1 /*!
2  * \file   mfront/src/AbaqusInterfaceExceptions.cxx
3  * \brief  This file implements the AbaqusInterfaceExceptions class.
4  * \author Thomas Helfer
5  * \date   12/12/2011
6  * \copyright Copyright (C) 2006-2018 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D. All rights
7  * reserved.
8  * This project is publicly released under either the GNU GPL Licence
9  * or the CECILL-A licence. A copy of thoses licences are delivered
10  * with the sources of TFEL. CEA or EDF may also distribute this
11  * project under specific licensing conditions.
12  */
14 #include<cstdlib>
15 #include<sstream>
16 #include<iostream>
18 #include"TFEL/Raise.hxx"
19 #include"MFront/Abaqus/AbaqusInterfaceExceptions.hxx"
21 namespace abaqus{
23   void
24   AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::throwInvalidTensorSize(const std::string& b,
25 						    const unsigned short n1,
26 						    const AbaqusInt n2)
27   {
28     std::ostringstream msg;
29     msg << "AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::throwInvalidTensorSize: "
30 	<< "the size of symmetric tensors for the current hypothesis does not match "
31 	<< "`Abaqus` declaration (NTENS) for behaviour '" << b << "'. Expected '"
32 	<< n1 << "', got '" << n2 << "'.";
33     tfel::raise<AbaqusException>(msg.str());
34   } // end AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::throwInvalidTensorSize
36   void
37   AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::throwUnMatchedNumberOfMaterialProperties(const std::string& b,
38 								     const unsigned short n1,
39 								     const AbaqusInt n2)
40   {
41     std::ostringstream msg;
42     msg << "AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::throwUnMatchedNumberOfMaterialProperties: "
43 	<< "the number of material properties does not match. The behaviour '"
44 	<< b  << "' requires " << n1 << " material properties, and "
45 	<< n2 << " material properties were declared";
46     tfel::raise<AbaqusException>(msg.str());
47   } // end of throwUnMatchedNumberOfMaterialProperties
49   void
50   AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::throwUnMatchedNumberOfStateVariables(const std::string& b,
51 								 const unsigned short n1,
52 								 const AbaqusInt n2)
53   {
54     std::ostringstream msg;
55     msg << "AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::throwUnMatchedNumberOfStateVariables: "
56 	<< "the number of internal state variables does not match. The behaviour '"
57 	<< b  << "' requires " << n1 << " state variables, and "
58 	<< n2 << " state variables were declared";
59     tfel::raise<AbaqusException>(msg.str());
60   } // end of throwUnMatchedNumberOfStateVariables
62   void
63   AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::treatAbaqusException(const std::string& b,
64 						const AbaqusException& e)
65   {
66     std::cout << "The behaviour '" << b
67 	      << "' has thrown an AbaqusException: "
68 	      << e.what() << std::endl;
69   } // end of AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::treatAbaqusException
71   void
72   AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::treatMaterialException(const std::string& b,
73 						   const tfel::material::MaterialException& e)
74   {
75     std::cout << "The behaviour '" << b
76 	      << "' has thrown an MaterialException: "
77 	      << e.what() << std::endl;
78   } // end of treatMaterialException
80   void
81   AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::treatTFELException(const std::string& b,
82 					       const tfel::exception::TFELException& e)
83   {
84     std::cout << "The behaviour '" << b
85 	      << "' has thrown a generic tfel exception: "
86 	      << e.what() << std::endl;
87   } // end of treatTFELException
89   void
90   AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::treatStandardException(const std::string& b,
91 						   const std::exception& e)
92   {
93     std::cout << "The behaviour '" << b
94 	      << "' has thrown a generic standard exception: "
95 	      << e.what() << std::endl;
96   } // end of treatStandardException
98   void
99   AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::treatUnknownException(const std::string& b)
100   {
101     std::cout << "The behaviour '" << b
102 	      << "' has thrown an unknown exception" << std::endl;
103   } // end of treatUnknownException
105   void
106   AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::throwNegativeTimeStepException(const std::string& b)
107   {
108     tfel::raise("AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::throwNegativeTimeStepException: "
109 		"negative time step detected for behaviour '"+b+"'");
110   } // end of AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::throwNegativeTimeStepException
112   void
113   AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::throwPredictionComputationFailedException(const std::string& b)
114   {
115     tfel::raise("AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::throwPredictionComputationFailedException: "
116 		"prediction computation failed for behaviour '"+b+"'");
117   }
119   void
120   AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::throwPredictionOperatorIsNotAvalaible(const std::string& b)
121   {
122     tfel::raise("AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::throwPredictionOperatorIsNotAvalaible: "
123 		"behaviour '"+b+"' can't compute a prediction operator");
124   } // end of AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::throwBehaviourIntegrationFailedException
126   void
127   AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::throwConsistentTangentOperatorIsNotAvalaible(const std::string& b)
128   {
129     tfel::raise("AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::throwConsistentTangentOperatorIsNotAvalaible: "
130 		"behaviour '"+b+"' can't compute a consistent tangent operator");
131   } // end of AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::throwBehaviourIntegrationFailedException
133   void
134   AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::throwUnsupportedStressFreeExpansionException(const std::string& b)
135   {
136     tfel::raise("AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::throwUnsupportedStressFreeExpansionException: "
137 		"behaviour '"+b+"' can handle stress-free expansion but the Abaqus interface can't");
138   } // end of AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::throwUnsupportedStressFreeExpansionException
140   void
141   AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::displayUnsupportedHypothesisMessage()
142   {
143     std::cout << "AbaqusInterfaceExceptions::displayUnsupportedHypothesisMessage: "
144 	      << "unsupported hypothesis" << std::endl;
145   }
147   void
148   AbaqusUnSupportedCaseHandler::exe(const AbaqusReal *const,
149 				   const AbaqusReal *const,
150 				   AbaqusReal *const,
151 				   const AbaqusReal *const,
152 				   const AbaqusReal *const,
153 				   const AbaqusReal *const,
154 				   const AbaqusReal *const,
155 				   const AbaqusReal *const,
156 				   const AbaqusInt  *const,
157 				   const AbaqusReal *const,
158 				   const AbaqusReal *const,
159 				   AbaqusReal *const,
160 				   const AbaqusInt  *const,
161 				   AbaqusReal *const,
162 				    const StressFreeExpansionHandler<AbaqusReal>&)
163   {
164     tfel::raise("AbaqusUnSupportedCaseHandler::exe: "
165 		"we fall in a case that the abaqus interface "
166 		"is not able to handle.");
167   } // end of exe
169 } // end of namespace abaqus