1 /*
2  *  (c) 2004 Iowa State University
3  *      see the LICENSE file in the top level directory
4  */
6 /*	MEP.cpp
7 	Molecular Electrostatic Potential calculations
8 	Adapted from GAMESS by BMB 10/1997
9 	bug fixes and MEP surface code moved here by BMB 1/1998
10 	Removed Mac window dependancies BMB 4/1998
11 	Fixed MP stack size problem in MEP3D surfaces BMB 9/2000
12 */
14 #include "Globals.h"
15 #include "GlobalExceptions.h"
16 #include "Progress.h"
17 #include "MoleculeData.h"
18 #include "Frame.h"
19 #include "BasisSet.h"
20 #include "RysPolynomial.h"
21 #include "GaussHermite.h"
22 #include "SurfaceTypes.h"
23 #if defined(powerc) && defined(MacintoshBuild)
24 #include <Multiprocessing.h>
25 #endif
26 #ifdef __wxBuild__
27 #include <wx/stopwatch.h>
28 #endif
29 #include <iostream>
31 extern Boolean		gMPAware;
32 extern long			gNumProcessors;
34 //Clearly there is some work needed to support H and I functions
35 //Some is dimensions and powers. Looks like Root6 in RysPol has been completely redone as well, though
36 //that might not be necessary. Some expansion for the number of roots is needed.
38 #define kMaxShellType				6	// 0 index, 6 gives I shell
39 #define kMaxAngularMomentumSum		84	//s-g functions - 1+3+6+10+15+21(h)+(28(I)
40 class AngularIndeces {
41 	public:
42 		short	x[kMaxAngularMomentumSum], y[kMaxAngularMomentumSum], z[kMaxAngularMomentumSum];
43 		AngularIndeces();
44 };
46 //setup arrays of x, y, z powers for each angular momenta (through g)
AngularIndeces()47 AngularIndeces::AngularIndeces() {
48 	for (long i=0; i<kMaxAngularMomentumSum; i++)
49 		x[i] = y[i] = z[i] = 0;
50 	x[1] = y[2] = z[3] = 1;	//P x, y, z
51 	x[4] = y[5] = z[6] = 2;	//D x2, y2, z2
52 	x[7] = x[8] = y[7] = y[9] = z[8] = z[9] = 1;//D xy,xz,yz
53 	x[10] = y[11] = z[12] = 3;	//F x3, y3, z3
54 	x[13] = x[14] = y[15] = y[16] = z[17] = z[18] = 2;//F x2y, x2z, xy2, y2z, xz2, yz2, xyz
55 	x[15] = x[17] = x[19] = y[13] = y[18] = y[19] = z[14] = z[16] = z[19] = 1;
56 	x[20] = y[21] = z[22] = 4;	//G x4, y4, z4
57 	x[23] = x[24] = y[25] = y[26] = z[27] = z[28] = 3;	//G x3y, x3z, xy3, y3z, xz3, yz3
58 	x[29] = x[30] = x[32] =	//G x2y2, x2z2, y2z2, x2yz, xy2z, xyz2
59 		y[29] = y[31] = y[33] = z[30] = z[31] = z[34] = 2;
60 	x[25] = x[27] = x[33] = x[34] = y[23] = y[28] = y[32] = y[34] =
61 		z[24] = z[26] = z[32] = z[33] = 1;
62 	x[35] = y[36] = z[37] = 5;	//H x5, y5, z5
63 	x[38] = x[39] = y[40] = y[41] = z[42] = z[43] = 4; //H x4y, x4z, xy4, y4z, xz4, yz4
64 	y[38] = z[39] = x[40] = z[41] = x[42] = y[43] = 1;
65 	x[44] = x[45] = y[46] = y[47] = z[48] = z[49] = 3; //H x3y2, x3z2, x2y3, y3z2, x2z3, y2z3
66 	y[44] = z[45] = x[46] = z[47] = x[48] = y[49] = 2;
67 	x[50] = y[51] = z[52] = 3;	//H x3yz, xy3z, xyz3
68 	y[50] = z[50] = x[51] = z[51] = x[52] = y[52] = 1;
69 	x[53] = y[53] = x[54] = z[54] = y[55] = z[55] = 2;	//H x2y2z, x2yz2, xy2z2
70 	z[53] = y[54] = x[55] = 1;
71 	x[56] = y[57] = z[58] = 6;	//I x6, y6, z6
72 	x[59] = x[60] = y[61] = y[62] = z[63] = z[64] = 5;	//I x5y, x5z, xy5, y5z, xz5, yz5
73 	y[59] = z[60] = x[61] = z[62] = x[63] = y[64] = 1;
74 	x[65] = x[66] = y[67] = y[68] = z[69] = z[70] = 4;	//I x4y2, x4z2, x2y4, y4z2, x2z4, y2z4
75 	y[65] = z[66] = x[67] = z[68] = x[69] = y[70] = 2;
76 	x[71] = y[72] = z[73] = 4;	//I x4yz, xy4z, xyz4
77 	y[71] = z[71] = x[72] = z[72] = x[73] = y[73] = 1;
78 	x[74] = y[74] = x[75] = z[75] = y[76] = z[76] = 3;	//I x3y3, x3z3, y3z3
79 	x[77] = x[78] = y[79] = y[80] = z[81] = z[82] = 3;	//I x3y2z, x3yz2, x2y3z, xy3z2, x2yz3, xy2z3
80 	y[77] = z[78] = x[79] = z[80] = x[81] = y[82] = 2;
81 	z[77] = y[78] = z[79] = x[80] = y[81] = x[82] = 1;
82 	x[83] = y[83] = z[83] = 2;	//I x2y2z2
83 }
84 //NOTE: This routine assumes that the atomic coordinates are in Angstroms and are thus
85 //converted to Bohr when used.
CalculateMOGrid(MoleculeData * lData,Progress * lProgress)86 void MEP2DSurface::CalculateMOGrid(MoleculeData *lData, Progress * lProgress) {
87 	long		NumPoints = NumGridPoints*NumGridPoints;
88 	GaussHermiteData	GHData;
90 //ProfilerClear();
91 //ProfilerSetStatus(1);
92 	InitGaussHermite(&GHData);	//setup the Gauss-Hermite roots and weights data
94 	Frame *	lFrame = lData->GetCurrentFramePtr();
95 	BasisSet * Basis = lData->GetBasisSet();
96 	AODensity * TotalAODensity = lFrame->GetAODensity(Basis, OrbSet);
98 	if ((Grid && (GridAllocation != NumPoints))||!TotalAODensity) {
99 		FreeGrid();
100 	}
102 	if (!Grid) {
103 			//Attempt to allocate memory for the 2D grid
104 		AllocateGrid(NumPoints);
105 	}
106 		//If the memory allocation failed the MO calculation can not be done
107 	if ((Grid == NULL)||(TotalAODensity==NULL)) return;
108 		//If sufficient memory is available then setup pointers for fast local use
109 	float * lGrid;
110 	lGrid = Grid;
111 		//Store the Grid mins and incs at the beginning of the grid
112 	GridMax = -1.0e20;
113 	GridMin = 1.0e20;
114 		//loop over the plotting grid in the x, y, and z directions
115 	long n=0;
116 	float XGridValue, YGridValue, ZGridValue, junk1, junk2;
117 	CPoint3D	lOrigin, lXInc, lYInc;
119 	lOrigin = Origin * kAng2BohrConversion;
120 	lXInc = XInc * kAng2BohrConversion;
121 	lYInc = YInc * kAng2BohrConversion;
122 	for (long iXPt=0; iXPt<NumGridPoints; iXPt++) {
123 			//Give up the CPU and check for cancels
124 		if (!lProgress->UpdateProgress(100*iXPt/NumGridPoints)) {	//User canceled so clean things up and abort
125 			FreeGrid();
126 			return;
127 		}
129 		XGridValue = lOrigin.x + iXPt*lXInc.x;
130 		YGridValue = lOrigin.y + iXPt*lXInc.y;
131 		ZGridValue = lOrigin.z + iXPt*lXInc.z;
132 		for (long iYPt=0; iYPt<NumGridPoints; iYPt++) {
133 			lGrid[n] = lFrame->CalculateMEP(XGridValue, YGridValue, ZGridValue,
134 				Basis, TotalAODensity, &GHData, &junk1, &junk2);
136 			GridMax = MAX(GridMax, lGrid[n]);
137 			GridMin = MIN(GridMin, lGrid[n]);
138 			n++;
139 			XGridValue += lYInc.x;
140 			YGridValue += lYInc.y;
141 			ZGridValue += lYInc.z;
142 		}
143 	}
144 //ProfilerSetStatus(0);
145 //ProfilerDump("\pMEP profile");
146 }
147 #ifdef powerc
148 typedef struct MEP3DGridData {
149 	MEP3DSurface *	Surf;
150 	long	xStart;
151 	long	xEnd;
152 	Frame *	lFrame;
153 	BasisSet *	Basis;
154 	AODensity	*	TotalAODensity;
155 	GaussHermiteData *	GHData;
156 	float		GridMax;
157 	long		PercentDone;
158 	MPQueueID	TerminationQueueID;
159 } MEP3DGridData;
Calc3DMEPGrid(MEP3DGridData * Data)160 static OSErr Calc3DMEPGrid(MEP3DGridData * Data) {
161 	Data->GridMax = Data->Surf->CalculateGrid(Data->xStart, Data->xEnd, Data->lFrame, Data->Basis,
162 		Data->TotalAODensity, Data->GHData,
163 		NULL, &(Data->PercentDone), true);
164 	return noErr;
165 }
166 #endif
167 #ifdef __wxBuild__
168 typedef struct MEP3DGridData {
169 	MEP3DSurface *	Surf;
170 	long	xStart;
171 	long	xEnd;
172 	Frame *	lFrame;
173 	BasisSet *	Basis;
174 	AODensity	*	TotalAODensity;
175 	GaussHermiteData *	GHData;
176 	long		PercentDone;
177 	float		GridMax;
178 } MEP3DGridData;
179 //derive a class from wxThread that we will use to create the child threads
180 class MEP3DThread : public wxThread {
181 public:
182 	MEP3DThread(MEP3DGridData * data);
183 	virtual void * Entry();
GetPercentDone(void) const185 	long GetPercentDone(void) const {return myData->PercentDone;};
GetGridMax(void) const186 	float GetGridMax(void) const {return myData->GridMax;};
188 	MEP3DGridData * myData;
189 };
MEP3DThread(MEP3DGridData * data)190 MEP3DThread::MEP3DThread(MEP3DGridData * data) : wxThread(wxTHREAD_JOINABLE) {
191 	myData = data;
192 }
Entry()193 void * MEP3DThread::Entry() {
194 	myData->GridMax = myData->Surf->CalculateGrid(myData->xStart, myData->xEnd, myData->lFrame, myData->Basis,
195 												  myData->TotalAODensity, myData->GHData,
196 												  NULL, &(myData->PercentDone), true);
197 	myData->PercentDone = 100;
198 	return NULL;
199 }
200 typedef MEP3DThread * MEP3DThreadPtr;
202 #endif
CalculateGrid(long xStart,long xEnd,Frame * lFrame,BasisSet * Basis,AODensity * TotalAODensity,GaussHermiteData * GHData,Progress * lProgress,long * PercentDone,bool MPTask)203 float MEP3DSurface::CalculateGrid(long xStart, long xEnd, Frame * lFrame, BasisSet * Basis,
204 			AODensity * TotalAODensity, GaussHermiteData * GHData,
205 			Progress * lProgress, long * PercentDone, bool MPTask) {
206 	float lGridMax = -1.0e20, junk1, junk2;
207 	float lGridMin = 1.0e20;
208 	float XGridValue, YGridValue, ZGridValue;
209 	long	iXPt, iYPt, iZPt;
210 	long n=xStart*(NumYGridPoints*NumZGridPoints);
211 	float * lGrid = Grid;
213 	XGridValue = Origin.x + xStart * XGridInc;
214 	for (iXPt=xStart; iXPt<xEnd; iXPt++) {
215 			//Note the percent done for MP tasks such that the progress dlog can be updated
216 		if (MPTask) *PercentDone = 100*(iXPt-xStart)/(xEnd-xStart);
217 		YGridValue = Origin.y;
218 		for (iYPt=0; iYPt<NumYGridPoints; iYPt++) {
219 			if (!MPTask) {
220 					//Give up the CPU and check for cancels
221 				if (!lProgress->UpdateProgress(100*iXPt/xEnd)) {	//User canceled so clean things up and abort
222 					FreeGrid();
223 					return 0.0;
224 				}
225 			}
226 			ZGridValue = Origin.z;
227 			for (iZPt=0; iZPt<NumZGridPoints; iZPt++) {
228 				lGrid[n] = lFrame->CalculateMEP(XGridValue, YGridValue, ZGridValue,
229 					Basis, TotalAODensity, GHData, &junk1, &junk2);
230 				lGridMax = MAX(lGridMax, lGrid[n]);
231 				lGridMin = MIN(lGridMin, lGrid[n]);
232 				n++;
233 				ZGridValue += ZGridInc;
234 #ifdef __wxBuild__
235 				if (MPTask) {
236 					if ((wxThread::This())->TestDestroy()) {
237 						//Getting here means the caller has requested a cancel so exit
238 						return 0.0;
239 						//		Exit();	//Exit gracefully exits the thread
240 					}
241 				}
242 #endif
243 			}
244 			YGridValue += YGridInc;
245 		}
246 		XGridValue += XGridInc;
247 	}
248 	lGridMax = MAX(lGridMax, fabs(lGridMin));
249 	return lGridMax;
250 }
251 //Generates a 3D grid over the specified MO in the plane specified.
252 //NOTE: This routine assumes that the atomic coordinates are in Angstroms and are thus
253 //converted to Bohr when used.
CalculateMEPGrid(MoleculeData * lData,Progress * lProgress)254 void MEP3DSurface::CalculateMEPGrid(MoleculeData *lData, Progress * lProgress) {
255 	GaussHermiteData	GHData;
257 	InitGaussHermite(&GHData);	//setup the Gauss-Hermite roots and weights data
259 	Frame *	lFrame = lData->GetCurrentFramePtr();
260 	BasisSet * Basis = lData->GetBasisSet();
261 	AODensity * TotalAODensity = lFrame->GetAODensity(Basis, OrbSet);
262 	if (!TotalAODensity) throw MemoryError();
264 	SetupGridParameters(lFrame);	//Define the 3D volume
266 		//allocate the memory needed for the grid
267 	long		NumPoints = NumXGridPoints*NumYGridPoints*NumZGridPoints;
269 	if (Grid && (GridAllocation != NumPoints)) FreeGrid();
270 	if (!Grid) {
271 			//Attempt to allocate memory for the 2D grid
272 		AllocateGrid(NumPoints);
273 	}
274 		//If the memory allocation failed the MO calculation can not be done
275 	if (Grid == NULL) return;
276 		//If sufficient memory is available then setup pointers for fast local use
277 	float * lGrid;
278 	lGrid = Grid;
279 		//Get the appropriate MO vector
280 		//Store the Grid mins and incs at the beginning of the grid
281 	GridMax = -1.0e20;
282 #if defined(powerc) && defined(MacintoshBuild)
283 	if (gMPAware && (gNumProcessors>=1)) {
284 		OSErr	status;
285 		long	i, start=0;
286 		MEP3DGridData * DataPtrs = new MEP3DGridData[gNumProcessors];
287 		if (!DataPtrs) throw MemoryError();
288 			//Test allocations
289 		MPQueueID	* TerminationQueues = new MPQueueID[gNumProcessors];
290 		MPTaskID	* TaskIDs = new MPTaskID[gNumProcessors];
291 		if (!TerminationQueues || !TaskIDs) {
292 			delete [] DataPtrs;
293 			throw MemoryError();
294 		}
295 		for (i=0; i<gNumProcessors; i++) {
296 			status = MPCreateQueue(&(TerminationQueues[i]));	/* Create the queue which will report the completion of the task. */
297 			if (status != noErr) throw DataError();
298 			DataPtrs[i].Surf = this;
299 			DataPtrs[i].TerminationQueueID = TerminationQueues[i];
300 			DataPtrs[i].xStart = start;
301 			start += NumXGridPoints/gNumProcessors;
302 			if (i+1 == gNumProcessors) start = NumXGridPoints;
303 			DataPtrs[i].xEnd = start;
304 			DataPtrs[i].lFrame = lFrame;
305 			DataPtrs[i].Basis = Basis;
306 			DataPtrs[i].TotalAODensity = TotalAODensity;
307 			DataPtrs[i].GHData = &GHData;
308 			DataPtrs[i].PercentDone = 0;
309 			status = MPCreateTask((TaskProc)Calc3DMEPGrid,	/* This is the task function. */
310                         &(DataPtrs[i]),		/* This is the parameter to the task function. */
311                         16*1024,	/* stack size, 0 will use system default of 4KB which is too small for MEPs */
312                         TerminationQueues[i],		/* We'll use this to sense task completion. */
313                         0,						/* We won't use the first part of the termination message. */
314                         0,						/* We won't use the second part of the termination message. */
315 						0,	/* Use the normal task options. (Currently this *must* be zero!) */
316 						&(TaskIDs[i]));					/* Here's where the ID of the new task will go. */
317 			if (status != noErr) throw DataError();
318 		}
319 		long NumTasksRunning=gNumProcessors;
320 		long	TotalPercent;
321 		lProgress->SetRunTime(1);
322 		lProgress->SetSleepTime(20);
323 		while (NumTasksRunning > 0) {
324 			TotalPercent = 0;
325 			for (i=0; i<gNumProcessors; i++) {
326 				TotalPercent += DataPtrs[i].PercentDone;
327 				if (TerminationQueues[i] != 0) {
328 						long temp;
329 					status = MPWaitOnQueue(TerminationQueues[i], 0, 0, (void **) &temp, kDurationImmediate);
330 					if (status == noErr) {
331 						GridMax = MAX(GridMax, DataPtrs[i].GridMax);
332 						status = MPDeleteQueue(TerminationQueues[i]);
333 						TerminationQueues[i] = 0;
334 						NumTasksRunning --;
335 					}
336 				}
337 			}
338 			TotalPercent /= gNumProcessors;
339 				//Give up the CPU and check for cancels
340 			if (!lProgress->UpdateProgress(TotalPercent)) {	//User canceled so clean things up and abort
341 				for (i=0; i<gNumProcessors; i++) {
342 					if (TerminationQueues[i] != 0) {
343   						MPTerminateTask(TaskIDs[i], noErr);
344   							long temp;
345 						status = MPWaitOnQueue(TerminationQueues[i], 0, 0, (void **) &temp, kDurationForever);
346 						if (status == noErr) {
347 							status = MPDeleteQueue(TerminationQueues[i]);
348 							TerminationQueues[i] = 0;
349 							NumTasksRunning --;
350 						}
351 					}
352 				}
353 				FreeGrid();
354 			}
355 		}
356 		delete [] TerminationQueues;
357 		delete [] TaskIDs;
358 		delete [] DataPtrs;
359 		lProgress->ResetTimes();
360 	} else
361 #endif
362 #ifdef __wxBuild__
363 		if (wxThread::GetCPUCount() > 1) {
364 			int myCPUCount = wxThread::GetCPUCount();
365 			//Ok we have multiple CPUs so create a worker thread for each CPU and split up the grid calculation
366 			//not sure if this is needed. It appears the default is 1?
367 			//		wxThread::SetConcurrency(myCPUCount);
369 			MEP3DGridData * DataPtrs = new MEP3DGridData[myCPUCount];
370 			//Clear pointers in case allocation fails and I need to delete part of them
371 			int i;
372 			MEP3DThreadPtr * myThreads = new MEP3DThreadPtr[myCPUCount];
373 			long start=0;
374 			for (i=0; i<myCPUCount; i++) {
375 				DataPtrs[i].Surf = this;
376 				DataPtrs[i].xStart = start;
377 				start += NumXGridPoints/myCPUCount;
378 				if (i+1 == myCPUCount) start = NumXGridPoints;
379 				DataPtrs[i].xEnd = start;
380 				DataPtrs[i].lFrame = lFrame;
381 				DataPtrs[i].Basis = Basis;
382 				DataPtrs[i].TotalAODensity = TotalAODensity;
383 				DataPtrs[i].GHData = &GHData;
384 				DataPtrs[i].PercentDone = 0;
386 				//Create the actual thread
387 				myThreads[i] = new MEP3DThread(&(DataPtrs[i]));
388 				myThreads[i]->Create(128*1024);
389 				//and fire it off, note my class is always a joinable thread so we will wait on it eventually
390 				myThreads[i]->Run();
391 			}
393 			long NumTasksRunning=myCPUCount;
394 			long	TotalPercent;
395 			while (NumTasksRunning > 0) {
396 				TotalPercent = 0;
397 				for (i=0; i<myCPUCount; i++) {
398 					TotalPercent += DataPtrs[i].PercentDone;
399 					if (myThreads[i] != NULL) {
400 						if (! myThreads[i]->IsAlive()) {
401 							//The thread is terminating
402 							myThreads[i]->Wait();
403 							GridMax = MAX(GridMax, DataPtrs[i].GridMax);
404 							delete myThreads[i];
405 							myThreads[i] = NULL;
406 							NumTasksRunning --;
407 						}
408 					}
409 				}
410 				TotalPercent /= myCPUCount;
411 				//Give up the CPU and check for cancels
412 				if (!lProgress->UpdateProgress(TotalPercent)) {	//User canceled so clean things up and abort
413 					for (i=0; i<myCPUCount; i++) {
414 						if (myThreads[i] != NULL) {
415 							//The docs seem to indicate that Wait causes a thread to terminate,
416 							//however this does not seem to be true. Wait appears to have the
417 							//expected semantics that it blocks until the thread exits. Delete
418 							//appears to be what is needed.
419 							myThreads[i]->Delete();
420 							delete myThreads[i];
421 							myThreads[i] = NULL;
422 							NumTasksRunning --;
423 						}
424 					}
425 					GridMax = 1.0;
426 					FreeGrid();
427 				} else {
428 					wxMilliSleep(100);
429 				}
430 			}
432 			delete [] DataPtrs;
433 			delete [] myThreads;
434 		} else
435 #endif
436 		{
437 		long junk;	//just a placeholder when cooperative task
438 		GridMax = CalculateGrid(0,NumXGridPoints,lFrame,  Basis,
439 			TotalAODensity, &GHData, lProgress, &junk, false);
440 	}
441 		//Unlock the grid handle and return
442 	Origin *= kBohr2AngConversion;
443 	XGridInc *= kBohr2AngConversion;
444 	YGridInc *= kBohr2AngConversion;
445 	ZGridInc *= kBohr2AngConversion;
446 }
447 #ifdef __wxBuild__
448 typedef struct TED3DSurfGridData {
449 	Surf3DBase *	Surf;
450 	MoleculeData *			MolData;
451 	AODensity *				TotalDensity;
452 	long					xStart;
453 	long					xEnd;
454 	long					PercentDone;
455 	GaussHermiteData *		GHData;
456 	float *					grid;
457 	CPoint3D *				Contour;
458 } TED3DSurfGridData;
459 //derive a class from wxThread that we will use to create the child threads
460 class TEDMEP3DThread : public wxThread {
461 public:
462 	TEDMEP3DThread(TED3DSurfGridData * data);
463 	virtual void * Entry();
GetPercentDone(void) const465 	long GetPercentDone(void) const {return myData->PercentDone;};
467 	TED3DSurfGridData * myData;
468 };
TEDMEP3DThread(TED3DSurfGridData * data)469 TEDMEP3DThread::TEDMEP3DThread(TED3DSurfGridData * data) : wxThread(wxTHREAD_JOINABLE) {
470 	myData = data;
471 }
Entry()472 void * TEDMEP3DThread::Entry() {
473 	myData->Surf->CalculateSurfaceValuesGrid(myData->MolData, NULL, myData->TotalDensity,
474 											 myData->xStart, myData->xEnd, myData->GHData,
475 											 myData->grid, myData->Contour,
476 											 &(myData->PercentDone), true);
477 	myData->PercentDone = 100;
478 	return NULL;
479 }
480 typedef TEDMEP3DThread * TEDMEP3DThreadPtr;
482 #endif
CalculateSurfaceValues(MoleculeData * lData,Progress * lProgress)483 void Surf3DBase::CalculateSurfaceValues(MoleculeData *lData, Progress * lProgress) {
484 	GaussHermiteData	GHData;
486 	if (!ContourHndl) return;
487 	InitGaussHermite(&GHData);	//setup the Gauss-Hermite roots and weights data
489 	Frame *	lFrame = lData->GetCurrentFramePtr();
490 	BasisSet * Basis = lData->GetBasisSet();
491 	AODensity * TotalAODensity = lFrame->GetAODensity(Basis, OrbSet);
493 	if ((List && (ListAllocation != NumVertices))||!TotalAODensity)
494 		FreeList();
496 	if (!List) {
497 			//Attempt to allocate memory for the psuedo 2D grid
498 		AllocateList(NumVertices);
499 	}
500 		//If the memory allocation failed the MO calculation can not be done
501 	if (List == NULL) return;
502 		//If sufficient memory is available then setup pointers for fast local use
503 		float * lGrid;
504 		CPoint3D * Contour;
505 	lGrid = List;
506 	Contour = ContourHndl;
508 #ifdef __wxBuild__
509 	if (wxThread::GetCPUCount() > 1) {
510 		int myCPUCount = wxThread::GetCPUCount();
511 		//Ok we have multiple CPUs so create a worker thread for each CPU and split up the grid calculation
512 		//not sure if this is needed. It appears the default is 1?
513 		//		wxThread::SetConcurrency(myCPUCount);
515 		TED3DSurfGridData * DataPtrs = new TED3DSurfGridData[myCPUCount];
516 		int i;
517 		TEDMEP3DThreadPtr * myThreads = new TEDMEP3DThreadPtr[myCPUCount];
518 		long start=0;
519 		for (i=0; i<myCPUCount; i++) {
520 			DataPtrs[i].Surf = this;
521 			DataPtrs[i].MolData = lData;
522 			DataPtrs[i].TotalDensity = TotalAODensity;
523 			DataPtrs[i].xStart = start;
524 			start += NumVertices/myCPUCount;
525 			if (i+1 == myCPUCount) start = NumVertices;
526 			DataPtrs[i].xEnd = start;
527 			DataPtrs[i].GHData = &GHData;
528 			DataPtrs[i].grid = lGrid;
529 			DataPtrs[i].Contour = Contour;
530 			DataPtrs[i].PercentDone = 0;
532 			//Create the actual thread
533 			myThreads[i] = new TEDMEP3DThread(&(DataPtrs[i]));
534 			myThreads[i]->Create(128*1024);
535 			//and fire it off, note my class is always a joinable thread so we will wait on it eventually
536 			myThreads[i]->Run();
537 		}
539 		long NumTasksRunning=myCPUCount;
540 		long	TotalPercent;
541 		while (NumTasksRunning > 0) {
542 			TotalPercent = 0;
543 			for (i=0; i<myCPUCount; i++) {
544 				TotalPercent += DataPtrs[i].PercentDone;
545 				if (myThreads[i] != NULL) {
546 					if (! myThreads[i]->IsAlive()) {
547 						//The thread is terminating
548 						myThreads[i]->Wait();
549 						delete myThreads[i];
550 						myThreads[i] = NULL;
551 						NumTasksRunning --;
552 					}
553 				}
554 			}
555 			TotalPercent /= myCPUCount;
556 			//Give up the CPU and check for cancels
557 			if (!lProgress->UpdateProgress(TotalPercent)) {	//User canceled so clean things up and abort
558 				for (i=0; i<myCPUCount; i++) {
559 					if (myThreads[i] != NULL) {
560 						//The docs seem to indicate that Wait causes a thread to terminate,
561 						//however this does not seem to be true. Wait appears to have the
562 						//expected semantics that it blocks until the thread exits. Delete
563 						//appears to be what is needed.
564 						myThreads[i]->Delete();
565 						delete myThreads[i];
566 						myThreads[i] = NULL;
567 						NumTasksRunning --;
568 					}
569 				}
570 				FreeList();
571 			} else {
572 				wxMilliSleep(100);
573 			}
574 		}
576 		delete [] DataPtrs;
577 		delete[] myThreads;
578 	} else
579 #endif
580 	{
581 		long PercentDone;
582 		CalculateSurfaceValuesGrid(lData, lProgress, TotalAODensity, 0, NumVertices,
583 							   &GHData, lGrid, Contour, &PercentDone, false);
584 	}
585 }
CalculateSurfaceValuesGrid(MoleculeData * lData,Progress * lProgress,AODensity * TotalAODensity,long start,long end,GaussHermiteData * GHData,float * lGrid,CPoint3D * Contour,long * PercentDone,bool MPTask)586 void Surf3DBase::CalculateSurfaceValuesGrid(MoleculeData * lData, Progress * lProgress,
587 													AODensity * TotalAODensity, long start, long end,
588 													GaussHermiteData * GHData, float * lGrid,
589 													CPoint3D * Contour, long * PercentDone, bool MPTask) {
590 	Frame *	lFrame = lData->GetCurrentFramePtr();
591 	BasisSet * Basis = lData->GetBasisSet();
592 #ifdef __wxBuild__
593 	wxStopWatch timer;
594 	long CheckTime = timer.Time();
595 #endif
596 	//Store the Grid mins and incs at the beginning of the grid
597 	//loop over the plotting grid in the x, y, and z directions
598 	float XGridValue, YGridValue, ZGridValue, junk1, junk2;
599 	long backpoint = 0;
600 	for (long iPt=start; iPt<end; iPt++) {
601 		*PercentDone = 100*(iPt-start)/(end-start);
602 		if ((backpoint > 30)&&(lProgress != NULL)) {
603 			//Give up the CPU and check for cancels
604 			if (!lProgress->UpdateProgress(*PercentDone)) {	//User canceled so clean things up and abort
605 				FreeList();
606 				return;
607 			}
608 			backpoint = 0;
609 		}
611 		XGridValue = Contour[iPt].x*kAng2BohrConversion;	//Contour values must be converted to bohrs
612 		YGridValue = Contour[iPt].y*kAng2BohrConversion;
613 		ZGridValue = Contour[iPt].z*kAng2BohrConversion;
615 		lGrid[iPt] = lFrame->CalculateMEP(XGridValue, YGridValue, ZGridValue,
616 										  Basis, TotalAODensity, GHData, &junk1, &junk2);
617 		backpoint++;
618 #ifdef __wxBuild__
619 		if (MPTask) {
620 			long tempTime  = timer.Time();
621 			if ((tempTime - CheckTime) > 50) {
622 				CheckTime = tempTime;
623 				if ((wxThread::This())->TestDestroy()) {
624 					//Getting here means the caller has requested a cancel so exit
625 					return;
626 				}
627 			}
628 		}
629 #endif
630 	}
631 }
633 #define kMaxShellTypeCubed	((kMaxShellType+1)*(kMaxShellType+1)*(kMaxShellType+1))
634 #define kMaxAngFuncSquare	(28*28)		//Arrays dimensioned as the square of the max number of angular functions
635 										// 28 is for max of I functions
636 //Calculates the MEP value at the specified x,y,z coordinate
CalculateMEP(float X_value,float Y_value,float Z_value,BasisSet * Basis,AODensity * TotalAODensity,GaussHermiteData * GHData,float * ElectronicMEP,float * NuclearMEP)637 float Frame::CalculateMEP(float X_value, float Y_value, float Z_value,
638 		BasisSet *Basis, AODensity * TotalAODensity, GaussHermiteData * GHData,
639 		float * ElectronicMEP, float * NuclearMEP) {
640 	double	ElectronicPotential=0.0, NuclearPotential=0.0;	//results of the MEP calculation
641 	long	iatom, jatom, iprim, jprim, iroot, ijx[kMaxAngFuncSquare], ijy[kMaxAngFuncSquare], ijz[kMaxAngFuncSquare],
642 			iang, jang, jmax, ij,nn, mm, NumJPrims, JPrimMax, TotalIShells, TotalJShells,
643 			nx, ny, nz, in, jn, li, lj;
644 	double	xi, yi, zi, xj, yj, zj, r2, temp;
645 	double	xin[kMaxShellTypeCubed], yin[kMaxShellTypeCubed], zin[kMaxShellTypeCubed],
646 			wint[kMaxAngFuncSquare], dij[kMaxAngFuncSquare];
647 	Root	RysRoots;
648 	GaussHermiteIntegral	GHInt;
649 	AngularIndeces AngIndex;
650 	std::vector<BasisShell> & Shells = Basis->Shells;
651 	float * Density = TotalAODensity->GetDensityArray();
652 	long * DensityIndex = TotalAODensity->GetDensityIndex();
653 	short * DensityCheck = TotalAODensity->GetDensityCheck();
654 	std::vector<long> & NuclearCharge = Basis->NuclearCharge;
656 	double Pi212= 1.1283791670955;
658 	TotalIShells = -1;
659 	long CheckIndex = -1;
660 	for (iatom=0; iatom < NumAtoms; iatom++) {
661 		if (iatom > Basis->MapLength) continue;
662 		xi = Atoms[iatom].Position.x*kAng2BohrConversion;
663 		yi = Atoms[iatom].Position.y*kAng2BohrConversion;
664 		zi = Atoms[iatom].Position.z*kAng2BohrConversion;
665 		GHInt.xi = xi;
666 		GHInt.yi = yi;
667 		GHInt.zi = zi;
668 		for (long ishell=Basis->BasisMap[2*iatom]; ishell<=Basis->BasisMap[2*iatom+1]; ishell++) {
669 			TotalIShells ++;
670 			long Lishell = Shells[ishell].GetShellType();
671 			long NumIFuncs = Shells[ishell].GetNumFuncs(false);
672 			long IAngMin = Shells[ishell].GetAngularStart(false);
673 			long IAngMax = IAngMin + NumIFuncs;
674 			long iprimMax = Shells[ishell].GetNumPrimitives();
675 				//IAngMin is subtracted because it is added back later when the index is used
676 			long LocIindex = DensityIndex[TotalIShells] - IAngMin;
678 			TotalJShells = -1;
679 			for (jatom=0; jatom <= iatom; jatom++) {
680 				xj = Atoms[jatom].Position.x*kAng2BohrConversion;
681 				yj = Atoms[jatom].Position.y*kAng2BohrConversion;
682 				zj = Atoms[jatom].Position.z*kAng2BohrConversion;
683 				GHInt.xj = xj;
684 				GHInt.yj = yj;
685 				GHInt.zj = zj;
686 				r2 = (xi-xj)*(xi-xj) + (yi-yj)*(yi-yj) + (zi-zj)*(zi-zj);
687 				long jShellMax = Basis->BasisMap[2*jatom+1];
688 				if (iatom == jatom) jShellMax = ishell;
689 				for (long jshell=Basis->BasisMap[2*jatom]; jshell<=jShellMax; jshell++) {
690 					TotalJShells ++;
691 					bool IequalsJ = (iatom == jatom) && (ishell == jshell);
692 					long Ljshell = Shells[jshell].GetShellType();
693 					long NumJFuncs = Shells[jshell].GetNumFuncs(false);
694 					long JAngMin = Shells[jshell].GetAngularStart(false);
695 					long JAngMax = JAngMin + NumJFuncs;
696 						//JAngMin is subtracted because it is added back later when the index is used
697 					long LocJindex = DensityIndex[TotalJShells]-JAngMin;
698 		//Attempt to screen based on the density
699 					CheckIndex ++;
700 					if ( ! DensityCheck[CheckIndex]) continue;
702 					NumJPrims = JPrimMax = Shells[jshell].GetNumPrimitives();
704 					RysRoots.nRoots = (Lishell + Ljshell)/2 + 1;
706 					ij=0;
707 					jmax = JAngMax;
708 					for (iang=IAngMin; iang<IAngMax; iang++) {
709 						nx = (kMaxShellType+1)*AngIndex.x[iang];
710 						ny = (kMaxShellType+1)*AngIndex.y[iang];
711 						nz = (kMaxShellType+1)*AngIndex.z[iang];
713 						if (IequalsJ) jmax = iang+1;
714 						for (jang=JAngMin; jang<jmax; jang++) {
715 							ijx[ij] = nx + AngIndex.x[jang];
716 							ijy[ij] = ny + AngIndex.y[jang];
717 							ijz[ij] = nz + AngIndex.z[jang];
718 							ij++;
719 						}
720 					}
721 					for (iprim=0; iprim<kMaxAngFuncSquare; iprim++) wint[iprim]=0.0;
723 					for (iprim=0; iprim<iprimMax; iprim++) {
724 						float Ai = Shells[ishell].Exponent[iprim];
726 						if (IequalsJ) JPrimMax = iprim+1;
727 						for (jprim=0; jprim<JPrimMax; jprim++) {
728 							float Aj = Shells[jshell].Exponent[jprim];
730 							double AiAj = Ai + Aj;
731 							double OneDAiAj = 1.0/AiAj;
732 							double Fi = Pi212 * OneDAiAj;
734 							double AAx = (Ai*xi + Aj*xj);
735 							double AAy = (Ai*yi + Aj*yj);
736 							double AAz = (Ai*zi + Aj*zj);
738 							double Ax = AAx*OneDAiAj;
739 							double Ay = AAy*OneDAiAj;
740 							double Az = AAz*OneDAiAj;
742 							temp = Ai*Aj*r2*OneDAiAj;
743 								//skip products with exponentials smaller than exp^-46 (GAMESS default)
744 							if (temp > 46.0) continue;
745 							double ExpFactor = Fi*exp(-temp);
746 							bool Double = IequalsJ && (iprim != jprim);
747 							nn=0;
748 							jmax = JAngMax;
749 							double DensityFactorI, DensityFactorJ;
750 									//Compute the primitive coefficient factors
751 							for (iang=IAngMin; iang<IAngMax; iang++) {
752 								if (IAngMin == iang)
753 									DensityFactorI = ExpFactor * Shells[ishell].NormCoef[iprim];
754 								else if ((iang == 1) && (NumIFuncs == 4))
755 									DensityFactorI = ExpFactor * Shells[ishell].NormCoef[iprim+iprimMax];
756 	//Angular normalization factors are applied already in the AO density
757 								if (IequalsJ) jmax = iang+1;
758 								for (jang=JAngMin; jang<jmax; jang++) {
759 									if (JAngMin == jang) {
760 										DensityFactorJ = DensityFactorI * Shells[jshell].NormCoef[jprim];
761 										if (Double) {
762 											if (jang != 0 || iang == 0) DensityFactorJ += DensityFactorJ;
763 											else DensityFactorJ += Shells[ishell].NormCoef[iprim]*
764 												Shells[jshell].NormCoef[jprim+NumJPrims]*ExpFactor;
765 										}
766 									} else if ((jang == 1) && (NumJFuncs == 4)) {
767 										DensityFactorJ = DensityFactorI * Shells[jshell].NormCoef[jprim+NumJPrims];
768 										if (Double) DensityFactorJ += DensityFactorJ;
769 									}
771 									dij[nn] = DensityFactorJ;
772 									nn++;
773 								}
774 							}
776 							RysRoots.x = AiAj *((Ax-X_value)*(Ax-X_value) + (Ay-Y_value)*(Ay-Y_value) + (Az-Z_value)*(Az-Z_value));
777 							if (RysRoots.nRoots <= 3) Root123(&RysRoots);
778 							else if (RysRoots.nRoots == 4) Root4(&RysRoots);
779 							else if (RysRoots.nRoots == 5) Root5(&RysRoots);
780 							else Root6(&RysRoots);
782 							mm=0;
783 							for (iroot=0; iroot<RysRoots.nRoots; iroot++) {
784 								double UU = AiAj*RysRoots.root[iroot];
785 								double WW = RysRoots.weight[iroot];
786 								double tt = 1.0/(AiAj+UU);
788 								GHInt.T = sqrt(tt);
789 								GHInt.x0 = (AAx + UU*X_value)*tt;
790 								GHInt.y0 = (AAy + UU*Y_value)*tt;
791 								GHInt.z0 = (AAz + UU*Z_value)*tt;
793 								in = mm;
794 								for (iang=0; iang<=Lishell; iang++) {
795 									GHInt.NumI = iang;
796 									for (jang=0; jang<=Ljshell; jang++) {
797 										jn = in+jang;
798 										GHInt.NumJ = jang;
799 										DoGaussHermite(GHData, &GHInt);
801 										xin[jn] = GHInt.xIntegral;
802 										yin[jn] = GHInt.yIntegral;
803 										zin[jn] = GHInt.zIntegral * WW;
804 									}
805 									in += (kMaxShellType+1);
806 								}
807 								mm += ((kMaxShellType+1)*(kMaxShellType+1));
808 							}	//Loop over orbital products
809 							for (iang=0; iang<ij; iang++) {
810 								nx = ijx[iang];
811 								ny = ijy[iang];
812 								nz = ijz[iang];
813 								double sum = 0.0;
814 								mm = 0;
815 								for (iroot=0; iroot<RysRoots.nRoots; iroot++) {
816 									sum += xin[nx+mm] * yin[ny+mm] * zin[nz+mm];
817 									mm += ((kMaxShellType+1)*(kMaxShellType+1));
818 								}
819 								wint[iang] += sum*dij[iang];
820 							}
821 						}
822 					}	//End of primitive loops
823 					long index = 0;
824 					double dw;
825 					jmax = JAngMax;
826 					temp = 0.0;
827 					for (iang=IAngMin; iang<IAngMax; iang++) {
828 						li = LocIindex + iang;
829 						in = li*(li+1)/2;
830 						if (IequalsJ) jmax = iang+1;
831 						for (jang=JAngMin; jang<jmax; jang++) {
832 							lj = LocJindex + jang;
833 							dw = Density[lj + in]*wint[index];
834 							if (li != lj) dw += dw;
835 							temp += dw;
836 							index ++;
837 						}
838 					}
839 					ElectronicPotential -= temp;
840 				}
841 			}
842 		}	//now for the nuclear contribution
843 		xi -= X_value;
844 		yi -= Y_value;
845 		zi -= Z_value;
846 		r2 = sqrt(xi*xi + yi*yi + zi*zi);
847 		if (r2 > 0.001) NuclearPotential += NuclearCharge[iatom] / r2;
848 	}
849 	*ElectronicMEP = ElectronicPotential;
850 	*NuclearMEP = NuclearPotential;
851 	return (ElectronicPotential + NuclearPotential);
852 }
AODensity(void)853 AODensity::AODensity(void) {
854 	DensityArray = NULL;
855 	IndexArray = NULL;
856 	DensityCheckArray=NULL;
857 	Dimension = 0;
858 }
~AODensity(void)859 AODensity::~AODensity(void) {
860 	if (DensityArray) delete[] DensityArray;
861 	if (IndexArray) delete[] IndexArray;
862 	if (DensityCheckArray) delete[] DensityCheckArray;
863 }
SetupMemory(long NumBasisFunctions)864 void AODensity::SetupMemory(long NumBasisFunctions) {
865 	if (DensityArray) {delete[] DensityArray; DensityArray = NULL;}
866 	if (IndexArray) {delete[] IndexArray; IndexArray = NULL;}
867 	if (DensityCheckArray) {delete[] DensityCheckArray; DensityCheckArray=NULL;}
868 	if (NumBasisFunctions > 0) {
869 		DensityArray = new float[(NumBasisFunctions*(NumBasisFunctions+1))/2];
870 		IndexArray = new long[NumBasisFunctions];
871 		DensityCheckArray = new short[(NumBasisFunctions*(NumBasisFunctions+1))/2];
872 		if (!DensityArray || !IndexArray || !DensityCheckArray) throw MemoryError();
873 		Dimension = NumBasisFunctions;
874 	}
875 }
GetAODensity(BasisSet * lBasis,long NumAtoms)876 AODensity * OrbitalRec::GetAODensity(BasisSet * lBasis, long NumAtoms) {
877 	if (!TotalAODensity) {
878 		long NumBasisFunctions = lBasis->GetNumBasisFuncs(false);
879 		TotalAODensity = new AODensity;
880 		if (TotalAODensity) {
881 			TotalAODensity->SetupMemory(NumBasisFunctions);
882 			GetAODensityMatrix(TotalAODensity->GetDensityArray(), NumOccupiedAlphaOrbs,
883 				NumOccupiedBetaOrbs, NumBasisFunctions);
884 			lBasis->GetShellIndexArray(TotalAODensity->GetDensityIndex());
886 			std::vector<BasisShell> & Shells = lBasis->Shells;
887 			float * Density = TotalAODensity->GetDensityArray();
888 			long * DensityIndex = TotalAODensity->GetDensityIndex();
889 			short * DensityCheck = TotalAODensity->GetDensityCheck();
890 			long iatom, jatom, TotalJShells, iang, jang, li, in, lj, jmax;
891 			double	DensityFactorI, DensityFactorJ;
892 			long CheckIndex=0;
893 			long TotalIShells = -1;
894 			double sqrt3 = sqrt(3.0);
895 			double onedsqrt3 = 1/sqrt3;
896 			double sqrt5 = sqrt(5.0);
897 			double sqrt7 = sqrt(7.0);
898 			double sqrt11 = sqrt(11.0);
899 			for (iatom=0; iatom < NumAtoms; iatom++) {
900 				if (iatom > lBasis->MapLength) continue;
901 				for (long ishell=lBasis->BasisMap[2*iatom]; ishell<=lBasis->BasisMap[2*iatom+1]; ishell++) {
902 					TotalIShells ++;
903 	//				long Lishell = Shells[ishell].GetShellType();
904 					long NumIFuncs = Shells[ishell].GetNumFuncs(false);
905 					long IAngMin = Shells[ishell].GetAngularStart(false);
906 					long IAngMax = IAngMin + NumIFuncs;
907 						//IAngMin is subtracted because it is added back later when the index is used
908 					long LocIindex = DensityIndex[TotalIShells] - IAngMin;
910 					TotalJShells = -1;
911 					for (jatom=0; jatom <= iatom; jatom++) {
912 						long jShellMax = lBasis->BasisMap[2*jatom+1];
913 						if (iatom == jatom) jShellMax = ishell;
914 						for (long jshell=lBasis->BasisMap[2*jatom]; jshell<=jShellMax; jshell++) {
915 							TotalJShells ++;
916 							bool IequalsJ = (iatom == jatom) && (ishell == jshell);
917 	//						long Ljshell = Shells[jshell].GetShellType();
918 							long NumJFuncs = Shells[jshell].GetNumFuncs(false);
919 							long JAngMin = Shells[jshell].GetAngularStart(false);
920 							long JAngMax = JAngMin + NumJFuncs;
921 								//JAngMin is subtracted because it is added back later when the index is used
922 							long LocJindex = DensityIndex[TotalJShells]-JAngMin;
923 				//Attempt to screen based on the density
924 							short	NonZeroShells=0;
925 							jmax = JAngMax;
926 							for (iang=IAngMin; iang<IAngMax; iang++) {
927 								if (IAngMin == iang)
928 									DensityFactorI = 1.0;
929 								if (iang >= (IAngMin+3)) {
930 									switch (iang) {	//properly normalize d, f, and g's
931 										case 7:
932 										case 19:
933 										case 32:
934 										case 50:	//H shell func 15 - x3yz
935 										case 65:	//I shell func 10 - x4y2
936 										case 71:	//I shell func 16 - x4yz
937 											DensityFactorI *= sqrt3;
938 										break;
939 										case 13:
940 										case 77:	//I shell func 22 - x3y2z
941 											DensityFactorI *= sqrt5;
942 										break;
943 										case 23:
944 											DensityFactorI *= sqrt7;
945 										break;
946 										case 29:
947 										case 53:	//H shell func 18 - x2y2z
948 										case 83:	//I shell func 27 - x2y2z2
949 											DensityFactorI *= sqrt5*onedsqrt3;
950 										break;
951 										case 38:
952 											DensityFactorI *= 3.0;	//sqrt(9) - H shell func 4, x4y
953 											break;
954 										case 44:
955 											DensityFactorI *= sqrt7*onedsqrt3; //H shell 10, x3y2
956 											break;
957 										case 59:	//I shell func 4 - x5y
958 											DensityFactorI *= sqrt11;
959 											break;
960 										case 74:	//I shell func 18 - x3y3
961 											DensityFactorI *= sqrt7/(sqrt3*sqrt5);
962 											break;
963 									}
964 								}
965 								li = LocIindex + iang;
966 								in = li*(li+1)/2;
967 								if (IequalsJ) jmax = iang+1;
968 								for (jang=JAngMin; jang<jmax; jang++) {
969 									lj = LocJindex + jang;
970 									if (JAngMin == jang)
971 										DensityFactorJ = DensityFactorI;
972 									if (jang >= (JAngMin+3)) {
973 										switch (jang) {	//properly normalize d, f, and g's
974 											case 7:
975 											case 19:
976 											case 32:
977 											case 50:	//H shell func 15 - x3yz
978 											case 65:	//I shell func 10 - x4y2
979 											case 71:	//I shell func 16 - x4yz
980 												DensityFactorJ *= sqrt3;
981 											break;
982 											case 13:
983 											case 77:	//I shell func 22 - x3y2z
984 												DensityFactorJ *= sqrt5;
985 											break;
986 											case 23:
987 												DensityFactorJ *= sqrt7;
988 											break;
989 											case 29:
990 											case 53:	//H shell func 18 - x2y2z
991 											case 83:	//I shell func 27 - x2y2z2
992 												DensityFactorJ *= sqrt5*onedsqrt3;
993 											break;
994 											case 38:
995 												DensityFactorJ *= 3.0;	//sqrt(9) - H shell func 4, x4y
996 												break;
997 											case 44:
998 												DensityFactorJ *= sqrt7*onedsqrt3; //H shell 10, x3y2
999 												break;
1000 											case 59:	//I shell func 4 - x5y
1001 												DensityFactorJ *= sqrt11;
1002 												break;
1003 											case 74:	//I shell func 18 - x3y3
1004 												DensityFactorJ *= sqrt7/(sqrt3*sqrt5);
1005 												break;
1006 										}
1007 									}
1008 									Density[lj+in] *= DensityFactorJ;
1009 									if (fabs(Density[lj+in]) > 0.0001) NonZeroShells++;
1010 								}
1011 							}
1012 							DensityCheck[CheckIndex] = NonZeroShells;
1013 							CheckIndex++;
1014 						}
1015 					}
1016 				}
1017 			}
1019 		}
1020 		if (!TotalAODensity) throw MemoryError();
1021 	}
1022 	return TotalAODensity;
1023 }
GetAODensityMatrix(float * AODensityArray,long NumOccAlpha,long NumOccBeta,long NumBasisFuncs) const1025 void OrbitalRec::GetAODensityMatrix(float * AODensityArray, long NumOccAlpha, long NumOccBeta,
1026 		long NumBasisFuncs) const {
1027 	long	n, i, j, m;
1029 	if (!AODensityArray) throw MemoryError();	//Memory must be allocated by the caller
1030 	float	*OccupancyA=NULL, *OccupancyB=NULL;
1031 	bool OccMemIsLocal = false;
1032 	OccupancyA = OrbOccupation;
1033 	OccupancyB = OrbOccupationB;
1034 	if (!OrbOccupation) {
1035 		if (BaseWavefunction == RHF) {
1036 			OccupancyA = new float[NumOccAlpha];
1037 			if (OccupancyA) for (i=0; i<NumOccAlpha; i++) OccupancyA[i]=2.0;
1038 			OccMemIsLocal = true;
1039 		} else if (BaseWavefunction == ROHF) {
1040 			OccupancyA = new float[NumOccAlpha];
1041 			if (OccupancyA) for (i=0; i<NumOccAlpha; i++) {
1042 				if (i<NumOccBeta) OccupancyA[i]=2.0;
1043 				else OccupancyA[i]=1.0;
1044 			}
1045 			OccMemIsLocal = true;
1046 		} else if ((BaseWavefunction == UHF)&&(OrbitalType != NaturalOrbital)) {
1047 			OccupancyA = new float[NumOccAlpha];
1048 			if (OccupancyA) for (i=0; i<NumOccAlpha; i++) OccupancyA[i]=1.0;
1049 			OccupancyB = new float[NumOccBeta];
1050 			if (OccupancyB) for (i=0; i<NumOccBeta; i++) OccupancyB[i]=1.0;
1051 			OccMemIsLocal = true;
1052 		}
1053 	}
1054 	if (!OccupancyA) throw MemoryError();
1055 		//clear the AO density array
1056 	n=0;
1057 	for (i=0; i<NumBasisFuncs; i++) {
1058 		for (j=0; j<=i; j++) {
1059 			AODensityArray[n]=0.0;
1060 			n++;
1061 		}
1062 	}
1064 	for (m=0; m<NumOccAlpha; m++) {
1065 		n=0;
1066 		for (i=0; i<NumBasisFuncs; i++) {
1067 			for (j=0; j<=i; j++) {
1068 				AODensityArray[n] += Vectors[i+m*NumBasisFuncs]*OccupancyA[m]*Vectors[j+m*NumBasisFuncs];
1069 				n++;
1070 			}
1071 		}
1072 	}
1073 	if (((BaseWavefunction == UHF)&&(OrbitalType != NaturalOrbital))||OccupancyB) {
1074 		if (!OccupancyB) throw MemoryError();
1075 		for (m=0; m<NumOccBeta; m++) {
1076 			n=0;
1077 			for (i=0; i<NumBasisFuncs; i++) {
1078 				for (j=0; j<=i; j++) {
1079 					AODensityArray[n] += VectorsB[i+m*NumBasisFuncs]*OccupancyB[m]*VectorsB[j+m*NumBasisFuncs];
1080 					n++;
1081 				}
1082 			}
1083 		}
1084 	}
1085 		//delete memory if it was allocated above
1086 	if (OccMemIsLocal)
1087 		delete[] OccupancyA;
1088 	if (OccMemIsLocal && OccupancyB) delete[] OccupancyB;
1089 }