1 //! Combinators for the [`Future`] trait.
2 //!
3 //! # Examples
4 //!
5 //! ```
6 //! use futures_lite::future;
7 //!
8 //! # spin_on::spin_on(async {
9 //! for step in 0..3 {
10 //!     println!("step {}", step);
11 //!
12 //!     // Give other tasks a chance to run.
13 //!     future::yield_now().await;
14 //! }
15 //! # });
16 //! ```
GetClientConn(req *http.Request, addr string)17 
18 #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
19 extern crate alloc;
21 #[doc(no_inline)]
22 pub use core::future::Future;
24 use core::fmt;
closeIdleConnections()25 use core::marker::PhantomData;
26 use core::pin::Pin;
28 use pin_project_lite::pin_project;
30 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
31 use std::{
32     any::Any,
33     panic::{catch_unwind, AssertUnwindSafe, UnwindSafe},
34 };
36 #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
37 use alloc::boxed::Box;
38 use core::task::{Context, Poll};
40 /// Blocks the current thread on a future.
41 ///
42 /// # Examples
43 ///
44 /// ```
45 /// use futures_lite::future;
46 ///
47 /// let val = future::block_on(async {
48 ///     1 + 2
49 /// });
50 ///
51 /// assert_eq!(val, 3);
52 /// ```
53 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
54 pub fn block_on<T>(future: impl Future<Output = T>) -> T {
55     use std::cell::RefCell;
56     use std::task::Waker;
58     use parking::Parker;
59     use waker_fn::waker_fn;
61     // Pin the future on the stack.
62     crate::pin!(future);
64     // Creates a parker and an associated waker that unparks it.
65     fn parker_and_waker() -> (Parker, Waker) {
66         let parker = Parker::new();
67         let unparker = parker.unparker();
68         let waker = waker_fn(move || {
69             unparker.unpark();
70         });
71         (parker, waker)
72     }
74     thread_local! {
75         // Cached parker and waker for efficiency.
76         static CACHE: RefCell<(Parker, Waker)> = RefCell::new(parker_and_waker());
77     }
79     CACHE.with(|cache| {
80         // Try grabbing the cached parker and waker.
81         match cache.try_borrow_mut() {
82             Ok(cache) => {
83                 // Use the cached parker and waker.
84                 let (parker, waker) = &*cache;
85                 let cx = &mut Context::from_waker(&waker);
87                 // Keep polling until the future is ready.
88                 loop {
89                     match future.as_mut().poll(cx) {
90                         Poll::Ready(output) => return output,
91                         Poll::Pending => parker.park(),
92                     }
93                 }
94             }
95             Err(_) => {
96                 // Looks like this is a recursive `block_on()` call.
97                 // Create a fresh parker and waker.
98                 let (parker, waker) = parker_and_waker();
99                 let cx = &mut Context::from_waker(&waker);
101                 // Keep polling until the future is ready.
102                 loop {
103                     match future.as_mut().poll(cx) {
104                         Poll::Ready(output) => return output,
105                         Poll::Pending => parker.park(),
106                     }
107                 }
108             }
109         }
110     })
111 }
113 /// Creates a future that is always pending.
114 ///
115 /// # Examples
116 ///
117 /// ```no_run
118 /// use futures_lite::future;
119 ///
120 /// # spin_on::spin_on(async {
121 /// future::pending::<()>().await;
122 /// unreachable!();
123 /// # })
124 /// ```
125 pub fn pending<T>() -> Pending<T> {
126     Pending {
127         _marker: PhantomData,
128     }
129 }
131 /// Future for the [`pending()`] function.
132 #[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"]
133 pub struct Pending<T> {
134     _marker: PhantomData<T>,
135 }
137 impl<T> Unpin for Pending<T> {}
139 impl<T> fmt::Debug for Pending<T> {
140     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
141         f.debug_struct("Pending").finish()
142     }
143 }
145 impl<T> Future for Pending<T> {
146     type Output = T;
148     fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, _: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<T> {
149         Poll::Pending
150     }
151 }
153 /// Polls a future just once and returns an [`Option`] with the result.
154 ///
155 /// # Examples
156 ///
157 /// ```
158 /// use futures_lite::future;
159 ///
160 /// # spin_on::spin_on(async {
161 /// assert_eq!(future::poll_once(future::pending::<()>()).await, None);
162 /// assert_eq!(future::poll_once(future::ready(42)).await, Some(42));
163 /// # })
164 /// ```
165 pub fn poll_once<T, F>(f: F) -> PollOnce<F>
166 where
167     F: Future<Output = T>,
168 {
169     PollOnce { f }
170 }
172 pin_project! {
173     /// Future for the [`poll_once()`] function.
174     #[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"]
175     pub struct PollOnce<F> {
176         #[pin]
177         f: F,
178     }
179 }
181 impl<F> fmt::Debug for PollOnce<F> {
182     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
183         f.debug_struct("PollOnce").finish()
184     }
185 }
187 impl<T, F> Future for PollOnce<F>
188 where
189     F: Future<Output = T>,
190 {
191     type Output = Option<T>;
193     fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
194         match self.project().f.poll(cx) {
195             Poll::Ready(t) => Poll::Ready(Some(t)),
196             Poll::Pending => Poll::Ready(None),
197         }
198     }
199 }
201 /// Creates a future from a function returning [`Poll`].
202 ///
203 /// # Examples
204 ///
205 /// ```
206 /// use futures_lite::future;
207 /// use std::task::{Context, Poll};
208 ///
209 /// # spin_on::spin_on(async {
210 /// fn f(_: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<i32> {
211 ///     Poll::Ready(7)
212 /// }
213 ///
214 /// assert_eq!(future::poll_fn(f).await, 7);
215 /// # })
216 /// ```
217 pub fn poll_fn<T, F>(f: F) -> PollFn<F>
218 where
219     F: FnMut(&mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<T>,
220 {
221     PollFn { f }
222 }
224 pin_project! {
225     /// Future for the [`poll_fn()`] function.
226     #[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"]
227     pub struct PollFn<F> {
228         f: F,
229     }
230 }
232 impl<F> fmt::Debug for PollFn<F> {
233     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
234         f.debug_struct("PollFn").finish()
235     }
236 }
238 impl<T, F> Future for PollFn<F>
239 where
240     F: FnMut(&mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<T>,
241 {
242     type Output = T;
244     fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<T> {
245         let this = self.project();
246         (this.f)(cx)
247     }
248 }
250 /// Creates a future that resolves to the provided value.
251 ///
252 /// # Examples
253 ///
254 /// ```
255 /// use futures_lite::future;
256 ///
257 /// # spin_on::spin_on(async {
258 /// assert_eq!(future::ready(7).await, 7);
259 /// # })
260 /// ```
261 pub fn ready<T>(val: T) -> Ready<T> {
262     Ready(Some(val))
263 }
265 /// Future for the [`ready()`] function.
266 #[derive(Debug)]
267 #[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"]
268 pub struct Ready<T>(Option<T>);
270 impl<T> Unpin for Ready<T> {}
272 impl<T> Future for Ready<T> {
273     type Output = T;
275     fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, _cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<T> {
276         Poll::Ready(self.0.take().expect("`Ready` polled after completion"))
277     }
278 }
280 /// Wakes the current task and returns [`Poll::Pending`] once.
281 ///
282 /// This function is useful when we want to cooperatively give time to the task scheduler. It is
283 /// generally a good idea to yield inside loops because that way we make sure long-running tasks
284 /// don't prevent other tasks from running.
285 ///
286 /// # Examples
287 ///
288 /// ```
289 /// use futures_lite::future;
290 ///
291 /// # spin_on::spin_on(async {
292 /// future::yield_now().await;
293 /// # })
294 /// ```
295 pub fn yield_now() -> YieldNow {
296     YieldNow(false)
297 }
299 /// Future for the [`yield_now()`] function.
300 #[derive(Debug)]
301 #[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"]
302 pub struct YieldNow(bool);
304 impl Future for YieldNow {
305     type Output = ();
307     fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
308         if !self.0 {
309             self.0 = true;
310             cx.waker().wake_by_ref();
311             Poll::Pending
312         } else {
313             Poll::Ready(())
314         }
315     }
316 }
318 /// Joins two futures, waiting for both to complete.
319 ///
320 /// # Examples
321 ///
322 /// ```
323 /// use futures_lite::future;
324 ///
325 /// # spin_on::spin_on(async {
326 /// let a = async { 1 };
327 /// let b = async { 2 };
328 ///
329 /// assert_eq!(future::zip(a, b).await, (1, 2));
330 /// # })
331 /// ```
332 pub fn zip<F1, F2>(future1: F1, future2: F2) -> Zip<F1, F2>
333 where
334     F1: Future,
335     F2: Future,
336 {
337     Zip {
338         future1: future1,
339         output1: None,
340         future2: future2,
341         output2: None,
342     }
343 }
345 pin_project! {
346     /// Future for the [`zip()`] function.
347     #[derive(Debug)]
348     #[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"]
349     pub struct Zip<F1, F2>
350     where
351         F1: Future,
352         F2: Future,
353     {
354         #[pin]
355         future1: F1,
356         output1: Option<F1::Output>,
357         #[pin]
358         future2: F2,
359         output2: Option<F2::Output>,
360     }
361 }
363 impl<F1, F2> Future for Zip<F1, F2>
364 where
365     F1: Future,
366     F2: Future,
367 {
368     type Output = (F1::Output, F2::Output);
370     fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
371         let this = self.project();
373         if this.output1.is_none() {
374             if let Poll::Ready(out) = this.future1.poll(cx) {
375                 *this.output1 = Some(out);
376             }
377         }
379         if this.output2.is_none() {
380             if let Poll::Ready(out) = this.future2.poll(cx) {
381                 *this.output2 = Some(out);
382             }
383         }
385         if this.output1.is_some() && this.output2.is_some() {
386             Poll::Ready((this.output1.take().unwrap(), this.output2.take().unwrap()))
387         } else {
388             Poll::Pending
389         }
390     }
391 }
393 /// Joins two fallible futures, waiting for both to complete or one of them to error.
394 ///
395 /// # Examples
396 ///
397 /// ```
398 /// use futures_lite::future;
399 ///
400 /// # spin_on::spin_on(async {
401 /// let a = async { Ok::<i32, i32>(1) };
402 /// let b = async { Err::<i32, i32>(2) };
403 ///
404 /// assert_eq!(future::try_zip(a, b).await, Err(2));
405 /// # })
406 /// ```
407 pub fn try_zip<T1, T2, E, F1, F2>(future1: F1, future2: F2) -> TryZip<F1, F2>
408 where
409     F1: Future<Output = Result<T1, E>>,
410     F2: Future<Output = Result<T2, E>>,
411 {
412     TryZip {
413         future1: future1,
414         output1: None,
415         future2: future2,
416         output2: None,
417     }
418 }
420 pin_project! {
421     /// Future for the [`try_zip()`] function.
422     #[derive(Debug)]
423     #[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"]
424     pub struct TryZip<F1, F2>
425     where
426         F1: Future,
427         F2: Future,
428     {
429         #[pin]
430         future1: F1,
431         output1: Option<F1::Output>,
432         #[pin]
433         future2: F2,
434         output2: Option<F2::Output>,
435     }
436 }
438 impl<T1, T2, E, F1, F2> Future for TryZip<F1, F2>
439 where
440     F1: Future<Output = Result<T1, E>>,
441     F2: Future<Output = Result<T2, E>>,
442 {
443     type Output = Result<(T1, T2), E>;
445     fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
446         let this = self.project();
448         if this.output1.is_none() {
449             if let Poll::Ready(out) = this.future1.poll(cx) {
450                 match out {
451                     Ok(t) => *this.output1 = Some(Ok(t)),
452                     Err(err) => return Poll::Ready(Err(err)),
453                 }
454             }
455         }
457         if this.output2.is_none() {
458             if let Poll::Ready(out) = this.future2.poll(cx) {
459                 match out {
460                     Ok(t) => *this.output2 = Some(Ok(t)),
461                     Err(err) => return Poll::Ready(Err(err)),
462                 }
463             }
464         }
466         if this.output1.is_some() && this.output2.is_some() {
467             let res1 = this.output1.take().unwrap();
468             let res2 = this.output2.take().unwrap();
469             let t1 = res1.map_err(|_| unreachable!()).unwrap();
470             let t2 = res2.map_err(|_| unreachable!()).unwrap();
471             Poll::Ready(Ok((t1, t2)))
472         } else {
473             Poll::Pending
474         }
475     }
476 }
478 /// Returns the result of the future that completes first, preferring `future1` if both are ready.
479 ///
480 /// If you need to treat the two futures fairly without a preference for either, use the [`race()`]
481 /// function or the [`FutureExt::race()`] method.
482 ///
483 /// # Examples
484 ///
485 /// ```
486 /// use futures_lite::future::{self, pending, ready};
487 ///
488 /// # spin_on::spin_on(async {
489 /// assert_eq!(future::or(ready(1), pending()).await, 1);
490 /// assert_eq!(future::or(pending(), ready(2)).await, 2);
491 ///
492 /// // The first future wins.
493 /// assert_eq!(future::or(ready(1), ready(2)).await, 1);
494 /// # })
495 /// ```
496 pub fn or<T, F1, F2>(future1: F1, future2: F2) -> Or<F1, F2>
497 where
498     F1: Future<Output = T>,
499     F2: Future<Output = T>,
500 {
501     Or { future1, future2 }
502 }
504 pin_project! {
505     /// Future for the [`or()`] function and the [`FutureExt::or()`] method.
506     #[derive(Debug)]
507     #[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"]
508     pub struct Or<F1, F2> {
509         #[pin]
510         future1: F1,
511         #[pin]
512         future2: F2,
513     }
514 }
516 impl<T, F1, F2> Future for Or<F1, F2>
517 where
518     F1: Future<Output = T>,
519     F2: Future<Output = T>,
520 {
521     type Output = T;
523     fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
524         let this = self.project();
526         if let Poll::Ready(t) = this.future1.poll(cx) {
527             return Poll::Ready(t);
528         }
529         if let Poll::Ready(t) = this.future2.poll(cx) {
530             return Poll::Ready(t);
531         }
532         Poll::Pending
533     }
534 }
536 /// Returns the result of the future that completes first, with no preference if both are ready.
537 ///
538 /// Each time [`Race`] is polled, the two inner futures are polled in random order. Therefore, no
539 /// future takes precedence over the other if both can complete at the same time.
540 ///
541 /// If you have preference for one of the futures, use the [`or()`] function or the
542 /// [`FutureExt::or()`] method.
543 ///
544 /// # Examples
545 ///
546 /// ```
547 /// use futures_lite::future::{self, pending, ready};
548 ///
549 /// # spin_on::spin_on(async {
550 /// assert_eq!(future::race(ready(1), pending()).await, 1);
551 /// assert_eq!(future::race(pending(), ready(2)).await, 2);
552 ///
553 /// // One of the two futures is randomly chosen as the winner.
554 /// let res = future::race(ready(1), ready(2)).await;
555 /// # })
556 /// ```
557 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
558 pub fn race<T, F1, F2>(future1: F1, future2: F2) -> Race<F1, F2>
559 where
560     F1: Future<Output = T>,
561     F2: Future<Output = T>,
562 {
563     Race { future1, future2 }
564 }
566 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
567 pin_project! {
568     /// Future for the [`race()`] function and the [`FutureExt::race()`] method.
569     #[derive(Debug)]
570     #[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"]
571     pub struct Race<F1, F2> {
572         #[pin]
573         future1: F1,
574         #[pin]
575         future2: F2,
576     }
577 }
579 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
580 impl<T, F1, F2> Future for Race<F1, F2>
581 where
582     F1: Future<Output = T>,
583     F2: Future<Output = T>,
584 {
585     type Output = T;
587     fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
588         let this = self.project();
590         if fastrand::bool() {
591             if let Poll::Ready(t) = this.future1.poll(cx) {
592                 return Poll::Ready(t);
593             }
594             if let Poll::Ready(t) = this.future2.poll(cx) {
595                 return Poll::Ready(t);
596             }
597         } else {
598             if let Poll::Ready(t) = this.future2.poll(cx) {
599                 return Poll::Ready(t);
600             }
601             if let Poll::Ready(t) = this.future1.poll(cx) {
602                 return Poll::Ready(t);
603             }
604         }
605         Poll::Pending
606     }
607 }
609 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
610 pin_project! {
611     /// Future for the [`FutureExt::catch_unwind()`] method.
612     #[derive(Debug)]
613     #[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"]
614     pub struct CatchUnwind<F> {
615         #[pin]
616         inner: F,
617     }
618 }
620 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
621 impl<F: Future + UnwindSafe> Future for CatchUnwind<F> {
622     type Output = Result<F::Output, Box<dyn Any + Send>>;
624     fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
625         let this = self.project();
626         catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| this.inner.poll(cx)))?.map(Ok)
627     }
628 }
630 /// Type alias for `Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = T> + Send + 'static>>`.
631 ///
632 /// # Examples
633 ///
634 /// ```
635 /// use futures_lite::future::{self, FutureExt};
636 ///
637 /// // These two lines are equivalent:
638 /// let f1: future::Boxed<i32> = async { 1 + 2 }.boxed();
639 /// let f2: future::Boxed<i32> = Box::pin(async { 1 + 2 });
640 /// ```
641 #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
642 pub type Boxed<T> = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = T> + Send + 'static>>;
644 /// Type alias for `Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = T> + 'static>>`.
645 ///
646 /// # Examples
647 ///
648 /// ```
649 /// use futures_lite::future::{self, FutureExt};
650 ///
651 /// // These two lines are equivalent:
652 /// let f1: future::BoxedLocal<i32> = async { 1 + 2 }.boxed_local();
653 /// let f2: future::BoxedLocal<i32> = Box::pin(async { 1 + 2 });
654 /// ```
655 #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
656 pub type BoxedLocal<T> = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = T> + 'static>>;
658 /// Extension trait for [`Future`].
659 pub trait FutureExt: Future {
660     /// A convenience for calling [`Future::poll()`] on `!`[`Unpin`] types.
661     fn poll(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output>
662     where
663         Self: Unpin,
664     {
665         Future::poll(Pin::new(self), cx)
666     }
668     /// Returns the result of `self` or `other` future, preferring `self` if both are ready.
669     ///
670     /// If you need to treat the two futures fairly without a preference for either, use the
671     /// [`race()`] function or the [`FutureExt::race()`] method.
672     ///
673     /// # Examples
674     ///
675     /// ```
676     /// use futures_lite::future::{pending, ready, FutureExt};
677     ///
678     /// # spin_on::spin_on(async {
679     /// assert_eq!(ready(1).or(pending()).await, 1);
680     /// assert_eq!(pending().or(ready(2)).await, 2);
681     ///
682     /// // The first future wins.
683     /// assert_eq!(ready(1).or(ready(2)).await, 1);
684     /// # })
685     /// ```
686     fn or<F>(self, other: F) -> Or<Self, F>
687     where
688         Self: Sized,
689         F: Future<Output = Self::Output>,
690     {
691         Or {
692             future1: self,
693             future2: other,
694         }
695     }
697     /// Returns the result of `self` or `other` future, with no preference if both are ready.
698     ///
699     /// Each time [`Race`] is polled, the two inner futures are polled in random order. Therefore,
700     /// no future takes precedence over the other if both can complete at the same time.
701     ///
702     /// If you have preference for one of the futures, use the [`or()`] function or the
703     /// [`FutureExt::or()`] method.
704     ///
705     /// # Examples
706     ///
707     /// ```
708     /// use futures_lite::future::{pending, ready, FutureExt};
709     ///
710     /// # spin_on::spin_on(async {
711     /// assert_eq!(ready(1).race(pending()).await, 1);
712     /// assert_eq!(pending().race(ready(2)).await, 2);
713     ///
714     /// // One of the two futures is randomly chosen as the winner.
715     /// let res = ready(1).race(ready(2)).await;
716     /// # })
717     /// ```
718     #[cfg(feature = "std")]
719     fn race<F>(self, other: F) -> Race<Self, F>
720     where
721         Self: Sized,
722         F: Future<Output = Self::Output>,
723     {
724         Race {
725             future1: self,
726             future2: other,
727         }
728     }
730     /// Catches panics while polling the future.
731     ///
732     /// # Examples
733     ///
734     /// ```
735     /// use futures_lite::future::FutureExt;
736     ///
737     /// # spin_on::spin_on(async {
738     /// let fut1 = async {}.catch_unwind();
739     /// let fut2 = async { panic!() }.catch_unwind();
740     ///
741     /// assert!(fut1.await.is_ok());
742     /// assert!(fut2.await.is_err());
743     /// # })
744     /// ```
745     #[cfg(feature = "std")]
746     fn catch_unwind(self) -> CatchUnwind<Self>
747     where
748         Self: Sized + UnwindSafe,
749     {
750         CatchUnwind { inner: self }
751     }
753     /// Boxes the future and changes its type to `dyn Future + Send + 'a`.
754     ///
755     /// # Examples
756     ///
757     /// ```
758     /// use futures_lite::future::{self, FutureExt};
759     ///
760     /// # spin_on::spin_on(async {
761     /// let a = future::ready('a');
762     /// let b = future::pending();
763     ///
764     /// // Futures of different types can be stored in
765     /// // the same collection when they are boxed:
766     /// let futures = vec![a.boxed(), b.boxed()];
767     /// # })
768     /// ```
769     #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
770     fn boxed<'a>(self) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Self::Output> + Send + 'a>>
771     where
772         Self: Sized + Send + 'a,
773     {
774         Box::pin(self)
775     }
777     /// Boxes the future and changes its type to `dyn Future + 'a`.
778     ///
779     /// # Examples
780     ///
781     /// ```
782     /// use futures_lite::future::{self, FutureExt};
783     ///
784     /// # spin_on::spin_on(async {
785     /// let a = future::ready('a');
786     /// let b = future::pending();
787     ///
788     /// // Futures of different types can be stored in
789     /// // the same collection when they are boxed:
790     /// let futures = vec![a.boxed_local(), b.boxed_local()];
791     /// # })
792     /// ```
793     #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
794     fn boxed_local<'a>(self) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Self::Output> + 'a>>
795     where
796         Self: Sized + 'a,
797     {
798         Box::pin(self)
799     }
800 }
802 impl<F: Future + ?Sized> FutureExt for F {}