1Revision history for Perl module Crypt::GeneratePassword
30.05 2015-11-14 NEILB
4    - Updated github repo URL after changing my github username
5    - Added [MetaJSON] to dist.ini so META.json is included in releases
6    - Doc: changed usage of "local $^W" to "no warnings 'redefine'"
7    - Fixed a couple of typos in the doc
8    - Dropped usage of "use vars"
9    - Module didn't have the required final "1;" or equivalent.
10      Was only by luck it had been.
120.04 2014-06-12 NEILB
13    - Fixed bug that would occasionally generate a division by zero
14      in word() and word3(). RT#42832
15    - Fixed mistake in doc for word() and word3()
16      Thanks to Smylers for RT#11787.
17    - Switched to Dist::Zilla
18    - Reformatted this file as per CPAN::Changes::Spec
19    - Moved test.pl to t/01-require.t and simplified it
20    - Added real tests for chars(), word() and word3()
21    - Added github repo to pod
22    - Added package statement and use strict & warnings in ::de and ::en
23    - Tell dzil that the language model modules are binary, so they won't
24      be parsed with PPI, which takes 5+ minutes on my laptop.
260.03 2003-09-09 JWALT
27    - added a custom RNG hook
290.02 2002-09-13 JWALT
30    - fixed minor bug causing problems with perl 5.005
320.01 2002-09-03 JWALT
33    - initial revision