1 /*
2   Teem: Tools to process and visualize scientific data and images             .
3   Copyright (C) 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008 Thomas Schultz
4   Copyright (C) 2010, 2009, 2008 Gordon Kindlmann
6   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
8   (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10   The terms of redistributing and/or modifying this software also
11   include exceptions to the LGPL that facilitate static linking.
13   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16   Lesser General Public License for more details.
18   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
19   along with this library; if not, write to Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
20   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
21 */
23 /* Implementation of spherical harmonics and their relation to tensors */
25 #include "tijk.h"
27 #include "convertQuietPush.h"
29 #define TIJK_TABLE_TYPE 0 /* create double version */
30 #include "shtables.h"
31 #undef TIJK_TABLE_TYPE /* explicitly undef to avoid compiler warnings */
32 #define TIJK_TABLE_TYPE 1 /* create float version */
33 #include "shtables.h"
36 const unsigned int tijk_max_esh_order=8;
37 /* for order 8, the maximum number of coefficients is 45 */
38 #define _TIJK_MAX_ESH_LEN 45
39 /* number of coefficients for order i/2 */
40 const unsigned int tijk_esh_len[5]={1,6,15,28,45};
42 #define TIJK_EVAL_ESH_BASIS(TYPE, SUF)                                  \
43   unsigned int                                                          \
44   tijk_eval_esh_basis_##SUF(TYPE *res, unsigned int order,              \
45                             TYPE theta, TYPE phi) {                     \
46     TYPE stheta=sin(theta);                                             \
47     TYPE ctheta=cos(theta);                                             \
48     TYPE stheta2=stheta*stheta, stheta4=stheta2*stheta2;                \
49     TYPE ctheta2=ctheta*ctheta, ctheta4=ctheta2*ctheta2;                \
50     res[0]=1.0/sqrt(4.0*AIR_PI);                                        \
51     if (order<2)                                                        \
52       return 0;                                                         \
53     res[5]=res[1]=sqrt(15.0/(16.0*AIR_PI))*stheta2;                     \
54     res[5]*=sin(2*phi); res[1]*=cos(2*phi);                             \
55     res[4]=res[2]=-sqrt(15.0/(4.0*AIR_PI))*ctheta*stheta;               \
56     res[4]*=sin(phi); res[2]*=cos(phi);                                 \
57     res[3]=sqrt(5.0/(16.0*AIR_PI))*(3.0*ctheta2-1.0);                   \
58     if (order<4)                                                        \
59       return 2;                                                         \
60     res[14]=res[6]=sqrt(315.0/(256.0*AIR_PI))*stheta4;                  \
61     res[14]*=sin(4*phi); res[6]*=cos(4*phi);                            \
62     res[13]=res[7]=-sqrt(315.0/(32.0*AIR_PI))*ctheta*stheta*stheta2;    \
63     res[13]*=sin(3*phi); res[7]*=cos(3*phi);                            \
64     res[12]=res[8]=sqrt(45.0/(64.0*AIR_PI))*(7*ctheta2-1)*stheta2;      \
65     res[12]*=sin(2*phi); res[8]*=cos(2*phi);                            \
66     res[11]=res[9]=-sqrt(45.0/(32.0*AIR_PI))*(7*ctheta2*ctheta-3*ctheta)*stheta; \
67     res[11]*=sin(phi); res[9]*=cos(phi);                                \
68     res[10]=sqrt(9.0/(256.0*AIR_PI))*(35.0*ctheta4-30.0*ctheta2+3.0);   \
69     if (order<6)                                                        \
70       return 4;                                                         \
71     res[27]=res[15]=1.0/64.0*sqrt(6006.0/AIR_PI)*stheta4*stheta2;       \
72     res[27]*=sin(6*phi); res[15]*=cos(6*phi);                           \
73     res[26]=res[16]=-3.0/32.0*sqrt(2002.0/AIR_PI)*stheta4*stheta*ctheta; \
74     res[26]*=sin(5*phi); res[16]*=cos(5*phi);                           \
75     res[25]=res[17]=3.0/32.0*sqrt(91.0/AIR_PI)*stheta4*(11*ctheta2-1.0); \
76     res[25]*=sin(4*phi); res[17]*=cos(4*phi);                           \
77     res[24]=res[18]=-1.0/32.0*sqrt(2730.0/AIR_PI)*stheta2*stheta*(11*ctheta2*ctheta-3*ctheta); \
78     res[24]*=sin(3*phi); res[18]*=cos(3*phi);                           \
79     res[23]=res[19]=1.0/64.0*sqrt(2730.0/AIR_PI)*stheta2*(33*ctheta4-18*ctheta2+1.0); \
80     res[23]*=sin(2*phi); res[19]*=cos(2*phi);                           \
81     res[22]=res[20]=-1.0/16.0*sqrt(273.0/AIR_PI)*stheta*(33*ctheta4*ctheta-30.0*ctheta2*ctheta+5*ctheta); \
82     res[22]*=sin(phi); res[20]*=cos(phi);                               \
83     res[21]=1.0/32.0*sqrt(13.0/AIR_PI)*(231*ctheta4*ctheta2-315*ctheta4+105*ctheta2-5.0); \
84     if (order<8)                                                        \
85       return 6;                                                         \
86     res[44]=res[28]=3.0/256.0*sqrt(12155.0/AIR_PI)*stheta4*stheta4;     \
87     res[44]*=sin(8*phi); res[28]*=cos(8*phi);                           \
88     res[43]=res[29]=-3.0/64.0*sqrt(12155.0/AIR_PI)*stheta4*stheta2*stheta*ctheta; \
89     res[43]*=sin(7*phi); res[29]*=cos(7*phi);                           \
90     res[42]=res[30]=1.0/128.0*sqrt(2*7293.0/AIR_PI)*stheta4*stheta2*(15*ctheta2-1); \
91     res[42]*=sin(6*phi); res[30]*=cos(6*phi);                           \
92     res[41]=res[31]=-3.0/64.0*sqrt(17017.0/AIR_PI)*stheta4*stheta*ctheta*(5*ctheta2-1); \
93     res[41]*=sin(5*phi); res[31]*=cos(5*phi);                           \
94     res[40]=res[32]=3.0/128.0*sqrt(1309.0/AIR_PI)*stheta4*(65*ctheta4-26*ctheta2+1); \
95     res[40]*=sin(4*phi); res[32]*=cos(4*phi);                           \
96     res[39]=res[33]=-1.0/64.0*sqrt(19635.0/AIR_PI)*stheta2*stheta*ctheta*(39*ctheta4-26*ctheta2+3); \
97     res[39]*=sin(3*phi); res[33]*=cos(3*phi);                           \
98     res[38]=res[34]=3.0/128.0*sqrt(2*595.0/AIR_PI)*stheta2*(143*ctheta4*ctheta2-143*ctheta4+33*ctheta2-1); \
99     res[38]*=sin(2*phi); res[34]*=cos(2*phi);                           \
100     res[37]=res[35]=-3.0/64.0*sqrt(17.0/AIR_PI)*stheta*ctheta*(715*ctheta4*ctheta2-1001*ctheta4+385*ctheta2-35); \
101     res[37]*=sin(phi); res[35]*=cos(phi);                               \
102     res[36]=1.0/256.0*sqrt(17.0/AIR_PI)*(6435*ctheta4*ctheta4-12012*ctheta2*ctheta4+6930*ctheta4-1260*ctheta2+35); \
103     return 8; /* higher orders currently not implemented */             \
104   }
106 TIJK_EVAL_ESH_BASIS(double, d)
107 TIJK_EVAL_ESH_BASIS(float, f)
109 #define TIJK_EVAL_ESH(TYPE, SUF)                                       \
110   TYPE                                                                 \
111   tijk_eval_esh_##SUF(TYPE *coeffs, unsigned int order,                \
112                       TYPE theta, TYPE phi) {                          \
113     TYPE basis[_TIJK_MAX_ESH_LEN];                                     \
114     TYPE res=0.0;                                                      \
115     unsigned int i;                                                    \
116     if (order!=tijk_eval_esh_basis_##SUF(basis, order, theta, phi))    \
117       return 0; /* there has been an error. */                         \
118     for (i=0; i<tijk_esh_len[order/2]; i++)                            \
119       res+=basis[i]*coeffs[i];                                         \
120     return res;                                                        \
121   }
123 TIJK_EVAL_ESH(double, d)
124 TIJK_EVAL_ESH(float, f)
126 #define TIJK_ESH_SP(TYPE, SUF)                     \
127   TYPE                                             \
128   tijk_esh_sp_##SUF(TYPE *A, TYPE *B, unsigned int order) { \
129     TYPE res=0.0;                                  \
130     if (order<=tijk_max_esh_order) {               \
131       unsigned int i;                              \
132       for (i=0; i<tijk_esh_len[order/2]; i++) {    \
133         res+=A[i]*B[i];                            \
134       }                                            \
135     }                                              \
136     return res;                                    \
137   }
139 TIJK_ESH_SP(double, d)
140 TIJK_ESH_SP(float, f)
142 /* DOES NOT work in-place (with res==ten) */
143 #define TIJK_3D_SYM_TO_ESH(TYPE, SUF)                    \
144   int                                                    \
145   tijk_3d_sym_to_esh_##SUF(TYPE *res, const TYPE *ten,   \
146                            const tijk_type *type) {      \
147     const TYPE *m; /* conversion matrix */               \
148     unsigned int i, j, n;                                \
149     if (res==ten) return -1;                             \
150     n=type->num;                                         \
151     if (type==tijk_2o3d_sym) {                           \
152       m=_tijk_sym2esh_o2_##SUF;                          \
153     } else if (type==tijk_4o3d_sym) {                    \
154       m=_tijk_sym2esh_o4_##SUF;                          \
155     } else if (type==tijk_6o3d_sym) {                    \
156       m=_tijk_sym2esh_o6_##SUF;                          \
157     } else if (type==tijk_8o3d_sym) {                    \
158       m=_tijk_sym2esh_o8_##SUF;                          \
159     } else {                                             \
160       return -1; /* cannot do conversion */              \
161     }                                                    \
162     for (i=0; i<n; i++) {                                \
163       res[i]=0;                                          \
164       for (j=0; j<n; j++) {                              \
165         res[i]+=m[n*i+j]*ten[j];                         \
166       }                                                  \
167     }                                                    \
168     return type->order;                                  \
169   }
171 TIJK_3D_SYM_TO_ESH(double, d)
172 TIJK_3D_SYM_TO_ESH(float, f)
174 /* DOES NOT work in-place (with res==sh) */
175 #define TIJK_ESH_TO_3D_SYM(TYPE, SUF)                              \
176   const tijk_type*                                                 \
177   tijk_esh_to_3d_sym_##SUF(TYPE *res, const TYPE *sh, unsigned int order) { \
178     const TYPE *m; /* conversion matrix */                         \
179     const tijk_type *type;                                         \
180     unsigned int i, j, n;                                          \
181     if (res==sh) return NULL;                                      \
182     switch (order) {                                               \
183     case 2:                                                        \
184       m=_tijk_esh2sym_o2_##SUF;                                    \
185       type=tijk_2o3d_sym;                                          \
186       break;                                                       \
187     case 4:                                                        \
188       m=_tijk_esh2sym_o4_##SUF;                                    \
189       type=tijk_4o3d_sym;                                          \
190       break;                                                       \
191     case 6:                                                        \
192       m=_tijk_esh2sym_o6_##SUF;                                    \
193       type=tijk_6o3d_sym;                                          \
194       break;                                                       \
195     case 8:                                                        \
196       m=_tijk_esh2sym_o8_##SUF;                                    \
197       type=tijk_8o3d_sym;                                          \
198       break;                                                       \
199     default:                                                       \
200       return NULL; /* cannot do the conversion */                  \
201     }                                                              \
202     n=tijk_esh_len[order/2];                                       \
203     for (i=0; i<n; i++) {                                          \
204       res[i]=0;                                                    \
205       for (j=0; j<n; j++) {                                        \
206         res[i]+=m[n*i+j]*sh[j];                                    \
207       }                                                            \
208     }                                                              \
209     return type;                                                   \
210   }
212 TIJK_ESH_TO_3D_SYM(double, d)
213 TIJK_ESH_TO_3D_SYM(float, f)
215 /* Convolve in with kernel and write to out (in==out is permitted) */
216 #define TIJK_ESH_CONVOLVE(TYPE, SUF)                              \
217   void tijk_esh_convolve_##SUF(TYPE *out, const TYPE *in,         \
218                                const TYPE *kernel, unsigned int order) { \
219     unsigned int o, idx=0;                                              \
220     for (o=0; o<=order/2; o++) {                                        \
221       while (idx<tijk_esh_len[o]) {                                     \
222         *(out++)=*(in++)*kernel[o];                                     \
223         idx++;                                                          \
224       }                                                                 \
225     }                                                                   \
226   }
228 TIJK_ESH_CONVOLVE(double, d)
229 TIJK_ESH_CONVOLVE(float, f)
231 /* Deconvolve in with kernel and write to out (in==out is permitted) */
232 #define TIJK_ESH_DECONVOLVE(TYPE, SUF)                            \
233   void tijk_esh_deconvolve_##SUF(TYPE *out, const TYPE *in,             \
234                                  const TYPE *kernel, unsigned int order) { \
235     unsigned int o, idx=0;                                              \
236     for (o=0; o<=order/2; o++) {                                        \
237       while (idx<tijk_esh_len[o]) {                                     \
238         *(out++)=*(in++)/kernel[o];                                     \
239         idx++;                                                          \
240       }                                                                 \
241     }                                                                   \
242   }
244 TIJK_ESH_DECONVOLVE(double, d)
247 /* Make a deconvolution kernel that turns a given signal (rotationally
248  * symmetric in "compressed" form, i.e., one coefficient per SH order)
249  * into a rank-1 term of given order.
250  * Return 0 upon success
251  *        1 if order is unsupported
252  *        2 if any of the given signal values is zero
253  */
254 #define TIJK_ESH_MAKE_KERNEL_RANK1(TYPE, SUF)                           \
255   int tijk_esh_make_kernel_rank1_##SUF(TYPE *kernel, const TYPE *signl, \
256                                        unsigned int order) {            \
257     unsigned int i;                                                     \
258     TYPE rank1[TIJK_TYPE_MAX_NUM], rank1sh[TIJK_TYPE_MAX_NUM];          \
259     TYPE v[3]={0.0,0.0,1.0};                                            \
260     /* Need to determine SH coefficients of a z-aligned rank-1 tensor */ \
261     const tijk_type *type = NULL;                                       \
262     switch (order) {                                                    \
263     case 2: type=tijk_2o3d_sym; break;                                  \
264     case 4: type=tijk_4o3d_sym; break;                                  \
265     case 6: type=tijk_6o3d_sym; break;                                  \
266     case 8: type=tijk_8o3d_sym; break;                                  \
267     default: return 1;                                                  \
268     }                                                                   \
269     (*type->sym->make_rank1_##SUF)(rank1, 1.0, v);                      \
270     tijk_3d_sym_to_esh_##SUF(rank1sh, rank1, type);                     \
271     for (i=0; i<1+order/2; i++)                                         \
272       if (signl[i]==0) {                                                \
273         return 2;                                                       \
274       }                                                                 \
275     kernel[0]=signl[0]/rank1sh[0];                                      \
276     if (order>=2) {                                                     \
277       kernel[1]=signl[1]/rank1sh[3];                                    \
278       if (order>=4) {                                                   \
279         kernel[2]=signl[2]/rank1sh[10];                                 \
280         if (order>=6) {                                                 \
281           kernel[3]=signl[3]/rank1sh[21];                               \
282           if (order>=8) {                                               \
283             kernel[4]=signl[4]/rank1sh[36];                             \
284           }                                                             \
285         }                                                               \
286       }                                                                 \
287     }                                                                   \
288     return 0;                                                           \
289   }
294 /* Make a deconvolution kernel that turns a given signal (rotationally
295  * symmetric in "compressed" form, i.e., one coefficient per SH order)
296  * into a truncated delta peak of given order.
297  * Return 0 upon success
298  *        1 if order is unsupported
299  *        2 if any of the given signal values is zero
300  */
301 #define TIJK_ESH_MAKE_KERNEL_DELTA(TYPE, SUF)                           \
302   int tijk_esh_make_kernel_delta_##SUF(TYPE *kernel, const TYPE *signl, \
303                                        unsigned int order) {            \
304     /* we need a truncated delta peak of given order */                 \
305     TYPE deltash[TIJK_TYPE_MAX_NUM];                                    \
306     unsigned int i;                                                     \
307     if (order>tijk_max_esh_order || order%2!=0)                         \
308       return 1;                                                         \
309     for (i=0; i<1+order/2; i++)                                         \
310       if (signl[i]==0) {                                                \
311         return 2;                                                       \
312       }                                                                 \
313     tijk_eval_esh_basis_##SUF(deltash, order, 0, 0);                    \
314     kernel[0]=signl[0]/deltash[0];                                      \
315     if (order>=2) {                                                     \
316       kernel[1]=signl[1]/deltash[3];                                    \
317       if (order>=4) {                                                   \
318         kernel[2]=signl[2]/deltash[10];                                 \
319         if (order>=6) {                                                 \
320           kernel[3]=signl[3]/deltash[21];                               \
321           if (order>=8) {                                               \
322             kernel[4]=signl[4]/deltash[36];                             \
323           }                                                             \
324         }                                                               \
325       }                                                                 \
326     }                                                                   \
327     return 0;                                                           \
328   }
334 #include "convertQuietPop.h"