1SPARTA (26 Feb 2021)
3# thermal gas in a 3d box with free molecular flow (no collisions)
5# Note:
6#  - The "comm/sort” option to the “global” command is used to match MPI runs.
7#  - The “twopass” option is used to match Kokkos runs.
8# The "comm/sort" and "twopass" options should not be used for production runs.
10# particles reflect off global box boundaries
12seed	    	    12345
13dimension   	    3
14global              gridcut 1.0e-5 comm/sort yes
16boundary	    rr rr rr
18create_box  	    0 0.0001 0 0.0001 0 0.0001
19Created orthogonal box = (0 0 0) to (0.0001 0.0001 0.0001)
20create_grid 	    10 10 10
21Created 1000 child grid cells
22  CPU time = 0.00146604 secs
23  create/ghost percent = 59.0828 40.9172
25balance_grid        rcb part
26Balance grid migrated 0 cells
27  CPU time = 0.000530243 secs
28  reassign/sort/migrate/ghost percent = 38.4442 0.629496 10.1169 50.8094
30species		    ar.species Ar
31mixture		    air Ar vstream 0.0 0.0 0.0 temp 273.15
33global              nrho 7.07043E22
34global              fnum 7.07043E6
36create_particles    air n 10000 twopass
37Created 10000 particles
38  CPU time = 0.00464368 secs
40stats		    100
41compute             temp temp
42stats_style	    step cpu np nattempt ncoll c_temp
44#dump                2 image all 100 image.*.ppm type type pdiam 3.0e-6 #		    size 512 512 gline yes 0.005
45#dump_modify	    2 pad 4
47timestep 	    7.00E-9
48run 		    1000
49Memory usage per proc in Mbytes:
50  particles (ave,min,max) = 1.6875 1.6875 1.6875
51  grid      (ave,min,max) = 1.51379 1.51379 1.51379
52  surf      (ave,min,max) = 0 0 0
53  total     (ave,min,max) = 3.20129 3.20129 3.20129
54Step CPU Np Natt Ncoll c_temp
55       0            0    10000        0        0    273.86304
56     100  0.040561914    10000        0        0    273.86304
57     200  0.081481218    10000        0        0    273.86304
58     300   0.12299037    10000        0        0    273.86304
59     400    0.1638639    10000        0        0    273.86304
60     500   0.20468926    10000        0        0    273.86304
61     600   0.24554276    10000        0        0    273.86304
62     700   0.28637004    10000        0        0    273.86304
63     800   0.32724953    10000        0        0    273.86304
64     900   0.36807895    10000        0        0    273.86304
65    1000   0.40891361    10000        0        0    273.86304
66Loop time of 0.408925 on 1 procs for 1000 steps with 10000 particles
68MPI task timing breakdown:
69Section |  min time  |  avg time  |  max time  |%varavg| %total
71Move    | 0.40676    | 0.40676    | 0.40676    |   0.0 | 99.47
72Coll    | 0          | 0          | 0          |   0.0 |  0.00
73Sort    | 0          | 0          | 0          |   0.0 |  0.00
74Comm    | 0.00048566 | 0.00048566 | 0.00048566 |   0.0 |  0.12
75Modify  | 0          | 0          | 0          |   0.0 |  0.00
76Output  | 0.00075507 | 0.00075507 | 0.00075507 |   0.0 |  0.18
77Other   |            | 0.0009279  |            |       |  0.23
79Particle moves    = 10000000 (10M)
80Cells touched     = 13599730 (13.6M)
81Particle comms    = 0 (0K)
82Boundary collides = 399938 (0.4M)
83Boundary exits    = 0 (0K)
84SurfColl checks   = 0 (0K)
85SurfColl occurs   = 0 (0K)
86Surf reactions    = 0 (0K)
87Collide attempts  = 0 (0K)
88Collide occurs    = 0 (0K)
89Reactions         = 0 (0K)
90Particles stuck   = 0
91Axisymm bad moves = 0
93Particle-moves/CPUsec/proc: 2.44544e+07
94Particle-moves/step: 10000
95Cell-touches/particle/step: 1.35997
96Particle comm iterations/step: 1
97Particle fraction communicated: 0
98Particle fraction colliding with boundary: 0.0399938
99Particle fraction exiting boundary: 0
100Surface-checks/particle/step: 0
101Surface-collisions/particle/step: 0
102Surf-reactions/particle/step: 0
103Collision-attempts/particle/step: 0
104Collisions/particle/step: 0
105Reactions/particle/step: 0
107Particles: 10000 ave 10000 max 10000 min
108Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
109Cells:      1000 ave 1000 max 1000 min
110Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
111GhostCell: 0 ave 0 max 0 min
112Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
113EmptyCell: 0 ave 0 max 0 min
114Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0