1-- |
2-- Module      :  Cryptol.Backend.What4
3-- Copyright   :  (c) 2020 Galois, Inc.
4-- License     :  BSD3
5-- Maintainer  :  cryptol@galois.com
7{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
8{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
9{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
10{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
11{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
12{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
13{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
14{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
15module Cryptol.Backend.What4 where
18import qualified Control.Exception as X
19import           Control.Concurrent.MVar
20import           Control.Monad (foldM,ap,liftM)
21import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
22import           Data.Bits (bit)
23import qualified Data.BitVector.Sized as BV
24import           Data.List
25import           Data.Map (Map)
26import           Data.Set (Set)
27import           Data.Text (Text)
28import           Data.Parameterized.NatRepr
29import           Data.Parameterized.Some
31import qualified GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals as Integer
33import qualified What4.Interface as W4
34import qualified What4.SWord as SW
35import qualified What4.SFloat as FP
37import Cryptol.Backend
38import Cryptol.Backend.FloatHelpers
39import Cryptol.Backend.Monad
40   ( Eval(..), EvalError(..), EvalErrorEx(..)
41   , Unsupported(..), delayFill, blackhole, evalSpark
42   , modifyCallStack, getCallStack
43   )
44import Cryptol.Utils.Panic
47data What4 sym =
48  What4
49  { w4  :: sym
50  , w4defs :: MVar (W4.Pred sym)
51  , w4funs :: MVar (What4FunCache sym)
52  , w4uninterpWarns :: MVar (Set Text)
53  }
55type What4FunCache sym = Map Text (SomeSymFn sym)
57data SomeSymFn sym =
58  forall args ret. SomeSymFn (W4.SymFn sym args ret)
60{- | This is the monad used for symbolic evaluation. It adds to
61aspects to 'Eval'---'WConn' keeps track of the backend and collects
62definitional predicates, and 'W4Eval` adds support for partially
63defined values -}
64newtype W4Eval sym a = W4Eval { evalPartial :: W4Conn sym (W4Result sym a) }
66{- | This layer has the symbolic back-end, and can keep track of definitional
67predicates used when working with uninterpreted constants defined
68via a property. -}
69newtype W4Conn sym a = W4Conn { evalConn :: sym -> Eval a }
71-- | The symbolic value we computed.
72data W4Result sym a
73  = W4Error !EvalErrorEx
74    -- ^ A malformed value
76  | W4Result !(W4.Pred sym) !a
77    -- ^ safety predicate and result: the result only makes sense when
78    -- the predicate holds.
82-- Moving between the layers
84w4Eval :: W4Eval sym a -> sym -> Eval (W4Result sym a)
85w4Eval (W4Eval (W4Conn m)) = m
87w4Thunk :: Eval (W4Result sym a) -> W4Eval sym a
88w4Thunk m = W4Eval (W4Conn \_ -> m)
90-- | A value with no context.
91doEval :: W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym => Eval a -> W4Conn sym a
92doEval m = W4Conn \_sym -> m
94-- | A total value.
95total :: W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym => W4Conn sym a -> W4Eval sym a
96total m = W4Eval
97  do sym <- getSym
98     W4Result (W4.backendPred sym True) <$> m
101-- Operations in WConn
103instance W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym => Functor (W4Conn sym) where
104  fmap = liftM
106instance W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym => Applicative (W4Conn sym) where
107  pure   = doEval . pure
108  (<*>)  = ap
110instance W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym => Monad (W4Conn sym) where
111  m1 >>= f = W4Conn \sym ->
112    do res1 <- evalConn m1 sym
113       evalConn (f res1) sym
115instance W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym => MonadIO (W4Conn sym) where
116  liftIO = doEval . liftIO
118-- | Access the symbolic back-end
119getSym :: W4Conn sym sym
120getSym = W4Conn \sym -> pure sym
122-- | Record a definition.
123--addDef :: W4.Pred sym -> W4Conn sym ()
124--addDef p = W4Conn \_ -> pure W4Defs { w4Defs = p, w4Result = () }
126-- | Compute conjunction.
127w4And :: W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
128         W4.Pred sym -> W4.Pred sym -> W4Conn sym (W4.Pred sym)
129w4And p q =
130  do sym <- getSym
131     liftIO (W4.andPred sym p q)
133-- | Compute negation.
134w4Not :: W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym => W4.Pred sym -> W4Conn sym (W4.Pred sym)
135w4Not p =
136  do sym <- getSym
137     liftIO (W4.notPred sym p)
139-- | Compute if-then-else.
140w4ITE :: W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
141         W4.Pred sym -> W4.Pred sym -> W4.Pred sym -> W4Conn sym (W4.Pred sym)
142w4ITE ifP ifThen ifElse =
143  do sym <- getSym
144     liftIO (W4.itePred sym ifP ifThen ifElse)
149-- Operations in W4Eval
151instance W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym => Functor (W4Eval sym) where
152  fmap = liftM
154instance W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym => Applicative (W4Eval sym) where
155  pure  = total . pure
156  (<*>) = ap
158instance W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym => Monad (W4Eval sym) where
159  m1 >>= f = W4Eval
160    do res1 <- evalPartial m1
161       case res1 of
162         W4Error err -> pure (W4Error err)
163         W4Result px x' ->
164           do res2 <- evalPartial (f x')
165              case res2 of
166                W4Result py y ->
167                  do pz <- w4And px py
168                     pure (W4Result pz y)
169                W4Error _ -> pure res2
171instance W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym => MonadIO (W4Eval sym) where
172  liftIO = total . liftIO
175-- | Add a definitional equation.
176-- This will always be asserted when we make queries to the solver.
177addDefEqn :: W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym => What4 sym -> W4.Pred sym -> W4Eval sym ()
178addDefEqn sym p =
179  liftIO (modifyMVar_ (w4defs sym) (W4.andPred (w4 sym) p))
181-- | Add s safety condition.
182addSafety :: W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym => W4.Pred sym -> W4Eval sym ()
183addSafety p = W4Eval (pure (W4Result p ()))
185-- | A fully undefined symbolic value
186evalError :: W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym => EvalError -> W4Eval sym a
187evalError err = W4Eval $ W4Conn $ \_sym ->
188  do stk <- getCallStack
189     pure (W4Error (EvalErrorEx stk err))
194assertBVDivisor :: W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym => What4 sym -> SW.SWord sym -> W4Eval sym ()
195assertBVDivisor sym x =
196  do p <- liftIO (SW.bvIsNonzero (w4 sym) x)
197     assertSideCondition sym p DivideByZero
199assertIntDivisor ::
200  W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym => What4 sym -> W4.SymInteger sym -> W4Eval sym ()
201assertIntDivisor sym x =
202  do p <- liftIO (W4.notPred (w4 sym) =<< W4.intEq (w4 sym) x =<< W4.intLit (w4 sym) 0)
203     assertSideCondition sym p DivideByZero
205instance W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym => Backend (What4 sym) where
206  type SBit (What4 sym)     = W4.Pred sym
207  type SWord (What4 sym)    = SW.SWord sym
208  type SInteger (What4 sym) = W4.SymInteger sym
209  type SFloat (What4 sym)   = FP.SFloat sym
210  type SEval (What4 sym)    = W4Eval sym
212  raiseError _ = evalError
214  assertSideCondition _ cond err
215    | Just False <- W4.asConstantPred cond = evalError err
216    | otherwise = addSafety cond
218  isReady sym m =
219    case w4Eval m (w4 sym) of
220      Ready _ -> True
221      _ -> False
223  sDelayFill _ m retry msg =
224    total
225    do sym <- getSym
226       doEval (w4Thunk <$> delayFill (w4Eval m sym) (w4Eval <$> retry <*> pure sym) msg)
228  sSpark _ m =
229    total
230    do sym   <- getSym
231       doEval (w4Thunk <$> evalSpark (w4Eval m sym))
233  sModifyCallStack _ f (W4Eval (W4Conn m)) =
234    W4Eval (W4Conn \sym -> modifyCallStack f (m sym))
236  sGetCallStack _ = total (doEval getCallStack)
238  sDeclareHole _ msg =
239    total
240    do (hole, fill) <- doEval (blackhole msg)
241       pure ( w4Thunk hole
242            , \m -> total
243                    do sym <- getSym
244                       doEval (fill (w4Eval m sym))
245            )
247  mergeEval _sym f c mx my = W4Eval
248    do rx <- evalPartial mx
249       ry <- evalPartial my
250       case (rx, ry) of
252         (W4Error err, W4Error _) ->
253           pure (W4Error err) -- arbitrarily choose left error to report
255         (W4Error _, W4Result p y) ->
256           do p' <- w4And p =<< w4Not c
257              pure (W4Result p' y)
259         (W4Result p x, W4Error _) ->
260           do p' <- w4And p c
261              pure (W4Result p' x)
263         (W4Result px x, W4Result py y) ->
264           do zr <- evalPartial (f c x y)
265              case zr of
266                W4Error err -> pure $ W4Error err
267                W4Result pz z ->
268                  do p' <- w4And pz =<< w4ITE c px py
269                     pure (W4Result p' z)
271  wordAsChar _ bv
272    | SW.bvWidth bv == 8 = toEnum . fromInteger <$> SW.bvAsUnsignedInteger bv
273    | otherwise = Nothing
275  wordLen _ bv = SW.bvWidth bv
277  bitLit sym b = W4.backendPred (w4 sym) b
278  bitAsLit _ v = W4.asConstantPred v
280  wordLit sym intw i
281    | Just (Some w) <- someNat intw
282    = case isPosNat w of
283        Nothing -> pure $ SW.ZBV
284        Just LeqProof -> SW.DBV <$> liftIO (W4.bvLit (w4 sym) w (BV.mkBV w i))
285    | otherwise = panic "what4: wordLit" ["invalid bit width:", show intw ]
287  wordAsLit _ v
288    | Just x <- SW.bvAsUnsignedInteger v = Just (SW.bvWidth v, x)
289    | otherwise = Nothing
291  integerLit sym i = liftIO (W4.intLit (w4 sym) i)
293  integerAsLit _ v = W4.asInteger v
295  iteBit sym c x y = liftIO (W4.itePred (w4 sym) c x y)
296  iteWord sym c x y = liftIO (SW.bvIte (w4 sym) c x y)
297  iteInteger sym c x y = liftIO (W4.intIte (w4 sym) c x y)
298  iteFloat sym p x y = liftIO (FP.fpIte (w4 sym) p x y)
300  bitEq  sym x y = liftIO (W4.eqPred (w4 sym) x y)
301  bitAnd sym x y = liftIO (W4.andPred (w4 sym) x y)
302  bitOr  sym x y = liftIO (W4.orPred (w4 sym) x y)
303  bitXor sym x y = liftIO (W4.xorPred (w4 sym) x y)
304  bitComplement sym x = liftIO (W4.notPred (w4 sym) x)
306  wordBit sym bv idx = liftIO (SW.bvAtBE (w4 sym) bv idx)
307  wordUpdate sym bv idx b = liftIO (SW.bvSetBE (w4 sym) bv idx b)
309  packWord sym bs =
310    do z <- wordLit sym (genericLength bs) 0
311       let f w (idx,b) = wordUpdate sym w idx b
312       foldM f z (zip [0..] bs)
314  unpackWord sym bv = liftIO $
315    mapM (SW.bvAtBE (w4 sym) bv) [0 .. SW.bvWidth bv-1]
317  joinWord sym x y = liftIO $ SW.bvJoin (w4 sym) x y
319  splitWord _sym 0 _ bv = pure (SW.ZBV, bv)
320  splitWord _sym _ 0 bv = pure (bv, SW.ZBV)
321  splitWord sym lw rw bv = liftIO $
322    do l <- SW.bvSliceBE (w4 sym) 0 lw bv
323       r <- SW.bvSliceBE (w4 sym) lw rw bv
324       return (l, r)
326  extractWord sym bits idx bv =
327    liftIO $ SW.bvSliceLE (w4 sym) idx bits bv
329  wordEq                sym x y = liftIO (SW.bvEq  (w4 sym) x y)
330  wordLessThan          sym x y = liftIO (SW.bvult (w4 sym) x y)
331  wordGreaterThan       sym x y = liftIO (SW.bvugt (w4 sym) x y)
332  wordSignedLessThan    sym x y = liftIO (SW.bvslt (w4 sym) x y)
334  wordOr  sym x y = liftIO (SW.bvOr  (w4 sym) x y)
335  wordAnd sym x y = liftIO (SW.bvAnd (w4 sym) x y)
336  wordXor sym x y = liftIO (SW.bvXor (w4 sym) x y)
337  wordComplement sym x = liftIO (SW.bvNot (w4 sym) x)
339  wordPlus   sym x y = liftIO (SW.bvAdd (w4 sym) x y)
340  wordMinus  sym x y = liftIO (SW.bvSub (w4 sym) x y)
341  wordMult   sym x y = liftIO (SW.bvMul (w4 sym) x y)
342  wordNegate sym x   = liftIO (SW.bvNeg (w4 sym) x)
343  wordLg2    sym x   = sLg2 (w4 sym) x
345  wordDiv sym x y =
346     do assertBVDivisor sym y
347        liftIO (SW.bvUDiv (w4 sym) x y)
348  wordMod sym x y =
349     do assertBVDivisor sym y
350        liftIO (SW.bvURem (w4 sym) x y)
351  wordSignedDiv sym x y =
352     do assertBVDivisor sym y
353        liftIO (SW.bvSDiv (w4 sym) x y)
354  wordSignedMod sym x y =
355     do assertBVDivisor sym y
356        liftIO (SW.bvSRem (w4 sym) x y)
358  wordToInt sym x = liftIO (SW.bvToInteger (w4 sym) x)
359  wordFromInt sym width i = liftIO (SW.integerToBV (w4 sym) i width)
361  intPlus   sym x y  = liftIO $ W4.intAdd (w4 sym) x y
362  intMinus  sym x y  = liftIO $ W4.intSub (w4 sym) x y
363  intMult   sym x y  = liftIO $ W4.intMul (w4 sym) x y
364  intNegate sym x    = liftIO $ W4.intNeg (w4 sym) x
366  -- NB: What4's division operation provides SMTLib's euclidean division,
367  -- which doesn't match the round-to-neg-infinity semantics of Cryptol,
368  -- so we have to do some work to get the desired semantics.
369  intDiv sym x y =
370    do assertIntDivisor sym y
371       liftIO $ do
372         neg <- liftIO (W4.intLt (w4 sym) y =<< W4.intLit (w4 sym) 0)
373         case W4.asConstantPred neg of
374           Just False -> W4.intDiv (w4 sym) x y
375           Just True  ->
376              do xneg <- W4.intNeg (w4 sym) x
377                 yneg <- W4.intNeg (w4 sym) y
378                 W4.intDiv (w4 sym) xneg yneg
379           Nothing ->
380              do xneg <- W4.intNeg (w4 sym) x
381                 yneg <- W4.intNeg (w4 sym) y
382                 zneg <- W4.intDiv (w4 sym) xneg yneg
383                 z    <- W4.intDiv (w4 sym) x y
384                 W4.intIte (w4 sym) neg zneg z
386  -- NB: What4's division operation provides SMTLib's euclidean division,
387  -- which doesn't match the round-to-neg-infinity semantics of Cryptol,
388  -- so we have to do some work to get the desired semantics.
389  intMod sym x y =
390    do assertIntDivisor sym y
391       liftIO $ do
392         neg <- liftIO (W4.intLt (w4 sym) y =<< W4.intLit (w4 sym) 0)
393         case W4.asConstantPred neg of
394           Just False -> W4.intMod (w4 sym) x y
395           Just True  ->
396              do xneg <- W4.intNeg (w4 sym) x
397                 yneg <- W4.intNeg (w4 sym) y
398                 W4.intNeg (w4 sym) =<< W4.intMod (w4 sym) xneg yneg
399           Nothing ->
400              do xneg <- W4.intNeg (w4 sym) x
401                 yneg <- W4.intNeg (w4 sym) y
402                 z    <- W4.intMod (w4 sym) x y
403                 zneg <- W4.intNeg (w4 sym) =<< W4.intMod (w4 sym) xneg yneg
404                 W4.intIte (w4 sym) neg zneg z
406  intEq sym x y = liftIO $ W4.intEq (w4 sym) x y
407  intLessThan sym x y = liftIO $ W4.intLt (w4 sym) x y
408  intGreaterThan sym x y = liftIO $ W4.intLt (w4 sym) y x
410  -- NB, we don't do reduction here on symbolic values
411  intToZn sym m x
412    | Just xi <- W4.asInteger x
413    = liftIO $ W4.intLit (w4 sym) (xi `mod` m)
415    | otherwise
416    = pure x
418  znToInt _ 0 _ = evalPanic "znToInt" ["0 modulus not allowed"]
419  znToInt sym m x = liftIO (W4.intMod (w4 sym) x =<< W4.intLit (w4 sym) m)
421  znEq _ 0 _ _ = evalPanic "znEq" ["0 modulus not allowed"]
422  znEq sym m x y = liftIO $
423     do diff <- W4.intSub (w4 sym) x y
424        W4.intDivisible (w4 sym) diff (fromInteger m)
426  znPlus   sym m x y = liftIO $ sModAdd (w4 sym) m x y
427  znMinus  sym m x y = liftIO $ sModSub (w4 sym) m x y
428  znMult   sym m x y = liftIO $ sModMult (w4 sym) m x y
429  znNegate sym m x   = liftIO $ sModNegate (w4 sym) m x
430  znRecip = sModRecip
432  --------------------------------------------------------------
434  fpLit sym e p r = liftIO $ FP.fpFromRationalLit (w4 sym) e p r
435  fpAsLit _ f = BF e p <$> FP.fpAsLit f
436    where (e,p) = FP.fpSize f
438  fpExactLit sym BF{ bfExpWidth = e, bfPrecWidth = p, bfValue = bf } =
439    liftIO (FP.fpFromBinary (w4 sym) e p =<< SW.bvLit (w4 sym) (e+p) (floatToBits e p bf))
441  fpNaN sym e p = liftIO (FP.fpNaN (w4 sym) e p)
442  fpPosInf sym e p = liftIO (FP.fpPosInf (w4 sym) e p)
444  fpToBits sym f = liftIO (FP.fpToBinary (w4 sym) f)
445  fpFromBits sym e p w = liftIO (FP.fpFromBinary (w4 sym) e p w)
447  fpEq          sym x y = liftIO $ FP.fpEqIEEE (w4 sym) x y
448  fpLessThan    sym x y = liftIO $ FP.fpLtIEEE (w4 sym) x y
449  fpGreaterThan sym x y = liftIO $ FP.fpGtIEEE (w4 sym) x y
450  fpLogicalEq   sym x y = liftIO $ FP.fpEq (w4 sym) x y
452  fpPlus  = fpBinArith FP.fpAdd
453  fpMinus = fpBinArith FP.fpSub
454  fpMult  = fpBinArith FP.fpMul
455  fpDiv   = fpBinArith FP.fpDiv
457  fpNeg sym x = liftIO $ FP.fpNeg (w4 sym) x
458  fpAbs sym x = liftIO $ FP.fpAbs (w4 sym) x
459  fpSqrt sym r x =
460    do rm <- fpRoundingMode sym r
461       liftIO $ FP.fpSqrt (w4 sym) rm x
463  fpFMA sym r x y z =
464    do rm <- fpRoundingMode sym r
465       liftIO $ FP.fpFMA (w4 sym) rm x y z
467  fpIsZero sym x = liftIO $ FP.fpIsZero (w4 sym) x
468  fpIsNeg sym x = liftIO $ FP.fpIsNeg (w4 sym) x
469  fpIsNaN sym x = liftIO $ FP.fpIsNaN (w4 sym) x
470  fpIsInf sym x = liftIO $ FP.fpIsInf (w4 sym) x
471  fpIsNorm sym x = liftIO $ FP.fpIsNorm (w4 sym) x
472  fpIsSubnorm sym x = liftIO $ FP.fpIsSubnorm (w4 sym) x
474  fpFromInteger sym e p r x =
475    do rm <- fpRoundingMode sym r
476       liftIO $ FP.fpFromInteger (w4 sym) e p rm x
478  fpToInteger = fpCvtToInteger
480  fpFromRational = fpCvtFromRational
481  fpToRational = fpCvtToRational
483sModAdd :: W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
484  sym -> Integer -> W4.SymInteger sym -> W4.SymInteger sym -> IO (W4.SymInteger sym)
485sModAdd _sym 0 _ _ = evalPanic "sModAdd" ["0 modulus not allowed"]
486sModAdd sym m x y
487  | Just xi <- W4.asInteger x
488  , Just yi <- W4.asInteger y
489  = W4.intLit sym ((xi+yi) `mod` m)
491  | otherwise
492  = W4.intAdd sym x y
494sModSub :: W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
495  sym -> Integer -> W4.SymInteger sym -> W4.SymInteger sym -> IO (W4.SymInteger sym)
496sModSub _sym 0 _ _ = evalPanic "sModSub" ["0 modulus not allowed"]
497sModSub sym m x y
498  | Just xi <- W4.asInteger x
499  , Just yi <- W4.asInteger y
500  = W4.intLit sym ((xi-yi) `mod` m)
502  | otherwise
503  = W4.intSub sym x y
506sModMult :: W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
507  sym -> Integer -> W4.SymInteger sym -> W4.SymInteger sym -> IO (W4.SymInteger sym)
508sModMult _sym 0 _ _ = evalPanic "sModMult" ["0 modulus not allowed"]
509sModMult sym m x y
510  | Just xi <- W4.asInteger x
511  , Just yi <- W4.asInteger y
512  = W4.intLit sym ((xi*yi) `mod` m)
514  | otherwise
515  = W4.intMul sym x y
517sModNegate :: W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
518  sym -> Integer -> W4.SymInteger sym -> IO (W4.SymInteger sym)
519sModNegate _sym 0 _ = evalPanic "sModMult" ["0 modulus not allowed"]
520sModNegate sym m x
521  | Just xi <- W4.asInteger x
522  = W4.intLit sym ((negate xi) `mod` m)
524  | otherwise
525  = W4.intNeg sym x
528-- | Try successive powers of 2 to find the first that dominates the input.
529--   We could perhaps reduce to using CLZ instead...
530sLg2 :: W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym => sym -> SW.SWord sym -> SEval (What4 sym) (SW.SWord sym)
531sLg2 sym x = liftIO $ go 0
532  where
533  w = SW.bvWidth x
534  lit n = SW.bvLit sym w (toInteger n)
536  go i | toInteger i < w =
537       do p <- SW.bvule sym x =<< lit (bit i)
538          lazyIte (SW.bvIte sym) p (lit i) (go (i+1))
540  -- base case, should only happen when i = w
541  go i = lit i
545-- Errors ----------------------------------------------------------------------
547evalPanic :: String -> [String] -> a
548evalPanic cxt = panic ("[What4] " ++ cxt)
550lazyIte ::
551  (W4.IsExpr p, Monad m) =>
552  (p W4.BaseBoolType -> a -> a -> m a) ->
553  p W4.BaseBoolType ->
554  m a ->
555  m a ->
556  m a
557lazyIte f c mx my
558  | Just b <- W4.asConstantPred c = if b then mx else my
559  | otherwise =
560      do x <- mx
561         y <- my
562         f c x y
564w4bvShl  :: W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym => sym -> SW.SWord sym -> SW.SWord sym -> W4Eval sym (SW.SWord sym)
565w4bvShl sym x y = liftIO $ SW.bvShl sym x y
567w4bvLshr  :: W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym => sym -> SW.SWord sym -> SW.SWord sym -> W4Eval sym (SW.SWord sym)
568w4bvLshr sym x y = liftIO $ SW.bvLshr sym x y
570w4bvAshr :: W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym => sym -> SW.SWord sym -> SW.SWord sym -> W4Eval sym (SW.SWord sym)
571w4bvAshr sym x y = liftIO $ SW.bvAshr sym x y
573w4bvRol  :: W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym => sym -> SW.SWord sym -> SW.SWord sym -> W4Eval sym (SW.SWord sym)
574w4bvRol sym x y = liftIO $ SW.bvRol sym x y
576w4bvRor  :: W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym => sym -> SW.SWord sym -> SW.SWord sym -> W4Eval sym (SW.SWord sym)
577w4bvRor sym x y = liftIO $ SW.bvRor sym x y
581fpRoundingMode ::
582  W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
583  What4 sym -> SWord (What4 sym) -> SEval (What4 sym) W4.RoundingMode
584fpRoundingMode sym v =
585  case wordAsLit sym v of
586    Just (_w,i) ->
587      case i of
588        0 -> pure W4.RNE
589        1 -> pure W4.RNA
590        2 -> pure W4.RTP
591        3 -> pure W4.RTN
592        4 -> pure W4.RTZ
593        x -> raiseError sym (BadRoundingMode x)
594    _ -> liftIO $ X.throwIO $ UnsupportedSymbolicOp "rounding mode"
596fpBinArith ::
597  W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
598  FP.SFloatBinArith sym ->
599  What4 sym ->
600  SWord (What4 sym) ->
601  SFloat (What4 sym) ->
602  SFloat (What4 sym) ->
603  SEval (What4 sym) (SFloat (What4 sym))
604fpBinArith fun = \sym r x y ->
605  do m <- fpRoundingMode sym r
606     liftIO (fun (w4 sym) m x y)
609fpCvtToInteger ::
610  (W4.IsSymExprBuilder sy, sym ~ What4 sy) =>
611  sym -> String -> SWord sym -> SFloat sym -> SEval sym (SInteger sym)
612fpCvtToInteger sym fun r x =
613  do grd <- liftIO
614              do bad1 <- FP.fpIsInf (w4 sym) x
615                 bad2 <- FP.fpIsNaN (w4 sym) x
616                 W4.notPred (w4 sym) =<< W4.orPred (w4 sym) bad1 bad2
617     assertSideCondition sym grd (BadValue fun)
618     rnd  <- fpRoundingMode sym r
619     liftIO
620       do y <- FP.fpToReal (w4 sym) x
621          case rnd of
622            W4.RNE -> W4.realRoundEven (w4 sym) y
623            W4.RNA -> W4.realRound (w4 sym) y
624            W4.RTP -> W4.realCeil (w4 sym) y
625            W4.RTN -> W4.realFloor (w4 sym) y
626            W4.RTZ -> W4.realTrunc (w4 sym) y
629fpCvtToRational ::
630  (W4.IsSymExprBuilder sy, sym ~ What4 sy) =>
631  sym -> SFloat sym -> SEval sym (SRational sym)
632fpCvtToRational sym fp =
633  do grd <- liftIO
634            do bad1 <- FP.fpIsInf (w4 sym) fp
635               bad2 <- FP.fpIsNaN (w4 sym) fp
636               W4.notPred (w4 sym) =<< W4.orPred (w4 sym) bad1 bad2
637     assertSideCondition sym grd (BadValue "fpToRational")
638     (rel,x,y) <- liftIO (FP.fpToRational (w4 sym) fp)
639     addDefEqn sym =<< liftIO (W4.impliesPred (w4 sym) grd rel)
640     ratio sym x y
642fpCvtFromRational ::
643  (W4.IsSymExprBuilder sy, sym ~ What4 sy) =>
644  sym -> Integer -> Integer -> SWord sym ->
645  SRational sym -> SEval sym (SFloat sym)
646fpCvtFromRational sym e p r rat =
647  do rnd <- fpRoundingMode sym r
648     liftIO (FP.fpFromRational (w4 sym) e p rnd (sNum rat) (sDenom rat))
650-- Create a fresh constant and assert that it is the
651-- multiplicitive inverse of x; return the constant.
652-- Such an inverse must exist under the precondition
653-- that the modulus is prime and the input is nonzero.
654sModRecip ::
655  W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
656  What4 sym ->
657  Integer ->
658  W4.SymInteger sym ->
659  W4Eval sym (W4.SymInteger sym)
660sModRecip _sym 0 _ = panic "sModRecip" ["0 modulus not allowed"]
661sModRecip sym m x
662  -- If the input is concrete, evaluate the answer
663  | Just xi <- W4.asInteger x
664  = let r = Integer.recipModInteger xi m
665     in if r == 0 then raiseError sym DivideByZero else integerLit sym r
667  -- If the input is symbolic, create a new symbolic constant
668  -- and assert that it is the desired multiplicitive inverse.
669  -- Such an inverse will exist under the precondition that
670  -- the modulus is prime, and as long as the input is nonzero.
671  | otherwise
672  = do divZero <- liftIO (W4.intDivisible (w4 sym) x (fromInteger m))
673       ok <- liftIO (W4.notPred (w4 sym) divZero)
674       assertSideCondition sym ok DivideByZero
676       z <- liftIO (W4.freshBoundedInt (w4 sym) W4.emptySymbol (Just 1) (Just (m-1)))
677       xz <- liftIO (W4.intMul (w4 sym) x z)
678       rel <- znEq sym m xz =<< liftIO (W4.intLit (w4 sym) 1)
679       addDefEqn sym =<< liftIO (W4.orPred (w4 sym) divZero rel)
681       return z