1 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
2  *               Simbody(tm) - Tim's Box (hybrid contact model)               *
3  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
4  * This is part of the SimTK biosimulation toolkit originating from           *
5  * Simbios, the NIH National Center for Physics-Based Simulation of           *
6  * Biological Structures at Stanford, funded under the NIH Roadmap for        *
7  * Medical Research, grant U54 GM072970. See https://simtk.org/home/simbody.  *
8  *                                                                            *
9  * Portions copyright (c) 2013 Stanford University and the Authors.           *
10  * Authors: Michael Sherman                                                   *
11  * Contributors:                                                              *
12  *                                                                            *
13  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may    *
14  * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a  *
15  * copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.         *
16  *                                                                            *
17  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        *
18  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,          *
19  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.   *
20  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        *
21  * limitations under the License.                                             *
22  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
24 /* Investigate a compliant contact/bristle friction model, using Tim's
25 box as a test case. */
27 //#define NDEBUG 1
29 #include "Simbody.h"
31 #include <string>
32 #include <iostream>
33 #include <exception>
35 using std::cout;
36 using std::endl;
38 using namespace SimTK;
40 //#define USE_TIMS_PARAMS
41 #define ANIMATE // off to get more accurate CPU time (you can still playback)
43 // Control whether we use a dwell-time model. Otherwise we allow instantaneous
44 // sliding/stiction transition.
47 // Define this to run the simulation NTries times, saving the states and
48 // comparing them bitwise to see if the simulations are perfectly repeatable
49 // as they should be. You should see nothing but exact zeroes print out for
50 // second and subsequent runs.
52 static const int NTries=3;
54 //==============================================================================
55 //                     MY HYBRID VERTEX CONTACT ELEMENT
56 //==============================================================================
57 /* Given a contact material (with compliant material properties), this
58 represents a compliant point-and-rigid-halfspace contact element. We track
59 the height h of a vertex V on body B over a halfspace H on body P. The
60 halfspace frame H serves as the contact frame, with Hz in the contact
61 normal direction and Hxy spanning the tangent plane. The pose X_PH is
62 a given constant.
64 Normal force
65 ------------
66 If the vertex height h is above the halfspace surface (h>=0), no forces are
67 generated. If below the surface (h<0) we generate a normal force of magnitude
68      N=max(0, -k*h(1-d*hdot)), with N >= 0
69 applied to both bodies at the contact point C, which is the point at h=0 just
70 up the halfspace normal direction from the vertex (because we're considering
71 the halfspace to be rigid). Denote by Cb the station (material point) of B
72 that is coincident with C, and Cp the station of P that is coincident with C.
74 Bristle friction force
75 ----------------------
76 Ref: Gonthier, et al. 2004 Multibody Sys. Dyn. 11:209-33.
78 k_br     bristle stiffness     (= alpha0 from Gonthier)
79 t_br     bristle time constant (= alpha1/alpha0 from Gonthier)
80 t_dw     dwell time constant
81 v_trans  Stribeck transition velocity
82 v_tol    numerical velocity noise limit (< v_trans/10)
84 f        tangential friction force vector (2d)
86 z        bristle deformation vector (2d state)
87 v        tangential slip velocity vector (2d) [v=0 when not in contact]
88 r        rolling condition [0,1] (0=slipping, 1=rolling) (=s from Gonthier)
89 r_dw     r delayed by time constants t_dw,t_br (state) [0,1]
91 f = { sat(f_br,f_max) - N*mu_v*v,     if in contact
92     { 0,                              otherwise
94 f_br = -k_br*(z + t_br*zdot)    [TODO: need area term here?]
95 zdot = r * zdot_s + (1-r) * zdot_d
96 zdot_s = v
97 zdot_d = -(z + f_d/k_br)/t_br
98 f_d = -mu_d*N*dir(v, v_tol)
100 f_max = mu_eff*N
101 mu_eff = mu_d + (mu_s-mu_d)*r_dw
103 r = exp(-|v|^2/v_trans^2)
105 r_dw_dot ={ (r - r_dw)/t_dw,   r >= r_dw
106           { (r - r_dw)/t_br,   r <  r_dw
108 sat(f_br, f_max) = { f_br,                 |f_br| <= f_max
109                    { f_max*f_br/|f_br|,    |f_br| > f_max
111 dir(v, v_tol) = { v/|v|,   |v| >= v_tol
112                 { v/v_tol, |v| < v_tol [Gonthier has *stepUp(|v|/v_tol)]
114 */
116 // Return f, but with magnitude limited by fmax>=0.
sat(const Vec2 & f,Real fmax)117 static inline Vec2 sat(const Vec2& f, Real fmax) {
118     assert(fmax >= 0);
119     const Real fsq = f.normSqr();
120     if (fsq <= fmax*fmax)
121         return f;
123     return (fmax/std::sqrt(fsq))*f;
124 }
126 // Implement relaxed unit vector in direction of v, where the direction vector
127 // has magnitude less than 1 if |v|<vtol, dropping to 0 when |v|=0.
dir(const Vec2 & v,Real vnorm,Real oovtol)128 static inline Vec2 dir(const Vec2& v, Real vnorm, Real oovtol) {
129     assert(oovtol > 0);
130     const Real scale = vnorm*oovtol;
131     if (scale >= 1)
132         return v/vnorm;
133     //const Real smooth = 1;
134     //const Real smooth = stepUp(scale);
135     const Real smooth = 1.5*scale-0.5*cube(scale);// Gonthier
136     return v*(smooth*oovtol);
137 }
139 // This is a velocity-stage cache entry.
140 struct MyBristleContactInfo {
MyBristleContactInfoMyBristleContactInfo141     MyBristleContactInfo()
142     :   h(NaN), Cp(NaN), Cb(NaN), v_HCb(NaN), vSlipMag(NaN), f_HCb(NaN)
143     {
144     }
145     // Position info.
146     Real        h;    // signed distance, h<0 means contact
147     Vec3        Cp;   // station on P coincident with the contact point
148     Vec3        Cb;   // station on B coincident with the contact point
149     Rotation    R_GH;
151     // Velocity info. H frame has z along contact normal, x,y in tangent plane.
152     Vec3        v_HCb;      // velocity of Cb in the contact frame H
153     Real        vSlipMag;   // |(v_HCb.x, v_HCb.y)|
154     Vec3        f_HCb;      // contact force on Cb in contact frame H
155 };
157 class MyBristleVertexContactElementImpl : public Force::Custom::Implementation {
158 public:
MyBristleVertexContactElementImpl(const GeneralForceSubsystem & forces,MobilizedBody & hsmobod,const UnitVec3 & hsn,Real hsh,MobilizedBody & vmobod,const Vec3 & vertex,const ContactMaterial & material,Real vTrans)159     MyBristleVertexContactElementImpl(const GeneralForceSubsystem& forces,
160         MobilizedBody& hsmobod, const UnitVec3& hsn, Real hsh,
161         MobilizedBody& vmobod, const Vec3& vertex,
162         const ContactMaterial& material, Real vTrans)
163     :   m_matter(hsmobod.getMatterSubsystem()), m_forces(forces),
164         m_hsmobodx(hsmobod), m_X_PH(Rotation(hsn, ZAxis), hsh*hsn),
165         m_vmobodx(vmobod), m_vertex_B(vertex),
166         m_material(material),
167         m_kBristle(NaN), m_tBristle(NaN), m_tDwell(NaN),
168         m_vtrans(vTrans), m_vtol(NaN), // assign later
169         m_index(-1)
170     {
171         m_kBristle = m_material.getStiffness()/10;
172         m_tBristle = .01; //  10 ms
173         m_tDwell   = .1;  // 100 ms
174         m_vtol = m_vtrans/10;
175     }
setContactIndex(int index)177     void setContactIndex(int index) {m_index=index;}
initialize(State & s)179     void initialize(State& s) {
180         updZ(s) = Vec2(0);
181         updRDwell(s) = 0;
182         setPrevSlipDir(s, Vec2(NaN));
183     }
initializeForStiction(State & s)185     void initializeForStiction(State& s) {
186         updZ(s) = Vec2(0);
187         updRDwell(s) = 1; // rolling
188         setPrevSlipDir(s, Vec2(NaN));
189     }
isInContact(const State & s) const191     bool isInContact(const State& s) const
192     {   return findH(s) < 0; }
isSticking(const State & s) const194     bool isSticking(const State& s) const
195     {
196         return getActualSlipSpeed(s) <= m_vtrans;
197     }
199     // Return a point in Ground coincident with the vertex.
whereToDisplay(const State & s) const200     Vec3 whereToDisplay(const State& s) const {
201         return getBodyB().findStationLocationInGround(s, m_vertex_B);
202     }
getActualSlipSpeed(const State & s) const204     Real getActualSlipSpeed(const State& s) const {
205         const MyBristleContactInfo& info = getContactInfo(s);
206         return info.vSlipMag;
207     }
209     // Return the normal force N >= 0 currently being generated by this
210     // contact. State must be realized to Stage::Velocity.
getNormalForce(const State & s) const211     Real getNormalForce(const State& s) const {
212         const MyBristleContactInfo& info = getContactInfo(s);
213         if (info.h >= 0) return 0;
214         const Real N = info.f_HCb[2]; // z component is normal
215         return N;
216     }
getHeight(const State & s) const218     Real getHeight(const State& s) const {
219         const MyBristleContactInfo& info = getContactInfo(s);
220         return info.h;
221     }
getHeightDot(const State & s) const223     Real getHeightDot(const State& s) const {
224         const MyBristleContactInfo& info = getContactInfo(s);
225         return info.v_HCb[2]; // velocity in plane normal direction
226     }
228     // Return the sliding force 2-vector in the halfspace plane that is being
229     // applied to the contact point station on body B. If we are sticking
230     // then this force is zero; call getStickingForce() to get the real value.
getSlidingForce(const State & s) const231     const Vec2& getSlidingForce(const State& s) const {
232         const MyBristleContactInfo& info = getContactInfo(s);
233         const Vec2& f = info.f_HCb.getSubVec<2>(0);
234         return f;
235     }
237     // Return the sliding velocity 2-vector in the halfspace plane of the
238     // contact point station on body B relative to the contact point station
239     // on body P.
getSlipVelocity(const State & s) const240     const Vec2& getSlipVelocity(const State& s) const {
241         const MyBristleContactInfo& info = getContactInfo(s);
242         const Vec2& v = info.v_HCb.getSubVec<2>(0);
243         return v;
244     }
246     // Return height of vertex over plane; negative if penetrated. You can
247     // call this at Stage::Position.
findH(const State & state) const248     Real findH(const State& state) const {
249         const Vec3 V_P = findVInP(state); // location of V in P
250         const Real h = dot(V_P-m_X_PH.p(), m_X_PH.z());
251         return h;
252     }
254     // Returns height of vertex over plane same as findH(); also returns
255     // contact point (projection of V onto plane along Hz).
findContactPointInP(const State & state,Vec3 & contactPointInP) const256     Real findContactPointInP(const State& state, Vec3& contactPointInP) const {
257         const Vec3 V_P = findVInP(state);       // location of V in P
258         const Real h = dot(V_P-m_X_PH.p(), m_X_PH.z());
259         contactPointInP = V_P - h*m_X_PH.z();
260         return h;
261     }
263     // Calculate v_eff, the direction to be opposed by the sliding force.
getEffectiveSlipDir(const State & s,const Vec2 & vSlip,Real vSlipMag) const264     Vec2 getEffectiveSlipDir(const State& s, const Vec2& vSlip, Real vSlipMag) const {
265         const Vec2 prevVslipDir = getPrevSlipDir(s);
266         if (shouldUpdate(vSlip, vSlipMag, prevVslipDir, m_vtol))
267             return vSlip/vSlipMag;
268         else return prevVslipDir;
269     }
getZ(const State & s) const271     const Vec2& getZ(const State& s) const
272     {   return Vec2::getAs(&m_forces.getZ(s)[this->m_bristleDeformationIx]); }
updZ(State & s) const273     Vec2& updZ(State& s) const
274     {   return Vec2::updAs(&m_forces.updZ(s)[this->m_bristleDeformationIx]); }
updZDot(const State & s) const275     Vec2& updZDot(const State& s) const
276     {   return Vec2::updAs(&m_forces.updZDot(s)[m_bristleDeformationIx]); }
getRDwell(const State & s) const278     const Real& getRDwell(const State& s) const
279     {   return m_forces.getZ(s)[this->m_dwellIx]; }
updRDwell(State & s)280     Real& updRDwell(State& s)
281     {   return m_forces.updZ(s)[this->m_dwellIx]; }
updRDwellDot(const State & s) const282     Real& updRDwellDot(const State& s) const
283     {   return m_forces.updZDot(s)[m_dwellIx]; }
286     // Return the slip velocity as recorded at the end of the last time step.
getPrevSlipDir(const State & state) const287     const Vec2& getPrevSlipDir(const State& state) const {
288         const Vec2& prevSlipDir = Value<Vec2>::downcast
289            (m_forces.getDiscreteVariable(state, m_prevSlipDirIx));
290         return prevSlipDir;
291     }
292     // Modify the discrete state variable directly.
setPrevSlipDir(State & state,const Vec2 & slipDir) const293     void setPrevSlipDir(State& state, const Vec2& slipDir) const {
294         Vec2& prevSlipDir = Value<Vec2>::updDowncast
295            (m_forces.updDiscreteVariable(state, m_prevSlipDirIx));
296         prevSlipDir = slipDir;
297         SimTK_DEBUG3("STATE CHG %d: prevDir to %g %g\n",
298             m_index, slipDir[0], slipDir[1]);
299     }
301     // Get access to the auto-update cache variable that will update the
302     // previous slip direction state variable if the step is accepted.
updPrevSlipDirAutoUpdateValue(const State & state) const303     Vec2& updPrevSlipDirAutoUpdateValue(const State& state) const {
304         Vec2& prevSlipUpdate = Value<Vec2>::updDowncast
305             (m_forces.updDiscreteVarUpdateValue(state, m_prevSlipDirIx));
306         return prevSlipUpdate;
307     }
308     // Mark the auto-update cache entry valid.
markPrevSlipDirAutoUpdateValueValid(const State & state) const309     void markPrevSlipDirAutoUpdateValueValid(const State& state) const {
310         m_forces.markDiscreteVarUpdateValueRealized(state, m_prevSlipDirIx);
311     }
getContactInfo(const State & state) const314     const MyBristleContactInfo& getContactInfo(const State& state) const {
315         const MyBristleContactInfo& info =
316             Value<MyBristleContactInfo>::downcast
317                 (m_forces.getCacheEntry(state, m_contactInfoIx));
318         return info;
319     }
updContactInfo(const State & state) const321     MyBristleContactInfo& updContactInfo(const State& state) const {
322         MyBristleContactInfo& info =
323             Value<MyBristleContactInfo>::updDowncast
324                 (m_forces.updCacheEntry(state, m_contactInfoIx));
325         return info;
326     }
327     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
328     //                       Custom force virtuals
329     // Apply the normal force, and the sliding friction force if it is enabled.
330     // This is called during realize(Dynamics).
calcForce(const State & state,Vector_<SpatialVec> & bodyForces,Vector_<Vec3> & particleForces,Vector & mobilityForces) const331     void calcForce(const State& state, Vector_<SpatialVec>& bodyForces,
332                    Vector_<Vec3>& particleForces, Vector& mobilityForces) const
333                    override
334     {
335         const MyBristleContactInfo& info = getContactInfo(state);
336         if (info.h >= 0)
337             return; // no contact
339         const Vec3 f_GCb = info.R_GH * info.f_HCb; // re-express in Ground
340         getBodyB().applyForceToBodyPoint(state, info.Cb,  f_GCb, bodyForces);
341         getBodyP().applyForceToBodyPoint(state, info.Cp, -f_GCb, bodyForces);
342     }
344     // The normal force stores energy as 2/5 k h^(5/2) when h<0.
calcPotentialEnergy(const State & state) const345     Real calcPotentialEnergy(const State& state) const override {
346         const MyBristleContactInfo& info = getContactInfo(state);
347         if (info.h >= 0)
348             return 0; // no contact
349         const Real h52 = square(info.h)*std::sqrt(-info.h);
350         const Real k = m_material.getStiffness();
351         return 0.4*k*h52;
352     }
354     // Allocate state variable for storing the previous sliding direction.
realizeTopology(State & state) const355     void realizeTopology(State& state) const override {
356         m_bristleDeformationIx = m_forces.allocateZ(state, Vector(2, Real(0)));
357         m_dwellIx = m_forces.allocateZ(state, Vector(1, Real(0)));
358         m_prevSlipDirIx = m_forces.allocateAutoUpdateDiscreteVariable
359            (state, Stage::Velocity, new Value<Vec2>(Vec2(NaN)),
360             Stage::Velocity);
362         m_contactInfoIx = m_forces.allocateCacheEntry
363            (state, Stage::Velocity, new Value<MyBristleContactInfo>());
364     }
367     // Calculate everything here and save in contact info cache entry where
368     // it can be retrieved for generating forces, reporting, etc.
realizeVelocity(const State & state) const369     void realizeVelocity(const State& state) const override {
370         MyBristleContactInfo& info = updContactInfo(state);
372         // Forces generated only if h<0. Cp always be the projection of the
373         // vertex onto the halfspace surface.
374         info.h = findContactPointInP(state, info.Cp);
376         const Rotation& R_PH = m_X_PH.R();
377         const Rotation& R_GP = getBodyP().getBodyRotation(state);
378         info.R_GH = R_GP*R_PH;
380         // Station of B coincident with the contact point.
381         info.Cb = info.h < 0
382                     ? findPointOfBCoincidentWithPointOfP(state, info.Cp)
383                     : getVertexOnB();
385         // Velocity of B's contact station in P.
386         const Vec3 v_PCb = getBodyB().findStationVelocityInAnotherBody
387                                                 (state, info.Cb, getBodyP());
388         info.v_HCb = ~R_PH*v_PCb; // re-express in H
389         const Real hdot = info.v_HCb[2]; // z component
390         const Vec2 vSlip_HC(info.v_HCb[0], info.v_HCb[1]);
391         info.vSlipMag = vSlip_HC.norm();
393         const Real k    = m_material.getStiffness(),
394                    c    = m_material.getDissipation(),
395                    mu_d = m_material.getDynamicFriction(),
396                    mu_s = m_material.getStaticFriction(),
397                    mu_v = m_material.getViscousFriction();
399         const Vec2& z = getZ(state);
400         const Real& rdw = getRDwell(state);
401         Vec2& zdot   = updZDot(state);      // to be computed
402         Real& rdwdot = updRDwellDot(state);
404         info.f_HCb = Vec3(0); // Assume no contact force.
405         Real N = 0;
407         if (info.h < 0) { // contact
408             const Real h32 = -info.h*sqrt(-info.h); // |h| ^ (3/2)
409             N = std::max(Real(0), k*h32*(1-c*hdot));
410         }
412         if (N==0) {
413             zdot   = -z / m_tBristle; // decay fast
414             rdwdot = -rdw / m_tBristle;
415             return; // no contact force
416         }
418         // N is the Hz component of the force on Cb.
420         Vec2 fT_HCb(0); // This will be the (Hx,Hy) components of force on Cb.
422         // Make v unitless slip ratio.
423         const Real v = info.vSlipMag / m_vtrans;
424         Real r = std::exp(-square(v)); // 1==rolling, 0==slipping
426         const Vec2& dir_prev = getPrevSlipDir(state);
427         Vec2 dir_eff = dir(vSlip_HC, info.vSlipMag, 1/m_vtol);
428         if (~dir_eff*dir_prev < 0) {
429             //cout << "REVERSED from " << dir_prev << " to " << dir_eff << endl;
430             //dir_eff = dir_prev;
431         }
432         updPrevSlipDirAutoUpdateValue(state) = dir_eff;
433         markPrevSlipDirAutoUpdateValueValid(state);
435         // This is what the force would be if we were fully in sliding.
436         //const Vec2 f_d = -mu_d*N*dir(vSlip_HC, info.vSlipMag, 1/m_vtol);
437         const Vec2 f_d = -mu_d*N*dir_eff;
438         // This is the bristle deformation that would generate f_d
439         const Vec2 z_d = -f_d/m_kBristle;
441         const Vec2 zdot_s = vSlip_HC;
442         const Vec2 zdot_d = (z_d - z)/m_tBristle;
444         #ifdef ENABLE_DWELL_TIME
445         const Real r_dwell = clamp(0,rdw,1);
446         // Update dwell state derivative.
447         const Real tconst = r >= rdw ? m_tDwell : m_tBristle;
448         rdwdot = (r - rdw) / tconst;
449         #else
450         const Real r_dwell = r;
451         rdwdot = 0;
452         #endif
454         zdot = r*zdot_s + (1-r)*zdot_d; // Gonthier
455         //zdot = r_dwell*zdot_s + (1-r_dwell)*zdot_d; // is this better?
456         const Vec2 f_br = -m_kBristle*(z + m_tBristle*zdot);
458         const Real mu_eff = mu_d + (mu_s-mu_d)*r_dwell;
459         const Real f_max = mu_eff*N;
460         fT_HCb = sat(f_br, f_max) - N * mu_v*vSlip_HC;
462         info.f_HCb = Vec3(fT_HCb[0], fT_HCb[1], N); // force on Cb, in H
463     }
writeFrictionInfo(const State & s,const String & indent,std::ostream & o) const465     std::ostream& writeFrictionInfo(const State& s, const String& indent,
466                                     std::ostream& o) const
467     {
468         o << indent;
469         if (!isInContact(s)) o << "OFF";
470         else if (isSticking(s)) o << "STICK";
471         else o << "SLIP";
473         const Vec2 v = getSlipVelocity(s);
474         const Vec2 f = getSlidingForce(s);
475         o << " V=" << ~v << " |v|=" << v.norm() << endl;
476         o << indent << " F=" << ~f << " |f|=" << f.norm() << endl;
477         o << indent << " z=" << ~getZ(s) << " |z|=" << getZ(s).norm() << endl;
478         o << indent << " rdw=" << getRDwell(s)
479           << " prevDir=" << ~getPrevSlipDir(s) << endl;
480         return o;
481     }
showContactForces(const State & s,Array_<DecorativeGeometry> & geometry) const484     void showContactForces(const State& s, Array_<DecorativeGeometry>& geometry)
485         const
486     {
487         const Real Scale = 0.01;
488         const Real NH = getNormalForce(s);
490         const bool isInStiction = getActualSlipSpeed(s) <= m_vtrans;
491         const Vec2 fH = getSlidingForce(s);
493         if (fH.normSqr() < square(SignificantReal) && NH < SignificantReal)
494             return;
496         const MyBristleContactInfo& info = getContactInfo(s);
497         const Vec3 fG = info.R_GH * Vec3(fH[0],fH[1],0); // friction
498         const Vec3 NG = info.R_GH * Vec3(0, 0, NH); // normal
500         const MobilizedBody& bodyB = getBodyB();
501         const Vec3& stationB = getVertexOnB();
502         const Vec3 stationG = bodyB.getBodyTransform(s)*stationB;
503         const Vec3 endfG = stationG - Scale*fG;
504         const Vec3 endNG = stationG + Scale*NG;
505         geometry.push_back(DecorativeLine(endfG    + Vec3(0,.05,0),
506                                           stationG + Vec3(0,.05,0))
507                             .setColor(isInStiction?Green:Orange));
508         geometry.push_back(DecorativeLine(endNG    + Vec3(0,.05,0),
509                                           stationG + Vec3(0,.05,0))
510                             .setColor(Red));
511     }
getIndex() const513     int getIndex() const {return m_index;}
getBodyB() const514     const MobilizedBody& getBodyB() const
515     {   return m_matter.getMobilizedBody(m_vmobodx); }
getVertexOnB() const516     const Vec3& getVertexOnB() const {return m_vertex_B;}
getBodyP() const517     const MobilizedBody& getBodyP() const
518     {   return m_matter.getMobilizedBody(m_hsmobodx); }
getX_PH() const519     const Transform& getX_PH() const {return m_X_PH;}
getMaterial() const520     const ContactMaterial& getMaterial() const {return m_material;}
522     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
523 private:
524     // Determine whether the current slip velocity is reliable enough that
525     // we should use it to replace the previous slip velocity.
shouldUpdate(const Vec2 & vSlip,Real vSlipMag,const Vec2 & prevSlipDir,Real velTol)526     static bool shouldUpdate(const Vec2& vSlip, Real vSlipMag,
527                              const Vec2& prevSlipDir, Real velTol) {
528         if (prevSlipDir.isNaN())
529             return vSlipMag > 0; // we'll take anything
531         // Check for reversal.
532         bool reversed = (~vSlip*prevSlipDir < 0);
533         return !reversed && (vSlipMag > velTol);
534     }
536     // Find the location of the vertex on B, measured and expressed in P.
findVInP(const State & s) const537     Vec3 findVInP(const State& s) const {
538         return getBodyB().findStationLocationInAnotherBody
539                                                 (s, m_vertex_B, getBodyP());
540     }
542     // Find the location and velocity of the vertex on B, measured from and
543     // expressed in P.
findVDotInP(const State & s) const544     Vec3 findVDotInP(const State& s) const {
545         return getBodyB().findStationVelocityInAnotherBody
546             (s, m_vertex_B, getBodyP());
547     }
findPointOfBCoincidentWithPointOfP(const State & s,const Vec3 & r_P) const549     Vec3 findPointOfBCoincidentWithPointOfP
550        (const State& s, const Vec3& r_P) const
551     {
552         return getBodyP().findStationLocationInAnotherBody(s, r_P, getBodyB());
553     }
556 private:
557     const GeneralForceSubsystem&    m_forces;
558     const SimbodyMatterSubsystem&   m_matter;
559     const MobilizedBodyIndex        m_hsmobodx; // body P with halfspace
560     Transform                       m_X_PH;     // halfspace frame in P
561     const MobilizedBodyIndex        m_vmobodx;  // body B with vertex
562     Vec3                            m_vertex_B; // vertex location in B
563     ContactMaterial                 m_material; // composite material props
564     Real                            m_kBristle; // bristle stiffness
565     Real                            m_tBristle; // bristle time constant
566     Real                            m_tDwell;   // dwell time constant
568     Real                            m_vtrans;   // transition velocity for
569                                                 //   Stribeck stiction
570     Real                            m_vtol;     // max meaningful slip velocity
572     int                             m_index;    // unique id for this contact
574     // Set during realizeTopology().
575     mutable ZIndex                  m_bristleDeformationIx; // zx,zy
576     mutable ZIndex                  m_dwellIx;              // r_dw
577     mutable DiscreteVariableIndex   m_prevSlipDirIx; // previous slip direction
579     mutable CacheEntryIndex         m_contactInfoIx;
580 };
583 //==============================================================================
584 //                       MY UNILATERAL CONSTRAINT SET
585 //==============================================================================
587 class MyUnilateralConstraintSet {
588 public:
589     // Transition velocity: if a slip velocity is smaller than this the
590     // contact is a candidate for stiction.
MyUnilateralConstraintSet(const MultibodySystem & mbs)591     MyUnilateralConstraintSet(const MultibodySystem& mbs)
592     :   m_mbs(mbs) {}
594     // Ownership of this force element belongs to the System; we're just keeping
595     // a reference to it here.
addBristleElement(MyBristleVertexContactElementImpl * vertex)596     int addBristleElement(MyBristleVertexContactElementImpl* vertex) {
597         const int index = (int)m_bristle.size();
598         m_bristle.push_back(vertex);
599         vertex->setContactIndex(index);
600         return index;
601     }
getNumContactElements() const603     int getNumContactElements() const {return (int)m_bristle.size();}
getContactElement(int ix) const604     const MyBristleVertexContactElementImpl& getContactElement(int ix) const
605     {   return *m_bristle[ix]; }
updContactElement(int ix)606     MyBristleVertexContactElementImpl& updContactElement(int ix)
607     {   return *m_bristle[ix]; }
609     // Initialize all states and runtime fields in the contact elements.
initialize(State & state)610     void initialize(State& state)
611     {
612         for (unsigned i=0; i < m_bristle.size(); ++i)
613             m_bristle[i]->initialize(state);
614     }
616     // In Debug mode, produce a useful summary of the current state of the
617     // contact and friction elements.
618     void showContactStatus(const State& state, const String& place) const;
~MyUnilateralConstraintSet()620     ~MyUnilateralConstraintSet() {
621         // Nothing to delete since we are only holding references.
622     }
getMultibodySystem() const624     const MultibodySystem& getMultibodySystem() const {return m_mbs;}
625 private:
626     const MultibodySystem&                      m_mbs;
627     Array_<MyBristleVertexContactElementImpl*>  m_bristle; // unowned ref
628 };
632 //==============================================================================
633 //                               STATE SAVER
634 //==============================================================================
635 // This reporter is called now and again to save the current state so we can
636 // play back a movie at the end.
637 class StateSaver : public PeriodicEventReporter {
638 public:
StateSaver(const MultibodySystem & mbs,const MyUnilateralConstraintSet & unis,const Integrator & integ,Real reportInterval)639     StateSaver(const MultibodySystem&                   mbs,
640                const MyUnilateralConstraintSet&         unis,
641                const Integrator&                        integ,
642                Real                                     reportInterval)
643     :   PeriodicEventReporter(reportInterval),
644         m_mbs(mbs), m_unis(unis), m_integ(integ)
645     {   m_states.reserve(2000); }
~StateSaver()647     ~StateSaver() {}
clear()649     void clear() {m_states.clear();}
getNumSavedStates() const650     int getNumSavedStates() const {return (int)m_states.size();}
getState(int n) const651     const State& getState(int n) const {return m_states[n];}
handleEvent(const State & s) const653     void handleEvent(const State& s) const override {
654         const SimbodyMatterSubsystem& matter=m_mbs.getMatterSubsystem();
655         const SpatialVec PG = matter.calcSystemMomentumAboutGroundOrigin(s);
656         m_mbs.realize(s, Stage::Acceleration);
658 #ifndef NDEBUG
659         printf("%3d: %5g mom=%g,%g E=%g", m_integ.getNumStepsTaken(),
660             s.getTime(),
661             PG[0].norm(), PG[1].norm(), m_mbs.calcEnergy(s));
662         m_unis.showContactStatus(s, "STATE SAVER");
663 #endif
665         m_states.push_back(s);
666     }
667 private:
668     const MultibodySystem&                  m_mbs;
669     const MyUnilateralConstraintSet&        m_unis;
670     const Integrator&                       m_integ;
671     mutable Array_<State>                   m_states;
672 };
674 // A periodic event reporter that does nothing; useful for exploring the
675 // effects of interrupting the simulation.
676 class Nada : public PeriodicEventReporter {
677 public:
Nada(Real reportInterval)678     explicit Nada(Real reportInterval)
679     :   PeriodicEventReporter(reportInterval) {}
handleEvent(const State & s) const681     void handleEvent(const State& s) const override {
682 #ifndef NDEBUG
683         printf("%7g NADA\n", s.getTime());
684 #endif
685     }
686 };
689 //==============================================================================
690 //                            SHOW CONTACT
691 //==============================================================================
692 // For each visualization frame, generate ephemeral geometry to show just
693 // during this frame, based on the current State.
694 class ShowContact : public DecorationGenerator {
695 public:
ShowContact(const MyUnilateralConstraintSet & unis)696     ShowContact(const MyUnilateralConstraintSet& unis)
697     :   m_unis(unis) {}
generateDecorations(const State & state,Array_<DecorativeGeometry> & geometry)699     void generateDecorations(const State&                state,
700                              Array_<DecorativeGeometry>& geometry) override
701     {
702         for (int i=0; i < m_unis.getNumContactElements(); ++i) {
703             const MyBristleVertexContactElementImpl& contact =
704                 m_unis.getContactElement(i);
705             const Vec3 loc = contact.whereToDisplay(state);
706             if (contact.isInContact(state)) {
707                 geometry.push_back(DecorativeSphere(.1)
708                     .setTransform(loc)
709                     .setColor(Red).setOpacity(.25));
710                 String text = "LOCKED";
711                 text = contact.isSticking(state) ? "STICKING"
712                                                     : "CONTACT";
713                 m_unis.getMultibodySystem().realize(state, Stage::Acceleration);
714                 contact.showContactForces(state, geometry);
715                 geometry.push_back(DecorativeText(String(i)+"-"+text)
716                     .setColor(White).setScale(.1)
717                     .setTransform(loc+Vec3(0,.04,0)));
718             } else {
719                 geometry.push_back(DecorativeText(String(i))
720                     .setColor(White).setScale(.1)
721                     .setTransform(loc+Vec3(0,.02,0)));
722             }
723         }
724     }
725 private:
726     const MyUnilateralConstraintSet& m_unis;
727 };
730 //==============================================================================
731 //                            MY PUSH FORCE
732 //==============================================================================
733 // This is a force element that generates a constant force on a body for a
734 // specified time interval. It is useful to perturb the system to force it
735 // to transition from sticking to sliding, for example.
736 class MyPushForceImpl : public Force::Custom::Implementation {
737 public:
MyPushForceImpl(const MobilizedBody & bodyB,const Vec3 & stationB,const Vec3 & forceG,Real onTime,Real offTime)738     MyPushForceImpl(const MobilizedBody& bodyB,
739                     const Vec3&          stationB,
740                     const Vec3&          forceG, // force direction in Ground!
741                     Real                 onTime,
742                     Real                 offTime)
743     :   m_bodyB(bodyB), m_stationB(stationB), m_forceG(forceG),
744         m_on(onTime), m_off(offTime)
745     {    }
747     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
748     //                       Custom force virtuals
calcForce(const State & state,Vector_<SpatialVec> & bodyForces,Vector_<Vec3> & particleForces,Vector & mobilityForces) const749     void calcForce(const State& state, Vector_<SpatialVec>& bodyForces,
750                    Vector_<Vec3>& particleForces, Vector& mobilityForces) const
751                    override
752     {
753         if (!(m_on <= state.getTime() && state.getTime() <= m_off))
754             return;
756         m_bodyB.applyForceToBodyPoint(state, m_stationB, m_forceG, bodyForces);
758         //SimTK_DEBUG4("PUSHING @t=%g (%g,%g,%g)\n", state.getTime(),
759         //    m_forceG[0], m_forceG[1], m_forceG[2]);
760     }
762     // No potential energy.
calcPotentialEnergy(const State & state) const763     Real calcPotentialEnergy(const State& state) const override {return 0;}
calcDecorativeGeometryAndAppend(const State & state,Stage stage,Array_<DecorativeGeometry> & geometry) const765     void calcDecorativeGeometryAndAppend
766        (const State& state, Stage stage,
767         Array_<DecorativeGeometry>& geometry) const override
768     {
769         const Real ScaleFactor = 0.1;
770         if (stage != Stage::Time) return;
771         if (!(m_on <= state.getTime() && state.getTime() <= m_off))
772             return;
773         const Vec3 stationG = m_bodyB.findStationLocationInGround(state, m_stationB);
774         geometry.push_back(DecorativeLine(stationG-ScaleFactor*m_forceG, stationG)
775                             .setColor(Yellow)
776                             .setLineThickness(3));
777     }
778 private:
779     const MobilizedBody& m_bodyB;
780     const Vec3           m_stationB;
781     const Vec3           m_forceG;
782     Real                 m_on;
783     Real                 m_off;
784 };
788 //==============================================================================
789 //                                   MAIN
790 //==============================================================================
main(int argc,char ** argv)791 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
792   try { // If anything goes wrong, an exception will be thrown.
793     const Real ReportInterval=1./30;
794     const Vec3 BrickHalfDims(.1, .25, .5);
795     const Real BrickMass = 10;
796     #ifdef USE_TIMS_PARAMS
797         const Real RunTime=16;  // Tim's time
798         const Real Stiffness = 2e7;
799         const Real Dissipation = 1;
800         const Real CoefRest = 0;
801         const Real mu_d = .5; /* compliant: .7*/
802         const Real mu_s = .8; /* compliant: .7*/
803         const Real mu_v = /*0.05*/0; //TODO: fails with mu_v=1, vtrans=.01
804         const Real TransitionVelocity = 0.01;
805         const Inertia brickInertia(.1,.1,.1);
806         //const Real Radius = .02;
807         const Real Radius = 1;
808     #else
809         const Real RunTime=20;
810         const Real Stiffness = 1e6;
811         const Real CoefRest = 0;
812         const Real TargetVelocity = 3; // speed at which to match coef rest
813 //        const Real Dissipation = (1-CoefRest)/TargetVelocity;
814         const Real Dissipation = .1;
815         const Real mu_d = .5;
816         const Real mu_s = .8;
817         const Real mu_v = 0*0.05;
818         const Real TransitionVelocity = 0.01;
819         const Inertia brickInertia(BrickMass*UnitInertia::brick(BrickHalfDims));
820         const Real Radius = BrickHalfDims[0]/3;
821     #endif
823     printf("\n******************** Tim's Box Bristle ********************\n");
824     printf("USING BRISTLE MODEL: Compliant material/integrated stiction\n");
825     #ifdef USE_TIMS_PARAMS
826     printf("Using Tim's parameters:\n");
827     #else
828     printf("Using Sherm's parameters:\n");
829     #endif
830     printf("  stiffness=%g dissipation=%g\n", Stiffness, Dissipation);
831     printf("  mu_d=%g mu_s=%g mu_v=%g\n", mu_d, mu_s, mu_v);
832     printf("  transition velocity=%g\n", TransitionVelocity);
833     printf("  brick inertia=%g %g %g\n",
834         brickInertia.getMoments()[0], brickInertia.getMoments()[1],
835         brickInertia.getMoments()[2]);
836     printf("******************** Tim's Box Bristle ********************\n\n");
839     MultibodySystem             mbs;
840     SimbodyMatterSubsystem      matter(mbs);
841     GeneralForceSubsystem       forces(mbs);
842     Force::Gravity              gravity(forces, matter, -YAxis, 9.81);
843     //Force::Gravity              gravity(forces, matter, -UnitVec3(.3,1,0), 3*9.81);
844     MobilizedBody& Ground = matter.updGround();
846     // Define a material to use for contact. This is not very stiff.
847     ContactMaterial material(std::sqrt(Radius)*Stiffness,
848                              Dissipation,
849                              mu_s,  // mu_static
850                              mu_d,  // mu_dynamic
851                              mu_v); // mu_viscous
855     MyUnilateralConstraintSet unis(mbs);
857     Body::Rigid brickBody =
858         Body::Rigid(MassProperties(BrickMass, Vec3(0), brickInertia));
860     MobilizedBody::Free brick(Ground, Vec3(0),
861                               brickBody, Vec3(0));
862     brick.addBodyDecoration(Transform(), DecorativeBrick(BrickHalfDims)
863                                                 .setColor(Red).setOpacity(.3));
864 /*
865 1) t= 0.5, dt = 2 sec, pt = (0.05, 0.2, 0.4), fdir = (1,0,0), mag = 50N
866 2) t= 4.0, dt = 0.5 sec, pt = (0.03, 0.06, 0.09), fdir = (0.2,0.8,0), mag = 300N
867 3) t= 0.9, dt = 2 sec, pt = (0,0,0), fdir = (0,1,0), mag = 49.333N (half the weight of the block)
868 4) t= 13.0, dt = 1 sec, pt = (0 0 0), fdir = (-1,0,0), mag = 200N
869 */
870     Force::Custom(forces, new MyPushForceImpl(brick, Vec3(0.05,0.2,0.4),
871                                                     50 * Vec3(1,0,0),
872                                                     0.5, 0.5+2));
873     Force::Custom(forces, new MyPushForceImpl(brick, Vec3(0.03, 0.06, 0.09),
874                                                     300 * UnitVec3(0.2,0.8,0),
875                                                     //300 * Vec3(0.2,0.8,0),
876                                                     4, 4+0.5));
877     Force::Custom(forces, new MyPushForceImpl(brick, Vec3(0),
878                                                     49.033 * Vec3(0,1,0),
879                                                     9, 9+2));
880     Force::Custom(forces, new MyPushForceImpl(brick, Vec3(0),
881                                                     200 * Vec3(-1,0,0),
882                                                     13, 13+1));
884     #ifndef USE_TIMS_PARAMS
885     // Extra late force.
886     Force::Custom(forces, new MyPushForceImpl(brick, Vec3(.1, 0, .45),
887                                                     20 * Vec3(-1,-1,.5),
888                                                     15, Infinity));
889     #endif
891     for (int i=-1; i<=1; i+=2)
892     for (int j=-1; j<=1; j+=2)
893     for (int k=-1; k<=1; k+=2) {
894         const Vec3 pt = Vec3(i,j,k).elementwiseMultiply(BrickHalfDims);
895         MyBristleVertexContactElementImpl* vertex =
896             new MyBristleVertexContactElementImpl(forces,
897                 Ground, YAxis, 0, // halfplane
898                 brick, pt, material, TransitionVelocity);
899         Force::Custom(forces, vertex); // add force element to system
900         unis.addBristleElement(vertex); // assign index, transition velocity
901     }
903     matter.setShowDefaultGeometry(false);
904     Visualizer viz(mbs);
905     viz.setShowSimTime(true);
906     viz.setShowFrameNumber(true);
907     viz.setShowFrameRate(true);
908     viz.addDecorationGenerator(new ShowContact(unis));
910     #ifdef ANIMATE
911     mbs.addEventReporter(new Visualizer::Reporter(viz, ReportInterval));
912     #else
913     // This does nothing but interrupt the simulation so that exact step
914     // sequence will be maintained with animation off.
915     mbs.addEventReporter(new Nada(ReportInterval));
916     #endif
918     viz.addFrameController(new Visualizer::BodyFollower(brick, Vec3(0),
919                                                         Vec3(0, 1, 5)));
921     Vec3 cameraPos(0, 1, 2);
922     UnitVec3 cameraZ(0,0,1);
923     viz.setCameraTransform(Transform(Rotation(cameraZ, ZAxis,
924                                               UnitVec3(YAxis), YAxis),
925                                      cameraPos));
926     viz.pointCameraAt(Vec3(0,0,0), Vec3(0,1,0));
928     #ifdef USE_TIMS_PARAMS
929     Real accuracy = 1e-4;
930     RungeKuttaMersonIntegrator integ(mbs);
931     #else
932     //Real accuracy = 1e-4;
933     Real accuracy = 1e-3;
934     //Real accuracy = 1e-5;
935     //ExplicitEulerIntegrator integ(mbs);
936     //RungeKutta2Integrator integ(mbs);
937     //RungeKutta3Integrator integ(mbs);
938     //SemiExplicitEulerIntegrator integ(mbs, .005);
939     SemiExplicitEuler2Integrator integ(mbs);
940     //RungeKuttaFeldbergIntegrator integ(mbs);
941     //RungeKuttaMersonIntegrator integ(mbs);
942     //VerletIntegrator integ(mbs);
943     //CPodesIntegrator integ(mbs);
944     #endif
946     integ.setAccuracy(accuracy);
947     //integ.setMaximumStepSize(0.25);
948     integ.setMaximumStepSize(0.05);
949     //integ.setMaximumStepSize(0.002);
950     //integ.setAllowInterpolation(false);
952     StateSaver* stateSaver = new StateSaver(mbs,unis,integ,ReportInterval);
953     mbs.addEventReporter(stateSaver);
955     State s = mbs.realizeTopology(); // returns a reference to the the default state
957     //matter.setUseEulerAngles(s, true);
959     mbs.realizeModel(s); // define appropriate states for this System
960     mbs.realize(s, Stage::Instance); // instantiate constraints if any
963 /*
964 rX_q = 0.7 rad
965 rX_u = 1.0 rad/sec
967 rY_q = 0.6 rad
968 rY_u = 0.0 rad/sec
970 rZ_q = 0.5 rad
971 rZ_u = 0.2 rad/sec
973 tX_q = 0.0 m
974 tX_u = 10 m/s
976 tY_q = 1.4 m
977 tY_u = 0.0 m/s
979 tZ_q = 0.0 m
980 tZ_u = 0.0 m/s
981 */
983     #ifdef USE_TIMS_PARAMS
984     brick.setQToFitTranslation(s, Vec3(0,10,0));
985     brick.setUToFitLinearVelocity(s, Vec3(0,0,0));
986     #else
987     brick.setQToFitTranslation(s, Vec3(0,1.4,0));
988     brick.setUToFitLinearVelocity(s, Vec3(10,0,0));
989     const Rotation R_BC(SimTK::BodyRotationSequence,
990                                 0.7, XAxis, 0.6, YAxis, 0.5, ZAxis);
991     brick.setQToFitRotation(s, R_BC);
992     brick.setUToFitAngularVelocity(s, Vec3(1,0,.2));
993     #endif
995     mbs.realize(s, Stage::Velocity);
996     viz.report(s);
998     cout << "Initial configuration shown. Next? ";
999     getchar();
1001     Assembler(mbs).setErrorTolerance(1e-6).assemble(s);
1002     viz.report(s);
1003     cout << "Assembled configuration shown. Ready? ";
1004     getchar();
1006     // Now look for enabled contacts that aren't sliding; turn on stiction
1007     // for those.
1008     mbs.realize(s, Stage::Velocity);
1009     for (int i=0; i < unis.getNumContactElements(); ++i) {
1010         MyBristleVertexContactElementImpl& fric = unis.updContactElement(i);
1011         if (!fric.isInContact(s)) continue;
1012         const Real vSlip = fric.getActualSlipSpeed(s);
1013         fric.initializeForStiction(s); // just in case
1014         printf("friction element %d has v_slip=%g%s\n", i, vSlip,
1015             vSlip==0?" (ENABLING STICTION)":"");
1016     }
1018     // Make sure Lapack gets initialized.
1019     Matrix M(1,1); M(0,0)=1.23;
1020     FactorLU Mlu(M);
1023     // Simulate it.
1025     integ.setReturnEveryInternalStep(true);
1026     TimeStepper ts(mbs, integ);
1027     ts.setReportAllSignificantStates(true);
1029     #ifdef TEST_REPEATABILITY
1030         const int tries = NTries;
1031     #else
1032         const int tries = 1;
1033     #endif
1035     Array_< Array_<State> > states(tries);
1036     Array_< Array_<Real> > timeDiff(tries-1);
1037     Array_< Array_<Vector> > yDiff(tries-1);
1038     cout.precision(18);
1039     for (int ntry=0; ntry < tries; ++ntry) {
1040         mbs.resetAllCountersToZero();
1041         unis.initialize(s); // reinitialize
1042         ts.updIntegrator().resetAllStatistics();
1043         ts.initialize(s);
1044         int nStepsWithEvent = 0;
1046         const double startReal = realTime();
1047         const double startCPU = cpuTime();
1049         Integrator::SuccessfulStepStatus status;
1050         do {
1051             status=ts.stepTo(RunTime);
1052             #ifdef TEST_REPEATABILITY
1053                 states[ntry].push_back(ts.getState());
1054             #endif
1055             const int j = states[ntry].size()-1;
1056             if (ntry>0) {
1057                 int prev = ntry-1;
1058                 //prev=0;
1059                 Real dt = states[ntry][j].getTime()
1060                           - states[prev][j].getTime();
1061                 volatile double vd;
1062                 const int ny = states[ntry][j].getNY();
1063                 Vector d(ny);
1064                 for (int i=0; i<ny; ++i) {
1065                     vd = states[ntry][j].getY()[i]
1066                            - states[prev][j].getY()[i];
1067                     d[i] = vd;
1068                 }
1069                 timeDiff[prev].push_back(dt);
1070                 yDiff[prev].push_back(d);
1071                 cout << "\n" << states[prev][j].getTime()
1072                      << "+" << dt << ":" << d << endl;
1073             }
1075             const bool handledEvent = status==Integrator::ReachedEventTrigger;
1076             if (handledEvent) {
1077                 ++nStepsWithEvent;
1078                 SimTK_DEBUG3("EVENT %3d @%.17g status=%s\n\n",
1079                     nStepsWithEvent, ts.getTime(),
1080                     Integrator::getSuccessfulStepStatusString(status).c_str());
1081             } else {
1082                 SimTK_DEBUG3("step  %3d @%.17g status=%s\n",
1083                     integ.getNumStepsTaken(), ts.getTime(),
1084                     Integrator::getSuccessfulStepStatusString(status).c_str());
1085             }
1086             #ifndef NDEBUG
1087                 viz.report(ts.getState());
1088             #endif
1089         } while (ts.getTime() < RunTime);
1092         const double timeInSec = realTime()-startReal;
1093         const double cpuInSec = cpuTime()-startCPU;
1094         const int evals = integ.getNumRealizations();
1095         cout << "Done -- took " << integ.getNumStepsTaken() << " steps in " <<
1096             timeInSec << "s for " << ts.getTime() << "s sim (avg step="
1097             << (1000*ts.getTime())/integ.getNumStepsTaken() << "ms) "
1098             << (1000*ts.getTime())/evals << "ms/eval\n";
1099         cout << "CPUtime " << cpuInSec << endl;
1101         printf("Used Integrator %s at accuracy %g:\n",
1102             integ.getMethodName(), integ.getAccuracyInUse());
1103         printf("# STEPS/ATTEMPTS = %d/%d\n", integ.getNumStepsTaken(), integ.getNumStepsAttempted());
1104         printf("# ERR TEST FAILS = %d\n", integ.getNumErrorTestFailures());
1105         printf("# REALIZE/PROJECT = %d/%d\n", integ.getNumRealizations(), integ.getNumProjections());
1106         printf("# EVENT STEPS/HANDLER CALLS = %d/%d\n",
1107             nStepsWithEvent, mbs.getNumHandleEventCalls());
1108     }
1110     for (int i=0; i<tries; ++i)
1111         cout << "nstates " << i << " " << states[i].size() << endl;
1113     // Instant replay.
1114     while(true) {
1115         printf("Hit ENTER for replay (%d states) ...",
1116                 stateSaver->getNumSavedStates());
1117         getchar();
1118         for (int i=0; i < stateSaver->getNumSavedStates(); ++i) {
1119             mbs.realize(stateSaver->getState(i), Stage::Velocity);
1120             viz.report(stateSaver->getState(i));
1121         }
1122     }
1124   }
1125   catch (const std::exception& e) {
1126     printf("EXCEPTION THROWN: %s\n", e.what());
1127     exit(1);
1128   }
1129   catch (...) {
1130     printf("UNKNOWN EXCEPTION THROWN\n");
1131     exit(1);
1132   }
1134 }
1136 //==============================================================================
1137 //                       MY UNILATERAL CONSTRAINT SET
1138 //==============================================================================
1141 //--------------------------- SHOW CONTACT STATUS ------------------------------
1142 void MyUnilateralConstraintSet::
showContactStatus(const State & s,const String & place) const1143 showContactStatus(const State& s, const String& place) const
1144 {
1145 #ifndef NDEBUG
1146     printf("\n%s: uni status @t=%.15g\n", place.c_str(), s.getTime());
1147     m_mbs.realize(s, Stage::Acceleration);
1148     for (int i=0; i < getNumContactElements(); ++i) {
1149         const MyBristleVertexContactElementImpl& contact = getContactElement(i);
1150         const bool isActive = contact.isInContact(s);
1151         printf("  %6s %2d %s, h=%g dh=%g f=%g\n",
1152                 isActive?"ACTIVE":"off", i, "bristle",
1153                 contact.getHeight(s),contact.getHeightDot(s),
1154                 isActive?contact.getNormalForce(s):Zero);
1155         if (!isActive) continue;
1157         const bool isSticking = contact.isSticking(s);
1158         printf("  %8s friction %2d, |v|=%g\n",
1159                 isSticking?"STICKING":"sliding", i,
1160                 contact.getActualSlipSpeed(s));
1161         contact.writeFrictionInfo(s, "    ", std::cout);
1162     }
1163     printf("\n");
1164 #endif
1165 }