1 #define   MYesNo             L"_Yes_No"
2 #define   MYesNoAll          L"_Yes_No_All"
3 #define   MYesNoAllQ         L"_Yes_No_All_nEver_Quit"
4 #define   MYesNoAllRenQ      L"_Yes_No_All_nEver_Rename_Quit"
5 #define   MContinueQuit      L"_Continue_Quit"
6 #define   MRetryAbort        L"_Retry_Abort"
7 #define   MIgnoreAllRetryQuit L"_Ignore_iGnore all_Retry_Quit"
8 #define   MCopyright         L"\nRAR %s   Copyright (c) 1993-%d Alexander Roshal   %d %s %d"
9 #define   MRegTo             L"\nRegistered to %s\n"
10 #define   MShare             L"\nTrial version             Type 'rar -?' for help\n"
11 #define   MRegKeyWarning     L"\nAvailable license key is valid only for %s\n"
12 #define   MUCopyright        L"\nUNRAR %s freeware      Copyright (c) 1993-%d Alexander Roshal\n"
13 #define   MBeta              L"beta"
14 #define   Mx86               L"x86"
15 #define   Mx64               L"x64"
16 #define   MMonthJan          L"Jan"
17 #define   MMonthFeb          L"Feb"
18 #define   MMonthMar          L"Mar"
19 #define   MMonthApr          L"Apr"
20 #define   MMonthMay          L"May"
21 #define   MMonthJun          L"Jun"
22 #define   MMonthJul          L"Jul"
23 #define   MMonthAug          L"Aug"
24 #define   MMonthSep          L"Sep"
25 #define   MMonthOct          L"Oct"
26 #define   MMonthNov          L"Nov"
27 #define   MMonthDec          L"Dec"
28 #define   MRARTitle1         L"\nUsage:     rar <command> -<switch 1> -<switch N> <archive> <files...>"
29 #define   MUNRARTitle1       L"\nUsage:     unrar <command> -<switch 1> -<switch N> <archive> <files...>"
30 #define   MRARTitle2         L"\n               <@listfiles...> <path_to_extract\\>"
31 #define   MCHelpCmd          L"\n\n<Commands>"
32 #define   MCHelpCmdA         L"\n  a             Add files to archive"
33 #define   MCHelpCmdC         L"\n  c             Add archive comment"
34 #define   MCHelpCmdCH        L"\n  ch            Change archive parameters"
35 #define   MCHelpCmdCW        L"\n  cw            Write archive comment to file"
36 #define   MCHelpCmdD         L"\n  d             Delete files from archive"
37 #define   MCHelpCmdE         L"\n  e             Extract files without archived paths"
38 #define   MCHelpCmdF         L"\n  f             Freshen files in archive"
39 #define   MCHelpCmdI         L"\n  i[par]=<str>  Find string in archives"
40 #define   MCHelpCmdK         L"\n  k             Lock archive"
41 #define   MCHelpCmdL         L"\n  l[t[a],b]     List archive contents [technical[all], bare]"
42 #define   MCHelpCmdM         L"\n  m[f]          Move to archive [files only]"
43 #define   MCHelpCmdP         L"\n  p             Print file to stdout"
44 #define   MCHelpCmdR         L"\n  r             Repair archive"
45 #define   MCHelpCmdRC        L"\n  rc            Reconstruct missing volumes"
46 #define   MCHelpCmdRN        L"\n  rn            Rename archived files"
47 #define   MCHelpCmdRR        L"\n  rr[N]         Add data recovery record"
48 #define   MCHelpCmdRV        L"\n  rv[N]         Create recovery volumes"
49 #define   MCHelpCmdS         L"\n  s[name|-]     Convert archive to or from SFX"
50 #define   MCHelpCmdT         L"\n  t             Test archive files"
51 #define   MCHelpCmdU         L"\n  u             Update files in archive"
52 #define   MCHelpCmdV         L"\n  v[t[a],b]     Verbosely list archive contents [technical[all],bare]"
53 #define   MCHelpCmdX         L"\n  x             Extract files with full path"
54 #define   MCHelpSw           L"\n\n<Switches>"
55 #define   MCHelpSwm          L"\n  -             Stop switches scanning"
56 #define   MCHelpSwAT         L"\n  @[+]          Disable [enable] file lists"
57 #define   MCHelpSwAC         L"\n  ac            Clear Archive attribute after compression or extraction"
58 #define   MCHelpSwAD         L"\n  ad[1,2]       Alternate destination path"
59 #define   MCHelpSwAG         L"\n  ag[format]    Generate archive name using the current date"
60 #define   MCHelpSwAI         L"\n  ai            Ignore file attributes"
61 #define   MCHelpSwAO         L"\n  ao            Add files with Archive attribute set"
62 #define   MCHelpSwAP         L"\n  ap<path>      Set path inside archive"
63 #define   MCHelpSwAS         L"\n  as            Synchronize archive contents"
64 #define   MCHelpSwCm         L"\n  c-            Disable comments show"
65 #define   MCHelpSwCFGm       L"\n  cfg-          Disable read configuration"
66 #define   MCHelpSwCL         L"\n  cl            Convert names to lower case"
67 #define   MCHelpSwCU         L"\n  cu            Convert names to upper case"
68 #define   MCHelpSwDF         L"\n  df            Delete files after archiving"
69 #define   MCHelpSwDH         L"\n  dh            Open shared files"
70 #define   MCHelpSwDR         L"\n  dr            Delete files to Recycle Bin"
71 #define   MCHelpSwDS         L"\n  ds            Disable name sort for solid archive"
72 #define   MCHelpSwDW         L"\n  dw            Wipe files after archiving"
73 #define   MCHelpSwEa         L"\n  e[+]<attr>    Set file exclude and include attributes"
74 #define   MCHelpSwED         L"\n  ed            Do not add empty directories"
75 #define   MCHelpSwEN         L"\n  en            Do not put 'end of archive' block"
76 #define   MCHelpSwEP         L"\n  ep            Exclude paths from names"
77 #define   MCHelpSwEP1        L"\n  ep1           Exclude base directory from names"
78 #define   MCHelpSwEP2        L"\n  ep2           Expand paths to full"
79 #define   MCHelpSwEP3        L"\n  ep3           Expand paths to full including the drive letter"
80 #define   MCHelpSwF          L"\n  f             Freshen files"
81 #define   MCHelpSwHP         L"\n  hp[password]  Encrypt both file data and headers"
82 #define   MCHelpSwHT         L"\n  ht[b|c]       Select hash type [BLAKE2,CRC32] for file checksum"
83 #define   MCHelpSwIDP        L"\n  id[c,d,n,p,q] Display or disable messages"
84 #define   MCHelpSwIEML       L"\n  ieml[addr]    Send archive by email"
85 #define   MCHelpSwIERR       L"\n  ierr          Send all messages to stderr"
86 #define   MCHelpSwILOG       L"\n  ilog[name]    Log errors to file"
87 #define   MCHelpSwINUL       L"\n  inul          Disable all messages"
88 #define   MCHelpSwIOFF       L"\n  ioff[n]       Turn PC off after completing an operation"
89 #define   MCHelpSwISND       L"\n  isnd[-]       Control notification sounds"
90 #define   MCHelpSwIVER       L"\n  iver          Display the version number"
91 #define   MCHelpSwK          L"\n  k             Lock archive"
92 #define   MCHelpSwKB         L"\n  kb            Keep broken extracted files"
93 #define   MCHelpSwLog        L"\n  log[f][=name] Write names to log file"
94 #define   MCHelpSwMn         L"\n  m<0..5>       Set compression level (0-store...3-default...5-maximal)"
95 #define   MCHelpSwMA         L"\n  ma[4|5]       Specify a version of archiving format"
96 #define   MCHelpSwMC         L"\n  mc<par>       Set advanced compression parameters"
97 #define   MCHelpSwMD         L"\n  md<n>[k,m,g]  Dictionary size in KB, MB or GB"
98 #define   MCHelpSwMS         L"\n  ms[ext;ext]   Specify file types to store"
99 #define   MCHelpSwMT         L"\n  mt<threads>   Set the number of threads"
100 #define   MCHelpSwN          L"\n  n<file>       Additionally filter included files"
101 #define   MCHelpSwNa         L"\n  n@            Read additional filter masks from stdin"
102 #define   MCHelpSwNal        L"\n  n@<list>      Read additional filter masks from list file"
103 #define   MCHelpSwO          L"\n  o[+|-]        Set the overwrite mode"
104 #define   MCHelpSwOC         L"\n  oc            Set NTFS Compressed attribute"
105 #define   MCHelpSwOH         L"\n  oh            Save hard links as the link instead of the file"
106 #define   MCHelpSwOI         L"\n  oi[0-4][:min] Save identical files as references"
107 #define   MCHelpSwOL         L"\n  ol[a]         Process symbolic links as the link [absolute paths]"
108 #define   MCHelpSwONI        L"\n  oni           Allow potentially incompatible names"
109 #define   MCHelpSwOR         L"\n  or            Rename files automatically"
110 #define   MCHelpSwOS         L"\n  os            Save NTFS streams"
111 #define   MCHelpSwOW         L"\n  ow            Save or restore file owner and group"
112 #define   MCHelpSwP          L"\n  p[password]   Set password"
113 #define   MCHelpSwPm         L"\n  p-            Do not query password"
114 #define   MCHelpSwQO         L"\n  qo[-|+]       Add quick open information [none|force]"
115 #define   MCHelpSwR          L"\n  r             Recurse subdirectories"
116 #define   MCHelpSwRm         L"\n  r-            Disable recursion"
117 #define   MCHelpSwR0         L"\n  r0            Recurse subdirectories for wildcard names only"
118 #define   MCHelpSwRI         L"\n  ri<P>[:<S>]   Set priority (0-default,1-min..15-max) and sleep time in ms"
119 #define   MCHelpSwRR         L"\n  rr[N]         Add data recovery record"
120 #define   MCHelpSwRV         L"\n  rv[N]         Create recovery volumes"
121 #define   MCHelpSwS          L"\n  s[<N>,v[-],e] Create solid archive"
122 #define   MCHelpSwSm         L"\n  s-            Disable solid archiving"
123 #define   MCHelpSwSC         L"\n  sc<chr>[obj]  Specify the character set"
124 #define   MCHelpSwSFX        L"\n  sfx[name]     Create SFX archive"
125 #define   MCHelpSwSI         L"\n  si[name]      Read data from standard input (stdin)"
126 #define   MCHelpSwSL         L"\n  sl<size>      Process files with size less than specified"
127 #define   MCHelpSwSM         L"\n  sm<size>      Process files with size more than specified"
128 #define   MCHelpSwT          L"\n  t             Test files after archiving"
129 #define   MCHelpSwTK         L"\n  tk            Keep original archive time"
130 #define   MCHelpSwTL         L"\n  tl            Set archive time to latest file"
131 #define   MCHelpSwTN         L"\n  tn[mcao]<t>   Process files newer than <t> time"
132 #define   MCHelpSwTO         L"\n  to[mcao]<t>   Process files older than <t> time"
133 #define   MCHelpSwTA         L"\n  ta[mcao]<d>   Process files modified after <d> YYYYMMDDHHMMSS date"
134 #define   MCHelpSwTB         L"\n  tb[mcao]<d>   Process files modified before <d> YYYYMMDDHHMMSS date"
135 #define   MCHelpSwTS         L"\n  ts[m,c,a,p]   Save or restore time (modification, creation, access, preserve)"
136 #define   MCHelpSwU          L"\n  u             Update files"
137 #define   MCHelpSwV          L"\n  v             Create volumes with size autodetection or list all volumes"
138 #define   MCHelpSwVUnr       L"\n  v             List all volumes"
139 #define   MCHelpSwVn         L"\n  v<size>[k,b]  Create volumes with size=<size>*1000 [*1024, *1]"
140 #define   MCHelpSwVD         L"\n  vd            Erase disk contents before creating volume"
141 #define   MCHelpSwVER        L"\n  ver[n]        File version control"
142 #define   MCHelpSwVN         L"\n  vn            Use the old style volume naming scheme"
143 #define   MCHelpSwVP         L"\n  vp            Pause before each volume"
144 #define   MCHelpSwW          L"\n  w<path>       Assign work directory"
145 #define   MCHelpSwX          L"\n  x<file>       Exclude specified file"
146 #define   MCHelpSwXa         L"\n  x@            Read file names to exclude from stdin"
147 #define   MCHelpSwXal        L"\n  x@<list>      Exclude files listed in specified list file"
148 #define   MCHelpSwY          L"\n  y             Assume Yes on all queries"
149 #define   MCHelpSwZ          L"\n  z[file]       Read archive comment from file"
150 #define   MBadArc            L"\nERROR: Bad archive %s\n"
151 #define   MAskPsw            L"Enter password (will not be echoed)"
152 #define   MAskPswFor         L"\nEnter password (will not be echoed) for %s: "
153 #define   MReAskPsw          L"\nReenter password: "
154 #define   MNotMatchPsw       L"\nERROR: Passwords do not match\n"
155 #define   MErrWrite          L"Write error in the file %s"
156 #define   MErrRead           L"Read error in the file %s"
157 #define   MErrSeek           L"Seek error in the file %s"
158 #define   MErrFClose         L"Cannot close the file %s"
159 #define   MErrOutMem         L"Not enough memory"
160 #define   MErrBrokenArc      L"Corrupt archive - use 'Repair' command"
161 #define   MProgAborted       L"Program aborted"
162 #define   MErrRename         L"\nCannot rename %s to %s"
163 #define   MAbsNextVol        L"\nCannot find volume %s"
164 #define   MBreak             L"\nUser break\n"
165 #define   MAskCreatVol       L"\nCreate next volume ?"
166 #define   MAskNextDisk       L"\nDisk full. Insert next"
167 #define   MCreatVol          L"\n\nCreating %sarchive %s\n"
168 #define   MAskNextVol        L"\nInsert disk with %s"
169 #define   MTestVol           L"\n\nTesting archive %s\n"
170 #define   MExtrVol           L"\n\nExtracting from %s\n"
171 #define   MConverting        L"\nConverting %s"
172 #define   MCvtToSFX          L"\nConvert archives to SFX"
173 #define   MCvtFromSFX        L"\nRemoving SFX module"
174 #define   MNotSFX            L"\n%s is not SFX archive"
175 #define   MNotRAR            L"\n%s is not RAR archive"
176 #define   MNotFirstVol       L"\n%s is not the first volume"
177 #define   MCvtOldFormat      L"\n%s - cannot convert to SFX archive with old format"
178 #define   MCannotCreate      L"\nCannot create %s"
179 #define   MCannotOpen        L"\nCannot open %s"
180 #define   MUnknownMeth       L"\nUnknown method in %s"
181 #define   MNewRarFormat      L"\nUnsupported archive format. Please update RAR to a newer version."
182 #define   MOk                L" OK"
183 #define   MDone              L"\nDone"
184 #define   MLockingArc        L"\nLocking archive"
185 #define   MNotMdfOld         L"\n\nERROR: Cannot modify old format archive"
186 #define   MNotMdfLock        L"\n\nERROR: Locked archive"
187 #define   MNotMdfVol         L"\n\nERROR: Cannot modify volume"
188 #define   MPackAskReg        L"\nEvaluation copy. Please register.\n"
189 #define   MCreateArchive     L"\nCreating %sarchive %s\n"
190 #define   MUpdateArchive     L"\nUpdating %sarchive %s\n"
191 #define   MAddSolid          L"solid "
192 #define   MAddFile           L"\nAdding    %-58s     "
193 #define   MUpdFile           L"\nUpdating  %-58s     "
194 #define   MAddPoints         L"\n...       %-58s     "
195 #define   MMoveDelFiles      L"\n\nDeleting files %s..."
196 #define   MMoveDelDirs       L"and directories"
197 #define   MMoveDelFile       L"\nDeleting %-30s"
198 #define   MMoveDeleted       L"    deleted"
199 #define   MMoveNotDeleted    L"    NOT DELETED"
200 #define   MClearAttrib       L"\n\nClearing attributes..."
201 #define   MMoveDelDir        L"\nDeleting directory %-30s"
202 #define   MWarErrFOpen       L"\nWARNING: Cannot open %d %s"
203 #define   MErrOpenFiles      L"files"
204 #define   MErrOpenFile       L"file"
205 #define   MAddNoFiles        L"\nWARNING: No files"
206 #define   MMdfEncrSol        L"\n%s: encrypted"
207 #define   MAddAnalyze        L"\nAnalyzing archived files: "
208 #define   MRepacking         L"\nRepacking archived files: "
209 #define   MCRCFailed         L"\n%-20s - checksum error"
210 #define   MExtrTest          L"\n\nTesting archive %s\n"
211 #define   MExtracting        L"\n\nExtracting from %s\n"
212 #define   MUseCurPsw         L"\n%s - use current password ?"
213 #define   MCreatDir          L"\nCreating    %-56s"
214 #define   MExtrSkipFile      L"\nSkipping    %-56s"
215 #define   MExtrTestFile      L"\nTesting     %-56s"
216 #define   MExtrFile          L"\nExtracting  %-56s"
217 #define   MExtrPoints        L"\n...         %-56s"
218 #define   MExtrErrMkDir      L"\nCannot create directory %s"
219 #define   MExtrPrinting      L"\n------ Printing %s\n\n"
220 #define   MEncrBadCRC        L"\nChecksum error in the encrypted file %s. Corrupt file or wrong password."
221 #define   MExtrNoFiles       L"\nNo files to extract"
222 #define   MExtrAllOk         L"\nAll OK"
223 #define   MExtrTotalErr      L"\nTotal errors: %ld"
224 #define   MAskReplace        L"\n\nWould you like to replace the existing file %s\n%6s bytes, modified on %s\nwith a new one\n%6s bytes, modified on %s\n"
225 #define   MAskOverwrite      L"\nOverwrite %s ?"
226 #define   MAskNewName        L"\nEnter new name: "
227 #define   MHeaderBroken      L"\nCorrupt header is found"
228 #define   MMainHeaderBroken  L"\nMain archive header is corrupt"
229 #define   MLogFileHead       L"\n%s - the file header is corrupt"
230 #define   MLogProtectHead    L"The data recovery header is corrupt"
231 #define   MReadStdinCmt      L"\nReading comment from stdin\n"
232 #define   MReadCommFrom      L"\nReading comment from %s"
233 #define   MDelComment        L"\nDeleting comment from %s"
234 #define   MAddComment        L"\nAdding comment to %s"
235 #define   MFCommAdd          L"\nAdding file comments"
236 #define   MAskFComm          L"\n\nReading comment for %s : %s from stdin\n"
237 #define   MLogCommBrk        L"\nThe archive comment is corrupt"
238 #define   MCommAskCont       L"\nPress 'Enter' to continue or 'Q' to quit:"
239 #define   MWriteCommTo       L"\nWrite comment to %s"
240 #define   MCommNotPres       L"\nComment is not present"
241 #define   MDelFrom           L"\nDeleting from %s"
242 #define   MDeleting          L"\nDeleting %s"
243 #define   MEraseArc          L"\nErasing empty archive %s"
244 #define   MNoDelFiles        L"\nNo files to delete"
245 #define   MLogTitle          L"--------  %2d %s %d, archive %s"
246 #define   MPathTooLong       L"\nERROR: Path too long\n"
247 #define   MListArchive       L"Archive"
248 #define   MListDetails       L"Details"
249 #define   MListSolid         L"solid"
250 #define   MListSFX           L"SFX"
251 #define   MListVolume        L"volume"
252 #define   MListRR            L"recovery record"
253 #define   MListLock          L"lock"
254 #define   MListEnc           L"encrypted"
255 #define   MListEncHead       L"encrypted headers"
256 #define   MListTitleL        L" Attributes      Size     Date    Time   Name"
257 #define   MListTitleV        L" Attributes      Size    Packed Ratio    Date    Time   Checksum  Name"
258 #define   MListName          L"Name"
259 #define   MListType          L"Type"
260 #define   MListFile          L"File"
261 #define   MListDir           L"Directory"
262 #define   MListUSymlink      L"Unix symbolic link"
263 #define   MListWSymlink      L"Windows symbolic link"
264 #define   MListJunction      L"NTFS junction point"
265 #define   MListHardlink      L"Hard link"
266 #define   MListCopy          L"File reference"
267 #define   MListStream        L"NTFS alternate data stream"
268 #define   MListTarget        L"Target"
269 #define   MListSize          L"Size"
270 #define   MListPacked        L"Packed size"
271 #define   MListRatio         L"Ratio"
272 #define   MListMtime         L"mtime"
273 #define   MListCtime         L"ctime"
274 #define   MListAtime         L"atime"
275 #define   MListAttr          L"Attributes"
276 #define   MListFlags         L"Flags"
277 #define   MListCompInfo      L"Compression"
278 #define   MListHostOS        L"Host OS"
279 #define   MListFileVer       L"File version"
280 #define   MListService       L"Service"
281 #define   MListUOHead        L"\n   Unix Owner/Group data:    %-14s %-14s"
282 #define   MListNTACLHead     L"\n   NTFS security data"
283 #define   MListStrmHead      L"\n   NTFS stream: %s"
284 #define   MListUnkHead       L"\n   Unknown subheader type: 0x%04x"
285 #define   MFileComment       L"\nComment: "
286 #define   MYes               L"Yes"
287 #define   MNo                L"No"
288 #define   MListNoFiles       L"  0 files\n"
289 #define   MRprReconstr       L"\nReconstructing %s"
290 #define   MRprBuild          L"\nBuilding %s"
291 #define   MRprOldFormat      L"\nCannot repair archive with old format"
292 #define   MRprFind           L"\nFound  %s"
293 #define   MRprAskIsSol       L"\nThe archive header is corrupt. Mark archive as solid ?"
294 #define   MRprNoFiles        L"\nNo files found"
295 #define   MLogUnexpEOF       L"\nUnexpected end of archive"
296 #define   MRepAskReconst     L"\nReconstruct archive structure ?"
297 #define   MRRSearch          L"\nSearching for recovery record"
298 #define   MAnalyzeFileData   L"\nAnalyzing file data"
299 #define   MRecRNotFound      L"\nData recovery record not found"
300 #define   MRecRFound         L"\nData recovery record found"
301 #define   MRecSecDamage      L"\nSector %ld (offsets %lX...%lX) damaged"
302 #define   MRecCorrected      L" - data recovered"
303 #define   MRecFailed         L" - cannot recover data"
304 #define   MAddRecRec         L"\nAdding data recovery record"
305 #define   MEraseForVolume    L"\n\nErasing contents of drive %c:\n"
306 #define   MGetOwnersError    L"\nWARNING: Cannot get %s owner and group\n"
307 #define   MErrGetOwnerID     L"\nWARNING: Cannot get owner %s ID\n"
308 #define   MErrGetGroupID     L"\nWARNING: Cannot get group %s ID\n"
309 #define   MOwnersBroken      L"\nERROR: %s group and owner data are corrupt\n"
310 #define   MSetOwnersError    L"\nWARNING: Cannot set %s owner and group\n"
311 #define   MErrLnkRead        L"\nWARNING: Cannot read symbolic link %s"
312 #define   MSymLinkExists     L"\nWARNING: Symbolic link %s already exists"
313 #define   MAskRetryCreate    L"\nCannot create %s. Retry ?"
314 #define   MDataBadCRC        L"\n%-20s : packed data checksum error in volume %s"
315 #define   MFileRO            L"\n%s is read-only"
316 #define   MACLGetError       L"\nWARNING: Cannot get %s security data\n"
317 #define   MACLSetError       L"\nWARNING: Cannot set %s security data\n"
318 #define   MACLBroken         L"\nERROR: %s security data are corrupt\n"
319 #define   MACLUnknown        L"\nWARNING: Unknown format of %s security data\n"
320 #define   MStreamBroken      L"\nERROR: %s stream data are corrupt\n"
321 #define   MStreamUnknown     L"\nWARNING: Unknown format of %s stream data\n"
322 #define   MInvalidName       L"\nERROR: Invalid file name %s"
323 #define   MProcessArc        L"\n\nProcessing archive %s"
324 #define   MCorrectingName    L"\nWARNING: Attempting to correct the invalid file or directory name"
325 #define   MUnpCannotMerge    L"\nWARNING: You need to start extraction from a previous volume to unpack %s"
326 #define   MUnknownOption     L"\nERROR: Unknown option: %s"
327 #define   MSubHeadCorrupt    L"\nERROR: Corrupt data header found, ignored"
328 #define   MSubHeadUnknown    L"\nWARNING: Unknown data header format, ignored"
329 #define   MSubHeadDataCRC    L"\nERROR: Corrupt %s data block"
330 #define   MSubHeadType       L"\nData header type: %s"
331 #define   MScanError         L"\nCannot read contents of %s"
332 #define   MNotVolume         L"\n%s is not volume"
333 #define   MRecVolDiffSets    L"\nERROR: %s and %s belong to different sets"
334 #define   MRecVolMissing     L"\n%d volumes missing"
335 #define   MRecVolFound       L"\n%d recovery volumes found"
336 #define   MRecVolAllExist    L"\nNothing to reconstruct"
337 #define   MRecVolCannotFix   L"\nReconstruction impossible"
338 #define   MReconstructing    L"\nReconstructing..."
339 #define   MCreating          L"\nCreating %s"
340 #define   MRenaming          L"\nRenaming %s to %s"
341 #define   MNTFSRequired      L"\nWrite error: only NTFS file system supports files larger than 4 GB"
342 #define   MFAT32Size         L"\nWARNING: FAT32 file system does not support 4 GB or larger files"
343 #define   MErrChangeAttr     L"\nWARNING: Cannot change attributes of %s"
344 #define   MWrongSFXVer       L"\nERROR: default SFX module does not support RAR %d.%d archives"
345 #define   MHeadEncMismatch   L"\nCannot change the header encryption mode in already encrypted archive"
346 #define   MCannotEmail       L"\nCannot email the file %s"
347 #define   MCopyrightS        L"\nRAR SFX archive"
348 #define   MSHelpCmd          L"\n\n<Commands>"
349 #define   MSHelpCmdE         L"\n  -x      Extract from archive (default)"
350 #define   MSHelpCmdT         L"\n  -t      Test archive files"
351 #define   MSHelpCmdV         L"\n  -v      Verbosely list contents of archive"
352 #define   MRecVolLimit       L"\nTotal number of usual and recovery volumes must not exceed %d"
353 #define   MVolumeNumber      L"volume %d"
354 #define   MCannotDelete      L"\nCannot delete %s"
355 #define   MRecycleFailed     L"\nCannot move some files and directories to Recycle Bin"
356 #define   MCalcCRC           L"\nCalculating the checksum"
357 #define   MTooLargeSFXArc    L"\nToo large SFX archive. Windows cannot run the executable file exceeding 4 GB."
358 #define   MCalcCRCAllVol     L"\nCalculating checksums of all volumes."
359 #define   MNotEnoughDisk     L"\nERROR: Not enough disk space for %s."
360 #define   MNewerRAR          L"\nYou may need a newer version of RAR."
361 #define   MUnkEncMethod      L"\nUnknown encryption method in %s"
362 #define   MWrongPassword     L"\nThe specified password is incorrect."
363 #define   MWrongFilePassword L"\nIncorrect password for %s"
364 #define   MAreaDamaged       L"\nCorrupt %d bytes at %08x %08x"
365 #define   MBlocksRecovered   L"\n%u blocks are recovered, %u blocks are relocated"
366 #define   MRRDamaged         L"\nRecovery record is corrupt."
367 #define   MTestingRR         L"\nTesting the recovery record"
368 #define   MFailed            L"Failed"
369 #define   MIncompatSwitch    L"\n%s switch is not supported for RAR %d.x archive format."
370 #define   MSearchDupFiles    L"\nSearching for identical files"
371 #define   MNumFound          L"%d found."
372 #define   MUnknownExtra      L"\nUnknown extra field in %s."
373 #define   MCorruptExtra      L"\nCorrupt %s extra field in %s."
374 #define   MCopyError         L"\nCannot copy %s to %s."
375 #define   MCopyErrorHint     L"\nYou need to unpack the entire archive to create file reference entries."
376 #define   MCopyingData       L"\nCopying data"
377 #define   MErrCreateLnkS     L"\nCannot create symbolic link %s"
378 #define   MErrCreateLnkH     L"\nCannot create hard link %s"
379 #define   MErrLnkTarget      L"\nYou need to unpack the link target first"
380 #define   MNeedAdmin         L"\nYou may need to run RAR as administrator"
381 #define   MDictOutMem        L"\nNot enough memory for %d MB compression dictionary, changed to %d MB."
382 #define   MUseSmalllerDict   L"\nPlease use a smaller compression dictionary."
383 #define   MOpenErrAtime      L"\nYou may need to remove -tsp switch to open this file."
384 #define   MErrReadInfo       L"\nChoose 'Ignore' to continue with the already read file part only, 'Ignore all' to do it for all read errors, 'Retry' to repeat read and 'Quit' to abort."
385 #define   MErrReadTrunc      L"\n%s is archived incompletely because of read error.\n"
386 #define   MErrReadCount      L"\n%u files are archived incompletely because of read errors."
387 #define   MDirNameExists     L"\nDirectory with such name already exists"