1 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
2  *                Simbody(tm) Adhoc test: Contact Brick Test                  *
3  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
4  * This is part of the SimTK biosimulation toolkit originating from           *
5  * Simbios, the NIH National Center for Physics-Based Simulation of           *
6  * Biological Structures at Stanford, funded under the NIH Roadmap for        *
7  * Medical Research, grant U54 GM072970. See https://simtk.org/home/simbody.  *
8  *                                                                            *
9  * Portions copyright (c) 2014 Stanford University and the Authors.           *
10  * Authors: Michael Sherman                                                   *
11  * Contributors:                                                              *
12  *                                                                            *
13  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may    *
14  * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a  *
15  * copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.         *
16  *                                                                            *
17  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        *
18  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,          *
19  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.   *
20  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        *
21  * limitations under the License.                                             *
22  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
24 /* This adhoc test is for playing with Brick contact elements.
25 */
27 #include "Simbody.h"
29 #include <cstdio>
30 #include <exception>
31 #include <algorithm>
32 #include <iostream>
33 #include <fstream>
34 using std::cout; using std::endl;
36 using namespace SimTK;
38 Array_<State> saveEm;
40 static const Real TimeScale = 1;
41 static const Real FrameRate = 60;
42 static const Real ReportInterval = TimeScale/FrameRate;
43 static const Real ForceScale = .25;
44 static const Real MomentScale = .5;
47 class ForceArrowGenerator : public DecorationGenerator {
48 public:
ForceArrowGenerator(const MultibodySystem & system,const CompliantContactSubsystem & complCont)49     ForceArrowGenerator(const MultibodySystem& system,
50                         const CompliantContactSubsystem& complCont)
51     :   m_mbs(system), m_compliant(complCont) {}
generateDecorations(const State & state,Array_<DecorativeGeometry> & geometry)53     virtual void generateDecorations(const State& state, Array_<DecorativeGeometry>& geometry) override {
54         const Vec3 frcColors[] = {Red,Orange,Cyan};
55         const Vec3 momColors[] = {Blue,Green,Purple};
56         m_mbs.realize(state, Stage::Velocity);
57         const SimbodyMatterSubsystem& matter = m_mbs.getMatterSubsystem();
58         const Real TextScale = m_mbs.getDefaultLengthScale()/10; // was .1
59         m_mbs.realize(state, Stage::Dynamics);
60         const Real KE=m_mbs.calcKineticEnergy(state), E=m_mbs.calcEnergy(state);
61         const Real diss=m_compliant.getDissipatedEnergy(state);
62         DecorativeText txt; txt.setIsScreenText(true);
63         txt.setText("KE/Diss/E: " + String(KE, "%.6f") + String(diss, "/%.6f")
64                     + String(E+diss, "/%.6f") );
65         geometry.push_back(txt);
67         int nContPts = 0;
68         const int ncont = m_compliant.getNumContactForces(state);
69         for (int i=0; i < ncont; ++i) {
70             const ContactForce& force = m_compliant.getContactForce(state,i);
71             const ContactId     id    = force.getContactId();
72             const Vec3&         pt    = force.getContactPoint();
73             const Vec3& frc = force.getForceOnSurface2()[1];
74             const Vec3& mom = force.getForceOnSurface2()[0];
75             Real  frcMag = frc.norm(), momMag=mom.norm();
76             const UnitVec3 frcDir(frc/frcMag, true);
77             const UnitVec3 momDir(mom/momMag, true);
78             const Vec3 offs = .1*frcDir; // shift up to clear ground
79             int frcThickness = 2, momThickness = 2;
80             Real frcScale = ForceScale, momScale = ForceScale;
81             while (frcMag > /*10*/1000000)
82                 frcThickness++, frcScale /= 10, frcMag /= 10;
83             while (momMag > /*10*/1000000)
84                 momThickness++, momScale /= 10, momMag /= 10;
85             geometry.push_back(DecorativePoint(pt)
86                                .setScale(5).setColor(Yellow));
87             DecorativeLine frcLine(pt,      pt + std::log10(frcMag)*frcDir);
88             DecorativeLine momLine(pt+offs, pt+offs + std::log10(momMag)*momDir);
89             frcLine.setColor(Black);
90             momLine.setColor(Purple);
91             frcLine.setLineThickness(frcThickness);
92             momLine.setLineThickness(momThickness);
93             geometry.push_back(frcLine);
94             geometry.push_back(momLine);
96             ContactPatch patch;
97             const bool found = m_compliant.calcContactPatchDetailsById(state,id,patch);
98             //cout << "patch for id" << id << " found=" << found << endl;
99             //cout << "resultant=" << patch.getContactForce() << endl;
100             //cout << "num details=" << patch.getNumDetails() << endl;
101             for (int i=0; i < patch.getNumDetails(); ++i) {
102                 ++nContPts;
103                 const ContactDetail& detail = patch.getContactDetail(i);
104                 const Vec3& pt = detail.getContactPoint();
105                 geometry.push_back(DecorativePoint(pt).setColor(Purple));
107                 const Vec3& force = detail.getForceOnSurface2();
108                 const Real forceMag = force.norm();
109                 const UnitVec3 forceDir(force/forceMag, true);
110                 DecorativeLine frcLine(pt, pt+std::log10(forceMag)*forceDir);
111                 frcLine.setColor(Black);
112                 geometry.push_back(frcLine);
114                 // Make a red line that extends from the contact
115                 // point in the direction of the slip velocity, of length 3*slipvel.
116                 DecorativeLine slip(pt,pt+3.*detail.getSlipVelocity());
117                 slip.setColor(Red);
118                 geometry.push_back(slip);
119             }
120         }
121         txt.setText(String("Num contact points: ") + String(nContPts));
122         geometry.push_back(txt);
124     }
125 private:
126     const MultibodySystem&              m_mbs;
127     const CompliantContactSubsystem&    m_compliant;
128 };
130 class MyReporter : public PeriodicEventReporter {
131 public:
MyReporter(const MultibodySystem & system,const CompliantContactSubsystem & complCont,Real reportInterval)132     MyReporter(const MultibodySystem& system,
133                const CompliantContactSubsystem& complCont,
134                Real reportInterval)
135     :   PeriodicEventReporter(reportInterval), m_system(system),
136         m_compliant(complCont)
137     {}
~MyReporter()139     ~MyReporter() {}
handleEvent(const State & state) const141     void handleEvent(const State& state) const override {
142         saveEm.push_back(state);
143     }
144 private:
145     const MultibodySystem&           m_system;
146     const CompliantContactSubsystem& m_compliant;
147 };
149 // These are the item numbers for the entries on the Run menu.
150 static const int RunMenuId = 3, HelpMenuId = 7;
151 static const int GoItem = 1, ReplayItem=2, QuitItem=3;
153 // This is a periodic event handler that interrupts the simulation on a regular
154 // basis to poll the InputSilo for user input. If there has been some, process it.
155 // This one does nothing but look for the Run->Quit selection.
156 class UserInputHandler : public PeriodicEventHandler {
157 public:
UserInputHandler(Visualizer::InputSilo & silo,Real interval)158     UserInputHandler(Visualizer::InputSilo& silo, Real interval)
159     :   PeriodicEventHandler(interval), m_silo(silo) {}
handleEvent(State & state,Real accuracy,bool & shouldTerminate) const161     virtual void handleEvent(State& state, Real accuracy,
162                              bool& shouldTerminate) const override
163     {
164         int menuId, item;
165         if (m_silo.takeMenuPick(menuId, item) && menuId==RunMenuId && item==QuitItem)
166             shouldTerminate = true;
167     }
169 private:
170     Visualizer::InputSilo& m_silo;
171 };
main()173 int main() {
174   try
175   { // Create the system.
177     MultibodySystem         system;
178     SimbodyMatterSubsystem  matter(system);
179     GeneralForceSubsystem   forces(system);
180     Force::Gravity          gravity(forces, matter, UnitVec3(.1,-1,0), 9.81);
182     ContactTrackerSubsystem  tracker(system);
183     CompliantContactSubsystem contactForces(system, tracker);
184     contactForces.setTrackDissipatedEnergy(true);
185     contactForces.setTransitionVelocity(1e-3);
187     const Vec3 hdim(1,2,3);
189     const Real fFac =.15; // to turn off friction
190     const Real fDis = .5; // to turn off dissipation
191     const Real fVis =  .1; // to turn off viscous friction
192     const Real fK = .1*1e6; // pascals
194     // Halfspace floor
195     const Rotation R_xdown(-Pi/2,ZAxis);
196     matter.Ground().updBody().addDecoration(
197         Transform(Vec3(0,-.5,0)),
198         DecorativeBrick(Vec3(10,.5,20)).setColor(Green).setOpacity(.1));
199     matter.Ground().updBody().addContactSurface(
200         Transform(R_xdown, Vec3(0,0,0)),
201         ContactSurface(ContactGeometry::HalfSpace(),
202                        ContactMaterial(fK*.1,fDis*.9,
203                            fFac*.8,fFac*.7,fVis*10)));
205     const Real brickMass = 10;
206     Body::Rigid brickBody(MassProperties(brickMass, Vec3(0),
207                             UnitInertia::brick(hdim)));
208     brickBody.addDecoration(Transform(),
209                             DecorativeBrick(hdim).setColor(Cyan).setOpacity(.3));
210     const int surfx = brickBody.addContactSurface(Transform(),
211         ContactSurface(ContactGeometry::Brick(hdim),
212                        ContactMaterial(fK,fDis,
213                                        fFac*.8,fFac*.7,fVis))
214                        );
215     //brickBody.addContactSurface(Transform(),
216     //    ContactSurface(ContactGeometry::Ellipsoid(hdim),
217     //                   ContactMaterial(fK*.1,fDis*.9,
218     //                                   .1*fFac*.8,.1*fFac*.7,fVis*1))
219     //                   );
220     const ContactSurface& surf = brickBody.getContactSurface(surfx);
221     const ContactGeometry& cg = surf.getShape();
222     const ContactGeometry::Brick& cgbrick = ContactGeometry::Brick::getAs(cg);
223     cout << "cgbrick.hdim=" << cgbrick.getHalfLengths() << endl;
224     const Geo::Box& box = cgbrick.getGeoBox();
225     cout << "box.hdim=" << box.getHalfLengths() << endl;
227     // Vertices
228     for (int i=0; i<8; ++i) {
229         const Vec3 vpos = box.getVertexPos(i);
230         const UnitVec3 vn = box.getVertexNormal(i);
231         brickBody.addDecoration
232             (DecorativePoint(vpos).setColor(Orange));
233         brickBody.addDecoration
234             (DecorativeText(String(i)).setTransform(vpos).setColor(White)
235              .setScale(.5));
236         brickBody.addDecoration
237            (DecorativeLine(vpos, vpos + 0.5*vn).setColor(Orange));
239         printf("vertex %d:\n", i);
240         int e[3],ew[3],f[3],fw[3];
241         box.getVertexEdges(i,e,ew);
242         box.getVertexFaces(i,f,fw);
243         for (int ex=0; ex<3; ++ex) {
244             int ev[2]; box.getEdgeVertices(e[ex], ev);
245             printf("  e%2d(%d) ev=%d\n", e[ex], ew[ex], ev[ew[ex]]);
246         }
247         for (int fx=0; fx<3; ++fx) {
248             int fv[4]; box.getFaceVertices(f[fx], fv);
249             printf("  f%2d(%d) fv=%d\n", f[fx], fw[fx], fv[fw[fx]]);
250         }
251     }
253     // Edges
254     for (int i=0; i<12; ++i) {
255         const UnitVec3 n = box.getEdgeNormal(i);
256         const UnitVec3 d = box.getEdgeDirection(i);
257         const Vec3 ctr = box.getEdgeCenter(i);
258         const Real len = .75;
259         brickBody.addDecoration
260            (DecorativePoint(ctr).setColor(Green).setScale(2));
261         brickBody.addDecoration
262             (DecorativeText(String(i)).setTransform(ctr+len*n)
263              .setColor(Green).setScale(.3));
264         brickBody.addDecoration
265            (DecorativeLine(ctr, ctr + len*n).setColor(Green));
266         brickBody.addDecoration
267            (DecorativeLine(ctr, ctr + len*d).setColor(Green));
269         printf("edge %d:\n", i);
270         int f[2],fw[2];
271         box.getEdgeFaces(i,f,fw);
272         for (int fx=0; fx<2; ++fx) {
273             int fe[4]; box.getFaceEdges(f[fx], fe);
274             printf("  f%2d(%d) fe=%d\n", f[fx], fw[fx], fe[fw[fx]]);
275         }
276     }
278     // Faces
279     for (int i=0; i<6; ++i) {
280         int vertices[4]; box.getFaceVertices(i,vertices);
281         const UnitVec3 n = box.getFaceNormal(i);
282         const Vec3 ctr = box.getFaceCenter(i);
283         brickBody.addDecoration
284            (DecorativePoint(ctr).setColor(Magenta).setScale(3));
285         brickBody.addDecoration
286            (Transform(Rotation(n,ZAxis,Vec3(0,1,0),YAxis),ctr),
287             DecorativeText(String(i)).setColor(Magenta)
288              .setScale(.75).setFaceCamera(false));
289         brickBody.addDecoration
290            (DecorativeLine(ctr, ctr + 1.*n).setColor(Magenta));
291     }
293     MobilizedBody::Free brick(matter.Ground(), Transform(Vec3(0,3,0)),
294         brickBody, Transform(Vec3(0)));
296     Visualizer viz(system);
297     viz.addDecorationGenerator(new ForceArrowGenerator(system,contactForces));
298     viz.setShowShadows(true);
299     viz.setShowSimTime(true);
300     viz.setDesiredFrameRate(FrameRate);
301     viz.setShowFrameRate(true);
302     viz.setBackgroundType(Visualizer::SolidColor);
303     viz.setBackgroundColor(White*.9);
305     Visualizer::InputSilo* silo = new Visualizer::InputSilo();
306     viz.addInputListener(silo);
307     Array_<std::pair<String,int> > runMenuItems;
308     runMenuItems.push_back(std::make_pair("Go", GoItem));
309     runMenuItems.push_back(std::make_pair("Replay", ReplayItem));
310     runMenuItems.push_back(std::make_pair("Quit", QuitItem));
311     viz.addMenu("Run", RunMenuId, runMenuItems);
313     Array_<std::pair<String,int> > helpMenuItems;
314     helpMenuItems.push_back(std::make_pair("TBD - Sorry!", 1));
315     viz.addMenu("Help", HelpMenuId, helpMenuItems);
317     system.addEventReporter(new MyReporter(system,contactForces,ReportInterval));
318     system.addEventReporter(new Visualizer::Reporter(viz, ReportInterval));
320     // Check for a Run->Quit menu pick every 1/4 second.
321     system.addEventHandler(new UserInputHandler(*silo, .25));
323     // Initialize the system and state.
325     system.realizeTopology();
326     State state = system.getDefaultState();
328     brick.setQToFitRotation(state, Rotation(SpaceRotationSequence,
329                                             .1, ZAxis, .05, XAxis));
330     brick.setUToFitLinearVelocity(state, Vec3(2,0,0));
332     saveEm.reserve(10000);
334     viz.report(state);
335     printf("Default state\n");
336     cout << "t=" << state.getTime()
337          << " q=" << brick.getQAsVector(state)
338          << " u=" << brick.getUAsVector(state)
339          << endl;
341     cout << "\nChoose 'Go' from Run menu to simulate:\n";
342     int menuId, item;
343     do { silo->waitForMenuPick(menuId, item);
344          if (menuId != RunMenuId || item != GoItem)
345              cout << "\aDude ... follow instructions!\n";
346     } while (menuId != RunMenuId || item != GoItem);
349     // Simulate it.
351     // The system as parameterized is very stiff (mostly due to friction)
352     // and thus runs best with CPodes which is extremely stable for
353     // stiff problems. To get reasonable performance out of the explicit
354     // integrators (like the RKs) you'll have to run at a very loose
355     // accuracy like 0.1, or reduce the friction coefficients and
356     // maybe the stiffnesses.
358     //SemiExplicitEuler2Integrator integ(system);
359     //CPodesIntegrator integ(system,CPodes::BDF,CPodes::Newton);
360     RungeKuttaMersonIntegrator integ(system);
361     //RungeKutta3Integrator integ(system);
362     //VerletIntegrator integ(system);
363     //integ.setMaximumStepSize(1e-0001);
364     //integ.setAccuracy(1e-3); // minimum for CPodes
365     integ.setAccuracy(1e-5);
366     //integ.setAccuracy(.01);
367     TimeStepper ts(system, integ);
370     ts.initialize(state);
371     double cpuStart = cpuTime();
372     double realStart = realTime();
374     ts.stepTo(20.0);
376     const double timeInSec = realTime() - realStart;
377     const int evals = integ.getNumRealizations();
378     cout << "Done -- took " << integ.getNumStepsTaken() << " steps in " <<
379         timeInSec << "s elapsed for " << ts.getTime() << "s sim (avg step="
380         << (1000*ts.getTime())/integ.getNumStepsTaken() << "ms) "
381         << (1000*ts.getTime())/evals << "ms/eval\n";
382     cout << "  CPU time was " << cpuTime() - cpuStart << "s\n";
384     printf("Using Integrator %s at accuracy %g:\n",
385         integ.getMethodName(), integ.getAccuracyInUse());
386     printf("# STEPS/ATTEMPTS = %d/%d\n", integ.getNumStepsTaken(), integ.getNumStepsAttempted());
387     printf("# ERR TEST FAILS = %d\n", integ.getNumErrorTestFailures());
388     printf("# REALIZE/PROJECT = %d/%d\n", integ.getNumRealizations(), integ.getNumProjections());
390     viz.dumpStats(std::cout);
392     // Add as slider to control playback speed.
393     viz.addSlider("Speed", 1, 0, 4, 1);
394     viz.setMode(Visualizer::PassThrough);
396     silo->clear(); // forget earlier input
397     double speed = 1; // will change if slider moves
398     while(true) {
399         cout << "Choose Run/Replay to see that again ...\n";
401         int menuId, item;
402         silo->waitForMenuPick(menuId, item);
405         if (menuId != RunMenuId) {
406             cout << "\aUse the Run menu!\n";
407             continue;
408         }
410         if (item == QuitItem)
411             break;
412         if (item != ReplayItem) {
413             cout << "\aHuh? Try again.\n";
414             continue;
415         }
417         for (double i=0; i < (int)saveEm.size(); i += speed ) {
418             int slider; Real newValue;
419             if (silo->takeSliderMove(slider,newValue)) {
420                 speed = newValue;
421             }
422             viz.report(saveEm[(int)i]);
423         }
424     }
426   } catch (const std::exception& e) {
427     std::printf("EXCEPTION THROWN: %s\n", e.what());
428     exit(1);
430   } catch (...) {
431     std::printf("UNKNOWN EXCEPTION THROWN\n");
432     exit(1);
433   }
435     return 0;
436 }