1In this directory you will find a benchmark script "benchmark.pl"
2that will test the performance of all Crypt::CBC compatible
3encryption modules available on CPAN at the time of this writing
4(November 2003).  Of course, it will only test those modules that
5are installed on your system.
7The results are writting into an HTML file "benchmark.html" (and
8other files linked from there).  The benchmarking is surely not
9bullet-proof but the results should give you an idea of the
10performance of the various modules on your(!) machine.  Please
11note, that the performance of all modules can vary a lot depending
12on the operating system and hardware.
14The file "benchmark.html" shipped with Crypt::Twofish_PP shows the
15results for one of my machines.  You should not over-estimate the
16absolute numbers but rather see the results as a whole and only
17compare the performance indicators relative to each other.
19For more reliable results you will probably increase the time
20per test.  You can do that by modifying the constant "SECONDS"
21in the source code of "benchmark.pl".
23Improvements to the script (command-line options for more flexible
24usage?) are welcome!
26Guido Flohr