1 /**
2  * Licensed to the University Corporation for Advanced Internet
3  * Development, Inc. (UCAID) under one or more contributor license
4  * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
5  * additional information regarding copyright ownership.
6  *
7  * UCAID licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
8  * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
9  * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
10  * License at
11  *
12  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13  *
14  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
15  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
17  * either express or implied. See the License for the specific
18  * language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
19  */
21 /**
22  * SAML1POSTEncoder.cpp
23  *
24  * SAML 1.x POST binding/profile message encoder.
25  */
27 #include "internal.h"
28 #include "exceptions.h"
29 #include "binding/MessageEncoder.h"
30 #include "signature/ContentReference.h"
31 #include "saml1/core/Protocols.h"
33 #include <fstream>
34 #include <sstream>
35 #include <xercesc/util/Base64.hpp>
36 #include <xsec/framework/XSECDefs.hpp>
37 #include <xmltooling/io/HTTPResponse.h>
38 #include <xmltooling/logging.h>
39 #include <xmltooling/XMLToolingConfig.h>
40 #include <xmltooling/signature/Signature.h>
41 #include <xmltooling/util/NDC.h>
42 #include <xmltooling/util/PathResolver.h>
43 #include <xmltooling/util/TemplateEngine.h>
45 using namespace opensaml::saml1p;
46 using namespace opensaml::saml2md;
47 using namespace opensaml;
48 using namespace xmlsignature;
49 using namespace xmltooling::logging;
50 using namespace xmltooling;
51 using namespace std;
53 namespace opensaml {
54     namespace saml1p {
55         class SAML_DLLLOCAL SAML1POSTEncoder : public MessageEncoder
56         {
57         public:
58             SAML1POSTEncoder(const DOMElement* e);
~SAML1POSTEncoder()59             virtual ~SAML1POSTEncoder() {}
getProtocolFamily() const61             const XMLCh* getProtocolFamily() const {
62                 return samlconstants::SAML11_PROTOCOL_ENUM;
63             }
65             long encode(
66                 GenericResponse& genericResponse,
67                 XMLObject* xmlObject,
68                 const char* destination,
69                 const EntityDescriptor* recipient=nullptr,
70                 const char* relayState=nullptr,
71                 const ArtifactGenerator* artifactGenerator=nullptr,
72                 const Credential* credential=nullptr,
73                 const XMLCh* signatureAlg=nullptr,
74                 const XMLCh* digestAlg=nullptr
75                 ) const;
77         protected:
78             /** Pathname of HTML template for transmission of message via POST. */
79             string m_template;
80         };
SAML1POSTEncoderFactory(const DOMElement * const & e,bool)82         MessageEncoder* SAML_DLLLOCAL SAML1POSTEncoderFactory(const DOMElement* const & e, bool)
83         {
84             return new SAML1POSTEncoder(e);
85         }
86     };
87 };
SAML1POSTEncoder(const DOMElement * e)89 SAML1POSTEncoder::SAML1POSTEncoder(const DOMElement* e)
90 {
91     // Fishy alert: we ignore the namespace and look for a matching DOM Attr node by name only.
92     // Can't use DOM 1 calls, so we have to walk the attribute list by hand.
94     static const XMLCh _template[] = UNICODE_LITERAL_8(t, e, m, p, l, a, t, e);
96     const DOMNamedNodeMap* attributes = e ? e->getAttributes() : nullptr;
97     XMLSize_t size = attributes ? attributes->getLength() : 0;
98     for (XMLSize_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
99         const DOMNode* attr = attributes->item(i);
100         if (XMLString::equals(attr->getLocalName(), _template)) {
101             auto_ptr_char val(attr->getNodeValue());
102             if (val.get())
103                 m_template = val.get();
104         }
105     }
107     if (m_template.empty())
108         m_template = "bindingTemplate.html";
109     XMLToolingConfig::getConfig().getPathResolver()->resolve(m_template, PathResolver::XMLTOOLING_CFG_FILE);
110 }
encode(GenericResponse & genericResponse,XMLObject * xmlObject,const char * destination,const EntityDescriptor * recipient,const char * relayState,const ArtifactGenerator * artifactGenerator,const Credential * credential,const XMLCh * signatureAlg,const XMLCh * digestAlg) const112 long SAML1POSTEncoder::encode(
113     GenericResponse& genericResponse,
114     XMLObject* xmlObject,
115     const char* destination,
116     const EntityDescriptor* recipient,
117     const char* relayState,
118     const ArtifactGenerator* artifactGenerator,
119     const Credential* credential,
120     const XMLCh* signatureAlg,
121     const XMLCh* digestAlg
122     ) const
123 {
124 #ifdef _DEBUG
125     xmltooling::NDC ndc("encode");
126 #endif
127     Category& log = Category::getInstance(SAML_LOGCAT ".MessageEncoder.SAML1POST");
128     log.debug("validating input");
130     TemplateEngine* engine = XMLToolingConfig::getConfig().getTemplateEngine();
131     if (!engine || !destination)
132         throw BindingException("Encoding response using POST requires a TemplateEngine instance and a destination.");
133     HTTPResponse::sanitizeURL(destination);
134     if (xmlObject->getParent())
135         throw BindingException("Cannot encode XML content with parent.");
136     Response* response = dynamic_cast<Response*>(xmlObject);
137     if (!response)
138         throw BindingException("XML content for SAML 1.x POST Encoder must be a SAML 1.x <Response>.");
139     if (!relayState)
140         throw BindingException("SAML 1.x POST Encoder requires relay state (TARGET) value.");
142     DOMElement* rootElement = nullptr;
143     if (credential) {
144         // Signature based on native XML signing.
145         if (response->getSignature()) {
146             log.debug("response already signed, skipping signature operation");
147         }
148         else {
149             log.debug("signing and marshalling the response");
151             // Build a Signature.
152             Signature* sig = SignatureBuilder::buildSignature();
153             response->setSignature(sig);
154             if (signatureAlg)
155                 sig->setSignatureAlgorithm(signatureAlg);
156             if (digestAlg) {
157                 opensaml::ContentReference* cr = dynamic_cast<opensaml::ContentReference*>(sig->getContentReference());
158                 if (cr)
159                     cr->setDigestAlgorithm(digestAlg);
160             }
162             // Sign response while marshalling.
163             vector<Signature*> sigs(1,sig);
164             rootElement = response->marshall((DOMDocument*)nullptr,&sigs,credential);
165         }
166     }
167     else {
168         log.debug("marshalling the response");
169         rootElement = response->marshall();
170     }
172     // Push message into template.
173     TemplateEngine::TemplateParameters pmap;
174     string& xmlbuf = pmap.m_map["SAMLResponse"];
175     XMLHelper::serialize(rootElement, xmlbuf);
176     log.debug("marshalled response:\n%s", xmlbuf.c_str());
178     // Replace with base-64 encoded version.
179     XMLSize_t len=0;
180     XMLByte* out=Base64::encode(reinterpret_cast<const XMLByte*>(xmlbuf.data()),xmlbuf.size(),&len);
181     if (out) {
182         xmlbuf.erase();
183         xmlbuf.append(reinterpret_cast<char*>(out),len);
184         XMLString::release((char**)&out);
185     }
186     else {
187         throw BindingException("Base64 encoding of XML failed.");
188     }
190     // Fill in the rest of the data and send to the client.
191     log.debug("message encoded, sending HTML form template to client");
192     ifstream infile(m_template.c_str());
193     if (!infile)
194         throw BindingException("Failed to open HTML template for POST response ($1).", params(1,m_template.c_str()));
195     pmap.m_map["action"] = destination;
196     pmap.m_map["TARGET"] = relayState;
197     stringstream s;
198     engine->run(infile, s, pmap);
199     genericResponse.setContentType("text/html");
200     HTTPResponse* httpResponse = dynamic_cast<HTTPResponse*>(&genericResponse);
201     if (httpResponse) {
202         httpResponse->setResponseHeader("Expires", "01-Jan-1997 12:00:00 GMT");
203         httpResponse->setResponseHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, private");
204         httpResponse->setResponseHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
205     }
206     long ret = genericResponse.sendResponse(s);
208     // Cleanup by destroying XML.
209     delete xmlObject;
210     return ret;
211 }