1 // Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 International Business Machines and others.
2 // All Rights Reserved.
3 // This code is published under the Common Public License.
4 //
5 // $Id: IpPDFullSpaceSolver.hpp 759 2006-07-07 03:07:08Z andreasw $
6 //
7 // Authors:  Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter     IBM    2004-08-13
12 #include "IpPDSystemSolver.hpp"
13 #include "IpAugSystemSolver.hpp"
14 #include "IpPDPerturbationHandler.hpp"
16 namespace SimTKIpopt
17 {
19   /** This is the implemetation of the Primal-Dual System, using the
20    *  full space approach with a direct linear solver.
21    *
22    *  A note on the iterative refinement: We perform at least
23    *  min_refinement_steps number of iterative refinement steps.  If after
24    *  one iterative refinement the quality of the solution (defined in
25    *  ResidualRatio) does not improve or the maximal number of
26    *  iterative refinement steps is exceeded before the tolerance
27    *  residual_ratio_max_ is satisfied, we first ask the linear solver
28    *  to solve the system more accurately (e.g. by increasing the
29    *  pivot tolerance).  If that doesn't help or is not possible, we
30    *  treat the system, as if it is singular (i.e. increase delta's).
31    */
32   class PDFullSpaceSolver: public PDSystemSolver
33   {
34   public:
35     /** @name /Destructor */
36     //@{
37     /** Constructor that takes in the Augmented System solver that
38      *  is to be used inside
39      */
40     PDFullSpaceSolver(AugSystemSolver& augSysSolver,
41                       PDPerturbationHandler& perturbHandler);
43     /** Default destructor */
44     virtual ~PDFullSpaceSolver();
45     //@}
47     /* overloaded from AlgorithmStrategyObject */
48     bool InitializeImpl(const OptionsList& options,
49                         const std::string& prefix) override;
51     /** Solve the primal dual system, given one right hand side.
52      */
53     virtual bool Solve(Number alpha,
54                        Number beta,
55                        const IteratesVector& rhs,
56                        IteratesVector& res,
57                        bool allow_inexact=false,
58                        bool improve_solution=false) override;
60     /** Methods for IpoptType */
61     //@{
62     static void RegisterOptions(SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> roptions);
63     //@}
65   private:
66     /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
67      * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
68      * These methods are not implemented and
69      * we do not want the compiler to implement
70      * them for us, so we declare them private
71      * and do not define them. This ensures that
72      * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
73     //@{
74     /** Default Constructor */
75     PDFullSpaceSolver();
76     /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
77     PDFullSpaceSolver& operator=(const PDFullSpaceSolver&);
78     //@}
80     /** @name Strategy objects to hold on to. */
81     //@{
82     /** Pointer to the Solver for the augmented system */
83     SmartPtr<AugSystemSolver> augSysSolver_;
84     /** Pointer to the Perturbation Handler. */
85     SmartPtr<PDPerturbationHandler> perturbHandler_;
86     //@}
88     /**@name Data about the correction made to the system */
89     //@{
90     /** A dummy cache to figure out if the deltas are still up to date*/
91     CachedResults<void*> dummy_cache_;
92     /** Flag indicating if for the current matrix the solution quality
93      *  of the augmented system solver has already been increased. */
94     bool augsys_improved_;
95     //@}
97     /** @name Parameters */
98     //@{
99     /** Minimal number of iterative refinement performed per backsolve */
100     Index min_refinement_steps_;
101     /** Maximal number of iterative refinement performed per backsolve */
102     Index max_refinement_steps_;
103     /** Maximal allowed ratio of the norm of the residual over the
104      *  norm of the right hand side and solution. */
105     Number residual_ratio_max_;
106     /** If the residual_ratio is larger than this value after trying
107      *  to improve the solution, the linear system is assumed to be
108      *  singular and modified. */
109     Number residual_ratio_singular_;
110     /** Factor defining require improvement to consider iterative
111      *  refinement successful. */
112     Number residual_improvement_factor_;
113     //@}
115     /** Internal function for a single backsolve (which will be used
116      *  for iterative refinement on the outside).  This method returns
117      *  false, if for some reason the linear system could not be
118      *  solved (e.g. when the regularization parameter becomes too
119      *  large.)
120      */
121     bool SolveOnce(bool resolve_unmodified,
122                    bool pretend_singular,
123                    const SymMatrix& W,
124                    const Matrix& J_c,
125                    const Matrix& J_d,
126                    const Matrix& Px_L,
127                    const Matrix& Px_U,
128                    const Matrix& Pd_L,
129                    const Matrix& Pd_U,
130                    const Vector& z_L,
131                    const Vector& z_U,
132                    const Vector& v_L,
133                    const Vector& v_U,
134                    const Vector& slack_x_L,
135                    const Vector& slack_x_U,
136                    const Vector& slack_s_L,
137                    const Vector& slack_s_U,
138                    const Vector& sigma_x,
139                    const Vector& sigma_s,
140                    Number alpha,
141                    Number beta,
142                    const IteratesVector& rhs,
143                    IteratesVector& res);
145     /** Internal function for computing the residual (resid) given the
146      * right hand side (rhs) and the solution of the system (res).
147      */
148     void ComputeResiduals(const SymMatrix& W,
149                           const Matrix& J_c,
150                           const Matrix& J_d,
151                           const Matrix& Px_L,
152                           const Matrix& Px_U,
153                           const Matrix& Pd_L,
154                           const Matrix& Pd_U,
155                           const Vector& z_L,
156                           const Vector& z_U,
157                           const Vector& v_L,
158                           const Vector& v_U,
159                           const Vector& slack_x_L,
160                           const Vector& slack_x_U,
161                           const Vector& slack_s_L,
162                           const Vector& slack_s_U,
163                           const Vector& sigma_x,
164                           const Vector& sigma_s,
165                           Number alpha,
166                           Number beta,
167                           const IteratesVector& rhs,
168                           const IteratesVector& res,
169                           IteratesVector& resid);
171     /** Internal function for computing the ratio of the residual
172      *  compared to the right hand side and solution.  The smaller
173      *  this value, the better the solution. */
174     Number ComputeResidualRatio(const IteratesVector& rhs,
175                                 const IteratesVector& res,
176                                 const IteratesVector& resid);
178     /** @name Auxilliary functions */
179     //@{
180     /** Compute \f$ x = S^{-1}(r + \alpha Z P^T d)\f$ */
181     void SinvBlrmZPTdBr(Number alpha, const Vector& S,
182                         const Vector& R, const Vector& Z,
183                         const Matrix& P, const Vector&g, Vector& X);
184     //@}
185   };
187 } // namespace Ipopt
189 #endif