1 //#include "ThermoProperties.h"
2 #include "WaterHGKreaktoro.h"
3 #include "Reaktoro/WaterConstants.hpp"
4 #include "Common/OutputWaterSteamConventionProp.h"
5 #include "ThermoProperties.h"
7 namespace ThermoFun {
thermoPropertiesWaterHGKreaktoro(Reaktoro_::Temperature T,const WaterThermoState & wt)9 auto thermoPropertiesWaterHGKreaktoro(Reaktoro_::Temperature T, const WaterThermoState& wt) -> ThermoPropertiesSubstance
10 {
11     // Auxiliary data from Helgeson and Kirkham (1974), on page 1098
12     const auto Ttr =  273.15;             // unit: K
13     const auto Str =  15.1320 * cal_to_J; // unit: J/(mol*K)
14     const auto Gtr = -56290.0 * cal_to_J; // unit: J/mol
15     const auto Htr = -68767.0 * cal_to_J; // unit: J/mol
16     const auto Utr = -67887.0 * cal_to_J; // unit: J/mol
17     const auto Atr = -55415.0 * cal_to_J; // unit: J/mol
19     const auto Sw = waterMolarMass * wt.entropy;         // unit: J/(mol*K)
20     const auto Hw = waterMolarMass * wt.enthalpy;        // unit: J/mol
21     const auto Uw = waterMolarMass * wt.internal_energy; // unit: J/mol
23     // Calculate the standard molal thermodynamic properties of the aqueous species
24     const auto S  = Sw + Str;
25     const auto H  = Hw + Htr;
26     const auto U  = Uw + Utr;
27     const auto G  = Hw - T * (Sw + Str) + Ttr * Str + Gtr;
28     const auto A  = Uw - T * (Sw + Str) + Ttr * Str + Atr;
29     const auto V  = wt.volume * waterMolarMass * 100000; // unit J/bar
30     const auto Cp = wt.cp * waterMolarMass;
31     const auto Cv = wt.cv * waterMolarMass;
33     ThermoPropertiesSubstance state;
34     state.entropy          = S;
35     state.enthalpy         = H;
36     state.internal_energy  = U;
37     state.gibbs_energy     = G;
38     state.helmholtz_energy = A;
39     state.volume           = V;
40     state.heat_capacity_cp = Cp;
41     state.heat_capacity_cv = Cv;
43 #ifdef OutputSTEAM_CONVENTION
44     OutputSteamConventionH2OProp("H2OHGKreaktoro.csv", wt);
45 #endif
47     return state;
48 }
propertiesWaterHGKreaktoro(const WaterThermoState & wt)50 auto propertiesWaterHGKreaktoro(const WaterThermoState& wt) -> PropertiesSolvent
51 {
52     PropertiesSolvent state;
54     state.density    = wt.density;
55     state.densityP   = wt.densityP;
56     state.densityPP  = wt.densityPP;
57     state.densityT   = wt.densityT;
58     state.densityTP  = wt.densityTP;
59     state.densityTT  = wt.densityTT;
60     state.pressure   = wt.pressure;
61     state.pressureD  = wt.pressureD;
62     state.pressureDD = wt.pressureDD;
63     state.pressureT  = wt.pressureT;
64     state.pressureTD = wt.pressureTD;
65     state.pressureTT = wt.pressureTT;
67     state.Alpha      = -wt.densityT/wt.density;
68     state.Beta       = wt.densityP/wt.density;
69     state.dAldT      = -wt.densityTT/wt.density + state.Alpha*state.Alpha;
70 //    const auto alphaP = -wt.densityTP/wt.density - alpha*beta;
71 //    const auto betaP  =  wt.densityPP/wt.density - beta*beta;
73 //    auto t = Reaktoro::Temperature( wt.temperature.val );
74 //    waterIdealGas(t, state);
76     return state;
77 }
saturatedWaterVaporPressureHGK(Reaktoro_::Temperature TK)79 auto saturatedWaterVaporPressureHGK(Reaktoro_::Temperature TK) -> Reaktoro_::ThermoScalar
80 {
81     Reaktoro_::ThermoScalar  pl, psHGK, v, w, b, q, z;
82     int i=-1;
83     double a[8] ={ -.78889166e1,  .25514255e1, -.6716169e1,  .33239495e2,
84                    -.10538479e3,  .17435319e3, -.14839348e3, .48631602e2};
85     if (TK.val <= 314.0e0)
86     {
87         pl    = 6.3573118e0 - 8858.843e0 / TK + 607.56335e0 * pow(TK,-0.6e0);
88         psHGK = 0.1e0 * exp(pl);
89     }
90     else
91     {
92         v = TK / 647.25e0;
93         w = 1.0e0 - v;
94         if (w.val<0)
95             w=w*-1;
97         b = 0.0e0;
98         while (++i <= 7)
99         {
100             z  = i + 1;
101             b += a[i] * pow(w,((z + 1.0e0) / 2.0e0));
102         }
103         q = b / v;
104         psHGK = 22.093e0 * exp(q);
105     }
106     return(psHGK*1e1);
107 }
109 } // end namespace ThermoFun