1 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2    SPARTA - Stochastic PArallel Rarefied-gas Time-accurate Analyzer
3    http://sparta.sandia.gov
4    Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov, Michael Gallis, magalli@sandia.gov
5    Sandia National Laboratories
7    Copyright (2014) Sandia Corporation.  Under the terms of Contract
8    DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
9    certain rights in this software.  This software is distributed under
10    the GNU General Public License.
12    See the README file in the top-level SPARTA directory.
13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
15 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
16    Contributing author: Nathan Fabian (Sandia)
17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
19 #include "mpi.h"
20 #include "math.h"
21 #include "ctype.h"
22 #include "stdlib.h"
23 #include "string.h"
24 #include "image.h"
25 #include "math_extra.h"
26 #include "update.h"
27 #include "random_mars.h"
28 #include "random_knuth.h"
29 #include "math_const.h"
30 #include "error.h"
31 #include "memory.h"
33 #ifdef SPARTA_JPEG
34 #include "jpeglib.h"
35 #endif
37 #ifdef SPARTA_PNG
38 #include <png.h>
39 #include <zlib.h>
40 #include <setjmp.h>
41 #include "version.h"
42 #endif
44 using namespace SPARTA_NS;
45 using namespace MathConst;
47 #define NCOLORS 140
48 #define NELEMENTS 109
49 #define BIG 1.0e20
50 #define EPSILON 1.0e-6
55 enum{NO,YES};
57 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Image(SPARTA * sparta,int nmap_caller)59 Image::Image(SPARTA *sparta, int nmap_caller) : Pointers(sparta)
60 {
61   MPI_Comm_rank(world,&me);
62   MPI_Comm_size(world,&nprocs);
64   // defaults for 3d viz
66   width = height = 512;
67   theta = 60.0 * MY_PI/180.0;
68   phi = 30.0 * MY_PI/180.0;
69   zoom = 1.0;
70   persp = 0.0;
71   shiny = 1.0;
72   ssao = NO;
74   up[0] = 0.0;
75   up[1] = 0.0;
76   up[2] = 1.0;
78   // colors
80   ncolors = 0;
81   username = NULL;
82   userrgb = NULL;
84   boxcolor = color2rgb("yellow");
85   background[0] = background[1] = background[2] = 0;
87   // define nmap colormaps, all with default settings
89   nmap = nmap_caller;
90   maps = new ColorMap*[nmap];
91   for (int i = 0; i < nmap; i++)
92     maps[i] = new ColorMap(sparta,this);
94   // static parameters
96   FOV = MY_PI/6.0;              // 30 degrees
97   ambientColor[0] = 0.0;
98   ambientColor[1] = 0.0;
99   ambientColor[2] = 0.0;
101   keyLightPhi = -MY_PI4;        // -45 degrees
102   keyLightTheta = MY_PI/6.0;    // 30 degrees
103   keyLightColor[0] = 0.9;
104   keyLightColor[1] = 0.9;
105   keyLightColor[2] = 0.9;
107   fillLightPhi = MY_PI/6.0;     // 30 degrees
108   fillLightTheta = 0;
109   fillLightColor[0] = 0.45;
110   fillLightColor[1] = 0.45;
111   fillLightColor[2] = 0.45;
113   backLightPhi = MY_PI;         // 180 degrees
114   backLightTheta = MY_PI/12.0;  // 15 degrees
115   backLightColor[0] = 0.9;
116   backLightColor[1] = 0.9;
117   backLightColor[2] = 0.9;
119   random = NULL;
121   // MPI_Gatherv vectors
123   recvcounts = NULL;
124   displs = NULL;
125 }
127 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
~Image()129 Image::~Image()
130 {
131   for (int i = 0; i < nmap; i++) delete maps[i];
132   delete [] maps;
134   for (int i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) delete [] username[i];
135   memory->sfree(username);
136   memory->destroy(userrgb);
138   memory->destroy(depthBuffer);
139   memory->destroy(surfaceBuffer);
140   memory->destroy(imageBuffer);
141   memory->destroy(depthcopy);
142   memory->destroy(surfacecopy);
143   memory->destroy(rgbcopy);
145   if (random) delete random;
147   memory->destroy(recvcounts);
148   memory->destroy(displs);
149 }
151 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
152    allocate image and depth buffers
153    called after image size is set
154 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
buffers()156 void Image::buffers()
157 {
158   npixels = width * height;
159   memory->create(depthBuffer,npixels,"image:depthBuffer");
160   memory->create(surfaceBuffer,2*npixels,"image:surfaceBuffer");
161   memory->create(imageBuffer,3*npixels,"image:imageBuffer");
162   memory->create(depthcopy,npixels,"image:depthcopy");
163   memory->create(surfacecopy,2*npixels,"image:surfacecopy");
164   memory->create(rgbcopy,3*npixels,"image:rgbcopy");
165 }
167 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
168    reset view parameters
169    called once if view is STATIC
170    called before every render if view is DYNAMIC
171 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
view_params(double boxxlo,double boxxhi,double boxylo,double boxyhi,double boxzlo,double boxzhi)173 void Image::view_params(double boxxlo, double boxxhi, double boxylo,
174 			double boxyhi, double boxzlo, double boxzhi)
175 {
176   // camDir points at the camera, view direction = -camDir
178   camDir[0] = sin(theta)*cos(phi);
179   camDir[1] = sin(theta)*sin(phi);
180   camDir[2] = cos(theta);
182   // normalize up vector
184   if (up[0] == 0.0 && up[1] == 0.0 && up[2] == 0.0)
185     error->all(FLERR,"Invalid image up vector");
186   MathExtra::norm3(up);
188   // adjust camDir by epsilon if camDir and up are parallel
189   // do this by tweaking view direction, not up direction
190   // try to insure continuous images as changing view passes thru up
191   // sufficient to handle common cases where theta = 0 or 180 is degenerate?
193   double dot = MathExtra::dot3(up,camDir);
194   if (fabs(dot) > 1.0-EPSILON) {
195     if (theta == 0.0) {
196       camDir[0] = sin(EPSILON)*cos(phi);
197       camDir[1] = sin(EPSILON)*sin(phi);
198       camDir[2] = cos(EPSILON);
199     } else if (theta == MY_PI) {
200       camDir[0] = sin(theta-EPSILON)*cos(phi);
201       camDir[1] = sin(theta-EPSILON)*sin(phi);
202       camDir[2] = cos(theta-EPSILON);
203     } else {
204       camDir[0] = sin(theta+EPSILON)*cos(phi);
205       camDir[1] = sin(theta+EPSILON)*sin(phi);
206       camDir[2] = cos(theta+EPSILON);
207     }
208   }
210   // camUp = camDir x (Up x camDir)
212   MathExtra::cross3(up,camDir,camRight);
213   MathExtra::norm3(camRight);
214   MathExtra::cross3(camDir,camRight,camUp);
215   if (camUp[0] == 0.0 && camUp[1] == 0.0 && camUp[2] == 0.0)
216     error->all(FLERR,"Invalid image up vector");
217   MathExtra::norm3(camUp);
219   // zdist = camera distance = function of zoom & bounding box
220   // camPos = camera position = function of camDir and zdist
222   double delx = 2.0*(boxxhi-boxxlo);
223   double dely = 2.0*(boxyhi-boxylo);
224   double delz = 2.0*(boxzhi-boxzlo);
225   double maxdel = MAX(delx,dely);
226   maxdel = MAX(maxdel,delz);
228   zdist = maxdel;
229   zdist /= tan(FOV);
230   zdist += 0.5 * (delx*camDir[0] + dely*camDir[1] + delz*camDir[2]);
231   zdist /= zoom;
233   camPos[0] = camDir[0] * zdist;
234   camPos[1] = camDir[1] * zdist;
235   camPos[2] = camDir[2] * zdist;
237   // light directions in terms of -camDir = z
239   keyLightDir[0] = cos(keyLightTheta) * sin(keyLightPhi);
240   keyLightDir[1] = sin(keyLightTheta);
241   keyLightDir[2] = cos(keyLightTheta) * cos(keyLightPhi);
243   fillLightDir[0] = cos(fillLightTheta) * sin(fillLightPhi);
244   fillLightDir[1] = sin(fillLightTheta);
245   fillLightDir[2] = cos(fillLightTheta) * cos(fillLightPhi);
247   backLightDir[0] = cos(backLightTheta) * sin(backLightPhi);
248   backLightDir[1] = sin(backLightTheta);
249   backLightDir[2] = cos(backLightTheta) * cos(backLightPhi);
251   keyHalfDir[0] = 0 + keyLightDir[0];
252   keyHalfDir[1] = 0 + keyLightDir[1];
253   keyHalfDir[2] = 1 + keyLightDir[2];
254   MathExtra::norm3(keyHalfDir);
256   // adjust shinyness of the reflection
258   specularHardness = 16.0 * shiny;
259   specularIntensity = shiny;
261   // adjust strength of the SSAO
263   if (ssao) {
264     if (!random) {
265       random = new RanKnuth(update->ranmaster->uniform());
266       double seed = update->ranmaster->uniform();
267       random->reset(seed,me,100);
268     }
269     SSAORadius = maxdel * 0.05 * ssaoint;
270     SSAOSamples = static_cast<int> (8.0 + 32.0*ssaoint);
271     SSAOJitter = MY_PI / 12;
272     ambientColor[0] = 0.5;
273     ambientColor[1] = 0.5;
274     ambientColor[2] = 0.5;
275   }
277   // param for rasterizing spheres
279   tanPerPixel = -(maxdel / (double) height);
280 }
282 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
283    initialize image to background color and depth buffer
284    no need to init surfaceBuffer, since will be based on depth
285 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
clear()287 void Image::clear()
288 {
289   int red = background[0];
290   int green = background[1];
291   int blue = background[2];
293   int ix,iy;
294   for (iy = 0; iy < height; iy ++)
295     for (ix = 0; ix < width; ix ++) {
296       imageBuffer[iy * width * 3 + ix * 3 + 0] = red;
297       imageBuffer[iy * width * 3 + ix * 3 + 1] = green;
298       imageBuffer[iy * width * 3 + ix * 3 + 2] = blue;
299       depthBuffer[iy * width + ix] = -1;
300     }
301 }
303 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
304    merge image from each processor into one composite image
305    done pixel by pixel, respecting depth buffer
306    hi procs send to lo procs, cascading down logarithmically
307 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
merge()309 void Image::merge()
310 {
311   MPI_Request requests[3];
312   MPI_Status statuses[3];
314   int nhalf = 1;
315   while (nhalf < nprocs) nhalf *= 2;
316   nhalf /= 2;
318   while (nhalf) {
319     if (me < nhalf && me+nhalf < nprocs) {
320       MPI_Irecv(rgbcopy,npixels*3,MPI_BYTE,me+nhalf,0,world,&requests[0]);
321       MPI_Irecv(depthcopy,npixels,MPI_DOUBLE,me+nhalf,0,world,&requests[1]);
322       if (ssao)
323 	MPI_Irecv(surfacecopy,npixels*2,MPI_DOUBLE,
324 		  me+nhalf,0,world,&requests[2]);
325       if (ssao) MPI_Waitall(3,requests,statuses);
326       else MPI_Waitall(2,requests,statuses);
328       for (int i = 0; i < npixels; i++) {
329         if (depthBuffer[i] < 0 || (depthcopy[i] >= 0 &&
330 				   depthcopy[i] < depthBuffer[i])) {
331           depthBuffer[i] = depthcopy[i];
332           imageBuffer[i*3+0] = rgbcopy[i*3+0];
333           imageBuffer[i*3+1] = rgbcopy[i*3+1];
334           imageBuffer[i*3+2] = rgbcopy[i*3+2];
335           if (ssao) {
336             surfaceBuffer[i*2+0] = surfacecopy[i*2+0];
337             surfaceBuffer[i*2+1] = surfacecopy[i*2+1];
338           }
339         }
340       }
342     } else if (me >= nhalf && me < 2*nhalf) {
343       MPI_Send(imageBuffer,npixels*3,MPI_BYTE,me-nhalf,0,world);
344       MPI_Send(depthBuffer,npixels,MPI_DOUBLE,me-nhalf,0,world);
345       if (ssao) MPI_Send(surfaceBuffer,npixels*2,MPI_DOUBLE,me-nhalf,0,world);
346     }
348     nhalf /= 2;
349   }
351   // extra SSAO enhancement
352   // bcast full image to all procs
353   // each works on subset of pixels
354   // MPI_Gather() result back to proc 0
355   // use Gatherv() if subset of pixels is not the same size on every proc
357   if (ssao) {
358     MPI_Bcast(imageBuffer,npixels*3,MPI_BYTE,0,world);
359     MPI_Bcast(surfaceBuffer,npixels*2,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world);
360     MPI_Bcast(depthBuffer,npixels,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world);
361     compute_SSAO();
363     int pixelstart = 3 * static_cast<int> (1.0*me/nprocs * npixels);
364     int pixelstop = 3 * static_cast<int> (1.0*(me+1)/nprocs * npixels);
365     int mypixels = pixelstop - pixelstart;
367     if (npixels % nprocs == 0) {
368       MPI_Gather(imageBuffer+pixelstart,mypixels,MPI_BYTE,
369                  rgbcopy,mypixels,MPI_BYTE,0,world);
371     } else {
372       if (recvcounts == NULL) {
373         memory->create(recvcounts,nprocs,"image:recvcounts");
374         memory->create(displs,nprocs,"image:displs");
375         MPI_Allgather(&mypixels,1,MPI_INT,recvcounts,1,MPI_INT,world);
376         displs[0] = 0;
377         for (int i = 1; i < nprocs; i++)
378           displs[i] = displs[i-1] + recvcounts[i-1];
379       }
381       MPI_Gatherv(imageBuffer+pixelstart,mypixels,MPI_BYTE,
382                   rgbcopy,recvcounts,displs,MPI_BYTE,0,world);
383     }
385     writeBuffer = rgbcopy;
386   } else {
387     writeBuffer = imageBuffer;
388   }
389 }
391 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
392    draw a line as a cylinder
393 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
draw_line(double * x1,double * x2,double * color,double diameter)395 void Image::draw_line(double *x1, double *x2, double *color, double diameter)
396 {
397   draw_cylinder(x1,x2,color,diameter,3);
398 }
400 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
401    draw outline of a 3d box as 12 cylinders
402 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
draw_box(double (* corners)[3],double * color,double diameter)404 void Image::draw_box(double (*corners)[3], double *color, double diameter)
405 {
406   draw_cylinder(corners[0],corners[1],color,diameter,3);
407   draw_cylinder(corners[2],corners[3],color,diameter,3);
408   draw_cylinder(corners[0],corners[2],color,diameter,3);
409   draw_cylinder(corners[1],corners[3],color,diameter,3);
410   draw_cylinder(corners[0],corners[4],color,diameter,3);
411   draw_cylinder(corners[1],corners[5],color,diameter,3);
412   draw_cylinder(corners[2],corners[6],color,diameter,3);
413   draw_cylinder(corners[3],corners[7],color,diameter,3);
414   draw_cylinder(corners[4],corners[5],color,diameter,3);
415   draw_cylinder(corners[6],corners[7],color,diameter,3);
416   draw_cylinder(corners[4],corners[6],color,diameter,3);
417   draw_cylinder(corners[5],corners[7],color,diameter,3);
418 }
420 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
421    draw outline of a 2d rectangle as 4 cylinders
422 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
draw_box2d(double (* corners)[3],double * color,double diameter)424 void Image::draw_box2d(double (*corners)[3], double *color, double diameter)
425 {
426   draw_cylinder(corners[0],corners[1],color,diameter,3);
427   draw_cylinder(corners[2],corners[3],color,diameter,3);
428   draw_cylinder(corners[0],corners[2],color,diameter,3);
429   draw_cylinder(corners[1],corners[3],color,diameter,3);
430 }
432 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
433    draw XYZ axes in red/green/blue
434    axes = 4 end points
435 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
draw_axes(double (* axes)[3],double diameter)437 void Image::draw_axes(double (*axes)[3], double diameter)
438 {
439   draw_cylinder(axes[0],axes[1],color2rgb("red"),diameter,3);
440   draw_cylinder(axes[0],axes[2],color2rgb("green"),diameter,3);
441   draw_cylinder(axes[0],axes[3],color2rgb("blue"),diameter,3);
442 }
444 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
445    draw sphere at x with surfaceColor and diameter
446    render pixel by pixel onto image plane with depth buffering
447 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
draw_sphere(double * x,double * surfaceColor,double diameter)449 void Image::draw_sphere(double *x, double *surfaceColor, double diameter)
450 {
451   int ix,iy;
452   double projRad;
453   double xlocal[3],surface[3];
454   double depth;
456   xlocal[0] = x[0] - xctr;
457   xlocal[1] = x[1] - yctr;
458   xlocal[2] = x[2] - zctr;
460   double xmap = MathExtra::dot3(camRight,xlocal);
461   double ymap = MathExtra::dot3(camUp,xlocal);
462   double dist = MathExtra::dot3(camPos,camDir) - MathExtra::dot3(xlocal,camDir);
464   double radius = 0.5*diameter;
465   double radsq = radius*radius;
466   double pixelWidth = (tanPerPixel > 0) ? tanPerPixel * dist :
467     -tanPerPixel / zoom;
468   double pixelRadiusFull = radius / pixelWidth;
469   int pixelRadius = static_cast<int> (pixelRadiusFull + 0.5) + 1;
471   double xf = xmap / pixelWidth;
472   double yf = ymap / pixelWidth;
473   int xc = static_cast<int> (xf);
474   int yc = static_cast<int> (yf);
475   double width_error = xf - xc;
476   double height_error = yf - yc;
478   // shift 0,0 to screen center (vs lower left)
480   xc += width / 2;
481   yc += height / 2;
483   for (iy = yc - pixelRadius; iy <= yc + pixelRadius; iy++) {
484     for (ix = xc - pixelRadius; ix <= xc + pixelRadius; ix++) {
485       if (iy < 0 || iy >= height || ix < 0 || ix >= width) continue;
487       surface[1] = ((iy - yc) - height_error) * pixelWidth;
488       surface[0] = ((ix - xc) - width_error) * pixelWidth;
489       projRad = surface[0]*surface[0] + surface[1]*surface[1];
491       // outside the sphere in the projected image
493       if (projRad > radsq) continue;
494       surface[2] = sqrt(radsq - projRad);
495       depth = dist - surface[2];
497       surface[0] /= radius;
498       surface[1] /= radius;
499       surface[2] /= radius;
501       draw_pixel (ix, iy, depth, surface, surfaceColor);
502     }
503   }
504 }
506 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
507    draw axis oriented brick at x with surfaceColor and diameter[3] in extent
508    render pixel by pixel onto image plane with depth buffering
509 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
draw_brick(double * x,double * surfaceColor,double * diameter)511 void Image::draw_brick(double *x, double *surfaceColor, double *diameter)
512 {
513   double xlocal[3],surface[3],normal[3];
514   double t,tdir[3];
515   double depth;
517   xlocal[0] = x[0] - xctr;
518   xlocal[1] = x[1] - yctr;
519   xlocal[2] = x[2] - zctr;
521   double xmap = MathExtra::dot3(camRight,xlocal);
522   double ymap = MathExtra::dot3(camUp,xlocal);
523   double dist = MathExtra::dot3(camPos,camDir) - MathExtra::dot3(xlocal,camDir);
525   double radius[3];
526   radius[0] = 0.5*diameter[0];
527   radius[1] = 0.5*diameter[1];
528   radius[2] = 0.5*diameter[2];
530   double pixelWidth = (tanPerPixel > 0) ? tanPerPixel * dist :
531     -tanPerPixel / zoom;
533   double halfWidth = MAX(diameter[0],diameter[1]);
534   halfWidth = MAX(halfWidth,diameter[2]);
535   double pixelHalfWidthFull = halfWidth / pixelWidth;
536   int pixelHalfWidth = static_cast<int> (pixelHalfWidthFull + 0.5);
538   double xf = xmap / pixelWidth;
539   double yf = ymap / pixelWidth;
540   int xc = static_cast<int> (xf);
541   int yc = static_cast<int> (yf);
542   double width_error = xf - xc;
543   double height_error = yf - yc;
545   // shift 0,0 to screen center (vs lower left)
547   xc += width / 2;
548   yc += height / 2;
550   for (int iy = yc - pixelHalfWidth; iy <= yc + pixelHalfWidth; iy ++) {
551     for (int ix = xc - pixelHalfWidth; ix <= xc + pixelHalfWidth; ix ++) {
552       if (iy < 0 || iy >= height || ix < 0 || ix >= width) continue;
554       double sy = ((iy - yc) - height_error) * pixelWidth;
555       double sx = ((ix - xc) - width_error) * pixelWidth;
556       surface[0] = camRight[0] * sx + camUp[0] * sy;
557       surface[1] = camRight[1] * sx + camUp[1] * sy;
558       surface[2] = camRight[2] * sx + camUp[2] * sy;
560       // iterate through each of the 6 axis-oriented planes of the box
561       // only render up to 3 which are facing the camera
562       // these checks short circuit a dot product, testing for > 0
564       for (int dim = 0; dim < 3; dim ++) {
565         if (camDir[dim] > 0) {          // positive faces camera
566           t = (radius[dim] - surface[dim]) / camDir[dim];
567           normal[0] = camRight[dim];
568           normal[1] = camUp[dim];
569           normal[2] = camDir[dim];
570         } else if (camDir[dim] < 0) {   // negative faces camera
571           t = -(radius[dim] + surface[dim]) / camDir[dim];
572           normal[0] = -camRight[dim];
573           normal[1] = -camUp[dim];
574           normal[2] = -camDir[dim];
575         }
576         if (camDir[dim] != 0) {
577           tdir[0] = camDir[0] * t;
578           tdir[1] = camDir[1] * t;
579           tdir[2] = camDir[2] * t;
581           bool xin = ((surface[0]+tdir[0]) >= -radius[0]) &&
582 	    ((surface[0]+tdir[0]) <= radius[0]);
583           bool yin = ((surface[1]+tdir[1]) >= -radius[1]) &&
584 	    ((surface[1]+tdir[1]) <= radius[1]);
585           bool zin = ((surface[2]+tdir[2]) >= -radius[2]) &&
586 	    ((surface[2]+tdir[2]) <= radius[2]);
588           switch (dim) {
589 	  case 0:
590 	    if (yin & zin) {
591 	      depth = dist - t;
592 	      draw_pixel (ix, iy, depth, normal, surfaceColor);
593 	    }
594 	    break;
595 	  case 1:
596 	    if (xin & zin) {
597 	      depth = dist - t;
598 	      draw_pixel (ix, iy, depth, normal, surfaceColor);
599 	    }
600 	    break;
601 	  case 2:
602 	    if (xin & yin) {
603 	      depth = dist - t;
604 	      draw_pixel (ix, iy, depth, normal, surfaceColor);
605 	    }
606 	    break;
607           }
608         }
609       }
610     }
611   }
612 }
614 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
615    draw cylinder from x to y with surfaceColor and diameter
616    render pixel by pixel onto image plane with depth buffering
617    if sflag = 0, draw no end spheres
618    if sflag = 1, draw 1st end sphere
619    if sflag = 2, draw 2nd end sphere
620    if sflag = 3, draw both end spheres
621 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
draw_cylinder(double * x,double * y,double * surfaceColor,double diameter,int sflag)623 void Image::draw_cylinder(double *x, double *y,
624 			  double *surfaceColor, double diameter, int sflag)
625 {
626   double surface[3], normal[3];
627   double mid[3],xaxis[3],yaxis[3],zaxis[3];
628   double camLDir[3], camLRight[3], camLUp[3];
629   double zmin, zmax;
631   if (sflag % 2) draw_sphere(x,surfaceColor,diameter);
632   if (sflag/2) draw_sphere(y,surfaceColor,diameter);
634   double radius = 0.5*diameter;
635   double radsq = radius*radius;
637   zaxis[0] = y[0] - x[0];
638   zaxis[1] = y[1] - x[1];
639   zaxis[2] = y[2] - x[2];
641   double rasterWidth = fabs(MathExtra::dot3(zaxis, camRight)) + diameter;
642   double rasterHeight = fabs(MathExtra::dot3(zaxis, camUp)) + diameter;
644   mid[0] = (y[0] + x[0]) * 0.5 - xctr;
645   mid[1] = (y[1] + x[1]) * 0.5 - yctr;
646   mid[2] = (y[2] + x[2]) * 0.5 - zctr;
648   double len = MathExtra::len3(zaxis);
649   MathExtra::scale3(1.0/len,zaxis);
650   len *= 0.5;
651   zmax = len;
652   zmin = -len;
654   double xmap = MathExtra::dot3(camRight,mid);
655   double ymap = MathExtra::dot3(camUp,mid);
656   double dist = MathExtra::dot3(camPos,camDir) - MathExtra::dot3(mid,camDir);
658   double pixelWidth = (tanPerPixel > 0) ? tanPerPixel * dist :
659     -tanPerPixel / zoom;
661   double xf = xmap / pixelWidth;
662   double yf = ymap / pixelWidth;
663   int xc = static_cast<int> (xf);
664   int yc = static_cast<int> (yf);
665   double width_error = xf - xc;
666   double height_error = yf - yc;
668   // shift 0,0 to screen center (vs lower left)
670   xc += width / 2;
671   yc += height / 2;
673   double pixelHalfWidthFull = (rasterWidth * 0.5) / pixelWidth;
674   double pixelHalfHeightFull = (rasterHeight * 0.5) / pixelWidth;
675   int pixelHalfWidth = static_cast<int> (pixelHalfWidthFull + 0.5);
676   int pixelHalfHeight = static_cast<int> (pixelHalfHeightFull + 0.5);
678   if (zaxis[0] == camDir[0] && zaxis[1] == camDir[1] && zaxis[2] == camDir[2])
679     return;
680   if (zaxis[0] == -camDir[0] && zaxis[1] == -camDir[1] &&
681       zaxis[2] == -camDir[2]) return;
683   MathExtra::cross3(zaxis,camDir,yaxis);
684   MathExtra::norm3(yaxis);
685   MathExtra::cross3(yaxis,zaxis,xaxis);
686   MathExtra::norm3(xaxis);
688   camLDir[0] = MathExtra::dot3(camDir,xaxis);
689   camLDir[1] = 0.0;
690   camLDir[2] = MathExtra::dot3(camDir,zaxis);
692   camLRight[0] = MathExtra::dot3(camRight,xaxis);
693   camLRight[1] = MathExtra::dot3(camRight,yaxis);
694   camLRight[2] = MathExtra::dot3(camRight,zaxis);
695   MathExtra::norm3(camLRight);
697   camLUp[0] = MathExtra::dot3(camUp,xaxis);
698   camLUp[1] = MathExtra::dot3(camUp,yaxis);
699   camLUp[2] = MathExtra::dot3(camUp,zaxis);
700   MathExtra::norm3(camLUp);
702   double a = camLDir[0] * camLDir[0];
704   for (int iy = yc - pixelHalfHeight; iy <= yc + pixelHalfHeight; iy ++) {
705     for (int ix = xc - pixelHalfWidth; ix <= xc + pixelHalfWidth; ix ++) {
706       if (iy < 0 || iy >= height || ix < 0 || ix >= width) continue;
708       double sy = ((iy - yc) - height_error) * pixelWidth;
709       double sx = ((ix - xc) - width_error) * pixelWidth;
710       surface[0] = camLRight[0] * sx + camLUp[0] * sy;
711       surface[1] = camLRight[1] * sx + camLUp[1] * sy;
712       surface[2] = camLRight[2] * sx + camLUp[2] * sy;
714       double b = 2 * camLDir[0] * surface[0];
715       double c = surface[0] * surface[0] + surface[1] * surface[1] - radsq;
717       double partial = b*b - 4*a*c;
718       if (partial < 0) continue;
719       partial = sqrt (partial);
721       double t = (-b + partial) / (2*a);
722       double t2 = (-b - partial) / (2*a);
723       if (t2 > t) { t = t2; }
725       surface[0] += t * camLDir[0];
726       surface[1] += t * camLDir[1];
727       surface[2] += t * camLDir[2];
729       if (surface[2] > zmax || surface[2] < zmin) continue;
731       // convert surface into the surface normal
733       normal[0] = surface[0] / radius;
734       normal[1] = surface[1] / radius;
735       normal[2] = 0.0;
737       // in camera space
739       surface[0] = MathExtra::dot3 (normal, camLRight);
740       surface[1] = MathExtra::dot3 (normal, camLUp);
741       surface[2] = MathExtra::dot3 (normal, camLDir);
743       double depth = dist - t;
744       draw_pixel (ix, iy, depth, surface, surfaceColor);
745     }
746   }
747 }
749 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
750    draw triangle with 3 corner points x,y,z and surfaceColor
751 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
draw_triangle(double * x,double * y,double * z,double * surfaceColor)753 void Image::draw_triangle(double *x, double *y, double *z, double *surfaceColor)
754 {
755   double d1[3], d1len, d2[3], d2len, normal[3], invndotd;
756   double xlocal[3], ylocal[3], zlocal[3];
757   double surface[3];
758   double depth;
760   xlocal[0] = x[0] - xctr;
761   xlocal[1] = x[1] - yctr;
762   xlocal[2] = x[2] - zctr;
763   ylocal[0] = y[0] - xctr;
764   ylocal[1] = y[1] - yctr;
765   ylocal[2] = y[2] - zctr;
766   zlocal[0] = z[0] - xctr;
767   zlocal[1] = z[1] - yctr;
768   zlocal[2] = z[2] - zctr;
770   MathExtra::sub3 (xlocal, ylocal, d1);
771   d1len = MathExtra::len3 (d1);
772   MathExtra::scale3 (1.0 / d1len, d1);
773   MathExtra::sub3 (zlocal, ylocal, d2);
774   d2len = MathExtra::len3 (d2);
775   MathExtra::scale3 (1.0 / d2len, d2);
777   MathExtra::cross3 (d1, d2, normal);
778   MathExtra::norm3 (normal);
780   // ----------------
781   // old code
783   //invndotd = 1.0 / MathExtra::dot3(normal, camDir);
785   // invalid triangle (parallel)
787   //if (invndotd == 0) return;
789   // ----------------
790   // new code
792   double ndotd = MathExtra::dot3(normal,camDir);
793   if (ndotd >= 0.0) return;
794   invndotd = 1.0 / ndotd;
796   // ----------------
798   double r[3],u[3];
800   r[0] = MathExtra::dot3(camRight,xlocal);
801   r[1] = MathExtra::dot3(camRight,ylocal);
802   r[2] = MathExtra::dot3(camRight,zlocal);
804   u[0] = MathExtra::dot3(camUp,xlocal);
805   u[1] = MathExtra::dot3(camUp,ylocal);
806   u[2] = MathExtra::dot3(camUp,zlocal);
808   double rasterLeft = r[0] - MIN(r[0],MIN(r[1],r[2]));
809   double rasterRight = MAX(r[0],MAX(r[1],r[2])) - r[0];
810   double rasterDown = u[0] - MIN(u[0],MIN(u[1],u[2]));
811   double rasterUp = MAX(u[0],MAX(u[1],u[2])) - u[0];
813   double xmap = MathExtra::dot3(camRight,xlocal);
814   double ymap = MathExtra::dot3(camUp,xlocal);
815   double dist = MathExtra::dot3(camPos,camDir) - MathExtra::dot3(xlocal,camDir);
817   double pixelWidth = (tanPerPixel > 0) ? tanPerPixel * dist :
818     -tanPerPixel / zoom;
820   double xf = xmap / pixelWidth;
821   double yf = ymap / pixelWidth;
822   int xc = static_cast<int> (xf);
823   int yc = static_cast<int> (yf);
824   double width_error = xf - xc;
825   double height_error = yf - yc;
827   // shift 0,0 to screen center (vs lower left)
829   xc += width / 2;
830   yc += height / 2;
832   double pixelLeftFull = rasterLeft / pixelWidth;
833   double pixelRightFull = rasterRight / pixelWidth;
834   double pixelDownFull = rasterDown / pixelWidth;
835   double pixelUpFull = rasterUp / pixelWidth;
837   //old
838   //int pixelLeft = static_cast<int> (pixelLeftFull + 0.5);
839   //int pixelRight = static_cast<int> (pixelRightFull + 0.5);
840   //int pixelDown = static_cast<int> (pixelDownFull + 0.5);
841   //int pixelUp = static_cast<int> (pixelUpFull + 0.5);
843   // new
844   int pixelLeft = static_cast<int> (pixelLeftFull + 1.0);
845   int pixelRight = static_cast<int> (pixelRightFull + 1.0);
846   int pixelDown = static_cast<int> (pixelDownFull + 1.0);
847   int pixelUp = static_cast<int> (pixelUpFull + 1.0);
849   for (int iy = yc - pixelDown; iy <= yc + pixelUp; iy ++) {
850     for (int ix = xc - pixelLeft; ix <= xc + pixelRight; ix ++) {
851       if (iy < 0 || iy >= height || ix < 0 || ix >= width) continue;
853       double sy = ((iy - yc) - height_error) * pixelWidth;
854       double sx = ((ix - xc) - width_error) * pixelWidth;
855       surface[0] = camRight[0] * sx + camUp[0] * sy;
856       surface[1] = camRight[1] * sx + camUp[1] * sy;
857       surface[2] = camRight[2] * sx + camUp[2] * sy;
859       double t = -MathExtra::dot3(normal,surface) * invndotd;
861       // test inside the triangle
863       double p[3];
864       p[0] = xlocal[0] + surface[0] + camDir[0] * t;
865       p[1] = xlocal[1] + surface[1] + camDir[1] * t;
866       p[2] = xlocal[2] + surface[2] + camDir[2] * t;
868       double s1[3], s2[3], s3[3];
869       double c1[3], c2[3];
871       MathExtra::sub3 (zlocal, xlocal, s1);
872       MathExtra::sub3 (ylocal, xlocal, s2);
873       MathExtra::sub3 (p, xlocal, s3);
874       MathExtra::cross3 (s1, s2, c1);
875       MathExtra::cross3 (s1, s3, c2);
876       if (MathExtra::dot3 (c1, c2) <= 0) continue;
878       MathExtra::sub3 (xlocal, ylocal, s1);
879       MathExtra::sub3 (zlocal, ylocal, s2);
880       MathExtra::sub3 (p, ylocal, s3);
881       MathExtra::cross3 (s1, s2, c1);
882       MathExtra::cross3 (s1, s3, c2);
883       if (MathExtra::dot3 (c1, c2) <= 0) continue;
885       MathExtra::sub3 (ylocal, zlocal, s1);
886       MathExtra::sub3 (xlocal, zlocal, s2);
887       MathExtra::sub3 (p, zlocal, s3);
888       MathExtra::cross3 (s1, s2, c1);
889       MathExtra::cross3 (s1, s3, c2);
890       if (MathExtra::dot3 (c1, c2) <= 0) continue;
892       double cNormal[3];
893       cNormal[0] = MathExtra::dot3(camRight, normal);
894       cNormal[1] = MathExtra::dot3(camUp, normal);
895       cNormal[2] = MathExtra::dot3(camDir, normal);
897       depth = dist - t;
898       draw_pixel(ix,iy,depth,cNormal,surfaceColor);
899     }
900   }
901 }
903 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
draw_pixel(int ix,int iy,double depth,double * surface,double * surfaceColor)905 void Image::draw_pixel(int ix, int iy, double depth,
906 			   double *surface, double *surfaceColor)
907 {
908   double diffuseKey,diffuseFill,diffuseBack,specularKey;
909   if (depth < 0 || (depthBuffer[ix + iy*width] >= 0 &&
910 		    depth >= depthBuffer[ix + iy*width])) return;
911   depthBuffer[ix + iy*width] = depth;
913   // store only the tangent relative to the camera normal (0,0,-1)
915   surfaceBuffer[0 + ix * 2 + iy*width * 2] = surface[1];
916   surfaceBuffer[1 + ix * 2 + iy*width * 2] = -surface[0];
918   diffuseKey = saturate(MathExtra::dot3(surface, keyLightDir));
919   diffuseFill = saturate(MathExtra::dot3(surface, fillLightDir));
920   diffuseBack = saturate(MathExtra::dot3(surface, backLightDir));
921   specularKey = pow(saturate(MathExtra::dot3(surface, keyHalfDir)),
922 		    specularHardness) * specularIntensity;
924   double c[3];
925   c[0] = surfaceColor[0] * ambientColor[0];
926   c[1] = surfaceColor[1] * ambientColor[1];
927   c[2] = surfaceColor[2] * ambientColor[2];
929   c[0] += surfaceColor[0] * keyLightColor[0] * diffuseKey;
930   c[1] += surfaceColor[1] * keyLightColor[1] * diffuseKey;
931   c[2] += surfaceColor[2] * keyLightColor[2] * diffuseKey;
933   c[0] += keyLightColor[0] * specularKey;
934   c[1] += keyLightColor[1] * specularKey;
935   c[2] += keyLightColor[2] * specularKey;
937   c[0] += surfaceColor[0] * fillLightColor[0] * diffuseFill;
938   c[1] += surfaceColor[1] * fillLightColor[1] * diffuseFill;
939   c[2] += surfaceColor[2] * fillLightColor[2] * diffuseFill;
941   c[0] += surfaceColor[0] * backLightColor[0] * diffuseBack;
942   c[1] += surfaceColor[1] * backLightColor[1] * diffuseBack;
943   c[2] += surfaceColor[2] * backLightColor[2] * diffuseBack;
945   c[0] = saturate(c[0]);
946   c[1] = saturate(c[1]);
947   c[2] = saturate(c[2]);
949   imageBuffer[0 + ix*3 + iy*width*3] = static_cast<int>(c[0] * 255.0);
950   imageBuffer[1 + ix*3 + iy*width*3] = static_cast<int>(c[1] * 255.0);
951   imageBuffer[2 + ix*3 + iy*width*3] = static_cast<int>(c[2] * 255.0);
952 }
954 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
compute_SSAO()956 void Image::compute_SSAO()
957 {
958   // used for rasterizing the spheres
960   double delTheta = 2.0*MY_PI / SSAOSamples;
962   // typical neighborhood value for shading
964   double pixelWidth = (tanPerPixel > 0) ? tanPerPixel :
965 	-tanPerPixel / zoom;
966   int pixelRadius = (int) trunc (SSAORadius / pixelWidth + 0.5);
968   // each proc is assigned a subset of contiguous pixels from the full image
969   // pixels are contiguous in x (columns within a row), then by row
970   // index = pixels from 0 to npixel-1
971   // x = column # from 0 to width-1
972   // y = row # from 0 to height-1
974   int pixelstart = static_cast<int> (1.0*me/nprocs * npixels);
975   int pixelstop = static_cast<int> (1.0*(me+1)/nprocs * npixels);
977   for (int index = pixelstart; index < pixelstop; index++) {
978     int x = index % width;
979     int y = index / width;
981     double cdepth = depthBuffer[index];
982     if (cdepth < 0) { continue; }
984     double sx = surfaceBuffer[index * 2 + 0];
985     double sy = surfaceBuffer[index * 2 + 1];
986     double sin_t = -sqrt(sx*sx + sy*sy);
988     // DEBUG - remove randomness so image is same on any proc count
989     //double mytheta = 0.5 * SSAOJitter;
990     double mytheta = random->uniform() * SSAOJitter;
991     double ao = 0.0;
993     for (int s = 0; s < SSAOSamples; s ++) {
994       double hx = cos(mytheta);
995       double hy = sin(mytheta);
996       mytheta += delTheta;
998       // multiply by z cross surface tangent
999       // so that dot (aka cos) works here
1001       double scaled_sin_t = sin_t * (hx*sy + hy*sx);
1003       // Bresenham's line algorithm to march over depthBuffer
1005       int dx = static_cast<int> (hx * pixelRadius);
1006       int dy = static_cast<int> (hy * pixelRadius);
1007       int ex = x + dx;
1008       if (ex < 0) { ex = 0; } if (ex >= width) { ex = width - 1; }
1009       int ey = y + dy;
1010       if (ey < 0) { ey = 0; } if (ey >= height) { ey = height - 1; }
1011       double delta;
1012       int small, large;
1013       double lenIncr;
1014       if (fabs(hx) > fabs(hy)) {
1015         small = (hx > 0) ? 1 : -1;
1016         large = (hy > 0) ? width : -width;
1017         delta = fabs(hy / hx);
1018       } else {
1019         small = (hy > 0) ? width : -width;
1020         large = (hx > 0) ? 1 : -1;
1021         delta = fabs(hx / hy);
1022       }
1023       lenIncr = sqrt (1 + delta * delta) * pixelWidth;
1025       // initialize with one step
1026       // because the center point doesn't need testing
1028       int end = ex + ey * width;
1029       int ind = index + small;
1030       double len = lenIncr;
1031       double err = delta;
1032       if (err >= 1.0) {
1033         ind += large;
1034         err -= 1.0;
1035       }
1037       double minPeak = -1;
1038       double peakLen = 0.0;
1039       int stepsTaken = 1;
1040       while ((small > 0 && ind <= end) || (small < 0 && ind >= end)) {
1041         if (ind < 0 || ind >= (width*height)) {
1042           break;
1043         }
1045         // cdepth - depthBuffer B/C we want it in the negative z direction
1047         if (minPeak < 0 || (depthBuffer[ind] >= 0 &&
1048                             depthBuffer[ind] < minPeak)) {
1049           minPeak = depthBuffer[ind];
1050           peakLen = len;
1051         }
1052         ind += small;
1053         len += lenIncr;
1054         err += delta;
1055         if (err >= 1.0) {
1056           ind += large;
1057           err -= 1.0;
1058         }
1059         stepsTaken ++;
1060       }
1062       if (peakLen > 0) {
1063         double h = atan ((cdepth - minPeak) / peakLen);
1064         ao += saturate(sin (h) - scaled_sin_t);
1065       } else {
1066         ao += saturate(-scaled_sin_t);
1067       }
1068     }
1069     ao /= (double)SSAOSamples;
1071     double c[3];
1072     c[0] = (double) (*(unsigned char *) &imageBuffer[index * 3 + 0]);
1073     c[1] = (double) (*(unsigned char *) &imageBuffer[index * 3 + 1]);
1074     c[2] = (double) (*(unsigned char *) &imageBuffer[index * 3 + 2]);
1075     c[0] *= (1.0 - ao);
1076     c[1] *= (1.0 - ao);
1077     c[2] *= (1.0 - ao);
1078     imageBuffer[index * 3 + 0] = (int) c[0];
1079     imageBuffer[index * 3 + 1] = (int) c[1];
1080     imageBuffer[index * 3 + 2] = (int) c[2];
1081   }
1082 }
1084 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1086 #ifdef SPARTA_JPEG
write_JPG(FILE * fp)1087 void Image::write_JPG(FILE *fp)
1088 {
1089   struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo;
1090   struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
1091   JSAMPROW row_pointer;
1093   cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);
1094   jpeg_create_compress(&cinfo);
1095   jpeg_stdio_dest(&cinfo,fp);
1096   cinfo.image_width = width;
1097   cinfo.image_height = height;
1098   cinfo.input_components = 3;
1099   cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB;
1101   jpeg_set_defaults(&cinfo);
1102   jpeg_set_quality(&cinfo,85,TRUE);
1103   jpeg_start_compress(&cinfo,TRUE);
1105   while (cinfo.next_scanline < cinfo.image_height) {
1106     row_pointer = (JSAMPROW)
1107       &writeBuffer[(cinfo.image_height - 1 - cinfo.next_scanline) * 3 * width];
1108     jpeg_write_scanlines(&cinfo,&row_pointer,1);
1109   }
1111   jpeg_finish_compress(&cinfo);
1112   jpeg_destroy_compress(&cinfo);
1113 }
1114 #else
write_JPG(FILE *)1115 void Image::write_JPG(FILE*)
1116 {
1117 }
1118 #endif
1120 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1122 #ifdef SPARTA_PNG
write_PNG(FILE * fp)1123 void Image::write_PNG(FILE *fp)
1124 {
1125   png_structp png_ptr;
1126   png_infop info_ptr;
1128   png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);
1130   if (!png_ptr) return;
1132   info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
1133   if (!info_ptr) {
1134     png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, NULL);
1135     return;
1136   }
1138   if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) {
1139     png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
1140     return;
1141   }
1143   png_init_io(png_ptr, fp);
1144   png_set_compression_level(png_ptr,Z_BEST_COMPRESSION);
1145   png_set_IHDR(png_ptr,info_ptr,width,height,8,PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB,
1148   png_text text_ptr[2];
1149   memset(text_ptr,0,2*sizeof(png_text));
1151   char key0[]  = "Software";
1152   char text0[] = "SPARTA " SPARTA_VERSION;
1153   char key1[]  = "Description";
1154   char text1[] = "Dump image snapshot";
1155   text_ptr[0].key = key0;
1156   text_ptr[0].text = text0;
1157   text_ptr[1].key = key1;
1158   text_ptr[1].text = text1;
1159   text_ptr[0].compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;
1160   text_ptr[1].compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;
1162   png_set_text(png_ptr,info_ptr,text_ptr,1);
1163   png_write_info(png_ptr,info_ptr);
1165   png_bytep row_pointers[height];
1166   for (int i=0; i < height; ++i)
1167     row_pointers[i] = (png_bytep) &writeBuffer[(height-i-1)*3*width];
1169   png_write_image(png_ptr, row_pointers);
1170   png_write_end(png_ptr, info_ptr);
1172   png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
1173 }
1174 #else
write_PNG(FILE *)1175 void Image::write_PNG(FILE *)
1176 {
1177 }
1178 #endif
1180 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
write_PPM(FILE * fp)1182 void Image::write_PPM(FILE *fp)
1183 {
1184   fprintf(fp,"P6\n%d %d\n255\n",width,height);
1186   int y;
1187   for (y = height-1; y >= 0; y--)
1188     fwrite(&writeBuffer[y*width*3],3,width,fp);
1189 }
1191 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1192    return static/dynamic status of color map index
1193 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
map_dynamic(int index)1195 int Image::map_dynamic(int index)
1196 {
1197   return maps[index]->dynamic;
1198 }
1200 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1201    redefine properties of the color map index
1202    return 1 if any error in args, else return 0
1203 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
map_reset(int index,int narg,char ** arg)1205 int Image::map_reset(int index, int narg, char **arg)
1206 {
1207   return maps[index]->reset(narg,arg);
1208 }
1210 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1211    set min/max bounds of dynamic color map index
1212 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
map_minmax(int index,double mindynamic,double maxdynamic)1214 int Image::map_minmax(int index, double mindynamic, double maxdynamic)
1215 {
1216   return maps[index]->minmax(mindynamic,maxdynamic);
1217 }
1219 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1220    return 3-vector color corresponding to value from color map index
1221 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
map_value2color(int index,double value)1223 double *Image::map_value2color(int index, double value)
1224 {
1225   return maps[index]->value2color(value);
1226 }
1228 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1229    add a new color to username and userrgb
1230    redefine RGB values in userrgb if name already exists
1231    return 1 if RGB values are invalid, else return 0
1232 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
addcolor(char * name,double r,double g,double b)1234 int Image::addcolor(char *name, double r, double g, double b)
1235 {
1236   int icolor;
1237   for (icolor = 0; icolor < ncolors; icolor++)
1238     if (strcmp(name,username[icolor]) == 0) break;
1240   if (icolor == ncolors) {
1241     username = (char **)
1242       memory->srealloc(username,(ncolors+1)*sizeof(char *),"image:username");
1243     memory->grow(userrgb,ncolors+1,3,"image:userrgb");
1244     ncolors++;
1245   }
1247   int n = strlen(name) + 1;
1248   username[icolor] = new char[n];
1249   strcpy(username[icolor],name);
1251   if (r < 0.0 || r > 1.0 || g < 0.0 || g > 1.0 || b < 0.0 || b > 1.0)
1252     return 1;
1254   userrgb[icolor][0] = r;
1255   userrgb[icolor][1] = g;
1256   userrgb[icolor][2] = b;
1258   return 0;
1259 }
1261 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1262    if index > 0, return ptr to index-1 color from rgb
1263    if index < 0, return ptr to -index-1 color from userrgb
1264    if index = 0, search the 2 lists of color names for the string color
1265    search user-defined color names first, then the list of NCOLORS names
1266    return a pointer to the 3 floating point RGB values or NULL if didn't find
1267 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
color2rgb(const char * color,int index)1269 double *Image::color2rgb(const char *color, int index)
1270 {
1271   static const char *name[NCOLORS] = {
1272     "aliceblue",
1273     "antiquewhite",
1274     "aqua",
1275     "aquamarine",
1276     "azure",
1277     "beige",
1278     "bisque",
1279     "black",
1280     "blanchedalmond",
1281     "blue",
1282     "blueviolet",
1283     "brown",
1284     "burlywood",
1285     "cadetblue",
1286     "chartreuse",
1287     "chocolate",
1288     "coral",
1289     "cornflowerblue",
1290     "cornsilk",
1291     "crimson",
1292     "cyan",
1293     "darkblue",
1294     "darkcyan",
1295     "darkgoldenrod",
1296     "darkgray",
1297     "darkgreen",
1298     "darkkhaki",
1299     "darkmagenta",
1300     "darkolivegreen",
1301     "darkorange",
1302     "darkorchid",
1303     "darkred",
1304     "darksalmon",
1305     "darkseagreen",
1306     "darkslateblue",
1307     "darkslategray",
1308     "darkturquoise",
1309     "darkviolet",
1310     "deeppink",
1311     "deepskyblue",
1312     "dimgray",
1313     "dodgerblue",
1314     "firebrick",
1315     "floralwhite",
1316     "forestgreen",
1317     "fuchsia",
1318     "gainsboro",
1319     "ghostwhite",
1320     "gold",
1321     "goldenrod",
1322     "gray",
1323     "green",
1324     "greenyellow",
1325     "honeydew",
1326     "hotpink",
1327     "indianred",
1328     "indigo",
1329     "ivory",
1330     "khaki",
1331     "lavender",
1332     "lavenderblush",
1333     "lawngreen",
1334     "lemonchiffon",
1335     "lightblue",
1336     "lightcoral",
1337     "lightcyan",
1338     "lightgoldenrodyellow",
1339     "lightgreen",
1340     "lightgrey",
1341     "lightpink",
1342     "lightsalmon",
1343     "lightseagreen",
1344     "lightskyblue",
1345     "lightslategray",
1346     "lightsteelblue",
1347     "lightyellow",
1348     "lime",
1349     "limegreen",
1350     "linen",
1351     "magenta",
1352     "maroon",
1353     "mediumaquamarine",
1354     "mediumblue",
1355     "mediumorchid",
1356     "mediumpurple",
1357     "mediumseagreen",
1358     "mediumslateblue",
1359     "mediumspringgreen",
1360     "mediumturquoise",
1361     "mediumvioletred",
1362     "midnightblue",
1363     "mintcream",
1364     "mistyrose",
1365     "moccasin",
1366     "navajowhite",
1367     "navy",
1368     "oldlace",
1369     "olive",
1370     "olivedrab",
1371     "orange",
1372     "orangered",
1373     "orchid",
1374     "palegoldenrod",
1375     "palegreen",
1376     "paleturquoise",
1377     "palevioletred",
1378     "papayawhip",
1379     "peachpuff",
1380     "peru",
1381     "pink",
1382     "plum",
1383     "powderblue",
1384     "purple",
1385     "red",
1386     "rosybrown",
1387     "royalblue",
1388     "saddlebrown",
1389     "salmon",
1390     "sandybrown",
1391     "seagreen",
1392     "seashell",
1393     "sienna",
1394     "silver",
1395     "skyblue",
1396     "slateblue",
1397     "slategray",
1398     "snow",
1399     "springgreen",
1400     "steelblue",
1401     "tan",
1402     "teal",
1403     "thistle",
1404     "tomato",
1405     "turquoise",
1406     "violet",
1407     "wheat",
1408     "white",
1409     "whitesmoke",
1410     "yellow",
1411     "yellowgreen"
1412   };
1414   static double rgb[NCOLORS][3] = {
1415     {240/255.0, 248/255.0, 255/255.0},
1416     {250/255.0, 235/255.0, 215/255.0},
1417     {0/255.0, 255/255.0, 255/255.0},
1418     {127/255.0, 255/255.0, 212/255.0},
1419     {240/255.0, 255/255.0, 255/255.0},
1420     {245/255.0, 245/255.0, 220/255.0},
1421     {255/255.0, 228/255.0, 196/255.0},
1422     {0/255.0, 0/255.0, 0/255.0},
1423     {255/255.0, 255/255.0, 205/255.0},
1424     {0/255.0, 0/255.0, 255/255.0},
1425     {138/255.0, 43/255.0, 226/255.0},
1426     {165/255.0, 42/255.0, 42/255.0},
1427     {222/255.0, 184/255.0, 135/255.0},
1428     {95/255.0, 158/255.0, 160/255.0},
1429     {127/255.0, 255/255.0, 0/255.0},
1430     {210/255.0, 105/255.0, 30/255.0},
1431     {255/255.0, 127/255.0, 80/255.0},
1432     {100/255.0, 149/255.0, 237/255.0},
1433     {255/255.0, 248/255.0, 220/255.0},
1434     {220/255.0, 20/255.0, 60/255.0},
1435     {0/255.0, 255/255.0, 255/255.0},
1436     {0/255.0, 0/255.0, 139/255.0},
1437     {0/255.0, 139/255.0, 139/255.0},
1438     {184/255.0, 134/255.0, 11/255.0},
1439     {169/255.0, 169/255.0, 169/255.0},
1440     {0/255.0, 100/255.0, 0/255.0},
1441     {189/255.0, 183/255.0, 107/255.0},
1442     {139/255.0, 0/255.0, 139/255.0},
1443     {85/255.0, 107/255.0, 47/255.0},
1444     {255/255.0, 140/255.0, 0/255.0},
1445     {153/255.0, 50/255.0, 204/255.0},
1446     {139/255.0, 0/255.0, 0/255.0},
1447     {233/255.0, 150/255.0, 122/255.0},
1448     {143/255.0, 188/255.0, 143/255.0},
1449     {72/255.0, 61/255.0, 139/255.0},
1450     {47/255.0, 79/255.0, 79/255.0},
1451     {0/255.0, 206/255.0, 209/255.0},
1452     {148/255.0, 0/255.0, 211/255.0},
1453     {255/255.0, 20/255.0, 147/255.0},
1454     {0/255.0, 191/255.0, 255/255.0},
1455     {105/255.0, 105/255.0, 105/255.0},
1456     {30/255.0, 144/255.0, 255/255.0},
1457     {178/255.0, 34/255.0, 34/255.0},
1458     {255/255.0, 250/255.0, 240/255.0},
1459     {34/255.0, 139/255.0, 34/255.0},
1460     {255/255.0, 0/255.0, 255/255.0},
1461     {220/255.0, 220/255.0, 220/255.0},
1462     {248/255.0, 248/255.0, 255/255.0},
1463     {255/255.0, 215/255.0, 0/255.0},
1464     {218/255.0, 165/255.0, 32/255.0},
1465     {128/255.0, 128/255.0, 128/255.0},
1466     {0/255.0, 128/255.0, 0/255.0},
1467     {173/255.0, 255/255.0, 47/255.0},
1468     {240/255.0, 255/255.0, 240/255.0},
1469     {255/255.0, 105/255.0, 180/255.0},
1470     {205/255.0, 92/255.0, 92/255.0},
1471     {75/255.0, 0/255.0, 130/255.0},
1472     {255/255.0, 240/255.0, 240/255.0},
1473     {240/255.0, 230/255.0, 140/255.0},
1474     {230/255.0, 230/255.0, 250/255.0},
1475     {255/255.0, 240/255.0, 245/255.0},
1476     {124/255.0, 252/255.0, 0/255.0},
1477     {255/255.0, 250/255.0, 205/255.0},
1478     {173/255.0, 216/255.0, 230/255.0},
1479     {240/255.0, 128/255.0, 128/255.0},
1480     {224/255.0, 255/255.0, 255/255.0},
1481     {250/255.0, 250/255.0, 210/255.0},
1482     {144/255.0, 238/255.0, 144/255.0},
1483     {211/255.0, 211/255.0, 211/255.0},
1484     {255/255.0, 182/255.0, 193/255.0},
1485     {255/255.0, 160/255.0, 122/255.0},
1486     {32/255.0, 178/255.0, 170/255.0},
1487     {135/255.0, 206/255.0, 250/255.0},
1488     {119/255.0, 136/255.0, 153/255.0},
1489     {176/255.0, 196/255.0, 222/255.0},
1490     {255/255.0, 255/255.0, 224/255.0},
1491     {0/255.0, 255/255.0, 0/255.0},
1492     {50/255.0, 205/255.0, 50/255.0},
1493     {250/255.0, 240/255.0, 230/255.0},
1494     {255/255.0, 0/255.0, 255/255.0},
1495     {128/255.0, 0/255.0, 0/255.0},
1496     {102/255.0, 205/255.0, 170/255.0},
1497     {0/255.0, 0/255.0, 205/255.0},
1498     {186/255.0, 85/255.0, 211/255.0},
1499     {147/255.0, 112/255.0, 219/255.0},
1500     {60/255.0, 179/255.0, 113/255.0},
1501     {123/255.0, 104/255.0, 238/255.0},
1502     {0/255.0, 250/255.0, 154/255.0},
1503     {72/255.0, 209/255.0, 204/255.0},
1504     {199/255.0, 21/255.0, 133/255.0},
1505     {25/255.0, 25/255.0, 112/255.0},
1506     {245/255.0, 255/255.0, 250/255.0},
1507     {255/255.0, 228/255.0, 225/255.0},
1508     {255/255.0, 228/255.0, 181/255.0},
1509     {255/255.0, 222/255.0, 173/255.0},
1510     {0/255.0, 0/255.0, 128/255.0},
1511     {253/255.0, 245/255.0, 230/255.0},
1512     {128/255.0, 128/255.0, 0/255.0},
1513     {107/255.0, 142/255.0, 35/255.0},
1514     {255/255.0, 165/255.0, 0/255.0},
1515     {255/255.0, 69/255.0, 0/255.0},
1516     {218/255.0, 112/255.0, 214/255.0},
1517     {238/255.0, 232/255.0, 170/255.0},
1518     {152/255.0, 251/255.0, 152/255.0},
1519     {175/255.0, 238/255.0, 238/255.0},
1520     {219/255.0, 112/255.0, 147/255.0},
1521     {255/255.0, 239/255.0, 213/255.0},
1522     {255/255.0, 239/255.0, 213/255.0},
1523     {205/255.0, 133/255.0, 63/255.0},
1524     {255/255.0, 192/255.0, 203/255.0},
1525     {221/255.0, 160/255.0, 221/255.0},
1526     {176/255.0, 224/255.0, 230/255.0},
1527     {128/255.0, 0/255.0, 128/255.0},
1528     {255/255.0, 0/255.0, 0/255.0},
1529     {188/255.0, 143/255.0, 143/255.0},
1530     {65/255.0, 105/255.0, 225/255.0},
1531     {139/255.0, 69/255.0, 19/255.0},
1532     {250/255.0, 128/255.0, 114/255.0},
1533     {244/255.0, 164/255.0, 96/255.0},
1534     {46/255.0, 139/255.0, 87/255.0},
1535     {255/255.0, 245/255.0, 238/255.0},
1536     {160/255.0, 82/255.0, 45/255.0},
1537     {192/255.0, 192/255.0, 192/255.0},
1538     {135/255.0, 206/255.0, 235/255.0},
1539     {106/255.0, 90/255.0, 205/255.0},
1540     {112/255.0, 128/255.0, 144/255.0},
1541     {255/255.0, 250/255.0, 250/255.0},
1542     {0/255.0, 255/255.0, 127/255.0},
1543     {70/255.0, 130/255.0, 180/255.0},
1544     {210/255.0, 180/255.0, 140/255.0},
1545     {0/255.0, 128/255.0, 128/255.0},
1546     {216/255.0, 191/255.0, 216/255.0},
1547     {253/255.0, 99/255.0, 71/255.0},
1548     {64/255.0, 224/255.0, 208/255.0},
1549     {238/255.0, 130/255.0, 238/255.0},
1550     {245/255.0, 222/255.0, 179/255.0},
1551     {255/255.0, 255/255.0, 255/255.0},
1552     {245/255.0, 245/255.0, 245/255.0},
1553     {255/255.0, 255/255.0, 0/255.0},
1554     {154/255.0, 205/255.0, 50/255.0}
1555   };
1557   if (index > 0) {
1558     if (index > NCOLORS) return NULL;
1559     return rgb[index-1];
1560   }
1561   if (index < 0) {
1562     if (-index > ncolors) return NULL;
1563     return userrgb[-index-1];
1564   }
1566   for (int i = 0; i < ncolors; i++)
1567     if (strcmp(color,username[i]) == 0) return userrgb[i];
1568   for (int i = 0; i < NCOLORS; i++)
1569     if (strcmp(color,name[i]) == 0) return rgb[i];
1570   return NULL;
1571 }
1573 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1574    return number of default colors
1575 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
default_colors()1577 int Image::default_colors()
1578 {
1579   return NCOLORS;
1580 }
1582 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1583    search the list of element names for the string element
1584    return a pointer to the 3 floating point RGB values
1585    this list is used by AtomEye and is taken from its Mendeleyev.c file
1586 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
element2color(char * element)1588 double *Image::element2color(char *element)
1589 {
1590   static const char *name[NELEMENTS] = {
1591     "H", "He", "Li", "Be", "B", "C", "N", "O", "F", "Ne",
1592     "Na", "Mg", "Al", "Si", "P", "S", "Cl", "Ar", "K", "Ca",
1593     "Sc", "Ti", "V", "Cr", "Mn", "Fe", "Co", "Ni", "Cu", "Zn",
1594     "Ga", "Ge", "As", "Se", "Br", "Kr", "Rb", "Sr", "Y", "Zr",
1595     "Nb", "Mo", "Tc", "Ru", "Rh", "Pd", "Ag", "Cd", "In", "Sn",
1596     "Sb", "Te", "I", "Xe", "Cs", "Ba", "La", "Ce", "Pr", "Nd",
1597     "Pm", "Sm", "Eu", "Gd", "Tb", "Dy", "Ho", "Er", "Tm", "Yb",
1598     "Lu", "Hf", "Ta", "W", "Re", "Os", "Ir", "Pt", "Au", "Hg",
1599     "Tl", "Pb", "Bi", "Po", "At", "Rn", "Fr", "Ra", "Ac", "Th",
1600     "Pa", "U", "Np", "Pu", "Am", "Cm", "Bk", "Cf", "Es", "Fm",
1601     "Md", "No", "Lr", "Rf", "Db", "Sg", "Bh", "Hs", "Mt"
1602   };
1604   static double rgb[NELEMENTS][3] = {
1605     {0.8, 0.8, 0.8},
1606     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1607     {0.7, 0.7, 0.7},
1608     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1609     {0.9, 0.4, 0},
1610     {0.35, 0.35, 0.35},
1611     {0.2, 0.2, 0.8},
1612     {0.8, 0.2, 0.2},
1613     {0.7, 0.85, 0.45},
1614     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1615     {0.6, 0.6, 0.6},
1616     {0.6, 0.6, 0.7},
1617     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1618     {0.6901960784, 0.768627451, 0.8705882353},
1619     {0.1, 0.7, 0.3},
1620     {0.95, 0.9, 0.2},
1621     {0.15, 0.5, 0.1},
1622     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1623     {0.5, 0.5, 0.5},
1624     {0.8, 0.8, 0.7},
1625     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1626     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1627     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1628     {0, 0.8, 0},
1629     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1630     {0.5176470588, 0.5764705882, 0.6529411765},
1631     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1632     {0.257254902, 0.2666666667, 0.271372549},
1633     {0.95, 0.7900735294, 0.01385869565},
1634     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1635     {0.9, 0, 1},
1636     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1637     {1, 1, 0.3},
1638     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1639     {0.5, 0.08, 0.12},
1640     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1641     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1642     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1643     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1644     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1645     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1646     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1647     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1648     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1649     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1650     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1651     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1652     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1653     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1654     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1655     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1656     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1657     {0.5, 0.1, 0.5},
1658     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1659     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1660     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1661     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1662     {0.8, 0.8, 0},
1663     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1664     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1665     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1666     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1667     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1668     {1, 0.8431372549, 0},
1669     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1670     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1671     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1672     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1673     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1674     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1675     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1676     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1677     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1678     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1679     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1680     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1681     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1682     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1683     {0.9, 0.8, 0},
1684     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1685     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1686     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1687     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1688     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1689     {0.8, 0.2, 0.2},
1690     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1691     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1692     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1693     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1694     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1695     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1696     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1697     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1698     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1699     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1700     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1701     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1702     {0.1, 0.7, 0.3},
1703     {0.1, 0.3, 0.7},
1704     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1705     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1706     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1707     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1708     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1709     {0.9, 0.8, 0},
1710     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1711     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1712     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725},
1713     {0.6431372549, 0.6666666667, 0.6784313725}
1714   };
1716   for (int i = 0; i < NELEMENTS; i++)
1717     if (strcmp(element,name[i]) == 0) return rgb[i];
1718   return NULL;
1719 }
1721 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1722    search the list of element names for the string element
1723    return a pointer to the 3 floating point RGB values
1724    this list is used by AtomEye and is taken from its Mendeleyev.c file
1725 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
element2diam(char * element)1727 double Image::element2diam(char *element)
1728 {
1729   static const char *name[NELEMENTS] = {
1730     "H", "He", "Li", "Be", "B", "C", "N", "O", "F", "Ne",
1731     "Na", "Mg", "Al", "Si", "P", "S", "Cl", "Ar", "K", "Ca",
1732     "Sc", "Ti", "V", "Cr", "Mn", "Fe", "Co", "Ni", "Cu", "Zn",
1733     "Ga", "Ge", "As", "Se", "Br", "Kr", "Rb", "Sr", "Y", "Zr",
1734     "Nb", "Mo", "Tc", "Ru", "Rh", "Pd", "Ag", "Cd", "In", "Sn",
1735     "Sb", "Te", "I", "Xe", "Cs", "Ba", "La", "Ce", "Pr", "Nd",
1736     "Pm", "Sm", "Eu", "Gd", "Tb", "Dy", "Ho", "Er", "Tm", "Yb",
1737     "Lu", "Hf", "Ta", "W", "Re", "Os", "Ir", "Pt", "Au", "Hg",
1738     "Tl", "Pb", "Bi", "Po", "At", "Rn", "Fr", "Ra", "Ac", "Th",
1739     "Pa", "U", "Np", "Pu", "Am", "Cm", "Bk", "Cf", "Es", "Fm",
1740     "Md", "No", "Lr", "Rf", "Db", "Sg", "Bh", "Hs", "Mt"
1741   };
1743   static double diameter[NELEMENTS] = {
1744     0.35, 1.785, 1.45, 1.05, 0.85, 0.72, 0.65, 0.6, 0.5, 1.5662,
1745     1.8, 1.5, 1.4255, 1.07, 1, 1, 1, 1.8597, 2.2, 1.8,
1746     1.6, 1.4, 1.51995, 1.44225, 1.4, 1.43325, 1.35, 1.35, 1.278, 1.35,
1747     1.3, 1.25, 1.15, 1.15, 1.15, 2.0223, 2.35, 2, 1.8, 1.55,
1748     1.6504, 1.3872, 1.35, 1.3, 1.35, 1.4, 1.6, 1.55, 1.55, 1.45,
1749     1.45, 1.4, 1.4, 2.192, 2.6, 2.15, 1.95, 1.85, 1.85, 1.85,
1750     1.85, 1.85, 1.85, 1.8, 1.75, 1.75, 1.75, 1.75, 1.75, 1.75,
1751     1.75, 1.55, 1.6529, 1.5826, 1.35, 1.3, 1.35, 1.35, 1.35, 1.5,
1752     1.9, 1.8, 1.6, 1.9, 1.6, 1.0, 1.0, 2.15, 1.95, 1.8,
1753     1.8, 1.75, 1.75, 1.75, 1.75, 1.0, 1.0, 1.6, 1.6, 1.0,
1754     1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.6, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
1755   };
1757   for (int i = 0; i < NELEMENTS; i++)
1758     if (strcmp(element,name[i]) == 0) return diameter[i];
1759   return 0.0;
1760 }
1762 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1763 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1764 // ColorMap class
1765 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1766 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
ColorMap(SPARTA * sparta,Image * caller)1768 ColorMap::ColorMap(SPARTA *sparta, Image *caller) : Pointers(sparta)
1769 {
1770   image = caller;
1772   // default color map
1774   dynamic = 1;
1776   mlo = MINVALUE;
1777   mhi = MAXVALUE;
1778   mstyle = CONTINUOUS;
1779   mrange = FRACTIONAL;
1781   nentry = 2;
1782   mentry = new MapEntry[nentry];
1783   mentry[0].single = MINVALUE;
1784   mentry[0].color = image->color2rgb("blue");
1785   mentry[1].single = MAXVALUE;
1786   mentry[1].color = image->color2rgb("red");
1787 }
1789 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
~ColorMap()1791 ColorMap::~ColorMap()
1792 {
1793   delete [] mentry;
1794 }
1796 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1797    redefine color map
1798    args = lo hi style delta N entry1 entry2 ... entryN as defined by caller
1799    return 1 if any error in args, else return 0
1800 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
reset(int narg,char ** arg)1802 int ColorMap::reset(int narg, char **arg)
1803 {
1804   if (!islower(arg[0][0])) {
1805     mlo = NUMERIC;
1806     mlovalue = atof(arg[0]);
1807   } else if (strcmp(arg[0],"min") == 0) mlo = MINVALUE;
1808   else return 1;
1810   if (!islower(arg[1][0])) {
1811     mhi = NUMERIC;
1812     mhivalue = atof(arg[1]);
1813   } else if (strcmp(arg[1],"max") == 0) mhi = MAXVALUE;
1814   else return 1;
1816   if (mlo == NUMERIC && mhi == NUMERIC && mlovalue >= mhivalue) return 1;
1818   if (mlo == MINVALUE || mhi == MAXVALUE) dynamic = 1;
1819   else dynamic = 0;
1821   if (strlen(arg[2]) != 2) return 1;
1822   if (arg[2][0] == 'c') mstyle = CONTINUOUS;
1823   else if (arg[2][0] == 'd') mstyle = DISCRETE;
1824   else if (arg[2][0] == 's') mstyle = SEQUENTIAL;
1825   else return 1;
1826   if (arg[2][1] == 'a') mrange = ABSOLUTE;
1827   else if (arg[2][1] == 'f') mrange = FRACTIONAL;
1828   else return 1;
1830   if (mstyle == SEQUENTIAL) {
1831     mbinsize = atof(arg[3]);
1832     if (mbinsize <= 0.0) return 1;
1833     mbinsizeinv = 1.0/mbinsize;
1834   }
1836   nentry = atoi(arg[4]);
1837   if (nentry < 1) return 1;
1838   delete [] mentry;
1839   mentry = new MapEntry[nentry];
1841   int n = 5;
1842   for (int i = 0; i < nentry; i++) {
1843     if (mstyle == CONTINUOUS) {
1844       if (n+2 > narg) return 1;
1845       if (!islower(arg[n][0])) {
1846         mentry[i].single = NUMERIC;
1847         mentry[i].svalue = atof(arg[n]);
1848       } else if (strcmp(arg[n],"min") == 0) mentry[i].single = MINVALUE;
1849       else if (strcmp(arg[n],"max") == 0) mentry[i].single = MAXVALUE;
1850       else return 1;
1851       mentry[i].color = image->color2rgb(arg[n+1]);
1852       n += 2;
1853     } else if (mstyle == DISCRETE) {
1854       if (n+3 > narg) return 1;
1855       if (!islower(arg[n][0])) {
1856         mentry[i].lo = NUMERIC;
1857         mentry[i].lvalue = atof(arg[n]);
1858       } else if (strcmp(arg[n],"min") == 0) mentry[i].single = MINVALUE;
1859       else if (strcmp(arg[n],"max") == 0) mentry[i].single = MAXVALUE;
1860       else return 1;
1861       if (!islower(arg[n+1][0])) {
1862         mentry[i].hi = NUMERIC;
1863         mentry[i].hvalue = atof(arg[n+1]);
1864       } else if (strcmp(arg[n+1],"min") == 0) mentry[i].single = MINVALUE;
1865       else if (strcmp(arg[n+1],"max") == 0) mentry[i].single = MAXVALUE;
1866       else return 1;
1867       mentry[i].color = image->color2rgb(arg[n+2]);
1868       n += 3;
1869     } else if (mstyle == SEQUENTIAL) {
1870       if (n+1 > narg) return 1;
1871       mentry[i].color = image->color2rgb(arg[n]);
1872       n += 1;
1873     }
1874     if (mentry[i].color == NULL) return 1;
1875   }
1877   if (mstyle == CONTINUOUS) {
1878     if (nentry < 2) return 1;
1879     if (mentry[0].single != MINVALUE || mentry[nentry-1].single != MAXVALUE)
1880       return 1;
1881     for (int i = 2; i < nentry-1; i++) {
1882       if (mentry[i].svalue <= mentry[i-1].svalue) return 1;
1883     }
1884   } else if (mstyle == DISCRETE) {
1885     if (nentry < 1) return 1;
1886     if (mentry[nentry-1].lo != MINVALUE || mentry[nentry-1].hi != MAXVALUE)
1887       return 1;
1888   } else if (mstyle == SEQUENTIAL) {
1889     if (nentry < 1) return 1;
1890   }
1892   // one-time call to minmax if color map is static
1894   if (!dynamic) return minmax(mlovalue,mhivalue);
1896   return 0;
1897 }
1899 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1900    set explicit values for all min/max settings in color map
1901      from min/max dynamic values
1902    set lo/hi current and lvalue/hvalue entries that are MIN/MAX VALUE
1903    called only once if mlo/mhi != MIN/MAX VALUE, else called repeatedly
1904    return 1 = error if any values now overlap incorrectly with dynamic bounds
1905    else return 0
1906 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
minmax(double mindynamic,double maxdynamic)1908 int ColorMap::minmax(double mindynamic, double maxdynamic)
1909 {
1910   if (mlo == MINVALUE) locurrent = mindynamic;
1911   else locurrent = mlovalue;
1912   if (mhi == MAXVALUE) hicurrent = maxdynamic;
1913   else hicurrent = mhivalue;
1914   if (locurrent > hicurrent) return 1;
1916   if (mstyle == CONTINUOUS) {
1917     if (mrange == ABSOLUTE) mentry[0].svalue = locurrent;
1918     else mentry[0].svalue = 0.0;
1919     if (mrange == ABSOLUTE) mentry[nentry-1].svalue = hicurrent;
1920     else mentry[nentry-1].svalue = 1.0;
1922     // error in ABSOLUTE mode if new lo/hi current cause
1923     // first/last entry to become lo > hi with adjacent entry
1925     if (mrange == ABSOLUTE) {
1926       if (mentry[0].svalue > mentry[1].svalue) return 1;
1927       if (mentry[nentry-2].svalue > mentry[nentry-1].svalue) return 1;
1928     }
1930   // OK if new lo/hi current cause an entry to have lo > hi,
1931   // since last entry will always be a match
1933   } else if (mstyle == DISCRETE) {
1934     for (int i = 0; i < nentry; i++) {
1935       if (mentry[i].lo == MINVALUE) {
1936         if (mrange == ABSOLUTE) mentry[i].lvalue = locurrent;
1937         else mentry[i].lvalue = 0.0;
1938       }
1939       if (mentry[i].hi == MAXVALUE) {
1940         if (mrange == ABSOLUTE) mentry[i].hvalue = hicurrent;
1941         else mentry[i].hvalue = 1.0;
1942       }
1943     }
1944   }
1946   return 0;
1947 }
1949 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1950    convert value into an RGB color via color map
1951    return pointer to 3-vector
1952 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
value2color(double value)1954 double *ColorMap::value2color(double value)
1955 {
1956   double lo;
1958   value = MAX(value,locurrent);
1959   value = MIN(value,hicurrent);
1961   if (mrange == FRACTIONAL) {
1962     if (locurrent == hicurrent) value = 0.0;
1963     else value = (value-locurrent) / (hicurrent-locurrent);
1964     lo = 0.0;
1965   } else {
1966     lo = locurrent;
1967   }
1969   if (mstyle == CONTINUOUS) {
1970     for (int i = 0; i < nentry-1; i++)
1971       if (value >= mentry[i].svalue && value <= mentry[i+1].svalue) {
1972         double fraction = (value-mentry[i].svalue) /
1973           (mentry[i+1].svalue-mentry[i].svalue);
1974         interpolate[0] = mentry[i].color[0] +
1975           fraction*(mentry[i+1].color[0]-mentry[i].color[0]);
1976         interpolate[1] = mentry[i].color[1] +
1977           fraction*(mentry[i+1].color[1]-mentry[i].color[1]);
1978         interpolate[2] = mentry[i].color[2] +
1979           fraction*(mentry[i+1].color[2]-mentry[i].color[2]);
1980         return interpolate;
1981       }
1982   } else if (mstyle == DISCRETE) {
1983     for (int i = 0; i < nentry; i++)
1984       if (value >= mentry[i].lvalue && value <= mentry[i].hvalue)
1985         return mentry[i].color;
1986   } else {
1987     int ibin = static_cast<int> ((value-lo) * mbinsizeinv);
1988     return mentry[ibin%nentry].color;
1989   }
1991   return NULL;
1992 }