1 //===-- llvm/OperandTraits.h - OperandTraits class definition ---*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
4 //
5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7 //
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 //
10 // This file defines the traits classes that are handy for enforcing the correct
11 // layout of various User subclasses. It also provides the means for accessing
12 // the operands in the most efficient manner.
13 //
18 #include "llvm/User.h"
20 namespace llvm {
22 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
23 //                          FixedNumOperand Trait Class
24 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
26 /// FixedNumOperandTraits - determine the allocation regime of the Use array
27 /// when it is a prefix to the User object, and the number of Use objects is
28 /// known at compile time.
30 template <unsigned ARITY>
31 struct FixedNumOperandTraits {
op_beginFixedNumOperandTraits32   static Use *op_begin(User* U) {
33     return reinterpret_cast<Use*>(U) - ARITY;
34   }
op_endFixedNumOperandTraits35   static Use *op_end(User* U) {
36     return reinterpret_cast<Use*>(U);
37   }
operandsFixedNumOperandTraits38   static unsigned operands(const User*) {
39     return ARITY;
40   }
41   struct prefix {
42     Use Ops[ARITY];
43     prefix(); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
44   };
45   template <class U>
46   struct Layout {
47     struct overlay : public prefix, public U {
48       overlay(); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
49     };
50   };
51 };
53 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
54 //                          OptionalOperand Trait Class
55 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
57 /// OptionalOperandTraits - when the number of operands may change at runtime.
58 /// Naturally it may only decrease, because the allocations may not change.
60 template <unsigned ARITY = 1>
61 struct OptionalOperandTraits : public FixedNumOperandTraits<ARITY> {
operandsOptionalOperandTraits62   static unsigned operands(const User *U) {
63     return U->getNumOperands();
64   }
65 };
67 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
68 //                          VariadicOperand Trait Class
69 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
71 /// VariadicOperandTraits - determine the allocation regime of the Use array
72 /// when it is a prefix to the User object, and the number of Use objects is
73 /// only known at allocation time.
75 template <unsigned MINARITY = 0>
76 struct VariadicOperandTraits {
op_beginVariadicOperandTraits77   static Use *op_begin(User* U) {
78     return reinterpret_cast<Use*>(U) - U->getNumOperands();
79   }
op_endVariadicOperandTraits80   static Use *op_end(User* U) {
81     return reinterpret_cast<Use*>(U);
82   }
operandsVariadicOperandTraits83   static unsigned operands(const User *U) {
84     return U->getNumOperands();
85   }
86 };
88 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
89 //                          HungoffOperand Trait Class
90 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
92 /// HungoffOperandTraits - determine the allocation regime of the Use array
93 /// when it is not a prefix to the User object, but allocated at an unrelated
94 /// heap address.
95 /// Assumes that the User subclass that is determined by this traits class
96 /// has an OperandList member of type User::op_iterator. [Note: this is now
97 /// trivially satisfied, because User has that member for historic reasons.]
98 ///
99 /// This is the traits class that is needed when the Use array must be
100 /// resizable.
102 template <unsigned MINARITY = 1>
103 struct HungoffOperandTraits {
op_beginHungoffOperandTraits104   static Use *op_begin(User* U) {
105     return U->OperandList;
106   }
op_endHungoffOperandTraits107   static Use *op_end(User* U) {
108     return U->OperandList + U->getNumOperands();
109   }
operandsHungoffOperandTraits110   static unsigned operands(const User *U) {
111     return U->getNumOperands();
112   }
113 };
115 /// Macro for generating in-class operand accessor declarations.
116 /// It should only be called in the public section of the interface.
117 ///
119   public: \
120   inline VALUECLASS *getOperand(unsigned) const; \
121   inline void setOperand(unsigned, VALUECLASS*); \
122   inline op_iterator op_begin(); \
123   inline const_op_iterator op_begin() const; \
124   inline op_iterator op_end(); \
125   inline const_op_iterator op_end() const; \
126   protected: \
127   template <int> inline Use &Op(); \
128   template <int> inline const Use &Op() const; \
129   public: \
130   inline unsigned getNumOperands() const
132 /// Macro for generating out-of-class operand accessor definitions
134 CLASS::op_iterator CLASS::op_begin() { \
135   return OperandTraits<CLASS>::op_begin(this); \
136 } \
137 CLASS::const_op_iterator CLASS::op_begin() const { \
138   return OperandTraits<CLASS>::op_begin(const_cast<CLASS*>(this)); \
139 } \
140 CLASS::op_iterator CLASS::op_end() { \
141   return OperandTraits<CLASS>::op_end(this); \
142 } \
143 CLASS::const_op_iterator CLASS::op_end() const { \
144   return OperandTraits<CLASS>::op_end(const_cast<CLASS*>(this)); \
145 } \
146 VALUECLASS *CLASS::getOperand(unsigned i_nocapture) const { \
147   assert(i_nocapture < OperandTraits<CLASS>::operands(this) \
148          && "getOperand() out of range!"); \
149   return static_cast<VALUECLASS*>( \
150     OperandTraits<CLASS>::op_begin(const_cast<CLASS*>(this))[i_nocapture]); \
151 } \
152 void CLASS::setOperand(unsigned i_nocapture, VALUECLASS *Val_nocapture) { \
153   assert(i_nocapture < OperandTraits<CLASS>::operands(this) \
154          && "setOperand() out of range!"); \
155   OperandTraits<CLASS>::op_begin(this)[i_nocapture] = Val_nocapture; \
156 } \
157 unsigned CLASS::getNumOperands() const { \
158   return OperandTraits<CLASS>::operands(this);  \
159 } \
160 template <int Idx_nocapture> Use &CLASS::Op() { \
161   return this->OpFrom<Idx_nocapture>(this); \
162 } \
163 template <int Idx_nocapture> const Use &CLASS::Op() const { \
164   return this->OpFrom<Idx_nocapture>(this); \
165 }
168 /// Macro for generating out-of-class operand accessor
169 /// definitions with casted result
171 CLASS::op_iterator CLASS::op_begin() { \
172   return OperandTraits<CLASS>::op_begin(this); \
173 } \
174 CLASS::const_op_iterator CLASS::op_begin() const { \
175   return OperandTraits<CLASS>::op_begin(const_cast<CLASS*>(this)); \
176 } \
177 CLASS::op_iterator CLASS::op_end() { \
178   return OperandTraits<CLASS>::op_end(this); \
179 } \
180 CLASS::const_op_iterator CLASS::op_end() const { \
181   return OperandTraits<CLASS>::op_end(const_cast<CLASS*>(this)); \
182 } \
183 VALUECLASS *CLASS::getOperand(unsigned i_nocapture) const { \
184   assert(i_nocapture < OperandTraits<CLASS>::operands(this) \
185          && "getOperand() out of range!"); \
186   return cast<VALUECLASS>( \
187     OperandTraits<CLASS>::op_begin(const_cast<CLASS*>(this))[i_nocapture]); \
188 } \
189 void CLASS::setOperand(unsigned i_nocapture, VALUECLASS *Val_nocapture) { \
190   assert(i_nocapture < OperandTraits<CLASS>::operands(this) \
191          && "setOperand() out of range!"); \
192   OperandTraits<CLASS>::op_begin(this)[i_nocapture] = Val_nocapture; \
193 } \
194 unsigned CLASS::getNumOperands() const { \
195   return OperandTraits<CLASS>::operands(this); \
196 } \
197 template <int Idx_nocapture> Use &CLASS::Op() { \
198   return this->OpFrom<Idx_nocapture>(this); \
199 } \
200 template <int Idx_nocapture> const Use &CLASS::Op() const { \
201   return this->OpFrom<Idx_nocapture>(this); \
202 }
205 } // End llvm namespace
207 #endif