2-- This library was written by Patrik Karlsson <patrik@cqure.net> to facilitate
3-- communication with the Apple AFP Service. It is not feature complete and
4-- still missing several functions.
6-- The library currently supports
7-- * Authentication using the DHX UAM (CAST128)
8-- * File reading and writing
9-- * Listing sharepoints
10-- * Listing directory contents
11-- * Querying ACLs and mapping user identities (UIDs)
13-- The library was built based on the following reference:
14-- http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Networking/Reference/AFP_Reference/Reference/reference.html
15-- http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Networking/Conceptual/AFP/AFPSecurity/AFPSecurity.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40000854-CH232-CHBBAGCB
17-- Most functions have been tested against both Mac OS X 10.6.2 and Netatalk 2.0.3
19-- The library contains the following four classes
20-- * <code>Response</code>
21-- ** A class used as return value by functions in the <code>Proto</code> class.
22-- ** The response class acts as a wrapper and holds the response data and any error information.
23-- * <code>Proto</code>
24-- ** This class contains all the AFP specific functions and calls.
25-- ** The functions can be accessed directly but the preferred method is through the <code>Helper</code> class.
26-- ** The function names closely resemble those described in the Apple documentation.
27-- ** Some functions may lack some of the options outlined in Apple's documentation.
28-- * <code>Helper</code>
29-- ** The helper class wraps the <code>Proto</code> class using functions with a more descriptive name.
30-- ** Functions are task-oriented. For example, <code>ReadFile</code> and usually call several functions in the <code>Proto</code> class.
31-- ** The purpose of this class is to give developers easy access to some of the common AFP tasks.
32-- * <code>Util</code>
33-- ** The <code>Util</code> class contains a number of static functions mainly used to convert data.
35-- The following information will describe how to use the AFP Helper class to communicate with an AFP server.
37-- The short version:
38-- <code>
39-- helper = afp.Helper:new()
40-- status, response = helper:OpenSession( host, port )
41-- status, response = helper:Login()
42-- .. do some fancy AFP stuff ..
43-- status, response = helper:Logout()
44-- status, response = helper:CloseSession()
45-- </code>
47-- Here's the longer version, with some explanatory text. To start using the Helper class,
48-- the script has to create its own instance. We do this by issuing the following:
49-- <code>
50-- helper = afp.Helper:new()
51-- </code>
53-- Next a session to the AFP server must be established, this is done using the OpenSession method of the
54-- Helper class, like this:
55-- <code>
56-- status, response = helper:OpenSession( host, port )
57-- </code>
59-- The next step needed to be performed is to authenticate to the server. We need to do this even for
60-- functions that are available publicly. In order to authenticate as the public user simply
61-- authenticate using nil for both username and password. This can be achieved by calling the Login method
62-- without any parameters, like this:
63-- <code>
64-- status, response = helper:Login()
65-- </code>
67-- To authenticate to the server using the username 'admin' and password 'nimda' we do this instead:
68-- <code>
69-- status, response = helper:Login('admin', 'nimda')
70-- </code>
72-- At this stage we're authenticated and can call any of the AFP functions we're authorized to.
73-- For the purpose of this documentation, we will attempt to list the servers share points.
74-- We do this by issuing the following:
75-- <code>
76-- status, shares = helper:ListShares()
77-- </code>
79-- Once we're finished, we need to logout and close the AFP session this is done by calling the
80-- following two methods of the Helper class:
81-- <code>
82-- status, response = helper:Logout()
83-- status, response = helper:CloseSession()
84-- </code>
86-- Consult the documentation of each function to learn more about their respective return values.
88--@author Patrik Karlsson <patrik@cqure.net>
89--@copyright Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html
91-- @args afp.username The username to use for authentication.
92-- @args afp.password The password to use for authentication.
95-- Version 0.5
97-- Created 01/03/2010 - v0.1 - created by Patrik Karlsson <patrik@cqure.net>
98-- Revised 01/20/2010 - v0.2 - updated all bitmaps to hex for better readability
99-- Revised 02/15/2010 - v0.3 - added a bunch of new functions and re-designed the code to be OO
101--   New functionality added as of v0.3
102--    o File reading, writing
103--    o Authentication
104--    o Helper functions for most AFP functions
105--    o More robust error handling
107-- Revised 03/05/2010 - v0.4 - changed output table of Helper:Dir to include type and ID
108--                           - added support for --without-openssl
110-- Revised 03/09/2010 - v0.5 - documentation, documentation and more documentation
111-- Revised 04/03/2011 - v0.6 - add support for getting file- sizes, dates and Unix ACLs
112--                           - moved afp.username & afp.password arguments to library
114local datetime = require "datetime"
115local ipOps = require "ipOps"
116local nmap = require "nmap"
117local os = require "os"
118local stdnse = require "stdnse"
119local string = require "string"
120local stringaux = require "stringaux"
121local table = require "table"
122_ENV = stdnse.module("afp", stdnse.seeall);
124local HAVE_SSL, openssl = pcall(require,'openssl')
126-- Table of valid REQUESTs
127local REQUEST = {
128  CloseSession = 0x01,
129  OpenSession = 0x04,
130  Command = 0x02,
131  GetStatus = 0x03,
132  Write = 0x06,
135-- Table of headers flags to be set accordingly in requests and responses
136local FLAGS = {
137  Request = 0,
138  Response = 1
141-- Table of possible AFP_COMMANDs
142COMMAND = {
143  FPCloseVol = 0x02,
144  FPCloseFork = 0x04,
145  FPCopyFile = 0x05,
146  FPCreateDir = 0x06,
147  FPCreateFile = 0x07,
148  FPGetSrvrInfo = 0x0f,
149  FPGetSrvParms = 0x10,
150  FPLogin = 0x12,
151  FPLoginCont = 0x13,
152  FPLogout = 0x14,
153  FPMapId = 0x15,
154  FPMapName = 0x16,
155  FPGetUserInfo = 0x25,
156  FPOpenVol = 0x18,
157  FPOpenFork = 0x1a,
158  FPGetFileDirParams = 0x22,
159  FPChangePassword = 0x24,
160  FPReadExt = 0x3c,
161  FPWriteExt = 0x3d,
162  FPGetAuthMethods = 0x3e,
163  FPLoginExt = 0x3f,
164  FPEnumerateExt2 = 0x44,
168  UserId = 0x01,
169  PrimaryGroupId = 0x2,
170  UUID = 0x4
174  Attributes = 0x1,
175  Signature = 0x2,
176  CreationDate = 0x4,
177  ModificationDate = 0x8,
178  BackupDate = 0x10,
179  ID = 0x20,
180  BytesFree = 0x40,
181  BytesTotal = 0x80,
182  Name = 0x100,
183  ExtendedBytesFree = 0x200,
184  ExtendedBytesTotal = 0x400,
185  BlockSize = 0x800
189  Attributes = 0x1,
190  ParentDirId = 0x2,
191  CreationDate = 0x4,
192  ModificationDate = 0x8,
193  BackupDate = 0x10,
194  FinderInfo = 0x20,
195  LongName = 0x40,
196  ShortName = 0x80,
197  NodeId = 0x100,
198  DataForkSize = 0x200,
199  ResourceForkSize = 0x400,
200  ExtendedDataForkSize = 0x800,
201  LaunchLimit = 0x1000,
202  UTF8Name = 0x2000,
203  ExtendedResourceForkSize = 0x4000,
204  UnixPrivileges = 0x8000,
205  ALL = 0xFFFF
209  Attributes = 0x1,
210  ParentDirId = 0x2,
211  CreationDate = 0x4,
212  ModificationDate = 0x8,
213  BackupDate = 0x10,
214  FinderInfo = 0x20,
215  LongName = 0x40,
216  ShortName = 0x80,
217  NodeId = 0x100,
218  OffspringCount = 0x200,
219  OwnerId = 0x400,
220  GroupId = 0x800,
221  AccessRights = 0x1000,
222  UTF8Name = 0x2000,
223  UnixPrivileges = 0x8000,
224  ALL = 0xBFFF,
227PATH_TYPE = {
228  ShortName = 1,
229  LongName = 2,
230  UTF8Name = 3,
234  Read = 0x1,
235  Write = 0x2,
236  DenyRead = 0x10,
237  DenyWrite = 0x20
240-- Access controls
241ACLS = {
242  OwnerSearch = 0x1,
243  OwnerRead = 0x2,
244  OwnerWrite = 0x4,
246  GroupSearch = 0x100,
247  GroupRead = 0x200,
248  GroupWrite = 0x400,
250  EveryoneSearch = 0x10000,
251  EveryoneRead = 0x20000,
252  EveryoneWrite = 0x40000,
254  UserSearch = 0x100000,
255  UserRead = 0x200000,
256  UserWrite = 0x400000,
258  BlankAccess = 0x10000000,
259  UserIsOwner = 0x80000000
262-- User authentication modules
263UAM =
265  NoUserAuth = "No User Authent",
266  ClearText = "Cleartxt Passwrd",
267  RandNum = "Randnum Exchange",
268  TwoWayRandNum = "2-Way Randnum",
269  DHCAST128 = "DHCAST128",
270  DHX2 = "DHX2",
271  Kerberos = "Client Krb v2",
272  Reconnect = "Recon1",
275ERROR =
277  SocketError = 1000,
278  CustomError = 0xdeadbeef,
280  FPNoErr = 0,
281  FPAccessDenied = -5000,
282  FPAuthContinue = -5001,
283  FPBadUAM = -5002,
284  FPBadVersNum = -5003,
285  FPBitmapErr = - 5004,
286  FPCantMove = - 5005,
287  FPEOFErr = -5009,
288  FPItemNotFound = -5012,
289  FPLockErr = -5013,
290  FPMiscErr = -5014,
291  FPObjectExists = -5017,
292  FPObjectNotFound = -5018,
293  FPParamErr = -5019,
294  FPUserNotAuth = -5023,
295  FPCallNotSupported = -5024,
298MAP_ID =
300  UserIDToName = 1,
301  GroupIDToName = 2,
302  UserIDToUTF8Name = 3,
303  GroupIDToUTF8Name = 4,
304  UserUUIDToUTF8Name = 5,
305  GroupUUIDToUTF8Name = 6
310  NameToUserID = 1,
311  NameToGroupID = 2,
312  UTF8NameToUserID = 3,
313  UTF8NameToGroupID = 4,
314  UTF8NameToUserUUID = 5,
315  UTF8NameToGroupUUID = 6
321  CopyFile = 0x01,
322  ChangeablePasswords = 0x02,
323  NoPasswordSaving = 0x04,
324  ServerMessages = 0x08,
325  ServerSignature = 0x10,
326  TCPoverIP = 0x20,
327  ServerNotifications = 0x40,
328  Reconnect = 0x80,
329  OpenDirectory = 0x100,
330  UTF8ServerName = 0x200,
331  UUIDs = 0x400,
332  SuperClient = 0x8000
335local ERROR_MSG = {
336  [ERROR.FPAccessDenied]="Access Denied",
337  [ERROR.FPAuthContinue]="Authentication is not yet complete",
338  [ERROR.FPBadUAM]="Specified UAM is unknown",
339  [ERROR.FPBadVersNum]="Server does not support the specified AFP version",
340  [ERROR.FPBitmapErr]="Attempt was made to get or set a parameter that cannot be obtained or set with this command, or a required bitmap is null",
341  [ERROR.FPCantMove]="Attempt was made to move a directory into one of its descendant directories.",
342  [ERROR.FPEOFErr]="No more matches or end of fork reached.",
343  [ERROR.FPLockErr]="Some or all of the requested range is locked by another user; a lock range conflict exists.",
344  [ERROR.FPMiscErr]="Non-AFP error occurred.",
345  [ERROR.FPObjectNotFound]="Input parameters do not point to an existing directory, file, or volume.",
346  [ERROR.FPParamErr]="Parameter error.",
347  [ERROR.FPObjectExists] = "File or directory already exists.",
348  [ERROR.FPUserNotAuth] = "UAM failed (the specified old password doesn't match); no user is logged in yet for the specified session; authentication failed; password is incorrect.",
349  [ERROR.FPItemNotFound] = "Specified APPL mapping, comment, or icon was not found in the Desktop database; specified ID is unknown.",
350  [ERROR.FPCallNotSupported] = "Server does not support this command.",
353-- Dates are shifted forward one day to avoid referencing 12/31/1969 UTC
354-- when specifying 1/1/1970 (local) in a timezone that is ahead of UTC
355local TIME_OFFSET = os.time({year=2000, month=1, day=2, hour=0}) - os.time({year=1970, month=1, day=2, hour=0})
357-- Check if all the bits in flag are set in bitmap.
358local function flag_is_set(bitmap, flag)
359  return (bitmap & flag) == flag
362-- Serialize path of a given type
363-- NB: For now the actual UTF-8 encoding is ignored
364local function encode_path (path)
365  if path.type == PATH_TYPE.ShortName or path.type == PATH_TYPE.LongName then
366    return string.pack("Bs1", path.type, path.name)
367  elseif path.type == PATH_TYPE.UTF8Name then
368    return string.pack(">BI4s2", path.type, 0x08000103, path.name)
369  end
370  assert(false, ("Unrecognized path type '%s'"):format(tostring(path.type)))
373-- Response class returned by all functions in Proto
374Response = {
376  new = function(self,o)
377    o = o or {}
378    setmetatable(o, self)
379    self.__index = self
380    return o
381  end,
383  --- Sets the error code
384  --
385  -- @param code number containing the error code
386  setErrorCode = function( self, code )
387    self.error_code = code
388  end,
390  --- Gets the error code
391  --
392  -- @return code number containing the error code
393  getErrorCode = function( self )
394    return self.error_code
395  end,
397  --- Gets the error message
398  --
399  -- @return msg string containing the error
400  getErrorMessage = function(self)
401    if self.error_msg then
402      return self.error_msg
403    else
404      return ERROR_MSG[self.error_code] or ("Unknown error (%d) occurred"):format(self.error_code)
405    end
406  end,
408  --- Sets the error message
409  --
410  -- @param msg string containing the error message
411  setErrorMessage = function(self, msg)
412    self.error_code = ERROR.CustomError
413    self.error_msg = msg
414  end,
416  --- Sets the result
417  --
418  -- @param result result to set
419  setResult = function(self, result)
420    self.result = result
421  end,
423  --- Get the result
424  --
425  -- @return result
426  getResult = function(self)
427    return self.result
428  end,
430  --- Sets the packet
431  setPacket = function( self, packet )
432    self.packet = packet
433  end,
435  getPacket = function( self )
436    return self.packet
437  end,
439  --- Gets the packet data
440  getPacketData = function(self)
441    return self.packet.data
442  end,
444  --- Gets the packet header
445  getPacketHeader = function(self)
446    return self.packet.header
447  end,
450--- Proto class containing all AFP specific code
452-- For more details consult:
453-- http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Networking/Reference/AFP_Reference/Reference/reference.html
454Proto = {
456  RequestId = 1,
458  new = function(self,o)
459    o = o or {}
460    setmetatable(o, self)
461    self.__index = self
462    return o
463  end,
465  setSocket = function(self, socket)
466    self.socket = socket
467  end,
469  --- Creates an AFP packet
470  --
471  -- @param command number should be one of the commands in the COMMAND table
472  -- @param data_offset number holding the offset to the data
473  -- @param data the actual data of the request
474  create_fp_packet = function( self, command, data_offset, data )
475    local reserved = 0
476    local data = data or ""
477    local data_len = data:len()
478    local header = string.pack(">BBI2I4I4I4", FLAGS.Request, command, self.RequestId, data_offset, data_len, reserved)
480    self.RequestId = self.RequestId + 1
481    return header .. data
482  end,
484  --- Parses the FP header (first 16-bytes of packet)
485  --
486  -- @param packet string containing the raw packet
487  -- @return table with header data containing <code>flags</code>, <code>command</code>,
488  -- <code>request_id</code>, <code>error_code</code>, <code>length</code> and <code>reserved</code> fields
489  parse_fp_header = function( self, packet )
490    local header = {}
491    local pos
493    header.flags, header.command, header.request_id, pos = string.unpack( ">BBI2", packet )
494    header.error_code, header.length, header.reserved, pos = string.unpack( ">i4I4I4", packet, pos )
496    if header.error_code ~= 0 then
497      header.error_msg = ERROR_MSG[header.error_code] or ("Unknown error: %d"):format(header.error_code)
498      header.error_msg = "ERROR: " .. header.error_msg
499    end
500    header.raw = packet:sub(1,16)
501    return header
502  end,
504  --- Reads a AFP packet of the socket
505  --
506  -- @return Response object
507  read_fp_packet = function( self )
509    local packet = {}
510    local buf = ""
511    local status, response
513    status, buf = self.socket:receive_bytes(16)
514    if ( not status ) then
515      response = Response:new()
516      response:setErrorCode(ERROR.SocketError)
517      response:setErrorMessage(buf)
518      return response
519    end
521    packet.header = self:parse_fp_header( buf )
522    while buf:len() < packet.header.length + packet.header.raw:len() do
523      local tmp
524      status, tmp = self.socket:receive_bytes( packet.header.length + 16 - buf:len() )
525      if not status then
526        response = Response:new()
527        response:setErrorCode(ERROR.SocketError)
528        response:setErrorMessage(buf)
529        return response
530      end
531      buf = buf .. tmp
532    end
534    packet.data = buf:len() > 16 and buf:sub( 17 ) or ""
535    response = Response:new()
536    response:setErrorCode(packet.header.error_code)
537    response:setPacket(packet)
539    return response
540  end,
542  --- Sends the raw packet over the socket
543  --
544  -- @param packet containing the raw data
545  -- @return Response object
546  send_fp_packet = function( self, packet )
547    return self.socket:send(packet)
548  end,
550  --- Sends an DSIOpenSession request to the server and handles the response
551  --
552  -- @return Response object
553  dsi_open_session = function( self, host, port )
554    local data_offset = 0
555    local option = 0x01 -- Attention Quantum
556    local option_len = 4
557    local quantum = 1024
558    local data, packet, status
560    data = string.pack( ">BBI4", option, option_len, quantum  )
561    packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.OpenSession, data_offset, data )
563    self:send_fp_packet( packet )
564    return self:read_fp_packet()
565  end,
567  --- Sends an DSICloseSession request to the server and handles the response
568  dsi_close_session = function( self )
569    local data_offset = 0
570    local option = 0x01 -- Attention Quantum
571    local option_len = 4
572    local quantum = 1024
573    local data, packet, status
575    data = ""
576    packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.CloseSession, data_offset, data )
578    self:send_fp_packet( packet )
579  end,
581  -- Sends an FPCopyFile request to the server
582  --
583  -- @param src_vol number containing the ID of the src file volume
584  -- @param srd_did number containing the directory id of the src file
585  -- @param src_path string containing the file path/name of the src file
586  -- @param dst_vol number containing the ID of the dst file volume
587  -- @param dst_did number containing the id of the dest. directory
588  -- @param dst_path string containing the dest path (can be nil or "")
589  -- @param new_name string containing the new name of the destination
590  -- @return Response object
591  fp_copy_file = function(self, src_vol, src_did, src_path, dst_vol, dst_did, dst_path, new_name )
592    local data_offset = 0
593    local unicode_names, unicode_hint = 0x03, 0x08000103
594    local data, packet, response
596    -- make sure we have empty names rather than nil values
597    local dst_path = dst_path or ""
598    local src_path = src_path or ""
599    local new_name = new_name or ""
601    data = string.pack(">BxI2I4I2I4", COMMAND.FPCopyFile, src_vol, src_did, dst_vol, dst_did )
602           .. encode_path({type=PATH_TYPE.UTF8Name, name=src_path})
603           .. encode_path({type=PATH_TYPE.UTF8Name, name=dst_path})
604           .. encode_path({type=PATH_TYPE.UTF8Name, name=new_name})
606    packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data )
607    self:send_fp_packet( packet )
608    return self:read_fp_packet()
609  end,
611  --- Sends an GetStatus DSI request (which is basically a FPGetSrvrInfo
612  -- AFP request) to the server and handles the response
613  --
614  -- @return status (true or false)
615  -- @return table with server information (if status is true) or error string
616  -- (if status is false)
617  fp_get_server_info = function(self)
618    local packet
619    local data_offset = 0
620    local response, result = {}, {}
621    local offsets = {}
622    local pos
623    local status
625    local data = string.pack("Bx", COMMAND.FPGetSrvrInfo)
626    packet = self:create_fp_packet(REQUEST.GetStatus, data_offset, data)
627    self:send_fp_packet(packet)
628    response = self:read_fp_packet()
630    if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then
631      return response
632    end
634    packet = response.packet
636    -- parse and store the offsets in the 'header'
637    offsets.machine_type, offsets.afp_version_count,
638      offsets.uam_count, offsets.volume_icon_and_mask, pos
639      = string.unpack(">I2I2I2I2", packet.data)
641    -- the flags are directly in the 'header'
642    result.flags = {}
643    result.flags.raw, pos = string.unpack(">I2", packet.data, pos)
645    -- the short server name is stored directly in the 'header' as
646    -- well
647    result.server_name, pos = string.unpack("s1", packet.data, pos)
649    -- Server offset should begin at an even boundary see link below
650    -- http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Networking/Reference/AFP_Reference/Reference/reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40003548-CH3-CHDIEGED
651    if (pos + 1) % 2 ~= 0 then
652      pos = pos + 1
653    end
655    -- and some more offsets
656    offsets.server_signature, offsets.network_addresses_count,
657    offsets.directory_names_count, offsets.utf8_server_name, pos
658      = string.unpack(">I2I2I2I2", packet.data, pos)
660    -- this sets up all the server flags in the response table as booleans
661    result.flags.SuperClient = flag_is_set(result.flags.raw, SERVERFLAGS.SuperClient)
662    result.flags.UUIDs = flag_is_set(result.flags.raw, SERVERFLAGS.UUIDs)
663    result.flags.UTF8ServerName = flag_is_set(result.flags.raw, SERVERFLAGS.UTF8ServerName)
664    result.flags.OpenDirectory = flag_is_set(result.flags.raw, SERVERFLAGS.OpenDirectory)
665    result.flags.Reconnect = flag_is_set(result.flags.raw, SERVERFLAGS.Reconnect)
666    result.flags.ServerNotifications = flag_is_set(result.flags.raw, SERVERFLAGS.ServerNotifications)
667    result.flags.TCPoverIP = flag_is_set(result.flags.raw, SERVERFLAGS.TCPoverIP)
668    result.flags.ServerSignature = flag_is_set(result.flags.raw, SERVERFLAGS.ServerSignature)
669    result.flags.ServerMessages = flag_is_set(result.flags.raw, SERVERFLAGS.ServerMessages)
670    result.flags.NoPasswordSaving = flag_is_set(result.flags.raw, SERVERFLAGS.NoPasswordSaving)
671    result.flags.ChangeablePasswords = flag_is_set(result.flags.raw, SERVERFLAGS.ChangeablePasswords)
672    result.flags.CopyFile = flag_is_set(result.flags.raw, SERVERFLAGS.CopyFile)
674    -- store the machine type
675    result.machine_type = string.unpack("s1", packet.data, offsets.machine_type + 1)
677    -- this tells us the number of afp versions supported
678    result.afp_version_count, pos = string.unpack("B", packet.data, offsets.afp_version_count + 1)
680    -- now we loop through them all, storing for the response
681    result.afp_versions = {}
682    for i = 1,result.afp_version_count do
683      local v
684      v, pos = string.unpack("s1", packet.data, pos)
685      table.insert(result.afp_versions, v)
686    end
688    -- same idea as the afp versions here
689    result.uam_count, pos = string.unpack("B", packet.data, offsets.uam_count + 1)
691    result.uams = {}
692    for i = 1,result.uam_count do
693      local uam
694      uam, pos = string.unpack("s1", packet.data, pos)
695      table.insert(result.uams, uam)
696    end
698    -- volume_icon_and_mask would normally be parsed out here,
699    -- however the apple docs say it is deprecated in Mac OS X, so
700    -- we don't bother with it
702    -- server signature is 16 bytes
703    result.server_signature = string.sub(packet.data, offsets.server_signature + 1, offsets.server_signature + 16)
705    -- this is the same idea as afp_version and uam above
706    result.network_addresses_count, pos = string.unpack("B", packet.data, offsets.network_addresses_count + 1)
708    result.network_addresses = {}
710    -- gets a little complicated in here, basically each entry has
711    -- a length byte, a tag byte, and then the data. We parse
712    -- differently based on the tag
713    for i = 1, result.network_addresses_count do
714      local length
715      local tag
717      length, tag, pos = string.unpack("BB", packet.data, pos)
719      if tag == 0x00 then
720        -- reserved, shouldn't ever come up, maybe this should
721        -- return an error? maybe not, lets just ignore this
722      elseif tag == 0x01 then
723        -- four byte ip
724        local ip
725        ip, pos = string.unpack("c4", packet.data, pos)
726        table.insert(result.network_addresses, ipOps.str_to_ip(ip))
727      elseif tag == 0x02 then
728        -- four byte ip and two byte port
729        local ip, port
730        ip, port, pos = string.unpack("c4 >I2", packet.data, pos)
731        table.insert(result.network_addresses, string.format("%s:%d", ipOps.str_to_ip(ip), port))
732      elseif tag == 0x03 then
733        -- ddp address (two byte network, one byte
734        -- node, one byte socket) not tested, anyone
735        -- use ddp anymore?
736        local network, node, socket
737        network, node, socket, pos = string.unpack(">I2BB", packet.data, pos)
738        table.insert(result.network_addresses, string.format("ddp %d.%d:%d", network, node, socket))
739      elseif tag == 0x04 then
740        -- dns name (string)
741        local temp
742        temp, pos = string.unpack("z", packet.data:sub(1,pos+length-3), pos)
743        table.insert(result.network_addresses, temp)
744      elseif tag == 0x05 then
745        -- four byte ip and two byte port, client
746        -- should use ssh. not tested, should work as it
747        -- is the same as tag 0x02
748        local ip, port
749        ip, port, pos = string.unpack("c4 >I2", packet.data, pos)
750        table.insert(result.network_addresses, string.format("ssh://%s:%d", ipOps.str_to_ip(ip), port))
751      elseif tag == 0x06 then
752        -- 16 byte ipv6
753        -- not tested, but should work (next tag is
754        -- tested)
755        local ip
756        ip, pos = string.unpack("c16", packet.data, pos)
758        table.insert(result.network_addresses, ipOps.str_to_ip(ip))
759      elseif tag == 0x07 then
760        -- 16 byte ipv6 and two byte port
761        local ip, port
762        ip, port, pos = string.unpack(">c16 I2", packet.data, pos)
764        table.insert(result.network_addresses,
765          string.format("[%s]:%d", ipOps.str_to_ip(ip), port))
766      end
767    end
769    -- same idea as the others here
770    result.directory_names_count, pos = string.unpack("B", packet.data, offsets.directory_names_count + 1)
772    result.directory_names = {}
773    for i = 1, result.directory_names_count do
774      local dirname
775      dirname, pos = string.unpack("s1", packet.data, pos)
776      table.insert(result.directory_names, dirname)
777    end
779    -- only one utf8 server name. note this string has a two-byte length.
780    result.utf8_server_name = string.unpack(">s2", packet.data, offsets.utf8_server_name + 1)
781    response.result = result
783    return response
784  end,
787  --- Sends an FPGetUserInfo AFP request to the server and handles the response
788  --
789  -- @return response object with the following result <code>user_bitmap</code> and
790  --     <code>uid</code> fields
791  fp_get_user_info = function( self )
793    local packet, pos, status, response
794    local data_offset = 0
795    local flags = 1 -- Default User
796    local uid = 0
797    local bitmap = USER_BITMAP.UserId
798    local result = {}
800    local data = string.pack( ">BBI4I2", COMMAND.FPGetUserInfo, flags, uid, bitmap )
801    packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data )
803    self:send_fp_packet( packet )
804    response = self:read_fp_packet()
805    if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then
806      return response
807    end
809    response.result.user_bitmap, response.result.uid, pos = string.unpack(">I2I4", packet.data)
811    return response
812  end,
814  --- Sends an FPGetSrvrParms AFP request to the server and handles the response
815  --
816  -- @return response object with the following result <code>server_time</code>,
817  -- <code>vol_count</code>, <code>volumes</code> fields
818  fp_get_srvr_parms = function(self)
819    local packet, status, data
820    local data_offset = 0
821    local response = {}
822    local pos = 0
823    local parms = {}
825    data = string.pack("Bx", COMMAND.FPGetSrvParms)
826    packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data )
827    self:send_fp_packet( packet )
828    response = self:read_fp_packet()
830    if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then
831      return response
832    end
834    data = response:getPacketData()
835    parms.server_time, parms.vol_count, pos = string.unpack(">I4B", data)
837    parms.volumes = {}
839    for i=1, parms.vol_count do
840      local volume_name
841      -- pos+1 to skip over the volume bitmap
842      volume_name, pos = string.unpack("s1", data, pos + 1)
843      table.insert(parms.volumes, string.format("%s", volume_name) )
844    end
846    response:setResult(parms)
848    return response
849  end,
852  --- Sends an FPLogin request to the server and handles the response
853  --
854  -- This function currently only supports the 3.1 through 3.3 protocol versions
855  -- It currently supports the following authentication methods:
856  --   o No User Authent
857  --   o DHCAST128
858  --
859  -- The DHCAST128 UAM should work against most servers even though it's
860  -- superceded by the DHX2 UAM.
861  --
862  -- @param afp_version string (AFP3.3|AFP3.2|AFP3.1)
863  -- @param uam string containing authentication information
864  -- @return Response object
865  fp_login = function( self, afp_version, uam, username, password, options )
866    local packet, status, data
867    local data_offset = 0
868    local status, response
870    if not HAVE_SSL then
871      response = Response:new()
872      response:setErrorMessage("OpenSSL not available, aborting ...")
873      return response
874    end
876    -- currently we only support AFP3.3
877    if afp_version == nil or ( afp_version ~= "AFP3.3" and afp_version ~= "AFP3.2" and afp_version ~= "AFP3.1" ) then
878      response = Response:new()
879      response:setErrorMessage("Incorrect AFP version")
880      return response
881    end
883    if ( uam == "No User Authent" ) then
884      data = string.pack( "Bs1s1", COMMAND.FPLogin, afp_version, uam )
885      packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data )
886      self:send_fp_packet( packet )
887      return self:read_fp_packet( )
888    elseif( uam == "DHCAST128" ) then
889      local dhx_s2civ, dhx_c2civ = 'CJalbert', 'LWallace'
890      local p, g, Ra, Ma, Mb, K, nonce
891      local EncData, PlainText, K_bin, auth_response
892      local Id
893      local username = username or ""
894      local password = password or ""
896      username = username .. string.rep('\0', (#username + 1) % 2)
898      p = openssl.bignum_hex2bn("BA2873DFB06057D43F2024744CEEE75B")
899      g = openssl.bignum_dec2bn("7")
900      Ra = openssl.bignum_hex2bn("86F6D3C0B0D63E4B11F113A2F9F19E3BBBF803F28D30087A1450536BE979FD42")
901      Ma = openssl.bignum_mod_exp(g, Ra, p)
903      data = string.pack( "Bs1s1s1", COMMAND.FPLogin, afp_version, uam, username) .. openssl.bignum_bn2bin(Ma)
904      packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data )
905      self:send_fp_packet( packet )
906      response = self:read_fp_packet( )
907      if ( response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPAuthContinue ) then
908        return response
909      end
911      if ( response.packet.header.length ~= 50 ) then
912        response:setErrorMessage("LoginContinue packet contained invalid data")
913        return response
914      end
916      Id, Mb, EncData = string.unpack(">I2c16c32", response.packet.data )
918      Mb = openssl.bignum_bin2bn( Mb )
919      K = openssl.bignum_mod_exp (Mb, Ra, p)
920      K_bin = openssl.bignum_bn2bin(K)
921      nonce = openssl.decrypt("cast5-cbc", K_bin, dhx_s2civ, EncData, false ):sub(1,16)
922      nonce = openssl.bignum_add( openssl.bignum_bin2bn(nonce), openssl.bignum_dec2bn("1") )
923      PlainText = openssl.bignum_bn2bin(nonce) .. Util.ZeroPad(password, 64)
924      auth_response = openssl.encrypt( "cast5-cbc", K_bin, dhx_c2civ, PlainText, true)
926      data = string.pack( ">BBI2", COMMAND.FPLoginCont, 0, Id) .. auth_response
927      packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data )
928      self:send_fp_packet( packet )
929      response = self:read_fp_packet( )
930      if ( response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr ) then
931        return response
932      end
933      return response
934    end
935    response:setErrorMessage("Unsupported uam: " .. uam or "nil")
936    return response
937  end,
939  -- Terminates sessions and frees server resources established by FPLoginand FPLoginExt.
940  --
941  -- @return response object
942  fp_logout = function( self )
943    local packet, data, response
944    local data_offset = 0
946    data = string.pack("Bx", COMMAND.FPLogout)
947    packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data )
948    self:send_fp_packet( packet )
949    return self:read_fp_packet( )
950  end,
952  --- Sends an FPOpenVol request to the server and handles the response
953  --
954  -- @param bitmap number bitmask of volume information to request
955  -- @param volume_name string containing the volume name to query
956  -- @return response object with the following result <code>bitmap</code> and
957  --     <code>volume_id</code> fields
958  fp_open_vol = function( self, bitmap, volume_name )
959    local packet, status, pos, data
960    local data_offset = 0
961    local response, volume = {}, {}
963    data = string.pack(">BxI2s1", COMMAND.FPOpenVol, bitmap, volume_name)
964    packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data )
965    self:send_fp_packet( packet )
966    response = self:read_fp_packet()
967    if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then
968      return response
969    end
971    volume.bitmap, volume.volume_id, pos = string.unpack(">I2I2", response.packet.data)
972    response:setResult(volume)
973    return response
974  end,
977  --- Sends an FPGetFileDirParms request to the server and handles the response
978  --
979  -- @param volume_id number containing the id of the volume to query
980  -- @param did number containing the id of the directory to query
981  -- @param file_bitmap number bitmask of file information to query
982  -- @param dir_bitmap number bitmask of directory information to query
983  -- @param path table containing the name and the name encoding type of the directory to query
984  -- @return response object with the following result <code>file_bitmap</code>, <code>dir_bitmap</code>,
985  --     <code>file_type</code> and (<code>dir<code> or <code>file</code> tables) depending on whether
986  --     <code>did</code> is a file or directory
987  fp_get_file_dir_parms = function( self, volume_id, did, file_bitmap, dir_bitmap, path )
989    local packet, status, data
990    local data_offset = 0
991    local response, parms = {}, {}
992    local pos
994    if ( did == nil ) then
995      response = Response:new()
996      response:setErrorMessage("No Directory Id supplied")
997      return response
998    end
1000    if ( volume_id == nil ) then
1001      response = Response:new()
1002      response:setErrorMessage("No Volume Id supplied")
1003      return response
1004    end
1006    data = string.pack(">BxI2I4I2I2", COMMAND.FPGetFileDirParams, volume_id, did, file_bitmap, dir_bitmap)
1007           .. encode_path(path)
1008    packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data )
1009    self:send_fp_packet( packet )
1010    response = self:read_fp_packet()
1012    if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then
1013      return response
1014    end
1016    parms.file_bitmap, parms.dir_bitmap, parms.file_type, pos = string.unpack( ">I2I2Bx", response.packet.data )
1018    -- file or dir?
1019    if ( parms.file_type == 0x80 ) then
1020      pos, parms.dir = Util.decode_dir_bitmap( parms.dir_bitmap, response.packet.data, pos )
1021    else
1022      -- file
1023      pos, parms.file = Util.decode_file_bitmap( parms.file_bitmap, response.packet.data, pos )
1024    end
1026    response:setResult(parms)
1027    return response
1028  end,
1030  --- Sends an FPEnumerateExt2 request to the server and handles the response
1031  --
1032  -- @param volume_id number containing the id of the volume to query
1033  -- @param did number containing the id of the directory to query
1034  -- @param file_bitmap number bitmask of file information to query
1035  -- @param dir_bitmap number bitmask of directory information to query
1036  -- @param req_count number
1037  -- @param start_index number
1038  -- @param reply_size number
1039  -- @param path table containing the name and the name encoding type of the directory to query
1040  -- @return response object with the following result set to a table of tables containing
1041  --   <code>file_bitmap</code>, <code>dir_bitmap</code>, <code>req_count</code> fields
1042  fp_enumerate_ext2 = function( self, volume_id, did, file_bitmap, dir_bitmap, req_count, start_index, reply_size, path )
1044    local packet, pos, status
1045    local data_offset = 0
1046    local response,records = {}, {}
1048    local data = string.pack( ">BxI2I4I2I2", COMMAND.FPEnumerateExt2, volume_id, did, file_bitmap, dir_bitmap )
1049                .. string.pack( ">I2I4I4", req_count, start_index, reply_size)
1050                .. encode_path(path)
1051    packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data )
1053    self:send_fp_packet( packet )
1054    response = self:read_fp_packet( )
1056    if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then
1057      return response
1058    end
1060    file_bitmap, dir_bitmap, req_count, pos = string.unpack(">I2I2I2", response.packet.data)
1062    records = {}
1064    for i=1, req_count do
1065      local record = {}
1066      local len, _, ftype
1068      len, ftype, pos = string.unpack(">I2Bx", response.packet.data, pos)
1070      if ( ftype == 0x80 ) then
1071        _, record = Util.decode_dir_bitmap( dir_bitmap, response.packet.data, pos )
1072      else
1073        -- file
1074        _, record = Util.decode_file_bitmap( file_bitmap, response.packet.data, pos )
1075      end
1077      if ( len % 2 ) ~= 0 then
1078        len = len + 1
1079      end
1081      pos = pos + ( len - 4 )
1083      record.type = ftype
1084      table.insert(records, record)
1085    end
1087    response:setResult(records)
1088    return response
1089  end,
1091  --- Sends an FPOpenFork request to the server and handles the response
1092  --
1093  -- @param flag number
1094  -- @param volume_id number containing the id of the volume to query
1095  -- @param did number containing the id of the directory to query
1096  -- @param file_bitmap number bitmask of file information to query
1097  -- @param access_mode number containing bitmask of options from <code>ACCESS_MODE</code>
1098  -- @param path string containing the name of the directory to query
1099  -- @return response object with the following result contents <code>file_bitmap</code> and <code>fork_id</code>
1100  fp_open_fork = function( self, flag, volume_id, did, file_bitmap, access_mode, path )
1102    local packet
1103    local data_offset = 0
1104    local response, fork = {}, {}
1106    local data = string.pack( ">BBI2I4I2I2", COMMAND.FPOpenFork, flag, volume_id, did, file_bitmap, access_mode )
1107                 .. encode_path(path)
1109    packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data )
1110    self:send_fp_packet( packet )
1111    response = self:read_fp_packet()
1113    if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then
1114      return response
1115    end
1117    fork.file_bitmap, fork.fork_id = string.unpack(">I2I2", response.packet.data)
1118    response:setResult(fork)
1119    return response
1120  end,
1122  --- FPCloseFork
1123  --
1124  -- @param fork number containing the fork to close
1125  -- @return response object
1126  fp_close_fork = function( self, fork )
1127    local packet
1128    local data_offset = 0
1129    local response = {}
1131    local data = string.pack( ">BxI2", COMMAND.FPCloseFork, fork )
1133    packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data )
1134    self:send_fp_packet( packet )
1135    return self:read_fp_packet( )
1136  end,
1138  --- FPCreateDir
1139  --
1140  -- @param vol_id number containing the volume id
1141  -- @param dir_id number containing the directory id
1142  -- @param path table containing the name and name encoding type of the directory to query
1143  -- @return response object
1144  fp_create_dir = function( self, vol_id, dir_id, path )
1145    local packet
1146    local data_offset = 0
1147    local response = {}
1149    local data = string.pack( ">BxI2I4", COMMAND.FPCreateDir, vol_id, dir_id)
1150                 .. encode_path(path)
1152    packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data )
1153    self:send_fp_packet( packet )
1154    return self:read_fp_packet( )
1155  end,
1157  --- Sends an FPCloseVol request to the server and handles the response
1158  --
1159  -- @param volume_id number containing the id of the volume to close
1160  -- @return response object
1161  fp_close_vol = function( self, volume_id )
1162    local packet
1163    local data_offset = 0
1164    local response = {}
1166    local data = string.pack( ">BxI2", COMMAND.FPCloseVol, volume_id )
1168    packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data )
1169    self:send_fp_packet( packet )
1170    return self:read_fp_packet( )
1171  end,
1173  --- FPReadExt
1174  --
1175  -- @param fork number containing the open fork
1176  -- @param offset number containing the offset from where writing should start. Negative value indicates offset from the end of the fork
1177  -- @param count number containing the number of bytes to be written
1178  -- @return response object
1179  fp_read_ext = function( self, fork, offset, count )
1180    local packet, response
1181    local data_offset = 0
1182    local block_size = 1024
1183    local data = string.pack( ">BxI2I8I8", COMMAND.FPReadExt, fork, offset, count  )
1185    packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data )
1186    self:send_fp_packet( packet )
1187    response = self:read_fp_packet( )
1189    if ( response:getErrorCode() == ERROR.FPEOFErr and response.packet.header.length > 0 ) then
1190      response:setErrorCode( ERROR.FPNoErr )
1191    end
1193    response:setResult( response.packet.data )
1194    return response
1195  end,
1197  --- FPWriteExt
1198  --
1199  -- @param flag number indicates whether Offset is relative to the beginning or end of the fork.
1200  -- @param fork number containing the open fork
1201  -- @param offset number containing the offset from where writing should start. Negative value indicates offset from the end of the fork
1202  -- @param count number containing the number of bytes to be written
1203  -- @param fdata string containing the data to be written
1204  -- @return response object
1205  fp_write_ext = function( self, flag, fork, offset, count, fdata )
1206    local packet
1207    local data_offset = 20
1208    local data
1210    if count > fdata:len() then
1211      local err = Response:new()
1212      err:setErrorMessage("fp_write_ext: Count is greater than the amount of data")
1213      return err
1214    end
1215    if count < 0 then
1216      local err = Response:new()
1217      err:setErrorMessage("fp_write_ext: Count must exceed zero")
1218      return err
1219    end
1221    data = string.pack( ">BBI2I8I8", COMMAND.FPWriteExt, flag, fork, offset, count) .. fdata
1222    packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Write, data_offset, data )
1223    self:send_fp_packet( packet )
1224    return self:read_fp_packet( )
1225  end,
1227  --- FPCreateFile
1228  --
1229  -- @param flag number where 0 indicates a soft create and 1 indicates a hard create.
1230  -- @param vol_id number containing the volume id
1231  -- @param did number containing the ancestor directory id
1232  -- @param path string containing the path, including the volume, path and file name
1233  -- @return response object
1234  fp_create_file = function(self, flag, vol_id, did, path )
1235    local packet
1236    local data_offset = 0
1237    local data = string.pack(">BBI2I4", COMMAND.FPCreateFile, flag, vol_id, did)
1238                 .. encode_path(path)
1240    packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data )
1241    self:send_fp_packet( packet )
1242    return self:read_fp_packet()
1243  end,
1245  --- FPMapId
1246  --
1247  -- @param subfunc number containing the subfunction to call
1248  -- @param id number containing th id to translate
1249  -- @return response object with the id in the <code>result</code> field
1250  fp_map_id = function( self, subfunc, id )
1251    local packet, response
1252    local data_offset = 0
1253    local data = string.pack( "BB", COMMAND.FPMapId, subfunc )
1255    if ( subfunc == MAP_ID.UserUUIDToUTF8Name or subfunc == MAP_ID.GroupUUIDToUTF8Name ) then
1256      data = data .. string.pack(">I8", id)
1257    else
1258      data = data .. string.pack(">I4", id)
1259    end
1261    packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data )
1262    self:send_fp_packet( packet )
1263    response = self:read_fp_packet( )
1265    if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then
1266      return response
1267    end
1269    -- Netatalk returns the name with 1-byte length prefix,
1270    -- Mac OS has a 2-byte (UTF-8) length prefix
1271    local len = string.unpack("B", response.packet.data)
1273    -- if length is zero assume 2-byte length (UTF-8 name)
1274    if len == 0 then
1275      response:setResult(string.unpack(">s2", response.packet.data))
1276    else
1277      response:setResult(string.unpack("s1", response.packet.data ))
1278    end
1279    return response
1280  end,
1282  --- FPMapName
1283  --
1284  -- @param subfunc number containing the subfunction to call
1285  -- @param name string containing name to map
1286  -- @return response object with the mapped name in the <code>result</code> field
1287  fp_map_name = function( self, subfunc, name )
1288    local packet
1289    local data_offset = 0
1290    local data = string.pack(">BBs2", COMMAND.FPMapName, subfunc, name )
1291    local response
1293    packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data )
1294    self:send_fp_packet( packet )
1295    response = self:read_fp_packet( )
1297    if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then
1298      return response
1299    end
1301    response:setResult(string.unpack(">I4", response.packet.data))
1302    return response
1303  end,
1306--- The helper class wraps the protocol class and their functions. It contains
1307-- high-level functions with descriptive names, facilitating the use and
1308-- minimizing the need to fully understand the AFP low-level protocol details.
1309Helper = {
1311  --- Creates a new helper object
1312  new = function(self,o)
1313    local o = {}
1314    setmetatable(o, self)
1315    self.__index = self
1316    o.username = stdnse.get_script_args("afp.username")
1317    o.password = stdnse.get_script_args("afp.password")
1318    return o
1319  end,
1321  --- Connects to the remote server and establishes a new AFP session
1322  --
1323  -- @param host table as received by the action function of the script
1324  -- @param port table as received by the action function of the script
1325  -- @return status boolean
1326  -- @return string containing error message (if status is false)
1327  OpenSession = function( self, host, port )
1328    local status, response
1330    self.socket = nmap.new_socket()
1331    self.socket:set_timeout( 5000 )
1332    status = self.socket:connect(host, port)
1333    if not status then
1334      return false, "Socket connection failed"
1335    end
1337    self.proto = Proto:new( { socket=self.socket} )
1338    response = self.proto:dsi_open_session(self.socket)
1340    if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then
1341      self.socket:close()
1342      return false, response:getErrorMessage()
1343    end
1345    return true
1346  end,
1348  --- Closes the AFP session and then the socket
1349  --
1350  -- @return status boolean
1351  -- @return string containing error message (if status is false)
1352  CloseSession = function( self )
1353    local status, packet = self.proto:dsi_close_session( )
1354    self.socket:close()
1356    return status, packet
1357  end,
1359  --- Terminates the connection, without closing the AFP session
1360  --
1361  -- @return status (always true)
1362  -- @return string (always "")
1363  Terminate = function( self )
1364    self.socket:close()
1365    return true,""
1366  end,
1368  --- Logs in to an AFP service
1369  --
1370  -- @param username (optional) string containing the username
1371  -- @param password (optional) string containing the user password
1372  -- @param options table containing additional options <code>uam</code>
1373  Login = function( self, username, password, options )
1374    local uam = ( options and options.UAM ) and options.UAM or "DHCAST128"
1375    local response
1377    -- username and password arguments override the ones supplied using the
1378    -- script arguments afp.username and afp.password
1379    local username = username or self.username
1380    local password = password or self.password
1382    if ( username and uam == "DHCAST128" ) then
1383      response = self.proto:fp_login( "AFP3.1", "DHCAST128", username, password )
1384    elseif( username ) then
1385      return false, ("Unsupported UAM: %s"):format(uam)
1386    else
1387      response = self.proto:fp_login( "AFP3.1", "No User Authent" )
1388    end
1390    if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then
1391      return false, response:getErrorMessage()
1392    end
1394    return true, "Success"
1395  end,
1397  --- Logs out from the AFP service
1398  Logout = function(self)
1399    return self.proto:fp_logout()
1400  end,
1402  --- Walks the directory tree specified by <code>str_path</code> and returns the node information
1403  --
1404  -- @param str_path string containing the directory
1405  -- @return status boolean true on success, otherwise false
1406  -- @return item table containing node information <code>DirectoryId</code> and <code>DirectoryName</code>
1407  WalkDirTree = function( self, str_path )
1408    local status, response
1409    local elements = stringaux.strsplit( "/", str_path )
1410    local f_bm = FILE_BITMAP.NodeId + FILE_BITMAP.ParentDirId + FILE_BITMAP.LongName
1411    local d_bm = DIR_BITMAP.NodeId + DIR_BITMAP.ParentDirId + DIR_BITMAP.LongName
1412    local item = { DirectoryId = 2 }
1414    response = self.proto:fp_open_vol( VOL_BITMAP.ID, elements[1] )
1415    if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then
1416      return false, response:getErrorMessage()
1417    end
1419    item.VolumeId = response.result.volume_id
1420    item.DirectoryName = str_path
1422    for i=2, #elements do
1423      local path = { type=PATH_TYPE.LongName, name=elements[i] }
1424      response = self.proto:fp_get_file_dir_parms( item.VolumeId, item.DirectoryId, f_bm, d_bm, path )
1425      if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then
1426        return false, response:getErrorMessage()
1427      end
1428      item.DirectoryId = response.result.dir.NodeId
1429      item.DirectoryName = response.result.dir.LongName
1430    end
1432    return true, item
1433  end,
1435  --- Reads a file on the AFP server
1436  --
1437  -- @param str_path string containing the AFP sharepoint, path and filename eg. HR/Documents/File.doc
1438  -- @return status boolean true on success, false on failure
1439  -- @return content string containing the file contents
1440  ReadFile = function( self, str_path )
1441    local status, response, fork, content, vol_name
1442    local offset, count, did = 0, 1024, 2
1443    local status, path, vol_id
1444    local p = Util.SplitPath( str_path )
1446    status, response = self:WalkDirTree( p.dir )
1447    if ( not status ) then
1448      return false, response
1449    end
1451    vol_id = response.VolumeId
1452    did = response.DirectoryId
1454    path = { type=PATH_TYPE.LongName, name=p.file }
1456    response = self.proto:fp_open_fork(0, vol_id, did, 0, ACCESS_MODE.Read, path )
1457    if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then
1458      return false, response:getErrorMessage()
1459    end
1461    fork = response.result.fork_id
1462    content = ""
1464    while true do
1465      response = self.proto:fp_read_ext( fork, offset, count )
1466      if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then
1467        break
1468      end
1469      content = content .. response.result
1470      offset = offset + count
1471    end
1473    response = self.proto:fp_close_fork( fork )
1474    if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then
1475      return false, response:getErrorMessage()
1476    end
1478    return true, content
1479  end,
1481  --- Writes a file to the AFP server
1482  --
1483  -- @param str_path string containing the AFP sharepoint, path and filename eg. HR/Documents/File.doc
1484  -- @param fdata string containing the data to write to the file
1485  -- @return status boolean true on success, false on failure
1486  -- @return error string containing error message if status is false
1487  WriteFile = function( self, str_path, fdata )
1488    local status, response, fork, content
1489    local offset, count = 1, 1024
1490    local status, vol_id, did, path
1491    local p = Util.SplitPath( str_path )
1493    status, response = self:WalkDirTree( p.dir )
1494    vol_id = response.VolumeId
1495    did = response.DirectoryId
1497    if ( not status ) then
1498      return false, response
1499    end
1501    path = { type=PATH_TYPE.LongName, name=p.file }
1503    status, response = self.proto:fp_create_file( 0, vol_id, did, path )
1504    if not status then
1505      if ( response.header.error_code ~= ERROR.FPObjectExists ) then
1506        return false, response.header.error_msg
1507      end
1508    end
1510    response = self.proto:fp_open_fork( 0, vol_id, did, 0, ACCESS_MODE.Write, path )
1511    if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then
1512      return false, response:getErrorMessage()
1513    end
1515    fork = response.result.fork_id
1517    response = self.proto:fp_write_ext( 0, fork, 0, fdata:len(), fdata )
1519    return true, nil
1520  end,
1522  --- Maps a user id (uid) to a user name
1523  --
1524  -- @param uid number containing the uid to resolve
1525  -- @return status boolean true on success, false on failure
1526  -- @return username string on success
1527  --         error string on failure
1528  UIDToName = function( self, uid )
1529    local response = self.proto:fp_map_id( MAP_ID.UserIDToName, uid )
1530    if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then
1531      return false, response:getErrorMessage()
1532    end
1533    return true, response.result
1534  end,
1536  --- Maps a group id (gid) to group name
1537  --
1538  -- @param gid number containing the gid to lookup
1539  -- @return status boolean true on success, false on failure
1540  -- @return groupname string on success
1541  --         error string on failure
1542  GIDToName = function( self, gid )
1543    local response = self.proto:fp_map_id( MAP_ID.GroupIDToName, gid )
1544    if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then
1545      return false, response:getErrorMessage()
1546    end
1547    return true, response.result
1548  end,
1550  --- Maps a username to a UID
1551  --
1552  -- @param name string containing the username to map to an UID
1553  -- @return status boolean true on success, false on failure
1554  -- @return UID number on success
1555  --         error string on failure
1556  NameToUID = function( self, name )
1557    local response = self.proto:fp_map_name( MAP_NAME.NameToUserID, name )
1558    if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then
1559      return false, response:getErrorMessage()
1560    end
1561    return true, response.result
1562  end,
1564  --- List the contents of a directory
1565  --
1566  -- @param str_path string containing the sharepoint and directory names
1567  -- @param options table options containing zero or more of the options
1568  -- <code>max_depth</code> and <code>dironly</code>
1569  -- @param depth number containing the current depth (used when called recursively)
1570  -- @param parent table containing information about the parent object (used when called recursively)
1571  -- @return status boolean true on success, false on failure
1572  -- @return dir table containing a table for each directory item with the following:
1573  --         <code>type</code>, <code>name</code>, <code>id</code>,
1574  --         <code>fsize</code>, <code>uid</code>, <code>gid</code>,
1575  --         <code>privs</code>, <code>create</code>, <code>modify</code>
1576  Dir = function( self, str_path, options, depth, parent )
1577    local status, result
1578    local depth = depth or 1
1579    local options = options or { max_depth = 1 }
1580    local response, records
1581    local f_bm = FILE_BITMAP.NodeId | FILE_BITMAP.ParentDirId
1582                 | FILE_BITMAP.LongName | FILE_BITMAP.UnixPrivileges
1583                 | FILE_BITMAP.CreationDate | FILE_BITMAP.ModificationDate
1584                 | FILE_BITMAP.ExtendedDataForkSize
1585    local d_bm = DIR_BITMAP.NodeId | DIR_BITMAP.ParentDirId
1586                 | DIR_BITMAP.LongName | DIR_BITMAP.UnixPrivileges
1587                 | DIR_BITMAP.CreationDate | DIR_BITMAP.ModificationDate
1589    local TYPE_DIR = 0x80
1591    if ( parent == nil ) then
1592      status, response = self:WalkDirTree( str_path )
1593      if ( not status ) then
1594        return false, response
1595      end
1597      parent = {}
1598      parent.vol_id = response.VolumeId
1599      parent.did = response.DirectoryId
1600      parent.dir_name = response.DirectoryName or ""
1601      parent.out_tbl = {}
1602    end
1604    if ( options and options.max_depth and options.max_depth > 0 and options.max_depth < depth ) then
1605      return false, "Max Depth Reached"
1606    end
1608    local path = { type=PATH_TYPE.LongName, name="" }
1609    response = self.proto:fp_enumerate_ext2( parent.vol_id, parent.did, f_bm, d_bm, 1000, 1, 1000 * 300, path)
1611    if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then
1612      return false, response:getErrorMessage()
1613    end
1615    records = response.result or {}
1616    local dir_items = {}
1618    for _, record in ipairs( records ) do
1619      local isdir = record.type == TYPE_DIR
1620      -- Skip non-directories if option "dironly" is set
1621      if isdir or not options.dironly then
1622        local item = {type = record.type,
1623                      name = record.LongName,
1624                      id = record.NodeId,
1625                      fsize = record.ExtendedDataForkSize or 0}
1626        local privs = (record.UnixPrivileges or {}).ua_permissions
1627        if privs then
1628          item.uid = record.UnixPrivileges.uid
1629          item.gid = record.UnixPrivileges.gid
1630          item.privs = (isdir and "d" or "-") .. Util.decode_unix_privs(privs)
1631        end
1632        item.create = Util.time_to_string(record.CreationDate)
1633        item.modify = Util.time_to_string(record.ModificationDate)
1634        table.insert( dir_items, item )
1635      end
1636      if isdir then
1637        self:Dir("", options, depth + 1, { vol_id = parent.vol_id, did=record.NodeId, dir_name=record.LongName, out_tbl=dir_items} )
1638      end
1639    end
1641    table.insert( parent.out_tbl, dir_items )
1643    return true, parent.out_tbl
1644  end,
1646  --- Displays a directory tree
1647  --
1648  -- @param str_path string containing the sharepoint and the directory
1649  -- @param options table options containing zero or more of the options
1650  -- <code>max_depth</code> and <code>dironly</code>
1651  -- @return dirtree table containing the directories
1652  DirTree = function( self, str_path, options )
1653    local options = options or {}
1654    options.dironly = true
1655    return self:Dir( str_path, options )
1656  end,
1658  --- List the AFP sharepoints
1659  --
1660  -- @return volumes table containing the sharepoints
1661  ListShares = function( self )
1662    local response
1663    response = self.proto:fp_get_srvr_parms( )
1665    if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then
1666      return false, response:getErrorMessage()
1667    end
1669    return true, response.result.volumes
1670  end,
1672  --- Determine the sharepoint permissions
1673  --
1674  -- @param vol_name string containing the name of the volume
1675  -- @return status boolean true on success, false on failure
1676  -- @return acls table containing the volume acls as returned by <code>acls_to_long_string</code>
1677  GetSharePermissions = function( self, vol_name )
1678    local status, response, acls
1680    response = self.proto:fp_open_vol( VOL_BITMAP.ID, vol_name )
1682    if response:getErrorCode() == ERROR.FPNoErr then
1683      local vol_id = response.result.volume_id
1684      local path = { type = PATH_TYPE.LongName, name = "" }
1686      response = self.proto:fp_get_file_dir_parms( vol_id, 2, FILE_BITMAP.ALL, DIR_BITMAP.ALL, path )
1687      if response:getErrorCode() == ERROR.FPNoErr then
1688        if ( response.result.dir and response.result.dir.AccessRights ) then
1689          acls = Util.acls_to_long_string(response.result.dir.AccessRights)
1690          acls.name = nil
1691        end
1692      end
1693      self.proto:fp_close_vol( vol_id )
1694    end
1696    return true, acls
1697  end,
1699  --- Gets the Unix permissions of a file
1700  -- @param vol_name string containing the name of the volume
1701  -- @param str_path string containing the name of the file
1702  -- @return status true on success, false on failure
1703  -- @return acls table (on success) containing the following fields
1704  --  <code>uid</code> - a numeric user identifier
1705  --  <code>gid</code> - a numeric group identifier
1706  --  <code>privs</code> - a string value representing the permissions
1707  --                       eg: drwx------
1708  -- @return err string (on failure) containing the error message
1709  GetFileUnixPermissions = function(self, vol_name, str_path)
1710    local response = self.proto:fp_open_vol( VOL_BITMAP.ID, vol_name )
1712    if ( response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr ) then
1713      return false, response:getErrorMessage()
1714    end
1716    local vol_id = response.result.volume_id
1717    local path = { type = PATH_TYPE.LongName, name = str_path }
1718    response = self.proto:fp_get_file_dir_parms( vol_id, 2, FILE_BITMAP.UnixPrivileges, DIR_BITMAP.UnixPrivileges, path )
1719    if ( response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr ) then
1720      return false, response:getErrorMessage()
1721    end
1723    local item = response.result.file or response.result.dir
1724    local item_type = ( response.result.file ) and "-" or "d"
1725    local privs = item.UnixPrivileges and item.UnixPrivileges.ua_permissions
1726    if ( privs ) then
1727      local uid = item.UnixPrivileges.uid
1728      local gid = item.UnixPrivileges.gid
1729      local str_privs = item_type .. Util.decode_unix_privs(privs)
1730      return true, { uid = uid, gid = gid, privs = str_privs }
1731    end
1732  end,
1734  --- Gets the Unix permissions of a file
1735  -- @param vol_name string containing the name of the volume
1736  -- @param str_path string containing the name of the file
1737  -- @return status true on success, false on failure
1738  -- @return size containing the size of the file in bytes
1739  -- @return err string (on failure) containing the error message
1740  GetFileSize = function( self, vol_name, str_path )
1741    local response = self.proto:fp_open_vol( VOL_BITMAP.ID, vol_name )
1743    if ( response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr ) then
1744      return false, response:getErrorMessage()
1745    end
1747    local vol_id = response.result.volume_id
1748    local path = { type = PATH_TYPE.LongName, name = str_path }
1749    response = self.proto:fp_get_file_dir_parms( vol_id, 2, FILE_BITMAP.ExtendedDataForkSize, 0, path )
1750    if ( response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr ) then
1751      return false, response:getErrorMessage()
1752    end
1754    return true, response.result.file and response.result.file.ExtendedDataForkSize or 0
1755  end,
1758  --- Returns the creation, modification and backup dates of a file
1759  -- @param vol_name string containing the name of the volume
1760  -- @param str_path string containing the name of the file
1761  -- @return status true on success, false on failure
1762  -- @return dates table containing the following fields:
1763  --  <code>create</code> - Creation date of the file
1764  --  <code>modify</code> - Modification date of the file
1765  --  <code>backup</code> - Date of last backup
1766  -- @return err string (on failure) containing the error message
1767  GetFileDates = function( self, vol_name, str_path )
1768    local response = self.proto:fp_open_vol( VOL_BITMAP.ID, vol_name )
1770    if ( response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr ) then
1771      return false, response:getErrorMessage()
1772    end
1774    local vol_id = response.result.volume_id
1775    local path = { type = PATH_TYPE.LongName, name = str_path }
1776    local f_bm = FILE_BITMAP.CreationDate + FILE_BITMAP.ModificationDate + FILE_BITMAP.BackupDate
1777    local d_bm = DIR_BITMAP.CreationDate + DIR_BITMAP.ModificationDate + DIR_BITMAP.BackupDate
1778    response = self.proto:fp_get_file_dir_parms( vol_id, 2, f_bm, d_bm, path )
1779    if ( response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr ) then
1780      return false, response:getErrorMessage()
1781    end
1783    local item = response.result.file or response.result.dir
1785    local create = Util.time_to_string(item.CreationDate)
1786    local backup = Util.time_to_string(item.BackupDate)
1787    local modify = Util.time_to_string(item.ModificationDate)
1789    return true, { create = create, backup = backup, modify = modify }
1790  end,
1792  --- Creates a new directory on the AFP sharepoint
1793  --
1794  -- @param str_path containing the sharepoint and the directory
1795  -- @return status boolean true on success, false on failure
1796  -- @return dirId number containing the new directory id
1797  CreateDir = function( self, str_path )
1798    local status, response, vol_id, did
1799    local p = Util.SplitPath( str_path )
1800    local path = { type=PATH_TYPE.LongName, name=p.file }
1803    status, response = self:WalkDirTree( p.dir )
1804    if not status then
1805      return false, response
1806    end
1808    response = self.proto:fp_create_dir( response.VolumeId, response.DirectoryId, path )
1809    if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then
1810      return false, response:getErrorMessage()
1811    end
1813    return true, response
1814  end,
1818--- Util class, containing some static functions used by Helper and Proto
1819Util =
1821  --- Pads a string with zeroes
1822  --
1823  -- @param str string containing the string to be padded
1824  -- @param len number containing the length of the new string
1825  -- @return str string containing the new string
1826  ZeroPad = function( str, len )
1827    return str .. string.rep('\0', len - str:len())
1828  end,
1830  --- Splits a path into two pieces, directory and file
1831  --
1832  -- @param str_path string containing the path to split
1833  -- @return dir table containing <code>dir</code> and <code>file</code>
1834  SplitPath = function( str_path )
1835    local elements = stringaux.strsplit("/", str_path)
1836    local dir, file = "", ""
1838    if #elements < 2 then
1839      return nil
1840    end
1842    file = elements[#elements]
1844    table.remove( elements, #elements )
1845    dir = table.concat( elements, "/" )
1847    return { ['dir']=dir, ['file']=file }
1849  end,
1851  --- Converts a group bitmask of Search, Read and Write to table
1852  --
1853  -- @param acls number containing bitmasked acls
1854  -- @return table of ACLs
1855  acl_group_to_long_string = function(acls)
1857    local acl_table = {}
1859    if ( acls & ACLS.OwnerSearch ) == ACLS.OwnerSearch then
1860      table.insert( acl_table, "Search")
1861    end
1863    if ( acls & ACLS.OwnerRead ) == ACLS.OwnerRead then
1864      table.insert( acl_table, "Read")
1865    end
1867    if ( acls & ACLS.OwnerWrite ) == ACLS.OwnerWrite then
1868      table.insert( acl_table, "Write")
1869    end
1871    return acl_table
1872  end,
1875  --- Converts a numeric acl to string
1876  --
1877  -- @param acls number containing acls as received from <code>fp_get_file_dir_parms</code>
1878  -- @return table of long ACLs
1879  acls_to_long_string = function( acls )
1881    local owner = Util.acl_group_to_long_string( ( acls & 255 ) )
1882    local group = Util.acl_group_to_long_string( ( (acls >> 8) & 255 ) )
1883    local everyone = Util.acl_group_to_long_string( ( (acls >> 16) & 255 ) )
1884    local user = Util.acl_group_to_long_string( ( (acls >> 24) & 255 ) )
1886    local blank = ( acls & ACLS.BlankAccess ) == ACLS.BlankAccess and "Blank" or nil
1887    local isowner = ( acls & ACLS.UserIsOwner ) == ACLS.UserIsOwner and "IsOwner" or nil
1889    local options = {}
1891    if blank then
1892      table.insert(options, "Blank")
1893    end
1895    if isowner then
1896      table.insert(options, "IsOwner")
1897    end
1899    local acls_tbl = {}
1901    table.insert( acls_tbl, string.format( "Owner: %s", table.concat(owner, ",") ) )
1902    table.insert( acls_tbl, string.format( "Group: %s", table.concat(group, ",") ) )
1903    table.insert( acls_tbl, string.format( "Everyone: %s", table.concat(everyone, ",") ) )
1904    table.insert( acls_tbl, string.format( "User: %s", table.concat(user, ",") ) )
1906    if #options > 0 then
1907      table.insert( acls_tbl, string.format( "Options: %s", table.concat(options, ",") ) )
1908    end
1910    return acls_tbl
1912  end,
1915  --- Converts AFP file timestamp to a standard text format
1916  --
1917  -- @param timestamp value returned by FPEnumerateExt2 or FPGetFileDirParms
1918  -- @return string representing the timestamp
1919  time_to_string = function (timestamp)
1920    return timestamp and datetime.format_timestamp(timestamp + TIME_OFFSET) or nil
1921  end,
1924  --- Decodes the UnixPrivileges.ua_permissions value
1925  --
1926  -- @param privs number containing the UnixPrivileges.ua_permissions value
1927  -- @return string containing the ACL characters
1928  decode_unix_privs = function( privs )
1929    local owner = ( ( privs & ACLS.OwnerRead ) == ACLS.OwnerRead ) and "r" or "-"
1930    owner = owner .. (( ( privs & ACLS.OwnerWrite ) == ACLS.OwnerWrite ) and "w" or "-")
1931    owner = owner .. (( ( privs & ACLS.OwnerSearch ) == ACLS.OwnerSearch ) and "x" or "-")
1933    local group = ( ( privs & ACLS.GroupRead ) == ACLS.GroupRead ) and "r" or "-"
1934    group = group .. (( ( privs & ACLS.GroupWrite ) == ACLS.GroupWrite ) and "w" or "-")
1935    group = group .. (( ( privs & ACLS.GroupSearch ) == ACLS.GroupSearch ) and "x" or "-")
1937    local other = ( ( privs & ACLS.EveryoneRead ) == ACLS.EveryoneRead ) and "r" or "-"
1938    other = other .. (( ( privs & ACLS.EveryoneWrite ) == ACLS.EveryoneWrite ) and "w" or "-")
1939    other = other .. (( ( privs & ACLS.EveryoneSearch ) == ACLS.EveryoneSearch ) and "x" or "-")
1941    return owner .. group .. other
1942  end,
1945  --- Decodes a file bitmap
1946  --
1947  -- @param bitmap number containing the bitmap
1948  -- @param data string containing the data to be decoded
1949  -- @param pos number containing the offset into data
1950  -- @return pos number containing the new offset after decoding
1951  -- @return file table containing the decoded values
1952  decode_file_bitmap = function( bitmap, data, pos )
1953    local origpos = pos
1954    local file = {}
1956    if ( ( bitmap & FILE_BITMAP.Attributes ) == FILE_BITMAP.Attributes ) then
1957      file.Attributes, pos = string.unpack(">I2", data, pos )
1958    end
1959    if ( ( bitmap & FILE_BITMAP.ParentDirId ) == FILE_BITMAP.ParentDirId ) then
1960      file.ParentDirId, pos = string.unpack(">I4", data, pos )
1961    end
1962    if ( ( bitmap & FILE_BITMAP.CreationDate ) == FILE_BITMAP.CreationDate ) then
1963      file.CreationDate, pos = string.unpack(">I4", data, pos )
1964    end
1965    if ( ( bitmap & FILE_BITMAP.ModificationDate ) == FILE_BITMAP.ModificationDate ) then
1966      file.ModificationDate, pos = string.unpack(">I4", data, pos )
1967    end
1968    if ( ( bitmap & FILE_BITMAP.BackupDate ) == FILE_BITMAP.BackupDate ) then
1969      file.BackupDate, pos = string.unpack(">I4", data, pos )
1970    end
1971    if ( ( bitmap & FILE_BITMAP.FinderInfo ) == FILE_BITMAP.FinderInfo ) then
1972      file.FinderInfo, pos = string.unpack("c32", data, pos )
1973    end
1974    if ( ( bitmap & FILE_BITMAP.LongName ) == FILE_BITMAP.LongName ) then
1975      local offset
1976      offset, pos = string.unpack(">I2", data, pos)
1977      if offset > 0 then
1978        file.LongName = string.unpack("s1", data, origpos + offset)
1979      end
1980    end
1981    if ( ( bitmap & FILE_BITMAP.ShortName ) == FILE_BITMAP.ShortName ) then
1982      local offset
1983      offset, pos = string.unpack(">I2", data, pos)
1984      if offset > 0 then
1985        file.ShortName = string.unpack("s1", data, origpos + offset)
1986      end
1987    end
1988    if ( ( bitmap & FILE_BITMAP.NodeId ) == FILE_BITMAP.NodeId ) then
1989      file.NodeId, pos = string.unpack(">I4", data, pos )
1990    end
1991    if ( ( bitmap & FILE_BITMAP.DataForkSize ) == FILE_BITMAP.DataForkSize ) then
1992      file.DataForkSize, pos = string.unpack(">I4", data, pos )
1993    end
1994    if ( ( bitmap & FILE_BITMAP.ResourceForkSize ) == FILE_BITMAP.ResourceForkSize ) then
1995      file.ResourceForkSize, pos = string.unpack(">I4", data, pos )
1996    end
1997    if ( ( bitmap & FILE_BITMAP.ExtendedDataForkSize ) == FILE_BITMAP.ExtendedDataForkSize ) then
1998      file.ExtendedDataForkSize, pos = string.unpack(">I8", data, pos )
1999    end
2000    if ( ( bitmap & FILE_BITMAP.LaunchLimit ) == FILE_BITMAP.LaunchLimit ) then
2001      -- should not be set as it's deprecated according to:
2002      -- http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Networking/Reference/AFP_Reference/Reference/reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/c_ref/kFPLaunchLimitBit
2003    end
2004    if ( ( bitmap & FILE_BITMAP.UTF8Name ) == FILE_BITMAP.UTF8Name ) then
2005      local offset
2006      offset, pos = string.unpack(">I2", data, pos)
2007      if offset > 0 then
2008        -- +4 to skip over the encoding hint
2009        file.UTF8Name = string.unpack(">s2", data, origpos + offset + 4)
2010      end
2011      -- Skip over the trailing pad
2012      pos = pos + 4
2013    end
2014    if ( ( bitmap & FILE_BITMAP.ExtendedResourceForkSize ) == FILE_BITMAP.ExtendedResourceForkSize ) then
2015      file.ExtendedResourceForkSize, pos = string.unpack(">I8", data, pos )
2016    end
2017    if ( ( bitmap & FILE_BITMAP.UnixPrivileges ) == FILE_BITMAP.UnixPrivileges ) then
2018      local unixprivs = {}
2019      unixprivs.uid, unixprivs.gid, unixprivs.permissions, unixprivs.ua_permissions, pos = string.unpack(">I4I4I4I4", data, pos)
2020      file.UnixPrivileges = unixprivs
2021    end
2022    return pos, file
2023  end,
2025  --- Decodes a directory bitmap
2026  --
2027  -- @param bitmap number containing the bitmap
2028  -- @param data string containing the data to be decoded
2029  -- @param pos number containing the offset into data
2030  -- @return pos number containing the new offset after decoding
2031  -- @return dir table containing the decoded values
2032  decode_dir_bitmap = function( bitmap, data, pos )
2033    local origpos = pos
2034    local dir = {}
2036    if ( ( bitmap & DIR_BITMAP.Attributes ) == DIR_BITMAP.Attributes ) then
2037      dir.Attributes, pos = string.unpack(">I2", data, pos)
2038    end
2039    if ( ( bitmap & DIR_BITMAP.ParentDirId ) == DIR_BITMAP.ParentDirId ) then
2040      dir.ParentDirId, pos = string.unpack(">I4", data, pos)
2041    end
2042    if ( ( bitmap & DIR_BITMAP.CreationDate ) == DIR_BITMAP.CreationDate ) then
2043      dir.CreationDate, pos = string.unpack(">I4", data, pos)
2044    end
2045    if ( ( bitmap & DIR_BITMAP.ModificationDate ) == DIR_BITMAP.ModificationDate ) then
2046      dir.ModificationDate, pos = string.unpack(">I4", data, pos)
2047    end
2048    if ( ( bitmap & DIR_BITMAP.BackupDate ) == DIR_BITMAP.BackupDate ) then
2049      dir.BackupDate, pos = string.unpack(">I4", data, pos)
2050    end
2051    if ( ( bitmap & DIR_BITMAP.FinderInfo ) == DIR_BITMAP.FinderInfo ) then
2052      dir.FinderInfo, pos = string.unpack("c32", data, pos)
2053    end
2054    if ( ( bitmap & DIR_BITMAP.LongName ) == DIR_BITMAP.LongName ) then
2055      local offset
2056      offset, pos = string.unpack(">I2", data, pos)
2058      -- TODO: This really needs to be addressed someway
2059      -- Barely, never, ever happens, which makes it difficult to pin down
2060      -- http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Networking/Reference/AFP_Reference/Reference/reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40003548-CH3-CHDBEHBG
2062      -- [nnposter, 8/1/2020] URL above not available. Offset below (pos+4)
2063      -- seems illogical, as it partially covers two separate fields: bottom
2064      -- half of the file ID and the entire offspring count.
2065      -- Disabled the hack, as it interfered with valid cases
2067      --[[
2068      local justkidding = string.unpack(">I4", data, pos + 4)
2069      if ( justkidding ~= 0 ) then
2070        offset = 5
2071      end
2072      ]]
2074      if offset > 0 then
2075        dir.LongName = string.unpack("s1", data, origpos + offset)
2076      end
2077    end
2078    if ( ( bitmap & DIR_BITMAP.ShortName ) == DIR_BITMAP.ShortName ) then
2079      local offset
2080      offset, pos = string.unpack(">I2", data, pos)
2081      if offset > 0 then
2082        dir.ShortName = string.unpack("s1", data, origpos + offset)
2083      end
2084    end
2085    if ( ( bitmap & DIR_BITMAP.NodeId ) == DIR_BITMAP.NodeId ) then
2086      dir.NodeId, pos = string.unpack(">I4", data, pos )
2087    end
2088    if ( ( bitmap & DIR_BITMAP.OffspringCount ) == DIR_BITMAP.OffspringCount ) then
2089      dir.OffspringCount, pos = string.unpack(">I2", data, pos )
2090    end
2091    if ( ( bitmap & DIR_BITMAP.OwnerId ) == DIR_BITMAP.OwnerId ) then
2092      dir.OwnerId, pos = string.unpack(">I4", data, pos )
2093    end
2094    if ( ( bitmap & DIR_BITMAP.GroupId ) == DIR_BITMAP.GroupId ) then
2095      dir.GroupId, pos = string.unpack(">I4", data, pos )
2096    end
2097    if ( ( bitmap & DIR_BITMAP.AccessRights ) == DIR_BITMAP.AccessRights ) then
2098      dir.AccessRights, pos = string.unpack(">I4", data, pos )
2099    end
2100    if ( ( bitmap & DIR_BITMAP.UTF8Name ) == DIR_BITMAP.UTF8Name ) then
2101      local offset
2102      offset, pos = string.unpack(">I2", data, pos)
2103      if offset > 0 then
2104        -- +4 to skip over the encoding hint
2105        dir.UTF8Name = string.unpack(">s2", data, origpos + offset + 4)
2106      end
2107      -- Skip over the trailing pad
2108      pos = pos + 4
2109    end
2110    if ( ( bitmap & DIR_BITMAP.UnixPrivileges ) == DIR_BITMAP.UnixPrivileges ) then
2111      local unixprivs = {}
2113      unixprivs.uid, unixprivs.gid, unixprivs.permissions, unixprivs.ua_permissions, pos = string.unpack(">I4I4I4I4", data, pos)
2114      dir.UnixPrivileges = unixprivs
2115    end
2116    return pos, dir
2117  end,
2124return _ENV;