1Version 0.7:
2  Randy Kaelber (randy at nimitz dot net) added support for 192 bit and
3  256 bit keys, cleaned up some messages a bit, stripped some version control
4  stuff for a CVS archive that probably will cease to exist (EST: Requiem
5  aeternam dona eis, Domine. Et lux perpetua luceat eis.) very soon, barring
6  some grand miracle. Arguments are also now parsed using getopt().
8Version 0.6:
9   A *LOT* of minor fixups by  Peter Pentchev ( roam at orbitel dot bg )
10   to make it compile cleanly under FreeBSD. Thanks Peter!
12Version 0.5:
13   Cleaned up for release. Fixed README, added man pages for aescrypt,
14   aesget. Added 'tobin' program to take a hex string and turn it into
15   a binary string, though at the moment I don't know why Randy added
16   it (guess he needed it for one of his scripts).
18Version 0.4:
19   Changed to use Rijndael instead of Twofish, since it appears that
20   Rijndael will be the AES.
22Version 0.3:
23   Added explicit support for "-" for reading the key off stdin, so that I do
24not have to save session keys to disk at any time in order to encrypt or
25decrypt streamed session data.
27Version 0.2:
28   Added GNU Autoconf (Thanks Andy!).
29   Changed to using Bruce Schneir's reference TwoFish in order to fix
30    BigEndian/LittleEndian problems (maybe!)