1 /*
2   Teem: Tools to process and visualize scientific data and images             .
3   Copyright (C) 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009  University of Chicago
4   Copyright (C) 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005  Gordon Kindlmann
5   Copyright (C) 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998  University of Utah
7   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
9   (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11   The terms of redistributing and/or modifying this software also
12   include exceptions to the LGPL that facilitate static linking.
14   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17   Lesser General Public License for more details.
19   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20   along with this library; if not, write to Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
21   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
22 */
24 #include "ten.h"
25 #include "privateTen.h"
27 #define INFO "Estimate tensors from a set of DW images"
28 static const char *_tend_estimInfoL =
29   (INFO
30    ". The tensor coefficient weightings associated with "
31    "each of the DWIs, the B-matrix, is given either as a separate array, "
32    "(see \"tend bmat\" usage info for details), or by the key-value pairs "
33    "in the DWI nrrd header.  A \"confidence\" value is computed with the "
34    "tensor, based on a soft thresholding of the sum of all the DWIs, "
35    "according to the threshold and softness parameters. ");
37 int
tend_estimThresholdFind(double * threshP,Nrrd * nbmat,Nrrd * nin4d)38 tend_estimThresholdFind(double *threshP, Nrrd *nbmat, Nrrd *nin4d) {
39   static const char me[]="tend_estimThresholdFind";
40   Nrrd **ndwi;
41   airArray *mop;
42   unsigned int slIdx, slNum, dwiAx, dwiNum,
43     rangeAxisNum, rangeAxisIdx[NRRD_DIM_MAX];
44   double *bmat, bten[7], bnorm;
45   int dwiIdx;
47   mop = airMopNew();
49   if (!(threshP && nbmat && nin4d)) {
50     biffAddf(TEN, "%s: got NULL pointer", me);
51     airMopError(mop); return 1;
52   }
53   if (tenBMatrixCheck(nbmat, nrrdTypeDouble, 6)) {
54     biffAddf(TEN, "%s: problem within given b-matrix", me);
55     airMopError(mop); return 1;
56   }
58   /* HEY: copied from tenEpiRegister4D() */
59   rangeAxisNum = nrrdRangeAxesGet(nin4d, rangeAxisIdx);
60   if (0 == rangeAxisNum) {
61     /* we fall back on old behavior */
62     dwiAx = 0;
63   } else if (1 == rangeAxisNum) {
64     /* thankfully there's exactly one range axis */
65     dwiAx = rangeAxisIdx[0];
66   } else {
67     biffAddf(TEN, "%s: have %u range axes instead of 1, don't know which "
68              "is DWI axis", me, rangeAxisNum);
69     airMopError(mop); return 1;
70   }
72   slNum = nin4d->axis[dwiAx].size;
73   bmat = AIR_CAST(double *, nbmat->data);
74   dwiNum = 0;
75   for (slIdx=0; slIdx<slNum; slIdx++) {
76     TEN_T_SET(bten, 1.0,
77               bmat[0], bmat[1], bmat[2],
78               bmat[3], bmat[4],
79               bmat[5]);
80     bnorm = TEN_T_NORM(bten);
81     dwiNum += bnorm > 0.0;
82     bmat += 6;
83   }
84   if (0 == dwiNum) {
85     biffAddf(TEN, "%s: somehow got zero DWIs", me);
86     airMopError(mop); return 1;
87   }
88   ndwi = AIR_CALLOC(dwiNum, Nrrd *);
89   airMopAdd(mop, ndwi, (airMopper)airFree, airMopAlways);
90   bmat = AIR_CAST(double *, nbmat->data);
91   dwiIdx = -1;
92   for (slIdx=0; slIdx<slNum; slIdx++) {
93     TEN_T_SET(bten, 1.0,
94               bmat[0], bmat[1], bmat[2],
95               bmat[3], bmat[4],
96               bmat[5]);
97     bnorm = TEN_T_NORM(bten);
98     if (bnorm > 0.0) {
99       dwiIdx++;
100       ndwi[dwiIdx] = nrrdNew();
101       airMopAdd(mop, ndwi[dwiIdx], (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
102       if (nrrdSlice(ndwi[dwiIdx], nin4d, dwiAx, slIdx)) {
103         biffMovef(TEN, NRRD,
104                   "%s: trouble slicing DWI at index %u", me, slIdx);
105         airMopError(mop); return 1;
106       }
107     }
108     bmat += 6;
109   }
110   if (_tenEpiRegThresholdFind(threshP, ndwi, dwiNum, AIR_FALSE, 1.5)) {
111     biffAddf(TEN, "%s: trouble finding thresh", me);
112     airMopError(mop); return 1;
113   }
115   airMopOkay(mop);
116   return 0;
117 }
119 int
tend_estimMain(int argc,const char ** argv,const char * me,hestParm * hparm)120 tend_estimMain(int argc, const char **argv, const char *me,
121                hestParm *hparm) {
122   int pret;
123   hestOpt *hopt = NULL;
124   char *perr, *err;
125   airArray *mop;
127   Nrrd **nin, *nin4d, *nbmat, *nterr, *nB0, *nout;
128   char *outS, *terrS, *bmatS, *eb0S;
129   float soft, scale, sigma;
130   int dwiax, EE, knownB0, oldstuff, estmeth, verbose, fixneg;
131   unsigned int ninLen, axmap[4], wlsi, *skip, skipNum, skipIdx;
132   double valueMin, thresh;
134   Nrrd *ngradKVP=NULL, *nbmatKVP=NULL;
135   double bKVP, bval;
137   tenEstimateContext *tec;
139   hestOptAdd(&hopt, "old", NULL, airTypeInt, 0, 0, &oldstuff, NULL,
140              "instead of the new tenEstimateContext code, use "
141              "the old tenEstimateLinear code");
142   hestOptAdd(&hopt, "sigma", "sigma", airTypeFloat, 1, 1, &sigma, "nan",
143              "Rician noise parameter");
144   hestOptAdd(&hopt, "v", "verbose", airTypeInt, 1, 1, &verbose, "0",
145              "verbosity level");
146   hestOptAdd(&hopt, "est", "estimate method", airTypeEnum, 1, 1, &estmeth,
147              "lls",
148              "estimation method to use. \"lls\": linear-least squares",
149              NULL, tenEstimate1Method);
150   hestOptAdd(&hopt, "wlsi", "WLS iters", airTypeUInt, 1, 1, &wlsi, "1",
151              "when using weighted-least-squares (\"-est wls\"), how "
152              "many iterations to do after the initial weighted fit.");
153   hestOptAdd(&hopt, "fixneg", NULL, airTypeInt, 0, 0, &fixneg, NULL,
154              "after estimating the tensor, ensure that there are no negative "
155              "eigenvalues by adding (to all eigenvalues) the amount by which "
156              "the smallest is negative (corresponding to increasing the "
157              "non-DWI image value).");
158   hestOptAdd(&hopt, "ee", "filename", airTypeString, 1, 1, &terrS, "",
159              "Giving a filename here allows you to save out the tensor "
160              "estimation error: a value which measures how much error there "
161              "is between the tensor model and the given diffusion weighted "
162              "measurements for each sample.  By default, no such error "
163              "calculation is saved.");
164   hestOptAdd(&hopt, "eb", "filename", airTypeString, 1, 1, &eb0S, "",
165              "In those cases where there is no B=0 reference image given "
166              "(\"-knownB0 false\"), "
167              "giving a filename here allows you to save out the B=0 image "
168              "which is estimated from the data.  By default, this image value "
169              "is estimated but not saved.");
170   hestOptAdd(&hopt, "t", "thresh", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &thresh, "nan",
171              "value at which to threshold the mean DWI value per pixel "
172              "in order to generate the \"confidence\" mask.  By default, "
173              "the threshold value is calculated automatically, based on "
174              "histogram analysis.");
175   hestOptAdd(&hopt, "soft", "soft", airTypeFloat, 1, 1, &soft, "0",
176              "how fuzzy the confidence boundary should be.  By default, "
177              "confidence boundary is perfectly sharp");
178   hestOptAdd(&hopt, "scale", "scale", airTypeFloat, 1, 1, &scale, "1",
179              "After estimating the tensor, scale all of its elements "
180              "(but not the confidence value) by this amount.  Can help with "
181              "downstream numerical precision if values are very large "
182              "or small.");
183   hestOptAdd(&hopt, "mv", "min val", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &valueMin, "1.0",
184              "minimum plausible value (especially important for linear "
185              "least squares estimation)");
186   hestOptAdd(&hopt, "B", "B-list", airTypeString, 1, 1, &bmatS, NULL,
187              "6-by-N list of B-matrices characterizing "
188              "the diffusion weighting for each "
189              "image.  \"tend bmat\" is one source for such a matrix; see "
190              "its usage info for specifics on how the coefficients of "
191              "the B-matrix are ordered. "
192              "An unadorned plain text file is a great way to "
193              "specify the B-matrix.\n  **OR**\n "
194              "Can say just \"-B kvp\" to try to learn B matrices from "
195              "key/value pair information in input images.");
196   hestOptAdd(&hopt, "b", "b", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &bval, "nan",
197              "\"b\" diffusion-weighting factor (units of sec/mm^2)");
198   hestOptAdd(&hopt, "knownB0", "bool", airTypeBool, 1, 1, &knownB0, NULL,
199              "Indicates if the B=0 non-diffusion-weighted reference image "
200              "is known, or if it has to be estimated along with the tensor "
201              "elements.\n "
202              "\b\bo if \"true\": in the given list of diffusion gradients or "
203              "B-matrices, there are one or more with zero norm, which are "
204              "simply averaged to find the B=0 reference image value\n "
205              "\b\bo if \"false\": there may or may not be diffusion-weighted "
206              "images among the input; the B=0 image value is going to be "
207              "estimated along with the diffusion model");
208   hestOptAdd(&hopt, "i", "dwi0 dwi1", airTypeOther, 1, -1, &nin, "-",
209              "all the diffusion-weighted images (DWIs), as separate 3D nrrds, "
210              "**OR**: One 4D nrrd of all DWIs stacked along axis 0",
211              &ninLen, NULL, nrrdHestNrrd);
212   hestOptAdd(&hopt, "o", "nout", airTypeString, 1, 1, &outS, "-",
213              "output tensor volume");
215   mop = airMopNew();
216   airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestOptFree, airMopAlways);
217   USAGE(_tend_estimInfoL);
218   JUSTPARSE();
219   airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestParseFree, airMopAlways);
221   nout = nrrdNew();
222   airMopAdd(mop, nout, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
223   nbmat = nrrdNew();
224   airMopAdd(mop, nbmat, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
226   /* figure out B-matrix */
227   if (strcmp("kvp", airToLower(bmatS))) {
228     /* its NOT coming from key/value pairs */
229     if (!AIR_EXISTS(bval)) {
230       fprintf(stderr, "%s: need to specify scalar b-value\n", me);
231       airMopError(mop); return 1;
232     }
233     if (nrrdLoad(nbmat, bmatS, NULL)) {
234       airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
235       fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble loading B-matrix:\n%s\n", me, err);
236       airMopError(mop); return 1;
237     }
238     nin4d = nin[0];
239     skip = NULL;
240     skipNum = 0;
241   } else {
242     /* it IS coming from key/value pairs */
243     if (1 != ninLen) {
244       fprintf(stderr, "%s: require a single 4-D DWI volume for "
245               "key/value pair based calculation of B-matrix\n", me);
246       airMopError(mop); return 1;
247     }
248     if (oldstuff) {
249       if (knownB0) {
250         fprintf(stderr, "%s: sorry, key/value-based DWI info not compatible "
251                 "with older implementation of knownB0\n", me);
252         airMopError(mop); return 1;
253       }
254     }
255     if (tenDWMRIKeyValueParse(&ngradKVP, &nbmatKVP, &bKVP,
256                               &skip, &skipNum, nin[0])) {
257       airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(TEN), airFree, airMopAlways);
258       fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble parsing DWI info:\n%s\n", me, err);
259       airMopError(mop); return 1;
260     }
261     if (AIR_EXISTS(bval)) {
262       fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING: key/value pair derived b-value %g "
263               "over-riding %g from command-line", me, bKVP, bval);
264     }
265     bval = bKVP;
266     if (ngradKVP) {
267       airMopAdd(mop, ngradKVP, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
268       if (tenBMatrixCalc(nbmat, ngradKVP)) {
269         airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(TEN), airFree, airMopAlways);
270         fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble finding B-matrix:\n%s\n", me, err);
271         airMopError(mop); return 1;
272       }
273     } else {
274       airMopAdd(mop, nbmatKVP, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
275       if (nrrdConvert(nbmat, nbmatKVP, nrrdTypeDouble)) {
276         airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
277         fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble converting B-matrix:\n%s\n", me, err);
278         airMopError(mop); return 1;
279       }
280     }
281     /* this will work because of the impositions of tenDWMRIKeyValueParse */
282     dwiax = ((nrrdKindList == nin[0]->axis[0].kind ||
283               nrrdKindVector == nin[0]->axis[0].kind)
284              ? 0
285              : ((nrrdKindList == nin[0]->axis[1].kind ||
286                  nrrdKindVector == nin[0]->axis[1].kind)
287                 ? 1
288                 : ((nrrdKindList == nin[0]->axis[2].kind ||
289                     nrrdKindVector == nin[0]->axis[2].kind)
290                    ? 2
291                    : 3)));
292     if (0 == dwiax) {
293       nin4d = nin[0];
294     } else {
295       axmap[0] = dwiax;
296       axmap[1] = 1 > dwiax ? 1 : 0;
297       axmap[2] = 2 > dwiax ? 2 : 1;
298       axmap[3] = 3 > dwiax ? 3 : 2;
299       nin4d = nrrdNew();
300       airMopAdd(mop, nin4d, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
301       if (nrrdAxesPermute(nin4d, nin[0], axmap)) {
302         airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
303         fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble creating DWI volume:\n%s\n", me, err);
304         airMopError(mop); return 1;
305       }
306     }
307   }
309   nterr = NULL;
310   nB0 = NULL;
311   if (!oldstuff) {
312     if (1 != ninLen) {
313       fprintf(stderr, "%s: sorry, currently need single 4D volume "
314               "for new implementation\n", me);
315       airMopError(mop); return 1;
316     }
317     if (!AIR_EXISTS(thresh)) {
318       if (tend_estimThresholdFind(&thresh, nbmat, nin4d)) {
319         airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(TEN), airFree, airMopAlways);
320         fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble finding threshold:\n%s\n", me, err);
321         airMopError(mop); return 1;
322       }
323       /* HACK to lower threshold a titch */
324       thresh *= 0.93;
325       fprintf(stderr, "%s: using mean DWI threshold %g\n", me, thresh);
326     }
327     tec = tenEstimateContextNew();
328     tec->progress = AIR_TRUE;
329     airMopAdd(mop, tec, (airMopper)tenEstimateContextNix, airMopAlways);
330     EE = 0;
331     if (!EE) tenEstimateVerboseSet(tec, verbose);
332     if (!EE) tenEstimateNegEvalShiftSet(tec, fixneg);
333     if (!EE) EE |= tenEstimateMethodSet(tec, estmeth);
334     if (!EE) EE |= tenEstimateBMatricesSet(tec, nbmat, bval, !knownB0);
335     if (!EE) EE |= tenEstimateValueMinSet(tec, valueMin);
336     for (skipIdx=0; skipIdx<skipNum; skipIdx++) {
337       /* fprintf(stderr, "%s: skipping %u\n", me, skip[skipIdx]); */
338       if (!EE) EE |= tenEstimateSkipSet(tec, skip[skipIdx], AIR_TRUE);
339     }
340     switch(estmeth) {
341     case tenEstimate1MethodLLS:
342       if (airStrlen(terrS)) {
343         tec->recordErrorLogDwi = AIR_TRUE;
344         /* tec->recordErrorDwi = AIR_TRUE; */
345       }
346       break;
347     case tenEstimate1MethodNLS:
348       if (airStrlen(terrS)) {
349         tec->recordErrorDwi = AIR_TRUE;
350       }
351       break;
352     case tenEstimate1MethodWLS:
353       if (!EE) tec->WLSIterNum = wlsi;
354       if (airStrlen(terrS)) {
355         tec->recordErrorDwi = AIR_TRUE;
356       }
357       break;
358     case tenEstimate1MethodMLE:
359       if (!(AIR_EXISTS(sigma) && sigma > 0.0)) {
360         fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't do %s w/out sigma > 0 (not %g)\n",
361                 me, airEnumStr(tenEstimate1Method, tenEstimate1MethodMLE),
362                 sigma);
363         airMopError(mop); return 1;
364       }
365       if (!EE) EE |= tenEstimateSigmaSet(tec, sigma);
366       if (airStrlen(terrS)) {
367         tec->recordLikelihoodDwi = AIR_TRUE;
368       }
369       break;
370     }
371     if (!EE) EE |= tenEstimateThresholdSet(tec, thresh, soft);
372     if (!EE) EE |= tenEstimateUpdate(tec);
373     if (EE) {
374       airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(TEN), airFree, airMopAlways);
375       fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble setting up estimation:\n%s\n", me, err);
376       airMopError(mop); return 1;
377     }
378     if (tenEstimate1TensorVolume4D(tec, nout, &nB0,
379                                    airStrlen(terrS)
380                                    ? &nterr
381                                    : NULL,
382                                    nin4d, nrrdTypeFloat)) {
383       airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(TEN), airFree, airMopAlways);
384       fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble doing estimation:\n%s\n", me, err);
385       airMopError(mop); return 1;
386     }
387     if (airStrlen(terrS)) {
388       airMopAdd(mop, nterr, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
389     }
390   } else {
391     EE = 0;
392     if (1 == ninLen) {
393       EE = tenEstimateLinear4D(nout, airStrlen(terrS) ? &nterr : NULL, &nB0,
394                                nin4d, nbmat, knownB0, thresh, soft, bval);
395     } else {
396       EE = tenEstimateLinear3D(nout, airStrlen(terrS) ? &nterr : NULL, &nB0,
397                                (const Nrrd*const*)nin, ninLen, nbmat,
398                                knownB0, thresh, soft, bval);
399     }
400     if (EE) {
401       airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(TEN), airFree, airMopAlways);
402       fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble making tensor volume:\n%s\n", me, err);
403       airMopError(mop); return 1;
404     }
405   }
406   if (nterr) {
407     /* it was allocated by tenEstimate*, we have to clean it up */
408     airMopAdd(mop, nterr, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
409   }
410   if (nB0) {
411     /* it was allocated by tenEstimate*, we have to clean it up */
412     airMopAdd(mop, nB0, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
413   }
414   if (1 != scale) {
415     if (tenSizeScale(nout, nout, scale)) {
416       airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(TEN), airFree, airMopAlways);
417       fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble doing scaling:\n%s\n", me, err);
418       airMopError(mop); return 1;
419     }
420   }
421   if (nterr) {
422     if (nrrdSave(terrS, nterr, NULL)) {
423       airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
424       fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble writing error image:\n%s\n", me, err);
425       airMopError(mop); return 1;
426     }
427   }
428   if (!knownB0 && airStrlen(eb0S)) {
429     if (nrrdSave(eb0S, nB0, NULL)) {
430       airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
431       fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble writing estimated B=0 image:\n%s\n",
432               me, err);
433       airMopError(mop); return 1;
434     }
435   }
437   if (nrrdSave(outS, nout, NULL)) {
438     airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
439     fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble writing:\n%s\n", me, err);
440     airMopError(mop); return 1;
441   }
443   airMopOkay(mop);
444   return 0;
445 }
446 /* TEND_CMD(estim, INFO); */
447 unrrduCmd tend_estimCmd = { "estim", INFO, tend_estimMain };