRCHK(begin() <= p && p < end(),
2580         "Array_<T>::eraseFast(p)", "Pointer must point to a valid element.");
2581     SimTK_ERRCHK(isOwner(), "Array_<T>::eraseFast(p)",
2582         "No elements can be erased from a non-owner array.");
2584     destruct(p);
2585     if (p+1 != end())
2586         moveOneElement(p, &back());
2587     decrSize();
2588     return p;
2589 }
2591 /** Erase all the elements currently in this array without changing the
2592 capacity; equivalent to erase(begin(),end()) but a little faster. Size is
2593 zero after this call. T's destructor is called exactly once for each element
2594 in the array.
2596 @par Complexity:
2597     O(n) if T has a destructor; constant time otherwise. **/
2598 void clear() {
2599     SimTK_ERRCHK(isOwner() || empty(), "Array_<T>::clear()",
2600         "clear() is not allowed for a non-owner array.");
2601     destruct(begin(), end());
2602     setSize(0);
2603 }
2606 /** Insert \a n copies of a given value at a particular location within this
2607 array, moving all following elements up by \a n positions.
2609 @param[in]      p
2610     Where to insert the new elements. This must be an iterator (pointer) that
2611     is valid for this array, that is, begin() <= \a p <= end().
2612 @param[in]      n
2613     How many copies of the given \a value to insert. Nothing happens if
2614     \a n is zero.
2615 @param[in]      value
2616     A value of the element type that is copied into the newly-created elements
2617     using T's copy constructor.
2618 @return
2619     A pointer to the first of the newly-created elements in the array. This
2620     will be different from \a p if reallocation occurred, otherwise it is the
2621     same as \a p was on entry.
2623 @pre begin() <= \a p <= end()
2624 @par Complexity:
2625     If size() + \a n > capacity() then the array must be reallocated, resulting
2626     in size() move constructor/destructor call pairs to move the old data to
2627     the new location. Otherwise, the m=(end()-\a p) elements above the insertion
2628     point must be moved up \a n positions resulting in m move/destruct pairs.
2629     Then there are n copy constructor calls to construct the new elements from
2630     the given value.
2631 **/
2632 T* insert(T* p, size_type n, const T& value) {
2633     T* const gap = insertGapAt(p, n, "Array_<T>::insert(p,n,value)");
2634     // Copy construct into the inserted elements and note the size change.
2635     fillConstruct(gap, gap+n, value);
2636     setSize(size()+n);
2637     return gap;
2638 }
2640 /** Insert a new element at a given location within this array, initializing
2641 it to a copy of a given value and moving all following elements up one
2642 position. This is identical to insert(\a p,1,\a value) but slightly faster; see
2643 that method for full documentation. **/
2644 T* insert(T* p, const T& value)  {
2645     T* const gap = insertGapAt(p, 1, "Array_<T>::insert(p,value)");
2646     // Copy construct into the inserted element and note the size change.
2647     copyConstruct(gap, value);
2648     incrSize();
2649     return gap;
2650 }
2652 /** Insert a new element at a given location within this array, by invoking
2653 T's constructor whose signature matches the supplied arguments. All following
2654 elements are moved up one position. This is identical in effect to
2655 `insert(p,T(Args...))` but avoids the extra copy that would be required in that
2656 case. **/
2657 template <class... Args>
2658 T* emplace(T* p, Args&&... args)  { // special syntax; not an rvalue reference
2659     T* const gap = insertGapAt(p, 1, "Array_<T>::emplace(p,Args...)");
2660     // Construct into the inserted element and note the size change.
2661     new(gap) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...); // invoke the constructor
2662     incrSize();
2663     return gap;
2664 }
2666 /** Insert elements in a range [first,last1) into this array at a given position
2667 \a p, moving all following elements up by n=(last1-first) positions. This
2668 variant of insert() takes iterators which are ordinary pointers, although the
2669 source elements do not have to be of type T as long as there is a constructor
2670 T(T2) that works.
2672 @param[in]      p
2673     Where to insert the new elements. This must be an iterator (pointer) that
2674     is valid for this array, that is, begin() <= \a p <= end().
2675 @param[in]      first
2676     This is a pointer to the first element of the source to be copied.
2677 @param[in]      last1
2678     This points one element past the last element of the source to be copied.
2679 @return
2680     A pointer to the first of the newly-created elements in the array. This
2681     will be different from \a p if reallocation occurred, otherwise it is the
2682     same as \a p was on entry.
2684 @pre begin() <= \a p <= end()
2685 @pre first <= last1
2686 @pre The range [first,last1) does not include any of the current contents
2687 of this array.
2688 @par Complexity:
2689     If capacity() < size()+n then the array must be reallocated, resulting in
2690     size() calls to T's move constructor and destructor (if any) to move the old
2691     data to the new location. Otherwise, the m=(end()-\a p) elements above the
2692     insertion point must be moved up n positions resulting in m move/destruct
2693     pairs. Then there are n T(T2) constructor calls to construct the new
2694     elements from the given value. **/
2695 template <class T2>
2696 T* insert(T* p, const T2* first, const T2* last1) {
2697     const char* methodName = "Array_<T>::insert(T* p, T2* first, T2* last1)";
2698     SimTK_ERRCHK((first&&last1) || (first==last1), methodName,
2699         "One of first or last1 was null; either both or neither must be null.");
2700     SimTK_ERRCHK(!this->overlapsWithData(first,last1), methodName,
2701         "Source range can't overlap with the current array contents.");
2702     // Pointers are random access iterators.
2703     return insertIteratorDispatch(p, first, last1,
2704                                   std::random_access_iterator_tag(),
2705                                   methodName);
2706 }
2708 /** Insert elements in a range [first,last1) where the range is given by
2709 non-pointer iterators. **/
2710 template <class Iter>
2711 T* insert(T* p, const Iter& first, const Iter& last1) {
2712     return insertDispatch(p, first, last1,
2713                           typename IsIntegralType<Iter>::Result(),
2714                           "Array_<T>::insert(T* p, Iter first, Iter last1)");
2715 }
2716 /*@}    End of insertion and erase. **/
2720 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2721                                   private:
2722 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2725 // This method is used when we have already decided we need to make room for
2726 // some new elements by reallocation, by creating a gap somewhere within the
2727 // existing data. We'll issue an error message if this would violate the
2728 // max_size restriction (we can afford to do that even in a Release build since
2729 // we don't expect to grow very often). Otherwise we'll allocate some more space
2730 // and move construct the existing elements into the new space, leaving a gap
2731 // where indicated. Note that this method does not change the current size but
2732 // does change the capacity.
2733 //
2734 // The gapPos must point within the existing data with null OK if the array
2735 // itself is null, and end() being OK any time although you should use the
2736 // more specialized growAtEnd() method if you know that's what's happening.
2737 //
2738 // Don't call this with a gapSz of zero.
2739 T* growWithGap(T* gapPos, size_type gapSz, const char* methodName) {
2740     assert(gapSz > 0); // <= 0 is a bug, not a user error
2742     // Note that gapPos may be null if begin() and end() are also.
2743     SimTK_ERRCHK(begin() <= gapPos && gapPos <= end(), methodName,
2744         "Given insertion point is not valid for this array.");
2746     // Get some new space of a reasonable size.
2747     setAllocated(calcNewCapacityForGrowthBy(gapSz, methodName));
2748     T* newData   = allocN(allocated());
2750     // How many elements will be before the gap?
2751     const size_type nBefore = (size_type)(gapPos-begin());
2753     // Locate the gap in the new space allocation.
2754     T* newGap    = newData + nBefore;
2755     T* newGapEnd = newGap  + gapSz; // one past the last element in the gap
2757     // Move elements before insertion point; destruct source as we go.
2758     moveConstructThenDestructSource(newData,   newGap,        data());
2759     // Move/destruct elements at and after insertion pt; leave gapSz gap.
2760     moveConstructThenDestructSource(newGapEnd, newData+size(), gapPos);
2762     // Throw away the old data and switch to the new.
2763     freeN(data()); setData(newData);
2764     return newGap;
2765 }
2767 // Same as growWithGap(end(), n, methodName); see above.
2768 void growAtEnd(size_type n, const char* methodName) {
2769     assert(n > 0); // <= 0 is a bug, not a user error
2770     // Get some new space of a reasonable size.
2771     setAllocated(calcNewCapacityForGrowthBy(n, methodName));
2772     T* newData   = allocN(allocated());
2773     // Copy all the elements; destruct source as we go.
2774     moveConstructThenDestructSource(newData, newData+size(), data());
2775     // Throw away the old data and switch to the new.
2776     freeN(data()); setData(newData);
2777 }
2779 // This method determines how much we should increase the array's capacity
2780 // when asked to insert n elements, due to an insertion or push_back. We will
2781 // generally allocate more new space than requested, in anticipation of
2782 // further insertions. This has to be based on the current size so that only
2783 // log(n) reallocations are performed to insert n elements one at a time. Our
2784 // policy here is to at least double the capacity unless that would exceed
2785 // max_size(). There is also a minimum amount of allocation we'll do if the
2786 // current size is zero or very small.
2787 size_type calcNewCapacityForGrowthBy(size_type n, const char* methodName) const {
2788     SimTK_ERRCHK3_ALWAYS(isGrowthOK(n), methodName,
2789         "Can't grow this Array by %llu element(s) because it would"
2790         " then exceed the max_size of %llu set by its index type %s.",
2791         (unsigned long long)n, ullMaxSize(), indexName());
2793     // At this point we know that capacity()+n <= max_size().
2794     const size_type mustHave = capacity() + n;
2796     // Be careful not to overflow size_type as you could if you
2797     // double capacity() rather than halving max_size().
2798     const size_type wantToHave = capacity() <= max_size()/2
2799                                     ? 2*capacity()
2800                                     : max_size();
2802     const size_type newCapacity = std::max(std::max(mustHave,wantToHave),
2803                                            minAlloc());
2804     return newCapacity;
2805 }
2807 // Insert an unconstructed gap of size n beginning at position p. The return
2808 // value is a pointer to the first element in the gap. It will be p if no
2809 // reallocation occurred, otherwise it will be pointing into the new data.
2810 // On return size() will be unchanged although allocated() may be bigger.
2811 T* insertGapAt(T* p, size_type n, const char* methodName) {
2812     // Note that p may be null if begin() and end() are also.
2813     SimTK_ERRCHK(begin() <= p && p <= end(), methodName,
2814         "Given insertion point is not valid for this Array.");
2816     if (n==0) return p; // nothing to do
2818     SimTK_ERRCHK_ALWAYS(isOwner(), methodName,
2819         "No elements can be inserted into a non-owner array.");
2821     // Determine the number of elements before the insertion point and
2822     // the number at or afterwards (those must be moved up by one slot).
2823     const size_type before = (size_type)(p-begin()), after = (size_type)(end()-p);
2825     // Grow the container if necessary. Note that if we have to grow we
2826     // can create the gap at the same time we copy the old elements over
2827     // to the new space.
2828     if (capacity() >= size()+n) {
2829         moveElementsUp(p, n); // leave a gap at p
2830     } else { // need to grow
2831         setAllocated(calcNewCapacityForGrowthBy(n, methodName));
2832         T* newdata = allocN(allocated());
2833         // Move the elements before the insertion point, and destroy source.
2834         moveConstructThenDestructSource(newdata, newdata+before, data());
2835         // Copy the elements at and after the insertion point, leaving a gap
2836         // of n elements.
2837         moveConstructThenDestructSource(newdata+before+n,
2838                                         newdata+before+n+after,
2839                                         p); // i.e., pData+before
2840         p = newdata + before; // points into newdata now
2841         freeN(data());
2842         setData(newdata);
2843     }
2845     return p;
2846 }
2848 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2849 //                           CTOR DISPATCH
2850 // This is the constructor implementation for when the class that matches
2851 // the alleged InputIterator type turns out to be one of the integral types
2852 // in which case this should be the ctor(n, initValue) constructor.
2853 template <class IntegralType> void
2854 ctorDispatch(IntegralType n, IntegralType v, TrueType isIntegralType) {
2855     new(this) Array_(size_type(n), value_type(v));
2856 }
2858 // This is the constructor implementation for when the class that matches
2859 // the alleged InputIterator type is NOT an integral type and may very well
2860 // be an iterator. In that case we split into iterators for which we can
2861 // determine the number of elements in advance (forward, bidirectional,
2862 // random access) and input iterators, for which we can't. Note: iterator
2863 // types are arranged hierarchically random->bi->forward->input with each
2864 // deriving from the one on its right, so the forward iterator tag also
2865 // matches bi and random.
2866 template <class InputIterator> void
2867 ctorDispatch(const InputIterator& first, const InputIterator& last1,
2868              FalseType isIntegralType)
2869 {   ctorIteratorDispatch(first, last1,
2870         typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::iterator_category()); }
2872 // This is the slow generic ctor implementation for any iterator that can't
2873 // make it up to forward_iterator capability (that is, an input_iterator).
2874 // The issue here is that we can't advance the iterator to count the number
2875 // of elements before allocating because input_iterators are consumed when
2876 // reference so we can't go back to look. That means we may have to reallocate
2877 // memory log n times as we "push back" these elements onto the array.
2878 template <class InputIterator> void
2879 ctorIteratorDispatch(const InputIterator& first, const InputIterator& last1,
2880                      std::input_iterator_tag)
2881 {
2882     InputIterator src = first;
2883     while (src != last1) {
2884         // We can afford to check this always since we are probably doing I/O.
2885         // Throwing an exception in a constructor is tricky, though -- this
2886         // won't go through the Array_ destructor although it will call the
2887         // Base (ArrayView_) destructor. Since we have already allocated
2888         // some space, we must call deallocate() manually.
2889         if (size() == max_size()) {
2890             deallocate();
2891             SimTK_ERRCHK2_ALWAYS(!"too many elements",
2892                 "Array_::ctor(InputIterator first, InputIterator last1)",
2893                 "There were still source elements available when the array"
2894                 " reached its maximum size of %llu as determined by its index"
2895                 " type %s.", ullMaxSize(), indexName());
2896         }
2897         push_back(*src++);
2898     }
2899 }
2901 // This is the faster constructor implementation for iterator types for which
2902 // we can calculate the number of elements in advance. This will be optimal
2903 // for a random access iterator since we can count in constant time, but for
2904 // forward or bidirectional we'll have to advance n times to count and then
2905 // go back again to do the copy constructions.
2906 template <class ForwardIterator> void
2907 ctorIteratorDispatch(const ForwardIterator& first, const ForwardIterator& last1,
2908                      std::forward_iterator_tag)
2909 {
2910     typedef typename std::iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::difference_type
2911         difference_type;
2912     // iterDistance() is constant time for random access iterators, but
2913     // O(last1-first) for forward and bidirectional since it has to increment
2914     // to count how far apart they are.
2915     const difference_type nInput = this->iterDistance(first,last1);
2917     SimTK_ERRCHK(nInput >= 0,
2918         "Array_(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last1)",
2919         "Iterators were out of order.");
2921     SimTK_ERRCHK3(this->isSizeOK(nInput),
2922         "Array_(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last1)",
2923         "Source has %llu elements but this array is limited to %llu"
2924         " elements by its index type %s.",
2925         this->ull(nInput), ullMaxSize(), indexName());
2927     const size_type n = size_type(nInput);
2928     setSize(n);
2929     allocateNoConstruct(n);
2930     copyConstruct(data(), data()+n, first);
2931 }
2933 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2934 //                           INSERT DISPATCH
2935 // This is the insert() implementation for when the class that matches
2936 // the alleged InputIterator type turns out to be one of the integral types
2937 // in which case this should be the insert(p, n, initValue) constructor.
2938 template <class IntegralType>
2939 T* insertDispatch(T* p, IntegralType n, IntegralType v,
2940                   TrueType isIntegralType, const char*)
2941 {   return insert(p, size_type(n), value_type(v)); }
2943 // This is the insert() implementation for when the class that matches
2944 // the alleged InputIterator type is NOT an integral type and may very well
2945 // be an iterator. See ctorDispatch() above for more information.
2946 template <class InputIterator>
2947 T* insertDispatch(T* p, const InputIterator& first, const InputIterator& last1,
2948                   FalseType isIntegralType, const char* methodName)
2949 {   return insertIteratorDispatch(p, first, last1,
2950         typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::iterator_category(),
2951         methodName); }
2953 // This is the slow generic insert implementation for any iterator that can't
2954 // make it up to forward_iterator capability (that is, an input_iterator).
2955 // See ctorIteratorDispatch() above for more information.
2956 template <class InputIterator>
2957 T* insertIteratorDispatch(T* p, InputIterator first, InputIterator last1,
2958                           std::input_iterator_tag, const char* methodName)
2959 {
2960     size_type nInserted = 0;
2961     while (first != last1) {
2962         // We can afford to check this always since we are probably doing I/O.
2963         SimTK_ERRCHK2_ALWAYS(size() < max_size(), methodName,
2964             "There were still source elements available when the array"
2965             " reached its maximum size of %llu as determined by its index"
2966             " type %s.", ullMaxSize(), indexName());
2967         p = insert(p, *first++);  // p may now point to reallocated memory
2968         ++p; ++nInserted;
2969     }
2970     // p now points just after the last inserted element; subtract the
2971     // number inserted to get a pointer to the first inserted element.
2972     return p-nInserted;
2973 }
2975 // This is the faster insert implementation for iterator types for which
2976 // we can calculate the number of elements in advance. This will be optimal
2977 // for a random access iterator since we can count in constant time, but for
2978 // forward or bidirectional we'll have to advance n times to count and then
2979 // go back again to do the copy constructions.
2980 template <class ForwardIterator>
2981 T* insertIteratorDispatch(T* p, const ForwardIterator& first,
2982                                 const ForwardIterator& last1,
2983                                 std::forward_iterator_tag,
2984                                 const char* methodName)
2985 {
2986     typedef typename std::iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::difference_type
2987         difference_type;
2988     // iterDistance() is constant time for random access iterators, but
2989     // O(last1-first) for forward and bidirectional since it has to increment
2990     // to count how far apart they are.
2991     const difference_type nInput = this->iterDistance(first,last1);
2993     SimTK_ERRCHK(nInput >= 0, methodName, "Iterators were out of order.");
2995     SimTK_ERRCHK3(isGrowthOK(nInput), methodName,
2996         "Source has %llu elements which would make this array exceed the %llu"
2997         " elements allowed by its index type %s.",
2998         this->ull(nInput), ullMaxSize(), indexName());
3000     const size_type n = size_type(nInput);
3001     p = insertGapAt(p, n, methodName);
3002     copyConstruct(p, p+n, first);
3003     setSize(size()+n);
3004     return p;
3005 }
3007 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3008 //                           ASSIGN DISPATCH
3009 // This is the assign() implementation for when the class that matches
3010 // the alleged InputIterator type turns out to be one of the integral types
3011 // in which case this should be the assign(n, initValue) constructor.
3012 template <class IntegralType>
3013 void assignDispatch(IntegralType n, IntegralType v, TrueType isIntegralType,
3014                     const char* methodName)
3015 {   assign(size_type(n), value_type(v)); }
3017 // This is the assign() implementation for when the class that matches
3018 // the alleged InputIterator type is NOT an integral type and may very well
3019 // be an iterator. See ctorDispatch() above for more information.
3020 template <class InputIterator>
3021 void assignDispatch(const InputIterator& first, const InputIterator& last1,
3022                     FalseType isIntegralType, const char* methodName)
3023 {   assignIteratorDispatch(first, last1,
3024         typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::iterator_category(),
3025         methodName); }
3027 // This is the slow generic implementation for a plain input_iterator
3028 // (i.e., not a forward, bidirectional, or random access iterator). These
3029 // have the unfortunate property that we can't count the elements in advance.
3030 template <class InputIterator>
3031 void assignIteratorDispatch(const InputIterator& first,
3032                             const InputIterator& last1,
3033                             std::input_iterator_tag,
3034                             const char* methodName)
3035 {
3036     // TODO: should probably allow this and just blow up when the size()+1st
3037     // element is seen.
3038     SimTK_ERRCHK_ALWAYS(isOwner(), methodName,
3039         "Assignment to a non-owner array can only be done from a source"
3040         " designated with forward iterators or pointers because we"
3041         " must be able to verify that the source and destination sizes"
3042         " are the same.");
3044     clear(); // TODO: change space allocation here?
3045     InputIterator src = first;
3046     while (src != last1) {
3047         // We can afford to check this always since we are probably doing I/O.
3048         SimTK_ERRCHK2_ALWAYS(size() < max_size(), methodName,
3049             "There were still source elements available when the array"
3050             " reached its maximum size of %llu as determined by its index"
3051             " type %s.", ullMaxSize(), indexName());
3053         push_back(*src++);
3054     }
3055 }
3057 // This is the faster implementation that works for forward, bidirectional,
3058 // and random access iterators including ordinary pointers. We can check here that the
3059 // iterators are in the right order, and that the source is not too big to
3060 // fit in this array. Null pointer checks should be done prior to calling,
3061 // however, since iterators in general aren't pointers.
3062 template <class ForwardIterator>
3063 void assignIteratorDispatch(const ForwardIterator& first,
3064                             const ForwardIterator& last1,
3065                             std::forward_iterator_tag,
3066                             const char* methodName)
3067 {
3068     typedef typename std::iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::difference_type
3069         IterDiffType;
3070     // iterDistance() is constant time for random access iterators, but
3071     // O(last1-first) for forward and bidirectional since it has to increment
3072     // to count how far apart they are.
3073     const IterDiffType nInput = this->iterDistance(first,last1);
3075     SimTK_ERRCHK(nInput >= 0, methodName, "Iterators were out of order.");
3077     SimTK_ERRCHK3(this->isSizeOK(nInput), methodName,
3078         "Source has %llu elements but this Array is limited to %llu"
3079         " elements by its index type %s.",
3080         this->ull(nInput), ullMaxSize(), indexName());
3082     const size_type n = size_type(nInput);
3083     if (isOwner()) {
3084         // This is an owner Array; assignment is considered deallocation
3085         // followed by copy construction.
3087         clear(); // all elements destructed; allocation unchanged
3088         reallocateIfAdvisable(n); // change allocation if too small or too big
3089         copyConstruct(data(), cdata()+n, first);
3090         setSize(n);
3091     } else {
3092         // This is a non-owner Array. Assignment can occur only if the
3093         // source is the same size as the array, and the semantics are of
3094         // repeated assignment using T::operator=() not destruction followed
3095         // by copy construction.
3096         SimTK_ERRCHK2(n == size(), methodName,
3097             "Source has %llu elements which does not match the size %llu "
3098             "of the non-owner array it is being assigned into.",
3099             this->ull(n), ullSize());
3101         T* p = begin();
3102         ForwardIterator src = first;
3103         while (src != last1)
3104             *p++ = *src++; // call T's assignment operator
3105     }
3106 }
3108 // We are going to put a total of n elements into the Array (probably
3109 // because of an assignment or resize) and we want the space allocation
3110 // to be reasonable. That means of course that the allocation must be
3111 // *at least* n, but we also don't want it to be too big. Our policy
3112 // here is that if it is currently less than twice what we need we
3113 // won't reallocate, otherwise we'll shrink the space. When changing
3114 // the size to zero or something very small we'll treat the Array as
3115 // though its current size is minAlloc, meaning we won't reallocate
3116 // if the existing space is less than twice minAlloc.
3117 // nAllocated will be set appropriately; size() is not touched here.
3118 // No constructors or destructors are called.
3119 void reallocateIfAdvisable(size_type n) {
3120     if (allocated() < n || allocated()/2 > std::max(minAlloc(), n))
3121         reallocateNoDestructOrConstruct(n);
3122 }
3125 void allocateNoConstruct(size_type n)
3126 {   setData(allocN(n)); setAllocated(n); } // size() left unchanged
3127 void deallocateNoDestruct()
3128 {   freeN(data()); setData(0); setAllocated(0); } // size() left unchanged
3129 void reallocateNoDestructOrConstruct(size_type n)
3130 {   deallocateNoDestruct(); allocateNoConstruct(n); }
3132 // This sets the smallest allocation we'll do when growing.
3133 size_type minAlloc() const
3134 {   return std::min(max_size(), size_type(4)); }
3136 // Allocate without construction. Returns a null pointer if asked
3137 // to allocate 0 elements. In Debug mode we'll fill memory with
3138 // all 1's as a bug catcher.
3139 static T* allocN(size_type n) {
3140     if (n==0) return 0;
3141     unsigned char* newdata = new unsigned char[n * sizeof(T)];
3142     #ifndef NDEBUG
3143         unsigned char* b=newdata;
3144         const unsigned char* e=newdata+(n*sizeof(T));
3145         while (b != e) *b++ = 0xff;
3146     #endif
3147     return reinterpret_cast<T*>(newdata);
3148 }
3150 // Free memory without calling T's destructor. Nothing happens if passed
3151 // a null pointer.
3152 static void freeN(T* p) {
3153     delete[] reinterpret_cast<char*>(p);
3154 }
3156 // default construct one element
3157 static void defaultConstruct(T* p) {new(p) T();}
3158 // default construct range [b,e)
3159 static void defaultConstruct(T* b, const T* e)
3160 {   while (b!=e) new(b++) T(); }
3162 // copy construct range [b,e) with repeats of a given value
3163 static void fillConstruct(T* b, const T* e, const T& v)
3164 {   while(b!=e) new(b++) T(v); }
3166 // copy construct one element from a given value
3167 static void copyConstruct(T* p, const T& v) {new(p) T(v);}
3168 // move construct one element from a given value
3169 static void moveConstruct(T* p, T&& v) {new(p) T(std::move(v));}
3171 // copy construct range [b,e) from sequence of source values
3172 static void copyConstruct(T* b, const T* e, T* src)
3173 {   while(b!=e) new(b++) T(*src++); }
3174 // move construct range [b,e) from sequence of source values
3175 static void moveConstruct(T* b, const T* e, T* src)
3176 {   while(b!=e) new(b++) T(std::move(*src++)); }
3178 // Templatized copy construct will work if the source elements are
3179 // assignment compatible with the destination elements.
3180 template <class InputIterator>
3181 static void copyConstruct(T* b, const T* e, InputIterator src)
3182 {   while(b!=e) new(b++) T(*src++); }
3184 // Copy construct range [b,e] from sequence of source values and
3185 // destruct the source after it is copied. It's better to alternate
3186 // copying and destructing than to do this in two passes since we
3187 // will already have touched the memory.
3188 static void copyConstructThenDestructSource(T* b, const T* e, T* src)
3189 {   while(b!=e) {new(b++) T(*src); src++->~T();} }
3191 // Move construct range [b,e] from sequence of source values and
3192 // destruct the source after it is copied. It's better to alternate
3193 // moving and destructing than to do this in two passes since we
3194 // will already have touched the memory.
3195 static void moveConstructThenDestructSource(T* b, const T* e, T* src)
3196 {   while(b!=e) {new(b++) T(std::move(*src)); src++->~T();} }
3198 // We have an element at from that we would like to move into the currently-
3199 // unconstructed slot at to. Both from and to are expected to be pointing to
3200 // elements within the currently allocated space. From's slot will be left
3201 // unconstructed.
3202 void moveOneElement(T* to, T* from) {
3203     assert(data() <= to   && to   < data()+allocated());
3204     assert(data() <= from && from < data()+allocated());
3205     moveConstruct(to, std::move(*from));
3206     destruct(from);
3207 }
3210 // Move elements from p to end() down by n>0 places to fill an unconstructed
3211 // gap beginning at p-n. Any leftover space at the end will be unconstructed.
3212 void moveElementsDown(T* p, size_type n) {
3213     assert(n > 0);
3214     for (; p != end(); ++p)
3215         moveOneElement(p-n,p);
3216 }
3218 // Move elements from p to end() up by n>0 places to make an unconstructed gap
3219 // at [p,p+n). Note that this has to be done backwards so that we don't
3220 // write on any elements until after they've been copied.
3221 void moveElementsUp(T* p, size_type n) {
3222     assert(n > 0);
3223     T* src = end(); // points one past source element (begin()-1 not allowed)
3224     while (src != p) {
3225         --src; // now points to source
3226         moveOneElement(src+n, src);;
3227     }
3228 }
3230 // destruct one element
3231 static void destruct(T* p) {p->~T();}
3232 // destruct range [b,e)
3233 static void destruct(T* b, const T* e)
3234 {   while(b!=e) b++->~T(); }
3236 // Check that growing this array by n elements wouldn't cause it to exceed
3237 // its allowable maximum size.
3238 template <class S>
3239 bool isGrowthOK(S n) const
3240 {   return this->isSizeOK(ullCapacity() + this->ull(n)); }
3242 // The following private methods are protected methods in the ArrayView base
3243 // class, so they should not need repeating here. However, we explicitly
3244 // forward to the Base methods to avoid gcc errors. The gcc complaint
3245 // is due to their not depending on any template parameters; the "this->"
3246 // apparently fixes that problem.
3248 // These provide direct access to the data members.
3249 packed_size_type psize()      const {return this->CBase::psize();}
3250 packed_size_type pallocated() const {return this->CBase::pallocated();}
3252 void setData(const T* p)       {this->CBase::setData(p);}
3253 void setSize(size_type n)      {this->CBase::setSize(n);}
3254 void incrSize()                {this->CBase::incrSize();}
3255 void decrSize()                {this->CBase::decrSize();}
3256 void setAllocated(size_type n) {this->CBase::setAllocated(n);}
3257 // This just cast sizes to unsigned long long so that we can do comparisons
3258 // without getting warnings.
3259 unsigned long long ullSize()     const
3260 {   return this->CBase::ullSize(); }
3261 unsigned long long ullCapacity() const
3262 {   return this->CBase::ullCapacity(); }
3263 unsigned long long ullMaxSize()  const
3264 {   return this->CBase::ullMaxSize(); }
3265 // This is the index type name and is handy for error messages to explain
3266 // why some size was too big.
3267 const char* indexName() const   {return this->CBase::indexName();}
3268 };
3271 // This "private" static method is used to implement ArrayView's
3272 // fillArrayViewFromStream() and Array's readArrayFromStream() namespace-scope
3273 // static methods, which are in turn used to implement ArrayView's and
3274 // Array's stream extraction operators ">>". This method has to be in the
3275 // header file so that we don't need to pass streams through the API, but it
3276 // is not intended for use by users and has no Doxygen presence, unlike
3277 // fillArrayFromStream() and readArrayFromStream() and (more commonly)
3278 // the extraction operators.
3279 template <class T, class X> static inline
3280 std::istream& readArrayFromStreamHelper
3281    (std::istream& in, bool isFixedSize, Array_<T,X>& out)
3282 {
3283     // If already failed, bad, or eof, set failed bit and return without
3284     // touching the Array.
3285     if (!in.good()) {in.setstate(std::ios::failbit); return in;}
3287     // If the passed-in Array isn't an owner, then we have to treat it as
3288     // a fixed size ArrayView regardless of the setting of the isFixedSize
3289     // argument.
3290     if (!out.isOwner())
3291         isFixedSize = true; // might be overriding the argument here
3293     // numRequired will be ignored unless isFixedSize==true.
3294     const typename Array_<T,X>::size_type
3295         numRequired = isFixedSize ? out.size() : 0;
3297     if (!isFixedSize)
3298         out.clear(); // We're going to replace the entire contents of the Array.
3300     // Skip initial whitespace. If that results in eof this may be a successful
3301     // read of a 0-length, unbracketed Array. That is OK for either a
3302     // variable-length Array or a fixed-length ArrayView of length zero.
3303     std::ws(in); if (in.fail()) return in;
3304     if (in.eof()) {
3305         if (isFixedSize && numRequired != 0)
3306             in.setstate(std::ios_base::failbit); // zero elements not OK
3307         return in;
3308     }
3310     // Here the stream is good and the next character is non-white.
3311     assert(in.good());
3313     // Use this for raw i/o (peeks and gets).
3314     typename       std::iostream::int_type ch;
3316     #ifndef NDEBUG  // avoid unused variable warnings in Release
3317     const typename std::iostream::int_type EOFch =
3318         std::iostream::traits_type::eof();
3319     #endif
3321     // Now see if the sequence is bare or surrounded by (), [], or {}.
3322     bool lookForCloser = true;
3323     ch = in.peek(); if (in.fail()) return in;
3324     assert(ch != EOFch); // we already checked above
3326     char openBracket{static_cast<char>(ch)}, closeBracket{};
3327     if      (openBracket=='(') {in.get(); closeBracket = ')';}
3328     else if (openBracket=='[') {in.get(); closeBracket = ']';}
3329     else if (openBracket=='{') {in.get(); closeBracket = '}';}
3330     else lookForCloser = false;
3332     // If lookForCloser is true, then closeBracket contains the terminating
3333     // delimiter, otherwise we're not going to quit until eof.
3335     // Eat whitespace after the opening bracket to see what's next.
3336     if (in.good()) std::ws(in);
3338     // If we're at eof now it must be because the open bracket was the
3339     // last non-white character in the stream, which is an error.
3340     if (!in.good()) {
3341         if (in.eof()) {
3342             assert(lookForCloser); // or we haven't read anything that could eof
3343             in.setstate(std::ios::failbit);
3344         }
3345         return in;
3346     }
3348     // istream is good and next character is non-white; ready to read first
3349     // value or terminator.
3351     // We need to figure out whether the elements are space- or comma-
3352     // separated and then insist on consistency.
3353     bool commaOK = true, commaRequired = false;
3354     bool terminatorSeen = false;
3355     X nextIndex(0);
3356     while (true) {
3357         char c;
3359         // Here at the top of this loop, we have already successfully read
3360         // n=nextIndex values of type T. For fixed-size reads, it might be
3361         // the case that n==numRequired already, but we still may need to
3362         // look for a closing bracket before we can declare victory.
3363         // The stream is good() (not at eof) but it might be the case that
3364         // there is nothing but white space left; we don't know yet because
3365         // if we have satisfied the fixed-size count and are not expecting
3366         // a terminator then we should quit without absorbing the trailing
3367         // white space.
3368         assert(in.good());
3370         // Look for closing bracket before trying to read value.
3371         if (lookForCloser) {
3372             // Eat white space to find the closing bracket.
3373             std::ws(in); if (!in.good()) break; // eof?
3374             ch = in.peek(); assert(ch != EOFch);
3375             if (!in.good()) break;
3376             c = (char)ch;
3377             if (c == closeBracket) {
3378                 in.get(); // absorb the closing bracket
3379                 terminatorSeen = true;
3380                 break;
3381             }
3382             // next char not a closing bracket; fall through
3383         }
3385         // We didn't look or didn't find a closing bracket. The istream is good
3386         // but we might be looking at white space.
3388         // If we already got all the elements we want, break for final checks.
3389         if (isFixedSize && (nextIndex == numRequired))
3390             break; // that's a full count.
3392         // Look for comma before value, except the first time.
3393         if (commaOK && nextIndex != 0) {
3394             // Eat white space to find the comma.
3395             std::ws(in); if (!in.good()) break; // eof?
3396             ch = in.peek(); assert(ch != EOFch);
3397             if (!in.good()) break;
3398             c = (char)ch;
3399             if (c == ',') {
3400                 in.get(); // absorb comma
3401                 commaRequired = true; // all commas from now on
3402             } else { // next char not a comma
3403                 if (commaRequired) // bad, e.g.: v1, v2, v3 v4
3404                 {   in.setstate(std::ios::failbit); break; }
3405                 else commaOK = false; // saw: v1 v2 (no commas now)
3406             }
3407             if (!in.good()) break; // might be eof
3408         }
3410         // No closing bracket yet; don't have enough elements; skipped comma
3411         // if any; istream is good; might be looking at white space.
3412         assert(in.good());
3414         // Now read in an element of type T.
3415         // The extractor T::operator>>() will ignore leading white space.
3416         if (!isFixedSize)
3417             out.push_back(); // grow by one (default consructed)
3418         in >> out[nextIndex]; if (in.fail()) break;
3419         ++nextIndex;
3421         if (!in.good()) break; // might be eof
3422     }
3424     // We will get here under a number of circumstances:
3425     //  - the fail bit is set in the istream, or
3426     //  - we reached eof
3427     //  - we saw a closing brace
3428     //  - we got all the elements we wanted (for a fixed-size read)
3429     // Note that it is possible that we consumed everything except some
3430     // trailing white space (meaning we're not technically at eof), but
3431     // for consistency with built-in operator>>()'s we won't try to absorb
3432     // that trailing white space.
3434     if (!in.fail()) {
3435         if (lookForCloser && !terminatorSeen)
3436             in.setstate(std::ios::failbit); // missing terminator
3438         if (isFixedSize && nextIndex != numRequired)
3439             in.setstate(std::ios::failbit); // wrong number of values
3440     }
3442     return in;
3443 }
3447 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3448 //                          RELATED GLOBAL OPERATORS
3449 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3450 // These are logically part of the Array_<T,X> class but are not actually
3451 // class members; that is, they are in the SimTK namespace.
3453 // Some of the serialization methods could have been member functions but
3454 // then an attempt to explicitly instantiate the whole Array_<T> class for
3455 // some type T would fail if T did not support the requisite I/O operations
3456 // even if those operations were never used. This came up when Chris Bruns was
3457 // trying to wrap Array objects for Python, which requires explicit
3458 // instantiation.
3460 /**@name             Array_<T> serialization and I/O
3461 These methods are at namespace scope but are logically part of the Array
3462 classes. These deal with reading and writing Arrays from and to streams,
3463 which places an additional requirement on the element type T: the element
3464 must support the same operation you are trying to do on the Array as a
3465 whole. **/
3466 /*@{*/
3468 /** Specialize writeUnformatted() for Array_<E,X> to delegate to element type
3469 E, with spaces separating the elements.
3470 @relates SimTK::Array_ **/
3471 template <class T, class X> inline void
3472 writeUnformatted(std::ostream& o, const Array_<T,X>& v) {
3473     for (X i(0); i < v.size(); ++i) {
3474         if (i != 0) o << " ";
3475         writeUnformatted(o, v[i]);
3476     }
3477 }
3480 /** Specialize writeFormatted() for Array_<E,X> to delegate to element type
3481 E, with surrounding parentheses and commas separating the elements.
3482 @relates SimTK::Array_ **/
3483 template <class T, class X> inline void
3484 writeFormatted(std::ostream& o, const Array_<T,X>& v) {
3485     o << '(';
3486     for (X i(0); i < v.size(); ++i) {
3487         if (i != 0) o << ',';
3488         writeFormatted(o, v[i]);
3489     }
3490     o << ')';
3491 }
3493 /** Output a human readable representation of an array to an std::ostream
3494 (like std::cout). The format is ( \e elements ) where \e elements is a
3495 comma-separated list of the Array's contents output by invoking the "<<"
3496 operator on the elements. This function will not compile if the element type
3497 does not support the "<<" operator. No newline is issued before
3498 or after the output. @relates Array_ **/
3499 template <class T, class X> inline
3500 std::ostream&
3501 operator<<(std::ostream& o,
3502            const ArrayViewConst_<T,X>& a)
3503 {
3504     o << '(';
3505     if (!a.empty()) {
3506         o << a.front();
3507         for (const T* p = a.begin()+1; p != a.end(); ++p)
3508             o << ',' << *p;
3509     }
3510     return o << ')';
3511 }
3514 /** Specialization of readUnformatted() for variable-length Array_<T,X>;
3515 continues reading whitespace-separated tokens until error or eof.
3516 @relates Array_ **/
3517 template <class T, class X> inline bool
3518 readUnformatted(std::istream& in, Array_<T,X>& v) {
3519     v.clear();
3520     T element;
3521     std::ws(in); // Make sure we're at eof if stream is all whitespace.
3522     while (!in.eof() && readUnformatted(in, element))
3523         v.push_back(element);
3524     return !in.fail(); // eof is expected and ok
3525 }
3527 /** Specialization of readUnformatted() for fixed-length ArrayView_<T,X>; reads
3528 whitespace-separated tokens until the expected number have been read. If fewer
3529 are available we fail.
3530 @relates ArrayView_ **/
3531 template <class T, class X> inline bool
3532 readUnformatted(std::istream& in, ArrayView_<T,X>& v) {
3533     for (X i(0); i < v.size(); ++i)
3534         if (!readUnformatted(in, v[i])) return false;
3535     return true;
3536 }
3539 /** Specialization of readFormatted() for variable-length Array_<T,X>;
3540 uses readArrayFromStream() to consume an appropriately-formatted array
3541 until error, closing parenthesis or bracket, or eof.
3542 @see readArrayFromStream() for details
3543 @relates Array_ **/
3544 template <class T, class X> inline bool
3545 readFormatted(std::istream& in, Array_<T,X>& v) {
3546     return !readArrayFromStream(in,v).fail();
3547 }
3549 /** Specialization of readFormatted() for fixed-length ArrayView_<T,X>; uses
3550 fillArrayViewFromStream() to consume an appropriately-formatted fixed-size
3551 array.
3552 @see fillArrayViewFromStream() for details
3553 @relates ArrayView_ **/
3554 template <class T, class X> inline bool
3555 readFormatted(std::istream& in, ArrayView_<T,X>& v) {
3556     return !fillArrayViewFromStream(in,v).fail();
3557 }
3559 /** Read in an Array_<T> from a stream, as a sequence of space-separated or
3560 comma-separated values optionally surrounded by parentheses (), square
3561 brackets [], or curly braces {}. We will continue to read elements of
3562 type T from the stream until we find a reason to stop, using type T's stream
3563 extraction operator>>() to read in each element and resizing the Array as
3564 necessary. If the data is bracketed, we'll read until we hit the closing
3565 bracket. If it is not bracketed, we'll read until we hit eof() or get an error
3566 such as the element extractor setting the stream's fail bit due to bad
3567 formatting. On successful return, the stream will be positioned right after
3568 the final read-in element or terminating bracket, and the stream's status will
3569 be good() or eof(). We will not consume trailing whitespace after bracketed
3570 elements; that means the stream might actually be empty even if we don't
3571 return eof(). If you want to know whether there is anything else in the
3572 stream, follow this call with the STL whitespace skipper std::ws() like this:
3573 @code
3574     if (readArrayFromStream(in,array) && !in.eof())
3575         std::ws(in); // might take us to eof
3576     if (in.fail()) {...} // probably a formatting error
3577     else {
3578         // Here if the stream is good() then there is more to read; if the
3579         // stream got used up the status is guaranteed to be eof().
3580     }
3581 @endcode
3582 A compilation error will occur if you try to use this method on an Array_<T>
3583 for a type T for which there is no stream extraction operator>>().
3584 @note If you want to fill an owner Array_<T> with a fixed amount of data from
3585 the stream, resize() the array to the appropriate length and then use
3586 fillArrayFromStream() instead. @see fillArrayFromStream()
3587 @relates Array_ **/
3588 template <class T, class X> static inline
3589 std::istream& readArrayFromStream(std::istream& in, Array_<T,X>& out)
3590 {   return readArrayFromStreamHelper<T,X>(in, false /*variable sizez*/, out); }
3594 /** Read in a fixed number of elements from a stream into an Array. We expect
3595 to read in exactly size() elements of type T, using type T's stream extraction
3596 operator>>(). This will stop reading when we've read size() elements, or set
3597 the fail bit in the stream if we run out of elements or if any element's
3598 extract operator sets the fail bit. On successful return, all size() elements
3599 will have been set, the stream will be positioned right after the final
3600 read-in element or terminating bracket, and the stream's status will be good()
3601 or eof(). We will not consume trailing whitespace after reading all the
3602 elements; that means the stream might actually be empty even if we don't
3603 return eof(). If you want to know whether there is anything else in the
3604 stream, follow this call with std::ws() like this:
3605 @code
3606     if (fillArrayFromStream(in,array))
3607         if (!in.eof()) std::ws(in); // might take us to eof
3608     if (in.fail()) {...} // deal with I/O or formatting error
3609     // Here if the stream is good() then there is more to read; if the
3610     // stream got used up the status is guaranteed to be eof().
3611 @endcode
3612 A compilation error will occur if you try to use this method on an Array_<T>
3613 for a type T for which there is no stream extraction operator>>().
3614 @note If you want to read in a variable number of elements and have the
3615 Array_<T> resized as needed, use readArrayFromStream() instead.
3616 @see readArrayFromStream()
3617 @relates Array_ **/
3618 template <class T, class X> static inline
3619 std::istream& fillArrayFromStream(std::istream& in, Array_<T,X>& out)
3620 {   return readArrayFromStreamHelper<T,X>(in, true /*fixed size*/, out); }
3622 /** Read in a fixed number of elements from a stream into an ArrayView. See
3623 fillArrayFromStream() for more information; this works the same way.
3624 @see fillArrayFromStream()
3625 @relates ArrayView_ **/
3626 template <class T, class X> static inline
3627 std::istream& fillArrayViewFromStream(std::istream& in, ArrayView_<T,X>& out)
3628 {   return readArrayFromStreamHelper<T,X>(in, true /*fixed size*/, out); }
3633 /** Read an Array_<T> from a stream as a sequence of space- or comma-separated
3634 values of type T, optionally delimited by parentheses, brackets, or braces.
3635 The Array_<T> may be an owner (variable size) or a view (fixed size n). In
3636 the case of an owner, we'll read all the elements in brackets or until eof if
3637 there are no brackets. In the case of a view, there must be exactly n elements
3638 in brackets, or if there are no brackets we'll consume exactly n elements and
3639 then stop. Each element is read in with its own operator ">>" so this won't
3640 work if no such operator is defined for type T.
3641 @relates Array_ **/
3642 template <class T, class X> inline
3643 std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, Array_<T,X>& out)
3644 {   return readArrayFromStream<T,X>(in, out); }
3646 /** Read a (fixed size n) ArrayView_<T> from a stream as a sequence of space-
3647 or comma-separated values of type T, optionally delimited by parentheses,
3648 square brackets, or curly braces. If there are no delimiters then we will read
3649 size() values and then stop. Otherwise, there must be exactly size() values
3650 within the brackets. Each element is read in with its own operator ">>" so
3651 this won't work if no such operator is defined for type T.
3652 @relates ArrayView_ **/
3653 template <class T, class X> inline
3654 std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, ArrayView_<T,X>& out)
3655 {   return fillArrayViewFromStream<T,X>(in, out); }
3657 /*@}                       End of Array serialization. **/
3661 /**@name                    Comparison operators
3662 These operators permit lexicographical comparisons between two comparable
3663 Array_ objects, possibly with differing element and index types, and between
3664 an Array_ object and a comparable std::vector object. @relates Array_ **/
3665 /*@{*/
3667 /** Two Array_ objects are equal if and only if they are the same size() and
3668 each element compares equal using an operator T1==T2. @relates Array_ **/
3669 template <class T1, class X1, class T2, class X2> inline bool
3670 operator==(const ArrayViewConst_<T1,X1>& a1, const ArrayViewConst_<T2,X2>& a2) {
3671     // Avoid warnings in size comparison by using common type.
3672     const ptrdiff_t sz1 = a1.end()-a1.begin();
3673     const ptrdiff_t sz2 = a2.end()-a2.begin();
3674     if (sz1 != sz2) return false;
3675     const T1* p1 = a1.begin();
3676     const T2* p2 = a2.begin();
3677     while (p1 != a1.end())
3678         if (!(*p1++ == *p2++)) return false;
3679     return true;
3680 }
3681 /** The not equal operator is implemented using the equal operator.
3682 @relates Array_ **/
3683 template <class T1, class X1, class T2, class X2> inline bool
3684 operator!=(const ArrayViewConst_<T1,X1>& a1, const ArrayViewConst_<T2,X2>& a2)
3685 {   return !(a1 == a2); }
3687 /** Array_ objects are ordered lexicographically; that is, by first differing
3688 element or by length if there are no differing elements up to the length of the
3689 shorter array (in which case the shorter one is "less than" the longer).
3690 This depends on T1==T2 and T1<T2 operators working. @relates Array_ **/
3691 template <class T1, class X1, class T2, class X2> inline bool
3692 operator<(const ArrayViewConst_<T1,X1>& a1, const ArrayViewConst_<T2,X2>& a2) {
3693     const T1* p1 = a1.begin();
3694     const T2* p2 = a2.begin();
3695     while (p1 != a1.end() && p2 != a2.end()) {
3696         if (!(*p1 == *p2))
3697             return *p1 < *p2; // otherwise p1 > p2
3698         ++p1; ++p2;
3699     }
3700     // All elements were equal until one or both arrays ran out of elements.
3701     // a1 is less than a2 only if a1 ran out and a2 didn't.
3702     return p1 == a1.end() && p2 != a2.end();
3703 }
3704 /** The greater than or equal operator is implemented using the less than
3705 operator. @relates Array_ **/
3706 template <class T1, class X1, class T2, class X2> inline bool
3707 operator>=(const ArrayViewConst_<T1,X1>& a1, const ArrayViewConst_<T2,X2>& a2)
3708 {   return !(a1 < a2); }
3709 /** The greater than operator is implemented by using less than with the
3710 arguments reversed, meaning the elements must have working comparison
3711 operators of the form T2==T1 and T2<T1. @relates Array_ **/
3712 template <class T1, class X1, class T2, class X2> inline bool
3713 operator>(const ArrayViewConst_<T1,X1>& a1, const ArrayViewConst_<T2,X2>& a2)
3714 {   return a2 < a1; }
3715 /** The less than or equal operator is implemented using the greater than
3716 operator. @relates Array_ **/
3717 template <class T1, class X1, class T2, class X2> inline bool
3718 operator<=(const ArrayViewConst_<T1,X1>& a1, const ArrayViewConst_<T2,X2>& a2)
3719 {   return !(a1 > a2); }
3721 /** An Array_<T1> and an std::vector<T2> are equal if and only if they are the
3722 same size() and each element compares equal using an operator T1==T2.
3723 @relates Array_ **/
3724 template <class T1, class X1, class T2, class A2> inline bool
3725 operator==(const ArrayViewConst_<T1,X1>& a1, const std::vector<T2,A2>& v2)
3726 {   return a1 == ArrayViewConst_<T2,size_t>(v2); }
3728 /** An std::vector<T1> and an Array_<T2> are equal if and only if they are the
3729 same size() and each element compares equal using an operator T2==T1.
3730 @relates Array_ **/
3731 template <class T1, class A1, class T2, class X2> inline bool
3732 operator==(const std::vector<T1,A1>& v1, const ArrayViewConst_<T2,X2>& a2)
3733 {   return a2 == v1; }
3735 /** The not equal operator is implemented using the equal operator.
3736 @relates Array_ **/
3737 template <class T1, class X1, class T2, class A2> inline bool
3738 operator!=(const ArrayViewConst_<T1,X1>& a1, const std::vector<T2,A2>& v2)
3739 {   return !(a1 == v2); }
3740 /** The not equal operator is implemented using the equal operator.
3741 @relates Array_ **/
3742 template <class T1, class A1, class T2, class X2> inline bool
3743 operator!=(const std::vector<T1,A1>& v1, const ArrayViewConst_<T2,X2>& a2)
3744 {   return !(a2 == v1); }
3746 /** An Array_<T1> and std::vector<T2> are ordered lexicographically; that is,
3747 by first differing element or by length if there are no differing elements up
3748 to the length of the shorter container (in which case the shorter one is
3749 "less than" the longer). This depends on having working element operators
3750 T1==T2 and T1<T2. @relates Array_ **/
3751 template <class T1, class X1, class T2, class A2> inline bool
3752 operator<(const ArrayViewConst_<T1,X1>& a1, const std::vector<T2,A2>& v2)
3753 {   return a1 < ArrayViewConst_<T2,size_t>(v2); }
3755 /** An std::vector<T1> and Array_<T2> are ordered lexicographically; that is,
3756 by first differing element or by length if there are no differing elements up
3757 to the length of the shorter container (in which case the shorter one is
3758 "less than" the longer). This depends on having working element operators
3759 T1==T2 and T1<T2. @relates Array_ **/
3760 template <class T1, class A1, class T2, class X2> inline bool
3761 operator<(const std::vector<T1,A1>& v1, const ArrayViewConst_<T2,X2>& a2)
3762 {   return ArrayViewConst_<T1,size_t>(v1) < a2; }
3764 /** The greater than or equal operator is implemented using the less than
3765 operator. @relates Array_ **/
3766 template <class T1, class X1, class T2, class A2> inline bool
3767 operator>=(const ArrayViewConst_<T1,X1>& a1, const std::vector<T2,A2>& v2)
3768 {   return !(a1 < v2); }
3769 /** The greater than or equal operator is implemented using the less than
3770 operator. @relates Array_ **/
3771 template <class T1, class A1, class T2, class X2> inline bool
3772 operator>=(const std::vector<T1,A1>& v1, const ArrayViewConst_<T2,X2>& a2)
3773 {   return !(v1 < a2); }
3775 /** The greater than operator is implemented by using less than with the
3776 arguments reversed, meaning the elements must have working comparison
3777 operators of the form T2==T1 and T2<T1. @relates Array_  **/
3778 template <class T1, class X1, class T2, class A2> inline bool
3779 operator>(const ArrayViewConst_<T1,X1>& a1, const std::vector<T2,A2>& v2)
3780 {   return v2 < a1; }
3781 /** The greater than operator is implemented by using less than with the
3782 arguments reversed, meaning the elements must have working comparison
3783 operators of the form T2==T1 and T2<T1. @relates Array_  **/
3784 template <class T1, class A1, class T2, class X2> inline bool
3785 operator>(const std::vector<T1,A1>& v1, const ArrayViewConst_<T2,X2>& a2)
3786 {   return a2 < v1; }
3788 /** The less than or equal operator is implemented using the greater than
3789 operator. @relates Array_ **/
3790 template <class T1, class X1, class T2, class A2> inline bool
3791 operator<=(const ArrayViewConst_<T1,X1>& a1, const std::vector<T2,A2>& v2)
3792 {   return !(a1 > v2); }
3793 /** The less than or equal operator is implemented using the greater than
3794 operator. @relates Array_ **/
3795 template <class T1, class A1, class T2, class X2> inline bool
3796 operator<=(const std::vector<T1,A1>& v1, const ArrayViewConst_<T2,X2>& a2)
3797 {   return !(v1 > a2); }
3799 /*@}*/
3801 } // namespace SimTK
3803 namespace std {
3804 /** This is a specialization of the STL std::swap() algorithm which uses the
3805 constant time built-in swap() member of the Array_ class.
3806 @relates SimTK::Array_ **/
3807 template <class T, class X> inline void
3808 swap(SimTK::Array_<T,X>& a1, SimTK::Array_<T,X>& a2) {
3809     a1.swap(a2);
3810 }
3812 } // namespace std
3814 #endif // SimTK_SimTKCOMMON_ARRAY_H_