1 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
2  *                   Simbody(tm) Example: Contact Playground                  *
3  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
4  * This is part of the SimTK biosimulation toolkit originating from           *
5  * Simbios, the NIH National Center for Physics-Based Simulation of           *
6  * Biological Structures at Stanford, funded under the NIH Roadmap for        *
7  * Medical Research, grant U54 GM072970. See https://simtk.org/home/simbody.  *
8  *                                                                            *
9  * Portions copyright (c) 2010-13 Stanford University and the Authors.        *
10  * Authors: Kevin He, Michael Sherman                                         *
11  * Contributors:                                                              *
12  *                                                                            *
13  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may    *
14  * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a  *
15  * copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.         *
16  *                                                                            *
17  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        *
18  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,          *
19  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.   *
20  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        *
21  * limitations under the License.                                             *
22  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
24 /* Kevin He at Roblox created this example starting with
25 ExampleContactPlayground. It basically demonstrates why an Elastic Foundation
26 (EF) contact model is not a good way to handle coarsely-meshed simple objects,
27 like a box. EF uses the centroid of each face to generate an area-weighted
28 force, which can be a good physical representation with a dense mesh but
29 since the vertices and edges don't participate there is a lot of visible
30 penetration for a coarse mesh like the ones here.
31 */
33 #include "Simbody.h"
35 #include <cstdio>
36 #include <exception>
37 #include <algorithm>
38 #include <iostream>
39 #include <fstream>
40 using std::cout; using std::endl;
42 using namespace SimTK;
44 Array_<State> saveEm;
46 static const Real TimeScale = 1;
47 static const Real FrameRate = 30;
48 static const Real ReportInterval = TimeScale/FrameRate;
50 // These are the item numbers for the entries on the Run menu.
51 static const int RunMenuId = 3, HelpMenuId = 7;
52 static const int GoItem = 1, ReplayItem=2, QuitItem=3;
54 // This is a periodic event handler that interrupts the simulation on a regular
55 // basis to poll the InputSilo for user input. If there has been some, process it.
56 // This one does nothing but look for the Run->Quit selection.
57 class UserInputHandler : public PeriodicEventHandler {
58 public:
UserInputHandler(Visualizer::InputSilo & silo,Real interval)59     UserInputHandler(Visualizer::InputSilo& silo, Real interval)
60     :   PeriodicEventHandler(interval), m_silo(silo) {}
handleEvent(State & state,Real accuracy,bool & shouldTerminate) const62     virtual void handleEvent(State& state, Real accuracy,
63                              bool& shouldTerminate) const override
64     {
65         int menuId, item;
66         if (m_silo.takeMenuPick(menuId, item) && menuId==RunMenuId && item==QuitItem)
67             shouldTerminate = true;
68     }
70 private:
71     Visualizer::InputSilo& m_silo;
72 };
75 static void makeCube(Real h, PolygonalMesh& cube);
76 static void makeTetrahedron(Real r, PolygonalMesh& tet);
77 static void makePyramid(Real baseSideLength, PolygonalMesh& pyramid);
78 static void makeOctahedron(Real radius, PolygonalMesh& pyramid);
main()81 int main() {
82   try
83   { // Create the system.
85     MultibodySystem         system;
86     SimbodyMatterSubsystem  matter(system);
87     GeneralForceSubsystem   forces(system);
88     Force::Gravity   gravity(forces, matter, UnitVec3(2,-10,0), 1);
90     ContactTrackerSubsystem  tracker(system);
91     CompliantContactSubsystem contactForces(system, tracker);
92     contactForces.setTrackDissipatedEnergy(true);
93     contactForces.setTransitionVelocity(1e-3);
95     Vec3 halfSize(3,4,5);
96     Vec3 halfSize2(200, 4, 200);
97     ContactGeometry::TriangleMesh box(PolygonalMesh::createBrickMesh(halfSize));
98     ContactGeometry::TriangleMesh box2(PolygonalMesh::createBrickMesh(halfSize2, 20));
99     DecorativeMesh showBox(box.createPolygonalMesh());
100     DecorativeMesh showBox2(box2.createPolygonalMesh());
102     const Real boxMass = halfSize[0] * halfSize[1] * halfSize[2] * 8;
103     const Real boxMass2 = halfSize2[0] * halfSize2[1] * halfSize2[2] * 8;
104     Body::Rigid boxBody(MassProperties(boxMass, Vec3(0),
105                                         boxMass * UnitInertia::brick(halfSize)));
106     Body::Rigid boxBody2(MassProperties(boxMass2, Vec3(0),
107                         boxMass2 * UnitInertia::brick(halfSize2)));
108     boxBody.addDecoration(Transform(),
109                             showBox.setColor(Red).setOpacity(1));
110     boxBody.addDecoration(Transform(),
111                             showBox.setColor(Gray).setRepresentation(DecorativeGeometry::DrawWireframe));
112     boxBody2.addDecoration(Transform(),
113                             showBox2.setColor(Cyan).setOpacity(.6));
114     boxBody2.addDecoration(Transform(),
115                             showBox2.setColor(Gray).setRepresentation(DecorativeGeometry::DrawWireframe));
116 //     boxBody.addDecoration(Transform(),
117 //                           DecorativeSphere(1).setColor(Gray).setOpacity(.1).setResolution(10));
119     const Real fFac = 0.3;       // to turn off friction
120     const Real fDis = 0.1;    // to turn off dissipation
121     const Real fVis = 0.01;    // to turn off viscous friction
122     const Real fK = 1e+8; // pascals
124     boxBody.addContactSurface(Transform(),
125                                ContactSurface(box,
126                                                ContactMaterial(fK, fDis, fFac, fFac, fVis),
127                                                .5 /*thickness*/)
128                                                );
129     boxBody2.addContactSurface(Transform(),
130                                 ContactSurface(box2,
131                                                 ContactMaterial(fK, fDis, fFac, fFac, fVis),
132                                                 .5 /*thickness*/)
133                                                 );
134     MobilizedBody::Free boxMBody(matter.Ground(), Transform(Vec3(0)), boxBody, Transform(Vec3(0)));
136     MobilizedBody::Weld boxMBody2(matter.Ground(), Transform(Vec3(0)), boxBody2, Transform(Vec3(0)));
138     Visualizer viz(system);
139     // viz.addDecorationGenerator(new ForceArrowGenerator(system,contactForces));
140     viz.setMode(Visualizer::RealTime);
141     viz.setDesiredBufferLengthInSec(1);
142     viz.setDesiredFrameRate(FrameRate);
143     viz.setGroundHeight(0);
144     viz.setShowShadows(true);
146     Visualizer::InputSilo* silo = new Visualizer::InputSilo();
147     viz.addInputListener(silo);
148     Array_<std::pair<String,int> > runMenuItems;
149     runMenuItems.push_back(std::make_pair("Go", GoItem));
150     runMenuItems.push_back(std::make_pair("Replay", ReplayItem));
151     runMenuItems.push_back(std::make_pair("Quit", QuitItem));
152     viz.addMenu("Run", RunMenuId, runMenuItems);
154     Array_<std::pair<String,int> > helpMenuItems;
155     helpMenuItems.push_back(std::make_pair("TBD - Sorry!", 1));
156     viz.addMenu("Help", HelpMenuId, helpMenuItems);
158     // system.addEventReporter(new MyReporter(system,contactForces,ReportInterval));
159     system.addEventReporter(new Visualizer::Reporter(viz, ReportInterval));
161     // Check for a Run->Quit menu pick every 1/4 second.
162     system.addEventHandler(new UserInputHandler(*silo, .25));
164     // Initialize the system and state.
166     system.realizeTopology();
167     State state = system.getDefaultState();
168     //ball.setQToFitTransform(state, Transform(Rotation(Pi/2,XAxis),
169     //                                         Vec3(0,-1.8,0)));
170     boxMBody.setQToFitTransform(state, Transform(Vec3(0, 10, 0)));
171     boxMBody2.setQToFitTransform(state, Transform(Vec3(0, 0, 0)));
173     viz.report(state);
175     cout << "\nChoose 'Go' from Run menu to simulate:\n";
176     int menuId, item;
177     do { silo->waitForMenuPick(menuId, item);
178          if (menuId != RunMenuId || item != GoItem)
179              cout << "\aDude ... follow instructions!\n";
180     } while (menuId != RunMenuId || item != GoItem);
182     //ball.setOneU(state, 2, -20);
184    // ball.setOneU(state, 0, .05); // to break symmetry
186     CPodesIntegrator integ(system,CPodes::BDF,CPodes::Newton);
187     integ.setAccuracy(1e-3); // minimum for CPodes
188     TimeStepper ts(system, integ);
190     ts.initialize(state);
192     double cpuStart = cpuTime();
193     double realStart = realTime();
195     ts.stepTo(100.0);
197     const double timeInSec = realTime() - realStart;
198     const int evals = integ.getNumRealizations();
199     cout << "Done -- took " << integ.getNumStepsTaken() << " steps in " <<
200         timeInSec << "s elapsed for " << ts.getTime() << "s sim (avg step="
201         << (1000*ts.getTime())/integ.getNumStepsTaken() << "ms) "
202         << (1000*ts.getTime())/evals << "ms/eval\n";
203     cout << "  CPU time was " << cpuTime() - cpuStart << "s\n";
205     printf("Using Integrator %s at accuracy %g:\n",
206         integ.getMethodName(), integ.getAccuracyInUse());
207     printf("# STEPS/ATTEMPTS = %d/%d\n", integ.getNumStepsTaken(), integ.getNumStepsAttempted());
208     printf("# ERR TEST FAILS = %d\n", integ.getNumErrorTestFailures());
209     printf("# REALIZE/PROJECT = %d/%d\n", integ.getNumRealizations(), integ.getNumProjections());
211     viz.dumpStats(std::cout);
213     // Add as slider to control playback speed.
214     viz.addSlider("Speed", 1, 0, 4, 1);
215     viz.setMode(Visualizer::PassThrough);
217     silo->clear(); // forget earlier input
218     double speed = 1; // will change if slider moves
219     while(true) {
220         cout << "Choose Run/Replay to see that again ...\n";
222         int menuId, item;
223         silo->waitForMenuPick(menuId, item);
226         if (menuId != RunMenuId) {
227             cout << "\aUse the Run menu!\n";
228             continue;
229         }
231         if (item == QuitItem)
232             break;
233         if (item != ReplayItem) {
234             cout << "\aHuh? Try again.\n";
235             continue;
236         }
238         for (double i=0; i < (int)saveEm.size(); i += speed ) {
239             int slider; Real newValue;
240             if (silo->takeSliderMove(slider,newValue)) {
241                 speed = newValue;
242             }
243             viz.report(saveEm[(int)i]);
244         }
245     }
247   } catch (const std::exception& e) {
248     std::printf("EXCEPTION THROWN: %s\n", e.what());
249     exit(1);
251   } catch (...) {
252     std::printf("UNKNOWN EXCEPTION THROWN\n");
253     exit(1);
254   }
256     return 0;
257 }
260 // Create a triangle mesh in the shape of a pyramid, with the
261 // square base in the x-z plane centered at 0,0,0 of given side length s.
262 // The base is split into two triangles. The apex will be at (0,s,0).
makePyramid(Real s,PolygonalMesh & pyramidMesh)263 static void makePyramid(Real s, PolygonalMesh& pyramidMesh) {
264     const Real h = s/2;
265     Array_<Vec3> vertices;
266     vertices.push_back(Vec3(-h, 0, -h));     // base
267     vertices.push_back(Vec3( h, 0, -h));
268     vertices.push_back(Vec3( h, 0,  h));
269     vertices.push_back(Vec3(-h, 0,  h));
270     vertices.push_back(Vec3( 0, s,  0)); // apex
271     Array_<int> faceIndices;
272     int faces[6][3] = {{0, 1, 2}, {0, 2, 3}, {1, 0, 4},
273                        {2, 1, 4}, {3, 2, 4}, {0, 3, 4}};
274     for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
275         for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
276             faceIndices.push_back(faces[i][j]);
278     for (unsigned i=0; i < vertices.size(); ++i)
279         pyramidMesh.addVertex(vertices[i]);
280     for (unsigned i=0; i < faceIndices.size(); i += 3) {
281         const Array_<int> verts(&faceIndices[i], &faceIndices[i]+3);
282         pyramidMesh.addFace(verts);
283     }
284 }
287 // Create a triangle mesh in the shape of a tetrahedron with the
288 // points in the corners of a cube inscribed in a sphere of radius r.
makeTetrahedron(Real r,PolygonalMesh & tet)289 static void makeTetrahedron(Real r, PolygonalMesh& tet) {
290     const Real h = r/std::sqrt(Real(3)); // half-dim of cube
291     Array_<Vec3> vertices;
292     vertices.push_back(Vec3( h, h,  h));
293     vertices.push_back(Vec3(-h,-h,  h));
294     vertices.push_back(Vec3(-h, h, -h));
295     vertices.push_back(Vec3( h,-h, -h));
296     Array_<int> faceIndices;
297     int faces[4][3] = {{0, 2, 1}, {1, 3, 0}, {0, 3, 2}, {2, 3, 1}};
298     for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
299         for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
300             faceIndices.push_back(faces[i][j]);
302     for (unsigned i=0; i < vertices.size(); ++i)
303         tet.addVertex(vertices[i]);
304     for (unsigned i=0; i < faceIndices.size(); i += 3) {
305         const Array_<int> verts(&faceIndices[i], &faceIndices[i]+3);
306         tet.addFace(verts);
307     }
308 }
makeOctahedralMesh(const Vec3 & r,Array_<Vec3> & vertices,Array_<int> & faceIndices)310 static void makeOctahedralMesh(const Vec3& r, Array_<Vec3>& vertices,
311                                Array_<int>&  faceIndices) {
312     vertices.push_back(Vec3( r[0],  0,  0));   //0
313     vertices.push_back(Vec3(-r[0],  0,  0));   //1
314     vertices.push_back(Vec3( 0,  r[1],  0));   //2
315     vertices.push_back(Vec3( 0, -r[1],  0));   //3
316     vertices.push_back(Vec3( 0,  0,  r[2]));   //4
317     vertices.push_back(Vec3( 0,  0, -r[2]));   //5
318     int faces[8][3] = {{0, 2, 4}, {4, 2, 1}, {1, 2, 5}, {5, 2, 0},
319                        {4, 3, 0}, {1, 3, 4}, {5, 3, 1}, {0, 3, 5}};
320     for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
321         for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
322             faceIndices.push_back(faces[i][j]);
323 }
325 // Create a triangle mesh in the shape of an octahedron (like two
326 // pyramids stacked base-to-base, with the square base in the x-z plane
327 // centered at 0,0,0 of given "radius" r.
328 // The apexes will be at (0,+/-r,0).
makeOctahedron(Real r,PolygonalMesh & mesh)329 static void makeOctahedron(Real r, PolygonalMesh& mesh) {
330     Array_<Vec3> vertices;
331     Array_<int> faceIndices;
332     makeOctahedralMesh(Vec3(r), vertices, faceIndices);
334     for (unsigned i=0; i < vertices.size(); ++i)
335         mesh.addVertex(vertices[i]);
336     for (unsigned i=0; i < faceIndices.size(); i += 3) {
337         const Array_<int> verts(&faceIndices[i], &faceIndices[i]+3);
338         mesh.addFace(verts);
339     }
340 }
makeCube(Real h,PolygonalMesh & cube)342 static void makeCube(Real h, PolygonalMesh& cube) {
343     Array_<Vec3> vertices;
344     vertices.push_back(Vec3( h, h,  h));
345     vertices.push_back(Vec3( h, h, -h));
346     vertices.push_back(Vec3( h,-h,  h));
347     vertices.push_back(Vec3( h,-h, -h));
348     vertices.push_back(Vec3(-h, h,  h));
349     vertices.push_back(Vec3(-h, h, -h));
350     vertices.push_back(Vec3(-h,-h,  h));
351     vertices.push_back(Vec3(-h,-h, -h));
353     Array_<int> faceIndices;
354     int faces[6][4] = {{0,2,3,1},{1,5,4,0},{0,4,6,2},
355                        {2,6,7,3},{3,7,5,1},{4,5,7,6}};
356     for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
357         for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
358             faceIndices.push_back(faces[i][j]);
360     for (unsigned i=0; i < vertices.size(); ++i)
361         cube.addVertex(vertices[i]);
362     for (unsigned i=0; i < faceIndices.size(); i += 4) {
363         const Array_<int> verts(&faceIndices[i], &faceIndices[i]+4);
364         cube.addFace(verts);
365     }
366 }