2version: 1
4- request:
5    body: ""
6    form: {}
7    headers:
8      Accept:
9      - application/json
10      Authorization:
11      - Bearer awesometokenawesometokenawesometoken
12      Content-Type:
13      - application/json
14      User-Agent:
15      - linodego 0.0.1 https://github.com/linode/linodego
16    url: https://api.linode.com/v4beta/linode/stackscripts?page=1
17    method: GET
18  response:
19    body: '{"data": [{"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts",
20      "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"],
21      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created":
22      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "Blesta Automatically Invoice & Manage
23      Clients With Ease.\r\n\r\nBlesta is a well written, secure, user and developer
24      friendly client management, billing, and support application. Written in PHP
25      on our very own open source minPHP MVC framework, Blesta is object oriented
26      and extendable\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single User Control Panel which helps
27      users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache,
28      NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou
29      can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to
30      Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
31      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure Blesta
32      and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
33      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
34      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
35      Install Blesta and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
36      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
37      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
38      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Blesta :\n#   Blesta
39      Automatically Invoice & Manage Clients With Ease.\n#   Blesta is a well written,
40      secure, user and developer friendly client management, billing, and support
41      application.\n#   Written in PHP on our very own open source minPHP MVC framework,
42      Blesta is object oriented and extendable\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
43      Install Blesta Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
44      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
45      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
46      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=463&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
47      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
48      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
49      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
50      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
51      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
52      Blesta and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
53      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
54      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
55      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
56      \"Congratulations, Blesta has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
57      \"You can now configure Blesta and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :\"\necho
58      \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
59      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Blesta
60      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9216, "deployments_total": 0,
61      "label": "Blesta powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
62      ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6",
63      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
64      "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
65      "SiteDove Free is a powerful tool for beefing up the security of your website
66      at NO COST. It includes a unique Burglar Alarm that shows you when changes are
67      made to files on your site. If you''re not sure who made those changes, you
68      will want to investigate to see if your site has been hacked.\r\n\r\nIn this
69      way, SiteDove Free acts as an early warning system that can detect malicious
70      attacks long before search engines and your readers encounter them. \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo
71      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
72      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
73      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License
74      here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
75      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
76      SiteDove and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
77      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
78      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
79      Install SiteDove and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
80      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
81      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
82      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About SiteDove :\n#   SiteDove
83      Free is a powerful tool for beefing up the security of your website at NO COST.\n#   It
84      includes a unique Burglar Alarm that shows you when changes are made to files
85      on your site.\n#   If you''re not sure who made those changes, you will want
86      to investigate to see if your site has been hacked.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
87      Install SiteDove Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
88      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
89      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
90      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=466&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
91      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
92      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
93      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
94      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
95      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
96      SiteDove and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
97      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
98      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
99      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
100      \"Congratulations, SiteDove has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
101      \"You can now configure SiteDove and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
102      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
103      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "SiteDove
104      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9217, "deployments_total": 0,
105      "label": "SiteDove powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
106      ["linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts32bit",
107      "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu12.1032bit", "linode/ubuntu12.10"], "is_public":
108      true, "user_gravatar_id": "4719cf3a5ab3123f9ee536c796788b68", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05",
109      "description": "Basic lib of bash functions", "deployments_active": 0, "script":
110      "#!/bin/bash\n\n# <udf name=\"ubuntu_mirror\" label=\"ubuntu mirror url\" default=\"http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/\">\n#
111      <udf name=\"hostname\" label=\"hostname\">\n\n# Set software sources\nfunction
112      set_sources_list() {\n  echo \"Adjusting sources.list (destructively)\" >> $logfile\n  CODENAME=$(lsb_release
113      -sc)\n\n  cat >/etc/apt/sources.list <<EOF\ndeb $UBUNTU_MIRROR $CODENAME main
114      restricted universe multiverse\ndeb-src $UBUNTU_MIRROR $CODENAME main restricted
115      universe multiverse\n\ndeb $UBUNTU_MIRROR $CODENAME-updates main restricted
116      universe multiverse\ndeb-src $UBUNTU_MIRROR $CODENAME-updates main restricted
117      universe multiverse\n\ndeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu $CODENAME-security
118      main restricted universe multiverse\ndeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
119      $CODENAME-security main restricted universe multiverse\nEOF\n}\n\n# Set hostname\nfunction
120      set_hostname() {\n  echo \"Setting Hostname to ${HOSTNAME}\" >> $logfile\n  echo
121      ${HOSTNAME} > /etc/hostname\n  hostname -F /etc/hostname\n  short=$(hostname
122      -s)\n  echo \" ${short} ${short}\" >> /etc/hosts\n}\n\n# Update software
123      repositories and perform upgrade\nfunction system_upgrade() {\n  echo \"Update
124      system packages\" >> $logfile\n  apt-get -y update\n  apt-get -y upgrade\n}\n\n#
125      Clean system packages\nfunction system_clean() {\n  apt-get -y autoremove\n  apt-get
126      -y clean  \n}\n\n# Install north5 common packages\nfunction north5_packages()
127      {\n  apt-get -y install build-essential\n  apt-get -y install curl htop\n\n  apt-get
128      -y remove apparmor\n\n  RELEASE=$(lsb_release -sr)\n\n  # Ubuntu 12.04 already
129      has these scripts integrated\n  if [[ ${RELEASE} == \"10.04\" ]]; then\n    apt-get
130      -y install python-software-properties\n  fi\n}\n\n# Default log file\nlogfile=${logfile:-\"/root/stackscript.log\"}",
131      "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "short hostname recoord added
132      to /etc/hosts", "username": "north5", "id": 6146, "deployments_total": 0, "label":
133      "north5_ubuntu_basic"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8",
134      "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts",
135      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5",
136      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "Openbiz Cubi Platform is a
137      fast application development platform designed for business applications. It
138      is built on top of the excellent Openbiz framework. It provides easy and intelligent
139      development tools and implements almost all commonly used components, developers
140      just need to work on their core business logic development. Openbiz Cubi makes
141      application development so quick. \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single User Control
142      Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or
143      System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines
144      or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath
145      to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
146      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure OpenBiz
147      Cubi and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
148      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
149      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
150      Install OpenBiz Cubi and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo
151      :\n#   Webuzo is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps
152      (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java,
153      MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About OpenBiz
154      Cubi :\n#   Openbiz Cubi Platform is a fast application development platform
155      designed for business applications.\n#   It is built on top of the excellent
156      Openbiz framework. It provides easy and intelligent development \n#   tools
157      and implements almost all commonly used components, developers just need to
158      work on their core\n#   business logic development. Openbiz Cubi makes application
159      development so quick. \n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
160      Install OpenBiz Cubi Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
161      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
162      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
163      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=243&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
164      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
165      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
166      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
167      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
168      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
169      OpenBiz Cubi and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
170      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
171      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
172      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
173      \"Congratulations, OpenBiz Cubi has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
174      \"You can now configure OpenBiz Cubi and Softaculous Webuzo at the following
175      URL :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing
176      Softaculous Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note":
177      "OpenBiz Cubi powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9218, "deployments_total":
178      0, "label": "OpenBiz Cubi powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
179      ["linode/centos7", "linode/debian7", "linode/debian8", "linode/fedora22", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts"],
180      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "ead4da00f4fe6a4bd0b4f11a510c031d", "created":
181      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "Does nothing on its own. Do not deploy
182      directly.\r\n\r\nA collection of useful Python functions to be included in other
183      StackScripts.", "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/usr/bin/env python\n\n\"\"\"\nPython
184      Library StackScript\n\n\tAuthor: Ricardo N Feliciano <rfeliciano@linode.com>\n\tVersion:
185\n\tRequirements:\n\t\t- n/a\n\nThis StackScript is not meant to be directly
186      deployed. Includes a host of\nfunctions to do very common task on a distro,
187      as implemented in Python. The\nfunctions in this library are designed to be
188      run accross the Linode Core\nDistributions:\n\t- Ubuntu\n\t- CentOS\n\t- Debian\n\t-
189      Fedora\n\"\"\"\n\n\nimport crypt\nimport fcntl\nimport logging\nimport os\nimport
190      platform\nimport pwd\nimport socket\nimport subprocess\nimport sys\nimport time\ntry:\n\timport
191      apt\nexcept:\n\ttry:\n\t\timport yum\n\texcept:\n\t\ttry:\n\t\t\timport dnf\n\t\texcept
192      ImportError:\n\t\t\tprint(\"Package manager support was not found.\")\n\t\t\t\n\ndistro
193      = None\n\"\"\"String list: Contains details of the distribution.\"\"\"\n\n\ndef
194      end():\n\t\"\"\"End the StackScript cleanly.\"\"\"\n\t\n\t# Should the StackScripts
195      themselves be removed here at some point?\n\tlogging.info(\"The StackScript
196      has been completed.\")\n\tsubprocess.check_output(''echo \"The StackScript has
197      completed. Press enter to continue.\" | wall -n'', shell=True)\n\n\ndef init():\n\t\"\"\"Start
198      features we consider StackScript standard.\"\"\"\n\t\n\t# Sanity check for CentOS
199      7 & Fedora 22\n\tif os.path.exists(\"/var/log/stackscript.log\"):\n\t\tsys.exit(1)
200      # StackScript already started once, bail\n\t\n\twith open(\"/etc/profile.d/stackscript.sh\",
201      \"w\") as f:\n\t\tf.write(\"\"\"#!/bin/bash\nif pgrep -f \"python /root/StackScript\"
202      &>/dev/null\nthen\n\techo \"####################################################################\"\n\techo
203      \"#####\"\n\techo \"#####  Warning: Your StackScript is still running\"\n\techo
204      \"#####\"\n\techo \"#####\"\n\techo \"#####  Please do not make any system changes
205      until it \"\n\techo \"#####  completes. Log file is located at: \"\n\techo \"#####    /var/log/stackscript.log\"\n\techo
206      \"####################################################################\"\n\techo
207      \" \"\nelse\n\techo \"####################################################################\"\n\techo
208      \"#####\"\n\techo \"#####  The StackScript has completed. Enjoy your system.\"\n\techo
209      \"#####\"\n\techo \"#####\"\n\techo \"#####  For reference, the logfile is located
210      at: \"\n\techo \"#####    /var/log/stackscript.log\"\n\techo \"####################################################################\"\n\techo
211      \" \"\n\trm /etc/profile.d/stackscript.sh\nfi\"\"\")\n\t\n\tlogging_start()\n\n\ndef
212      logging_start(the_file=\"/var/log/stackscript.log\", the_level=logging.INFO):\n\t\"\"\"Turn
213      on logging.\"\"\"\n\t\n\tlogging.basicConfig(filename=the_file, level=the_level)\n\tlogging.info(\"Logging
214      has started. \" + str(time.time()))\n\n\ndef system_detect_distro():\n\t\"\"\"Prepares
215      distro information.\n\t\n\tThis is critical to support the Linode Core Distributions
216      with a single\n\tscript.\n\t\"\"\"\n\tglobal distro\n\n\t# add support for logging\n\t\n\tdistro
217      = dict(zip((''distname'', ''version'', ''codename''),\n\tplatform.linux_distribution(full_distribution_name=0)))\n\t\n\tdistro[''distname'']
218      = distro[''distname''].lower()\n\n\tif distro[''distname''] in (''debian'',
219      ''ubuntu''):\n\t\tdistro[''family''] = \"debian\"\n\telif distro[''distname'']
220      in (''fedora'', ''centos''):\n\t\tdistro[''family''] = \"redhat\"\n\telse:\n\t\traise
221      NotImplementedError(\"This distribution is not supported.\")\n\n\ndef system_IP_get():\n\t\"\"\"Return
222      IPv4 address configured on eth0.\n\t\n\tThis basically is a disgusting hack.
223      Please let me know if you find a\n\tcleaner way to do this.\"\"\"\n\t# add support
224      for logging\n\n\ts = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)\n\treturn
225      socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl(\n\t\ts.fileno(),\n\t\t0x8915, # SIOCGIFADDR\n\t\tstruct.pack(''256s'',
226      \"eth0\")\n\t)[20:24])\n\n\ndef system_IP_rdns(IP):\n\t\"\"\"Get PTR for given
227      IP address.\"\"\"\n\t# add support for logging\n\n\treturn socket.gethostbyaddr(IP)[0]\n\n\ndef
228      system_package_install(package, update_first=True):\n\t\"\"\"Install a package
229      with the appropriate package manager.\"\"\"\n\t# add support for logging\n\n\tif
230      distro is None:\n\t\tsystem_detect_distro()\n\n\tsystem_update() if update_first
231      else None\n\t\n\tif distro[''family''] == \"debian\":\n\t\tos.environ[''DEBIAN_FRONTEND'']
232      = \"noninteractive\"\n\t\tcache = apt.Cache()\n\t\tpkg = cache[package]\n\t\tpkg.mark_install()\n\t\tcache.commit()\n\telif
233      distro[''distname''] == \"centos\":\n\t\tyb = yum.YumBase()\n\t\tyb.conf.assumeyes
234      = True\n\t\tyb.install(name=package)\n\t\tyb.resolveDeps()\n\t\tyb.processTransaction()\n\t\tyb.close()\n\telif
235      distro[''distname''] == \"fedora\":\n\t\tdnfb = dnf.Base()\n\t\tdnfb.conf.assumeyes
236      = True\n\t\tdnfb.read_all_repos()\n\t\tdnfb.fill_sack()\n\t\tdnfb.install(package)\n\t\tdnfb.resolve()\n\t\tdnfb.download_packages(dnfb.transaction.install_set)\n\t\tdnfb.do_transaction()\n\t\tdnfb.close()\n\n\ndef
237      system_update():\n\t\"\"\"Uses the distro''s package manager to update packages.\"\"\"\n\t#add
238      support for logging\n\t\n\tif distro is None:\n\t\tsystem_detect_distro()\n\t\n\tif
239      distro[''family''] == \"debian\":\n\t\tcache = apt.Cache()\n\t\tcache.update()\n\t\tcache.open(None)\n\t\tcache.upgrade()\n\t\tcache.commit()\n\telif
240      distro[''distname''] == \"centos\":\n\t\tyb = yum.YumBase()\n\t\tyb.conf.assumeyes
241      = True\n\t\tyb.update()\n\t\tyb.resolveDeps()\n\t\tyb.processTransaction()\n\t\tyb.close()\n\telif
242      distro[''distname''] == \"fedora\":\n\t\tdnfb = dnf.Base()\n\t\tdnfb.conf.assumeyes
243      = True\n\t\t#dnfb.read_all_repos() #updates were failing with this line\n\t\tdnfb.fill_sack()\n\t\tdnfb.upgrade_all()\n\t\tdnfb.resolve()\n\t\tdnfb.do_transaction()\n\t\tdnfb.close()\n\n\ndef
244      user_add(username, password, groups):\n\t\"\"\"Creates a Linux user account.\n\t\n\tArgs:\n\t\tusername
245      (String): A Linux username.\n\t\tpassword (String): Password for the user.\n\t\tgroups
246      (tuple): Groups that the user should be added to.\n\t\n\tReturns:\n\t\tbool:
247      True if successful, False otherwise.\n\t\"\"\"\n\n\t# need to implement logging\n\t#
248      need to implement group functionality\n\n\treturn subprocess.call([''useradd'',
249      ''-m'', ''-p'', crypt.crypt(password, \"22\"), ''-s'', ''/bin/bash'', username])\n\n\ndef
250      user_add_pubkey(username, key):\n\t\"\"\"Adds the public SSH key to the specified
251      user.\"\"\"\n\t# need to implement logging\n\t\n\tif username != \"root\":\n\t\tos.seteuid(pwd.getpwnam(username).pw_uid)\n\t\tos.setegid(pwd.getpwnam(username).pw_gid)\n\t\n\tpubkey_dir
252      = os.path.join(os.getenv(\"HOME\"), \".ssh\")\n\t\n\tif not os.path.isdir(pubkey_dir):\n\t\tos.makedirs(pubkey_dir)\n\t\n\twith
253      open(os.path.join(pubkey_dir, \"authorized_keys\")) as f:\n\t\tf.write(key)\n\t\n\tif
254      username != \"root\":\n\t\tos.seteuid(0)\n\t\tos.setegid(0)", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05",
255      "rev_note": "Initial import.", "username": "linode", "id": 3, "deployments_total":
256      0, "label": "StackScript Python Library"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
257      ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6",
258      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
259      "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
260      "PRADO is a component-based and event-driven programming framework for developing
261      Web applications in PHP 5.\r\nPRADO stands for PHP Rapid Application Development
262      Object-oriented.\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single User Control Panel which helps
263      users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache,
264      NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou
265      can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to
266      Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
267      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure PRADO and
268      Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact", "deployments_active":
269      0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\" label=\"Premium
270      Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
271      Install PRADO and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
272      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
273      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
274      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About PRADO :\n#   PRADO
275      is a component-based and event-driven programming framework for developing Web
276      \n#   applications in PHP 5. PRADO stands for PHP Rapid Application Development
277      Object-oriented.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
278      Install PRADO Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
279      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
280      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
281      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=221&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
282      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
283      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
284      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
285      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
286      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
287      PRADO and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
288      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
289      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
290      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
291      \"Congratulations, PRADO has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
292      \"You can now configure PRADO and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :\"\necho
293      \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
294      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "PRADO
295      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9219, "deployments_total": 0,
296      "label": "PRADO powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8",
297      "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts",
298      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5",
299      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "BIGACE is a free and professional
300      grade software package that allows you to set up your own website within minutes.\r\n\r\nIts
301      powerful backend puts you in full control of the layout and content of your
302      pages. And when you need more, you can choose from many Plugins and Themes to
303      extend it.\r\n\r\nBigace is designed to provide you with all the features you
304      need from a CMS while having complete freedom to customize it the way you want.
305      \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy
306      Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP,
307      Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can
308      get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation
309      Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion of the
310      installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure BIGACE and Softaculous
311      Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact", "deployments_active":
312      0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\" label=\"Premium
313      Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
314      Install BIGACE and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
315      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
316      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
317      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About BIGACE :\n#   BIGACE
318      is a free and professional grade software package that allows you to set up
319      your own website within minutes.\n#   Its powerful backend puts you in full
320      control of the layout and content of your pages.\n#   And when you need more,
321      you can choose from many Plugins and Themes to extend it.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
322      Install BIGACE Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
323      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
324      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
325      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=400&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
326      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
327      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
328      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
329      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
330      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
331      BIGACE and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
332      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
333      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
334      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
335      \"Congratulations, BIGACE has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
336      \"You can now configure BIGACE and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :\"\necho
337      \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
338      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "BIGACE
339      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9220, "deployments_total": 0,
340      "label": "BIGACE powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
341      ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6",
342      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
343      "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
344      "wallabag is a read-it later application. You can use it to save a link (including
345      all content : text, images, videos). Moreover, you can manage all your saved
346      link performing actions like tag, favorite, archive and for sure deletion! \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo
347      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
348      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
349      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License
350      here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
351      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
352      wallabag and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
353      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
354      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
355      Install wallabag and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
356      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
357      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
358      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About wallabag :\n#   wallabag
359      is a read-it later application. You can use it to save a link (including all
360      content : text, \n#   images, videos). \n#   Moreover, you can manage all your
361      saved link performing actions like tag, favorite, archive and for sure deletion!
362      \n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
363      Install wallabag Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
364      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
365      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
366      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=477&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
367      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
368      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
369      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
370      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
371      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
372      wallabag and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
373      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
374      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
375      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
376      \"Congratulations, wallabag has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
377      \"You can now configure wallabag and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
378      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
379      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "wallabag
380      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9221, "deployments_total": 0,
381      "label": "wallabag powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [{"label": "MySQL
382      root Password", "name": "db_password"}, {"example": "Optionally create this
383      database", "label": "Create Database", "name": "db_name", "default": ""}, {"example":
384      "Optionally create this user", "label": "Create MySQL User", "name": "db_user",
385      "default": ""}, {"example": "User''s password", "label": "MySQL User''s Password",
386      "name": "db_user_password", "default": ""}], "images": ["linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"],
387      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "0b874d2362ffd16a2178ba9339c40798", "created":
388      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "", "deployments_active": 0, "script":
389      "#!/bin/bash\n#<UDF name=\"db_password\" Label=\"MySQL root Password\" />\n#<UDF
390      name=\"db_name\" Label=\"Create Database\" default=\"\" example=\"Optionally
391      create this database\" />\n#<UDF name=\"db_user\" Label=\"Create MySQL User\"
392      default=\"\" example=\"Optionally create this user\" />\n#<UDF name=\"db_user_password\"
393      Label=\"MySQL User''s Password\" default=\"\" example=\"User''s password\" />\n\nsource
394      <ssinclude StackScriptID=\"1\">\n\nsystem_update\npostfix_install_loopback_only\nmysql_install
395      \"$DB_PASSWORD\" && mysql_tune 40\nmysql_create_database \"$DB_PASSWORD\" \"$DB_NAME\"\nmysql_create_user
396      \"$DB_PASSWORD\" \"$DB_USER\" \"$DB_USER_PASSWORD\"\nmysql_grant_user \"$DB_PASSWORD\"
397      \"$DB_USER\" \"$DB_NAME\"\nphp_install_with_apache && php_tune\napache_install
398      && apache_tune 40 && apache_virtualhost_from_rdns\ngoodstuff\nrestartServices",
399      "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Initial import", "username":
400      "smartjones", "id": 2822, "deployments_total": 0, "label": "Smartweb"}, {"user_defined_fields":
401      [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts",
402      "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"],
403      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created":
404      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "CS-Cart is the best shopping cart solution
405      for building an ecommerce website of any size: from a small web store to a virtual
406      shopping mall. A ready storefront, support for many payment and shipping options,
407      full inventory control, unlimited products, promotional tools, and other ecommerce
408      software features out-of-the-box.\r\n\r\nCS-Cart shopping cart software offers
409      a search engine friendly environment that involves the tableless layout, customizable
410      META tags, friendly URLs and Google sitemap. This all contributes well to the
411      proper indexing of your web store and generally improves its ranking among the
412      popular search engines like Google, Yahoo! Search and Bing.\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo
413      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
414      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
415      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License
416      here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
417      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
418      CS-Cart and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
419      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
420      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
421      Install CS-Cart and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
422      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
423      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
424      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About CS-Cart :\n#   CS-Cart
425      is the best shopping cart solution for building an ecommerce website of any
426      size: from a small \n#   web store to a virtual shopping mall. \n#   A ready
427      storefront, support for many payment and shipping options, full inventory control,
428      \n#   unlimited products, promotional tools, and other ecommerce software features
429      out-of-the-box.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
430      Install CS-Cart Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
431      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
432      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
433      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=479&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
434      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
435      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
436      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
437      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
438      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
439      CS-Cart and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
440      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
441      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
442      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
443      \"Congratulations, CS-Cart has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
444      \"You can now configure CS-Cart and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
445      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
446      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "CS-Cart
447      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9222, "deployments_total": 0,
448      "label": "CS-Cart powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
449      ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6",
450      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
451      "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
452      "Chive is a modern Open-Source MySQL Data Management tool. With it''s fast and
453      elaborate user interface it is getting very popular especially by web engineers.
454      Chive was created because of an disaffection with existing tools. They usually
455      were hard to handle and very time-consuming while the daily use of an web engineer.\r\n\r\nChive
456      is a free, open source, web-based database management tool, designed to bring
457      joy to web developers - with easy administration, super fast UI and state of
458      the art web technologies. Based on top of the current version of the Yii framework,
459      Chive takes advantage of the MVC design pattern and unit testing. \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo
460      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
461      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
462      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License
463      here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
464      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
465      Chive and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
466      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
467      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
468      Install Chive and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
469      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
470      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
471      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Chive :\n#   Chive
472      is a modern Open-Source MySQL Data Management tool.\n#   With it''s fast and
473      elaborate user interface it is getting very popular especially by web engineers.\n#   Chive
474      was created because of an disaffection with existing tools.\n#   They usually
475      were hard to handle and very time-consuming while the daily use of an web engineer.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
476      Install Chive Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
477      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
478      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
479      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=398&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
480      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
481      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
482      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
483      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
484      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
485      Chive and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
486      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
487      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
488      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
489      \"Congratulations, Chive has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
490      \"You can now configure Chive and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :\"\necho
491      \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
492      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Chive
493      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9223, "deployments_total": 0,
494      "label": "Chive powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8",
495      "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts",
496      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5",
497      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "Commentics is a free, advanced
498      PHP comment script with many features. Professionally written and with open
499      source code, its main aims are to be integrable, customizable and secure. \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo
500      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
501      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
502      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License
503      here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
504      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
505      Commentics and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
506      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
507      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
508      Install Commentics and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
509      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
510      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
511      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Commentics :\n#   Commentics
512      is a free, advanced PHP comment script with many features.\n#   Professionally
513      written and with open source code, its main aims are to be integrable, customizable
514      and secure. \n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
515      Install Commentics Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
516      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
517      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
518      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=446&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
519      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
520      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
521      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
522      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
523      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
524      Commentics and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
525      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
526      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
527      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
528      \"Congratulations, Commentics has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
529      \"You can now configure Commentics and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
530      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
531      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Commentics
532      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9224, "deployments_total": 0,
533      "label": "Commentics powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
534      ["linode/gentoo"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "9761d400c1d16197a8aa3983039dd06d",
535      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "functions.sh from sys-apps/openrc,
536      exports and contains various helpful functions.", "deployments_active": 0, "script":
537      "#!/bin/bash\n# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>\n# Released
538      under the 2-clause BSD license.\n\n# Allow any sh script to work with einfo
539      functions and friends\n# We also provide a few helpful functions for other programs
540      to use\n\nRC_GOT_FUNCTIONS=\"yes\"\n\neindent()\n{\n        : $(( EINFO_INDENT
541      = ${EINFO_INDENT:-0} + 2 ))\n        [ \"$EINFO_INDENT\" -gt 40 ] && EINFO_INDENT=40\n        export
542      EINFO_INDENT\n}\n\neoutdent()\n{\n        : $(( EINFO_INDENT = ${EINFO_INDENT:-0}
543      - 2 ))\n        [ \"$EINFO_INDENT\" -lt 0 ] && EINFO_INDENT=0\n        return
544      0\n}\n\nyesno()\n{\n        [ -z \"$1\" ] && return 1\n\n        case \"$1\"
545      in\n                [Yy][Ee][Ss]|[Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee]|[Oo][Nn]|1) return 0;;\n                [Nn][Oo]|[Ff][Aa][Ll][Ss][Ee]|[Oo][Ff][Ff]|0)
546      return 1;;\n        esac\n\n        local value=\n        eval value=\\$${1}\n        case
547      \"$value\" in\n                [Yy][Ee][Ss]|[Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee]|[Oo][Nn]|1) return
548      0;;\n                [Nn][Oo]|[Ff][Aa][Ll][Ss][Ee]|[Oo][Ff][Ff]|0) return 1;;\n                *)
549      vewarn \"\\$$1 is not set properly\"; return 1;;\n        esac\n}\n\nrc_runlevel()\n{\n    rc-status
550      --runlevel\n}\n\n_sanitize_path()\n{\n        local IFS=\":\" p= path=\n        for
551      p in $PATH; do\n                case \"$p\" in\n                        /lib64/rc/bin|/lib64/rc/sbin);;\n                        /bin|/sbin|/usr/bin|/usr/sbin);;\n                        /usr/bin|/usr/sbin);;\n                        /usr/local/bin|/usr/local/sbin);;\n                        *)
552      path=\"$path${path:+:}$p\";;\n                esac\n        done\n        echo
553      \"$path\"\n}\n\n# Allow our scripts to support zsh\nif [ -n \"$ZSH_VERSION\"
554      ]; then\n        emulate sh\n        NULLCMD=:\n        alias -g ''${1+\"$@\"}''=''\"$@\"''\n        setopt
555      NO_GLOB_SUBST\nfi\n\n# Make a sane PATH\n_PREFIX=\n_PKG_PREFIX=/usr\n_LOCAL_PREFIX=/usr/local\n_LOCAL_PREFIX=${_LOCAL_PREFIX:-/usr/local}\n_PATH=/lib64/rc/bin\ncase
556      \"$_PREFIX\" in\n        \"$_PKG_PREFIX\"|\"$_LOCAL_PREFIX\") ;;\n        *)
557      _PATH=\"$_PATH:$_PREFIX/bin:$_PREFIX/sbin\";;\nesac\n_PATH=\"$_PATH\":/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin\n\nif
558      [ -n \"$_PKG_PREFIX\" ]; then\n        _PATH=\"$_PATH:$_PKG_PREFIX/bin:$_PKG_PREFIX/sbin\"\nfi\nif
559      [ -n \"$_LOCAL_PREFIX\" ]; then\n        _PATH=\"$_PATH:$_LOCAL_PREFIX/bin:$_LOCAL_PREFIX/sbin\"\nfi\n_path=\"$(_sanitize_path
560      \"$PATH\")\"\nPATH=\"$_PATH${_path:+:}$_path\" ; export PATH\nunset _sanitize_path
561      _PREFIX _PKG_PREFIX _LOCAL_PREFIX _PATH _path\n\nfor arg; do\n        case \"$arg\"
562      in\n                --nocolor|--nocolour|-C)\n                        EINFO_COLOR=\"NO\"
563      ; export EINFO_COLOR\n                        ;;\n        esac\ndone\n\nif [
564      -t 1 ] && yesno \"${EINFO_COLOR:-YES}\"; then\n        if [ -z \"$GOOD\" ];
565      then\n                eval $(eval_ecolors)\n        fi\nelse\n        # We need
566      to have shell stub functions so our init scripts can remember\n        # the
567      last ecmd\n        for _e in ebegin eend error errorn einfo einfon ewarn ewarnn
568      ewend \\\n                vebegin veend veinfo vewarn vewend; do\n                eval
569      \"$_e() { local _r; command $_e \\\"\\$@\\\"; _r=\\$?; \\\n                EINFO_LASTCMD=$_e;
570      export EINFO_LASTCMD ; return \\$_r; }\"\n        done\n        unset _e\nfi",
571      "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "openrc-0.12.4", "username": "regna",
572      "id": 10248, "deployments_total": 0, "label": "functions.sh"}, {"user_defined_fields":
573      [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts",
574      "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"],
575      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created":
576      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "XCloner is a professional website Backup
577      and Restore application designed to allow you to create safe complete backups
578      of any PHP/Mysql website and to be able to restore them anywhere. It works as
579      a native Joomla backup component, as a native Wordpress backup plugin and also
580      as standalone PHP/Mysql backup application. \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single
581      User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal,
582      etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual
583      machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath
584      to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
585      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure XCloner
586      and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
587      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
588      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
589      Install XCloner and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
590      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
591      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
592      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About XCloner :\n#   XCloner
593      is a professional website Backup and Restore application designed to allow you
594      to create \n#   safe complete backups of any PHP/Mysql website and to be able
595      to restore them anywhere.\n#   It works as a native Joomla backup component,
596      as a native Wordpress backup plugin and also \n#   as standalone PHP/Mysql backup
597      application.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
598      Install XCloner Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
599      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
600      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
601      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=458&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
602      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
603      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
604      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
605      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
606      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
607      XCloner and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
608      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
609      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
610      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
611      \"Congratulations, XCloner has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
612      \"You can now configure XCloner and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
613      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
614      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "XCloner
615      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9225, "deployments_total": 0,
616      "label": "XCloner powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [{"label": "MySQL
617      root Password", "name": "db_password"}, {"example": "Optionally create this
618      database", "label": "Create Database", "name": "db_name", "default": ""}, {"example":
619      "Optionally create this user", "label": "Create MySQL User", "name": "db_user",
620      "default": ""}, {"example": "User''s password", "label": "MySQL User''s Password",
621      "name": "db_user_password", "default": ""}], "images": ["linode/ubuntu16.04lts"],
622      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "58c5b6b3e7c996de84adf9c177085ae5", "created":
623      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "", "deployments_active": 0, "script":
624      "#!/bin/bash\n# <UDF name=\"db_password\" Label=\"MySQL root Password\" />\n#
625      <UDF name=\"db_name\" Label=\"Create Database\" default=\"\" example=\"Optionally
626      create this database\" />\n# <UDF name=\"db_user\" Label=\"Create MySQL User\"
627      default=\"\" example=\"Optionally create this user\" />\n# <UDF name=\"db_user_password\"
628      Label=\"MySQL User''s Password\" default=\"\" example=\"User''s password\" />\n\n\nsource
629      <ssinclude StackScriptID=\"1\">\n\nsystem_update\npostfix_install_loopback_only\nmysql_install
630      \"$DB_PASSWORD\" && mysql_tune 40\nmysql_create_database \"$DB_PASSWORD\" \"$DB_NAME\"\nmysql_create_user
631      \"$DB_PASSWORD\" \"$DB_USER\" \"$DB_USER_PASSWORD\"\nmysql_grant_user \"$DB_PASSWORD\"
632      \"$DB_USER\" \"$DB_NAME\"\nphp_install_with_apache && php_tune\napache_install
633      && apache_tune 40 && apache_virtualhost_from_rdns\ngoodstuff\nrestartServices",
634      "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Initial import", "username":
635      "janelle_estelle", "id": 83465, "deployments_total": 0, "label": "Stack"}, {"user_defined_fields":
636      [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts",
637      "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"],
638      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created":
639      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "Gallery is an open source web based photo
640      album organizer. Gallery gives you an intuitive way to blend photo management
641      seamlessly into your own website whether you''re running a small personal site
642      or a large community site.\r\n\r\nServing millions worldwide, the Gallery project
643      is the most widely used system of its kind. \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single
644      User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal,
645      etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual
646      machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath
647      to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
648      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure Gallery
649      2 and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
650      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
651      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
652      Install Gallery 2 and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
653      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
654      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
655      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Gallery 2 :\n#   Gallery
656      is an open source web based photo album organizer.\n#   Gallery gives you an
657      intuitive way to blend photo management seamlessly into your own website \n#   whether
658      you''re running a small personal site or a large community site.\n#   Serving
659      millions worldwide, the Gallery project is the most widely used system of its
660      kind. \n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
661      Install Gallery 2 Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
662      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
663      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
664      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=383&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
665      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
666      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
667      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
668      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
669      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
670      Gallery 2 and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
671      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
672      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
673      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
674      \"Congratulations, Gallery 2 has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
675      \"You can now configure Gallery 2 and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
676      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
677      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Gallery
678      2 powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9226, "deployments_total":
679      0, "label": "Gallery 2 powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
680      ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6",
681      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
682      "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
683      "Eventum is a user-friendly and flexible issue tracking system that can be used
684      by a support department to track incoming technical support requests, or by
685      a software development team to quickly organize tasks and bugs.\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo
686      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
687      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
688      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License
689      here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
690      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
691      Eventum and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
692      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
693      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
694      Install Eventum and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
695      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
696      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
697      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Eventum :\n#   Eventum
698      is a user-friendly and flexible issue tracking system that can be used by a
699      support \n#   department to track incoming technical support requests, or by
700      a software development team to quickly\n#   organize tasks and bugs.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
701      Install Eventum Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
702      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
703      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
704      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=394&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
705      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
706      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
707      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
708      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
709      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
710      Eventum and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
711      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
712      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
713      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
714      \"Congratulations, Eventum has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
715      \"You can now configure Eventum and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
716      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
717      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Eventum
718      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9227, "deployments_total": 0,
719      "label": "Eventum powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
720      ["linode/ubuntu16.04lts", "linode/ubuntu16.10", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts"], "is_public":
721      true, "user_gravatar_id": "dc70e4f46019425154b0a652de0657da", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05",
722      "description": "", "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n#\n# System
723      related utilities\n#\n# Copyright (c) 2010 Filip Wasilewski <en@ig.ma>.\n#\n#
724      My ref: http://www.linode.com/?r=aadfce9845055011e00f0c6c9a5c01158c452deb\n\nfunction
725      lower {\n    # helper function\n    echo $1 | tr ''[:upper:]'' ''[:lower:]''\n}\n\nfunction
726      system_update {\n    apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y\n}\n\nfunction system_add_user
727      {\n    # system_add_user(username, password, groups, shell=/bin/bash)\n    USERNAME=`lower
728      $1`\n    PASSWORD=$2\n    SUDO_GROUP=$3\n    SHELL=$4\n    if [ -z \"$4\" ];
729      then\n        SHELL=\"/bin/bash\"\n    fi\n    useradd --create-home --shell
730      \"$SHELL\" --user-group --groups \"$SUDO_GROUP\" \"$USERNAME\"\n    echo \"$USERNAME:$PASSWORD\"
731      | chpasswd\n}\n\nfunction system_add_system_user {\n    # system_add_system_user(username,
732      home, shell=/bin/bash)\n    USERNAME=`lower $1`\n    HOME_DIR=$2\n    SHELL=$3\n    if
733      [ -z \"$3\" ]; then\n        SHELL=\"/bin/bash\"\n    fi\n    useradd --system
734      --create-home --home-dir \"$HOME_DIR\" --shell \"$SHELL\" --user-group $USERNAME\n}\n\nfunction
735      system_lock_user {\n    # system_lock_user(username)\n    passwd -l \"$1\"\n}\n\nfunction
736      system_get_user_home {\n    # system_get_user_home(username)\n    cat /etc/passwd
737      | grep \"^$1:\" | cut --delimiter=\":\" -f6\n}\n\nfunction system_user_add_ssh_key
738      {\n    # system_user_add_ssh_key(username, ssh_key)\n    USERNAME=`lower $1`\n    USER_HOME=`system_get_user_home
739      \"$USERNAME\"`\n    sudo -u \"$USERNAME\" mkdir \"$USER_HOME/.ssh\"\n    sudo
740      -u \"$USERNAME\" touch \"$USER_HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys\"\n    sudo -u \"$USERNAME\"
741      echo \"$2\" >> \"$USER_HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys\"\n    chmod 0600 \"$USER_HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys\"\n}\n\nfunction
742      system_sshd_edit_bool {\n    # system_sshd_edit_bool (param_name, \"Yes\"|\"No\")\n    VALUE=`lower
743      $2`\n    if [ \"$VALUE\" == \"yes\" ] || [ \"$VALUE\" == \"no\" ]; then\n        sed
744      -i \"s/^#*\\($1\\).*/\\1 $VALUE/\" /etc/ssh/sshd_config\n    fi\n}\n\nfunction
745      system_sshd_permitrootlogin {\n    system_sshd_edit_bool \"PermitRootLogin\"
746      \"$1\"\n}\n\nfunction system_sshd_passwordauthentication {\n    system_sshd_edit_bool
747      \"PasswordAuthentication\" \"$1\"\n}\n\nfunction system_update_hostname {\n    #
748      system_update_hostname(system hostname)\n    if [ -z \"$1\" ]; then\n        echo
749      \"system_update_hostname() requires the system hostname as its first argument\"\n        return
750      1;\n    fi\n    echo $1 > /etc/hostname\n    hostname -F /etc/hostname\n    echo
751      -e \"\\n010.020.030.040 $1 $1.local\\n\" >> /etc/hosts\n}\n\nfunction system_security_logcheck
752      {\n    aptitude -y install logcheck logcheck-database\n    # configure email\n    #
753      start after setup\n}\n\nfunction system_security_fail2ban {\n    aptitude -y
754      install fail2ban\n}\n\nfunction system_security_ufw_configure_basic {\n    #
755      see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW\n    ufw logging on\n\n    ufw default
756      deny\n\n    ufw allow ssh/tcp\n    ufw limit ssh/tcp\n\n    ufw allow http/tcp\n    ufw
757      allow https/tcp\n\n    ufw enable\n}\n\nfunction system_configure_private_network
758      {\n    # system_configure_private_network(private_ip)\n    PRIVATE_IP=$1\n    NETMASK=\"\"\n    cat
759      >>/etc/network/interfaces <<EOF\nauto eth0:0\niface eth0:0 inet static\n address
760      $PRIVATE_IP\n netmask $NETMASK\nEOF\n    touch /tmp/restart_initd-networking\n}\n\nfunction
761      restart_services {\n    # restarts upstart services that have a file in /tmp/needs-restart/\n    for
762      service_name in $(ls /tmp/ | grep restart-* | cut -d- -f2-10); do\n        service
763      $service_name restart\n        rm -f /tmp/restart-$service_name\n    done\n}\n\nfunction
764      restart_initd_services {\n    # restarts upstart services that have a file in
765      /tmp/needs-restart/\n    for service_name in $(ls /tmp/ | grep restart_initd-*
766      | cut -d- -f2-10); do\n        /etc/init.d/$service_name restart\n        rm
767      -f /tmp/restart_initd-$service_name\n    done\n}\n\n# Maintain for compatibility
768      with scripts using this library for Ubuntu 10.04\n\nfunction system_get_codename
769      {\n    echo `lsb_release -sc`\n}\n\nfunction system_get_release {\n    echo
770      `lsb_release -sr`\n}\n\nfunction system_sshd_pubkeyauthentication {\n    system_sshd_edit_bool
771      \"PubkeyAuthentication\" \"$1\"\n}\n\nfunction system_update_locale_en_US_UTF_8
772      {\n    # locale-gen en_US.UTF-8\n    dpkg-reconfigure locales\n    update-locale
773      LANG=en_US.UTF-8\n}\n\nfunction system_enable_universe {\n    sed -i ''s/^#\\(.*deb.*\\)
774      universe/\\1 universe/'' /etc/apt/sources.list\n    aptitude update\n}\n\nfunction
775      system_security_ufw_install {\n    aptitude -y install ufw\n}", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05",
776      "rev_note": "Initial import", "username": "rizerapp", "id": 73228, "deployments_total":
777      0, "label": "lib-system-ubuntu"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8",
778      "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts",
779      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5",
780      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "Magento is an Open Source
781      ecommerce web application launched on March 31, 2008. It was created by Varien,
782      building on components of the Zend Framework.\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single
783      User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal,
784      etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual
785      machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath
786      to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
787      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure Magento
788      1.7 and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
789      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
790      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
791      Install Magento 1.7 and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo
792      :\n#   Webuzo is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps
793      (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java,
794      MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Magento
795      1.7 :\n#   Magento is an Open Source ecommerce web application launched on March
796      31, 2008.\n#   It was created by Varien, building on components of the Zend
797      Framework.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
798      Install Magento 1.7 Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
799      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
800      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
801      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=465&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
802      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
803      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
804      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
805      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
806      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
807      Magento 1.7 and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
808      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
809      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
810      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
811      \"Congratulations, Magento 1.7 has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
812      \"You can now configure Magento 1.7 and Softaculous Webuzo at the following
813      URL :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing
814      Softaculous Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note":
815      "Magento 1.7 powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9228, "deployments_total":
816      0, "label": "Magento 1.7 powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
817      ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6",
818      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
819      "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
820      "SVNManager is a PHP web based tool to administer a Apache Subversion repository
821      server. \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single User Control Panel which helps users
822      deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX,
823      PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou
824      can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to
825      Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
826      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure SVNManager
827      and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
828      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
829      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
830      Install SVNManager and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
831      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
832      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
833      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About SVNManager :\n#   SVNManager
834      is a PHP web based tool to administer a Apache Subversion repository server.
835      \n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
836      Install SVNManager Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
837      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
838      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
839      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=380&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
840      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
841      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
842      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
843      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
844      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
845      SVNManager and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
846      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
847      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
848      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
849      \"Congratulations, SVNManager has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
850      \"You can now configure SVNManager and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
851      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
852      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "SVNManager
853      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9229, "deployments_total": 0,
854      "label": "SVNManager powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
855      ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6",
856      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
857      "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
858      "Vty is a web-based database manager script written with Php. It''s for Mysql.\r\n\r\nYou
859      can connect to Mysql and see and edit your databases and tables. \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo
860      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
861      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
862      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License
863      here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
864      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
865      Vty and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
866      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
867      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
868      Install Vty and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
869      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
870      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
871      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Vty :\n#   Vty is
872      a web-based database manager script written with Php. It''s for Mysql.\n#   You
873      can connect to Mysql and see and edit your databases and tables. \n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
874      Install Vty Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
875      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
876      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
877      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=327&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
878      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
879      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
880      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
881      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
882      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
883      Vty and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
884      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
885      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
886      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
887      \"Congratulations, Vty has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho \"You
888      can now configure Vty and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :\"\necho
889      \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
890      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Vty
891      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9230, "deployments_total": 0,
892      "label": "Vty powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8",
893      "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts",
894      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5",
895      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "Plandora project was born
896      to be a tool to help the software development process, from the customer requirement
897      until the task conclusion, and consequently gather the \"history\" of project.\r\nThe
898      Plandora system can be useful for teams that have problems with resource bottle-necks,
899      parallel projects, critical dead lines, necessity for scope documentation of
900      tasks and requirements, etc. \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single User Control Panel
901      which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System
902      Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in
903      the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath
904      to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
905      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure Plandora
906      and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
907      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
908      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
909      Install Plandora and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
910      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
911      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
912      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Plandora :\n#   Plandora
913      project was born to be a tool to help the software development process, from
914      the customer \n#   requirement until the task conclusion, and consequently gather
915      the \"history\" of project.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
916      Install Plandora Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
917      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
918      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
919      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=424&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
920      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
921      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
922      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
923      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
924      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
925      Plandora and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
926      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
927      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
928      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
929      \"Congratulations, Plandora has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
930      \"You can now configure Plandora and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
931      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
932      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Plandora
933      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9233, "deployments_total": 0,
934      "label": "Plandora powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
935      ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6",
936      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
937      "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
938      "ClientExec offers online help desk software intended to enhance the ability
939      of small and mid-sized hosting businesses to manage help and support issues.
940      Because the online help desk software can be accessed from any web browser,
941      managers and staff can increase the flexibility and effectiveness with which
942      they address client support issues.\r\n\r\nClientExec''s software includes an
943      easy-to-use interface that enhances communication between clients and staff.
944      E-mail messages sent through the online help desk software are automatically
945      routed and tracked, so you don''t have to spend time chasing after lost messages.
946      Support tickets can be quickly sorted, filtered, and assigned to individual
947      team members, ensuring that the tickets are addressed in the most efficient
948      possible manner.\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single User Control Panel which helps
949      users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache,
950      NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou
951      can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to
952      Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
953      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure ClientExec
954      and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
955      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
956      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
957      Install ClientExec and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
958      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
959      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
960      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About ClientExec :\n#   ClientExec
961      offers online help desk software intended to enhance the ability of small and
962      mid-sized \n#   hosting businesses to manage help and support issues.\n#   Because
963      the online help desk software can be accessed from any web browser, managers
964      and \n#   staff can increase the flexibility and effectiveness with which they
965      address client support issues.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
966      Install ClientExec Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
967      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
968      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
969      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=478&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
970      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
971      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
972      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
973      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
974      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
975      ClientExec and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
976      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
977      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
978      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
979      \"Congratulations, ClientExec has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
980      \"You can now configure ClientExec and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
981      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
982      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "ClientExec
983      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9234, "deployments_total": 0,
984      "label": "ClientExec powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
985      ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6",
986      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
987      "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
988      "Croogo is a free, open source, content management system for PHP. It is powered
989      by CakePHP MVC framework. \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single User Control Panel
990      which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System
991      Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in
992      the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath
993      to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
994      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure Croogo
995      and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
996      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
997      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
998      Install Croogo and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
999      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
1000      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
1001      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Croogo :\n#   Croogo
1002      is a free, open source, content management system for PHP. It is powered by
1003      CakePHP MVC framework. \n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
1004      Install Croogo Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
1005      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
1006      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
1007      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=443&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
1008      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
1009      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1010      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1011      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
1012      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
1013      Croogo and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
1014      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
1015      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1016      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1017      \"Congratulations, Croogo has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
1018      \"You can now configure Croogo and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :\"\necho
1019      \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
1020      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Croogo
1021      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9235, "deployments_total": 0,
1022      "label": "Croogo powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
1023      ["linode/centos5.632bit", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/fedora1132bit"], "is_public":
1024      true, "user_gravatar_id": "5dd8fb66331617dbbd6f90a10cdd47ac", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05",
1025      "description": "", "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n###########################################################\n#
1026      System\n###########################################################\n\nfunction
1027      system_update {\n  yum -y update\n}\n\nfunction system_primary_ip {\n  # returns
1028      the primary IP assigned to eth0\n  echo $(ifconfig eth0 | awk -F: ''/inet addr:/
1029      {print $2}'' | awk ''{ print $1 }'')\n}\n\nfunction get_rdns {\n  # calls host
1030      on an IP address and returns its reverse dns\n  if [ ! -e /usr/bin/host ]; then\n   yum
1031      -y install bind-utils > /dev/null\n  fi\n  echo $(host $1 | awk ''/pointer/
1032      {print $5}'' | sed ''s/\\.$//'')\n}\n\nfunction get_rdns_primary_ip {\n  # returns
1033      the reverse dns of the primary IP assigned to this system\n  echo $(get_rdns
1034      $(system_primary_ip))\n}\n\nfunction install_basics {\n  yum install -y jwhois
1035      rsync openssh-clients wget\n}", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note":
1036      "", "username": "nbebout", "id": 20, "deployments_total": 0, "label": "Fedora/CentOS
1037      Bash Library"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts",
1038      "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"],
1039      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created":
1040      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "WideImage is an object-oriented library
1041      for image manipulation.\r\n\r\nThe library provides a simple way to loading,
1042      manipulating and saving images in the most common image formats. \r\n\r\nWebuzo
1043      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
1044      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
1045      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License
1046      here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
1047      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
1048      WideImage and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
1049      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
1050      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
1051      Install WideImage and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
1052      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
1053      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
1054      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About WideImage :\n#   WideImage
1055      is an object-oriented library for image manipulation.\n#   The library provides
1056      a simple way to loading, manipulating and saving images in the most common image
1057      formats.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
1058      Install WideImage Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
1059      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
1060      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
1061      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=360&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
1062      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
1063      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1064      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1065      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
1066      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
1067      WideImage and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
1068      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
1069      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1070      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1071      \"Congratulations, WideImage has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
1072      \"You can now configure WideImage and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
1073      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
1074      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "WideImage
1075      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9236, "deployments_total": 0,
1076      "label": "WideImage powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
1077      ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6",
1078      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
1079      "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
1080      "HelpDEZk is a powerfull software that manages requests/incidents. It has all
1081      the needed requirements to an efficient workflow management of all processes
1082      involved in service execution. This control is done for internal demands and
1083      also for outsourced services.\r\n\r\nHelpDEZk can be used at any company''s
1084      area, serving as an support to the shared service center concept, beyond the
1085      ability to log all the processes and maintain the request''s history, it can
1086      pass it through many approval levels.\r\n\r\nHelpDEZk can put together advanced
1087      managing resources with an extremely easy use. Simple and intuitive screens
1088      make the day-by-day easier for your team, speeding up the procedures and saving
1089      up a lot of time. It is developped in objects oriented PHP language, with the
1090      MVC architecture and uses the templates system SMARTY. For the javascripts,
1091      JQUERY is used. \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single User Control Panel which helps
1092      users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache,
1093      NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou
1094      can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to
1095      Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
1096      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure HelpDEZk
1097      and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
1098      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
1099      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
1100      Install HelpDEZk and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
1101      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
1102      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
1103      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About HelpDEZk :\n#   HelpDEZk
1104      is a powerfull software that manages requests/incidents.\n#   It has all the
1105      needed requirements to an efficient workflow management of all processes \n#   involved
1106      in service execution. This control is done for internal demands and also for
1107      outsourced services.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
1108      Install HelpDEZk Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
1109      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
1110      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
1111      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=457&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
1112      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
1113      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1114      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1115      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
1116      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
1117      HelpDEZk and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
1118      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
1119      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1120      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1121      \"Congratulations, HelpDEZk has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
1122      \"You can now configure HelpDEZk and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
1123      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
1124      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "HelpDEZk
1125      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9237, "deployments_total": 0,
1126      "label": "HelpDEZk powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
1127      ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6",
1128      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
1129      "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
1130      "SEOTOASTER is the most advanced SEO content management system out of the box,
1131      so your website or Ecommerce store performs to the maximum of its abilities
1132      when it comes to organic rankings.\r\n\r\nSEOTOASTER is the most advanced SEO
1133      CMS & Ecommerce web site builder.\n\nWebuzo is a Single User Control Panel which
1134      helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps
1135      (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the
1136      cloud.\n\nYou can get a Webuzo License here\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\n\nPath
1137      to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\n\nInstructions\nOn completion
1138      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure SEOTOASTER
1139      and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\n\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact", "deployments_active":
1140      0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\" label=\"Premium
1141      Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
1142      Install SEOTOASTER and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
1143      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
1144      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
1145      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About SEOTOASTER :\n#   SEOTOASTER
1146      is the most advanced SEO CMS & Ecommerce web site builder.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
1147      Install SEOTOASTER Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
1148      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
1149      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
1150      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=490&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
1151      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
1152      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1153      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1154      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh  >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
1155      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
1156      SEOTOASTER and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
1157      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
1158      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1159      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1160      \"Congratulations, SEOTOASTER has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
1161      \"You can now configure SEOTOASTER and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
1162      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
1163      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "SEOTOASTER
1164      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 10261, "deployments_total":
1165      0, "label": "SEOTOASTER powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
1166      ["linode/centos6.5"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "632f7c16a5fd3a66b8909e0153856b49",
1167      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "aa", "deployments_active":
1168      0, "script": "#!/bin/bash", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Initial
1169      import", "username": "ichal", "id": 8470, "deployments_total": 0, "label": "jibeg"},
1170      {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts",
1171      "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"],
1172      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created":
1173      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "Support Incident Tracker (or SiT!) is
1174      a Free Software/Open Source (GPL) web based application which uses PHP and MySQL
1175      for tracking technical support calls/emails (also commonly known as a ''Help
1176      Desk'' or ''Support Ticket System'').\r\n\r\nManage contacts, sites, technical
1177      support contracts and support incidents in one place. Send emails directly from
1178      SiT!, attach files and record every communication in the incident log. SiT is
1179      aware of Service Level Agreements and incidents are flagged if they stray outside
1180      of them. \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single User Control Panel which helps users
1181      deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX,
1182      PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou
1183      can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to
1184      Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
1185      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure Support
1186      Incident Tracker and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
1187      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
1188      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
1189      Install Support Incident Tracker and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n#
1190      About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo is a Single User Control Panel which helps users
1191      deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache,
1192      NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n#
1193      About Support Incident Tracker :\n#   Support Incident Tracker (or SiT!) is
1194      a Free Software/Open Source (GPL) web based application which uses\n#   PHP
1195      and MySQL for tracking technical support calls/emails (also commonly known as
1196      a ''Help Desk''\n#   or ''Support Ticket System'').\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
1197      Install Support Incident Tracker Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
1198      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
1199      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
1200      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=409&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
1201      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
1202      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1203      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1204      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
1205      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
1206      Support Incident Tracker and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
1207      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
1208      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1209      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1210      \"Congratulations, Support Incident Tracker has been successfully installed\"\necho
1211      \" \"\necho \"You can now configure Support Incident Tracker and Softaculous
1212      Webuzo at the following URL :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho
1213      \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05",
1214      "rev_note": "Support Incident Tracker powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo",
1215      "id": 9238, "deployments_total": 0, "label": "Support Incident Tracker powered
1216      by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts",
1217      "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"],
1218      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created":
1219      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "Webasyst is a free PHP framework for
1220      creating sleek multi-user web apps and for building websites. Webasyst offers
1221      a multi-app UI ready for integrating and designing your app, handles user authorization,
1222      access rights management, routing setup, and much more. Great for creating web
1223      solutions for businesses and teams. \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single User Control
1224      Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or
1225      System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines
1226      or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath
1227      to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
1228      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure Webasyst
1229      and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
1230      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
1231      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
1232      Install Webasyst and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
1233      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
1234      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
1235      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Webasyst :\n#   Webasyst
1236      is a free PHP framework for creating sleek multi-user web apps and for building
1237      websites.\n#   Webasyst offers a multi-app UI ready for integrating and designing
1238      your app, handles user \n#   authorization, access rights management, routing
1239      setup, and much more.\n#   Great for creating web solutions for businesses and
1240      teams. \n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
1241      Install Webasyst Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
1242      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
1243      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
1244      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=467&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
1245      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
1246      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1247      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1248      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
1249      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
1250      Webasyst and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
1251      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
1252      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1253      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1254      \"Congratulations, Webasyst has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
1255      \"You can now configure Webasyst and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
1256      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
1257      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Webasyst
1258      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9239, "deployments_total": 0,
1259      "label": "Webasyst powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
1260      ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6",
1261      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
1262      "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
1263      "jforum is a powerful and robust discussion board system implemented in Java.
1264      It provides an attractive interface, an efficient forum engine, an easy to use
1265      administrative panel, an advanced permission control system and much more. \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo
1266      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
1267      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
1268      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License
1269      here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
1270      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
1271      jforum and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
1272      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
1273      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
1274      Install jforum and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
1275      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
1276      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
1277      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About jforum :\n#   jforum
1278      is a powerful and robust discussion board system implemented in Java.\n#   It
1279      provides an attractive interface, an efficient forum engine, an easy to use
1280      administrative\n#   panel, an advanced permission control system and much more.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
1281      Install jforum Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
1282      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
1283      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
1284      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=423&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
1285      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
1286      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1287      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1288      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
1289      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
1290      jforum and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
1291      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
1292      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1293      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1294      \"Congratulations, jforum has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
1295      \"You can now configure jforum and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :\"\necho
1296      \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
1297      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "jforum
1298      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9240, "deployments_total": 0,
1299      "label": "jforum powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
1300      ["linode/debian8"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "f33d8e66bbce5c95fcb2a96dc8a4beaa",
1301      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "Debian 8 Install for BODYRUBS.RU",
1302      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/sh", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05",
1303      "rev_note": "Initial import", "username": "crooksau", "id": 48408, "deployments_total":
1304      0, "label": "Debian 8 Install"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8",
1305      "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts",
1306      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5",
1307      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "Admidio is a free online membership
1308      management, optimized for clubs, groups and organizations. It consists of classical
1309      management members from a variety of modules that can be installed and adjusted
1310      to a new or existing website.\r\n\r\nRegistered users have your website by Admidio
1311      including access to predefined and user-configurable membership lists, people
1312      profiles and an Agenda. In addition, members may be pooled in groups are assigned
1313      properties and search for it.\r\n\r\nWebuzo is a Single User Control Panel which
1314      helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps
1315      (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the
1316      cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath
1317      to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
1318      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure Admidio
1319      and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
1320      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
1321      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
1322      Install Admidio and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
1323      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
1324      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
1325      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Admidio :\n#   Admidio
1326      is a free online membership management, optimized for clubs, groups and organizations.\n#   It
1327      consists of classical management members from a variety of modules that can
1328      be installed \n#   and adjusted to a new or existing website.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
1329      Install Admidio Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
1330      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
1331      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
1332      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=449&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
1333      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
1334      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1335      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1336      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
1337      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
1338      Admidio and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
1339      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
1340      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1341      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1342      \"Congratulations, Admidio has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
1343      \"You can now configure Admidio and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
1344      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
1345      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Admidio
1346      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9241, "deployments_total": 0,
1347      "label": "Admidio powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
1348      ["linode/debian7"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "67f0a5d0710560fd85e82a39cc71a567",
1349      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "Ek 2", "deployments_active":
1350      0, "script": "#!/bin/bash", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Initial
1351      import", "username": "bozuslu", "id": 12825, "deployments_total": 0, "label":
1352      "bayram"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos7"], "is_public":
1353      true, "user_gravatar_id": "2c21cffefb719e685dd6302aed2654df", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05",
1354      "description": "", "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/sh\n# NGINX install
1355      script for CentOS 7\n\nyum -y update\n\n# install EPEL\nyum -y install epel-release\n\n#
1356      install nginx\nyum -y install nginx\n\n# enable firewall\nfirewall-cmd --permanent
1357      --zone=public --add-service=http \nfirewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https\nfirewall-cmd
1358      --reload\n\n# start nginx service\nsystemctl start nginx.service\nsystemctl
1359      enable nginx.service", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Initial
1360      import", "username": "darcyliu", "id": 139802, "deployments_total": 0, "label":
1361      "NGINX install script for CentOS 7"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
1362      ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6",
1363      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
1364      "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
1365      "MeshCMS is an online editing system written in Java. It provides a set of features
1366      usually included in a CMS, but it uses a more traditional approach: pages are
1367      stored in regular HTML files and all additional features are file-based, without
1368      needing a database.\r\n\r\nMeshCMS has been thought as a quick tool to edit
1369      pages online, manage files and create some common components like menus, breadcrumbs,
1370      mail forms, image galleries and so on.\r\n\r\nWebuzo is a Single User Control
1371      Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or
1372      System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines
1373      or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath
1374      to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
1375      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure MeshCMS
1376      and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
1377      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
1378      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
1379      Install MeshCMS and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
1380      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
1381      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
1382      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About MeshCMS :\n#   MeshCMS
1383      is an online editing system written in Java.\n#   It provides a set of features
1384      usually included in a CMS, but it uses a more traditional approach: pages \n#   are
1385      stored in regular HTML files and all additional features are file-based, without
1386      needing a database.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
1387      Install MeshCMS Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
1388      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
1389      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
1390      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=385&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
1391      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
1392      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1393      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1394      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
1395      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
1396      MeshCMS and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
1397      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
1398      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1399      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1400      \"Congratulations, MeshCMS has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
1401      \"You can now configure MeshCMS and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
1402      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
1403      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "MeshCMS
1404      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9242, "deployments_total": 0,
1405      "label": "MeshCMS powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
1406      ["linode/ubuntu14.04lts"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "40bba314333f02cceb3f40d8a2aabb78",
1407      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "", "deployments_active": 0,
1408      "script": "#!/bin/bash\n##\n# Installs the Sensu omnibus package\n#\n# This
1409      package contains all of the different Sensu components. Use specific scripts\n#
1410      to configure each component on different nodes.\n##\nset -eux\n\nsource env.sh\n\n$BASE_PATH/configure-repo-sensu.sh\n\napt-get
1411      install -yq sensu", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Initial import",
1412      "username": "ezan", "id": 14362, "deployments_total": 0, "label": "install-sensu"},
1413      {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos7"], "is_public": true,
1414      "user_gravatar_id": "e57dba3fa2787673251f2e3558fae91e", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05",
1415      "description": "", "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\necho ''wat''",
1416      "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Initial import", "username":
1417      "ilsken", "id": 15898, "deployments_total": 0, "label": "hola"}, {"user_defined_fields":
1418      [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts",
1419      "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"],
1420      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created":
1421      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "Little Software Stats is a web application
1422      that allows users to monitor their software.\r\n\r\nLittle Software Stats is
1423      the first runtime intelligence software released as open source and free. It
1424      is designed and developed through MySQL and PHP which will allow most web servers
1425      to run it. Little Software Stats allows users to collect information including
1426      executions, installations, exceptions, and geographical location.\r\n\r\nWebuzo
1427      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
1428      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
1429      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License
1430      here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
1431      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
1432      Little Software Stats and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
1433      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
1434      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
1435      Install Little Software Stats and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About
1436      Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy
1437      Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX,
1438      PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About
1439      Little Software Stats :\n#   Little Software Stats is a web application that
1440      allows users to monitor their software.\n#   Little Software Stats is the first
1441      runtime intelligence software released as open source and free.\n#   It is designed
1442      and developed through MySQL and PHP which will allow most web servers to run
1443      it.\n#   Little Software Stats allows users to collect information including
1444      executions, \n#   installations, exceptions, and geographical location.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
1445      Install Little Software Stats Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
1446      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
1447      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
1448      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=444&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
1449      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
1450      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1451      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1452      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
1453      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
1454      Little Software Stats and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
1455      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
1456      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1457      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1458      \"Congratulations, Little Software Stats has been successfully installed\"\necho
1459      \" \"\necho \"You can now configure Little Software Stats and Softaculous Webuzo
1460      at the following URL :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank
1461      you for choosing Softaculous Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05",
1462      "rev_note": "Little Software Stats powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo",
1463      "id": 9243, "deployments_total": 0, "label": "Little Software Stats powered
1464      by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts",
1465      "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"],
1466      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created":
1467      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "DIY is an open-source lightweight web
1468      application framework based on object-oriented PHP 5, MySQL, and XSLT. It is
1469      fully object-oriented and designed following the MVC architecture and REST design
1470      principles. The idea behind it is not to reinvent the wheel but instead to combine
1471      existing and proven technologies in a convenient and effective way.\r\n\r\nWebuzo
1472      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
1473      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
1474      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License
1475      here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
1476      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
1477      DIY and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
1478      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
1479      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
1480      Install DIY and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
1481      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
1482      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
1483      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About DIY :\n#   DIY is
1484      an open-source lightweight web application framework based on object-oriented
1485      PHP 5, MySQL, and XSLT.\n#   It is fully object-oriented and designed following
1486      the MVC architecture and REST design principles.\n#   The idea behind it is
1487      not to reinvent the wheel but instead to combine existing and \n#   proven technologies
1488      in a convenient and effective way.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
1489      Install DIY Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
1490      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
1491      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
1492      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=242&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
1493      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
1494      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1495      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1496      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
1497      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
1498      DIY and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
1499      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
1500      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1501      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1502      \"Congratulations, DIY has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho \"You
1503      can now configure DIY and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :\"\necho
1504      \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
1505      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "DIY
1506      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9244, "deployments_total": 0,
1507      "label": "DIY powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/ubuntu14.04lts"],
1508      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "40bba314333f02cceb3f40d8a2aabb78", "created":
1509      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "", "deployments_active": 0, "script":
1510      "#!/bin/bash\nset -eux\n\ncurl -s http://repos.sensuapp.org/apt/pubkey.gpg |
1511      apt-key add -\necho \"deb http://repos.sensuapp.org/apt sensu main\" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sensu.list\n\napt-get
1512      update -q", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Initial import",
1513      "username": "ezan", "id": 14364, "deployments_total": 0, "label": "configure-repo-sensu"},
1514      {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts",
1515      "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"],
1516      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created":
1517      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "Joomla is an award-winning content management
1518      system (CMS), which enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications.
1519      Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla
1520      the most popular Web site software available. Best of all, Joomla is an open
1521      source solution that is freely available to everyone. \r\n\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo
1522      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
1523      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
1524      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License
1525      here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
1526      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
1527      Joomla 2.5 and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
1528      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
1529      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
1530      Install Joomla 2.5 and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
1531      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
1532      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
1533      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Joomla 2.5 :\n#   Joomla
1534      is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you to build
1535      Web sites and powerful\n#   online applications. Many aspects, including its
1536      ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla the most\n#   popular Web site
1537      software available. Best of all, Joomla is an open source solution \n#   that
1538      is freely available to everyone.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
1539      Install Joomla 2.5 Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
1540      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
1541      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
1542      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=18&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
1543      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
1544      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1545      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1546      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
1547      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
1548      Joomla 2.5 and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
1549      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
1550      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1551      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1552      \"Congratulations, Joomla 2.5 has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
1553      \"You can now configure Joomla 2.5 and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
1554      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
1555      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Joomla
1556      2.5 powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 8989, "deployments_total":
1557      0, "label": "Joomla 2.5 powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
1558      ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6",
1559      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
1560      "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
1561      "ShopSite is the easiest-to-use shopping cart software for small to medium-sized
1562      businesses. With our e-commerce software and intuitive interface, you can have
1563      a store online in 15 minutes. With our rich feature set you won''t outgrow our
1564      catalog software, and you will not need expensive add-ons in order to have a
1565      fully functioning cart.\r\n\r\nWith our rich feature set you won''t outgrow
1566      our catalog software, and you will not need expensive add-ons in order to have
1567      a fully functioning cart. \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single User Control Panel
1568      which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System
1569      Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in
1570      the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath
1571      to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
1572      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure ShopSite
1573      and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
1574      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
1575      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
1576      Install ShopSite and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
1577      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
1578      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
1579      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About ShopSite :\n#   ShopSite
1580      is the easiest-to-use shopping cart software for small to medium-sized businesses.\n#   With
1581      our e-commerce software and intuitive interface, you can have a store online
1582      in 15 minutes.\n#   With our rich feature set you won''t outgrow our catalog
1583      software, and you will not need expensive \n#   add-ons in order to have a fully
1584      functioning cart.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
1585      Install ShopSite Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
1586      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
1587      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
1588      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=410&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
1589      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
1590      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1591      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1592      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
1593      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
1594      ShopSite and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
1595      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
1596      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1597      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1598      \"Congratulations, ShopSite has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
1599      \"You can now configure ShopSite and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
1600      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
1601      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "ShopSite
1602      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9245, "deployments_total": 0,
1603      "label": "ShopSite powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
1604      ["linode/ubuntu14.04lts"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "40bba314333f02cceb3f40d8a2aabb78",
1605      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "", "deployments_active": 0,
1606      "script": "#!/bin/bash\n##\n# Configures RabbitMQ for Sensu\n#\n# Dependencies:\n#
1607      - RabbitMQ\n##\nset -eux\n\nrabbitmqctl add_vhost sensu\nrabbitmqctl add_user
1608      sensu monit0r\nrabbitmqctl set_permissions -p sensu sensu \".*\" \".*\" \".*\"\nrabbitmqctl
1609      set_user_tags sensu administrator", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note":
1610      "Initial import", "username": "ezan", "id": 14365, "deployments_total": 0, "label":
1611      "configure-rabbitmq-sensu"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos5.632bit"],
1612      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "0bcff359135eea23d1cc1306ef31b413", "created":
1613      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "fsfgg", "deployments_active": 0, "script":
1614      "#!/bin/bash", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Initial import",
1615      "username": "kidid", "id": 7198, "deployments_total": 0, "label": "ddad"}, {"user_defined_fields":
1616      [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts",
1617      "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"],
1618      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created":
1619      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "phpLiteAdmin is a web-based SQLite database
1620      admin tool written in PHP with support for SQLite2 and SQLite3. \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo
1621      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
1622      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
1623      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License
1624      here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
1625      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
1626      phpLiteAdmin and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
1627      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
1628      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
1629      Install phpLiteAdmin and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo
1630      :\n#   Webuzo is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps
1631      (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java,
1632      MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About phpLiteAdmin
1633      :\n#   phpLiteAdmin is a web-based SQLite database admin tool written in PHP
1634      with support for SQLite2 and SQLite3. \n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
1635      Install phpLiteAdmin Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
1636      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
1637      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
1638      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=431&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
1639      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
1640      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1641      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1642      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
1643      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
1644      phpLiteAdmin and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
1645      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
1646      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1647      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1648      \"Congratulations, phpLiteAdmin has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
1649      \"You can now configure phpLiteAdmin and Softaculous Webuzo at the following
1650      URL :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing
1651      Softaculous Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note":
1652      "phpLiteAdmin powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9246, "deployments_total":
1653      0, "label": "phpLiteAdmin powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
1654      ["linode/ubuntu14.04lts"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "40bba314333f02cceb3f40d8a2aabb78",
1655      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "", "deployments_active": 0,
1656      "script": "#!/bin/bash\n##\n# Installs OpenTSDB from source\n#\n# Provides:\n#
1657      - HTTP (TCP/4242)\n#\n# Dependencies:\n# - HBase (TCP/9000)\n# - ZooKeeper (TCP/2181)\n##\nset
1658      -eux\n\nsource env.sh\n\n# Install dependencies\napt-get install -yq openjdk-7-jre-headless\n\n#
1659      Install OpenTSDB\ncd /tmp\n\ncurl -sOL https://github.com/OpenTSDB/opentsdb/releases/download/v${OPENTSDB_VERSION}/opentsdb-${OPENTSDB_VERSION}_all.deb\ndpkg
1660      -i opentsdb-${OPENTSDB_VERSION}_all.deb\n\n# Create tables in HBase\nexport
1661      HBASE_HOME=/opt/hbase\nexport COMPRESSION=NONE\n\n/usr/share/opentsdb/tools/create_table.sh\n\n#
1662      Configure OpenTSDB\ncp $BASE_PATH/etc/opentsdb/opentsdb.conf /etc/opentsdb\n\n#
1663      Start OpenTSDB\nservice opentsdb start", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note":
1664      "Initial import", "username": "ezan", "id": 14366, "deployments_total": 0, "label":
1665      "install-opentsdb"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8",
1666      "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts",
1667      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5",
1668      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "Drupal is an open-source platform
1669      and content management system for building dynamic web sites offering a broad
1670      range of features and services including user administration, publishing workflow,
1671      discussion capabilities, news aggregation, metadata functionalities using controlled
1672      vocabularies and XML publishing for content sharing purposes.\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo
1673      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
1674      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
1675      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License
1676      here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
1677      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
1678      Drupal and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
1679      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
1680      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
1681      Install Drupal and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
1682      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
1683      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
1684      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Drupal :\n#   Drupal
1685      is an open-source platform and content management system for building dynamic
1686      web sites \n#   offering a broad range of features and services including user
1687      administration, publishing workflow,\n#   discussion capabilities, news aggregation,
1688      metadata functionalities using controlled vocabularies \n#   and XML publishing
1689      for content sharing purposes.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
1690      Install Drupal Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
1691      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
1692      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
1693      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=30&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
1694      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
1695      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1696      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1697      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
1698      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
1699      Drupal and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
1700      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
1701      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1702      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1703      \"Congratulations, Drupal has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
1704      \"You can now configure Drupal and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :\"\necho
1705      \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
1706      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Drupal
1707      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 8991, "deployments_total": 0,
1708      "label": "Drupal powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
1709      ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6",
1710      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
1711      "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
1712      "UIkit A lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and
1713      powerful web interfaces.\r\n\r\nUIkit gives you a comprehensive collection of
1714      HTML, CSS, and JS components which is simple to use, easy to customize and extendable.\r\n\r\nUIkit
1715      is open source and MIT licensed. It is absolutely free of charge and you can
1716      use, copy, merge, publish and distribute the framework without any limitations.\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo
1717      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
1718      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
1719      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License
1720      here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
1721      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
1722      UIkit and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
1723      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
1724      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
1725      Install UIkit and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
1726      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
1727      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
1728      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About UIkit :\n#   UIkit
1729      A lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful
1730      web interfaces.\n#   UIkit gives you a comprehensive collection of HTML, CSS,
1731      and JS components which is simple to use, \n#   easy to customize and extendable.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
1732      Install UIkit Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
1733      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
1734      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
1735      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=471&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
1736      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
1737      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1738      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1739      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
1740      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
1741      UIkit and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
1742      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
1743      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1744      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1745      \"Congratulations, UIkit has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
1746      \"You can now configure UIkit and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :\"\necho
1747      \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
1748      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "UIkit
1749      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9247, "deployments_total": 0,
1750      "label": "UIkit powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/ubuntu14.04lts"],
1751      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "40bba314333f02cceb3f40d8a2aabb78", "created":
1752      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "", "deployments_active": 0, "script":
1753      "#!/bin/bash\n##\n# Installs the Flapjack handler for Sensu\n#\n# Dependencies:\n#
1754      - Redis provided for Flapjack\n# - Sensu server\n##\nset -eux\n\nsource env.sh\n\ncd
1755      /tmp\n\ngit clone git://github.com/sensu/sensu-community-plugins.git\ncp sensu-community-plugins/extensions/handlers/flapjack.rb
1756      /etc/sensu/extensions/handlers\n\ncp $BASE_PATH/etc/sensu/conf.d/flapjack.json
1757      /etc/sensu/conf.d", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Initial import",
1758      "username": "ezan", "id": 14367, "deployments_total": 0, "label": "install-sensu-flapjack"},
1759      {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts",
1760      "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"],
1761      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created":
1762      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "MediaWiki is a free software wiki package
1763      written in PHP, originally for use on Wikipedia. It is now used by several other
1764      projects of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation and by many other wikis.\r\n\r\nMediaWiki
1765      is designed to be run on a large server farm for a website that gets millions
1766      of hits per day. MediaWiki is an extremely powerful, scalable software and a
1767      feature-rich wiki implementation that uses PHP to process and display data stored
1768      in a database, such as MySQL. \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single User Control
1769      Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or
1770      System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines
1771      or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath
1772      to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
1773      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure MediaWiki
1774      1.19 and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
1775      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
1776      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
1777      Install MediaWiki 1.19 and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo
1778      :\n#   Webuzo is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps
1779      (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java,
1780      MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About MediaWiki
1781      1.19 :\n#   MediaWiki is a free software wiki package written in PHP, originally
1782      for use on Wikipedia.\n#   It is now used by several other projects of the non-profit
1783      Wikimedia Foundation and by many other wikis.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
1784      Install MediaWiki 1.19 Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
1785      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
1786      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
1787      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=421&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
1788      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
1789      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1790      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1791      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
1792      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
1793      MediaWiki 1.19 and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
1794      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
1795      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1796      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1797      \"Congratulations, MediaWiki 1.19 has been successfully installed\"\necho \"
1798      \"\necho \"You can now configure MediaWiki 1.19 and Softaculous Webuzo at the
1799      following URL :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for
1800      choosing Softaculous Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05",
1801      "rev_note": "MediaWiki 1.19 powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id":
1802      9248, "deployments_total": 0, "label": "MediaWiki 1.19 powered by Webuzo"},
1803      {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/debian6"], "is_public": true,
1804      "user_gravatar_id": "6378c7beab2f878c31ff5c112efbd437", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05",
1805      "description": "", "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!StackScript", "updated":
1806      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Initial import", "username": "zhangfan",
1807      "id": 11040, "deployments_total": 0, "label": "StackScript"}, {"user_defined_fields":
1808      [], "images": ["linode/ubuntu14.04lts"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
1809      "40bba314333f02cceb3f40d8a2aabb78", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
1810      "", "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n##\n# Installs Uchiwa,
1811      a multi-datacenter dashboard for Sensu\n#\n# Provides:\n# - HTTP (TCP/8010)\n#\n#
1812      Dependencies:\n# - Sensu API\n##\nset -eux\n\nsource env.sh\n\n$BASE_PATH/install-sensu.sh\n\napt-get
1813      install -yq uchiwa\n\ncp $BASE_PATH/etc/sensu/uchiwa.json /etc/sensu\n\nupdate-rc.d
1814      uchiwa defaults\n\nservice uchiwa restart", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05",
1815      "rev_note": "Initial import", "username": "ezan", "id": 14368, "deployments_total":
1816      0, "label": "install-uchiwa"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8",
1817      "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts",
1818      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5",
1819      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "Abante Cart is a free PHP
1820      based eCommerce solution for merchants to provide ability creating online business
1821      and sell products online quick and efficient.\r\n\r\nAbanteCart application
1822      is built and supported by experienced enthusiasts that are passionate about
1823      their work and contribution to rapidly evolving eCommerce industry.\r\n\r\nAbanteCart
1824      is more than just a shopping cart, it is rapidly growing eCommerce platform
1825      with many benefits. \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single User Control Panel which
1826      helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps
1827      (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the
1828      cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath
1829      to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
1830      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure AbanteCart
1831      and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
1832      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
1833      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
1834      Install AbanteCart and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
1835      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
1836      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
1837      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About AbanteCart :\n#   Abante
1838      Cart is a free PHP based eCommerce solution for merchants to provide ability
1839      creating online \n#   business and sell products online quick and efficient.
1840      \n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
1841      Install AbanteCart Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
1842      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
1843      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
1844      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=389&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
1845      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
1846      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1847      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1848      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
1849      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
1850      AbanteCart and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
1851      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
1852      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1853      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1854      \"Congratulations, AbanteCart has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
1855      \"You can now configure AbanteCart and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
1856      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
1857      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "AbanteCart
1858      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 8993, "deployments_total": 0,
1859      "label": "AbanteCart powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
1860      ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6",
1861      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
1862      "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
1863      "SiteCake is a drag and drop CMS for simple websites. It lets you publish the
1864      content just by dragging it to your web page. It''s CMS for static websites,
1865      with few pages only, to cover the niche below WordPress level of complexity.\r\n\r\nSiteCake
1866      was designed to be simple enough for a designer to integrate it on their own,
1867      without a need to hire a developer. SiteCake was designed to be simple enough
1868      for a site owner to change some text, swap some photos and add a video on their
1869      own, without a need to hire a web editor.\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single User
1870      Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal,
1871      etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual
1872      machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath
1873      to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
1874      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure SiteCake
1875      and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
1876      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
1877      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
1878      Install SiteCake and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
1879      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
1880      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
1881      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About SiteCake :\n#   SiteCake
1882      is a drag and drop CMS for simple websites.\n#   It lets you publish the content
1883      just by dragging it to your web page.\n#   It''s CMS for static websites, with
1884      few pages only, to cover the niche below WordPress level of complexity.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
1885      Install SiteCake Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
1886      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
1887      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
1888      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=480&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
1889      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
1890      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1891      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1892      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
1893      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
1894      SiteCake and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
1895      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
1896      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1897      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1898      \"Congratulations, SiteCake has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
1899      \"You can now configure SiteCake and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
1900      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
1901      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "SiteCake
1902      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9249, "deployments_total": 0,
1903      "label": "SiteCake powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
1904      ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6",
1905      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
1906      "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
1907      "Joomla is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you
1908      to build Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including
1909      its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla the most popular Web site
1910      software available. Best of all, Joomla is an open source solution that is freely
1911      available to everyone. \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single User Control Panel which
1912      helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps
1913      (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the
1914      cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath
1915      to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
1916      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure Joomla
1917      and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
1918      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
1919      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
1920      Install Joomla and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
1921      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
1922      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
1923      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Joomla :\n#   Joomla
1924      is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you to build
1925      Web sites \n#   and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its
1926      ease-of-use and extensibility, have made \n#   Joomla the most popular Web site
1927      software available. Best of all, Joomla is an open source \n#   solution that
1928      is freely available to everyone.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
1929      Install Joomla Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
1930      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
1931      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
1932      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=413&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
1933      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
1934      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1935      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1936      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
1937      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
1938      Joomla and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
1939      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
1940      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1941      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1942      \"Congratulations, Joomla has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
1943      \"You can now configure Joomla and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :\"\necho
1944      \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
1945      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Joomla
1946      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 8994, "deployments_total": 0,
1947      "label": "Joomla powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
1948      ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6",
1949      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
1950      "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
1951      "Monsta FTP Open source PHP/Ajax cloudware that puts FTP file management right
1952      in your browser, anywhere, any time.\r\n\r\nDrag & drop files into your browser
1953      and watch them upload, like magic! \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single User Control
1954      Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or
1955      System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines
1956      or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath
1957      to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
1958      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure Monsta
1959      FTP and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
1960      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
1961      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
1962      Install Monsta FTP and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
1963      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
1964      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
1965      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Monsta FTP :\n#   Monsta
1966      FTP Open source PHP/Ajax cloudware that puts FTP file management right in your
1967      browser, anywhere, any time.\n#   Drag & drop files into your browser and watch
1968      them upload, like magic! \n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
1969      Install Monsta FTP Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
1970      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
1971      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
1972      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=482&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
1973      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
1974      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1975      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
1976      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
1977      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
1978      Monsta FTP and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
1979      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
1980      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1981      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
1982      \"Congratulations, Monsta FTP has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
1983      \"You can now configure Monsta FTP and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
1984      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
1985      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Monsta
1986      FTP powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9250, "deployments_total":
1987      0, "label": "Monsta FTP powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
1988      ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6",
1989      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
1990      "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
1991      "MyBB is a free bulletin board system software package developed by the MyBB
1992      Group. \r\n\r\nA lot of thought has gone into the MyBB interface to make it
1993      easy to use. MyBB uses a standard discussion board structure, so your visitors
1994      will feel familiar with the way MyBB works.\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single
1995      User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal,
1996      etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual
1997      machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath
1998      to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
1999      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure MyBB and
2000      Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact", "deployments_active":
2001      0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\" label=\"Premium
2002      Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
2003      Install MyBB and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
2004      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
2005      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
2006      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About MyBB :\n#   MyBB
2007      is a free bulletin board system software package developed by the MyBB Group.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
2008      Install MyBB Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
2009      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
2010      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
2011      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=36&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
2012      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
2013      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2014      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2015      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
2016      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
2017      MyBB and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
2018      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
2019      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2020      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2021      \"Congratulations, MyBB has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
2022      \"You can now configure MyBB and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :\"\necho
2023      \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
2024      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "MyBB
2025      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 8996, "deployments_total": 0,
2026      "label": "MyBB powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8",
2027      "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts",
2028      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5",
2029      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "Pebble is a lightweight, open
2030      source, Java EE blogging tool. It''s small, fast and feature-rich with unrivalled
2031      ease of installation and use.\r\n\r\nBlog content is stored as XML files on
2032      disk and served up dynamically, so there''s no need to install a database. All
2033      maintenance and administration can be performed through your web browser, making
2034      Pebble ideal for anybody who is constantly on the move or doesn''t have direct
2035      access to their host. \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single User Control Panel which
2036      helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps
2037      (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the
2038      cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath
2039      to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
2040      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure Pebble
2041      and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
2042      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
2043      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
2044      Install Pebble and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
2045      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
2046      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
2047      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Pebble :\n#   Pebble
2048      is a lightweight, open source, Java EE blogging tool.\n#   It''s small, fast
2049      and feature-rich with unrivalled ease of installation and use.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
2050      Install Pebble Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
2051      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
2052      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
2053      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=429&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
2054      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
2055      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2056      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2057      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
2058      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
2059      Pebble and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
2060      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
2061      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2062      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2063      \"Congratulations, Pebble has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
2064      \"You can now configure Pebble and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :\"\necho
2065      \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
2066      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Pebble
2067      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9252, "deployments_total": 0,
2068      "label": "Pebble powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
2069      ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6",
2070      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
2071      "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
2072      "Dolphin is the world''s most advanced community software. Open-source, independent,
2073      downloadable, scalable, customizable, full-featured, free software for building
2074      social networks, dating sites and web-communities.\r\nLoaded with video chat,
2075      recorder, video player, forums, groups, events, video messenger, mailbox, desktop
2076      app, video sharing, photo sharing, iPhone app and much more. Build your own
2077      business or advance your hobby with Dolphin! \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single
2078      User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal,
2079      etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual
2080      machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath
2081      to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
2082      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure Dolphin
2083      and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
2084      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
2085      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
2086      Install Dolphin and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
2087      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
2088      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
2089      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Dolphin :\n#   Dolphin
2090      is the world''s most advanced community software. Open-source, independent,
2091      downloadable, scalable,\n#   customizable, full-featured, free software for
2092      building social networks, dating sites and web-communities.\n#   Loaded with
2093      video chat, recorder, video player, forums, groups, events, video messenger,
2094      mailbox, desktop app,\n#   video sharing, photo sharing, iPhone app and much
2095      more. Build your own business or advance your hobby with Dolphin! \n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
2096      Install Dolphin Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
2097      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
2098      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
2099      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=121&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
2100      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
2101      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2102      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2103      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
2104      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
2105      Dolphin and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
2106      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
2107      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2108      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2109      \"Congratulations, Dolphin has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
2110      \"You can now configure Dolphin and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
2111      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
2112      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Dolphin
2113      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 8998, "deployments_total": 0,
2114      "label": "Dolphin powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
2115      ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6",
2116      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
2117      "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
2118      "Apache Roller is a full-featured, multi-user and group-blog server suitable
2119      for blog sites large and small.\r\n\r\nApache Roller is a Java web application
2120      that should be able to run on any Java EE server and relational database. \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo
2121      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
2122      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
2123      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License
2124      here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
2125      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
2126      Apache Roller and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
2127      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
2128      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
2129      Install Apache Roller and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo
2130      :\n#   Webuzo is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps
2131      (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java,
2132      MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Apache
2133      Roller :\n#   Apache Roller is a full-featured, multi-user and group-blog server
2134      suitable for blog sites large and small.\n#   Apache Roller is a Java web application
2135      that should be able to run on any Java EE server and relational database. \n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
2136      Install Apache Roller Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
2137      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
2138      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
2139      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=484&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
2140      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
2141      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2142      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2143      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
2144      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
2145      Apache Roller and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
2146      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
2147      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2148      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2149      \"Congratulations, Apache Roller has been successfully installed\"\necho \"
2150      \"\necho \"You can now configure Apache Roller and Softaculous Webuzo at the
2151      following URL :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for
2152      choosing Softaculous Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05",
2153      "rev_note": "Apache Roller powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9254,
2154      "deployments_total": 0, "label": "Apache Roller powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields":
2155      [], "images": ["linode/debian7.4"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "92c44b5a4f7186e4a6f2320505505b0c",
2156      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "errer", "deployments_active":
2157      0, "script": "#!/bin/bash", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Initial
2158      import", "username": "shakilaid1", "id": 8231, "deployments_total": 0, "label":
2159      "ererer"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts",
2160      "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"],
2161      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created":
2162      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "WordPress is a state-of-the-art publishing
2163      platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. WordPress
2164      is both free and priceless at the same time.\r\n\r\nMore simply, WordPress is
2165      what you use when you want to work with your blogging software, not fight it.
2166      \r\n\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy
2167      Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP,
2168      Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can
2169      get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation
2170      Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion of the
2171      installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure WordPress and
2172      Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact", "deployments_active":
2173      0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\" label=\"Premium
2174      Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
2175      Install WordPress + Nginx and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo
2176      :\n#   Webuzo is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps
2177      (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java,
2178      MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About WordPress
2179      :\n#   WordPress is a state-of-the-art publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics,
2180      web standards, and usability.\n#   WordPress is both free and priceless at the
2181      same time.\n#   More simply, WordPress is what you use when you want to work
2182      with your blogging software, not fight it.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
2183      Install WordPress Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
2184      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
2185      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
2186      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=26&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
2187      Nginx Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
2188      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh --install=nginx,mysql,php53,perl,python2,pureftpd,bind
2189      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755
2190      install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh
2191      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    # Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh
2192      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
2193      WordPress + NGINX and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
2194      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
2195      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2196      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2197      \"Congratulations, WordPress has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
2198      \"You can now configure WordPress and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
2199      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
2200      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "WordPress
2201      + Nginx powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9255, "deployments_total":
2202      0, "label": "WordPress + Nginx powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields":
2203      [], "images": ["linode/ubuntu17.04"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
2204      "bf99d31a5d9641a61079b25a4c1f5757", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
2205      "DAM", "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05",
2206      "rev_note": "Initial import", "username": "poohflya", "id": 102439, "deployments_total":
2207      0, "label": "DAM"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8",
2208      "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts",
2209      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5",
2210      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "Concrete5 makes running a
2211      website easy. Go to any page in your site, and a editing toolbar gives you all
2212      the controls you need to update your website. No intimidating manuals, no complicated
2213      administration interfaces - just point and click.\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single
2214      User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal,
2215      etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual
2216      machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath
2217      to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
2218      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure Concrete5
2219      and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
2220      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
2221      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
2222      Install Concrete5 and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
2223      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
2224      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
2225      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Concrete5 :\n#   Concrete5
2226      makes running a website easy. Go to any page in your site, and a editing toolbar
2227      gives you \n#   all the controls you need to update your website. No intimidating
2228      manuals, no complicated \n#   administration interfaces - just point and click.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
2229      Install Concrete5 Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
2230      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
2231      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
2232      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=174&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
2233      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
2234      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2235      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2236      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
2237      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
2238      Concrete5 and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
2239      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
2240      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2241      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2242      \"Congratulations, Concrete5 has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
2243      \"You can now configure Concrete5 and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
2244      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
2245      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Concrete5
2246      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9001, "deployments_total": 0,
2247      "label": "Concrete5 powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
2248      ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6",
2249      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
2250      "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
2251      "Oxwall is unbelievably flexible and easy to use PHP/MySQL community software
2252      platform.\r\n\r\nOxwall is used for a wide range of projects starting from family
2253      sites and custom social networks to collaboration tools and enterprise community
2254      solutions. \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single User Control Panel which helps users
2255      deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX,
2256      PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou
2257      can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to
2258      Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
2259      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure Oxwall
2260      and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
2261      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
2262      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
2263      Install Oxwall and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
2264      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
2265      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
2266      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Oxwall :\n#   Oxwall
2267      is unbelievably flexible and easy to use PHP/MySQL community software platform.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
2268      Install Oxwall Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
2269      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
2270      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
2271      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=258&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
2272      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
2273      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2274      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2275      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
2276      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
2277      Oxwall and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
2278      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
2279      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2280      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2281      \"Congratulations, Oxwall has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
2282      \"You can now configure Oxwall and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :\"\necho
2283      \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
2284      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Oxwall
2285      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9003, "deployments_total": 0,
2286      "label": "Oxwall powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
2287      ["linode/ubuntu11.1032bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "2e365c39a7fd833d229a95d24c8c525d",
2288      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "", "deployments_active": 0,
2289      "script": "#!/bin/bash''", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Initial
2290      import", "username": "ma88123456", "id": 6188, "deployments_total": 0, "label":
2291      "000"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts",
2292      "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"],
2293      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created":
2294      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "qdPM is a free web-based project management
2295      tool suitable for a small team working on multiple projects.\r\n\r\nIt is fully
2296      configurable. You can easy manage Projects, Tasks and People.\r\n\r\nCustomers
2297      interact using a Ticket System that is integrated into Task management. \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo
2298      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
2299      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
2300      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License
2301      here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
2302      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
2303      qdPM and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
2304      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
2305      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
2306      Install qdPM and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
2307      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
2308      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
2309      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About qdPM :\n#   qdPM
2310      is a free web-based project management tool suitable for a small team working
2311      on multiple projects.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
2312      Install qdPM Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
2313      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
2314      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
2315      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=428&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
2316      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
2317      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2318      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2319      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
2320      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
2321      qdPM and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
2322      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
2323      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2324      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2325      \"Congratulations, qdPM has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
2326      \"You can now configure qdPM and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :\"\necho
2327      \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
2328      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "qdPM
2329      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9004, "deployments_total": 0,
2330      "label": "qdPM powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8",
2331      "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts",
2332      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5",
2333      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "MediaWiki is a free software
2334      wiki package written in PHP, originally for use on Wikipedia. It is now used
2335      by several other projects of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation and by many
2336      other wikis.\r\n\r\nMediaWiki is designed to be run on a large server farm for
2337      a website that gets millions of hits per day. MediaWiki is an extremely powerful,
2338      scalable software and a feature-rich wiki implementation that uses PHP to process
2339      and display data stored in a database, such as MySQL. \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is
2340      a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla,
2341      Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their
2342      virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath
2343      to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
2344      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure MediaWiki
2345      and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
2346      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
2347      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
2348      Install MediaWiki and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
2349      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
2350      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
2351      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About MediaWiki :\n#   MediaWiki
2352      is a free software wiki package written in PHP, originally for use on Wikipedia.
2353      \n#   It is now used by several other projects of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation
2354      and by many other wikis.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
2355      Install MediaWiki Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
2356      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
2357      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
2358      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=25&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
2359      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
2360      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2361      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2362      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
2363      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
2364      MediaWiki and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
2365      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
2366      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2367      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2368      \"Congratulations, MediaWiki has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
2369      \"You can now configure MediaWiki and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
2370      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
2371      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "MediaWiki
2372      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9005, "deployments_total": 0,
2373      "label": "MediaWiki powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
2374      ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6",
2375      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
2376      "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
2377      "Jcow is a flexible Social Networking software written in PHP. It can help you
2378      to:\r\n\r\n    * Build a social network for your interests and passions.\r\n    *
2379      Build a member community for your existing website.\r\n    * Build a social
2380      networking site like facebook/myspace/twitter.\r\n\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is
2381      a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla,
2382      Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their
2383      virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath
2384      to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
2385      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure Jcow and
2386      Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact", "deployments_active":
2387      0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\" label=\"Premium
2388      Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
2389      Install Jcow and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
2390      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
2391      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
2392      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Jcow :\n#   Jcow
2393      is a flexible Social Networking software written in PHP. It can help you to:\n#    *
2394      Build a social network for your interests and passions.\n#    * Build a member
2395      community for your existing website.\n#    * Build a social networking site
2396      like facebook/myspace/twitter.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
2397      Install Jcow Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
2398      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
2399      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
2400      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=182&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
2401      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
2402      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2403      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2404      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
2405      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
2406      Jcow and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
2407      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
2408      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2409      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2410      \"Congratulations, Jcow has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
2411      \"You can now configure Jcow and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :\"\necho
2412      \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
2413      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Jcow
2414      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9006, "deployments_total": 0,
2415      "label": "Jcow powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8",
2416      "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts",
2417      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5",
2418      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "Elgg empowers individuals,
2419      groups and institutions to create their own fully-featured social environment.
2420      Elgg, started in 2004, is an open source social engine which powers all kinds
2421      of social environments - from education and business to martial arts and rugby.
2422      If you are looking for a professional social intranet or want to run a site
2423      for your organisation, Elgg is a great choice.\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single
2424      User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal,
2425      etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual
2426      machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath
2427      to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
2428      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure Elgg and
2429      Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact", "deployments_active":
2430      0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\" label=\"Premium
2431      Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
2432      Install Elgg and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
2433      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
2434      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
2435      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Elgg :\n#   Elgg
2436      empowers individuals, groups and institutions to create their own fully-featured
2437      social environment. \n#   Elgg, started in 2004, is an open source social engine
2438      which powers all kinds of social environments \n#   - from education and business
2439      to martial arts and rugby.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
2440      Install Elgg Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
2441      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
2442      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
2443      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=138&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
2444      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
2445      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2446      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2447      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
2448      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
2449      Elgg and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
2450      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
2451      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2452      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2453      \"Congratulations, Elgg has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
2454      \"You can now configure Elgg and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :\"\necho
2455      \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
2456      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Elgg
2457      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9007, "deployments_total": 0,
2458      "label": "Elgg powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [{"label": "MySQL
2459      root Password", "name": "db_password"}, {"example": "Optionally create this
2460      database", "label": "Create Database", "name": "db_name", "default": ""}, {"example":
2461      "Optionally create this user", "label": "Create MySQL User", "name": "db_user",
2462      "default": ""}, {"example": "User''s password", "label": "MySQL User''s Password",
2463      "name": "db_user_password", "default": ""}], "images": ["linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"],
2464      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "6f9936b78bbbbaf91191091d114aa66f", "created":
2465      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "i have no idea", "deployments_active":
2466      0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <UDF name=\"db_password\" Label=\"MySQL root Password\"
2467      />\n# <UDF name=\"db_name\" Label=\"Create Database\" default=\"\" example=\"Optionally
2468      create this database\" />\n# <UDF name=\"db_user\" Label=\"Create MySQL User\"
2469      default=\"\" example=\"Optionally create this user\" />\n# <UDF name=\"db_user_password\"
2470      Label=\"MySQL User''s Password\" default=\"\" example=\"User''s password\" />\n\t
2471      \n \nsource <ssinclude StackScriptID=\"1\">\n \nsystem_update\npostfix_install_loopback_only\nmysql_install
2472      \"$DB_PASSWORD\" && mysql_tune 40\nmysql_create_database \"$DB_PASSWORD\" \"$DB_NAME\"\nmysql_create_user
2473      \"$DB_PASSWORD\" \"$DB_USER\" \"$DB_USER_PASSWORD\"\nmysql_grant_user \"$DB_PASSWORD\"
2474      \"$DB_USER\" \"$DB_NAME\"\nphp_install_with_apache && php_tune\napache_install
2475      && apache_tune 40 && apache_virtualhost_from_rdns\ngoodstuff\nrestartServices",
2476      "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Initial import", "username":
2477      "jmfox1987", "id": 2864, "deployments_total": 0, "label": "mySQL"}, {"user_defined_fields":
2478      [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts",
2479      "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"],
2480      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created":
2481      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "CMS Made Simple provides a fast and easy
2482      way to create a professional web site and manage its content, whether it''s
2483      for a small business or a multinational corporation!\r\nCMS Made Simple provides
2484      a mechanism for the website administrator to create and manage pages, their
2485      layout, and their content. CMS Made Simple is unobtrusive. You can create a
2486      table based layout, or a fully validating XHTML/CSS layout.\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo
2487      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
2488      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
2489      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License
2490      here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
2491      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
2492      CMS Made Simple and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
2493      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
2494      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
2495      Install CMS Made Simple and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo
2496      :\n#   Webuzo is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps
2497      (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java,
2498      MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About CMS Made
2499      Simple :\n#   CMS Made Simple provides a fast and easy way to create a professional
2500      web site and manage its content,\n#   whether it''s for a small business or
2501      a multinational corporation!\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
2502      Install CMS Made Simple Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
2503      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
2504      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
2505      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=247&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
2506      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
2507      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2508      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2509      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
2510      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
2511      CMS Made Simple and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
2512      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
2513      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2514      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2515      \"Congratulations, CMS Made Simple has been successfully installed\"\necho \"
2516      \"\necho \"You can now configure CMS Made Simple and Softaculous Webuzo at the
2517      following URL :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for
2518      choosing Softaculous Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05",
2519      "rev_note": "CMS Made Simple powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id":
2520      9008, "deployments_total": 0, "label": "CMS Made Simple powered by Webuzo"},
2521      {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/ubuntu11.1032bit", "linode/ubuntu11.10",
2522      "linode/ubuntu12.04lts32bit", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
2523      "098e8581b54f4bec5877eac433034201", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
2524      "System helper functions for Ubuntu.", "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n#\n#
2525      System helper functions\n#\n# Author: Philipe Farias <philipefarias@gmail.com>\n\nsource
2526      <ssinclude StackScriptID=\"1\">\n\nfunction lower {\n    # helper function\n    echo
2527      $1 | tr ''[:upper:]'' ''[:lower:]''\n}\n\nfunction set_hostname {\n  HOSTNAME=$1\n  if
2528      [ -z \"$HOSTNAME\" ] ; then\n    export HOSTNAME=\"`get_rdns_primary_ip`\"\n  fi\n  HOST=`echo
2529      $HOSTNAME | sed ''s/\\(\\[a-z0-9\\]\\)*\\..*/\\1/''`\n  HOSTS_LINE=\"`system_primary_ip`\\t$HOSTNAME\\t$HOST\"\n  echo
2530      \"$HOST\" > /etc/hostname\n  sed -i -e \"s/^127\\.0\\.1\\.1\\s.*$/$HOSTS_LINE/\"
2531      /etc/hosts\n  start hostname\n}\n\nfunction update_locale_en_US_UTF_8 {\n  #locale-gen
2532      en_US.UTF-8\n  dpkg-reconfigure locales\n  update-locale LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
2533      LANG=en_US.UTF-8\n  echo \"LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8\" >> /etc/environment\n}\n\nfunction
2534      set_timezone {\n  # $1 - timezone (zoneinfo file)\n  ln -sf \"/usr/share/zoneinfo/$1\"
2535      /etc/localtime\n  dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata\n}\n\nfunction
2536      system_add_user {\n  # $1 - username\n  # $2 - password\n  # $3 - groups\n  USERNAME=`lower
2537      $1`\n  PASSWORD=$2\n  SUDO_GROUP=$3\n  SHELL=\"/bin/bash\"\n  useradd --create-home
2538      --shell \"$SHELL\" --user-group --groups \"$SUDO_GROUP\" \"$USERNAME\"\n  echo
2539      \"$USERNAME:$PASSWORD\" | chpasswd\n\n  cat >\"/etc/sudoers.d/$USERNAME\" <<EOD\n#
2540      Don''t ask password for $USERNAME when using sudo\n$USERNAME ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL\nEOD\n  chmod
2541      0440 \"/etc/sudoers.d/$USERNAME\"\n\n  #lock out root\n  passwd -l root\n}\n\nfunction
2542      get_user_home {\n  # $1 - username\n  cat /etc/passwd | grep \"^$1:\" | cut
2543      --delimiter=\":\" -f6\n}\n\n# SSH functions\nfunction configure_sshd {\n  sshd_config_set_port
2544      \"$SSHD_PORT\"\n  sshd_config_permitrootlogin \"$SSHD_PERMITROOTLOGIN\"\n  sshd_config_passwordauthentication
2545      \"$SSHD_PASSWORDAUTH\"\n  sshd_config_pubkeyauthentication \"$SSHD_PUBKEYAUTH\"\n  touch
2546      /tmp/restart-ssh\n}\n\nfunction add_user_ssh_key {\n    # $1 - username\n    #
2547      $2 - ssh key\n    USERNAME=`lower $1`\n    USER_HOME=`get_user_home \"$USERNAME\"`\n    sudo
2548      -u \"$USERNAME\" mkdir \"$USER_HOME/.ssh\"\n    sudo -u \"$USERNAME\" touch
2549      \"$USER_HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys\"\n    sudo -u \"$USERNAME\" echo \"$2\" >>
2550      \"$USER_HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys\"\n    chmod 0600 \"$USER_HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys\"\n}\n\nfunction
2551      sshd_config_set_port {\n  sed -i -e \"s/Port 22/Port $1/\" /etc/ssh/sshd_config\n}\n\nfunction
2552      sshd_config_edit_bool {\n    # $1 - param name\n    # $2 - Yes/No\n    VALUE=`lower
2553      $2`\n    if [ \"$VALUE\" == \"yes\" ] || [ \"$VALUE\" == \"no\" ]; then\n        sed
2554      -i -e \"s/^#*\\($1\\).*/\\1 $VALUE/\" /etc/ssh/sshd_config\n    fi\n}\n\nfunction
2555      sshd_config_permitrootlogin {\n    sshd_config_edit_bool \"PermitRootLogin\"
2556      \"$1\"\n}\n\nfunction sshd_config_passwordauthentication {\n    sshd_config_edit_bool
2557      \"PasswordAuthentication\" \"$1\"\n}\n\nfunction sshd_config_pubkeyauthentication
2558      {\n    sshd_config_edit_bool \"PubkeyAuthentication\" \"$1\"\n}\n\nfunction
2559      sshd_config_passwordauthentication {\n    sshd_config_edit_bool \"PasswordAuthentication\"
2560      \"$1\"\n}\n\n# Email\nfunction install_postfix {\n  # $1 - root email\n  # $2
2561      - username\n  postfix_install_loopback_only # SS1\n  #install mail sending utilities\n  apt-get
2562      -y install mailutils\n  #configure root alias\n  echo \"root: $1\" >> /etc/aliases\n  echo
2563      \"$2: root\" >> /etc/aliases\n  cat /etc/hostname > /etc/mailname\n  newaliases\n  sed
2564      -i -e \"s/mydestination = localhost, localhost.localdomain, , localhost/mydestination
2565      = localhost, localhost.localdomain, $HOSTNAME/\" /etc/postfix/main.cf\n  touch
2566      /tmp/restart-postfix\n}\n\n# Monit and Munin\nfunction install_monit {\n  #
2567      $1 - root email\n  apt-get -y install monit\n  sed -i -e ''s/startup=0/startup=1/''
2568      /etc/default/monit\n  mkdir -p /etc/monit/conf.d/\n  sed -i -e \"s/# set daemon  120/set
2569      daemon 120/\" /etc/monit/monitrc\n  sed -i -e \"s/#     with start delay 240/with
2570      start delay 240/\" /etc/monit/monitrc\n  sed -i -e \"s/# set logfile syslog
2571      facility log_daemon/set logfile \\/var\\/log\\/monit.log/\" /etc/monit/monitrc\n  sed
2572      -i -e \"s/# set mailserver mail.bar.baz,/set mailserver localhost/\" /etc/monit/monitrc\n  sed
2573      -i -e \"s/# set eventqueue/set eventqueue/\" /etc/monit/monitrc\n  sed -i -e
2574      \"s/#     basedir \\/var\\/monit/basedir \\/var\\/monit/\" /etc/monit/monitrc\n  sed
2575      -i -e \"s/#     slots 100 /slots 100/\" /etc/monit/monitrc\n  sed -i -e \"s/#
2576      set alert sysadm@foo.bar/set alert $1 reminder 180/\" /etc/monit/monitrc\n  sed
2577      -i -e \"s/# set httpd port 2812 and/ set httpd port 2812 and/\" /etc/monit/monitrc\n  sed
2578      -i -e \"s/#     use address localhost/use address localhost/\" /etc/monit/monitrc\n  sed
2579      -i -e \"s/#     allow localhost/allow localhost/\" /etc/monit/monitrc\n  sed
2580      -i -e \"s/# set mail-format { from: monit@foo.bar }/set mail-format { from:
2581      monit@`hostname -f` }/\" /etc/monit/monitrc\n  cat << EOT > /etc/monit/conf.d/system\n  check
2582      system `hostname`\n    if loadavg (1min) > 4 then alert\n    if loadavg (5min)
2583      > 4 then alert\n    if memory usage > 90% then alert\n    if cpu usage (user)
2584      > 70% then alert\n    if cpu usage (system) > 30% then alert\n    if cpu usage
2585      (wait) > 20% then alert\n\ncheck filesystem rootfs with path /\nif space > 80%
2586      then alert\nEOT\n  touch /tmp/restart-monit\n}\n\nfunction install_munin_node
2587      {\n  # $1 - node hostname\n  # $2 - munin server ip\n  apt-get -y install munin-node\n  sed
2588      -i -e \"s/^#host_name .*/host_name $1/\" /etc/munin/munin-node.conf\n  sed -i
2589      -e \"s/^allow .*$/&\\nallow \\^$2\\$/ ; /^allow \\^\\d*/ s/[.]/\\\\\\&/g ; /^allow
2590      \\^\\d*/ s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\/\\\\\\/g\" /etc/munin/munin-node.conf\n  touch /tmp/restart-munin-node\n}\n\n#
2591      Security tools\nfunction install_security_tools {\n  apt-get -y install unattended-upgrades
2592      chkrootkit rkhunter fail2ban ufw\n\n  rkhunter --propupd\n}\n\nfunction set_conf_value
2593      {\n  # $1 - conf file\n  # $2 - key\n  # $3 - value\n  sed -i -e \"s/^\\($2[
2594      ]*=[ ]*\\).*/\\1$3/\" $1\n}\n\nfunction configure_cronapt {\n  CONF=/etc/cron-apt/config\n  test
2595      -f $CONF || exit 0\n\n  sed -i -e \"s/^# \\(MAILON=\\).*/\\1\\\"changes\\\"/\"
2596      $CONF\n}\n\nfunction configure_chkrootkit {\n  CONF=/etc/chkrootkit.conf\n  test
2597      -f $CONF || exit 0\n\n  set_conf_value $CONF \"RUN_DAILY\" \"\\\"true\\\"\"\n  set_conf_value
2598      $CONF \"RUN_DAILY_OPTS\" \"\\\"-q -e ''/usr/lib/jvm/.java-1.6.0-openjdk.jinfo
2599      /usr/lib/byobu/.constants /usr/lib/byobu/.dirs /usr/lib/byobu/.shutil /usr/lib/byobu/.notify_osd
2600      /usr/lib/byobu/.common /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/.path''\\\"\"\n}\n\nfunction
2601      configure_rkhunter {\n  CONF=/etc/rkhunter.conf\n  test -f $CONF || exit 0\n\n  set_conf_value
2602      $CONF \"MAIL-ON-WARNING\" \"\\\"root\\\"\"\n  sed -i -e \"/ALLOWHIDDENDIR=\\/dev\\/.udev$/
2603      s/^#//\" $CONF\n  # Disabling tests for kernel modules, Linode kernel doens''t
2604      have any modules loaded\n  sed -i -e \"/^DISABLE_TESTS=.*/ s/\\\"$/ os_specific\\\"/\"
2605      $CONF\n}\n\nfunction configure_logcheck {\n  # Ignore the message flood about
2606      UFW blocking TCP SYN and UDP packets\n  UFW_SYN_BLOCK_REGEX=\"^\\w{3} [ :[:digit:]]{11}
2607      [._[:alnum:]-]+ kernel: \\[UFW BLOCK\\] IN=[[:alnum:]]+ OUT= MAC=[:[:xdigit:]]+
2608      SRC=[.[:digit:]]{7,15} DST=[.[:digit:]]{7,15} LEN=[[:digit:]]+ TOS=0x[[:xdigit:]]+
2609      PREC=0x[[:xdigit:]]+ TTL=[[:digit:]]+ ID=[[:digit:]]+ (DF )?PROTO=TCP SPT=[[:digit:]]+
2610      DPT=[[:digit:]]+ WINDOW=[[:digit:]]+ RES=0x[[:xdigit:]]+ SYN URGP=[[:digit:]]+$\"\n  UFW_UDP_BLOCK_REGEX=\"^\\w{3}
2611      [ :[:digit:]]{11} [._[:alnum:]-]+ kernel: \\[UFW BLOCK\\] IN=[[:alnum:]]+ OUT=
2612      MAC=[:[:xdigit:]]+ SRC=[.[:digit:]]{7,15} DST=[.[:digit:]]{7,15} LEN=[[:digit:]]+
2613      TOS=0x[[:xdigit:]]+ PREC=0x[[:xdigit:]]+ TTL=[[:digit:]]+ ID=[[:digit:]]+ (DF
2614      )?PROTO=UDP SPT=[[:digit:]]+ DPT=[[:digit:]]+ LEN=[[:digit:]]+$\"\n  echo \"#
2615      UFW BLOCK messages\" >> /etc/logcheck/ignore.d.server/local\n  echo $UFW_SYN_BLOCK_REGEX
2616      >> /etc/logcheck/ignore.d.server/local\n  echo $UFW_UDP_BLOCK_REGEX >> /etc/logcheck/ignore.d.server/local\n\n  #
2617      Ignore dhcpcd messages\n  DHCPCD_RENEWING=\"^\\w{3} [ :[:digit:]]{11} [._[:alnum:]-]+
2618      dhcpcd\\[[[:digit:]]+\\]: [[:alnum:]]+: renewing lease of [.[:digit:]]{7,15}$\"\n  DHCPCD_LEASED=\"^\\w{3}
2619      [ :[:digit:]]{11} [._[:alnum:]-]+ dhcpcd\\[[[:digit:]]+\\]: [[:alnum:]]+: leased
2620      [.[:digit:]]{7,15} for [[:digit:]]+ seconds$\"\n  DHCPCD_ADDING_IP=\"^\\w{3}
2621      [ :[:digit:]]{11} [._[:alnum:]-]+ dhcpcd\\[[[:digit:]]+\\]: [[:alnum:]]+: adding
2622      IP address [.[:digit:]]{7,15}/[[:digit:]]+$\"\n  DHCPCD_ADDING_DEFAULT_ROUTE=\"^\\w{3}
2623      [ :[:digit:]]{11} [._[:alnum:]-]+ dhcpcd\\[[[:digit:]]+\\]: [[:alnum:]]+: adding
2624      default route via [.[:digit:]]{7,15} metric [0-9]+$\"\n  DHCPCD_INTERFACE_CONFIGURED=\"^\\w{3}
2625      [ :[:digit:]]{11} [._[:alnum:]-]+ dhcpcd\\.sh: interface [[:alnum:]]+ has been
2626      configured with old IP=[.[:digit:]]{7,15}$\"\n  # Ignore ntpd messages\n  NTPD_VALIDATING_PEER=\"^\\w{3}
2627      [ :0-9]{11} [._[:alnum:]-]+ ntpd\\[[0-9]+\\]: peer [.[:digit:]]{7,15} now (in)?valid$\"\n  echo
2628      \"# DHCPCD messages\" >> /etc/logcheck/ignore.d.server/local\n  echo $DHCPCD_RENEWING
2629      >> /etc/logcheck/ignore.d.server/local\n  echo $DHCPCD_LEASED >> /etc/logcheck/ignore.d.server/local\n  echo
2630      $DHCPCD_ADDING_IP >> /etc/logcheck/ignore.d.server/local\n  echo $DHCPCD_ADDING_DEFAULT_ROUTE
2631      >> /etc/logcheck/ignore.d.server/local\n  echo $DHCPCD_INTERFACE_CONFIGURED
2632      >> /etc/logcheck/ignore.d.server/local\n  echo \"# NTPD messages\" >> /etc/logcheck/ignore.d.server/local\n  echo
2633      $NTPD_VALIDATING_PEER >> /etc/logcheck/ignore.d.server/local\n}\n\nfunction
2634      configure_logwatch {\n  CONF=/etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf\n  test -f $CONF
2635      || exit 0\n\n  set_conf_value $CONF \"Output\" \"mail\"\n  set_conf_value $CONF
2636      \"Format\" \"html\"\n  set_conf_value $CONF \"Detail\" \"Med\"\n}\n\nfunction
2637      configure_ufw {\n  # $1, $2, $3... - ports to allow\n  ufw logging on\n  ufw
2638      default deny\n\n  while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do\n    ufw allow $1\n    shift\n  done\n\n  ufw
2639      enable\n}\n\n# Utility\nfunction restart_services {\n  # restarts services that
2640      have a file in /tmp/needs-restart/\n  for service in $(ls /tmp/restart-* | cut
2641      -d- -f2-10); do\n      service $service restart\n      rm -f /tmp/restart-$service\n  done\n}\n\nfunction
2642      fix_page_allocation_error {\n  sysctl vm.min_free_kbytes=16384\n  cat << EOT
2643      > /etc/sysctl.conf\n\n###################################################################\n#
2644      Fix for page allocation failure\nvm.min_free_kbytes = 16384\nEOT\n  touch /tmp/restart-rsyslog\n}",
2645      "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Sudoers file mode must be 0440",
2646      "username": "lpj", "id": 2865, "deployments_total": 0, "label": "lib-system"},
2647      {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts",
2648      "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"],
2649      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created":
2650      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "MODx helps you take control of your online
2651      content. An Open Source PHP application framework, it frees you to build sites
2652      exactly how you want and make them 100% yours. Zero restrictions and fast to
2653      build. Super-simple templates in regular HTML/CSS/JS (any lib you want). Registered
2654      user systems and a killer community. Welcome to web-building nirvana.\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo
2655      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
2656      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
2657      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License
2658      here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
2659      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
2660      MODx and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
2661      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
2662      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
2663      Install MODx and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
2664      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
2665      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
2666      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About MODx :\n#   MODx
2667      helps you take control of your online content. \n#   An Open Source PHP application
2668      framework, it frees you to build sites exactly how you want and make them 100%
2669      yours. #   Zero restrictions and fast to build. Super-simple templates in regular
2670      HTML/CSS/JS (any lib you want).\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
2671      Install MODx Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
2672      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
2673      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
2674      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=109&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
2675      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
2676      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2677      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2678      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
2679      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
2680      MODx and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
2681      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
2682      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2683      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2684      \"Congratulations, MODx has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
2685      \"You can now configure MODx and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :\"\necho
2686      \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
2687      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "MODx
2688      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9009, "deployments_total": 0,
2689      "label": "MODx powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/ubuntu12.04lts"],
2690      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "9dd72a7da5f85241e20d45ff374bca88", "created":
2691      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "", "deployments_active": 0, "script":
2692      "#!/bin/bash\n\n# <udf name=\"hostname\" label=\"Hostname\" default=\"home\"
2693      />\n# HOSTNAME=home\n# <udf name=\"fqdn\" label=\"FQDN\" default=\"home.example.com\"
2694      />\n# FQDN=home.chenlichao.com\n# <udf name=\"ip_address\" label=\"IP Address\"
2695      default=\"\" />\n# IP_ADDRESS=\"\"\n# <udf name=\"time_zone\"
2696      label=\"Time Zone\" default=\"Etc/UTC\" />\n# TIME_ZONE=\"Asia/Shanghai\"\n\n#
2697      <udf name=\"user_ssh_port\" label=\"Default User SSH Port\" default=\"22\" />\n#
2698      USER_SSH_PORT=22\n# <udf name=\"user_name\" label=\"Default User Name\" default=\"username\"
2699      />\n# USER_NAME=username\n# <udf name=\"user_password\" label=\"Default User
2700      Password\" default=\"username\" />\n# USER_PASSWORD=username\n# <udf name=\"user_pub_key\"
2701      label=\"Default User Authorized Pub Key\" default=\"ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCZ5a4st/5p+JH7uxU7h84aedrq9rciqQIWk8RF5Gd835MlvP/eL60mQUbEZ9DbQuTRbHTvNT/HKcZ1GvRfvs7MuEiZcDCaw9qTjoV2Max4eeya4v9n/BBTsQw7gznP7yFa82+5DcH9W+OR/75J1JdzLWz4bw+Rgb/4lym5i6j98x6i6dTOXnCc4uc0t2vrIhqSpxH6cmAoKJtEKKAUQpS8/gGtxVgoOqLTP6jw4HXy+Bi+XTu0C78jSjf6I60fGYd9G4p5ci2iQg7bjnrSGu+2yWHnv35afdNaj8nEp50Ocl4hiMtP9/mcVuN5ffcaxU2hGoKJJodENvyuwaRNRTlX
2702      username@gmail.com\" />\n# USER_PUB_KEY=\"ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCZ5a4st/5p+JH7uxU7h84aedrq9rciqQIWk8RF5Gd835MlvP/eL60mQUbEZ9DbQuTRbHTvNT/HKcZ1GvRfvs7MuEiZcDCaw9qTjoV2Max4eeya4v9n/BBTsQw7gznP7yFa82+5DcH9W+OR/75J1JdzLWz4bw+Rgb/4lym5i6j98x6i6dTOXnCc4uc0t2vrIhqSpxH6cmAoKJtEKKAUQpS8/gGtxVgoOqLTP6jw4HXy+Bi+XTu0C78jSjf6I60fGYd9G4p5ci2iQg7bjnrSGu+2yWHnv35afdNaj8nEp50Ocl4hiMtP9/mcVuN5ffcaxU2hGoKJJodENvyuwaRNRTlX
2703      username@gmail.com\"\n\n# <udf name=\"rvm_version\" label=\"RVM Specific Version\"
2704      default=\"stable\" />\n# RVM_VERSION=\"1.25.15\"\n# <udf name=\"rvm_ruby_version\"
2705      label=\"Ruby Specific Version\" default=\"2.0.0\" />\n# RVM_RUBY_VERSION=\"1.9.3\"\n\nshow_msg()\n{\n  echo
2706      \">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\"\n  echo \"Start $1\"\n  echo
2707      \"<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\"\n}\n\nshow_msg \"modifying
2708      hostname & hosts\"\necho $HOSTNAME > /etc/hostname\necho \"$IP_ADDRESS $FQDN
2709      $HOSTNAME\" >> /etc/hosts\nhostname -F /etc/hostname\n\nshow_msg \"apt update
2710      & upgrade\"\ncat <<EOF > /etc/apt/sources.list\ndeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/
2711      precise main restricted universe multiverse\ndeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/
2712      precise-updates main restricted universe multiverse\ndeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
2713      precise-security main restricted universe multiverse\ndeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/
2714      precise main restricted universe multiverse\ndeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/
2715      precise-updates main restricted universe multiverse\ndeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
2716      precise-security main restricted universe multiverse\nEOF\napt-get update\napt-get
2717      -y upgrade\n\nshow_msg \"installing common packages\"\napt-get -y install build-essential
2718      htop byobu vim-nox tree git curl wget\n\nshow_msg \"modifying time zone\"\necho
2719      $TIME_ZONE > /etc/timezone\ndpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata\n\nshow_msg
2720      \"adding admin user\"\nuseradd -U -d /home/$USER_NAME -m -s /bin/bash $USER_NAME\necho
2721      \"$USER_NAME:$USER_PASSWORD\" | chpasswd\ncat <<EOF >/tmp/$USER_NAME\n$USER_NAME
2722      ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL\nEOF\nmv /tmp/$USER_NAME /etc/sudoers.d/$USER_NAME\nchmod
2723      0440 /etc/sudoers.d/$USER_NAME\n\nshow_msg \"installing multi-user rvm version:
2724      $RVM_VERSION\"\nsu -l $USER_NAME <<EOF\nif [[ $RVM_VERSION == \"stable\" ]]\nthen\n  curl
2725      -sSL https://get.rvm.io | sudo bash -s -- stable --without-gems=\"rvm rubygems-bundler\"\nelse\n  curl
2726      -sSL https://get.rvm.io | sudo bash -s -- --version $RVM_VERSION --without-gems=\"rvm
2727      rubygems-bundler\"\nfi\nEOF\n\nshow_msg \"installing ruby version: $RVM_RUBY_VERSION\"\nsource
2728      /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh\nrvm requirements\nrvm install $RVM_RUBY_VERSION\nusermod
2729      -a -G rvm $USER_NAME\n\nshow_msg \"authorizing admin user pub key\"\nUSER_SSH_DIR=/home/$USER_NAME/.ssh\nmkdir
2730      -m 0700 $USER_SSH_DIR\necho $USER_PUB_KEY > $USER_SSH_DIR/authorized_keys\nchmod
2731      0600 $USER_SSH_DIR/authorized_keys\nchown -R $USER_NAME:$USER_NAME $USER_SSH_DIR\n
2732      \nshow_msg \"turning on colored shell prompt\"\nsed -i ''/^#force_color_prompt=yes$/a\\\nforce_color_prompt=yes''
2733      /home/$USER_NAME/.bashrc\nchown $USER_NAME:$USER_NAME /home/$USER_NAME/.bashrc\n\nshow_msg
2734      \"adding add_app_runner.sh\"\ncat <<''EOF'' > /home/$USER_NAME/add_app_runner.sh
2735      \n#!/bin/bash\n\nif [[ `id -u` -eq 0 && \"$#\" -eq 1 ]]; then\n  APP_RUNNER=\"$1\"\nelse\n  echo
2736      \"Usage: $ sudo $0 app_runner_name\" >&2\n  exit 1\nfi\nuseradd -U -d /home/$APP_RUNNER
2737      -m -s /bin/bash $APP_RUNNER\nEOF\nchmod 0700 /home/$USER_NAME/add_app_runner.sh\nchown
2738      $USER_NAME:$USER_NAME /home/$USER_NAME/add_app_runner.sh\n\nshow_msg \"modifying
2739      sshd setting\"\nsed -i \"s/^Port 22$/Port $USER_SSH_PORT/\" /etc/ssh/sshd_config\nsed
2740      -i ''s/^LoginGraceTime 120$/LoginGraceTime 30/'' /etc/ssh/sshd_config\nsed -i
2741      ''s/^PermitRootLogin yes$/PermitRootLogin no/'' /etc/ssh/sshd_config\n\nshow_msg
2742      \"rebooting now\"\nreboot", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Initial
2743      import 20140216", "username": "clc3123", "id": 8242, "deployments_total": 0,
2744      "label": "precise64-with-multi-user-rvm-installed"}, {"user_defined_fields":
2745      [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts",
2746      "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"],
2747      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created":
2748      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "Coppermine is a multi-purpose fully-featured
2749      and integrated web picture gallery script written in PHP using GD or ImageMagick
2750      as image library with a MySQL backend. \r\nCPG is so fully featured it''s not
2751      enough to fully list them.\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single User Control Panel
2752      which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System
2753      Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in
2754      the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath
2755      to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
2756      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure Coppermine
2757      and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
2758      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
2759      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
2760      Install Coppermine and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
2761      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
2762      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
2763      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Coppermine :\n#   Coppermine
2764      is a multi-purpose fully-featured and integrated web picture gallery script
2765      written in PHP \n#   using GD or ImageMagick as image library with a MySQL backend.
2766      \n#   CPG is so fully featured it''s not enough to fully list them.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
2767      Install Coppermine Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
2768      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
2769      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
2770      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=27&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
2771      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
2772      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2773      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2774      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
2775      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
2776      Coppermine and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
2777      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
2778      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2779      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2780      \"Congratulations, Coppermine has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
2781      \"You can now configure Coppermine and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
2782      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
2783      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Coppermine
2784      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9010, "deployments_total": 0,
2785      "label": "Coppermine powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
2786      ["linode/debian7"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cfd4936b358ed931f5a628170dcfef25",
2787      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "", "deployments_active": 0,
2788      "script": "#!/bin/bash\ncurl -s https://lv.linode.com/gzkA | sudo bash", "updated":
2789      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Initial import", "username": "gretongersvps66",
2790      "id": 8501, "deployments_total": 0, "label": "ariepmuqodas"}, {"user_defined_fields":
2791      [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts",
2792      "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"],
2793      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created":
2794      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "OSClass is all you need to easily create
2795      your own classifieds website.\r\n\r\nIt''s a free and open script to create
2796      your advertisement or listings site. \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single User Control
2797      Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or
2798      System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines
2799      or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath
2800      to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
2801      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure OSClass
2802      and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
2803      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
2804      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
2805      Install OSClass and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
2806      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
2807      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
2808      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About OSClass :\n#   OSClass
2809      is all you need to easily create your own classifieds website.\n#   It''s a
2810      free and open script to create your advertisement or listings site. \n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
2811      Install OSClass Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
2812      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
2813      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
2814      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=330&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
2815      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
2816      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2817      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2818      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
2819      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
2820      OSClass and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
2821      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
2822      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2823      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2824      \"Congratulations, OSClass has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
2825      \"You can now configure OSClass and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
2826      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
2827      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "OSClass
2828      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9013, "deployments_total": 0,
2829      "label": "OSClass powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
2830      ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6",
2831      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
2832      "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
2833      "CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework with a very small footprint, built
2834      for PHP coders who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured
2835      web applications. If you''re a developer who lives in the real world of shared
2836      hosting accounts and clients with deadlines, and if you''re tired of ponderously
2837      large and thoroughly undocumented frameworks\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single
2838      User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal,
2839      etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual
2840      machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath
2841      to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
2842      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure CodeIgniter
2843      and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
2844      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
2845      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
2846      Install CodeIgniter and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo
2847      :\n#   Webuzo is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps
2848      (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java,
2849      MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About CodeIgniter
2850      :\n#   CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework with a very small footprint,
2851      built for PHP coders who need a simple \n#   and elegant toolkit to create full-featured
2852      web applications. \n#   If you''re a developer who lives in the real world of
2853      shared hosting accounts and clients with deadlines, \n#   and if you''re tired
2854      of ponderously large and thoroughly undocumented frameworks\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
2855      Install CodeIgniter Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
2856      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
2857      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
2858      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=123&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
2859      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
2860      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2861      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2862      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
2863      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
2864      CodeIgniter and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
2865      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
2866      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2867      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2868      \"Congratulations, CodeIgniter has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
2869      \"You can now configure CodeIgniter and Softaculous Webuzo at the following
2870      URL :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing
2871      Softaculous Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note":
2872      "CodeIgniter powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9015, "deployments_total":
2873      0, "label": "CodeIgniter powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
2874      ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6",
2875      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
2876      "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
2877      "Nginx does mot rely on threads to handle requests. Instead it uses a much more
2878      scalable event-driven (asynchronous) architecture. This architecture uses small,
2879      but more importantly, predictable amounts of memory under load.\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo
2880      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
2881      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
2882      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs
2883      : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion of the installation
2884      process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact
2885      : http://webuzo.com/contact", "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
2886      Install Nginx and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
2887      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
2888      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
2889      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Nginx :\n#   Nginx
2890      does mot rely on threads to handle requests. Instead it uses a much more scalable
2891      \n#   event-driven (asynchronous) architecture. This architecture uses small,
2892      but more importantly, \n#   predictable amounts of memory under load.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
2893      Install Nginx application using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    #
2894      Fetch the Webuzo Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >>
2895      /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755
2896      install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh
2897      --install=nginx >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    # Clean Up\n    rm
2898      -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
2899      Nginx using Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo\n\n#
2900      Check the return of the above command and display the result accordingly\n\necho
2901      \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho \" Installation
2902      Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho \"Congratulations,
2903      Nginx has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho \"You can now configure
2904      Nginx and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho
2905      \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated":
2906      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Nginx powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo",
2907      "id": 9271, "deployments_total": 0, "label": "Nginx powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields":
2908      [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts",
2909      "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"],
2910      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created":
2911      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "Xoops is an easy to use dynamic web content
2912      management system written in PHP. \r\n\r\nXOOPS is an acronym of eXtensible
2913      Object Oriented Portal System. Though started as a portal system, XOOPS is in
2914      fact striving steadily on the track of Content Management System. It can serve
2915      as a web framework for use by small, medium and large sites.Xoops is an easy
2916      to use dynamic web content management system written in PHP. \r\n\r\nXOOPS is
2917      an acronym of eXtensible Object Oriented Portal System. Though started as a
2918      portal system, XOOPS is in fact striving steadily on the track of Content Management
2919      System. It can serve as a web framework for use by small, medium and large sites.\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo
2920      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
2921      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
2922      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License
2923      here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
2924      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
2925      Xoops and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
2926      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
2927      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
2928      Install Xoops and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
2929      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
2930      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
2931      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Xoops :\n#   Xoops
2932      is an easy to use dynamic web content management system written in PHP.\n#   XOOPS
2933      is an acronym of eXtensible Object Oriented Portal System. \n#   Though started
2934      as a portal system, XOOPS is in fact striving steadily on the track of Content
2935      Management System. \n#   It can serve as a web framework for use by small, medium
2936      and large sites.Xoops is an easy to use dynamic \n#   web content management
2937      system written in PHP.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
2938      Install Xoops Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
2939      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
2940      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
2941      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=5&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
2942      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
2943      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2944      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
2945      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
2946      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
2947      Xoops and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
2948      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
2949      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2950      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
2951      \"Congratulations, Xoops has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
2952      \"You can now configure Xoops and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :\"\necho
2953      \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
2954      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Xoops
2955      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9016, "deployments_total": 0,
2956      "label": "Xoops powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8",
2957      "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts",
2958      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5",
2959      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "MongoDB (from \"humongous\")
2960      is a scalable, high-performance, open source NoSQL database\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo
2961      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
2962      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
2963      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs
2964      : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion of the installation
2965      process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact
2966      : http://webuzo.com/contact", "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
2967      Install MongoDB and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
2968      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
2969      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
2970      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About MongoDB :\n#   MongoDB
2971      (from \"humongous\") is a scalable, high-performance, open source NoSQL database\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
2972      Install MongoDB application using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    #
2973      Fetch the Webuzo Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >>
2974      /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755
2975      install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh
2976      --install=mongodb >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    # Clean Up\n    rm
2977      -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
2978      MongoDB using Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo\n\n#
2979      Check the return of the above command and display the result accordingly\n\necho
2980      \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho \" Installation
2981      Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho \"Congratulations,
2982      MongoDB has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho \"You can now configure
2983      MongoDB and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho
2984      \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated":
2985      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "MongoDB powered by Webuzo", "username":
2986      "webuzo", "id": 9272, "deployments_total": 0, "label": "MongoDB powered by Webuzo"},
2987      {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/slackware14.2"], "is_public":
2988      true, "user_gravatar_id": "2a0f7053bc78cc2546d858b4f3d007ba", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05",
2989      "description": "~~~~~~", "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\nOAIDHOAIHDOIAHOIHFAOIHFAOHF\n\nDON''T
2990      USE THIS THOUGH", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Initial import",
2991      "username": "syracoose", "id": 152632, "deployments_total": 0, "label": "STACKSCRIPTY"},
2992      {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts",
2993      "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"],
2994      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created":
2995      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "e107 is a content management system written
2996      in PHP and using the popular open source MySQL database system for content storage.
2997      It''s completely free, totally customisable and in constant development.\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo
2998      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
2999      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
3000      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License
3001      here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
3002      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
3003      e107 and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
3004      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
3005      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
3006      Install e107 and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
3007      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
3008      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
3009      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About e107 :\n#   e107
3010      is a content management system written in PHP and using the popular open source
3011      MySQL database \n#   system for content storage. It''s completely free, totally
3012      customisable and in constant development.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
3013      Install e107 Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
3014      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
3015      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
3016      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=145&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
3017      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
3018      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
3019      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
3020      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
3021      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
3022      e107 and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
3023      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
3024      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
3025      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
3026      \"Congratulations, e107 has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
3027      \"You can now configure e107 and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :\"\necho
3028      \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
3029      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "e107
3030      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9018, "deployments_total": 0,
3031      "label": "e107 powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [{"label": "MySQL
3032      root Password", "name": "db_password"}, {"example": "Drupal database name",
3033      "label": "Create Database", "name": "db_name", "default": "drupalc"}, {"example":
3034      "Drupal database user", "label": "Create MySQL User", "name": "db_user", "default":
3035      "drupalc"}, {"label": "MySQL User''s Password", "name": "db_user_password",
3036      "example": "Drupal database user''s password"}, {"example": "Fully qualified
3037      hostname, ie www.mydomain.com - if empty, the hostname will default to the one
3038      assigned by Linode.", "label": "Fully Qualified Domain Name", "name": "fqdn",
3039      "default": "crm.econventures.org"}, {"example": "Optional username to setup
3040      with password-less sudo access.  You must also add the ssh public key below.  This
3041      user is added as the first step, so you can ssh in before the script is finished.",
3042      "label": "Administrative User", "name": "admin_user", "default": "root"}, {"example":
3043      "Optional SSH public key (from ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub) to be associated with the
3044      Administrative User above.", "label": "Administrative User''s SSH Public Key",
3045      "name": "admin_pubkey", "default": ""}, {"example": "Email address to send notification
3046      to when finished.  Build time is just under 15 minutes.", "label": "Send Finish
3047      Notification To", "name": "notify_email", "default": "rzug@econventures.org"},
3048      {"label": "Components to install", "name": "components", "default": "Drupal
3049      7, CiviCRM 4, Alternate PHP Cache (APC), memcached", "manyof": "Drupal 7, CiviCRM
3050      4, Alternate PHP Cache (APC), memcached, MariaDB with xtraDB engine"}], "images":
3051      ["linode/ubuntu10.04lts"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "bb66d729ce16120e78bffbf831a63924",
3052      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "CiviCRM 4 on Drupal 7 with
3053      speed optimizations", "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash                                                                        \n#
3054      <UDF name=\"db_password\" Label=\"MySQL root Password\" />\n# <UDF name=\"db_name\"
3055      Label=\"Create Database\" default=\"drupalc\" example=\"Drupal database name\"
3056      />\n# <UDF name=\"db_user\" Label=\"Create MySQL User\" default=\"drupalc\"
3057      example=\"Drupal database user\" />\n# <UDF name=\"db_user_password\" Label=\"MySQL
3058      User''s Password\" example=\"Drupal database user''s password\" />\n# <UDF name=\"fqdn\"
3059      Label=\"Fully Qualified Domain Name\" default=\"crm.econventures.org\" example=\"Fully
3060      qualified hostname, ie www.mydomain.com - if empty, the hostname will default
3061      to the one assigned by Linode.\" />\n# <UDF name=\"admin_user\" Label=\"Administrative
3062      User\" default=\"root\" example=\"Optional username to setup with password-less
3063      sudo access.  You must also add the ssh public key below.  This user is added
3064      as the first step, so you can ssh in before the script is finished.\" />\n#
3065      <UDF name=\"admin_pubkey\" Label=\"Administrative User''s SSH Public Key\" default=\"\"
3066      example=\"Optional SSH public key (from ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub) to be associated
3067      with the Administrative User above.\" />\n# <UDF name=\"notify_email\" Label=\"Send
3068      Finish Notification To\" default=\"rzug@econventures.org\" example=\"Email address
3069      to send notification to when finished.  Build time is just under 15 minutes.\"
3070      />\n\n# <UDF name=\"components\" Label=\"Components to install\" manyOf=\"Drupal
3071      7, CiviCRM 4, Alternate PHP Cache (APC), memcached, MariaDB with xtraDB engine\"
3072      default=\"Drupal 7, CiviCRM 4, Alternate PHP Cache (APC), memcached\" />\n\n#
3073      StackScript written by Randall Zug based on Drupal/Pantheon by Justin Ellison
3074      <justin@techadvise.com>\n\n# notes: The foundation for CiviCRM 4 is Drupal 7,
3075      as opposed to Drupal(Pressflow) 6. This StackScript focuses on the\n# optimizations
3076      for authenticated users (no Varnish reverse proxy or Apache SOLR search accelerator).
3077      Also the server\n# management automation features are not installed (BCFG2 and
3078      Hudson server).", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Initial import",
3079      "username": "carriem", "id": 2875, "deployments_total": 0, "label": "EV CiviCRM"},
3080      {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts",
3081      "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"],
3082      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created":
3083      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "TheHostingTool is aiming to provide the
3084      next generation in free, hosting applications. It provides you, the webhost,
3085      near complete automation on everything you want it to do. So that means, signup,
3086      monthly posts checking, suspension, and termination.\r\nWhile it does that,
3087      it provides client features, like the client control panel that gives the clients
3088      the power to manage their account.\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single User Control
3089      Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or
3090      System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines
3091      or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath
3092      to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
3093      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure TheHostingTool
3094      and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
3095      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
3096      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
3097      Install TheHostingTool and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo
3098      :\n#   Webuzo is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps
3099      (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java,
3100      MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About TheHostingTool
3101      :\n#   TheHostingTool is aiming to provide the next generation in free, hosting
3102      applications. \n#   It provides you, the webhost, near complete automation on
3103      everything you want it to do. \n#   So that means, signup, monthly posts checking,
3104      suspension, and termination.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
3105      Install TheHostingTool Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
3106      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
3107      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
3108      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=250&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
3109      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
3110      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
3111      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
3112      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
3113      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
3114      TheHostingTool and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
3115      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
3116      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
3117      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
3118      \"Congratulations, TheHostingTool has been successfully installed\"\necho \"
3119      \"\necho \"You can now configure TheHostingTool and Softaculous Webuzo at the
3120      following URL :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for
3121      choosing Softaculous Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05",
3122      "rev_note": "TheHostingTool powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id":
3123      9019, "deployments_total": 0, "label": "TheHostingTool powered by Webuzo"},
3124      {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts",
3125      "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"],
3126      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created":
3127      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "SIDU stands for SQL Select Insert Delete
3128      Update. SIDU is a FREE database client working via web browser. SIDU is a simple,
3129      intuitive and easy database admin tool. SIDU works via web browsers such as
3130      Firefox, IE, Opera, Safari, Chrome, etc.\r\n\r\nSIDU looks like database font-end
3131      software GUI rather than web pages. SIDU is not only a joy tool, it helps you
3132      to have an easy life with databases, and enjoy the relaxation at work. \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo
3133      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
3134      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
3135      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License
3136      here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
3137      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
3138      SIDU and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
3139      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
3140      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
3141      Install SIDU and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
3142      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
3143      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
3144      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About SIDU :\n#   SIDU
3145      stands for SQL Select Insert Delete Update. SIDU is a FREE database client working
3146      via web browser. \n#   SIDU is a simple, intuitive and easy database admin tool.
3147      \n#   SIDU works via web browsers such as Firefox, IE, Opera, Safari, Chrome,
3148      etc.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
3149      Install SIDU Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
3150      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
3151      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
3152      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=397&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
3153      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
3154      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
3155      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
3156      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
3157      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
3158      SIDU and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
3159      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
3160      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
3161      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
3162      \"Congratulations, SIDU has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
3163      \"You can now configure SIDU and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :\"\necho
3164      \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
3165      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "SIDU
3166      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9020, "deployments_total": 0,
3167      "label": "SIDU powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8",
3168      "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts",
3169      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5",
3170      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "PHP 5.4 is a widely-used general-purpose
3171      scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be
3172      embedded into HTML\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single User Control Panel which
3173      helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps
3174      (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the
3175      cloud.\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
3176      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
3177      Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact", "deployments_active":
3178      0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
3179      Install PHP 5.4 and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
3180      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
3181      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
3182      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About PHP 5.4 :\n#   PHP
3183      5.4 is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited
3184      for Web \n#   development and can be embedded into HTML\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
3185      Install PHP 5.4 application using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    #
3186      Fetch the Webuzo Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >>
3187      /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755
3188      install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh
3189      --install=php54 >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    # Clean Up\n    rm
3190      -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
3191      PHP 5.4 using Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo\n\necho
3192      \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho \" Installation
3193      Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho \"Congratulations,
3194      PHP 5.4 has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho \"You can now configure
3195      PHP 5.4 and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho
3196      \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated":
3197      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "PHP 5.4 powered by Webuzo", "username":
3198      "webuzo", "id": 9276, "deployments_total": 0, "label": "PHP 5.4 powered by Webuzo"},
3199      {"user_defined_fields": [{"label": "MySQL root Password", "name": "db_password"}],
3200      "images": ["linode/debian7.5"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "7e082cd66a3450ba0686ea82891c38ab",
3201      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "", "deployments_active": 0,
3202      "script": "#!/bin/bash -x\n# <UDF name=\"db_password\" Label=\"MySQL root Password\"
3203      />\n\nsource <ssinclude StackScriptID=1>\n\nsystem_update\npostfix_install_loopback_only\nmysql_install
3204      \"$DB_PASSWORD\" && mysql_tune 40\nphp_install_with_apache && php_tune\napache_install
3205      && apache_tune 40 && apache_virtualhost_from_rdns\ngoodstuff\nwordpress_install
3206      $(get_rdns_primary_ip)\nrestartServices", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05",
3207      "rev_note": "Initial import", "username": "thecmoclub", "id": 10300, "deployments_total":
3208      0, "label": "Wordpress Install"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8",
3209      "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts",
3210      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5",
3211      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "Perl runs on over 100 platforms
3212      from portables to mainframes and is suitable for both rapid prototyping and
3213      large scale development projects\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single User Control
3214      Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or
3215      System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines
3216      or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
3217      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
3218      Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact", "deployments_active":
3219      0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
3220      Install PERL and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
3221      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
3222      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
3223      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About PERL :\n#   Perl
3224      runs on over 100 platforms from portables to mainframes and is suitable for
3225      both rapid \n#   prototyping and large scale development projects\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
3226      Install PERL application using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    #
3227      Fetch the Webuzo Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >>
3228      /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755
3229      install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh
3230      --install=perl >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    # Clean Up\n    rm
3231      -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
3232      PERL using Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo\n\necho
3233      \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho \" Installation
3234      Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho \"Congratulations,
3235      PERL has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho \"You can now configure
3236      PERL and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho
3237      \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated":
3238      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "PERL powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo",
3239      "id": 9277, "deployments_total": 0, "label": "PERL powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields":
3240      [], "images": ["linode/centos7"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "1690d48fe5c1c0411cb3f19aae9d0781",
3241      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "Server Bash Library For Centos
3242      7, now support mysql...", "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n#\n#
3243      Server Bash Library\n#\n# Copyright (c) 2017 timi <emomeild@gmail.com>\n# All
3244      rights reserved.\n#\n# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with
3245      or without modification, \n# are permitted provided that the following conditions
3246      are met:\n#\n# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
3247      notice, this\n# list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n#\n# * Redistributions
3248      in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this\n# list of conditions
3249      and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or\n# other materials
3250      provided with the distribution.\n#\n# * Neither the name of Linode LLC nor the
3251      names of its contributors may be\n# used to endorse or promote products derived
3252      from this software without specific prior\n# written permission.\n#\n# THIS
3262      THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH\n# DAMAGE.\n\n###########################################################\n#
3263      System\n###########################################################\n\nfunction
3264      system_update {\n    yes y | sudo yum update\n    # EPEL repo\n    yes y | sudo
3265      yum install epel-release\n    yes y | yum install wget\n}\n\n###########################################################\n#
3266      mysql-server\n# reference https://linode.com/docs/databases/mysql/how-to-install-mysql-on-centos-7/\n###########################################################\n\nfunction
3267      mysql_install {\n    wget http://repo.mysql.com/mysql-community-release-el7-5.noarch.rpm\n    sudo
3268      rpm -ivh mysql-community-release-el7-5.noarch.rpm\n    yes y | yum update\n    \n    yes
3269      y | sudo yum install -y mysql-server\n    sudo systemctl start mysqld\n    \n    mysql
3270      -u root -e \"SET PASSWORD FOR root@''localhost'' = PASSWORD(''$1'');\"\n}\n\nfunction
3271      mysql_create_database {\n    # $1 - the mysql root password\n    # $2 - the
3272      db name to create\n\n    if [ ! -n \"$1\" ]; then\n        echo \"mysql_create_database()
3273      requires the root pass as its first argument\"\n        return 1;\n    fi\n    if
3274      [ ! -n \"$2\" ]; then\n        echo \"mysql_create_database() requires the name
3275      of the database as the second argument\"\n        return 1;\n    fi\n\n    echo
3276      \"CREATE DATABASE $2;\" | mysql -u root -p$1\n}\n\nfunction mysql_create_user
3277      {\n    # $1 - the mysql root password\n    # $2 - the user to create\n    #
3278      $3 - their password\n\n    if [ ! -n \"$1\" ]; then\n        echo \"mysql_create_user()
3279      requires the root pass as its first argument\"\n        return 1;\n    fi\n    if
3280      [ ! -n \"$2\" ]; then\n        echo \"mysql_create_user() requires username
3281      as the second argument\"\n        return 1;\n    fi\n    if [ ! -n \"$3\" ];
3282      then\n        echo \"mysql_create_user() requires a password as the third argument\"\n        return
3283      1;\n    fi\n\n    echo \"CREATE USER ''$2''@''localhost'' IDENTIFIED BY ''$3'';\"
3284      | mysql -u root -p$1\n}\n\nfunction mysql_grant_user {\n    # $1 - the mysql
3285      root password\n    # $2 - the user to bestow privileges \n    # $3 - the database\n\n    if
3286      [ ! -n \"$1\" ]; then\n        echo \"mysql_create_user() requires the root
3287      pass as its first argument\"\n        return 1;\n    fi\n    if [ ! -n \"$2\"
3288      ]; then\n        echo \"mysql_create_user() requires username as the second
3289      argument\"\n        return 1;\n    fi\n    if [ ! -n \"$3\" ]; then\n        echo
3290      \"mysql_create_user() requires a database as the third argument\"\n        return
3291      1;\n    fi\n\n    echo \"GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $3.* TO ''$2''@''localhost'';\"
3292      | mysql -u root -p$1\n    echo \"FLUSH PRIVILEGES;\" | mysql -u root -p$1\n\n}\n\n###########################################################\n#
3293      Java\n###########################################################\n\nfunction
3294      java_install {\n  yes y | yum install -y java-1.8.0-openjdk\n}\n\n###########################################################\n#
3295      Tomcat\n# reference https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-apache-tomcat-8-on-centos-7\n###########################################################\n\nfunction
3296      tomcat_install {\n  wget https://archive.apache.org/dist/tomcat/tomcat-8/v8.5.24/bin/apache-tomcat-8.5.24.tar.gz\n\n  sudo
3297      mkdir /opt/tomcat\n\n  sudo tar xvf apache-tomcat-8*tar.gz -C /opt/tomcat --strip-components=1\n\n  sed
3298      -i ''s/port=\"8080\"/port=\"80\"/'' /opt/tomcat/conf/server.xml\n\n  # boot\n  cur_dir=\"$pwd\"\n  cd
3299      /opt/tomcat/bin\n  ./startup.sh\n  cd $cur_dir\n\n  # ./shutdown.sh\n}\n\n###########################################################\n#
3300      Nginx\n# reference \n#https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000007803704\n#https://www.hugeserver.com/kb/install-nginx-page-speed-centos/\n###########################################################\n\nfunction
3301      nginx_install {\n  \n  yum  -y install gcc\n  \n  yum -y install pcre-devel
3302      openssl openssl-devel\n  \n  wget https://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.12.2.tar.gz\n\n  sudo
3303      mkdir /usr/local/nginx\n  sudo mkdir nginx-1.12.2\n\n  sudo tar zxvf nginx-1.12.2.tar.gz\n\n  cur_dir=\"$pwd\"\n\n  cd
3304      nginx-1.12.2\n\n  ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/nginx --with-http_ssl_module
3305      --with-http_gzip_static_module --with-http_stub_status_module\n  make && make
3306      install\n\n  # When the installation process is finished you have to create
3307      Nginx symlinks:\n  ln -s /usr/local/nginx/conf/ /etc/nginx\n  ln -s /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx
3308      /usr/sbin/nginx\n  \n  cd ..\n  rm -rf nginx-1.*\n\n  # boot\n  /usr/sbin/nginx\n\n  cd
3309      $cur_dir\n}\n\n###########################################################\n#
3310      Redis\n# reference https://linode.com/docs/databases/redis/install-and-configure-redis-on-centos-7/\n###########################################################\n\nfunction
3311      redis_install {\n\n  # Install Redis:\n  sudo yum -y install redis\n\n  # Start
3312      Redis:\n  sudo systemctl start redis\n\n  # Optional: To automatically start
3313      Redis on boot:\n  sudo systemctl enable redis\n\n  # Configure Redis\n\n  ##
3314      Persistence Options\n  cat <<EOT >> /etc/redis.conf\nappendonly yes\nappendfsync
3315      everysec\nEOT\n\n  sudo systemctl restart redis\n\n  ## Basic System Tuning\n  sudo
3316      echo \"vm.overcommit_memory = 1\" >> /etc/sysctl.conf\n\n}", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05",
3317      "rev_note": "Added: nginx ?redis", "username": "meigesir", "id": 270142, "deployments_total":
3318      0, "label": "BASE_SCRIPT"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8",
3319      "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts",
3320      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5",
3321      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "Drupal is an open-source platform
3322      and content management system for building dynamic web sites offering a broad
3323      range of features and services including user administration, publishing workflow,
3324      discussion capabilities, news aggregation, metadata functionalities using controlled
3325      vocabularies and XML publishing for content sharing purposes.\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo
3326      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
3327      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
3328      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License
3329      here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
3330      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
3331      Drupal 6 and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
3332      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
3333      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
3334      Install Drupal 6 and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
3335      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
3336      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
3337      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Drupal 6 :\n#   Drupal
3338      is an open-source platform and content management system for building dynamic
3339      web sites \n#   offering a broad range of features and services including user
3340      administration, publishing workflow,\n#   discussion capabilities, news aggregation,
3341      metadata functionalities using controlled vocabularies \n#   and XML publishing
3342      for content sharing purposes.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
3343      Install Drupal 6 Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
3344      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
3345      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
3346      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=12&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
3347      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
3348      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
3349      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
3350      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
3351      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
3352      Drupal 6 and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
3353      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
3354      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
3355      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
3356      \"Congratulations, Drupal 6 has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
3357      \"You can now configure Drupal 6 and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
3358      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
3359      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Drupal
3360      6 powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9022, "deployments_total":
3361      0, "label": "Drupal 6 powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [{"label":
3362      "MySQL root Password", "name": "db_password"}], "images": ["linode/ubuntu12.04lts"],
3363      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "7e98be775ad3dccfe7d1ca7d47974729", "created":
3364      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "A ready-to-rock WordPress install, using
3365      the latest wordpress download from wordpress.org.", "deployments_active": 0,
3366      "script": "#!/bin/bash -x\n# <UDF name=\"db_password\" Label=\"MySQL root Password\"
3367      />\n\nsource <ssinclude StackScriptID=1>\n\nsystem_update\npostfix_install_loopback_only\nmysql_install
3368      \"$DB_PASSWORD\" && mysql_tune 40\nphp_install_with_apache && php_tune\napache_install
3369      && apache_tune 40 && apache_virtualhost_from_rdns\ngoodstuff\nwordpress_install
3370      $(get_rdns_primary_ip)\nrestartServices", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05",
3371      "rev_note": "Initial import", "username": "lovelymeraki", "id": 13374, "deployments_total":
3372      0, "label": "Wordpress"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8",
3373      "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts",
3374      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5",
3375      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "Loaded 7 is a responsive ecommerce
3376      web application.\r\n\r\nBased on a 3rd generation e-commerce platform, Loaded
3377      7 includes new mobile responsive template in both admin and catalog.\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo
3378      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
3379      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
3380      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License
3381      here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
3382      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
3383      Loaded 7 and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
3384      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
3385      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
3386      Install Loaded 7 and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
3387      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
3388      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
3389      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Loaded 7 :\n#   Loaded
3390      7 is a responsive ecommerce web application.\n#   Based on a 3rd generation
3391      e-commerce platform, Loaded 7 includes new mobile responsive template in both
3392      \n#   admin and catalog.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
3393      Install Loaded 7 Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
3394      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
3395      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
3396      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=469&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
3397      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
3398      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
3399      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
3400      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
3401      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
3402      Loaded 7 and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
3403      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
3404      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
3405      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
3406      \"Congratulations, Loaded 7 has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
3407      \"You can now configure Loaded 7 and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
3408      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
3409      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "Loaded
3410      7 powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9023, "deployments_total":
3411      0, "label": "Loaded 7 powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
3412      ["linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu11.0432bit",
3413      "linode/ubuntu11.04"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "16a167ed601c785f79e00f1081f0a273",
3414      "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "Ubuntu Universe", "deployments_active":
3415      0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\nexport CODENAME=`lsb_release -sc`\n\n# New sources.list\ncat
3416      > /etc/apt/sources.list << EOF\ndeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ $CODENAME
3417      main restricted\ndeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ $CODENAME main
3418      restricted\n\ndeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ $CODENAME-updates main
3419      restricted\ndeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ $CODENAME-updates main
3420      restricted\n\ndeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ $CODENAME universe\ndeb-src
3421      http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ $CODENAME universe\ndeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/
3422      $CODENAME-updates universe\ndeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ $CODENAME-updates
3423      universe\n\ndeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ $CODENAME multiverse\ndeb-src
3424      http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ $CODENAME multiverse\ndeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/
3425      $CODENAME-updates multiverse\ndeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ $CODENAME-updates
3426      multiverse\n\ndeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu $CODENAME-security main
3427      restricted\ndeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu $CODENAME-security main
3428      restricted\ndeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu $CODENAME-security universe\ndeb-src
3429      http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu $CODENAME-security universe\ndeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
3430      $CODENAME-security multiverse\ndeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu $CODENAME-security
3431      multiverse\n\nEOF\napt-get -y update", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note":
3432      "Initial import", "username": "punchh", "id": 2880, "deployments_total": 0,
3433      "label": "Universe"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images": ["linode/centos6.8",
3434      "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"],
3435      "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id": "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created":
3436      "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description": "Zenphoto is an answer to lots of calls
3437      for an online gallery solution that just makes sense. After years of bloated
3438      software that does everything and your dishes, zenphoto just shows your photos,
3439      simply. It''s got all the functionality and features you need, and nothing you
3440      don''t. \r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo is a Single User Control Panel which helps users
3441      deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX,
3442      PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou
3443      can get a Webuzo License here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to
3444      Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn completion
3445      of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure ZenPhoto
3446      and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
3447      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
3448      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
3449      Install ZenPhoto and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
3450      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
3451      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
3452      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About ZenPhoto :\n#   Zenphoto
3453      is an answer to lots of calls for an online gallery solution that just makes
3454      sense. \n#   After years of bloated software that does everything and your dishes,
3455      zenphoto just shows your photos, simply. \n#   It''s got all the functionality
3456      and features you need, and nothing you don''t. \n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
3457      Install ZenPhoto Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
3458      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
3459      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
3460      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=41&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
3461      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
3462      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
3463      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
3464      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
3465      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
3466      ZenPhoto and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
3467      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
3468      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
3469      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
3470      \"Congratulations, ZenPhoto has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
3471      \"You can now configure ZenPhoto and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL
3472      :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
3473      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "ZenPhoto
3474      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9024, "deployments_total": 0,
3475      "label": "ZenPhoto powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
3476      ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6",
3477      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
3478      "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
3479      "Feng Office is a Collaboration Platform that enables you to manage your projects
3480      and business services, collaborate with your team and your customers, organize
3481      and share documents and files. Feng Office is being actively developed.\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo
3482      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
3483      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
3484      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License
3485      here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
3486      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
3487      Feng Office and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
3488      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
3489      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
3490      Install Feng Office and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo
3491      :\n#   Webuzo is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps
3492      (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java,
3493      MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About Feng Office
3494      :\n#   Feng Office is a Collaboration Platform that enables you to manage your
3495      projects and business services, \n#   collaborate with your team and your customers,
3496      organize and share documents and files.\n#   Feng Office is being actively developed.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
3497      Install Feng Office Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
3498      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
3499      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
3500      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=188&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
3501      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
3502      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
3503      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
3504      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
3505      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
3506      Feng Office and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
3507      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
3508      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
3509      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
3510      \"Congratulations, Feng Office has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho
3511      \"You can now configure Feng Office and Softaculous Webuzo at the following
3512      URL :\"\necho \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing
3513      Softaculous Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note":
3514      "Feng Office powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9025, "deployments_total":
3515      0, "label": "Feng Office powered by Webuzo"}, {"user_defined_fields": [], "images":
3516      ["linode/centos6.8", "linode/ubuntu12.04lts", "linode/ubuntu14.04lts", "linode/centos5.6",
3517      "linode/ubuntu10.04lts", "linode/ubuntu10.04lts32bit"], "is_public": true, "user_gravatar_id":
3518      "cf0348f835d60e6d133040f49bb36ec5", "created": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "description":
3519      "YiiFramework helps Web developers build complex applications and deliver them
3520      on-time.\r\nYii comes with rich features: MVC, DAO/ActiveRecord, I18N/L10N,
3521      caching, authentication and role-based access control, scaffolding, testing,
3522      etc. It can reduce your development time significantly.\r\n\t\t\t\r\nWebuzo
3523      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
3524      Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc)
3525      on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\r\n\r\nYou can get a Webuzo License
3526      here\r\nhttp://www.webuzo.com/pricing\r\n\r\nPath to Installation Logs : /root/webuzo-install.log\r\n\r\nInstructions\r\nOn
3527      completion of the installation process, access http://your-ip:2004 to configure
3528      yii and Softaculous Webuzo initially.\r\n\r\nContact : http://webuzo.com/contact",
3529      "deployments_active": 0, "script": "#!/bin/bash\n# <udf name=\"webuzo_license_key\"
3530      label=\"Premium Webuzo License Key\" example=\"WEBUZO-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX\"/>\n\n###########################################################################################################\n#
3531      Install yii and Softaculous Webuzo\n# Description -\n# About Webuzo :\n#   Webuzo
3532      is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress,
3533      Joomla, Drupal, etc)\n#   or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB,
3534      etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.\n#\n# About yii :\n#   YiiFramework
3535      helps Web developers build complex applications and deliver them on-time.\n#   Yii
3536      comes with rich features: MVC, DAO/ActiveRecord, I18N/L10N, caching, authentication
3537      and role-based access\n#   control, scaffolding, testing, etc. It can reduce
3538      your development time significantly.\n###########################################################################################################\n\n#
3539      Install yii Script using Webuzo\nfunction install_webuzo_script(){\n   \n    #
3540      Install Webuzo\n    install_webuzo\n   \n    wget http://files.webuzo.com/ip.php
3541      >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n    ip=$(cat ip.php)\n   \n    /usr/local/emps/bin/curl
3542      \"http://$ip:2004/install.php?prepareinstall=224&license=$1\"\n   \n}\n\n# Install
3543      Webuzo Function\nfunction install_webuzo(){\n       \n    # Fetch the Webuzo
3544      Installer\n    wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
3545      2>&1\n   \n    # Modify Permissions\n    chmod 0755 install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log
3546      2>&1\n   \n    # Execute\n    ./install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n    #
3547      Clean Up\n    rm -rf install.sh >> /root/webuzo-install.log 2>&1\n   \n}\n\n#########################################################\n#\tInstalling
3548      yii and Softaculous Webuzo\n#########################################################\n\ninstall_webuzo_script
3549      $WEBUZO_LICENSE_KEY\n\n# Check the return of the above command and display the
3550      result accordingly\n\necho \" \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
3551      \" Installation Completed \"\necho \"-------------------------------------\"\necho
3552      \"Congratulations, yii has been successfully installed\"\necho \" \"\necho \"You
3553      can now configure yii and Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :\"\necho
3554      \"http://$ip:2004/\"\necho \" \"\necho \"Thank you for choosing Softaculous
3555      Webuzo !\"\necho \" \"", "updated": "2018-01-02T03:04:05", "rev_note": "yii
3556      powered by Webuzo", "username": "webuzo", "id": 9026, "deployments_total": 0,
3557      "label": "yii powered by Webuzo"}], "page": 1, "pages": 11, "results": 1021}'
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