3c     ###################################################
4c     ##  COPYRIGHT (C)  1990  by  Jay William Ponder  ##
5c     ##              All Rights Reserved              ##
6c     ###################################################
8c     ###############################################################
9c     ##                                                           ##
10c     ##  subroutine eangle3  --  angle bending energy & analysis  ##
11c     ##                                                           ##
12c     ###############################################################
15c     "eangle3" calculates the angle bending potential energy, also
16c     partitions the energy among the atoms; projected in-plane
17c     angles at trigonal centers, spceial linear or Fourier angle
18c     bending terms are optionally used
21      subroutine eangle3
22      use action
23      use analyz
24      use angbnd
25      use angpot
26      use atomid
27      use atoms
28      use bound
29      use energi
30      use group
31      use inform
32      use iounit
33      use math
34      use usage
35      implicit none
36      integer i,ia,ib,ic,id
37      real*8 e,eps
38      real*8 ideal,force
39      real*8 fold,factor
40      real*8 dot,cosine
41      real*8 angle,fgrp
42      real*8 dt,dt2,dt3,dt4
43      real*8 xia,yia,zia
44      real*8 xib,yib,zib
45      real*8 xic,yic,zic
46      real*8 xid,yid,zid
47      real*8 xab,yab,zab
48      real*8 xcb,ycb,zcb
49      real*8 xad,yad,zad
50      real*8 xbd,ybd,zbd
51      real*8 xcd,ycd,zcd
52      real*8 xip,yip,zip
53      real*8 xap,yap,zap
54      real*8 xcp,ycp,zcp
55      real*8 rab2,rcb2
56      real*8 rap2,rcp2
57      real*8 xt,yt,zt
58      real*8 rt2,delta
59      logical proceed
60      logical header,huge
61      character*9 label
64c     zero out the angle bending energy and partitioning terms
66      nea = 0
67      ea = 0.0d0
68      do i = 1, n
69         aea(i) = 0.0d0
70      end do
71      if (nangle .eq. 0)  return
73c     set tolerance for minimum distance and angle values
75      eps = 0.0001d0
77c     print header information if debug output was requested
79      header = .true.
80      if (debug .and. nangle.ne.0) then
81         header = .false.
82         write (iout,10)
83   10    format (/,' Individual Angle Bending Interactions :',
84     &           //,' Type',18x,'Atom Names',18x,
85     &              'Ideal',4x,'Actual',6x,'Energy',/)
86      end if
88c     OpenMP directives for the major loop structure
90!$OMP PARALLEL default(private) shared(nangle,iang,anat,ak,afld,
91!$OMP& use,x,y,z,cang,qang,pang,sang,angtyp,angunit,eps,use_group,
92!$OMP& use_polymer,
93!$OMP& name,verbose,debug,header,iout)
94!$OMP& shared(ea,nea,aea)
95!$OMP DO reduction(+:ea,nea,aea) schedule(guided)
97c     calculate the bond angle bending energy term
99      do i = 1, nangle
100         ia = iang(1,i)
101         ib = iang(2,i)
102         ic = iang(3,i)
103         id = iang(4,i)
104         ideal = anat(i)
105         force = ak(i)
107c     decide whether to compute the current interaction
109         proceed = .true.
110         if (angtyp(i) .eq. 'IN-PLANE') then
111            if (use_group)  call groups (proceed,fgrp,ia,ib,ic,id,0,0)
112            if (proceed)  proceed = (use(ia) .or. use(ib) .or.
113     &                                 use(ic) .or. use(id))
114         else
115            if (use_group)  call groups (proceed,fgrp,ia,ib,ic,0,0,0)
116            if (proceed)  proceed = (use(ia) .or. use(ib) .or. use(ic))
117         end if
119c     get the coordinates of the atoms in the angle
121         if (proceed) then
122            xia = x(ia)
123            yia = y(ia)
124            zia = z(ia)
125            xib = x(ib)
126            yib = y(ib)
127            zib = z(ib)
128            xic = x(ic)
129            yic = y(ic)
130            zic = z(ic)
132c     compute the bond angle bending energy
134            if (angtyp(i) .ne. 'IN-PLANE') then
135               xab = xia - xib
136               yab = yia - yib
137               zab = zia - zib
138               xcb = xic - xib
139               ycb = yic - yib
140               zcb = zic - zib
141               if (use_polymer) then
142                  call image (xab,yab,zab)
143                  call image (xcb,ycb,zcb)
144               end if
145               rab2 = max(xab*xab+yab*yab+zab*zab,eps)
146               rcb2 = max(xcb*xcb+ycb*ycb+zcb*zcb,eps)
147               dot = xab*xcb + yab*ycb + zab*zcb
148               cosine = dot / sqrt(rab2*rcb2)
149               cosine = min(1.0d0,max(-1.0d0,cosine))
150               angle = radian * acos(cosine)
151               if (angtyp(i) .eq. 'HARMONIC') then
152                  dt = angle - ideal
153                  dt2 = dt * dt
154                  dt3 = dt2 * dt
155                  dt4 = dt2 * dt2
156                  e = angunit * force * dt2
157     &                   * (1.0d0+cang*dt+qang*dt2+pang*dt3+sang*dt4)
158               else if (angtyp(i) .eq. 'LINEAR') then
159                  factor = 2.0d0 * angunit * radian**2
160                  e = factor * force * (1.0d0+cosine)
161               else if (angtyp(i) .eq. 'FOURIER') then
162                  fold = afld(i)
163                  factor = 2.0d0 * angunit * (radian/fold)**2
164                  cosine = cos((fold*angle-ideal)/radian)
165                  e = factor * force * (1.0d0+cosine)
166               end if
168c     scale the interaction based on its group membership
170               if (use_group)  e = e * fgrp
172c     increment the total bond angle bending energy
174               nea = nea + 1
175               ea = ea + e
176               aea(ib) = aea(ib) + e
178c     print a message if the energy of this interaction is large
180               huge = (e .gt. 5.0d0)
181               if (debug .or. (verbose.and.huge)) then
182                  if (header) then
183                     header = .false.
184                     write (iout,20)
185   20                format (/,' Individual Angle Bending',
186     &                          ' Interactions :',
187     &                       //,' Type',18x,'Atom Names',18x,
188     &                          'Ideal',4x,'Actual',6x,'Energy',/)
189                  end if
190                  label = 'Angle    '
191                  if (angtyp(i) .eq. 'LINEAR') then
192                     label = 'Angle-Lin'
193                  else if (angtyp(i) .eq. 'FOURIER') then
194                     label = 'Angle-Cos'
195                     ideal = (ideal+180.0d0) / fold
196                     if (angle-ideal .gt. 180.0d0/fold)
197     &                  ideal = ideal + 360.0d0/fold
198                  end if
199                  write (iout,30)  label,ia,name(ia),ib,name(ib),
200     &                             ic,name(ic),ideal,angle,e
201   30             format (1x,a9,1x,i7,'-',a3,i7,'-',a3,i7,
202     &                       '-',a3,2x,2f10.4,f12.4)
203               end if
205c     compute the projected in-plane angle bend energy
207            else
208               xid = x(id)
209               yid = y(id)
210               zid = z(id)
211               xad = xia - xid
212               yad = yia - yid
213               zad = zia - zid
214               xbd = xib - xid
215               ybd = yib - yid
216               zbd = zib - zid
217               xcd = xic - xid
218               ycd = yic - yid
219               zcd = zic - zid
220               if (use_polymer) then
221                  call image (xad,yad,zad)
222                  call image (xbd,ybd,zbd)
223                  call image (xcd,ycd,zcd)
224               end if
225               xt = yad*zcd - zad*ycd
226               yt = zad*xcd - xad*zcd
227               zt = xad*ycd - yad*xcd
228               rt2 = xt*xt + yt*yt + zt*zt
229               delta = -(xt*xbd + yt*ybd + zt*zbd) / rt2
230               xip = xib + xt*delta
231               yip = yib + yt*delta
232               zip = zib + zt*delta
233               xap = xia - xip
234               yap = yia - yip
235               zap = zia - zip
236               xcp = xic - xip
237               ycp = yic - yip
238               zcp = zic - zip
239               if (use_polymer) then
240                  call image (xap,yap,zap)
241                  call image (xcp,ycp,zcp)
242               end if
243               rap2 = max(xap*xap+yap*yap+zap*zap,eps)
244               rcp2 = max(xcp*xcp+ycp*ycp+zcp*zcp,eps)
245               dot = xap*xcp + yap*ycp + zap*zcp
246               cosine = dot / sqrt(rap2*rcp2)
247               cosine = min(1.0d0,max(-1.0d0,cosine))
248               angle = radian * acos(cosine)
249               dt = angle - ideal
250               dt2 = dt * dt
251               dt3 = dt2 * dt
252               dt4 = dt2 * dt2
253               e = angunit * force * dt2
254     &                * (1.0d0+cang*dt+qang*dt2+pang*dt3+sang*dt4)
256c     scale the interaction based on its group membership
258               if (use_group)  e = e * fgrp
260c     increment the total bond angle bending energy
262               nea = nea + 1
263               ea = ea + e
264               aea(ib) = aea(ib) + e
266c     print a message if the energy of this interaction is large
268               huge = (e .gt. 5.0d0)
269               if (debug .or. (verbose.and.huge)) then
270                  if (header) then
271                     header = .false.
272                     write (iout,40)
273   40                format (/,' Individual Angle Bending',
274     &                          ' Interactions :',
275     &                       //,' Type',18x,'Atom Names',18x,
276     &                          'Ideal',4x,'Actual',6x,'Energy',/)
277                  end if
278                  write (iout,50)  ia,name(ia),ib,name(ib),ic,
279     &                             name(ic),ideal,angle,e
280   50             format (' Angle-IP',2x,i7,'-',a3,i7,'-',a3,i7,
281     &                       '-',a3,2x,2f10.4,f12.4)
282               end if
283            end if
284         end if
285      end do
287c     OpenMP directives for the major loop structure
291      return
292      end