1 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
2  *                       SimTK Simbody: SimTKcommon                           *
3  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
4  * This is part of the SimTK biosimulation toolkit originating from           *
5  * Simbios, the NIH National Center for Physics-Based Simulation of           *
6  * Biological Structures at Stanford, funded under the NIH Roadmap for        *
7  * Medical Research, grant U54 GM072970. See https://simtk.org/home/simbody.  *
8  *                                                                            *
9  * Portions copyright (c) 2005-12 Stanford University and the Authors.        *
10  * Authors: Michael Sherman                                                   *
11  * Contributors:                                                              *
12  *                                                                            *
13  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may    *
14  * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a  *
15  * copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.         *
16  *                                                                            *
17  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        *
18  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,          *
19  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.   *
20  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        *
21  * limitations under the License.                                             *
22  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
24 #include "SimTKcommon.h"
26 #include <cstdlib> // for rand()
27 #include <cstdio>
28 #include <ctime>
29 #include <string>
30 #include <complex>
31 #include <iostream>
32 using std::cout;
33 using std::endl;
34 using std::complex;
36 using namespace SimTK;
38 // Numerical Recipes declarations.
39 namespace NR {
40     template <class DP>
41     void lubksb(const int N, const DP* a/*N,N*/, const int* indx/*N*/,
42                 DP* b/*N*/);
44     template <class DP>
45     void ludcmp(const int N, DP* a/*N,N*/, int* indx/*N*/, DP &d);
47     template <class DP>
48     void luinvert(int N, DP* a/*N,N*/, DP* y/*N,N*/);
49 }
51 // Some explicit instantiations just to make sure everything's there.
52 namespace SimTK {
53 template class Matrix_<Real>;
54 template class Vector_<Complex>;
55 template class RowVector_< conjugate<float> >;
56 //template class MatrixBase< Mat<3,4,Vec2> >;
58 template class MatrixView_< complex<double> >;
59 template class VectorView_< negator<float> >;
60 template class RowVectorView_< negator< conjugate<float> > >;
61 }
63 template <class NT>
dump(const String & s,const Matrix_<NT> & mm)64 void dump(const String& s,  const Matrix_<NT>& mm) {
65     cout << s << ":" << endl;
66     for (int i=0; i<mm.nrow(); ++i) {
67         for (int j=0; j<mm.ncol(); ++j)
68             cout << mm(i,j) << " ";
69         cout << endl;
70     }
71 }
73 template <class NT>
dump(const String & s,const MatrixView_<NT> & mv)74 void dump(const String& s, const MatrixView_<NT>& mv)
75     { dump(s,(const Matrix_<NT>&)mv); }
77 extern "C" {
78     void SimTK_version_SimTKlapack(int* major, int* minor, int* build);
79     void SimTK_about_SimTKlapack(const char* key, int maxlen, char* value);
80 }
testSums()82 void testSums() {
83     Matrix m(Mat22(1,2,
84                    3,4));
85     SimTK_TEST_EQ(m.colSum(), RowVector(Row2(4,6)));
86     SimTK_TEST_EQ(m.rowSum(), Vector(Vec2(3,7)));
87     SimTK_TEST_EQ(m.sum(), m.colSum()); // should be exact
89     Matrix_<Complex> mc(Mat<2,2,Complex>(1+2*I, 3+4*I,
90                                          5+6*I, 7+8*I));
91     typedef Row<2,Complex> CRow2;
92     typedef Vec<2,Complex> CVec2;
93     typedef RowVector_<Complex> CRowVector;
94     typedef Vector_<Complex> CVector;
95     SimTK_TEST_EQ(mc.colSum(), CRowVector(CRow2(6+8*I, 10+12*I)));
96     SimTK_TEST_EQ(mc.rowSum(), CVector(CVec2(4+6*I, 12+14*I)));
97     SimTK_TEST_EQ(mc.sum(), mc.colSum()); // should be exact
98 }
testCharacter()100 void testCharacter() {
101     MatrixCommitment mc;
102    // mc = MatrixCommitment::Symmetric();
103     //mc.commitOutline(MatrixOutline::Square);
104     cout << mc;
105     cout << mc.calcDefaultCharacter(0,0);
106     Matrix m(mc);
107     m.resize(2,3);
108     m = 5;
109     m.dump("m");
110     cout << "NOW: " << m.getMatrixCharacter();
111     cout << "m.diag()=" << m.diag() << endl;
112     cout << "m.diag() " << m.diag().getMatrixCharacter();
113     cout << "m[1]=" << m[1] << endl;
114     Matrix mm = m*3;
115     cout << "mm=" << mm;
117     MatrixView mmv = mm(0,1,2,2);
118     cout << "mmv(mm(0,1,2,2):" << mmv;
119     cout << "mm(0,0,2,2):" << mm(0,0,2,2);
120     mmv.clear();
121     mmv = mm(0,0,1,2);
122     cout << "mmv.clear(), then mmv=mm(0,0,1,2): " << mmv;
125     mc = MatrixCommitment( MatrixStructure(MatrixStructure::Triangular, MatrixStructure::Upper) );
126     cout << "mc=" << mc << " actual=" << mc.calcDefaultCharacter(0,0);
127     Matrix t(mc);
128     t.resize(5,3);
129     t.dump("t");
131     t.clear();
132     t.commitTo(MatrixStructure(MatrixStructure::Hermitian, MatrixStructure::Upper));
133     t.dump("t now hermitian, prior to resize");
134     cout << "t commit=" << t.getCharacterCommitment() << "t actual=" << t.getMatrixCharacter();
135     t.resize(3,5);
136     t.dump("t after resize");
137     cout << "t commit=" << t.getCharacterCommitment() << "t actual=" << t.getMatrixCharacter();
138     t = 123;
139     t(0,2)=-2;
140     t.dump("t now hermitian");
141     cout << "t commit=" << t.getCharacterCommitment() << "t actual=" << t.getMatrixCharacter();
143     Vector v(10);
144     for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) v[i] = i*.1;
145     v[4] = -17.3;
146     cout << "v commitment: " << v.getCharacterCommitment();
147     cout << "v character: " << v.getMatrixCharacter();
148     cout << "v=" << v << endl;
149     Vector w1(10, Real(1));
150     cout << "weights w1=" << w1 << endl;
151     int worst;
152     cout << "|w1*v|_rms=" << v.weightedNormRMS(w1,&worst) << "\n";
153     cout << "(worst=" << worst << ")\n";
154     cout << "|w1*v|_inf=" << v.weightedNormInf(w1,&worst) << "\n";
155     cout << "(worst=" << worst << ")\n";
156     cout << "|v|_rms=" << v.normRMS(&worst) << "\n";
157     cout << "(worst=" << worst << ")\n";
158     cout << "|v|_inf=" << v.normInf(&worst) << "\n";
159     cout << "(worst=" << worst << ")\n";
160     cout << "2nd sig: |v|_rms=" << v.normRMS() << "\n";
161     cout << "2nd sig: |v|_inf=" << v.normInf() << "\n";
163     w1(9) = 100;
164     cout << "weights w1=" << w1 << endl;
165     cout << "|w1*v|_rms=" << v.weightedNormRMS(w1,&worst) << "\n";
166     cout << "(worst=" << worst << ")\n";
167     cout << "|w1*v|_inf=" << v.weightedNormInf(w1,&worst) << "\n";
168     cout << "(worst=" << worst << ")\n";
169     cout << "2nd sig: |w1*v|_rms=" << v.weightedNormRMS(w1) << "\n";
170     cout << "2nd sig: |w1*v|_inf=" << v.weightedNormInf(w1) << "\n";
172     cout << "rms(zero length)=" << Vector().normRMS(&worst) << "\n";
173     cout << "  worst=" << worst << "\n";
174     cout << "inf(zero length)=" << Vector().normInf(&worst) << "\n";
175     cout << "  worst=" << worst << "\n";
178     Array_<int> vx;
179     vx.push_back(2); vx.push_back(5); vx.push_back(7); vx.push_back(8);
181     VectorView vxx = v(vx);
182     cout << "vxx character: " << vxx.getMatrixCharacter();
183     cout << "vxx=" << vxx << endl;
184     cout << "vxx(1,2)=" << vxx(1,2) << endl;
186     Complex cmplx[] = {Complex(1,2), Complex(3,4), Complex(-.2,.3),
187                        Complex(-100,200), Complex(20,40), Complex(-.001,.002)};
189     ComplexMatrix cm(2,3,2,cmplx); // shared data is in column order
190     cout << "cm(2,3,lda=2,cmplx)=" << cm;
192     ComplexMatrix cm2(2,3,cmplx); // init constructor takes data in row order
193     cout << "cm(2,3,cmplx)=" << cm2;
195     // Share data but note that it is row order. Using MatrixBase to get to
196     // a general constructor.
197     MatrixCharacter::LapackFull mchar(2,3);
198     mchar.setStorage(MatrixStorage(MatrixStorage::NoPacking,MatrixStorage::RowOrder));
199     MatrixBase<Complex> cm3(MatrixCommitment(), mchar, 3, cmplx);
200     cout << "cm3(RowOrder,2,3,lda=3,cmplx)=" << cm3;
201     cm3(0,1)=99;
202     cout << "cm3(0,1)=99 ->" << cm3;
203     cout << "cm (should have changed too) ->" << cm;
204     cout << "cm2 (should not have changed) ->" << cm2;
205 }
207 // Test "scalar" multiply for Vectors and RowVectors that have CNT types
208 // as elements.
209 // NOTE: the Vector elements and the "scalar" CNT must conform for this
210 // to work; nonconforming will cause obscure compile errors.
testScalarMultiply()211 void testScalarMultiply() {
212     cout << "\n------ TEST SCALAR MULTIPLY ------\n";
213     Mat33 m33( .03, .04, .05,
214                .06, .08, .09,
215                .07, .10, .11 );
216     Vector_< SpatialVec > vs(3, SpatialVec(Vec3(1,2,3), Vec3(4,5,6)));
217     cout << "vs=" << vs << endl;
218     cout << "vs*SpatialRow=" << vs*SpatialRow(Row3(.1)) << endl;
219     cout << "SpatialRow*vs=" << SpatialRow(Row3(.1))*vs << endl;
220     cout << "m33 * SpatialVec=" << m33 * SpatialVec(Vec3(1,2,3), Vec3(4,5,6)) << endl;
221     cout << "m33 * vs=" << SpatialMat(m33) * vs << endl; // note cast to conforming diagonal matrix
222     cout << "SpatialRow * m33=" << ~SpatialVec(Vec3(1,2,3), Vec3(4,5,6)) * m33 << endl;
223     cout << "~vs*m33=" << ~vs * SpatialMat(m33) << endl; // note cast to conforming diagonal matrix
224     RowVector_< SymMat22 > rv(3, SymMat22(1,2,3));
225     cout << "rv=" << rv << endl;
226     cout << "rv*Vec2=" << rv*Vec2(.1,.2) << endl;
227     cout << "Row2*rv=" << Row2(.1,.2)*rv << endl;
228     cout << "------ END TEST SCALAR MULTIPLY ------\n\n";
229 }
testAjaysBlock()232 void testAjaysBlock() {
233     cout << "\n------ TEST AJAY'S BLOCK ------\n";
234     const int nu =7, nm=4;
235     Matrix J(6,nu);
236     for (int i=0; i<6; ++i)
237         for (int j=0; j<nu; ++j)
238             J(i,j) = 1000*i+j;
239     Matrix t = ~J(0,3,3,nm);
240     cout << "J=" << J << endl;
241     cout << "t=" << t;
242     cout << "\n------ END TEST AJAY'S BLOCK ------\n";
243 }
main()245 int main()
246 {
247   try {
248     SimTK_DEBUG("Running BigMatrixTest ...\n");
250     testSums();
252     Matrix assignToMe(5,4);
253     assignToMe.elementwiseAssign(1.);
254     std::cout << "assignToMe=" << assignToMe;
255     assignToMe.elementwiseAssign(14);
256     std::cout << "assignToMe=" << assignToMe;
258     testAjaysBlock();
259     testScalarMultiply();
260     testCharacter();
262     int major,minor,build;
263     char out[100];
264     const char* keylist[] = { "version", "library", "type", "debug", "authors", "copyright", "svn_revision", 0 };
266     //SimTK_version_SimTKlapack(&major,&minor,&build);
267     //std::printf("SimTKlapack library version: %d.%d.%d\n", major, minor, build);
270     SimTK_version_SimTKcommon(&major,&minor,&build);
271     std::printf("==> SimTKcommon library version: %d.%d.%d\n", major, minor, build);
272     std::printf("    SimTK_about_SimTKcommon():\n");
273     for (const char** p = keylist; *p; ++p) {
274         SimTK_about_SimTKcommon(*p, 100, out);
275         std::printf("      about(%s)='%s'\n", *p, out);
276     }
278     const Real vvvdata[] = {1,2,.1,.2,9,10,-22,-23,-24,25};
279     Vector vvv(10,vvvdata);
280     cout << "vvv=" << vvv << endl;
281     cout << "vvv(2,5)=" << vvv(2,5) << endl;
282     Vector vvv25;
283     vvv25.viewAssign(vvv(2,5));
284     cout << "vvv25=" << vvv25 << endl;
285     cout << "vvv(2,0)=" << vvv(2,0) << endl;
286     Vector vvv20;
287     vvv20.viewAssign(vvv(2,0));
288     cout << "vvv20=" << vvv20 << endl;
289     cout << "vvv(0,0)=" << vvv(0,0) << endl;
290     Vector vvv00;
291     vvv00.viewAssign(vvv(0,0));
292     cout << "vvv00=" << vvv00 << endl;
293     Vector vb;
294     vvv00 = vb;
295     cout << "after vvv00=vb [null], vvv00(" << vvv00.nrow() << "," << vvv00.ncol() << ")=" << vvv00 << endl;
297     const Complex mdc[] = { Complex(1.,2.),
298                             Complex(3.,4.),
299                             Complex(5.,6.),
300                             Complex(7.,8.),
301                             Complex(9.,10.),
302                             Complex(10.,11.),
303                             Complex(.1,.26),
304                             Complex(.3,.45),
305                             Complex(.5,.64),
306                             Complex(.7,.83),
307                             Complex(.9,.102),
308                             Complex(.10,.111)
309                           };
310     Matrix_<Complex> md(2,2,mdc);
311     cout << "2x2 complex Matrix md=" << md;
312     Mat<2,2,Complex> md_mat(mdc);
313     cout << "2x2 complex Mat md_mat=" << md_mat;
314     cout << "  sizeof(Complex)=" << sizeof(Complex) << " sizeof(md_mat)=" << sizeof(md_mat) << endl;
315     Matrix_<Mat<2,2,Complex> > mm22c;
316     Mat<2,2, Mat<2,2,Complex> > mm22c_mat;
317     cout << "  sizeof(mm22c_mat)=" << sizeof(mm22c_mat) << " should be " << 16*sizeof(Complex) << endl;
318     mm22c.resize(2,2); cout << "  sizeof(mm22c(2,2))=" <<  ((char*)(&mm22c(1,1)(1,1)+1)) - ((char*)&mm22c(0,0)(0,0)) << endl;
320     cout << "scalar md.normRMS: " << md.normRMS() << endl;
321     try {
322         cout << "nonscalar mm22c.normRMS: " << mm22c.normRMS() << endl;
323     } catch(const std::exception& e) {
324         cout << "SHOULD FAIL FOR NONSCALAR ELEMENTS: " << e.what() << endl;
325     }
328     mm22c.setToZero(); cout << "mm22c after setToZero():" << mm22c;
329     mm22c.setToNaN(); cout << "mm22c after setToNaN():" << mm22c;
331     mm22c.dump("**** mm22c ****");
333     cout << "~md=" << ~md;
334     cout << "~md(1)=" << ~md(1) << endl;
335     cout << "(~md)(1)=" << (~md)(1) << endl;
336     cout << "~md[1]=" << ~md[1] << endl;
337     cout << "(~md)[1]=" << (~md)[1] << endl;
339     dump("2x2 complex md",md);
340     dump("md(0,1,2,1)",md(0,1,2,1));
341     const ComplexMatrixView& mvc = md(0,1,2,1);
342     dump("mvc=md(0,1,2,1)", mvc);
343     md(1,0) *= 10.;
344     dump("md after md(1,0) *= 10.",md);
345     md(0,1,2,1) *= Complex(10.,100.);
346     dump("md after md(0,1,2,1)*=(10+100i)",md);
348     Matrix_<Complex> mm(3,4);
349     mm = 2390.;
350     cout << "after [3x4 complex] mm = 2390, mm: " << mm << endl;
351     for (int i=0; i<mm.nrow(); ++i) {
352         for (int j=0; j<mm.ncol(); ++j)
353             mm(i,j)=(i+1)*(j+1);
354     }
355     cout << "after mm(i,j)=(i+1)*(j+1), mm: " << mm << endl;
357     Vector mmColScale(4), mmRowScale(3);
358     mmColScale[0]=1; mmColScale[1]=10; mmColScale[2]=100; mmColScale[3]=1000;
359     mmRowScale[0]=-1000; mmRowScale[1]=-100; mmRowScale[2]=-10;
360     Vector_<double> mmRowScaleR(3); for(int i=0;i<3;++i) mmRowScaleR[i]=(float)mmRowScale[i];
362     cout << "mm=" << mm << " mmColScale=" << mmColScale << endl;
363     mm.colScaleInPlace(mmColScale);
364     cout << "after col scale, mm=" << mm;
366     mm.colScaleInPlace(mmColScale.elementwiseInvert());
367     cout << "after col UNscale mm=" << mm;
369     cout <<  " mmRowScale=" << mmRowScale << endl;
370     mm.rowScaleInPlace(mmRowScale);
371     cout << "after row scale, mm=" << mm;
373     mm.rowScaleInPlace(mmRowScale.elementwiseInvert());
374     cout << "after row UNscale mm=" << mm;
376     mm.rowScaleInPlace(mmRowScaleR);
377     cout << "after LONG DOUBLE row scale mm=" << mm;
379     cout << "mm.rowScale(double)=" << mm.rowScale(mmRowScaleR);
380     cout << "type(mm.rowScale(double))=" << typeid(mm.rowScale(mmRowScaleR)).name() << endl;
382     Vector_<Vec2> mmVCol(4); for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) mmVCol[i] = Vec2(4*i, 4*i+1);
383     cout << "mm Vec2 colScale=" << mmVCol << endl;
384     cout << "mm.colScale(Vec2)=" << mm.colScale(mmVCol);
385     cout << "type(mm.colScale(Vec2))=" << typeid(mm.colScale(mmVCol)).name() << endl;
387     mm *= 1000.; dump("mm(3,4) after *=1000", mm);
388     mm.dump("*** mm ***");
390     cout << "mm using << op: " << mm;
391     cout << "~mm: " << ~mm;
392     cout << "mm.norm()=" << mm.norm() << endl;
393     cout << "mm(3)=" << mm(3) << endl;
394     cout << "mm[2]=" << mm[2] << endl;
395     cout << "mm + 2*(-mm)=" << mm + 2*(-mm) << endl;
397     Matrix_<Complex> mm2 = mm;
398     cout << "mm2=" << mm2;
399     cout << "mm2(1,1,1,2)=" << mm2(1,1,1,2);
400     mm2(1,1,1,2)=7;
401     cout << "after mm2(1112)=7, mm2=" << mm2;
403     cout << "mm=" << mm;
404     (~mm)(1,1,1,2)=99;
405     cout << "after (~mm)(1112)=99, mm=" << mm;
407     cout << "\n--- DIAGONAL TEST ---\n";
408     cout << "mm2.diag()=" << mm2.diag() << endl;
410     mm2 = 99;
411     cout << "after mm2=99: mm2=" << mm2;
413     mm2(0,2,2,2) = std::complex<double>(-99,-99);
414     cout << "after mm2(0,2,2,2) = (-99,-99): mm2=" << mm2;
416     mm2.updDiag() *= .001;
417     cout << "after mm2.updDiag()*=.001: mm2=" << mm2;
419     // scalar assign to a row-shaped matrix should set only
420     // the first element to the scalar and all else zero
421     // (since that's the diagonal), while
422     // scalar assign to a row should set all the elements.
423     mm2(0,0,1,mm2.ncol()) = 1; // row shaped block of first row
424     mm2[mm2.nrow()-1]      = 1; // last row
425     cout << "after mm2(0,0,1,n)=1 and mm2[m-1]=1: mm2=" << mm2;
427     // ditto for columns
428     mm2(0,1,mm2.nrow(),1) = 2;
429     mm2(2) = 2;
431     cout << "after mm2(0,1,m,1)=2 and mm2(2)=2: mm2=" << mm2;
434     cout << "\n-------- ASSIGN TEST --------\n";
435     Matrix_< Vec<2,Complex> > rr(2,3);
436     for (int i=0;i<2;++i) for (int j=0;j<3;++j)
437         rr(i,j) = Vec<2,Complex>(mdc[i]*(j+1), mdc[i]*(j-1));
438     Matrix_< Vec<2,Complex> > rrAssign;
439     (rrAssign = rr(0,1,2,2)) *= 1000.;
440     cout << "rr=" << rr;
441     cout << "(rrAssign=rr(0,1,2,2)) *= 1000.; rrAssign=" << rrAssign;
442     cout << "rr=" << rr;
443     (rrAssign.viewAssign(rr(0,1,2,2))) *= 100.;
444     cout << "(rrAssign.viewAssign(rr(0,1,2,2))) *= 100; rrAssign=" << rrAssign;
445     cout << "rr=" << rr;
446     cout << "-------- END ASSIGN TEST --------\n\n";
448     cout << "\n-------- RESIZE KEEP TEST --------\n";
449     Vector resizeMe(5); for (int i=0; i<5; ++i) resizeMe[i]=i;
450     cout << "resizeMe=" << resizeMe << endl;
451     resizeMe.resize(10);
452     cout << "after resize(10), resizeMe=" << resizeMe << endl;
453     Vector resizeMe2(5); for (int i=0; i<5; ++i) resizeMe2[i]=i;
454     cout << "resizeMe2=" << resizeMe2 << endl;
455     resizeMe2.resizeKeep(10);
456     cout << "after resizeKeep(10), resizeMe2=" << resizeMe2 << endl;
457     Matrix resizeMem(2,3); for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) for (int j=0; j<3; ++j) resizeMem(i,j)=(i+1)*(j+1);
458     cout << "resizeMem(2,3)=" << resizeMem << endl;
459     resizeMem.resizeKeep(3,5);
460     cout << "after resizeKeep(3,5), resizeMem=" << resizeMem << endl;
461     resizeMem.resizeKeep(2,2);
462     cout << "after resizeKeep(2,2), resizeMem=" << resizeMem << endl;
463     resizeMem.resize(3,4);
464     cout << "after resize(3,4), resizeMem=" << resizeMem << endl;
465     cout << "-------- END RESIZE KEEP TEST --------\n\n";
467     Mat<3,4,Complex> cm34;
468     for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
469         for (int j=0; j<4; ++j)
470             cm34(i,j) = mdc[i+j*3];
471     cout << "Mat<3,4,Complex>=" << cm34 << endl;
472     Vec<4,Complex> cv4(&mdc[6]);
473     cout << "Vec<4,Complex>=" << cv4 << endl;
474     cout << "Mat<3,4>*Vec<4>=" << cm34*cv4 << endl;
475     cout << "Mat<3,4>*Mat<4,3>=" << cm34*~cm34;
477     complex<float> zzzz(1.,2.);
478     conjugate<float> jjjj(0.3f,0.4f);
479     negator<float> nnnn(7.1);
480     cout << "zzzz=" << zzzz << " jjjj=" << jjjj << " nnnn=" << nnnn << endl;
481     cout << "zzzz*jjjj=" << zzzz*jjjj << endl;
483     Matrix_<Complex> cMatrix34(3,4);
484     Vector_<Complex> cVector4(4);
485     for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) for (int j=0; j<4; ++j) cMatrix34(i,j)=cm34(i,j);
486     for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) cVector4[i] = cv4[i];
487     cout << "cMatrix34=" << cMatrix34;
488     cout << "cVector4=" << cVector4 << endl;
489     cout << "cMatrix34*cVector4=" << cMatrix34*cVector4 << endl;
490     cout << "cMatrix34*cMatrix43=" << cMatrix34*~cMatrix34;
492     Matrix_<Complex> cMatrix34N = -cMatrix34;
494     //TODO: not allowed yet
495     //Matrix_<Complex> cMatrix34H = ~cMatrix34;
497     Vector vv(4), ww;
498     vv[0] = 1.; vv[1] = 2.; vv[2] = 3.; vv[3] = 4.;
499     cout << "vv(4)=" << vv << endl;
500     vv *= 9.; cout << "vv*=9:" << vv << endl;
502     Vector vvvv;
503     vvvv = vv[2] * vv;
504     cout << "vvvv = vv[2]*vv = " << vvvv << endl;
506     Matrix_<Mat<2,2, Mat<2,2,double> > > mmm(2,1);
507     mmm = Mat<2,2, Mat<2,2,double> >(Mat<2,2,double>(1));
508     cout << "*****>>> mmm=" << mmm << endl;
510     Matrix mnm(4,2), nn;
511     cout << "mnm(4,2)=" << mnm;
512     mnm(0) = vv;
513     mnm(1) = -0.01 * vv;
514     cout << "mnm(vv,-.01*vv)=" << mnm;
515     cout << "===> mnm.abs()=" << mnm.abs();
516     cout << "mnm(1)=" << mnm(1) << endl;
517     cout << "mnm(1).abs()=" << mnm(1).abs() << endl;
518     cout << "mnm[1]=" << mnm[1] << endl;
519     cout << "mnm[1].abs()=" << mnm[1].abs() << endl;
521     ww = vv;
522     ww *= 0.1;
523     vv += ww;
524     cout << "ww=vv, *=0.1:" << ww << endl;
525     cout << "vv+=ww:" << vv << endl;
527     const Real rdata[]={1,2,3,
528                         9,.1,14,
529                         2,6,9};
530     Matrix_<negator<Real> > A(3,3, (negator<Real>*)rdata);
532     Matrix AI = A.invert();
533     cout << "A=" << A << "AI=" << AI << " A*AI=" << A*AI;
535     cout << "A(1,2).real()=" << A(1,2).real() << endl;
537     Matrix AH = ~A;
538     cout << "~A=" << ~A << "inv(~A)=" << (~A).invert() << "~(inv(A))=" << ~AI;
540     A.invertInPlace();
541     cout << "after A=inv(A), A=" << A << "norm(A-AI)=" << (A-AI).norm() << endl;
543     A.dump("*** A ***");
544     AI.dump("*** AI ***");
546     Mat<3,3,negator<Real> > smallNegA((negator<Real>*)rdata);
547     Mat<3,3,negator<Real> >::TInvert smallNegAI(smallNegA.invert());
549     cout << "smallNegA=" << smallNegA << " inv(smallNegA)=" << smallNegAI;
550     cout << "smallNegA*inv(smallNegA)=" << smallNegA*smallNegAI << "NORM="
551          << (smallNegA*smallNegAI).norm() << endl;
552     cout << "inverse(smallNegA)=" << inverse(smallNegA) << endl;
554     negator<Real> nnn  = smallNegA(0,0)-smallNegA(1,1);
555     Real          nnnr = smallNegA(0,0)-smallNegA(1,1);
556     cout << "negator nnn=" << nnn << " real nnnr=" << nnnr << endl;
558     nnn  = smallNegA(0,1)-smallNegA(1,0);
559     nnnr = smallNegA(0,1)-smallNegA(1,0);
560     cout << "negator nnn=" << nnn << " real nnnr=" << nnnr << endl;
562     cout << "det(smallNegA)=" << det(smallNegA)
563          << " det(inv(smallNegA))=" << det(smallNegAI) << endl;
565     const Real cjdata[]={1,1,  2,2,   3,3, 4,4,
566                          9,9, .1,.1, 14,14, 22,22,
567                          2,2,  6,6,   9,9,  11,11,
568                          .2,.2, .7,.7, 5,5, 10,10};
570     // General Lapack inverse.
571     Mat<4,4,conjugate<Real> > smallConjA4((conjugate<Real>*)cjdata);
572     Mat<4,4,conjugate<Real> >::TInvert smallConjAI4(smallConjA4.invert());
575     cout << "smallConjA4=" << smallConjA4 << " inv(smallConjA4)=" << smallConjAI4;
576     cout << "smallConjA4*inv(smallConjA4)=" << smallConjA4*smallConjAI4;
577     cout << "NORM=" << (smallConjA4*smallConjAI4).norm() << endl;
578     cout << "inverse(smallConjA4)=" << inverse(smallConjA4) << endl;
579     cout << "norm(inverse-lapackInverse4)=" << (inverse(smallConjA4)-lapackInverse(smallConjA4)).norm() << endl;
581     cout << "det(smallConjA4)=" << det(smallConjA4)
582          << " det(inv(smallConjA4))=" << det(smallConjAI4) << endl;
584     // Specialized inverse.
585     Mat<3,3,conjugate<Real> > smallConjA3((conjugate<Real>*)cjdata);
586     Mat<3,3,conjugate<Real> >::TInvert smallConjAI3(smallConjA3.invert());
588     cout << "smallConjA3=" << smallConjA3 << " inv(smallConjA3)=" << smallConjAI3;
590     cout << "smallConjA3*inv(smallConjA3)=" << smallConjA3*smallConjAI3 << "NORM="
591          << (smallConjA3*smallConjAI3).norm() << endl;
593     cout << "inverse(smallNegA3)=" << inverse(smallConjA3) << endl;
595     cout << "norm(inverse-lapackInverse3)=" << (inverse(smallConjA3)-lapackInverse(smallConjA3)).norm() << endl;
597     cout << "det(smallConjA3)=" << det(smallConjA3)
598          << " det(inv(smallConjA3))=" << det(smallConjAI3) << endl;
600     cout << "Mat<1,1,conj>=" << smallConjA3.getSubMat<1,1>(1,0) << "inv(...)=" <<
601         smallConjA3.getSubMat<1,1>(1,0).invert();
602     cout << "Mat11*inv(Mat11)=" <<
603         smallConjA3.getSubMat<1,1>(1,0)*smallConjA3.getSubMat<1,1>(1,0).invert();
604     cout << "Mat<2,2,conj>=" << smallConjA3.getSubMat<2,2>(0,0) << "inv(...)=" <<
605         smallConjA3.getSubMat<2,2>(0,0).invert();
606     cout << "Mat22*inv(Mat22)=" <<
607         smallConjA3.getSubMat<2,2>(0,0)*smallConjA3.getSubMat<2,2>(0,0).invert();
609     try {
610     const double ddd[] = { 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 };
611     const float fddd[] = { 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 };
612     const complex<float> ccc[] = {  complex<float>(1.,2.),
613                                     complex<float>(3.,4.),
614                                     complex<float>(5.,6.),
615                                     complex<float>(7.,8.) };
616     Vec< 2,complex<float> > cv2(ccc);
617     cout << "cv2=" << cv2 << endl;
618     cout << "(cv2+cv2)/1000:" << (cv2 + cv2) / complex<float>(1000,0)
619               << endl;
621     cout << "cv2:  " << cv2 << endl;
622     cout << "cv2T: " << cv2.transpose() << endl;
623     cout << "-cv2: " << -cv2 << endl;
624     cout << "~cv2: " << ~cv2 << endl;
625     cout << "-~cv2: " << -(~cv2) << endl;
626     cout << "~-cv2: " << ~(-cv2) << endl;
627     cout << "~-cv2*10000: " << (~(-cv2))*10000.f << endl;
629     (~cv2)[1]=complex<float>(101.1f,202.3f);
630     cout << "after ~cv2[1]=(101.1f,202.3f), cv2= " << cv2 << endl;
631     -(~cv2)[1]=complex<float>(11.1f,22.3f);
632     cout << "after -~cv2[1]=(11.1f,22.3f), cv2= " << cv2 << endl;
634     Vec<3,float> dv2(fddd), ddv2(fddd+3);
635     dv2[2] = 1000;
636     cout << 100.* (ddv2 - dv2) / 1000. << endl;
638     cout << "dv2=" << dv2 << " dv2.norm()=" << dv2.norm() << endl;
639     cout << "cv2=" << cv2 << " cv2.norm()=" << cv2.norm() << endl;
641     dv2 = 100*dv2;
643     const Vec<3,float> v3c[] = {Vec<3,float>(fddd),Vec<3,float>(fddd+1)};
645     Vector_< Vec<2, Vec<3,float> > > vflt(2);
646     vflt[0] = Vec<2, Vec<3,float> >(v3c);
647     vflt[1] = vflt[0]*100;
648     vflt[1] = 100*vflt[0];
649     cout << "vflt 2xvec3=" << vflt << endl;
652     cout << "vflt.getNScalarsPerElement()=" << vflt.getNScalarsPerElement() << endl;
653     cout << "vflt.getPackedSizeofElement()=" << vflt.getPackedSizeofElement() << endl;
654     cout << "sizeof(vflt)=" << sizeof(vflt) << " sizeof(vflt[0])=" << sizeof(vflt[0]) << endl;
655     cout << "vflt.hasContiguousData()=" << vflt.hasContiguousData() << endl;
656     cout << "vflt.getContiguousScalarDataLength()=" << vflt.getContiguousScalarDataLength() << endl;
658     const float* p = vflt.getContiguousScalarData();
659     cout << "vflt's raw data: " << endl;
660     for (int i=0; i<vflt.getContiguousScalarDataLength(); ++i)
661         cout << " " << p[i];
662     cout << endl;
664     float* newData = new float[12];
665     float* oldData;
666     for (int i=0; i<12; ++i) newData[i]=(float)-i;
667     vflt.swapOwnedContiguousScalarData(newData, 12, oldData);
669     cout << "after data swap, vflt=" << vflt << endl;
670     cout << "old data =";
671     for (int i=0; i<12; ++i) cout << " " << oldData[i];
672     cout << endl;
673     delete[] oldData;
675     }
676     catch(const Exception::Base& b)
677     {
678         cout << b.getMessage() << endl;
679     }
681     typedef double P;
682     const int N = 1000;
683     const int LUP = 1;
684     Matrix_<P> big(N,N);
685     for (int j=0; j<N; ++j)
686         for (int i=0; i<N; ++i)
687             big(i,j) = 1+(float)std::rand()/RAND_MAX;
688     cout << "big.norm()=" << big.norm() << endl;
691     cout << "INVERTING " << LUP << "x" << N << "x" << N
692         << (sizeof(P)==4 ? std::string(" float") : std::string(" double")) << endl << std::flush;
694     Matrix_<P> flip(N,N), nrflip(N,N);
696     std::clock_t start = std::clock();
697     for (int i=0; i<LUP; ++i)
698         flip = big.invert();
699     cout << "... DONE -- " << (double)(std::clock()-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl << std::flush;
700     cout << "initial norm=" << big.norm() << " invert.norm()=" << flip.norm() << endl << std::flush;
702     Matrix_<P> nrbig(N,N); nrbig=big;
703     cout << "NOW INVERT WITH NR, initial norm=" << nrbig.norm() << endl << std::flush;
704     start = std::clock();
705     for (int i=0; i<LUP; ++i) {
706         nrbig=big;
707         NR::luinvert(N, &nrbig(0,0), &nrflip(0,0));
708     }
709     cout << "... DONE -- " << (double)(std::clock()-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl << std::flush;
710     cout << " nrinverse.norm()=" << nrflip.norm() << endl << std::flush;
712     cout << "big.norm()=" << big.norm() << " flip.norm()=" << flip.norm() << endl << std::flush;
713     Matrix_<P> ans(N,N);
714     cout << "Multiplying ..." << endl << std::flush;
715     start = std::clock();
716     for (int i=0; i<LUP; ++i)
717         Lapack::gemm('n','n',N,N,N,P(1),&big(0,0),N,&flip(0,0),N,P(0),&ans(0,0),N);
718     cout << "... DONE -- " << (double)(std::clock()-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl << std::flush;
719     cout << "RMS (big*flip).norm() - 1=" << std::sqrt(ans.normSqr()/N)-1. << endl << std::flush;
721     cout << "Multiplying with NR result ..." << endl << std::flush;
722     start = std::clock();
723     for (int i=0; i<LUP; ++i)
724         Lapack::gemm('n','n',N,N,N,P(1),&big(0,0),N,&nrflip(0,0),N,P(0),&ans(0,0),N);
725     cout << "... DONE -- " << (double)(std::clock()-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl << std::flush;
726     cout << "RMS (big*nrflip).norm() - 1=" << std::sqrt(ans.normSqr()/N)-1. << endl << std::flush;
728     cout << "Multiplying by hand ..." << endl << std::flush;
729     start = std::clock();
730     const P* bigp = &big(0,0);
731     const P* flipp = &flip(0,0);
732     P*       ansp  = &ans(0,0);
733     for (int l=0; l<LUP; ++l) {
734         for (int j=0; j<N; ++j) {
735             for (int i=0; i<N; ++i) {
736                 P sum = P(0); const int jN=j*N;
737                 for (int k=0; k<N; ++k)
738                     sum += bigp[k*N+i] * flipp[jN+k];
739                 ansp[jN+i] = sum;
740             }
741         }
742     }
743     cout << "... DONE -- " << (double)(std::clock()-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl << std::flush;
744     cout << "RMS (big*flip).norm() - 1=" << std::sqrt(ans.normSqr()/N)-1. << endl << std::flush;
745     return 0;
746   }
747   catch (const std::exception& e) {
748       cout << e.what() << endl;
749   }
750 }
752 // Numerical Recipes version 2.11 LU decomp and inversion via backsolve.
753 // This is the C++ version modified to use column-ordered consecutive
754 // storage.
756 namespace NR {
758 // Return 1d index for column ordered matrix with leading dim N.
759 #define X(i,j) j*N+i
761 template <class DP>
luinvert(const int N,DP * a,DP * y)762 void luinvert(const int N, DP* a/*N,N*/, DP* y/*N,N*/) {
763     assert(a && y);
764     int* indx = new int[N];
765     DP d;
766     NR::ludcmp(N, a, indx, d);
767     for (int j=0; j<N; ++j) {
768         DP* col = &y[X(0,j)];
769         for (int i=0; i<N; ++i) col[i]=DP(0);
770         col[j] = DP(1);
771         NR::lubksb(N,a,indx,col); // writes directly into y
772     }
774     delete[] indx;
775 }
777 template <class DP>
lubksb(const int N,const DP * a,const int * indx,DP * b)778 void lubksb(const int N, const DP* a/*N,N*/, const int* indx/*N*/,
779                 DP* b/*N*/)
780 {
781     int i,ii=0,ip,j;
782     DP sum;
784     for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
785         ip=indx[i];
786         sum=b[ip];
787         b[ip]=b[i];
788         if (ii != 0)
789             for (j=ii-1;j<i;j++) sum -= a[X(i,j)]*b[j];
790         else if (sum != 0.0)
791             ii=i+1;
792         b[i]=sum;
793     }
794     for (i=N-1;i>=0;i--) {
795         sum=b[i];
796         for (j=i+1;j<N;j++) sum -= a[X(i,j)]*b[j];
797         b[i]=sum/a[X(i,i)];
798     }
799 }
801 template <class DP>
ludcmp(const int N,DP * a,int * indx,DP & d)802 void ludcmp(const int N, DP* a/*N,N*/, int* indx/*N*/, DP &d)
803 {
804     const DP TINY=DP(1.0e-20);
805     int i,imax,j,k;
806     DP big,dum,sum,temp;
808     DP* vv = new DP[N];
809     d=DP(1);
810     for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
811         big=0.0;
812         for (j=0;j<N;j++)
813             if ((temp=fabs(a[X(i,j)])) > big) big=temp;
814         if (big == 0.0) {
815             std::cerr << "Singular matrix in routine ludcmp" << endl;
816             assert(false);
817             exit(1);
818         }
819         vv[i]=DP(1)/big;
820     }
821     for (j=0;j<N;j++) {
822         for (i=0;i<j;i++) {
823             sum=a[X(i,j)];
824             for (k=0;k<i;k++) sum -= a[X(i,k)]*a[X(k,j)];
825             a[X(i,j)]=sum;
826         }
827         big=0.0;
828         for (i=j;i<N;i++) {
829             sum=a[X(i,j)];
830             for (k=0;k<j;k++) sum -= a[X(i,k)]*a[X(k,j)];
831             a[X(i,j)]=sum;
832             if ((dum=vv[i]*fabs(sum)) >= big) {
833                 big=dum;
834                 imax=i;
835             }
836         }
837         if (j != imax) {
838             for (k=0;k<N;k++) {
839                 dum=a[X(imax,k)];
840                 a[X(imax,k)]=a[X(j,k)];
841                 a[X(j,k)]=dum;
842             }
843             d = -d;
844             vv[imax]=vv[j];
845         }
846         indx[j]=imax;
847         if (a[X(j,j)] == 0.0) a[X(j,j)]=TINY;
848         if (j != N-1) {
849             dum=DP(1)/(a[X(j,j)]);
850             for (i=j+1;i<N;i++) a[X(i,j)] *= dum;
851         }
852     }
854     delete[] vv;
855 }
858 } // namespace NR