1! This file is part of xtb.
3! Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Stefan Grimme
5! xtb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
6! the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
7! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8! (at your option) any later version.
10! xtb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13! GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
15! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public Licen
16! along with xtb.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19!  .....................................................................
21!   Calculates the pointgroup, the nuclear exchange table and the
22!   transfomation matrices
24!  .....................................................................
26Subroutine symtrans(sflies,thrsym,xyz,natoms,ict,trans,ntrans)
27   use xtb_mctc_accuracy, only : wp
29   !  .....................................................................
30   !
31   !   Input
32   !   -----
33   !
34   !    xyz     : cartesian coordinates of the atoms
35   !
36   !    natoms  : number of the atoms
37   !
38   !    thrsym  : threshhold
39   !
40   !
41   !   Output
42   !   ------
43   !
44   !    sflies  : Schoenflies symbol
45   !
46   !    ict     : nuclear exchange table
47   !
48   !    ntrans  : number of transformations
49   !
50   !    trans   : transformation matrices
51   !
52   !  .....................................................................
54   implicit none
56   integer ndi14
57   parameter (ndi14=120)
59   logical show
61   character sflies*(*),csf*1,cla*1
63   integer natoms,nn,nprisy,iback,ngen,ntrans,mi(ndi14),&
64      &            mj(ndi14),natomsred,nhessred,&
65      &            invt(ndi14),ict(natoms,ndi14),ierr,i,j,k,l,&
66      &            jkseq(2,natoms),ictnr(natoms,ndi14),ictt,&
67      &            lieff(natoms)
69   real(wp) xyz(3,natoms),gen(9,3),trans(9,ndi14),thrsym
72   nprisy=-1
73   show=.false.
74   !sg
75   ict = 0
77   ! ... Decompose input Schoenflies symbol
78   call grpsmb(sflies,csf,cla,nn,nprisy)
80   ! ... Check validity of Schoenflies symbol
81   if (.not.(csf.eq.'s'.and.cla.eq.' '&
82      &     .or. csf.eq.'c'.and.(cla.eq.'h'.or.cla.eq.'v'.or.cla.eq.' ')&
83      &     .or. csf.eq.'d'.and.(cla.eq.'h'.or.cla.eq.'d'.or.cla.eq.' ')&
84      &     .or. csf.eq.'t'.and.(cla.eq.'h'.or.cla.eq.'d'.or.cla.eq.' ')&
85      &     .or. csf.eq.'o'.and.(cla.eq.'h'.or.cla.eq.' ')&
86      &     .or. csf.eq.'i'.and.(cla.eq.'h'.or.cla.eq.' '))) then
87      !        write (*,'(a)') '<symmetry> INVALID SCHOENFLIES SYMBOL ! '
88      !        write (*,*) '*',sflies,'*',csf,cla,nn
89      call flush(6)
90      !        error STOP
91   end if
93   ! ... Form generators of group corresponding to Schoenflies symbol
94   call getgen(csf,nn,cla,gen,ngen,iback,nprisy)
95   if(iback.ne.0) then
96      write (*,'(a)') '<symmetry> : Error in getgen'
97      call flush(6)
98      error STOP
99   end if
101   ! ... Generate transformation matrices 'trans' of the symmetry group
102   ! ... Find inverse group operations 'invt' and memorize group
103   ! ... generation path 'mi','mj' for subsequent construction
104   ! ... of representations
105   call group(gen,ngen,trans,ntrans,ndi14,thrsym,invt,mi,mj,iback,&
106      &           nprisy)
108   ! ...
109   ! ... determines the nuclear exchange group
110   ! ... ict(i,ig) is the nucleus obtained on nucleus i
111   ! ... by means of the ig's symmetry operation
112   ! ... symmetries specified as 3*3 matrices on array trans
113   ! ... ntrans = group order
114   ! ... natoms = number of atoms
115   ! ... xyz = nuclear coordinates
116   ! ...
117   call nucex(ict,natoms,trans,ntrans,thrsym,xyz,natoms,ierr,show)
119   ! ... delete symmetry redundant atoms in ict
120   ictnr=ict
121   do i=1,natoms
122      do k=2,ntrans
123         ictt=ict(i,k)
124         do l=1,(k-1)
125            if (ictt.eq.ict(i,l)) ictnr(i,k)=0
126         end do
127      end do
128   end do
130   ! ... get list of sym.equivalent atoms jkseq(.,i), i=1,natoms
131   do i=1,natoms
132      jkseq(1,i)=0
133      jkseq(2,i)=0
134      do j=1,(i-1)
135         do k=2,ntrans
136            if (i.eq.ict(j,k).and.jkseq(1,i).eq.0) then
137               jkseq(1,i)=j
138               jkseq(2,i)=k
139               exit
140            end if
141         end do
142      end do
143   end do
144   natomsred=0
145   do i=1,natoms
146      if (jkseq(1,i).eq.0) then
147         natomsred=natomsred+1
148         lieff(natomsred)=i
149      end if
150   end do
151   nhessred=3*natomsred
152   !c    write (*,*) 'natomsred=',natomsred
153   !c    write (*,*) 'lieff(.)=',(lieff(i),i=1,natomsred)
155   !c    write(*,*) 'sflies',sflies,'/'
156   !c    write(*,*) 'ict ntrans=',ntrans
157   !c    do i=1,natoms
158   !c      write(*,*)(ict(i,j),j=1,ntrans)
159   !c    end do
160   !c    write(*,*) 'trans'
161   !c    do j=1,ntrans
162   !c      write(*,'(9f7.4)')(trans(i,j),i=1,9)
163   !c    end do
164   !c    write(*,*) 'ictnr',ntrans
165   !c    do i=1,natoms
166   !c      write(*,*)(ictnr(i,j),j=1,ntrans)
167   !c    end do
168   !c    write(*,*) 'jkseq'
169   !c    do i=1,natoms
170   !c      write(*,*)(jkseq(j,i),j=1,2)
171   !c    end do
173End subroutine
176! RCS cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
177! $Id: grpsmb.f,v 1.21998/11/0315:21:49 klaus Exp $
178! $Log: grpsmb.f,v $
179! Revision 1.2  1998/11/0315:21:49  klaus
180! change getcor into allocate (F90)
182! Revision 1.1  1992/09/1013:41:20  tomjones
183! Initial revision
185! RCS cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
187      subroutine grpsmb(sflies,csf,cla,nn,nprisy)
188         use xtb_mctc_accuracy, only : wp
189      implicit real(wp)(a-h,o-z)
190      character csf,cla,zn(0:9),sflies*4
191      data zn /'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'/
193      nn=0
194!     nn is the symmetry number of the z-axis
195      csf=sflies(1:1)
196      do i=1,9
197         if (sflies(2:2).eq.zn(i)) nn=i
198      end do
199      if (nn.eq.0) then
200         cla=sflies(2:2)
201!        if (nprisy.ge.-1) write (6,'(/,
202!    1      '' symmetry group of the molecule :   '',2a1)') csf,cla
203         if (csf.eq.'c'.and.(cla.eq.'s'.or.(nn.eq.0.and.cla.eq.'h')))&
204     &   then
205            nn=1
206            cla='h'
207         elseif (csf.eq.'c' .and. cla.eq.'i') then
208            nn=2
209            cla=' '
210            csf='s'
211         endif
212      else
213         np=-1
214         do i=0,9
215            if (sflies(3:3).eq.zn(i)) np=i
216         end do
217         if (np.ge.0) then
218            nn=10*nn+np
219            cla=sflies(4:4)
220!           if (nprisy.ge.-1)
221!    1        write (6,'(/,'' symmetry group of the molecule :   '',
222!    2           a1,i2,a1)') csf,nn,cla
223         else
224            cla=sflies(3:3)
225!           if (nprisy.ge.-1)
226!    1        write (6,'(/,'' symmetry group of the molecule :   '',
227!    2           a1,i1,a1)') csf,nn,cla
228         endif
229      endif
230      return
231      end subroutine
232! RCS cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
233! $Id: group.f,v 1.31998/11/0315:21:36 klaus Exp $
234! $Log: group.f,v $
235! Revision 1.3  1998/11/0315:21:36  klaus
236! change getcor into allocate (F90)
238! Revision 1.2  1997/10/0113:07:02  marcok
239! The hp780 ld complained about not initialized variables. Done now.
241! Revision 1.1  1992/09/1013:41:12  tomjones
242! Initial revision
244! RCS cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
246subroutine group(gen,ngen,u,nt,max14,thrsym,inv,ipath,jpath,ierr,&
247      &                 nprisy)
248   use xtb_mctc_accuracy, only : wp
249   implicit real(wp)(a-h,o-z)
250   dimension u(9,max14),gen(9,ngen),inv(max14),scr(9)
251   dimension ipath(max14),jpath(max14)
252   !      generates 3x3 matrices forming group
253   !      from ngen generators on gen
254   !      output:
255   !      u = 3x3 matrices
256   !      nt = number of symmetry operations
257   !      max14 = maximum order of group
258   !      inv  containes index of invers operation
259   it=0
260   a0=0
261   a1=1
262   ierr=0
263   !      set neutral element
264   !      (every point group has the neutral element as first operation)
265   nt = 1
266   do i=1,9
267      u(i,nt) = a0
268   end do
269   u(1,nt) = a1
270   u(5,nt) = a1
271   u(9,nt) = a1
272   ipath(1)=0
273   jpath(1)=0
274   if (ngen.eq.0) goto 700
275   do 500 igen=1,ngen
276      !         loop over generators
277      ncoset = 1
278      nto = nt
279      do i=1,9
280         scr(i) = gen(i,igen)
281      end do
282      !        check if generator is already contained in (sub)group
283      !        of order nto :
284      do j=1,nt
285         if(dif(u(1,j),scr(1),9).lt.thrsym) go to 500
286      end do
287      ipath(nt+1)=-igen
288      jpath(nt+1)=0
289      !        for new group element form coset  :
290  245 do 250 it=1,nto
291         nt = nt + 1
292         if (nt.gt.max14) goto 900
293         if (it.eq.1) goto 250
294         ipath(nt)=nto*ncoset+1
295         jpath(nt)=it
296  250 call mult3 (u(1,nto*ncoset+it),scr,u(1,it),3)
297      ncoset = ncoset + 1
298      !        check : do subgroup plus cosets form a group ?
299      do 330 it = 1,nt
300         do 320 jcoset = 1,ncoset-1
301            call mult3 (scr,u(1,it),u(1,1+nto*jcoset),3)
302            do kt = 1,nt
303               if (dif(u(1,kt),scr(1),9).lt.thrsym) goto 320
304            end do
305            !              new symmetry operation found
306            ipath(nt+1)=it
307            jpath(nt+1)=1+nto*jcoset
308            goto 245
309         320 continue
310      330 continue
311      !        cosets now form group - take next generator
312   500 continue
313   if (nprisy.ge.2) then
314      write(6,'(/,i5,a)') nt,' symmetry operations found :'
315   elseif (nprisy.ge.0) then
316      write(6,'(/,i5,a)') nt,' symmetry operations found'
317   endif
318   !
319   !     find inverse operators
320   inv(1) = 1
321   if (nt.eq.1) goto 700
322   do 660 i=2,nt
323      inv(i) = 0
324      do 640 j=2,nt
325         call mult3 (scr,u(1,i),u(1,j),3)
326         s = dif (scr,u(1,1),9)
327         if (s.gt.thrsym) go to 640
328         inv(i) = j
329         go to 660
330      640 continue
331      go to 950
332   660 continue
333   700 continue
334   !
335   if (nprisy.ge.2) then
336      write(6,750)
337      750    format(/,10x,'xx',6x,'yx',6x,'zx',6x,'xy',6x,'yy',6x,&
338         &          'zy',6x,'xz',6x,'yz',6x,'zz')
339      do 5 it=1,nt
340      5 write(6,'(i4,1x,9f8.4)') it,(u(i,it),i=1,9)
341      write(6,*)
342      write(6,'(/,'' group element generation record'',&
343         &          '' (negative numbers correspond to generators) :'')')
344      write (6,'(6(2x,i3,''='',i3,''*'',i3))')&
345         &            (it,ipath(it),jpath(it),it=1,nt)
346   end if
347   !
348   return
349   !
350   900 write(6,'(a,i4)') ' size of group larger than parameter ndi14 =',&
351      &                  max14
352   ierr=1
353   return
354   !
355   950 write(6,*) ' inversion problem '
356   ierr=1
357   return
358end subroutine
359! RCS cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
360! $Id: nucex.f,v 1.42000/10/2013:51:18 haettig Exp $
361! $Log: nucex.f,v $
362! Revision 1.4  2000/10/2013:51:18  haettig
363! replaced fortran STOPs by call to quit routine.
365! Revision 1.3  1998/11/0315:22:26  klaus
366! change getcor into allocate (F90)
368! Revision 1.2  1995/04/0517:14:37  holger
369! Source formatting.
371! Revision 1.1  1992/09/10  13:42:02  tomjones
372! Initial revision
373! RCS cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
374subroutine nucex(ict,max10,trans,ntrans,thrsym,xyz,natoms,&
375     &                 ierr,show)
376         use xtb_mctc_accuracy, only : wp
378!     determines the nuclear exchange group
379!     ict(i,ig) is the nucleus obtained on nucleus i
380!     by means of the ig's symmetry operation
381!     symmetries specified as 3*3 matrices on array trans
382!     ntrans = group order
383!     natoms = number of atoms
384!     xyz = nuclear coordinates
386      implicit real(wp)(a-h,o-z)
387      dimension ict(max10,ntrans),trans(9,ntrans),scr(3),xyz(3,natoms)
388      logical show
390!     set neutral operation
392      ierr=0
393      imotz=ierr
394!sg   ierr=0
395      do 120 ic=1,natoms
396         ict(ic,1) = ic
397 120  continue
398      if (ntrans.eq.1) goto 400
399      do 300 ic=1,natoms
400         do 250 it=2,ntrans
401            ict(ic,it) = 0
402            call mult3 (scr,trans(1,it),xyz(1,ic),1)
403            do 200 jc=1,natoms
404               if (dif(scr,xyz(1,jc),3).gt.thrsym) goto 200
405               ict(ic,it) = jc
406               goto 250
407 200        continue
408            goto 500
409 250     continue
410 300  continue
411 400  continue
413!     open(unit=66,file='trans',form='unformatted')
414!     write(66)ntrans
415!     do it=1,ntrans
416!        write(66) (trans(k,it),k=1,9)
417!     enddo
418!     do iatom=1,natoms
419!        write(66) (ict(iatom,it),it=1,ntrans)
420!     enddo
421!     close(66)
423      if (show) then
424         write(6,'(/,10x,a,/)') 'nuclear exchange table :'
425         write(6,'(1x,a2,2x,24i3)') 'it',(it,it=1,ntrans)
426         write(6,*)
427         do 30 iatom=1,natoms
428            write(6,'(5x,24i3)') (ict(iatom,it),it=1,ntrans)
429 30      continue
430      endif
431      return
432 500  ierr=1
433      if (imotz.eq.-1) return
434      write(6,*) ' error in nuclear exchange group determination'
435      write(6,*) ' coordinates '
436      do 600 ic=1,natoms
437         write(6,'(1x,i5,5x,3f14.8)') ic,(xyz(k,ic),k=1,3)
438 600  continue
439      write(6,*) ' transformation matrices '
440      do 700 it=1,ntrans
441         write(6,'(1x,i5)') it
442         write(6,'(1x,9f8.4)') (trans(k,it),k=1,9)
443 700  continue
444      error STOP 'fatal error in nucex.'
445      end subroutine
446! RCS cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
447! $Id: getgen.f,v 1.11992/09/1013:40:37 tomjones Exp $
448! $Log: getgen.f,v $
449! Revision 1.1  1992/09/1013:40:37  tomjones
450! Initial revision
452! RCS cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
454      subroutine getgen (csf,nn,cla,gen,ngen,ierr,nprisy)
455         use xtb_mctc_accuracy, only : wp
456      implicit real(wp)(a-h,o-y)
457      implicit character (z)
458      dimension gen(9,3),unit(9)
459      character csf,cla
460      data zc,zd,zs,zt,zo,zi,zv,zh/'c','d','s','t','o','i','v','h'/
461      a0=0
462      a1=1
463      a2=2
464      a3=3
465      a4=4
466      a5=5
467      ierr=0
468      pi=a4*atan(a1)
469      twopi=pi+pi
470!       generate unit matrix
471      do 10 i=2,8
472  10  unit(i) = a0
473      unit(1) = a1
474      unit(5) = a1
475      unit(9) = a1
476      ngen=0
477!     write(6,*) ' this program sets generators for point groups'
478!     write(6,*) ' specified by schoenflies symbols, e.g. d2d'
479!     write(6,*) ' please use s1 for cs  and s2 for ci'
480!     write(6,*) ' main axis is always the  z - axis'
481!     write(6,*) ' secondary axis is always x, e.g. for d3'
482!     write(6,*) ' sigma(v) plane is always xz, e.g. for c3v'
483!     write(6,*) ' input  schoenflies symbol: c2v  or td etc'
484      if (nprisy.ge.0) write(6,20)
485   20 format(/,' the group has the following generators :')
486!     note that in ih the mirror plane is perpendicular to the c2-axis
487!     but not to the c5- or c3-axis
488      if (csf.eq.zi.and.cla.eq.zh) cla=zv
490!       set generators for input group
492!       cn(z)
494      n=0
495      if (nn.gt.0.and.(csf.eq.zc.or.csf.eq.zd).and.cla.ne.zd) n=nn
496      if (csf.eq.zt.and.cla.ne.zd) n=2
497      if (csf.eq.zo) n=4
498      if(csf.eq.zi) n=5
499      if (n.le.0) go to 250
500      if (n.le.9 .and. nprisy.ge.0) write(6,30) n
501      if (n.gt.9 .and. nprisy.ge.0) write(6,31) n
502   30 format(3x,'c',i1,'(z)')
503   31 format(3x,'c',i2,'(z)')
504      ngen = ngen +1
505      if (ngen.gt.3) go to 1000
506      do 200 i=1,9
507  200 gen(i,ngen) = unit(i)
508      an = n
509      alpha = twopi/an
510      x = sin(alpha)
511      y = cos(alpha)
512      gen(1,ngen) = y
513      gen(5,ngen) = y
514      gen(4,ngen) = -x
515      gen(2,ngen) = x
516  250 continue
518!       sn(z)
520      n=0
521      if (csf.eq.zs) n=nn
522      if (csf.eq.cla) n=2*nn
523      if (csf.eq.zt.and.cla.eq.zd) n=4
524      if (n.le.0) go to 400
525      if (n.le.9 .and. nprisy.ge.0) write(6,300) n
526      if (n.gt.9 .and. nprisy.ge.0) write(6,301) n
527  300 format(3x,'s',i1,'(z)')
528  301 format(3x,'s',i2,'(z)')
529      ngen = ngen +1
530      if (ngen.gt.3) go to 1000
531      do 350 i=1,9
532  350 gen(i,ngen) =-unit(i)
533      an = n
534      alpha = twopi/an
535      x = sin(alpha)
536      y = cos(alpha)
537      gen(1,ngen) = y
538      gen(5,ngen) = y
539      gen(4,ngen) = -x
540      gen(2,ngen) = x
541  400 continue
543!        c3(1,1,1)  for t,td,th,o,oh
545      if (csf.ne.zt.and.csf.ne.zo) go to 450
546      if (nprisy.ge.0) write(6,410)
547  410 format(3x,'c3(1,1,1)')
548      ngen = ngen +1
549      if (ngen.gt.3) go to 1000
550      do 420 i=1,9
551  420 gen(i,ngen) = a0
552      gen(2,ngen) = a1
553      gen(6,ngen) = a1
554      gen(7,ngen) = a1
555  450 continue
557!       c3 for i or ih
559      if (csf.ne.zi) go to 500
560      if (nprisy.ge.0) write(6,480)
561  480 format(3x,'c3 for i or ih')
562      ngen = ngen + 1
563      if (ngen.gt.3) go to 1000
564      sqr3 = sqrt(a3)
565      cosd = sin(a2*pi/a5)/((a1-cos(a2*pi/a5))*sqr3)
566      sind = sqrt(a1-cosd**2)
567      gen(1,ngen) = a1 - a3*cosd**2/a2
568      gen(2,ngen) = sqr3*cosd/a2
569      gen(3,ngen) = a3*sind*cosd/a2
570      gen(4,ngen) = -gen(2,ngen)
571      gen(5,ngen) = -a1/a2
572      gen(6,ngen) = sqr3*sind/a2
573      gen(7,ngen) = gen(3,ngen)
574      gen(8,ngen) = -gen(6,ngen)
575      gen(9,ngen) = a1-a3*sind**2/a2
576  500 continue
578!       c2(x)
580      if(csf.ne.zd) go to 600
581      if (nprisy.ge.0) write(6,520)
582  520 format(3x,'c2(x)')
583      i=1
584      ngen = ngen +1
585      if (ngen.gt.3) go to 1000
586      do 550 j=1,9
587  550 gen(j,ngen) = -unit(j)
588      gen(4*i-3,ngen) = a1
589  600 continue
591!       mirror plane sigma(xz) or sigma(xy)
593      if (cla.ne.zv.and.cla.ne.zh) go to 750
594      if (cla.eq.zv) then
595         if (nprisy.ge.0) write(6,610)
596  610    format(3x,'mirror plane sigma(xz)')
597         i=2
598      else
599         if (nprisy.ge.0) write(6,620)
600  620    format(3x,'mirror plane sigma(xy)')
601         i=3
602      endif
603      ngen = ngen + 1
604      if (ngen.gt.3) go to 1000
605      do 700 j=1,9
606  700 gen(j,ngen) = unit(j)
607      gen(4*i-3,ngen) = -a1
608  750 return
609 1000 write(6,*) ' more than ',3,' generators'
610      ierr=1
611      end subroutine
614      subroutine symmetry(natoms,nat3,xyz0,h,eig,totsym,nvar)
615         use xtb_mctc_accuracy, only : wp
616      implicit none
617      integer natoms,nat3,totsym(nat3),nvar
618      real(wp) h(nat3,nat3),xyz0(3,natoms),eig(nat3)
619      real(wp) :: xyz(3,natoms)
621      real(wp),allocatable :: trans(:,:)
622      real(wp) thrsym
623      integer ntrans,i,j,nat,it,k,m
624      logical lok
625      integer :: ifile
627      call open_binary(ifile,'trans','r')
628      read(ifile)ntrans
629      allocate(trans(9,ntrans))
630      do it=1,ntrans
631         read(ifile) (trans(i,it),i=1,9)
632      enddo
633      call close_file(ifile)
635      thrsym=1.d-6*natoms
636      totsym = 0
637      nvar = 0
638      do i=1,nat3
639         xyz = xyz0
640         m = 0
641         do j=1,natoms
642            do k=1,3
643               m = m + 1
644               xyz(k,j)=xyz(k,j)+h(m,i)*0.005
645            enddo
646         enddo
647         call checksym(thrsym,natoms,ntrans,trans,xyz,lok)
648         if(lok.and.abs(eig(i)).gt.1.d-8)then
649            totsym(i)=1
650            nvar = nvar + 1
651         endif
652      enddo
653      write(*,*)'Number of symmetry operations ',ntrans
654      write(*,*)'Nvar, symmetry restricted     ',nvar
656      end subroutine
660      subroutine grdsym(grd,natoms)
661         use xtb_mctc_accuracy, only : wp
662      use xtb_symparam
665      implicit real(wp) (a-h,o-z)
666      dimension grd(3,natoms)
667!     dimension ict(natoms,ntrans),trans(9,ntrans)
668      data garnix/1.d-14/, zero/0.d0/, one/1.d0/
669      real(wp) :: det(3,natoms),scr(3)
671!     ----- symmetrize cartesian gradient/displ vector -----
672!     using transformation matrices and nuclear exchange table ict
673!     ict = transformation table "atoms versus symmetry operations"
675      if (ntrans.gt.1) then
676         do 200 iat = 1,natoms
677            det(1,iat) = zero
678            det(2,iat) = zero
679            det(3,iat) = zero
680  200    continue
681         do 300 iat=1,natoms
682            do 400 itrans=1,ntrans
683               call mult3(scr,trans(1,itrans),grd(1,iat),1)
684               isymat=ict(iat,itrans)
685               det(1,isymat)=det(1,isymat) + scr(1)
686               det(2,isymat)=det(2,isymat) + scr(2)
687               det(3,isymat)=det(3,isymat) + scr(3)
688  400       continue
689  300    continue
690         ogroup=one/dble(ntrans)
691         do 500 iat=1,natoms
692            grd(1,iat)=det(1,iat)*ogroup
693            grd(2,iat)=det(2,iat)*ogroup
694            grd(3,iat)=det(3,iat)*ogroup
695  500    continue
696      end if
698!     brush away numerical zeros
699      do 575 iat=1,natoms
700      do 575 j=1,3
701      if (dabs(grd(j,iat)).lt.garnix) grd(j,iat) = zero
702  575 continue
704      return
705      end subroutine
709      subroutine checksym(thrsym,natoms,ntrans,trans,xyz,same)
710         use xtb_mctc_accuracy, only : wp
711      implicit none
712      real(wp) xyz(3,natoms),trans(9,ntrans)
713      integer natoms,ntrans
714      integer ic,it,jc
715      logical same
716      real(wp) scr(3),thrsym
717      real(wp) dif
719      same=.true.
720      do 300 ic=1,natoms
721         do 250 it=2,ntrans
722            call mult3 (scr,trans(1,it),xyz(1,ic),1)
723            do 200 jc=1,natoms
724               if (dif(scr,xyz(1,jc),3).gt.thrsym) goto 200
725               goto 250
726 200        continue
727            same = .false.
728            return
729 250     continue
730 300  continue
732      end subroutine
734! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
736      function dif(a,b,n)
737         use xtb_mctc_accuracy, only : wp
738      implicit real(wp) (a-h,o-z)
739      dimension a(n),b(n)
740      s = 0.d0
741      do 10 k=1,n
742  10  s = s + (b(k)-a(k))*(b(k)-a(k))
743      dif = dsqrt(s)
744      return
745      end function
747! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
749      subroutine mult3 (a,b,c,n)
750         use xtb_mctc_accuracy, only : wp
751      implicit real(wp) (a-h,o-z)
752! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
753!     multiplication of two matrices b,c
754!      a = b*c     dim: a(3,n),b(3,3),c(3,n)
755! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
756      dimension a(3,n),b(3,3),c(3,n)
757      do 30 j=1,n
758      do 20 i=1,3
759      s = 0.d0
760      do 10 k=1,3
761  10  s = s + b(i,k)*c(k,j)
762  20  a(i,j) = s
763  30  continue
765      return
766      end subroutine