1 /* zxbusd.c  -  Audit bus daemon using STOMP 1.1
2  * Copyright (c) 2006,2012 Sampo Kellomaki (sampo@iki.fi), All Rights Reserved.
3  * This is confidential unpublished proprietary source code of the author.
4  * NO WARRANTY, not even implied warranties. Contains trade secrets.
5  * Distribution prohibited unless authorized in writing. See file COPYING.
6  * Special grant: zxbusd.c may be used with zxid open source project under
7  * same licensing terms as zxid itself.
8  * $Id$
9  *
10  * 15.4.2006, started work over Easter holiday --Sampo
11  * 22.4.2006, added more options over the weekend --Sampo
12  * 16.8.2012, modified license grant to allow use with ZXID.org --Sampo
13  *
14  * This file contains option processing, configuration, and main().
15  *
16  * To create bus users, you should follow these steps
17  * 1. Run ./zxbuslist -c 'BURL=https://sp.foo.com/' -dc to determine the entity ID
18  * 2. Convert entity ID to SHA1 hash: ./zxcot -p 'https://sp.foo.com?o=B'
19  * 3. Create the user: ./zxpasswd -a 'eid: https://sp.foo.com?o=B' -new G2JpTSX_dbdJ7frhYNpKWGiMdTs /var/zxid/bus/uid/ <passwd
20  * 4. To enable ClientTLS authentication, determine the subject_hash of
21  *    the encryption certificate and symlink that to the main account:
22  *      > openssl x509 -subject_hash -noout </var/zxid/buscli/pem/enc-nopw-cert.pem
23  *      162553b8
24  *      > ln -s /var/zxid/bus/uid/G2JpTSX_dbdJ7frhYNpKWGiMdTs /var/zxid/bus/uid/162553b8
25  */
27 #include <pthread.h>
28 #include <signal.h>
29 #include <fcntl.h>
30 #include <netdb.h>
31 #include <string.h>
32 #include <stdio.h>
33 #include <stdlib.h>
34 #include <unistd.h>
35 #include <errno.h>
36 #include <sys/types.h>
37 #include <sys/stat.h>
38 #include <sys/wait.h>
40 #ifdef HAVE_NET_SNMP
41 #include "snmpInterface.h"
42 #endif
44 /*#include "dialout.h"       / * Async serial support */
45 /*#include "serial_sync.h"   / * Sync serial support */
46 #include "errmac.h"
47 #include "hiios.h"
48 #include "hiproto.h"
49 #include "akbox.h"
50 #include "c/zxidvers.h"
51 #include <zx/zxid.h>
52 #include <zx/zxidutil.h>
54 #define ZXBUS_PATH "/var/zxid/bus/"
56 const char* help =
57 "zxbusd  -  Audit bus daemon using STOMP 1.1 - R" ZXID_REL "\n\
58 Copyright (c) 2006,2012 Sampo Kellomaki (sampo@iki.fi), All Rights Reserved.\n\
59 NO WARRANTY, not even implied warranties.\n\
60 Send well researched bug reports to the author. Home: zxid.org\n\
61 \n\
62 Usage: zxbusd [options] PROTO:REMOTEHOST:PORT\n\
63        echo secret | zxbusd -p sis::5066 -c AES256 -k 0 dts:quebec.cellmail.com:5067\n\
64        echo secret | zxbusd -p sis::5066 -c AES256 -k 0 dts:/dev/se_hdlc1:S-9600-1000-8N1\n\
65        zxbusd -p smtp::25 sis:localhost:5066 smtp:mail.cellmail.com:25\n\
66   -c CONF          Optional configuration string (default -c PATH=" ZXBUS_PATH ")\n\
67                    Most of the configuration is read from " ZXBUS_PATH ZXID_CONF_FILE "\n\
68   -cp PATH         Path for message and user databases. Default: " ZXBUS_PATH "\n\
69   -p  PROT:IF:PORT Protocol, network interface and TCP port for listening\n\
70                    connections. If you omit interface, all interfaces are bound.\n\
71                      stomp: - Listen for STOMP 1.1 (default if no -p supplied)\n\
72                      smtp:    - Listen for SMTP (RFC 2821)\n\
73                      http:    - Listen for HTTP/1.0 (simplified)\n\
74                      tp:    - Listen for test ping protocol\n\
75   -t  SECONDS      Connection timeout. Default: 0=no timeout.\n\
76   -cy CIPHER       Enable crypto on DTS interface using specified cipher. Use '?' for list.\n\
77   -k  FDNUMBER     File descriptor for reading symmetric key. Use 0 for stdin.\n\
78   -nfd  NUMBER     Maximum number of file descriptors, i.e. simultaneous\n\
79                    connections. Default 20 (about 16 connections).\n\
80   -npdu NUMBER     Maximum number of simultaneously active PDUs. Default 60.\n\
81   -nch  NUMBER     Maximum number of subscribable channels. Default 10.\n\
82   -nthr NUMBER     Number of threads. Default 1. Should not exceed number of CPUs.\n\
83   -nkbuf BYTES     Size of kernel buffers. Default is not to change kernel buffer size.\n\
84   -nlisten NUMBER  Listen backlog size. Default 128.\n\
85   -egd PATH        Specify path of Entropy Gathering Daemon socket, default on\n\
86                    Solaris: /tmp/entropy. On Linux /dev/urandom is used instead\n\
87                    See http://www.lothar.com/tech/crypto/ or\n\
88                    http://www.aet.tu-cottbus.de/personen/jaenicke/postfix_tls/prngd.html\n\
89   -rand PATH       Location of random number seed file. On Solaris EGD is used.\n\
90                    On Linux the default is /dev/urandom. See RFC1750.\n\
91   -snmp PORT       Enable SNMP agent (if compiled with Net SNMP).\n\
92   -uid UID:GID     If run as root, drop privileges and assume specified uid and gid.\n\
93   -pid PATH        Write process id in the supplied path\n\
94   -watchdog        Enable built-in watch dog\n\
95   -kidpid PATH     Write process id of the child of watchdog in the supplied path\n\
96   -ak size_MB      Turn on Application Flight Recorder. size_MB is per thread buffer.\n\
97   -v               Verbose messages.\n\
98   -q               Be extra quiet.\n\
99   -d               Turn on debugging.\n\
100   -dc              Dump config.\n\
101   -license         Show licensing details\n\
102   -h               This help message\n\
103   --               End of options\n\
104 N.B. Although zxbusd is a 'daemon', it does not daemonize itself. You can always say zxbusd&\n";
106 char* instance = "zxbusd";  /* how this server is identified in logs */
107 char* zxbus_path = ZXBUS_PATH;
108 zxid_conf* zxbus_cf;
109 int ak_buf_size = 0;
110 int verbose = 1;
111 extern int errmac_debug;
112 int debugpoll = 0;
113 int timeout = 0;
114 int nfd = 20;
115 int npdu = 60;
116 int nch = 10;
117 int nthr = 1;
118 int nkbuf = 0;
119 int listen_backlog = 128;   /* what is right tuning for this? */
120 int gcthreshold = 0;
121 int leak_free = 0;
122 //int assert_nonfatal = 0;
123 int drop_uid = 0;
124 int drop_gid = 0;
125 int watchdog;
126 int snmp_port = 0;
127 char* pid_path = 0;
128 char* kidpid_path = 0;
129 char* rand_path;
130 char* egd_path;
131 char  symmetric_key[1024];
132 int symmetric_key_len;
133 struct hi_host_spec* listen_ports = 0;
134 struct hi_host_spec* remotes = 0;
136 struct hi_proto hi_prototab[] = {  /* n.b. order in this table must match constants in hiproto.h */
137   { "dummy0",  0, 0, 0 },
138   { "pollon",  0, 0, 0 },
139   { "sis",    5066, 0, 0 },
140   { "dts",    5067, 0, 0 },
141   { "smtp",     25, 0, 0 },
142   { "http",   8080, 0, 0 },
143   { "tp",     5068, 0, 0 },  /* testping (6) */
144   { "stomp",  2228, 0, 0 },  /* 7 */
145   { "stomps", 2229, 1, 0 },  /* 8 n.b. 2229 is zxbus assigned port. Normal STOMP port is 61613 */
146   { "", 0 }
147 };
149 char remote_station_addr[] = { 0x61, 0x89, 0x00, 0x00 };   /* *** temp kludge */
150 struct hiios* shuff;        /* Main I/O shuffler object (global to help debugging) */
152 #define SNMPLOGFILE "/var/zxid/log/snmp.log"
154 /* proto:host:port or proto:host or proto::port */
156 /* Called by:  opt x2 */
parse_port_spec(char * arg,struct hi_host_spec ** head,char * default_host)157 int parse_port_spec(char* arg, struct hi_host_spec** head, char* default_host)
158 {
159   struct hostent* he;
160   char prot[8];
161   char host[256];
162   int proto, port, ret;
163   struct hi_host_spec* hs;
165   ret = sscanf(arg, "%8[^:]:%255[^:]:%i", prot, host, &port);
166   switch (ret) {
167   case 2:
168     port = -1;   /* default */
169   case 3:
170     if (!strlen(prot)) {
171       ERR("Bad proto:host:port spec(%s). You MUST specify proto.", arg);
172       exit(5);
173     }
174     for (proto = 0; hi_prototab[proto].name[0]; ++proto)
175       if (!strcmp(hi_prototab[proto].name, prot))
176 	break;
177     if (!hi_prototab[proto].name[0]) {
178       ERR("Bad proto:host:port spec(%s). Unknown proto.", arg);
179       exit(5);
180     }
181     if (port == -1)
182       port = hi_prototab[proto].default_port;
183     if (strlen(host))
184       default_host = host;
185     break;
186   default:
187     ERR("Bad proto:host:port spec(%s). %d", arg, ret);
188     return 0;
189   }
191   D("arg(%s) parsed as proto(%s)=%d host(%s) port(%d)", arg, prot, proto, host, port);
192   ZMALLOC(hs);
194   if (default_host[0] == '/') {  /* Its a serial port */
195     hs->sin.sin_family = (unsigned short int)0xfead;
196   } else {
197     he = gethostbyname(default_host);
198     if (!he) {
199       ERR("hostname(%s) did not resolve(%d)", default_host, h_errno);
200       exit(5);
201     }
203     hs->sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
204     hs->sin.sin_port = htons(port);
205     memcpy(&(hs->sin.sin_addr.s_addr), he->h_addr, sizeof(hs->sin.sin_addr.s_addr));
206   }
207   hs->specstr = arg;
208   hs->proto = proto;
209   hs->next = *head;
210   *head = hs;
211   return 1;
212 }
214 /* Called by:  main x8, zxbusd_main, zxbuslist_main, zxbustailf_main, zxcall_main, zxcot_main, zxdecode_main */
opt(int * argc,char *** argv,char *** env)215 void opt(int* argc, char*** argv, char*** env)
216 {
217   struct zx_str* ss;
218   if (*argc <= 1) goto argerr;
220   while (1) {
221     ++(*argv); --(*argc);
223     if (!(*argc) || ((*argv)[0][0] != '-')) break;  /* probably the remote host and port */
225     switch ((*argv)[0][1]) {
226     case '-': if ((*argv)[0][2]) break;
227       ++(*argv); --(*argc);
228       DD("End of options by --");
229       return;  /* -- ends the options */
231     case 'a': if ((*argv)[0][2] != 'k' || (*argv)[0][3]) break;
232       ++(*argv); --(*argc);
233       if (!(*argc)) break;
234       ak_buf_size = atoi((*argv)[0]);
235       ak_buf_size = ak_buf_size << 20;  /* Mega bytes */
236       if (ak_buf_size)
237 	ak_add_thread(ak_buf_size,1);   /* Add current "main" thread. */
238       continue;
240     case 'n':
241       switch ((*argv)[0][2]) {
242       case 'f': if ((*argv)[0][3] != 'd' || (*argv)[0][4]) break;
243 	++(*argv); --(*argc);
244 	if (!(*argc)) break;
245 	nfd = atoi((*argv)[0]);
246 	continue;
247       case 'c': if ((*argv)[0][3] != 'h' || (*argv)[0][4]) break;
248 	++(*argv); --(*argc);
249 	if (!(*argc)) break;
250 	nch = atoi((*argv)[0]);
251 	continue;
252       case 'p': if ((*argv)[0][3] != 'd' || (*argv)[0][4] != 'u' || (*argv)[0][5]) break;
253 	++(*argv); --(*argc);
254 	if (!(*argc)) break;
255 	npdu = atoi((*argv)[0]);
256 	continue;
257       case 't': if ((*argv)[0][3] != 'h' || (*argv)[0][4] != 'r' || (*argv)[0][5]) break;
258 	++(*argv); --(*argc);
259 	if (!(*argc)) break;
260 	nthr = atoi((*argv)[0]);
261 	continue;
262       case 'k': if ((*argv)[0][3] != 'b' || (*argv)[0][4] != 'u' || (*argv)[0][5] != 'f' || (*argv)[0][6]) break;
263 	++(*argv); --(*argc);
264 	if (!(*argc)) break;
265 	nkbuf = atoi((*argv)[0]);
266 	continue;
267       case 'l': if ((*argv)[0][3] != 'i' || (*argv)[0][4] != 's' || (*argv)[0][5]) break;
268 	++(*argv); --(*argc);
269 	if (!(*argc)) break;
270 	listen_backlog = atoi((*argv)[0]);
271 	continue;
272       }
273       break;
275     case 's':
276       switch ((*argv)[0][2]) {
277       case 'n': if ((*argv)[0][3] != 'm' || (*argv)[0][4] != 'p' || (*argv)[0][5]) break;
278 	++(*argv); --(*argc);
279 	if (!(*argc)) break;
280 	snmp_port = atoi((*argv)[0]);
281 	continue;
282       }
283       break;
285     case 't': if ((*argv)[0][2]) break;
286       ++(*argv); --(*argc);
287       if (!(*argc)) break;
288       timeout = atoi((*argv)[0]);
289       continue;
291     case 'd':
292       switch ((*argv)[0][2]) {
293       case '\0':
294 	++errmac_debug;
295 	continue;
296       case 'p':  if ((*argv)[0][3]) break;
297 	++debugpoll;
298 	continue;
299       case 'i':  if ((*argv)[0][3]) break;
300 	++(*argv); --(*argc);
301 	if (!(*argc)) break;
302 	instance = (*argv)[0];
303 	continue;
304       case 'c':
305 	ss = zxid_show_conf(zxbus_cf);
306 	if (verbose>1) {
307 	  printf("\n======== CONF ========\n%.*s\n^^^^^^^^ CONF ^^^^^^^^\n",ss->len,ss->s);
308 	  exit(0);
309 	}
310 	fprintf(stderr, "\n======== CONF ========\n%.*s\n^^^^^^^^ CONF ^^^^^^^^\n",ss->len,ss->s);
311 	continue;
312       }
313       break;
315     case 'v':
316       switch ((*argv)[0][2]) {
317       case '\0':
318 	++verbose;
319 	continue;
320       }
321       break;
323     case 'q':
324       switch ((*argv)[0][2]) {
325       case '\0':
326 	verbose = 0;
327 	continue;
328       }
329       break;
331     case 'e':
332       switch ((*argv)[0][2]) {
333       case 'g': if ((*argv)[0][3] != 'd' || (*argv)[0][4]) break;
334 	++(*argv); --(*argc);
335 	if (!(*argc)) break;
336 	egd_path = (*argv)[0];
337 	continue;
338       }
339       break;
341     case 'r':
342       switch ((*argv)[0][2]) {
343       case 'f':
344 	AK_TS(LEAK, 0, "memory leaks enabled");
345 #if 1
346 	ERR("*** WARNING: You have turned memory frees to memory leaks. We will (eventually) run out of memory. Using -rf is not recommended. %d\n", 0);
347 #endif
348 	++leak_free;
349 	continue;
350 #if 0
351       case 'e':
352 	if ((*argv)[0][3]) break;
353 	++(*argv); --(*argc);
354 	if ((*argc) < 4) break;
355 	sscanf((*argv)[0], "%i", &abort_funcno);
356 	++(*argv); --(*argc);
357 	sscanf((*argv)[0], "%i", &abort_line);
358 	++(*argv); --(*argc);
359 	sscanf((*argv)[0], "%i", &abort_error_code);
360 	++(*argv); --(*argc);
361 	sscanf((*argv)[0], "%i", &abort_iter);
362 	fprintf(stderr, "Will force core upon %x:%x err=%d iter=%d\n",
363 		abort_funcno, abort_line, abort_error_code, abort_iter);
364 	continue;
365 #endif
366       case 'g':
367 	if ((*argv)[0][3]) break;
368 	++(*argv); --(*argc);
369 	if (!(*argc)) break;
370 	gcthreshold = atoi((*argv)[0]);
371 	if (!gcthreshold)
372 	  ERR("*** WARNING: You have disabled garbage collection. This may lead to increased memory consumption for scripts that handle a lot of PDUs or run for long time. Using `-rg 0' is not recommended. %d\n", 0);
373 	continue;
374       case 'a':
375 	if ((*argv)[0][3] == 0) {
376 	  AK_TS(ASSERT_NONFATAL, 0, "assert nonfatal enabled");
377 #if 1
379 #endif
380 	  ++assert_nonfatal;
381 	  continue;
382 	}
383 	if (!strcmp((*argv)[0],"-rand")) {
384 	  ++(*argv); --(*argc);
385 	  if (!(*argc)) break;
386 	  rand_path = (*argv)[0];
387 	  continue;
388 	}
389 	break;
390       }
391       break;
393     case 'w':
394       switch ((*argv)[0][2]) {
395       case 'a':
396 	if (!strcmp((*argv)[0],"-watchdog")) {
397 	  ++watchdog;
398 	  continue;
399 	}
400 	break;
401       }
402       break;
404     case 'p':
405       switch ((*argv)[0][2]) {
406       case '\0':
407 	++(*argv); --(*argc);
408 	if (!(*argc)) break;
409 	if (!parse_port_spec((*argv)[0], &listen_ports, "")) break;
410 	continue;
411       case 'i':
412 	if (!strcmp((*argv)[0],"-pid")) {
413 	  ++(*argv); --(*argc);
414 	  if (!(*argc)) break;
415 	  pid_path = (*argv)[0];
416 	  continue;
417 	}
418 	break;
419       }
420       break;
422     case 'k':
423       switch ((*argv)[0][2]) {
424       case 'i':
425 	if (!strcmp((*argv)[0],"-kidpid")) {
426 	  ++(*argv); --(*argc);
427 	  if (!(*argc)) break;
428 	  kidpid_path = (*argv)[0];
429 	  continue;
430 	}
431 	break;
432       case '\0':
433 	++(*argv); --(*argc);
434 	if (!(*argc)) break;
435 	read_all_fd(atoi((*argv)[0]), symmetric_key, sizeof(symmetric_key), &symmetric_key_len);
436 	D("Got %d characters of symmetric key", symmetric_key_len);
437 	continue;
438       }
439       break;
441     case 'c':
442       switch ((*argv)[0][2]) {
443       case '\0':
444 	++(*argv); --(*argc);
445 	if ((*argc) < 1) break;
446 	zxid_parse_conf(zxbus_cf, (*argv)[0]);
447 	continue;
448       case 'y':
449 	++(*argv); --(*argc);
450 	if (!(*argc)) break;
451 #ifndef ENCRYPTION
452 	ERR("Encryption not compiled in. %d",0);
453 #endif
454 	continue;
455       case 'p':
456 	++(*argv); --(*argc);
457 	if (!(*argc)) break;
458 	zxbus_path = (*argv)[0];
459 	continue;
460       }
461       break;
463     case 'u':
464       switch ((*argv)[0][2]) {
465       case 'i': if ((*argv)[0][3] != 'd' || (*argv)[0][4]) break;
466 	++(*argv); --(*argc);
467 	if (!(*argc)) break;
468 	sscanf((*argv)[0], "%i:%i", &drop_uid, &drop_gid);
469 	continue;
470       }
471       break;
473     case 'l':
474       switch ((*argv)[0][2]) {
475       case 'i':
476 	if (!strcmp((*argv)[0],"-license")) {
477 	  extern char* license;
478 	  fprintf(stderr, "%s", license);
479 	  exit(0);
480 	}
481 	break;
482       }
483       break;
485     }
486     /* fall thru means unrecognized flag */
487     if (*argc)
488       fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized flag `%s'\n", (*argv)[0]);
489   argerr:
490     fprintf(stderr, "%s", help);
491     exit(3);
492   }
494 #if 0
495   /* Remaining commandline is the remote host spec for DTS */
496   while (*argc) {
497     if (!parse_port_spec((*argv)[0], &remotes, "")) break;
498     ++(*argv); --(*argc);
499   }
500 #endif
502   if (nfd < 1)  nfd = 1;
503   if (npdu < 1) npdu = 1;
504   if (nthr < 1) nthr = 1;
505 }
507 /* Parse serial port config string and do all the ioctls to get it right. */
509 /* Called by:  zxbusd_main */
serial_init(struct hi_thr * hit,struct hi_host_spec * hs)510 static struct hi_io* serial_init(struct hi_thr* hit, struct hi_host_spec* hs)
511 {
512 #ifdef ENA_SERIAL
513   struct hi_io* io;
514   char tty[256];
515   char sync = 'S', parity = 'N';
516   int fd, ret, baud = 9600, bits = 8, stop = 1, framesize = 1000;
517   ret = sscanf(hs->specstr, "dts:%255[^:]:%c-%d-%d-%d%c%d",
518 	       tty, &sync, &baud, &framesize, &bits, &parity, &stop);
519   if (ret < 4) {
520     fprintf(stderr, "You must supply serial port name and config, e.g. `dts:/dev/ttyS0:A-9600-8N1'. You gave(%s). You loose.\n", hs->specstr);
521     exit(3);
522   }
523   fd = open(tty, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY);
524   if (fd == -1) {
525     ERR("open(%s): Error opening serial port: %d %s", tty, errno, STRERROR(errno));
526     exit(3);
527   }
528   if (fd >= shf->max_ios) {
529     ERR("serial: File descriptor limit(%d) exceeded fd=%d. Consider increasing the limit with -nfd flag, or figure out if there are any descriptor leaks.", shf->max_ios, fd);
530     close(fd);
531     return 0;
532   }
533   io = hit->shf->ios + fd;
534   io->qel.proto = hs->proto;
535   if (verbose)
536     log_port_info(fd, tty, "before");
537   if (set_baud_rate(fd, tty, baud) == -1)
538     exit(3);
539   if (set_frame_size(fd, tty, framesize) == -1)
540     exit(3);
541   if (verbose)
542     log_port_info(fd, tty, "after");
543   nonblock(fd);
544   LOCK(io->qel.mut, "serial_init");
545   hi_add_fd(hit, io, fd, HI_TCP_C);
546   UNLOCK(io->qel.mut, "serial_init");
547   return io;
548 #else
549   return 0;
550 #endif
551 }
553 /*() New born threads start here. hit is allocated from stack.
554  * In principle all threads are created equal and any one of
555  * then can act as the shuffler on its turn. */
557 /* Called by: */
thread_loop(void * _shf)558 void* thread_loop(void* _shf)
559 {
560   struct hi_thr hit;
561   struct hiios* shf = (struct hiios*)_shf;
562   hi_hit_init(&hit);
563   if (ak_buf_size)
564     ak_add_thread(ak_buf_size, 1);  /* Add newly born thread */
565   hi_shuffle(&hit, shf);            /* Never returns. */
566   return 0;
567 }
569 /* ============== M A I N ============== */
571 pthread_mutexattr_t MUTEXATTR_DECL;
572 extern int zxid_suppress_vpath_warning;
574 #ifndef zxbusd_main
575 #define zxbusd_main main
576 #endif
578 /* Called by: */
zxbusd_main(int argc,char ** argv,char ** env)579 int zxbusd_main(int argc, char** argv, char** env)
580 {
581   struct hi_thr hit;
582   hi_hit_init(&hit);
583   ak_init(*argv);
584 #ifdef MINGW
585   pthread_mutex_init(&dbilock, 0);
586   pthread_mutex_init(&shuff_mutex, 0);
587   pthread_mutex_init(&gethostbyname_mutex, 0);
588   {
589     WSADATA wsaDat;
590     WORD vers = MAKEWORD(2,2);  /* or 2.0? */
591     ret = WSAStartup(vers, &wsaDat);
592     if (ret) {
593       ERR("WinSock DLL could not be initialized: %d", ret);
594       return -1;
595     }
596   }
597 #endif
598 #if !defined(MACOS) && !defined(MINGW)
599 # ifdef MUTEX_DEBUG
602 #  endif
603   if (pthread_mutexattr_init(MUTEXATTR)) NEVERNEVER("unable to initialize mutexattr %d",argc);
604 #  ifndef __dietlibc__
605   if (pthread_mutexattr_settype(MUTEXATTR, PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK_NP))
606     NEVERNEVER("unable to set mutexattr %d",argc);
607 #  endif
608 # endif
609 #endif
610 #ifdef COMPILED_DATE
611   int now = time(0);
612   if (COMPILED_DATE + TWO_MONTHS < now) {   /* *** this logic needs refinement and error code of its own --Sampo */
613      if (COMPILED_DATE + THREE_MONTHS < now){
614         ERR("Evaluation copy expired. %d",0);
615 	exit(4);
616      } else
617         ERR("Evaluation copy expired, in %d secs this program will stop working", COMPILED_DATE + THREE_MONTHS-now);
618   } else {
619     if (now + ONE_DAY < COMPILED_DATE){
620       ERR("Check for demo erroneus. Clock set too far in past? %d",0);
621       exit(4);
622     }
623   }
624 #endif
626   zxid_suppress_vpath_warning = 1;
627   zxbus_cf = zxid_new_conf_to_cf("PATH=" ZXBUS_PATH);
628   /*openlog("zxbusd", LOG_PID, LOG_LOCAL0);     *** Do we want syslog logging? */
629   opt(&argc, &argv, &env);
630   zxbus_path = zxbus_cf->cpath;
632   /*if (stats_prefix) init_cmdline(argc, argv, env, stats_prefix);*/
633   CMDLINE("init");
635   if (pid_path) {
636     int len;
637     char buf[INTSTRLEN];
638     len = sprintf(buf, "%d", (int)getpid());
639     DD("pid_path=`%s'", pid_path);
640     if (write2_or_append_lock_c_path(pid_path,0,0,len,buf, "write pid", SEEK_SET, O_TRUNC) <= 0) {
641       ERR("Failed to write PID file(%s). Exiting. (Do not supply -pid if you do not want pid file.)", pid_path);
642       exit(1);
643     }
644   }
646   if (watchdog) {
647 #ifdef MINGW
648     ERR("Watch dog feature not supported on Windows.");
649 #else
650     int ret, watch_dog_iteration = 0;
651     while (1) {
652       ++watch_dog_iteration;
653       D("Watch dog loop %d", watch_dog_iteration);
654       switch (ret = fork()) {
655       case -1:
656 	ERR("Watch dog %d: attempt to fork() real server failed: %d %s. Perhaps max number of processes has been reached or we are out of memory. Will try again in a sec. To stop a vicious cycle `kill -9 %d' to terminate this watch dog.", watch_dog_iteration, errno, STRERROR(errno), getpid());
657 	break;
658       case 0:   goto normal_child;  /* Only way out of this loop */
659       default:
660 	/* Reap the child */
661 	switch (waitpid(ret, &ret, 0)) {
662 	case -1:
663 	  ERR("Watch dog %d: attempt to waitpid() real server failed: %d %s. To stop a vicious cycle `kill -9 %d' to terminate this watch dog.", watch_dog_iteration, errno, STRERROR(errno), getpid());
664 	  break;
665 	default:
666 	  ERR("Watch dog %d: Real server exited. Will restart in a sec. To stop a vicious cycle `kill -9 %d' to terminate this watch dog.", watch_dog_iteration, getpid());
667 	}
668       }
669       sleep(1); /* avoid spinning tightly */
670     }
671 #endif
672   }
674  normal_child:
675   D("Real server pid %d", getpid());
677   if (kidpid_path) {
678     int len;
679     char buf[INTSTRLEN];
680     len = sprintf(buf, "%d", (int)getpid());
681     if (write2_or_append_lock_c_path(pid_path,0,0,len,buf,"write kidpid",SEEK_SET,O_TRUNC) <= 0) {
682       ERR("Failed to write kidpid file(%s). If you do not want kidpid file, do not supply -kidpid option. Continuing anyway.", pid_path);
683     }
684   }
686 #ifndef MINGW
687   if (signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR) {   /* Ignore SIGPIPE */
688     perror("signal ignore pipe");
689     exit(2);
690   }
692   /* Cause exit(3) to be called with the intent that any gcov profiling will get
693    * written to disk before we die. If zxbusd is not stopped with `kill -USR1' and you
694    * use plain kill instead, the profile will indicate many unexecuted (#####) lines. */
695   if (signal(SIGUSR1, exit) == SIG_ERR) {
696     perror("signal USR1 exit");
697     exit(2);
698   }
699 #endif
701   shuff = hi_new_shuffler(&hit, nfd, npdu, nch, nthr);
702   {
703     struct hi_io* io;
704     struct hi_host_spec* hs;
705     struct hi_host_spec* hs_next;
707     /* Prepare listeners first so we can then later connect to ourself. */
708     CMDLINE("listen");
710     for (hs = listen_ports; hs; hs = hs->next) {
711       io = hi_open_listener(shuff, hs, hs->proto);
712       if (!io)
713 	break;
714       io->n = hs->conns;
715       hs->conns = io;
716     }
718     for (hs = remotes; hs; hs = hs_next) {
719       hs_next = hs->next;
720       hs->next = hi_prototab[hs->proto].specs;
721       hi_prototab[hs->proto].specs = hs;
722       if (hs->proto == HIPROTO_SMTP)
723 	continue;  /* SMTP connections are opened later, when actual data from SIS arrives. */
725       if (hs->sin.sin_family == (unsigned short int)0xfead)
726 	io = serial_init(&hit, hs);
727       else
728 	io = hi_open_tcp(&hit, hs, hs->proto);
729       if (!io)
730 	break;
731       io->n = hs->conns;
732       hs->conns = io;
733 #ifdef ENA_S5066
734       switch (hs->proto) {
735       case S5066_SIS:   /* *** Always bind as HMTP. Make configurable. */
736 	sis_send_bind(&hit, io, SAP_ID_HMTP, 0, 0x0200);  /* 0x0200 == nonarq, no repeats */
737 	break;
738       case S5066_DTS:
739 	ZMALLOC(io->ad.dts);
740 	io->ad.dts->remote_station_addr[0] = 0x61;   /* three nibbles long (padded with zeroes) */
741 	io->ad.dts->remote_station_addr[1] = 0x23;
742 	io->ad.dts->remote_station_addr[2] = 0x00;
743 	io->ad.dts->remote_station_addr[3] = 0x00;
744 	break;
745       }
746 #endif
747     }
748   }
750   if (snmp_port) {
751 #ifdef HAVE_NET_SNMP
752     initializeSNMPSubagent("open5066", SNMPLOGFILE);
753     /* *** we need to discover the SNMP socket somehow so we can insert it to
754      * our file descriptor table so it gets properly polled, etc. --Sampo */
755 #else
756     ERR("This binary was not compiled to support SNMP (%d). Continuing without.", snmp_port);
757 #endif
758   }
760   /* Drop privileges, if requested. */
762   if (drop_gid) if (setgid(drop_gid)) { perror("setgid"); exit(1); }
763   if (drop_uid) if (setuid(drop_uid)) { perror("setuid"); exit(1); }
765   CMDLINE("load_subs");
766   zxbus_load_subs(shuff);
768   hi_sanity_shf(255, shuff);
770   /* Unleash threads so that the listeners are served. */
772   CMDLINE("unleash");
773   {
774     int err;
775     pthread_t tid;
776     for (--nthr; nthr; --nthr)
777       if ((err = pthread_create(&tid, 0, thread_loop, shuff))) {
778 	ERR("pthread_create() failed: %d (nthr=%d)", err, nthr);
779 	exit(2);
780       }
781   }
783   hi_shuffle(&hit, shuff);  /* main thread becomes one of the workers */
784   return 0; /* never really happens because hi_shuffle() never returns */
785 }
787 //char* assert_msg = "%s: Internal error caused an ASSERT to fire. Deliberately provoking a core dump.\nSorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your collaboration.\n";
789 /* EOF  --  zxbusd.c */