4 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
5  *                               Simbody(tm)                                  *
6  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
7  * This is part of the SimTK biosimulation toolkit originating from           *
8  * Simbios, the NIH National Center for Physics-Based Simulation of           *
9  * Biological Structures at Stanford, funded under the NIH Roadmap for        *
10  * Medical Research, grant U54 GM072970. See https://simtk.org/home/simbody.  *
11  *                                                                            *
12  * Portions copyright (c) 2014 Stanford University and the Authors.           *
13  * Authors: Michael Sherman                                                   *
14  * Contributors:                                                              *
15  *                                                                            *
16  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may    *
17  * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a  *
18  * copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.         *
19  *                                                                            *
20  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        *
21  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,          *
22  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.   *
23  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        *
24  * limitations under the License.                                             *
25  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
27 /**@file
28 Private implementation of Constraint::SphereOnSphereContact. **/
30 #include "SimTKmath.h"
31 #include "simbody/internal/common.h"
32 #include "simbody/internal/Constraint.h"
34 #include "ConstraintImpl.h"
36 class SimbodyMatterSubsystemRep;
38 namespace SimTK {
40 class SimbodyMatterSubsystem;
41 class SimbodyMatterSubtree;
42 class MobilizedBody;
44 //==============================================================================
45 //                      SPHERE ON SPHERE CONTACT IMPL
46 //==============================================================================
47 class Constraint::SphereOnSphereContactImpl : public ConstraintImpl {
48 public:
50 // An object of this local type is used as the value of a Position-stage
51 // discrete state variable that allows sphere parameters to be changed for a
52 // particular State.
53 struct Parameters {
ParametersParameters54     Parameters(const Vec3& p_FSf, Real rad_F, const Vec3& p_BSb, Real rad_B)
55     :   m_p_FSf(p_FSf), m_radius_F(rad_F), m_p_BSb(p_BSb), m_radius_B(rad_B) {}
57     Parameters() = default;
59     Vec3 m_p_FSf{NaN};    // sphere center on F
60     Real m_radius_F{NaN}; // radius for F's sphere
61     Vec3 m_p_BSb{NaN};    // sphere center on B
62     Real m_radius_B{NaN}; // radius for B's sphere
63 };
65 struct PositionCache {
66     Transform X_AC;         // contact frame in A
67     Vec3 p_FSf_A, p_BSb_A;  // stations expressed in A
68     Vec3 p_FCo_A, p_BCo_A;  // stations expressed in A
69     Vec3 p_SfSb_A;          // vector from Sf to Sb, exp. in A
70     Real r, oor;            // r=||p_SfSb_A||; oor=1/r (might be Infinity)
71     Real kf;                // fraction along p_SfSb to find Co
72     bool isSingular;        // if r is too small to be useful
73 };
75 struct VelocityCache {
76     Vec3 wXwX_p_FSf_A;      // w_AF x (w_AF x p_FSf_A)  [coriolis accel.]
77     Vec3 wXwX_p_BSb_A;      // w_AB x (w_AB x p_BSb_A)  [coriolis accel.]
78     Vec3 pd_SfSb_A;         // v_ASb - vASf
79     Vec3 vF_BCo_A;          // vA_BCo_A-vA_FCo_A, B/Co station vel in F
80     Vec3 wXpd_FCo_A;        // w_AF % pd_FCo_A;
81     Vec3 wXpd_BCo_A;        // w_AB % pd_BCo_A;
82     Vec3 Czd_A;             // d/dt_A Cz_A -- depends on isSingular
83     Vec3 Cxd_A, Cyd_A;      // d/dt_A Cx_A, Cy_A -- calculated from Czd_A
84 };
SphereOnSphereContactImpl(bool enforceRolling)86 explicit SphereOnSphereContactImpl(bool enforceRolling)
87 :   ConstraintImpl(1, enforceRolling?2:0, 0),
88     m_enforceRolling(enforceRolling),
89     m_def_p_FSf(0), m_def_radius_F(NaN), m_def_p_BSb(0), m_def_radius_B(NaN)
90 { }
clone()91 SphereOnSphereContactImpl* clone() const override
92 {   return new SphereOnSphereContactImpl(*this); }
94 void calcDecorativeGeometryAndAppendVirtual
95     (const State& s, Stage stage, Array_<DecorativeGeometry>& geom) const
96     override;
98 // Allocates the discrete state variable for the parameters, and the cache
99 // entries.
100 void realizeTopologyVirtual(State& state) const override;
102 // Get the current value of the runtime-settable parameters from this state.
103 const Parameters& getParameters(const State& state) const;
105 // Get a writable reference to the value of the discrete variable; this
106 // invalidated Position stage in the given state.
107 Parameters& updParameters(State& state) const;
109 const PositionCache& getPositionCache(const State& state) const;
110 PositionCache& updPositionCache(const State& state) const;
111 const PositionCache&  ensurePositionCacheRealized(const State& state) const;
113 const VelocityCache& getVelocityCache(const State& state) const;
114 VelocityCache& updVelocityCache(const State& state) const;
115 const VelocityCache& ensureVelocityCacheRealized(const State& state) const;
118 // Implementation of virtuals required for holonomic constraints.
120 /* The normal contact condition is just a distance constraint enforcing that
121 the two center points Sf and Sb must exactly rf+rb apart. The scalar multiplier
122 acts along the center-center line, so the force application point doesn't
123 matter; it would be the same for any contact point along that line so we don't
124 need to calculate it explicitly for the normal contact constraint; it will
125 matter for tangential forces.
126 Let
127     P = Sf, Q = Sb
128     p_PQ   = p_AQ - p_AP
129     pd_PQ  = d/dt_A p_PQ  = v_AQ - v_AP
130     pdd_PQ = d/dt_A pd_PQ = a_AQ - a_AP
131     r(q)   = ||p_PQ||                       [center-center distance]
133 There is a pathological case in which the center points of the two spheres
134 are overlapping, r(q)=0. In that case we can't use the center-center line as the
135 contact normal Cz since it is zero length. This condition will be corrected
136 eventually by assembly analysis; we just need some consistent return values
137 until then. In this case we declare that Cz=Fz:
139 (1)   Cz = {p_PQ/r,    r != 0                 [contact normal]
140            {  Fz,      r == 0
142 Then our normal contact conditions can always be written like this:
144 (2)   perr = r(q)-(rf+rb)
145 (3)   verr = pd_PQ  . Cz
146 (4)   aerr = pdd_PQ . Cz + pd_PQ . d/dt_A Cz
148 In case r==0, Cz is fixed in F (it is Fz). So Czd = d/dt_A Cz = w_AF x Cz and
149       aerr = pdd_PQ . Cz +  pd_PQ . (w_AF x Cz)
150            = pdd_PQ . Cz + (pd_PQ x w_AF) . Cz       [triple product identity]
151 (5)        = (pdd_PQ - w_AF x pd_PQ) . Cz            [r==0]
153 Otherwise we need to calculate
154        Czd = d/dt_A Cz = d/dt_A p_PQ/r
155            = pd_PQ * oor + p_PQ * oord
156            = pd_PQ/r - p_PQ * (pd_PQ . p_PQ)/r^3
157            = pd_PQ/r - p_PQ/r * (pd_PQ . p_PQ/r)/r
158            = [pd_PQ - (pd_PQ . Cz)*Cz]/r
159 (6)        = (pd_PQ - verr * Cz) / r
161 where
162     oor(q) = 1/r(q) = (p_PQ.p_PQ)^-1/2
163     oord(q) = d/dt oor(q) = -pd_PQ . p_PQ/r^3
165 Substituting (6) into (4) gives
166     aerr = pdd_PQ . Cz + pd_PQ . [pd_PQ - (pd_PQ . Cz)*Cz]/r
167          = pdd_PQ . Cz + [pd_PQ^2 - (pd_PQ . Cz)^2] / r
168 (7)      = pdd_PQ . Cz + [pd_PQ^2 - verr^2] / r
170 The scalars returned by perr,verr, and aerr are measure numbers along Cz (a
171 unit vector aligned with p_SfSb). The multiplier will consequently act along Cz.
173 (See comments below for friction.)
174 */
176 /*  --------------------------------
177     perr = ||p_SfSb|| - (rf+rb)
178     --------------------------------
179     ~60 flops
181 Note that the give State does not necessarily correspond to the given X_AB
182 and constrainedQ so we can't cache the results.
184 TODO: there ought to be a flag saying whether the X_AB and q are from the
185 state (which is common) so that the results could be saved.
186 */
calcPositionErrorsVirtual(const State & s,const Array_<Transform,ConstrainedBodyIndex> & allX_AB,const Array_<Real,ConstrainedQIndex> & constrainedQ,Array_<Real> & perr)187 void calcPositionErrorsVirtual
188    (const State&                                    s,      // Stage::Time
189     const Array_<Transform,ConstrainedBodyIndex>&   allX_AB,
190     const Array_<Real,     ConstrainedQIndex>&      constrainedQ,
191     Array_<Real>&                                   perr)   // mp of these
192     const override
193 {
194     assert(allX_AB.size()==2 && constrainedQ.size()==0 && perr.size() == 1);
196     const Parameters& params = getParameters(s);
197     const Vec3&       p_FSf = params.m_p_FSf;
198     const Vec3&       p_BSb = params.m_p_BSb;
199     const Real        rf    = params.m_radius_F;
200     const Real        rb    = params.m_radius_B;
202     // 36 flops for these two together.
203     const Vec3 p_ASf =  findStationLocation(allX_AB, m_mobod_F, p_FSf);
204     const Vec3 p_ASb =  findStationLocation(allX_AB, m_mobod_B, p_BSb);
206     const Vec3 p_SfSb_A = p_ASb - p_ASf;    //  3 flops
207     const Real r = p_SfSb_A.norm();         // ~20 flops
209     // Calculate this scalar using A-frame vectors; any frame would have done.
210     perr[0] = r - (rf+rb);  //  2 flops
211 }
214 /*  --------------------------------
215     verr  =  pd_SfSb_A . Cz
216     where pd_SfSb_A = v_ASb - v_ASf
217     and   Cz = {p_SfSb_A / r,  r!=0
218                {Fz_A,          r==0
219     --------------------------------
220     32 flops if position info is already available.
222 Note that we can't cache the velocity results here because we don't know that
223 V_AB and qdot were taken from the given State.
224 */
calcPositionDotErrorsVirtual(const State & s,const Array_<SpatialVec,ConstrainedBodyIndex> & allV_AB,const Array_<Real,ConstrainedQIndex> & constrainedQDot,Array_<Real> & pverr)225 void calcPositionDotErrorsVirtual
226    (const State&                                    s,      // Stage::Position
227     const Array_<SpatialVec,ConstrainedBodyIndex>&  allV_AB,
228     const Array_<Real,      ConstrainedQIndex>&     constrainedQDot,
229     Array_<Real>&                                   pverr)  // mp of these
230     const override
231 {
232     assert(allV_AB.size()==2 && constrainedQDot.size()==0 && pverr.size() == 1);
233     const PositionCache& pc = ensurePositionCacheRealized(s);
234     const UnitVec3& Cz_A = pc.X_AC.z();
236     const SpatialVec& V_AF = allV_AB[m_mobod_F];
237     const Vec3& w_AF = V_AF[0]; const Vec3& v_AF = V_AF[1];
239     const SpatialVec& V_AB = allV_AB[m_mobod_B];
240     const Vec3& w_AB = V_AB[0]; const Vec3& v_AB = V_AB[1];
242     const Vec3 v_ASf = v_AF + w_AF % pc.p_FSf_A;        // 12 flops
243     const Vec3 v_ASb = v_AB + w_AB % pc.p_BSb_A;        // 12 flops
244     const Vec3 pd_SfSb_A = v_ASb - v_ASf;               //  3 flops
245     pverr[0] = ~pd_SfSb_A * Cz_A;                       //  5 flops
246 }
248 /*  ------------------------------------------------------------
249     aerr = pdd_SfSb . Cz + pd_SfSb . Czd
250     where pdd_SfSb_A = a_ASb - a_ASf
251     and   Cz = {p_SfSb_A / r,  r!=0
252                {Fz_A,          r==0
253     and   Czd = d/dt_A Cz = {(pd_SfSb - Cz * (pd_SfSb . Cz))/r
254                             {w_AF x Fz_A,     r==0
255     ------------------------------------------------------------
256     44 flops if position & velocity info already calculated
257 */
calcPositionDotDotErrorsVirtual(const State & s,const Array_<SpatialVec,ConstrainedBodyIndex> & allA_AB,const Array_<Real,ConstrainedQIndex> & constrainedQDotDot,Array_<Real> & paerr)258 void calcPositionDotDotErrorsVirtual
259    (const State&                                    s,      // Stage::Velocity
260     const Array_<SpatialVec,ConstrainedBodyIndex>&  allA_AB,
261     const Array_<Real,      ConstrainedQIndex>&     constrainedQDotDot,
262     Array_<Real>&                                   paerr)  // mp of these
263     const override
264 {
265     assert(allA_AB.size()==2&&constrainedQDotDot.size()==0&&paerr.size()==1);
267     // Ensuring the velocity cache is realized also ensures that the position
268     // cache has been realized.
269     const VelocityCache& vc = ensureVelocityCacheRealized(s);
270     const PositionCache& pc = getPositionCache(s);
271     const UnitVec3& Cz_A = pc.X_AC.z();
273     // 30 flops for these two together.
274     const Vec3 a_ASf = findStationInAAcceleration(s, allA_AB, m_mobod_F,
275                                                   pc.p_FSf_A, vc.wXwX_p_FSf_A);
276     const Vec3 a_ASb = findStationInAAcceleration(s, allA_AB, m_mobod_B,
277                                                   pc.p_BSb_A, vc.wXwX_p_BSb_A);
279     const Vec3 pdd_SfSb_A = a_ASb - a_ASf; // 2nd deriv in A,     3 flops
280     paerr[0] = ~pdd_SfSb_A * Cz_A + ~vc.pd_SfSb_A * vc.Czd_A; // 11 flops
281 }
283 // Because the normal force is applied along the line between the centers, it
284 // does not matter where along that line we apply the force -- the force and
285 // resulting moment are the same anywhere along the line. Thus we are not
286 // required to use the same point in space here -- for convenience we'll just
287 // apply forces to the sphere centers whose locations we have available.
288 // We won't have this luxury for tangential forces -- for those the application
289 // point does matter.
290 //
291 // apply f=lambda*Cz to the sphere center on body B,
292 //       -f          to the sphere center on body F
293 // 33 flops if position info already available.
addInPositionConstraintForcesVirtual(const State & s,const Array_<Real> & multipliers,Array_<SpatialVec,ConstrainedBodyIndex> & bodyForcesInA,Array_<Real,ConstrainedQIndex> & qForces)294 void addInPositionConstraintForcesVirtual
295    (const State&                                    s,      // Stage::Position
296     const Array_<Real>&                             multipliers, // mp of these
297     Array_<SpatialVec,ConstrainedBodyIndex>&        bodyForcesInA,
298     Array_<Real,      ConstrainedQIndex>&           qForces)
299     const override
300 {
301     assert(multipliers.size()==1&&bodyForcesInA.size()==2&&qForces.size()==0);
302     const Real lambda = multipliers[0];
304     const PositionCache& pc = ensurePositionCacheRealized(s);
305     const UnitVec3& Cz_A = pc.X_AC.z();
307     const Vec3 force_A = lambda * Cz_A;     // 3 flops
309     // 30 flops for the next two calls
310     addInStationInAForce(pc.p_BSb_A, force_A, bodyForcesInA[m_mobod_B]);
311     subInStationInAForce(pc.p_FSf_A, force_A, bodyForcesInA[m_mobod_F]);
312 }
315 // Implementation of virtuals required for nonholonomic constraints.
317 /* The rolling friction constraint says that the velocity in F of the material
318 point of B coincident with the contact point Co, must be zero in the contact
319 frame's Cx and Cy directions.
321 We have:
322 (1) p_FCo = p_FSf +   k   p_SfSb, k=rf/(rf+rb)
323     p_BCo = p_BSb + (k-1) p_SfSb
324 (2)       = p_FCo - p_FB
325 Note that the contact point Co is not a station of either body but moves with
326 respect to the body frames F and B. However, for the velocity constraint
327 we want to enforce no relative tangential velocity of the two *material* points
328 at Co, which we'll call B/Co and F/Co and write
329 (3) vA_FCo = d/dt_A p_FCo
330            = v_AF + w_AF x p_FCo
331 (4) vA_BCo = d/dt A p_BCo
332              v_AB + w_AB x p_BCo
333 Then the velocity of B/Co measured in the F frame is
334 (5) vF_BCo = vA_BCo - vA_FCo
335 and
336 (6) verr = [vF_BCo . Cx]
337            [vF_BCo . Cy]
338 is our velocity constraint.
340 We need to calculate aerr = d/dt verr. The components of verr are two scalars
341 so we can pick any frame in which to calculate the derivatives; we'll use A. So
342 from the chain rule we have:
343 (7) aerr = [d/dt_A vF_BCo . Cx + vF_BCo . d/dt_A Cx]
344            [d/dt_A vF_BCo . Cy + vF_BCo . d/dt_A Cy]
345          = [vdF_BCo . Cx + vF_BCo . Cxd]
346            [vdF_BCo . Cy + vF_BCo . Cyd]
348 We already have vF_BCo, so we need these three quantities:
349     Cxd     = d/dt_A Cx = w_AC x Cx
350     Cyd     = d/dt_A Cy = w_AC x Cy
351     vFd_BCo = d/dt_A vF_BCo
353 We have to be careful to account for the fact that Co moves in B, that is
354 d/dt_B p_BCo != 0. We'll use "d" to mean time derivative in A:
355     vdF_BCo = vdA_BCo - vdA_FCo                     from (5)
356     vdA_FCo = a_AF + b_AF x p_FCo + w_AF x pd_FCo   from (3)
357     vdA_BCo = a_AB + b_AB x p_BCo + w_AB x pd_BCo   from (4)
358     pd_FCo  = w_AF x p_FSf + kf * pd_SfSb           from (1)
359     pd_BCo  = pdFCo - pd_FB                         from (2)
360     pd_FB   = v_AB - v_AF
362 You can find the velocity-dependent portions of the above calculations,
363 including Cxd and Cyd, in ensureVelocityCacheRealized().
364 */
366 /*
367     -------------------------------------------
368     verr = [vF_BCo_A . Cx_A]
369            [vF_BCo_A . Cy_A]
370     -------------------------------------------
371     37 flops (if position info already calculated)
372 */
calcVelocityErrorsVirtual(const State & s,const Array_<SpatialVec,ConstrainedBodyIndex> & allV_AB,const Array_<Real,ConstrainedUIndex> & constrainedU,Array_<Real> & verr)373 void calcVelocityErrorsVirtual
374    (const State&                                    s,      // Stage::Position
375     const Array_<SpatialVec,ConstrainedBodyIndex>&  allV_AB,
376     const Array_<Real,      ConstrainedUIndex>&     constrainedU,
377     Array_<Real>&                                   verr)   // mv of these
378     const override
379 {
380     assert(allV_AB.size()==2 && constrainedU.size()==0 && verr.size()==2);
382     const PositionCache& pc = ensurePositionCacheRealized(s);
383     const UnitVec3& Cx_A  = pc.X_AC.x();
384     const UnitVec3& Cy_A  = pc.X_AC.y();
386     const SpatialVec& V_AF = allV_AB[m_mobod_F];
387     const Vec3& w_AF = V_AF[0]; const Vec3& v_AF = V_AF[1];
389     const SpatialVec& V_AB = allV_AB[m_mobod_B];
390     const Vec3& w_AB = V_AB[0]; const Vec3& v_AB = V_AB[1];
392     const Vec3 vA_BCo_A = v_AB + w_AB % pc.p_BCo_A; // 12 flops
393     const Vec3 vA_FCo_A = v_AF + w_AF % pc.p_FCo_A; // 12 flops
394     const Vec3 vF_BCo_A = vA_BCo_A - vA_FCo_A;      //  3 flops
396     // Calculate these scalars using A-frame vectors, but the results are
397     // measure numbers in [Cx Cy].
398     verr[0] = ~vF_BCo_A * Cx_A;                     // 5 flops
399     verr[1] = ~vF_BCo_A * Cy_A;                     // 5 flops
400 }
402 /*
403     -------------------------------------------
404      aerr = [vdF_BCo . Cx + vF_BCo . Cxd]
405             [vdF_BCo . Cy + vF_BCo . Cyd]
406     -------------------------------------------
407     55 flops if position and velocity info already calculated.
408 */
calcVelocityDotErrorsVirtual(const State & s,const Array_<SpatialVec,ConstrainedBodyIndex> & allA_AB,const Array_<Real,ConstrainedUIndex> & constrainedUDot,Array_<Real> & vaerr)410 void calcVelocityDotErrorsVirtual
411    (const State&                                    s,      // Stage::Velocity
412     const Array_<SpatialVec,ConstrainedBodyIndex>&  allA_AB,
413     const Array_<Real,      ConstrainedUIndex>&     constrainedUDot,
414     Array_<Real>&                                   vaerr)  // mv of these
415     const override
416 {
417     assert(allA_AB.size()==2 && constrainedUDot.size()==0 && vaerr.size()==2);
419     // Ensuring the velocity cache is realized also ensures that the position
420     // cache has been realized.
421     const VelocityCache& vc = ensureVelocityCacheRealized(s);
422     const PositionCache& pc = getPositionCache(s);
424     const UnitVec3& Cx_A  = pc.X_AC.x();
425     const UnitVec3& Cy_A  = pc.X_AC.y();
426     const Vec3&     Cxd_A = vc.Cxd_A;
427     const Vec3&     Cyd_A = vc.Cyd_A;
429     const SpatialVec& A_AF = allA_AB[m_mobod_F];
430     const Vec3& b_AF = A_AF[0]; const Vec3& a_AF = A_AF[1];
432     const SpatialVec& A_AB = allA_AB[m_mobod_B];
433     const Vec3& b_AB = A_AB[0]; const Vec3& a_AB = A_AB[1];
435     const Vec3 vd_FCo_A = a_AF + b_AF % pc.p_FCo_A + vc.wXpd_FCo_A; // 15 flops
436     const Vec3 vd_BCo_A = a_AB + b_AB % pc.p_BCo_A + vc.wXpd_BCo_A; // 15 flops
437     const Vec3 vdF_BCo_A = vd_BCo_A - vd_FCo_A;                     //  3 flops
439     vaerr[0] = ~vdF_BCo_A*Cx_A + ~vc.vF_BCo_A*Cxd_A;                // 11 flops
440     vaerr[1] = ~vdF_BCo_A*Cy_A + ~vc.vF_BCo_A*Cyd_A;                // 11 flops
441 }
443 // apply f=lambda0*Px + lambda1*Py to the bottom point C of ball on B
444 //      -f           to point C (coincident point) of body F
445 // 39 flops if position info already available
addInVelocityConstraintForcesVirtual(const State & s,const Array_<Real> & multipliers,Array_<SpatialVec,ConstrainedBodyIndex> & bodyForcesInA,Array_<Real,ConstrainedUIndex> & mobilityForces)446 void addInVelocityConstraintForcesVirtual
447    (const State&                                    s,      // Stage::Velocity
448     const Array_<Real>&                             multipliers, // mv of these
449     Array_<SpatialVec,ConstrainedBodyIndex>&        bodyForcesInA,
450     Array_<Real,      ConstrainedUIndex>&           mobilityForces)
451     const override
452 {
453     assert(multipliers.size()==2 && mobilityForces.size()==0
454            && bodyForcesInA.size()==2);
455     const Real lambda0 = multipliers[0], lambda1 = multipliers[1];
457     const PositionCache& pc = ensurePositionCacheRealized(s);
458     const UnitVec3& Cx_A  = pc.X_AC.x();
459     const UnitVec3& Cy_A  = pc.X_AC.y();
461     const Vec3 force_A = lambda0*Cx_A + lambda1*Cy_A; // 9 flops
463     // 30 flops for the next two calls
464     addInStationInAForce(pc.p_BCo_A, force_A, bodyForcesInA[m_mobod_B]);
465     subInStationInAForce(pc.p_FCo_A, force_A, bodyForcesInA[m_mobod_F]);
466 }
469 SimTK_DOWNCAST(SphereOnSphereContactImpl, ConstraintImpl);
470 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
471                                     private:
472 friend class Constraint::SphereOnSphereContact;
474 // These can't be changed after construction.
475 ConstrainedBodyIndex    m_mobod_F;          // F (B1)
476 ConstrainedBodyIndex    m_mobod_B;          // B (B2)
477 const bool              m_enforceRolling;   // if so, add 2 constraints
479 Vec3                    m_def_p_FSf;    // default sphere center on F
480 Real                    m_def_radius_F; // default radius for F's sphere
481 Vec3                    m_def_p_BSb;    // default sphere center on B
482 Real                    m_def_radius_B; // default radius for B's sphere
484 // This Position-stage variable holds the constraint parameters to be used
485 // for a particular State.
486 mutable DiscreteVariableIndex   m_parametersIx;
488 // These cache entries hold precalculated position- and velocity-dependent
489 // computations. These are lazy evaluated by the first method to be called
490 // that requires the State to be at Position or Velocity stage.
491 mutable CacheEntryIndex         m_posCacheIx;
492 mutable CacheEntryIndex         m_velCacheIx;
493 };
497 } // namespace SimTK