1 /*
2  * ccsrch (c) 2007 Mike Beekey  - zaphod2718@yahoo.com All rights reserved
3  *
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
6  * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
7  * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
8  * any later version.
9  *
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
13  * more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
16  * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
17  * Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
18  *
19  */
21 #include <stdio.h>
22 #include <stdlib.h>
23 #include <string.h>
24 #include <unistd.h>
25 #include <signal.h>
26 #include <time.h>
27 #include <errno.h>
28 #include <sys/stat.h>
29 #include <sys/types.h>
30 #include <dirent.h>
31 #include "ccsrch.h"
33 char           *logfilename = NULL;
34 char           *currfilename = NULL;
35 FILE           *logfilefd = NULL;
36 long            total_count = 0;
37 long            file_count = 0;
38 long		currfile_atime=0;
39 long		currfile_mtime=0;
40 long		currfile_ctime=0;
41 int             init_time = 0;
42 int		cardbuf[CARDSIZE];
43 int 		print_byte_offset=0;
44 int 		print_epoch_time=0;
45 int 		print_julian_time=0;
46 int 		print_filename_only=0;
47 char            ccsrch_buf[BSIZE];
48 int    		ccsrch_index = 0;
49 int		tracksrch=0;
50 int		tracktype1=0;
51 int		tracktype2=0;
52 int		trackdatacount=0;
53 char		lastfilename[MAXPATH];
54 int		filename_pan_count=0;
56 void
initialize_buffer()57 initialize_buffer()
58 {
59   int	i=0;
60   for (i=0; i<CARDSIZE; i++)
61     cardbuf[i]=0;
62 }
64 void
print_result(char * cardname,int cardlen,long byte_offset)65 print_result(char *cardname, int cardlen, long byte_offset)
66 {
67   int             i = 0;
68   char            nbuf[20];
69   char            buf[MAXPATH];
70   char		  basebuf[MDBUFSIZE];
71   char		  bytebuf[MDBUFSIZE];
72   char		  datebuf[MDBUFSIZE];
73   char		  mdatebuf[CARDTYPELEN];
74   char		  adatebuf[CARDTYPELEN];
75   char		  cdatebuf[CARDTYPELEN];
76   char		  trackbuf[MDBUFSIZE];
78   memset(&nbuf, '\0', 20);
80   for (i = 0; i < cardlen; i++)
81     nbuf[i] = cardbuf[i]+48;
83   memset(&buf,'\0',MAXPATH);
84   memset(&basebuf,'\0',MDBUFSIZE);
86   /* MB we need to figure out how to update the count and spit out the final filename with the count.  ensure that it gets flushed out on the last match if you are doing a diff between previous filename and new filename */
88   if (print_filename_only)
89     snprintf(basebuf, MDBUFSIZE, "%s", currfilename);
90   else
91     snprintf(basebuf, MDBUFSIZE, "%s\t%s\t%s", currfilename, cardname, nbuf);
93   strncat(buf,basebuf,MAXPATH);
95     if (print_byte_offset)
96     {
97       memset(&bytebuf,'\0',MDBUFSIZE);
98       snprintf(bytebuf, MDBUFSIZE, "\t%ld", byte_offset);
99       strncat(buf,bytebuf,MAXPATH);
100     }
102     if (print_julian_time)
103     {
104       memset(&mdatebuf,'\0',CARDTYPELEN);
105       strncpy(mdatebuf,ctime((time_t *)&currfile_mtime),CARDTYPELEN);
106       mdatebuf[strlen(mdatebuf)-1]='\0';
108     memset(&adatebuf,'\0',CARDTYPELEN);
109     strncpy(adatebuf,ctime((time_t *)&currfile_atime),CARDTYPELEN);
110     adatebuf[strlen(adatebuf)-1]='\0';
112     memset(&cdatebuf,'\0',CARDTYPELEN);
113     strncpy(cdatebuf,ctime((time_t *)&currfile_ctime),CARDTYPELEN);
114     cdatebuf[strlen(cdatebuf)-1]='\0';
116       memset(&datebuf,'\0',MDBUFSIZE);
117       snprintf(datebuf, MDBUFSIZE, "\t%s\t%s\t%s", mdatebuf,adatebuf,cdatebuf);
118       strncat(buf,datebuf,MAXPATH);
119     }
121     if (print_epoch_time)
122     {
123       memset(&datebuf,'\0',MDBUFSIZE);
124       snprintf(datebuf, MDBUFSIZE, "\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld", currfile_mtime,currfile_atime,currfile_ctime);
125       strncat(buf,datebuf,MAXPATH);
126     }
128     if (tracksrch)
129     {
130       memset(&trackbuf,'\0',MDBUFSIZE);
131       if (tracktype1)
132       {
133         if (track1_srch(cardlen))
134         {
135           snprintf(trackbuf, MDBUFSIZE, "\tTRACK_1");
136         }
137       }
138       if (tracktype2)
139       {
140         if (track2_srch(cardlen))
141         {
142           snprintf(trackbuf, MDBUFSIZE, "\tTRACK_2");
143         }
144       }
145       strncat(buf,trackbuf,MAXPATH);
146     }
147   if (logfilefd != NULL)
148     fprintf(logfilefd, "%s\n", buf);
149   else
150     fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", buf);
152   total_count++;
153 }
track1_srch(int cardlen)155 int track1_srch(int cardlen)
156 {
157   /* [%:B:cardnum:^:name (first initial cap?, let's ignore the %)] */
158   if ((ccsrch_buf[ccsrch_index+1] == '^')
159     && (ccsrch_buf[ccsrch_index-cardlen] == 66)
160     && (ccsrch_buf[ccsrch_index+2] > 64)
161     && (ccsrch_buf[ccsrch_index+2] < 91))
162   {
163     trackdatacount++;
164     return(1);
165   }
166   else
167     return(0);
168 }
track2_srch(int cardlen)170 int track2_srch(int cardlen)
171 {
172   /* [;:cardnum:=:expir date(YYMM), we'll use the ; here] */
173   if (((ccsrch_buf[ccsrch_index+1] == '=') || (ccsrch_buf[ccsrch_index+1] == 68))
174     && ((ccsrch_buf[ccsrch_index-cardlen] == ';')||
175     ((ccsrch_buf[ccsrch_index-cardlen] > 57) || (ccsrch_buf[ccsrch_index-cardlen] < 91)) )
176     && ((ccsrch_buf[ccsrch_index+2] > 47)
177     && (ccsrch_buf[ccsrch_index+2] < 58))
178     && ((ccsrch_buf[ccsrch_index+3] > 47)
179     && (ccsrch_buf[ccsrch_index+3] < 58)))
180   {
181     trackdatacount++;
182     return(1);
183   }
184   else
185     return(0);
186 }
189 int
process_prefix(int len,long offset)190 process_prefix(int len, long offset)
191 {
192   switch (len)
193   {
194     case 16:
195     check_mastercard_16(offset);
196     check_visa_16(offset);
197     check_discover_16(offset);
198     check_jcb_16(offset);
199     break;
200   case 15:
201     check_amex_15(offset);
202     check_enroute_15(offset);
203     check_jcb_15(offset);
204     break;
205   case 14:
206     check_diners_club_cb_14(offset);
207     break;
208 /** It has been purported that these cards are no longer in use
209   case 13:
210     check_visa_13(offset);
211     break;
212 **/
213   }
214   return (0);
215 }
218 int
luhn_check(int len,long offset)219 luhn_check(int len, long offset)
220 {
221   int    i = 0;
222   int    tmp = 0;
223   int    total = 0;
224   int    nummod = 0;
225   int            num[CARDSIZE];
228   if (cardbuf[i]<=0)
229     return(0);
231   for (i=0; i<CARDSIZE; i++)
232     num[i]=0;
234   for (i=0; i<len; i++)
235    num[i]=cardbuf[i];
237 #ifdef DEBUG
238   for (i=0; i<len; i++)
239     printf("%d ",num[i]);
240   printf("\n");
241 #endif
243   for (i=len-2; i>=0; i-=2)
244   {
245     tmp=2*num[i];
246     num[i]=tmp;
247     if (num[i]>9)
248       num[i]-=9;
249   }
251   for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
252     total += num[i];
255   nummod = total % 10;
256   if (nummod == 0)
257   {
258 #ifdef DEBUG
259   printf("Luhn Check passed ***********************************\n");
260 #endif
261     process_prefix(len, offset);
262   }
263   return (nummod);
264 }
267 int
ccsrch(char * filename)268 ccsrch(char *filename)
269 {
270   FILE           *in = NULL;
271   int             infd = 0;
272   int             cnt = 0;
273   long		  byte_offset=1;
274   int    k = 0;
275   int    counter = 0;
276   int    total = 0;
277   int    check = 0;
279   memset(&lastfilename,'\0',MAXPATH);
280   ccsrch_index=0;
281   errno = 0;
282   in = fopen(filename, "rb");
283   if (in == NULL)
284   {
285     if (errno==13)
286       fprintf(stderr, "ccsrch: Unable to open file %s for reading; Permission Denied\n", filename);
287     else
288       fprintf(stderr, "ccsrch: Unable to open file %s for reading; errno=%d\n", filename, errno);
289     return (-1);
290   }
291   infd = fileno(in);
292   currfilename = filename;
293   byte_offset=1;
295   file_count++;
297   initialize_buffer();
299   while (1)
300   {
301     memset(&ccsrch_buf, '\0', BSIZE);
302     cnt = read(infd, &ccsrch_buf, BSIZE - 1);
303     if (cnt <= 0)
304       break;
305     ccsrch_index = 0;
308     while (ccsrch_index < cnt)
309     {
310       if ((ccsrch_buf[ccsrch_index] > 47) && (ccsrch_buf[ccsrch_index] < 58))
311       {
312         check = 1;
313         cardbuf[counter] = ((int)ccsrch_buf[ccsrch_index])-48;
314         counter++;
315       } else if ((ccsrch_buf[ccsrch_index] != 0) && (ccsrch_buf[ccsrch_index] != 10) && (ccsrch_buf[ccsrch_index] != 13))
316       {
317         /*
318          * we consider nulls, new lines, and carriage
319          * returns to be noise, so ingore those,
320          * otherwise, restart the count
321          */
322         check = 1;
323         counter = 0;
324       } else
325       {
326         check = 0;
327         initialize_buffer();
328         counter=0;
329       }
331       if (((counter > 12) && (counter < CARDSIZE)) && (check))
332       {
333         switch (counter)
334         {
335         case 16:
336           luhn_check(16,byte_offset-16);
337           break;
338         case 15:
339           luhn_check(15,byte_offset-15);
340           break;
341         case 14:
342           luhn_check(14,byte_offset-14);
343           break;
344         case 13:
345           luhn_check(13,byte_offset-13);
346           break;
347         }
348       } else if ((counter == CARDSIZE) && (check))
349       {
350         for (k = 0; k < counter - 1; k++)
351         {
352           cardbuf[k] = cardbuf[k + 1];
353         }
354         cardbuf[k] = (-1);
355         luhn_check(13,byte_offset-13);
356         luhn_check(14,byte_offset-14);
357         luhn_check(15,byte_offset-15);
358         luhn_check(16,byte_offset-16);
359         counter--;
360       }
361       byte_offset++;
362       ccsrch_index++;
363     }
364   }
366   fclose(in);
368   return (total);
369 }
372 int
escape_space(char * infile,char * outfile)373 escape_space(char *infile, char *outfile)
374 {
375   int    i = 0;
376   int    spc = 0;
377   char           *tmpbuf = NULL;
378   int    filelen = 0;
379   int    newlen = 0;
380   int    newpos = 0;
382   filelen = strlen(infile);
383   for (i = 0; i < filelen; i++)
384     if (infile[i] == ' ')
385       spc++;
387   newlen = filelen + spc + 1;
388   errno = 0;
389   tmpbuf = (char *)malloc(newlen);
390   if (tmpbuf == NULL)
391   {
392     fprintf(stderr, "escape_space: can't allocate memory; errno=%d\n", errno);
393     return (1);
394   }
395   memset(tmpbuf, '\0', newlen);
397   i = 0;
398   while (i < filelen)
399   {
400     if (infile[i] == ' ')
401     {
402       tmpbuf[newpos++] = '\\';
403       tmpbuf[newpos] = infile[i];
404     } else
405       tmpbuf[newpos] = infile[i];
406     newpos++;
407     i++;
408   }
409   strncpy(outfile, tmpbuf, newlen);
410   free(tmpbuf);
411   return (0);
412 }
414 int
get_file_stat(char * inputfile,struct stat * fileattr)415 get_file_stat(char *inputfile, struct stat * fileattr)
416 {
417   struct stat     ffattr;
418   int             err = 0;
419   char           *tmp2buf = NULL;
420   int    filelen = 0;
423   filelen = strlen(inputfile);
424   errno = 0;
425   tmp2buf = (char *) malloc(filelen+1);
426   if (tmp2buf == NULL)
427   {
428     fprintf(stderr, "get_file_stat: can't allocate memory; errno=%d\n", errno);
429     return (1);
430   }
431   memset(tmp2buf, '\0', filelen+1);
432   strncpy(tmp2buf, inputfile, filelen);
434   errno=0;
435   err = stat(tmp2buf, &ffattr);
436   if (err != 0)
437   {
438     if (errno == ENOENT)
439       fprintf(stderr, "get_file_stat: File %s not found, can't get stat info\n", inputfile);
440     else
441       fprintf(stderr, "get_file_stat: Cannot stat file %s; errno=%d\n", inputfile, errno);
442     free(tmp2buf);
443     return (-1);
444   }
445   memcpy(fileattr, &ffattr, sizeof(ffattr));
446   currfile_atime=ffattr.st_atime;
447   currfile_mtime=ffattr.st_mtime;
448   currfile_ctime=ffattr.st_ctime;
449   free(tmp2buf);
450   return (0);
451 }
453 int
proc_dir_list(char * instr)454 proc_dir_list(char *instr)
455 {
456   DIR            *dirptr;
457   struct dirent  *direntptr;
458   int             dir_name_len = 0;
459   char           *curr_path = NULL;
460   struct stat     fstat;
461   int             err = 0;
462   char            tmpbuf[4096];
464   errno = 0;
465   dir_name_len = strlen(instr);
466   dirptr = opendir(instr);
468 #ifdef DEBUG
469   printf("Checking directory <%s>\n",instr);
470 #endif
472   if (dirptr == NULL)
473   {
474     fprintf(stderr, "proc_dir_list: Can't open dir %s; errno=%d\n", instr, errno);
475     return (1);
476   }
477   errno = 0;
478   curr_path = (char *)malloc(MAXPATH + 1);
479   if (curr_path == NULL)
480   {
481     fprintf(stderr, "proc_dir_list: Can't allocate enough space; errno=%d\n", errno);
482     closedir(dirptr);
483     return (1);
484   }
485   memset(curr_path, '\0', MAXPATH+1);
486   strncpy(curr_path, instr, MAXPATH);
487   errno = 0;
488   while ((direntptr = readdir(dirptr)) != NULL)
489   {
490     /* readdir give us everything and not necessarily in order. This
491        logic is just silly, but it works */
492     if (((direntptr->d_name[0] == '.') &&
493          (direntptr->d_name[1] == '\0')) ||
494         ((direntptr->d_name[0] == '.') &&
495          (direntptr->d_name[1] == '.') &&
496          (direntptr->d_name[2] == '\0')))
497       continue;
499     errno = 0;
500     strncat(curr_path, direntptr->d_name, MAXPATH);
501     err = get_file_stat(curr_path, &fstat);
503     if (err == -1)
504     {
505       if (errno == ENOENT)
506         fprintf(stderr, "proc_dir_list: file %s not found, can't stat\n", curr_path);
507       else
508         fprintf(stderr, "proc_dir_list: Cannot stat file %s; errno=%d\n", curr_path, errno);
509       closedir(dirptr);
510       return (1);
511     }
512     if ((fstat.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
513     {
514       strncat(curr_path, "/", MAXPATH);
515       proc_dir_list(curr_path);
516     } else if ((fstat.st_size > 0) && ((fstat.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG))
517     {
519       memset(&tmpbuf, '\0', 4096);
520       if (escape_space(curr_path, tmpbuf) == 0)
521       {
522         /*
523          * kludge, need to clean this up
524          * later else any string matching in the path returns non NULL
525          */
526         if (logfilename != NULL)
527           if (strstr(curr_path, logfilename) != NULL)
528             fprintf(stderr, "We seem to be hitting our log file, so we'll leave this out of the search -> %s\n", curr_path);
529           else
530           {
531 #ifdef DEBUG
532 printf("Processing file %s\n",curr_path);
533 #endif
534             ccsrch(curr_path);
535           }
536         else
537         {
538 #ifdef DEBUG
539 printf("Processing file %s\n",curr_path);
540 #endif
541           ccsrch(curr_path);
542         }
543       }
544     }
545 #ifdef DEBUG
546     else
547     {
548       if (fstat.st_size > 0)
549         fprintf(stderr, "proc_dir_list: Unknown mode returned-> %x for file %s\n", fstat.st_mode,curr_path);
550       else
551         fprintf(stderr, "Not processing file of size 0 bytes: %s\n", curr_path);
552     }
553 #endif
554     curr_path[dir_name_len] = '\0';
555   }
557   free(curr_path);
559   closedir(dirptr);
560   return (0);
561 }
563 void
check_mastercard_16(long offset)564 check_mastercard_16(long offset)
565 {
566   char            num2buf[3];
567   int             vnum = 0;
569   memset(&num2buf, '\0', 3);
570   snprintf(num2buf, 3, "%d%d", cardbuf[0], cardbuf[1]);
571   vnum = atoi(num2buf);
572   if ((vnum > 50) && (vnum < 56))
573     print_result("MASTERCARD", 16, offset);
574 }
576 void
check_visa_16(long offset)577 check_visa_16(long offset)
578 {
579   char            num2buf[2];
580   int             vnum = 0;
582   memset(&num2buf, '\0', 2);
583   snprintf(num2buf, 2, "%d", cardbuf[0]);
584   vnum = atoi(num2buf);
585   if (vnum == 4)
586     print_result("VISA", 16, offset);
587 }
589 void
check_discover_16(long offset)590 check_discover_16(long offset)
591 {
592   char            num2buf[5];
593   int             vnum = 0;
595   memset(&num2buf, '\0', 5);
596   snprintf(num2buf, 5, "%d%d%d%d", cardbuf[0], cardbuf[1], cardbuf[2], cardbuf[3]);
597   vnum = atoi(num2buf);
598   if (vnum == 6011)
599     print_result("DISCOVER", 16, offset);
600 }
602 void
check_jcb_16(long offset)603 check_jcb_16(long offset)
604 {
605   char            num2buf[5];
606   int             vnum = 0;
608   memset(&num2buf, '\0', 5);
609   snprintf(num2buf, 5, "%d%d%d%d", cardbuf[0], cardbuf[1], cardbuf[2], cardbuf[3]);
610   vnum = atoi(num2buf);
611   if ((vnum == 3088) || (vnum == 3096) || (vnum == 3112) || (vnum == 3158) || (vnum == 3337) || (vnum == 3528) || (vnum == 3529))
612     print_result("JCB", 16, offset);
613 }
615 void
check_amex_15(long offset)616 check_amex_15(long offset)
617 {
618   char            num2buf[3];
619   int             vnum = 0;
621   memset(&num2buf, '\0', 3);
622   snprintf(num2buf, 3, "%d%d", cardbuf[0], cardbuf[1]);
623   vnum = atoi(num2buf);
624   if ((vnum == 34) || (vnum == 37))
625     print_result("AMEX", 15, offset);
626 }
628 void
check_enroute_15(long offset)629 check_enroute_15(long offset)
630 {
631   char            num2buf[5];
632   int             vnum = 0;
634   memset(&num2buf, '\0', 5);
635   snprintf(num2buf, 5, "%d%d%d%d", cardbuf[0], cardbuf[1], cardbuf[2], cardbuf[3]);
636   vnum = atoi(num2buf);
637   if ((vnum == 2014) || (vnum == 2149))
638     print_result("ENROUTE", 15, offset);
639 }
641 void
check_jcb_15(long offset)642 check_jcb_15(long offset)
643 {
644   char            num2buf[5];
645   int             vnum = 0;
647   memset(&num2buf, '\0', 5);
648   snprintf(num2buf, 5, "%d%d%d%d", cardbuf[0], cardbuf[1], cardbuf[2], cardbuf[3]);
649   vnum = atoi(num2buf);
650   if ((vnum == 2131) || (vnum == 1800) || (vnum == 3528) || (vnum == 3529))
651     print_result("JCB", 15, offset);
652 }
654 void
check_diners_club_cb_14(long offset)655 check_diners_club_cb_14(long offset)
656 {
657   char            num2buf[4];
658   char            num2buf2[3];
659   int             vnum = 0;
660   int             vnum2 = 0;
662   memset(&num2buf, '\0', 4);
663   memset(&num2buf2, '\0', 3);
664   snprintf(num2buf, 4, "%d%d%d", cardbuf[0], cardbuf[1], cardbuf[2]);
665   snprintf(num2buf2, 3, "%d%d", cardbuf[0], cardbuf[1]);
666   vnum = atoi(num2buf);
667   vnum2 = atoi(num2buf2);
668   if (((vnum > 299) && (vnum < 306)) || ((vnum > 379) && (vnum < 389)) || (vnum2 == 36))
669     print_result("DINERS_CLUB_CARTE_BLANCHE", 14, offset);
670 }
672 /** It has been purported that these cards are no longer in use
673 void
674 check_visa_13(long offset)
675 {
676   char            num2buf[2];
677   int             vnum = 0;
679   memset(&num2buf, '\0', 2);
680   snprintf(num2buf, 2, "%d\0", cardbuf[0]);
681   vnum = atoi(num2buf);
682   if (vnum == 4)
683     print_result("VISA", 13, offset);
684 }
685 **/
687 void
cleanup_shtuff()688 cleanup_shtuff()
689 {
690   int end_time=0;
692   end_time=time(NULL);
693   fprintf(stdout, "\n\nFiles searched ->\t\t%ld\n", file_count);
694   fprintf(stdout, "Search time (seconds) ->\t%d\n", ((int)time(NULL) - init_time));
695   fprintf(stdout, "Credit card matches->\t\t%ld\n", total_count);
696   if (tracksrch)
697     fprintf(stdout, "Track data pattern matches->\t%d\n\n", trackdatacount);
698   fprintf(stdout, "\nLocal end time: %s\n\n", ctime((time_t *)&end_time));
699 }
701 void
process_cleanup()702 process_cleanup()
703 {
704   if (logfilefd>0)
705     fclose(logfilefd);
706   cleanup_shtuff();
707   exit(0);
708 }
710 void
signal_proc()711 signal_proc()
712 {
713   signal(SIGHUP, process_cleanup);
714   signal(SIGTERM, process_cleanup);
715   signal(SIGINT, process_cleanup);
716   signal(SIGQUIT, process_cleanup);
717 }
719 void
usage(char * progname)720 usage(char *progname)
721 {
722   printf("%s\n", PROG_VER);
723   printf("Usage: %s <options> <start path>\n", progname);
724   printf("  where <options> are:\n");
725   printf("    -b\t\t   Add the byte offset into the file of the number\n");
726   printf("    -e\t\t   Include the Modify Access and Create times in terms \n\t\t   of seconds since the epoch\n");
727   printf("    -f\t\t   Only print the filename w/ potential PAN data\n");
728   printf("    -j\t\t   Include the Modify Access and Create times in terms \n\t\t   of normal date/time\n");
729   printf("    -o <filename>  Output the data to the file <filename> vs. standard out\n");
731   printf("    -t <1 or 2>\t   Check if the pattern follows either a Track 1 \n\t\t   or 2 format\n");
732   printf("    -T\t\t   Check for both Track 1 and Track 2 patterns\n");
734   printf("    -h\t\t   This stuff\n\n");
735   printf("Please see the README file for a description of how this program works.\n\n");
736   exit(0);
737 }
739 int
open_logfile()740 open_logfile()
741 {
742   errno = 0;
743   if (logfilename!=NULL)
744   {
745     logfilefd = fopen(logfilename, "a+");
746     if (logfilefd == NULL)
747     {
748       fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open logfile %s for writing; errno=%d\n", logfilename, errno);
749       return (-1);
750     }
751   }
752   return (0);
753 }
check_dir(char * name)755 int check_dir (char *name)
756 {
757   DIR            *dirptr;
759   dirptr = opendir(name);
760   if (dirptr!=NULL)
761   {
762     closedir(dirptr);
763     return(1);
764   }
765   else
766     return (0);
767 }
769 int
main(int argc,char * argv[])770 main(int argc, char *argv[])
771 {
772   struct stat	ffstat;
773   char		*inputstr = NULL;
774   char		*inbuf = NULL;
775   char		*tracktype_str=NULL;
776   char		tmpbuf[4096];
777   int		inlen = 0, err=0, c=0;
779   if (argc < 2)
780     usage(argv[0]);
782   while ((c = getopt(argc, argv,"befjt:To:")) != -1)
783   {
784     switch (c)
785     {
786     case 'b':
787       print_byte_offset=1;
788       break;
789     case 'e':
790       print_epoch_time=1;
791       break;
792     case 'f':
793       print_filename_only=1;
794       break;
795     case 'j':
796       print_julian_time=1;
797       break;
798     case 'o':
799       logfilename=optarg;
800       break;
801     case 't':
802       tracksrch=1;
803       tracktype_str=optarg;
804       if (atoi(tracktype_str)==1)
805         tracktype1=1;
806       else if (atoi(tracktype_str)==2)
807         tracktype2=1;
808       else
809         usage(argv[0]);
810       break;
811     case 'T':
812       tracksrch=1;
813       tracktype1=1;
814       tracktype2=1;
815       break;
816     case 'h':
817     default:
818       usage(argv[0]);
819       break;
820     }
821   }
823   inputstr = argv[optind];
824   if (inputstr == NULL)
825     usage(argv[0]);
827   inlen = strlen(inputstr) + 1;
829   if (open_logfile() < 0)
830     exit(-1);
832   inbuf = (char *)malloc(inlen + 1);
834   memset(inbuf, '\0', inlen+1);
835   strncpy(inbuf, inputstr, inlen);
837   signal_proc();
839   init_time = time(NULL);
840   printf("\n\t\t%s\n", PROG_VER);
841   printf("\nLocal start time: %s\n",ctime((time_t *)&init_time));
842   if (check_dir(inbuf))
843   {
844 #ifdef WINDOWS
845     if ((inbuf[strlen(inbuf) - 1]) != '\\')
846       inbuf[strlen(inbuf)] = '\\';
847 #else
848     if ((inbuf[strlen(inbuf) - 1]) != '/')
849       inbuf[strlen(inbuf)] = '/';
850 #endif
851     proc_dir_list(inbuf);
852   }
853   else
854   {
855     err = get_file_stat(inbuf, &ffstat);
856     if (err == -1)
857     {
858       if (errno == ENOENT)
859         fprintf(stderr, "File %s not found, can't stat\n", inbuf);
860       else
861         fprintf(stderr, "Cannot stat file %s; errno=%d\n", inbuf, errno);
862       exit (-1);
863     }
865     if ((ffstat.st_size > 0) && ((ffstat.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG))
866     {
868       memset(&tmpbuf, '\0', 4096);
869       if (escape_space(inbuf, tmpbuf) == 0)
870       {
871         if (logfilename != NULL)
872           if (strstr(inbuf, logfilename) != NULL)
873           fprintf(stderr, "main: We seem to be hitting our log file, so we'll leave this out of the search -> %s\n", inbuf);
874           else
875           {
876 #ifdef DEBUG
877             printf("Processing file %s\n",inbuf);
878 #endif
879             ccsrch(inbuf);
880           }
881         else
882         {
883 #ifdef DEBUG
884           printf("Processing file %s\n",inbuf);
885 #endif
886           ccsrch(inbuf);
887         }
888       }
889     }
890     else if ((ffstat.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
891     {
892 #ifdef WINDOWS
893       if ((inbuf[strlen(inbuf) - 1]) != '\\')
894         inbuf[strlen(inbuf)] = '\\';
895 #else
896       if ((inbuf[strlen(inbuf) - 1]) != '/')
897         inbuf[strlen(inbuf)] = '/';
898 #endif
899       proc_dir_list(inbuf);
901     }
902     else
903       fprintf(stderr, "main: Unknown mode returned-> %x\n", ffstat.st_mode);
904   }
906   cleanup_shtuff();
907   free(inbuf);
909   return (0);
910 }