1I would like to thank the following people (in alphabetical order):
3- Seth Arnold, for contributing to the documentation.
4- Daniel Black, (former) maintainer of the Gentoo GNU/Linux BeeCrypt package.
5- Jan-Rudolph Bührmann, for helping me get started on the 64-bit multi-
6  precision integer library.
7- Luca Filipozzi, (former) maintainer/packager of BeeCrypt for Debian GNU/Linux.
8- Jeff Johnson, the guy behind RedHat's Package Manager, who has inspired
9  and contributed to many of the changes for version 3.0.0. He also provided
10  the new hash functions for version 4.2.0. 73 de Bob.
11- Anibal Monsalve Salazar, (current) maintainer/packager of BeeCrypt for
12  Debian GNU/Linux.
13- Jon Sturgeon, bug hunter extraordinaire.
15Further thanks go to:
16- AMD, for donating a copy of "AMD x86-64 Architecture Programmer's Manual".
17- ARM Ltd, for donating a copy of "ARM Architecture Reference Manual".
18- HP/Compaq, for their testdrive program, which gave me the opportunity to
19  test and BeeCrypt on many new platforms.
20- FSF France, for providing me with access to the GCC Compile Farm.
21- SourceForge, for their excellent open source development platform.
23Last but not least: thanks to everyone who provided bits of information,
24reported bugs, provided feedback, or works on including BeeCrypt in any
25other distros.
27If I've missed anyone, it's due to oversight. Drop me a line and I'll
28rectify the situation as quickly as possible.