1 /* zxidconf.h  -  Configuration of ZXID
2  * Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Synergetics (sampo@synergetics.be), All Rights Reserved.
3  * Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Sampo Kellomaki (sampo@iki.fi), All Rights Reserved.
4  * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Symlabs (symlabs@symlabs.com), All Rights Reserved.
5  * Author: Sampo Kellomaki (sampo@iki.fi)
6  * This is confidential unpublished proprietary source code of the author.
7  * NO WARRANTY, not even implied warranties. Contains trade secrets.
8  * Distribution prohibited unless authorized in writing.
9  * Licensed under Apache License 2.0, see file COPYING.
10  * $Id: zxidconf.h,v 1.51 2010-01-08 02:10:09 sampo Exp $
11  *
12  * 12.8.2006, created --Sampo
13  * 29.8.2009, added PDP_URL --Sampo
14  * 7.1.2010,  added WSC and WSP signing options --Sampo
15  * 12.2.2011, added proxy IdP related options --Sampo
16  * 10.12.2011, added VPATH, VURL, BUTTON_URL, delete ORG_URL --Sampo
17  * 17.8.2012, added audit bus configuration --Sampo
18  * 16.2.2013, added WD option --Sampo
19  * 21.6.2013, added wsp_pat --Sampo
20  * 28.5.2015, formatted documentation --Sampo
21  *
22  * Most of the configuration options can be set via configuration
23  * file /var/zxid/zxid.conf or using -c command line flag(s). In
24  * config file or on command line you should omit the ZXID_ prefix
25  * and use attribute=value syntax separated by newlines or & characters
26  * (the parser implements CGI query string syntax with extension that
27  * also \n is accepted as separator).
28  *
29  * N.B. The options marked as "(compile)" can not be set on command line
30  * or configuration file. They require a recompile.
31  */
33 #ifndef _zxidconf_h
34 #define _zxidconf_h
36 /*(c) Compile time configuration enforcement
37  * Whether configuration is entirely determined at compile time by this file
38  * or whether it is possible to use a config file or provide options on
39  * command line using -c flags (such as via shell script wrapper) or via ZXID_CONF
40  * environment variable. When zxid is used as a library, it depends on application to
41  * call zxid_parse_conf().
42  *
43  * See also ZXID_CONF_PATH compile time macro.
44  *
45  * Generally we recommend you leave these turned on (1). */
47 #define ZXID_CONF_FILE_ENA 1 /* (compile) */
48 #define ZXID_CONF_FLAG 1     /* (compile) ZXID_CONF environment variable and -c flag enable. */
49 #define ZXID_SHOW_CONF 1     /* Whether configuration is viewable from URL?o=d */
51 #define ZXID_PATH_MAX_RECURS_EXPAND_DEPTH 5 /* (compile) Max no of includes, nested PATH or VPATH */
53 /*(c) VPATH - CPATH for a virtual server
54  * The VPATH allows different configuration CPATH for different
55  * virtual servers (multihoming) to exist, thus allowing
56  * different zxid.conf files and different /var/zxid/ subdirectory.
57  * If the config file <CPATH><VPATH>zxid.conf exists (i.e. /var/zxid/<VPATH>zxid.conf
58  * when using default CPATH), then the CPATH configuration variable is changed
59  * to point to the VPATH, and the virtual host specific config file is read.
60  *
61  * VPATH is rendered by first inserting current CPATH, unless VPATH starts by '/',
62  * and then rendering each ordinary letter as is, but expanding the
63  * following % (percent) specifications, inline:
64  *
65  *   %%  expands as single percent sign
66  *   %a  access protocol prefix, e.g. "https://" or "http://"
67  *   %h  the contents of environment variable HTTP_HOST (see CGI spec) This
68  *       usually ends in :port if the port is nonstandard (thus usually
69  *       you do not need %p or %P).
70  *   %p  the contents of environment variable SERVER_PORT (see CGI spec)
71  *   %s  the contents of environment variable SCRIPT_NAME (see CGI spec)
72  *
73  * > N.B. All other %-specs are reserved for future expansion
74  *
75  * After % expansion, the values are squashed to file path safe character set. In
76  * particular, the / (slash) characters are converted to _ (underscore).
77  *
78  * VPATH is not really a configuration option on its own right (there is
79  * no corresponding entry in struct zxid_conf), but rather a directive
80  * that instructs on point of occurrance of the CPATH variable (see zxid.h)
81  * to change and configuration file to be read.
82  *
83  * Default value: "%h/" (see definition of CPATH for example).
84  * See also: VURL, INCLUDE
85  */
87 #define ZXID_VPATH "%h/"
89 /*(c) INCLUDE=file  - Include a file into configuration.
90  * This is an alternative to VPATH and inheritance for implementing multiple
91  * entities that share some common configutation, e.g. CONTACT metadata items. */
93 #define ZXID_INCLUDE 0 /* path */
95 /*(c) OPT_INCLUDE=file - Like INCLUDE but does not fail if the file is missing */
97 #define ZXID_OPT_INCLUDE 0 /* path */
99 /*(c) SP Nickname for IdP User Interface
100  * IMPORTANT: You should really configure this option.
101  * The nice name may be used by IdP user interface to refer to the SP. It
102  * is usually a short human readable name or description. It will also
103  * appear in metadata as Organization/OrganizationDisplayName */
104 #define ZXID_NICE_NAME "Configuration NICE_NAME: Set this to describe your site to humans, see " ZXID_CONF_PATH
106 /*(c) Branding button image URL for user interfaces
107  * IdP BUTTON_URL is (may be) shown in SP IdP selection screens as
108  * a button (provided that IDP_LIST_METH=2 (IDP_LIST_BRAND)) that
109  * user can click to login using that IdP.
110  *
111  * SP BUTTON_URL is shown by IdP login screen so user understands which SP
112  * requested the SSO. In this use, the "button" is not (usually?) clickable.
113  *
114  * BUTTON_URL will also appear in metadata as Organization/OrganizationURL,
115  * see symlabs-saml-displayname-2008.pdf (submitted to OASIS SSTC) for
116  * specification.
117  *
118  * The BUTTON_URL MUST contain substring "saml2_icon" and size designator (see spec),
119  * to distinguish it from other uses of SAML2 MD Organization/OrganizationURL (which
120  * are unspecified, but presumably include home page URL; original SAML2 MD spec
121  * was too loose). ZXID only supports the usage as button image URL (as of 20111210).
122  * BUTTON_URL is typically absolute URL (relative would not make sense as it
123  * is referenced from other web site referring to your web site).
124  *
125  * Typical value::  https://your-site.com/YOUR_BRAND_saml2_icon_150x60.png
126  *
127  * Other possible values:: Depending on SP user interface, you may
128  *     use any of
129  *
130  *       https://your-site.com/your_brand_saml2_icon_468x60.png
131  *       https://your-site.com/your_brand_saml2_icon_150x60.png
132  *       https://your-site.com/your_brand_saml2_icon_16x16.png
133  *
134  *     This allows different types of user interfaces to be rendered, see
135  *     PREF_BUTTON_SIZE config option. Check with your Trust Operator
136  *     organization to understand the convention they use.
137  *
138  *     > N.B. As of 20111210, you can only specify one in configuration and
139  *     > your own metadata, but any number are tolerated in foreign metadata.
140  *
141  * If BUTTON_URL is not supplied (the default (0)), the NICE_NAME, and
142  * possibly EntityID, is displayed instead.
143  *
144  * Changing BUTTON_URL requires new metadata export to CoT partners. */
145 #define ZXID_BUTTON_URL 0  /* By default no button URL is supplied. */
147 /*(c) Preferred branding button size (squash or ignore others)
148  * See description of BUTTON_URL, above, for general notion of branding button.
149  *
150  * Since different user interfaces may require different sizes of branding button,
151  * many SAML2 metadata provide several. PREF_BUTTON_SIZE must be a substring
152  * of the OrganizationURL for it to be considered as preferred branding button.
153  * Branding button will also have "saml2_icon" as substring. Lacking correct size,
154  * any other branding button may be squashed to fit the right size, or textual
155  * NICE_NAME and possibly EntityID may be displayed instead. Value SHOULD be
156  * one of "468x60" (banners only mode, typically one per row), "150x60" (default,
157  * multicolumn mode), "16x16" (detailed listing mode, typically with
158  * OreanizationDisplayName and EntityID displayed as well).
159  *
160  * Changing PREF_BUTTON_SIZE requires new metadata export to CoT partners. */
161 #define ZXID_PREF_BUTTON_SIZE "150x60"
163 /*(c) Web Site Base URL - root of EntityID
164  * IMPORTANT: Failure to config this option may block zxid from operating.
165  * BURL is the stem for EntityID and most zxid SSO operations. It must end
166  * in whatever triggers the ZXID functionality in the web server. The hostname
167  * and port number should match the server under which zxid CGI is accessible.
168  * The BURL config option may be set dynamically by VURL, see below, or from
169  * program code.
170  *
171  * N.B. There is no explicit way to configure EntityID (ProviderID) for
172  * the zxid SP. The EntityID is always of form BURL?o=B, for example
173  * https://sp1.zxidsp.org:8443/zxid?o=B
174  *
175  * Changing BURL may require regenerating certificates (if domain name changed) and
176  * requires new metadata export to CoT partners. */
177 #define ZXID_BURL "https://sp1.please-set-BURL-conf-variable-to-some-useful-site-dep-value.org:8443/zxidhlo"
179 /*(c) VURL - BURL for a virtual server
180  * The VURL allows different BURL for different
181  * virtual servers (multihoming) to be generated automatically based
182  * on the (CGI) environment variables. However, often you would
183  * override the BURL in /var/zxid/zxid.conf
184  *
185  * In VURL each ordinary letter is rendered as is, but the
186  * following % (percent) specifications are expanded inline:
187  *
188  *   %%  expands as single percent sign
189  *   %a  access protocol prefix, e.g. "https://" or "http://"
190  *   %h  the contents of environment variable HTTP_HOST (see CGI spec). This
191  *       usually ends in :port if the port is nonstandard (thus usually
192  *       you do not need %p or %P).
193  *   %p  the contents of environment variable SERVER_PORT (see CGI spec).
194  *   %P  Similar to %p, but renders a colon before the portnumber, unless
195  *       the SERVER_PORT is 443 or 80, in which case nothing is rendered.
196  *       This deals with default ports of the https and http protocols.
197  *   %s  the contents of environment variable SCRIPT_NAME (see CGI spec)
198  *
199  * > N.B. All other %-specs are reserved for future expansion
200  *
201  * VURL is not really a configuration option on its own right (there is
202  * no corresponding entry in struct zxid_conf), but rather a directive
203  * that instructs, on point of its occurrance, the BURL variable (see zxid.h)
204  * to be computed. It will not have any effect unless evaluted at run time,
205  * thus this "default value" is rather moot. You really need to specify
206  * VURL in your own configuration.
207  *
208  * Default value: "%a%h%s"
209  *
210  * See also: VPATH
211  *
212  * Changing VURL may change BURL which requires new metadata export to CoT partners. */
214 #define ZXID_VURL "%a%h%s"
216 /*(c) Override standard EntityID Construction
217  * The best practise is that SP Entity ID is chosen by the SP (and not
218  * forced upon SP by IdP). In ZXID this is done by setting BURL,
219  * see above. However, should you have to work with an obstinate IdP
220  * that refuses to follow this best practise, you can use this option
221  * to manually set the Entity ID string. Not following the best practise
222  * breaks automatic metadata exchange (Auto-CoT). Recommended
223  * value: leave as 0 so that Entity ID is formed from BURL
224  *
225  * Changing NON_STANDARD_ENTITYID requires new metadata export to CoT partners. */
228 /*(c) Bare URL EntityID
229  * Omit o=B from entity ID, i.e. make the BURL be the entity ID.
230  * Values: 0 or 1.
231  *
232  * Changing BARE_URL_ENTITYID requires new metadata export to CoT partners. */
235 /*(c) Illadviced ACS URL Hack
236  * Sometimes an illadvised authority may impose to you Assertion
237  * Consumer Service URL, this URL happens to be different than
238  * ZXID uses, and you do not have political leverage to change
239  * these decisions. In those times you can use this hack to
240  * try to map the imposed URL to the one that works in ZXID.
241  * Normally you should register at IdP to use the ZXID default
242  * URLs (the easiest way to do this is to use metadata). This
243  * config option only works in mod_auth_saml.
244  *
246  * new metadata export to CoT partners. */
250 /*(c) Additional Metadata Fields.
251  * Safe to leave all as NULL.
252  * The LOCALITY, STATE, and COUNTRY will appear in certificates
253  * so you may want to set them to sensible values.
254  *
255  * Changing any of the organization or contact details requires
256  * regenerating certificates and new metadata export to CoT partners. */
257 #define ZXID_ORG_NAME "Unspecified ORG_NAME conf variable"
258 #define ZXID_LOCALITY "Lisboa"
259 #define ZXID_STATE    "Lisboa"
260 #define ZXID_COUNTRY  "PT"
261 #define ZXID_CONTACT_ORG 0
262 #define ZXID_CONTACT_NAME 0
263 #define ZXID_CONTACT_EMAIL 0
264 #define ZXID_CONTACT_TEL 0
266 /*(c) Federated Username Suffix
267  * If set (by default this is always set when BURL is set, you have to
268  * explicitly unset it if you do not want it), causes IdP to include
269  * fedusername attribute in the assertion. The value of this attribute
270  * will be the (persistent) nameid followed by @ sign and this suffix,
271  * for example: FXyysxhM4F6d3DIwrtoiFdi0i@zxidp.org
272  *
273  * The fedusername attribute is a helper for the SP web sites that
274  * are fixated on the notion of needing a username and/or requiring
275  * the username to look like an email. By packaging the psedonym this
276  * way it is easy to get them to work with minimal modification.
277  * N.B. Although it looks like an email address, it is not. Do not try
278  * sending mail to it (unless you hack your mailserver to understand it).
279  *
280  * Does not affect metadata.
281  */
282 #define ZXID_FEDUSERNAME_SUFFIX "set-this-or-url-to-site-dependent-value"
284 /*(c) IdP Attribute Generation Options
285  * 0x01::  If fedusername is generated, also generate
286  *     urn:oid: (aka ~eduPersonPrincipalName~)
287  *
288  * Does not affect metadata.
289  */
290 #define ZXID_IDPATOPT 0x01
292 /*(c) Common Domain Cookie URL
293  * URL for reading Common Domain Cookie. It must end in "zxid". The hostname
294  * and port number should match the server under which zxid CGI is accessible.
295  * Specifying empty CDC_URL disables CDC check in zxid_simple() API.
296  *
297  * Does not affect metadata. */
298 /*#define ZXID_CDC_URL "https://sp1.zxidcommon.org:8443/zxid"*/
299 /*#define ZXID_CDC_URL "https://a-sp.cot.projectliberty.org:8443/zxid"*/
300 #define ZXID_CDC_URL "" /* CDC disabled */
302 /*(c) CDC designated IdP Handling
303  * How to handle CDC designated IdP. See zxid.h for explanation of constants.
304  *
305  * Does not affect metadata. */
308 /*(c) Metadata Fetching Options (Auto-CoT)
309  * Following four boolean configuration options control how metadata
310  * is obtained. It can be in a cache (by default directory /var/zxid/cot)
311  * or it can be fetched "on the fly" using the well known location (WKL)
312  * method.
313  *
314  * MD_FETCH:: controls whether fetching is performed. This necessitates
315  *     that ZXID was linked with libcurl. If you do not enable fetching, you
316  *     will need to populate the cache manually, perhaps by using a web browser
317  *     to fetch the meta data xml files from well known location URLs (or other
318  *     URLs if you know better) and then running on commandline zxcot -a.
319  *     Or you could use zxidcot.pl?op=md or zxcot(1) tool.
320  *
321  *     N.B. Even if fetching is enabled, the fetch can still fail due to
322  *     network connectivity issues or due to other end not supporting it.
323  *
324  *     MD_FETCH=1:: Fetch from WKL (Auto-CoT)
325  *     MD_FETCH=2:: Fetch from metadata authority, see MD_AUTHORITY, below.
326  *
327  * MD_POPULATE_CACHE:: controls whether ZXID will write the metadata to
328  *     the on-disk cache. This requires ZXID_MD_FETCH to be enabled
329  *     and the file system permissions of the cache directory
330  *     (e.g. /var/zxid/cot) to allow writing.
331  *
332  * MD_CACHE_FIRST:: controls whether cache will be checked before fetching
333  *     is attempted. If cache misses, ZXID_MD_FETCH governs whether fetch
334  *     is tried.
335  *
336  * MD_CACHE_LAST:: If true, metadata is obtained from cache
337  *     if fetch was disabled or failed.
338  *
339  * If you want to control manually your CoT (e.g. because human process is
340  * needed to verify that all the paperwork is in place), set MD_FETCH to 0.
341  *
342  * If you want as automatic operation as possible, set all four to 1.
343  *
344  * Does not affect metadata of the entity itself (no new exchange needed).
345  */
347 #define ZXID_MD_FETCH          1   /* The Auto-CoT ena option */
349 #define ZXID_MD_CACHE_FIRST    1
350 #define ZXID_MD_CACHE_LAST     1
352 /*(c) Metadata Authority EntityID
353  * If MD_FETCH=2 and this is set to an EntityID (whose metadata MUST already
354  * be in the CoT cache, typically manually populated using zxcot -a)
355  * then in situations where metadata is missing, the authority is queried
356  * for the missing metadata. The returned metadata 3rd party should be
357  * signed by the authority and the authority's own metadata is used
358  * in validating the signature.
359  *
360  * The URL from where the metadata is fetched is formed by looking at
361  * <md:AdditionalMetadataLocation> element in the authority's metadata
362  * and concatenating the succinct ID of the entity.
363  *
364  * Usually the authority is the IdP that the SP trusts. This allows
365  * centralized management of a Circle of Trust. Such IdP will know
366  * to include the AdditionalMetadataLocation in its own metadata.
367  * See also: MD_AUTHORITY_ENA in IdP configuration.
368  *
369  * Does not affect metadata of the entity itself.
370  */
371 #define ZXID_MD_AUTHORITY 0
373 /*(c) Load Initial CoT Cache
374  * Whether to load CoT cache from a file containing the concatenated
375  * metadata of the Circle of Trust. Some real world federations distribute
376  * their metadata this way. Setting this to 0 disables the feature (default).
377  * Setting this to file name or path enables this feature.
378  *
379  * Does not affect metadata of the entity itself.
380  */
381 #define ZXID_LOAD_COT_CACHE 0
383 /*(c) Automatic Self-signed Cert Generation (Auto-Cert)
384  * If ZXID does not find one of the certificate plus private key pairs
385  * it needs to operate, it will generate automatically a self-signed
386  * certificate and private key and populate it to the assigned
387  * place. The certificate will be valid until the end of the Unix
388  * epoch (2037).  If you do not want this to happen, you should
389  * disable this option and install the certificate - private key pairs
390  * manually to
391  *
392  *   /var/zxid/pem/enc-nopw-cert.pem
393  *   /var/zxid/pem/sign-nopw-cert.pem
394  *   /var/zxid/pem/logenc-nopw-cert.pem
395  *   /var/zxid/pem/logsign-nopw-cert.pem
396  *   /var/zxid/pem/ssl-nopw-cert.pem
397  *
398  * Does not affect metadata when correctly used, but beware that if you change
399  * certificates, you will need to perform new metadata export to your CoT partners.
400  */
401 #define ZXID_AUTO_CERT 1
403 /*(c) Authentication Request Signing
404  * Whether AuthnReq is signed by SP (controls both metadata and actual behavior).
405  *
406  * Changing AUTHN_REQ_SIGN requires new metadata export to CoT partners. */
407 #define ZXID_AUTHN_REQ_SIGN 1
409 /*(c) IdP Insitence on Signed AuthnReq
410  * Must AuthnReq be signed (controls both IdP metadata and actual behavior, i.e. the check).
411  *
412  * Changing WANT_AUTHN_REQ_SIGNED requires new metadata export to CoT partners. */
415 /*(c) Assertion Signing
416  * Whether SP insists that SSO assertions are signed. Affects metadata. The
417  * actual insistence on signing is controlled by ZXID_NOSIG_FATAL, far below.
418  * Boolean. Recommended value: 1.
419  *
420  * Changing WANT_SSO_A7N_SIGNED requires new metadata export to CoT partners. */
421 #define ZXID_WANT_SSO_A7N_SIGNED 1
423 /*(c) SSO SOAP Message Signing
424  * Whether SOAP messages for ArtifactResolution, SLO, and MNI are signed. Whether
425  * responses are signed as well. (*** doc)
426  *
427  * Does not affect metadata. */
428 #define ZXID_SSO_SOAP_SIGN 1
431 /*(c) IdP Signing Options
432  * Which components should be signed by IdP in SSO Response and Assertion.
433  * Bit mask:
434  *
435  *   0x01  Assertion should be signed (default and highly recommended)
436  *   0x02  The surrounding Response element should be signed
437  *   0x03  Both Assertion and Response are signed.
438  *
439  * Does not affect metadata. */
440 #define ZXID_SSO_SIGN 0x01
442 /*(c) NameID Encryption
443  * Whether SLO and MNI requests emitted by ZXID will encrypt the
444  * NameID (on received requests ZXID accepts either plain or encrypted
445  * automatically and without configuration). (*** doc)
446  *
447  * Does not affect metadata. */
448 #define ZXID_NAMEID_ENC 0x0f
450 /*(c) Assertion Encryption in POST
451  * Whether to encrypt assertions when using POST bindings. This
452  * is enabled by default as it protects against Man-in-the-Middle
453  * attack by compromised web browser. Do not disable unless you know
454  * what you are doing.
455  *
456  * Does not affect metadata. */
457 #define ZXID_POST_A7N_ENC 1
459 /*(c) Position of EncryptedKey relative to EncryptedData
460  * When producing EncryptedID, EncruptedAssertion, or EncryptedAttribute,
461  * how is the EncryptedKey stored relative to EncryptedData
462  *
463  * 0x00::  Sibling, without Recipient hint (interops with many commercial implementations and Shibboleth Sept 2010)
464  * 0x01::  Sibling, with Recipient hint (interops with many commercial implementations and Shibboleth as of August 2010)
465  * 0x20::  Nested method, i.e. EncryptedData/KeyInfo/EncryptedKey (interops with all versions of Shibboleth and many others)
466  *
467  * > N.B: SAML2 specs fail to say which approach is preferred, therefore both
468  * > approaches are valid. In reading messages ZXID automatically understands both.
469  * > This option only controls how outbound messages are generated so that others
470  * > can understand them (ideally they would autodetect so we would not need this option).
471  *
472  * Does not affect metadata.
473  */
474 #define ZXID_ENCKEY_OPT 0x20
476 /*(c) Controls whether new fedarations can be created during discovery
477  * Does not affect metadata. */
478 #define ZXID_DI_ALLOW_CREATE '1'
480 /*(c) Controls the default NameID Format for discovery
481  * p=persistent, t=transient
482  *
483  * Does not affect metadata. */
484 #define ZXID_DI_NID_FMT 'p'
486 /*(c) Controls whether assertions emitted by discovery are encrypted
487  * It is highly recommended to encrypt the assertions to avoid man-in-the-middle
488  * attacks.
489  *
490  * Does not affect metadata. */
491 #define ZXID_DI_A7N_ENC 1
493 /*(c) Control how many levels of bootstraps are added to assertions
494  * Normally
495  * only first level is added, i.e. all available bootstraps are embedded in
496  * the assertion, but the assertions of the embedded bootstraps only
497  * get discovery bootstrap. 2 would cause the assertions of the first order
498  * bootstraps to have further bootstraps embedded, etc. Since bootstrap
499  * generation tends to be expensive and wasteful, you should use discovery
500  * instead and leave BOOTSTRAP_LEVEL set to 1.
501  *
502  * Does not affect metadata. */
505 /*(c) WSC Content-Type header generation
506  * For SOAP 1.1 (SOAP11) that TAS3 and IF-WSF2 use,
507  * the value should be "Content-Type: text/xml" (n.b. even
508  * the header name has to be included) per
509  * http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/NOTE-SOAP-20000508/ section 6.1.1
510  * If WSP asks this to be anything else, the chances are
511  * it is misconfigured, not standards compliant, or using SOAP 1.2.
512  * This should be fixed in WSP end. Changing the value in WSC end
513  * should only be desperate last resort as it will cause WSC
514  * to be incompatible with standards compliant WSPs.
515  *
516  * Does not affect metadata. */
517 #define ZXID_WSC_SOAP_CONTENT_TYPE "Content-Type: text/xml"
519 /*(c) WSC <a:To> header generation
520  * The default is not to
521  * generate which, according to http://www.w3.org/TR/ws-addr-core/ section 3.2
522  * produces same semantics as http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous,
523  * i.e. responding end of HTTP connection. Special values:
524  *
525  * 0 (null):: No To header generated
526  * "#inhibit":: No To header generated
527  * "#url":: To header has same value as end point URL (this is the default, see below).
528  * Other values:: The value to supply as To header.
529  *
530  * N.B. Although WS-Addressing states that this header is optional, as it is
531  * one of the signed headers, it may have significance in showing the
532  * intended recipient of the message (the Audience for the Assertion is
533  * an other place where intended recipient is expressed, albeit as
534  * entity ID rather than end point URL).
535  *
536  * Does not affect metadata. */
537 #define ZXID_WSC_TO_HDR "#url"
539 /*(c) WSC <a:ReplyTo> header generation
540  * The default is not to
541  * generate which, according to http://www.w3.org/TR/ws-addr-core/ section 3.2
542  * produces same semantics as http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous,
543  * i.e. reply to the requesting end of HTTP connection. In
544  * liberty-idwsf-soap-binding-2.0-errata-v1.0.pdf value
545  * http://www.w3.org/2005/03/addressing/role/anonymous is
546  * illustrated, but this is in violation of http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing
547  * namespace. The Liberty specification also hints that ReplyTo can be
548  * omitted to get the default semantics. Special values:
549  *
550  * 0 (null):: No ReplyTo header generated
551  * "#inhibit":: No ReplyTo header generated
552  * "#anon":: http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous
553  * "#anon_2005_03":: http://www.w3.org/2005/03/addressing/role/anonymous
554  * Other values:: The value to supply as To header.
555  *
556  * Does not affect metadata. */
557 #define ZXID_WSC_REPLYTO_HDR 0
559 /*(c) WSC <a:Action> header generation
560  * The most reliable way
561  * to dispatch SOAP web services is to simply look at the first
562  * child element of <e:Body>. If, however, you are cursed with
563  * having to interoperate with WSP that insists on seeing some
564  * specific Action header, this option gives you some control
565  * as to what it should be.
566  *
567  * First method of generating Action header is to pass it in as
568  * input to zxid_call(), e.g.
569  *
570  *   ret = zxid_call(cf, ses, svctype, url, 0, 0,
571  *     "<e:Envelope  xmlns:e=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\">"
572  *        "<e:Header>""
573  *           "<a:Action xmlns:a=\"http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing\" "
574  *               "actor=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/actor/next\" "
575  *               "mustUnderstand=\"1\">toimikaa</a:Action>"
576  *        "</e:Header>"
577  *        "<e:Body><r:Req xmlns:r=\"urn:test\"/></e:Body></e:Envelope>");
578  *
579  * This method overrides any other, i.e. if WSC code sees an already existing
580  * Action header, it will not replace it.
581  *
582  * Other methods depend on the WSC_ACTION_HDR option with following special values:
583  *
584  * 0 (null):: No Action header will be generated,
585  * "#ses":: Look for key "Action" in session attribute pool
586  * "#body1st":: Special value that will use the name of the first child element
587  *     of the <e:Body> tag.
588  * "#body1stns":: Same as #body1st, but will prefix by namespace URI
589  * Other values:: cause the Action header to be set to the given value.
590  *
591  * Does not affect metadata. */
592 #define ZXID_WSC_ACTION_HDR "#body1stns"
594 /*(c) Like WSC_ACTION_HDR, but deals with the HTTP level SOAPAction header
595  * Dependence on HTTP layer header to say what is inside <e:Body> is poor
596  * programming and architecture. WSPs should be coded to ignore the
597  * SOAPAction http header.
598  *
599  * The ID-WSF2 default value for this is empty string "", which generally
600  * does not cause indigestion to the buggy softwares and causes them to
601  * route the request to default place. For semantics of "" and omitting, see
602  * http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/NOTE-SOAP-20000508/ section 6.1.1
603  *
604  * Possible values:
605  *
606  * 0 (null):: Do not generate SOAPAction
607  * "#inhibit":: Do not generate SOAPAction (use this in configuration)
608  * "#same":: Same as <a:Action> SOAP header. This is often the #body1stns, i.e. the namespace
609  *     qualified name of the 1st child element of <e:Body>
610  * "" (empty string):: the default for ID-WSF
611  * Other values:: use the value of this config option as SOAPAction HTTP header.
612  *
613  * Does not affect metadata. */
614 #define ZXID_SOAP_ACTION_HDR "#same"
616 /*(c) WSC Signing Options
617  * Which components of a web service request should be signed by WSC.
618  * Bit mask:
619  *
620  *   0x01  SOAP Headers
621  *   0x02  SOAP Body
622  *   0x03  Both Headers and Body are signed.
623  *
624  * Does not affect metadata. */
625 #define ZXID_WSC_SIGN 0x03
627 /*(c) WSP Signing Options
628  * Which components of a web service response should be signed by WSP.
629  * Bit mask:
630  *
631  *   0x01  SOAP Headers
632  *   0x02  SOAP Body
633  *   0x03  Both Headers and Body are signed.
634  *
635  * Does not affect metadata. */
636 #define ZXID_WSP_SIGN 0x03
638 /*(c) OAUTH2 / OpenID-Connect1 id_token signing and encryption options
639  * - 'n': alg=none
640  * - 'h': alg=HS256 (HMAC using SHA256)
641  * - 'r': alg=RS256 (RSA using SHA256)
642  *
643  * Does not affect metadata. */
644 #define ZXID_OAZ_JWT_SIGENC_ALG 'n'
646 /*(c) JSON client Content-Type header generation
647  * Various styles exist.
648  *
649  * Does not affect metadata. */
650 //#define ZXID_JSON_CONTENT_TYPE "Content-Type: text/json"
651 #define ZXID_JSON_CONTENT_TYPE "Content-Type: application/json"
654 /*(c) Command that will be executed by zxidwspcgi to respond to a web service call. */
655 #ifndef ZXID_WSPCGICMD
656 #define ZXID_WSPCGICMD "./zxid-wspcgicmd.sh"
657 #endif
659 /*(c) Bit length of identifiers, unguessability
660  * How many random bits to use in an ID. It would be useful if this was
661  * such that it produces nice unpadded base64 string, i.e. multiple of 24 bits.
662  * Longer IDs reduce chances of random collision (most code does not
663  * check uniqueness of ID) and may increase security. For security purposes
664  * 144 bits is probably good enough. The unguessability of ID has security
665  * implications, among others, in session IDs. You may want to use less than
666  * 144 bits if your application could benefit from shorter IDs (e.g. you target
667  * browsers with length constrained URLs) and does not need to be
668  * secure against attacks with government level resources.
669  *
670  *   E.g:  24 bits ==  3 bytes ==  4 safe_base64 chars,
671  *         48 bits ==  6 bytes ==  8 safe_base64 chars,
672  *        120 bits == 15 bytes == 20 safe_base64 chars,
673  *        144 bits == 18 bytes == 24 safe_base64 chars
674  *
675  * Does not affect metadata. */
676 #define ZXID_ID_BITS 144      /* (compile) */
677 #define ZXID_ID_MAX_BITS 168  /* used for static buffer allocation (compile) */
679 /*(c) True randomness vs. pseudorandom source
680  * Whether true randomness is obtained.
681  * 0=use OpenSSL RAND_pseudo_bytes(), which usually uses /dev/urandom
682  * 1=use OpenSSL RAND_bytes(), which usually uses /dev/random
683  *
684  * Although true randomness may be more secure, it is operationally
685  * problematic because if not enough randomness is available, the
686  * system will block (stop) until enough randomness arrives. Generally
687  * true randomness is not feasible in a server environment unless
688  * you have a hardware random number generator.
689  *
690  * Does not affect metadata. */
691 #define ZXID_TRUE_RAND 0  /* (compile) */
693 /*(c) Session Archival Directory
694  * If set to a string, indicates a file system directory to which
695  * dead sessions are moved (sessions are files). This directory
696  * must be on the same file system as active session directory,
697  * usually /var/zxid/ses, for example /var/zxid/oldses.
698  * You may want to archive old sessions because they contain
699  * the SSO assertions that allowed the users to log in. This
700  * may have legal value for your application, you may even be required
701  * by law to keep this audit trail. On the other hand, other
702  * jurisdictions will require you to delete this information.
703  *
704  * If set to 0, causes old sessions to be unlink(2)'d.
705  *
706  * Does not affect metadata. */
707 #define ZXID_SES_ARCH_DIR 0  /* 0=Remove dead sessions. */
709 /*(c) Session cookies
710  * For original Netscape cookie spec see: http://curl.haxx.se/rfc/cookie_spec.html (Oct2007)
711  *
712  * If SES_COOKIE_NAME is nonempty string, then
713  * zxid_simple() will look for said cookie and use it as session ID.
714  * It will also attempt to set a cookie by that name when new session
715  * is created (but this may rely on some support in the calling app,
716  * generally the need to set a cookie is expressed by presence of
717  * setcookie attribute in the LDIF entry. setcookie specifies what
718  * should appear in the Set-Cookie HTTP header of HTTP response).
719  *
720  * Does not affect metadata. */
723 #endif
725 /*(c) PTM hint cookie
726  * If PTM_COOKIE_NAME is nonempty string, then
727  * zxid_simple() will attempt to set a cookie by that name when new session
728  * is created (but this may rely on some support in the calling app,
729  * generally the need to set a cookie is expressed by presence of
730  * setcookie attribute in the LDIF entry. setcookie specifies what
731  * should appear in the Set-Cookie HTTP header of HTTP response).
732  *
733  * Does not affect metadata. */
736 #endif
738 /*(c) Local user account management
739  * Local user database in filesystem.
740  *
741  * This is optional unless you require IdP
742  * initiated ManageNameID requests to work. Local user account management
743  * may be useful on its own right if your application does not yet have
744  * such system. If it already has, you probably want to continue to use
745  * the application's own system. Local accounts are stored under
746  * /var/zxid/user/SHA1
747  *
748  * Does not affect metadata. */
749 #define ZXID_USER_LOCAL 1
751 /*(c) Mini IdP
752  * Whether limited IdP functionality is enabled. Affects generated metadata.
753  *
754  * Affects metadata. */
755 #define ZXID_IDP_ENA 0
757 /*(c) IdP Proxying, i.e. IdP can be SP towards another IdP.
758  * Affects metadata. */
759 #define ZXID_IDP_PXY_ENA 0
761 /*(c) Identity Mapper and People Service
762  * Whether limited Identity Mapper and People Service functionality is enabled.
763  * For this to work, IDP_ENA=1 is needed.
764  *
765  * Does not affect metadata. */
766 #define ZXID_IMPS_ENA 0
768 /*(c) Mini Authentication Service
769  * Whether limited Authentication Service functionality is enabled.
770  * Please note that the AuthenticationService implementation at present (2010)
771  * is incomplete and fails to properly authenticate and authorize the caller
772  * system entity, i.e. anyone who knows a username and password can call it
773  *
774  * Does not affect metadata. */
775 #define ZXID_AS_ENA 0
777 /*(c) Metadata Authority
778  * Whether IdP will serve as Metadata Authority (see also MD_AUTHORITY and MD_FETCH=2).
779  * Enables generation of <md:AdditionalMetadataLocation namespace="#md-authority">
780  * element in the metadata of the IdP.
781  *
782  * Changing MD_AUTHORITY_ENA requires new metadata export to CoT partners. */
785 /*(c) Dummy PDP
786  * Whether limited PDP functionality is enabled.
787  *
788  * Does not affect metadata. */
789 #define ZXID_PDP_ENA 1
791 /*(c) Maximum filesystem path length (compile)
792  * Used in /var/zxid tree. */
793 #define ZXID_MAX_BUF 1024  /* Directories and filenames combined. */
795 /*(c) Logging Options
796  * See zxid-log.pd for further explanation. Generally you
797  * need error and activity logs to know yourself what is going on.
798  * You need the issue logs to know whether other's claims towards you are
799  * justified. You need the rely logs to hold others responsible.
800  *
801  * > N.B. In addition to act, err, rely, and issue logging, there is also
802  * > debug logging to stderr, typically found in your web server error.log
803  * > or in /var/tmp/zxid.stderr or log/xml.dbg. The debugging logs are
804  * > not conteolled by these options - they are controlled by the debug flag.
805  * > A production site should not enable debugging logs, as they may cause
806  * > exposure of sensitive material, unless there is a problem to investigate.
807  *
808  * The bits of the value are as follows
809  *
810  *   0x00  Do not log.
811  *   0x01  Log enable
812  *   0x06  Signing options
813  *         0:: no signing (Px)
814  *         2:: sha1 MD only (Sx)
815  *         4:: RSA-SHA1 (Rx)
816  *         6:: DSA-SHA1 (Dx)
817  *   0x08  reserved
818  *   0x70  Encryption options
819  *         0x00:: no encryption (xP)
820  *         0x10:: zip-base64 (xZ)
821  *         0x20:: RSA-AES (xA)
822  *         0x30:: RSA-3DES (xT)
823  *         0x40:: Symmetric AES (xB)
824  *         0x50:: Symmetric 3DES (xU)
825  *         0x60:: reserved
826  *         0x70:: reserved
827  *   0x80  reserved
828  *
829  * N.B. Every encryption and signature has computational cost so be
830  * sure to factor this in when doing benchmarks - or disable log enc
831  * and sign when performance is at premium.
832  *
833  * Log signing may help you to argue that log evidence was (not) tampered with.
834  * The private key for signing must be available
835  * in /var/zxid/pem/logsign-nopw-cert.pem
836  * Often this is just a copy of sign-nopw-cert.pem
837  *
838  * Log encryption may help to keep the logs confidential.
839  * For RSA modes the public key for encryption must be available
840  * in /var/zxid/pem/logenc-nopw-cert.pem. For symmetric encryption the key
841  * is the sha1 hash of file /var/zxid/pem/logenc.key
842  * All modes, except 0x01, also RFC1951 zip compress the log line and
843  * safe-base64 encode the result of the encryption.
844  *
845  * None of the logging options affect metadata. */
848 /* Most common combinations of the above flags. */
849 #define ZXLOG_OP_NOLOG        0x00
850 #define ZXLOG_OP_LOG          0x01
851 #define ZXLOG_OP_LOG_SIGN     0x05
852 #define ZXLOG_OP_LOG_ENC      0x21
853 #define ZXLOG_OP_LOG_SIGN_ENC 0x25  /* RSA-AES enc + RSA-SAH1 sign */
855 #if 1
856 /* Production settings to ship. */
857 #define ZXLOG_ERR        0x01  /* Log errors to /var/zxid/log/err */
858 #define ZXLOG_ACT        0x01  /* Log activity to /var/zxid/log/act */
859 #define ZXLOG_ISSUE_A7N  0x01  /* Log each issued assertion to /var/zxid/log/issue/SHA1/a7n/asn */
860 #define ZXLOG_ISSUE_MSG  0x01  /* Log each issued PDU to /var/zxid/log/issue/SHA1/msg/asn */
861 #define ZXLOG_RELY_A7N   0x01  /* Log each received assertion to /var/zxid/log/rely/SHA1/a7n/asn */
862 #define ZXLOG_RELY_MSG   0x01  /* Log each received PDU to /var/zxid/log/rely/SHA1/msg/MSGID */
863 #else
864 /* Test settings */
865 #define ZXLOG_ERR        0x00
866 #define ZXLOG_ACT        0x25
867 #define ZXLOG_ISSUE_A7N  0x23
868 #define ZXLOG_ISSUE_MSG  0x45
869 #define ZXLOG_RELY_A7N   0x41
870 #define ZXLOG_RELY_MSG   0x11
871 #endif
873 /*(c) Choice of log given Error or Action
874  * Each operation has its status code and generally those lines that indicate
875  * successful status (or intermediate status like "continue" or "redirect")
876  * are considered normal activity. However, you may want to consider
877  * carefully whether signature failure in assertion or message disqualifies
878  * an operation as "activity". One approach is to simply log everything (errors and all) to
879  * activity log and rely on some log analysis software to flag the errors.
880  *
881  * Does not affect metadata. */
882 #define ZXLOG_ERR_IN_ACT     1  /* Log errors to /var/zxid/log/act (in addition to err) */
883 #define ZXLOG_ACT_IN_ERR     1  /* Log actions to /var/zxid/log/err (in addition to act) */
884 #define ZXLOG_SIGFAIL_IS_ERR 1  /* Log line with signature validation error to /var/zxid/log/err */
886 /*(c) Log level for activity log
887  * - 0 = Only essential audit relevant events are logged. Note that
888  *   there is no way to turn off logging audit relevant events.
889  * - 1 = Audit and external interactions
890  * - 2 = Audit, external interactions, and significant internal events
891  * - 3 and higher: reserved for future definition and debugging
892  *
893  * Does not affect metadata. */
894 #define ZXLOG_LEVEL 2
896 /*(c) Per user activity logging.
897  * This option enables logging in /var/zxid/idpuid/UID/.log some key
898  * events such as authentication, SSO, and SLO.
899  *
900  * Does not affect metadata. */
901 #define ZXID_LOGUSER 1
903 /*(c) Set debug option
904  * You can also set this via zxid_set_opt().
905  *
906  * - 0 = debug output off
907  * - 3 = debug on
908  *
909  * other values are reserved, experimental, or otherwise undocumented.
910  * Setting debug option will enable numerous, sometimes copious, debugging
911  * messages to stderr, which often ends in web server's error.log file.
912  * This option may also create log/xml.dbg file.
913  *
914  * Does not affect metadata. */
915 #define ZXID_DEBUG 0
917 /*(c) Send debug output to a file
918  * You can also set this via zxid_set_opt_cstr().
919  * By default the debug output goes to stderr, which often goes to
920  * web server's error.log.
921  *
922  * Does not affect metadata. */
923 #define ZXID_DEBUG_LOG 0
925 /*(c) Audit Bus servers
926  * Multiple, comma separated, URLs may be
927  * specified (audit bus servers are instances of zxbusd, which see).
928  * The url is used for both contact and entity id of the audit bus server.
929  * Typical url would be "stomps://ab.ssoid.com:2229/,stomps://ab2.ssoid.com:2229/"
930  *
931  * If no BUS_URL is configured, no audit bus logging is performed.
932  *
933  * Does not affect metadata. */
934 #define ZXID_BUS_URL 0
936 /*(c) Audit bus password if not using ClientTLS
937  * Generally using ClientTLS is RECOMMENDED and the certificate is taken
938  * from metadata encryption certificate field so there is nothing
939  * special to configure here. However, if for some reason you
940  * need to run plain TLS, with STOMP 1.1 passcode filed for authentication,
941  * then set this option to the passcode. Note that using passcode is much
942  * less secure than using ClientTLS. Another limitation of BUS_PW
943  * approach is that it is shared across all audit bus servers.
944  *
945  * Does not affect metadata. */
946 #define ZXID_BUS_PW 0
948 /*(c) How Audit Bus receipts are issued
949  * 0x00 = no receipt, 0x01 = plain, 0x03 SHA, 0x05 = RSA-SHA.
950  * In 0x05 case the actual signing algorithm depends on key type of sign_key (see metadata)
951  * and the ZXID_BLOGSIG_DIGEST_ALGO setting.
952  *
953  * Does not affect metadata. */
954 #define ZXBUS_RCPT 0x05
956 /*(c) Assertion validation options.
957  * These MUST all be turned on (and assertions signed)
958  * if you want to rely on assertions to hold the other party liable.
959  *
960  * Do not affect metadata. */
962 #define ZXID_SIG_FATAL      1 /* Signature validation error is fatal (prevents SSO) */
963 #define ZXID_NOSIG_FATAL    1 /* Missing signature is fatal (prevents SSO) */
964 #define ZXID_MSG_SIG_OK     1 /* Message layer signature (e.g. SimpleSign) is sufficeint when assertion signature is missing. */
965 #define ZXID_AUDIENCE_FATAL 1 /* AudienceRestriction is checked. */
966 #define ZXID_TIMEOUT_FATAL  1 /* NotBefore and NotOnOrAfter are checked */
967 #define ZXID_DUP_A7N_FATAL  1 /* duplicate AssertionID is considered fatal. */
968 #define ZXID_DUP_MSG_FATAL  1 /* duplicate MessageID or message is considered fatal. */
969 #define ZXID_RELTO_FATAL    1 /* failure to correlate RelatesTo to MessageID, or total lack of RelatesTo, is considered fatal. */
971 /*(c) Web service request and response validation options
972  * For the token in the request, the assertion validation options apply.
973  *
974  * Do not affect metadata. */
975 #define ZXID_WSP_NOSIG_FATAL   1 /* Missing Security/Signature is fatal. */
976 #define ZXID_NOTIMESTAMP_FATAL 1 /* Missing Security/Timestamp is fatal. */
978 /*(c) XML canonicalization compatibility kludges
979  * Shibboleth 2.1.5 IdP miscanonicalizes by
980  * ignoring InclusiveNamespaces/@PrefixList, yet
981  * it still supplies such list. The miscanonicalization
982  * leads namespaces missing. This has been reported to Scott Cantor as of 20101005
983  * Set this option to 0x01 to avvoid the trouble.
984  *
985  * Does not affect metadata. */
987 #define ZXID_CANON_INOPT 0
990 /*(c) XML encoding optimizations.
991  * 1 = optimize close tag of empty elements as <ns:foo/>
992  *
993  * Does not affect metadata. */
994 #define ZXID_ENC_TAIL_OPT 1
996 /*(c) SOAP Envelope validation options
997  * In a well configured and
998  * bug free environment, you should not need any of these options.
999  * Turning them on will reduce security as validations are not made.
1000  *
1001  * 0x01 Skip response header validation entirely, see zxid_wsc_valid_re_env()
1002  *
1003  * Does not affect metadata. */
1004 #define ZXID_VALID_OPT 0x00
1005 #define ZXID_VALID_OPT_SKIP_RESP_HDR 0x01
1007 /*(c) Time Slop
1008  * Because clock sychronization amoung the servers in the CoT is unlikely
1009  * to be perfect, not to speak of timezone misconfigurations and the
1010  * dreaded officially introduced time errors (e.g. daylight "savings" time),
1011  * you can configure some slop in how the timeout is evaluated. For production
1012  * use something like 60 seconds could be a good value. 3600 = 1 hour, 86400 = 1 day.
1013  * All servers of CoT MUST use GMT (aka UTC), not local timezones. You can synchronize
1014  * clocks with ntpdate pool.ntp.org (see man ntpdate).
1015  *
1016  * Slop is used in assessing validity of assertions as well as message timestamps.
1017  *
1018  * Time skew allows our end to lie about the time, e.g. if we are in GMT, but
1019  * the other end is not and therefore we are rejected. Note that the time skew
1020  * is same for all other ends, therefore this is not really a good solution.
1021  * Only good solution is to have all servers synchronized to GMT (UTC) as the specs say.
1022  *
1023  * While flexibility is nice, there is enough rope here to hang yourself so don't do that. :-)
1024  *
1025  * Does not affect metadata.
1026  */
1027 #define ZXID_BEFORE_SLOP    39600 /* Number of seconds before that is acceptable. */
1028 #define ZXID_AFTER_SLOP     7300  /* Number of seconds after that is acceptable. */
1030 #define ZXID_TIMESKEW       0      /* Timeskew, in seconds, for timestamps we emit. */
1031 #define ZXID_A7NTTL         3600   /* Time To Live for IdP issued Assertions */
1033 /*(c) Redirect to Content
1034  * Should explicit redirect to content be used (vs. internal redir). With
1035  * internal redirect there is one over-the-wire transaction less, but
1036  * the URL appears as whatever was sent by the IdP. With explicit (302)
1037  * redirect the URL will appear as the true content URL, without the SAML SSO goo.
1038  *
1039  * Does not affect metadata. */
1040 #define ZXID_REDIR_TO_CONTENT 1
1042 /*(c) ID-WSF SOAP Call parameters
1043  *
1044  * Does not affect metadata. */
1045 #define ZXID_MAX_SOAP_RETRY 5  /* Maximum retries due, e.g., EndpointMoved */
1047 /*(c) Session Management Trigger Suffix
1048  * In mod_auth_saml the URL ending that triggers session management (e.g. SLO MNI).
1049  *
1050  * Does not affect metadata. */
1051 // *** remove #define ZXID_MOD_SAML_MGMT_SUFFIX "/saml"
1053 /*(c) Attribute Prefix
1054  * In mod_auth_saml the prefix (potentially empty) for attributes brought into environment.
1055  *
1056  * Does not affect metadata. */
1059 /*(c) Fake Basic Auth by generating REMOTE_USER
1060  * In mod_auth_saml generate REMOTE_USER subprocess environment variable.
1061  *
1062  * Does not affect metadata. */
1063 #define ZXID_REMOTE_USER_ENA 1
1065 /*(c) Query String if None Given
1066  * Does not affect metadata.
1067  */
1069 #define ZXID_DEFAULTQS ""   /* Default Query String used by mod_auth_saml for protected page */
1071 /*(c) WSP Pattern
1072  * Any URL matching this pattern is treated as web service call rather
1073  * than SSO attempt. Understood by mod_auth_saml, zxid_httpd and mini_httpd_zxid.
1074  * WSP_PAT is matched before UMA_PAT and SSO_PAT.
1075  *
1076  * Does not affect metadata. */
1077 #define ZXID_WSP_PAT "*.wsp"
1079 /*(c) UMA Pattern
1080  * Any URL matching this pattern is treated as web service call protected by UMA rather
1081  * than SSO attempt. Understood by mod_auth_saml, zxid_httpd and mini_httpd_zxid.
1082  * UMA_PAT is matched after WSP_PAT but before SSO_PAT.
1083  *
1084  * Does not affect metadata. */
1085 #define ZXID_UMA_PAT "*/uma/*"
1087 /*(c) Single Sign-On URL Pattern
1088  * Any URL matching this pattern requires SSO. However
1089  * WSP_PAT is matched first. Understood by mod_auth_saml (additional
1090  * Apache configuration needed), zxid_httpd and mini_httpd_zxid.
1091  *
1092  * Does not affect metadata. */
1093 #define ZXID_SSO_PAT "**"
1095 /*(c) Anonymous can see protected content
1096  * If ANON_OK is set and matches the local URL - see zx_match(), SSO failure
1097  * does not block protected content from being
1098  * shown. While this usually is a security problem, in some circumstances
1099  * you may want to show error message or nonpersonalized content from the
1100  * application layer. If application checks that the SSO really happened,
1101  * then there is no security problem - the responsibility is application's.
1102  * Typically ANON_OK=/dir/ is used with IsPassive (fp=1) to implement personalization
1103  * if user already has session, but allow the user to access page anonymously
1104  * without logging in if he does not have session.
1105  *
1106  * > N.B. This option does not prevent the SSO from being tried in the
1107  * > first place and consequently, IdP selection will be invoked in any
1108  * > case - even if user has no meaningful IdP in mind. This option only
1109  * > controls what happens after IdP redirects back without having
1110  * > authenticated the user. By clever manupulation of DEFAULTQS and fp=1
1111  * > this could be made to work, if there is only one IdP.
1112  *
1113  * Does not affect metadata. */
1114 #define ZXID_ANON_OK 0
1116 /*(c) Optional Login URL Pattern
1117  * If a page matching OPTIONAL_LOGIN_PAT is accessed, then
1118  *
1119  * a. If session is already active, session is used and attributes of session
1120  *    are visible to the page.
1121  * b. If no session is active, then no login is requested, unless the
1122  *    URL matches BURL.
1123  *
1124  * N.B. This option tries to do what many people try to use ANON_OK for.
1125  *
1126  * Does not affect metadata. */
1129 /*(c) Required Authentication Context Class Ref
1130  * This can be used
1131  * to ensure that the IdP has authenticated user sufficiently.
1132  * In some cases this can trigger step-up authentication.
1133  * Value should be dollar separated string of acceptable authn context
1134  * class refs, e.g. ""
1135  *
1136  * If step-up authentication is triggered, you need to ensure the fa query
1137  * string argument of the IdP selection page also requests the desired
1138  * authentication contrext class reference.
1139  * If not specified, then any authentication context is acceptable.
1140  *
1141  * Does not affect metadata. */
1144 /*(c) IdP: Authentication Context Class Refs
1145  * What authentication context IdP issues for for different authentication methods. The
1146  * problem here is that ZXID does not know whether transport layer is TLS (assumed).
1147  * If it is not, you should configure this to be
1148  * "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:Password"
1149  * or you can configure this according to your IdP operational policies.
1150  *
1151  * Comma separated list corresponding to internal authentication levels.
1152  *
1153  * - 0 = no authentication, used as default if no other value is available
1154  * - 1 = weaker than password
1155  * - 2 = password
1156  * - 3 = yubikey
1157  * - 4 = pin + yubikey
1158  *
1159  * Does not affect metadata. */
1160 #define ZXID_ISSUE_AUTHNCTX "none,weak,urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:PasswordProtectedTransport,yubikey,pin-yubikey"
1162 /*(c) IdP preference for ACS
1163  * If SP does not manifest preference regarding the binding for Assertion Consumer Service,
1164  * then this IdP preference is used, unless SP metadata indicates it can not
1165  * support this binding, in which case the first ACS from metadata is used.
1166  *
1167  * Does not affect metadata. */
1168 #define ZXID_IDP_PREF_ACS_BINDING "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST"
1170 /*(c) List of unsuppressible attributes
1171  * Every SSO and discovery will include
1172  * these attributes, if they are defined for the user. Comma separated list.
1173  *
1174  * Does not affect metadata. */
1176 #define ZXID_MANDATORY_ATTR "zxidvers,zxidloa"
1178 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1180 /*(c) Attribute Broker definitions
1181  * Do not affect metadata. */
1183 #define ZXID_NEED "idpnid,affid,role$undisclosed,log$400000$$"
1184 #define ZXID_WANT "*,authnctxlevel,sesid,setcookie,cookie,rs,cn$undisclosed,log$400000$$"
1185 #define ZXID_ATTRSRC ""
1186 #define ZXID_INMAP ""
1187 #define ZXID_OUTMAP "rsrc$rs$unsb64-inf$$"
1188 //#define ZXID_SUPPRESS ""
1190 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1192 /*(c) Policy Decision Point (PDP) URLs
1193  * If PDP_URL is set, then the indicated PDP will be consulted in
1194  * the end of SSO, i.e. by zxid_simple().
1195  * PDP_CALL_URL is used if zxid_az() family of functions
1196  * are called. If PDP_CALL_URL is not set, but PDP_URL is
1197  * set, the PDP_URL value will be used by zxid_az(). If you
1198  * always want to explicitly call zxid_az() and do not want
1199  * zxid_simple() to make implicit calls to PDP, just set
1200  * PDP_CALL_URL and leave PDP_URL as 0.
1201  *
1202  * Does not affect metadata. */
1203 #define ZXID_PDP_URL 0
1204 #define ZXID_PDP_CALL_URL 0
1206 /*(c) Trust Policy Decision Point (PDP) URL
1207  * If TRUSTPDP_URL is set and
1208  * appropriate discovery options are passed, then the indicated PDP
1209  * will be consulted during discovery processing to determine if a
1210  * service should be returned. Default value 0 prevents such processing.
1211  *
1212  * Does not affect metadata. */
1213 #define ZXID_TRUSTPDP_URL 0
1215 /*(c) Enable TAS3 CPN
1216  * Enable discovery and web service call to perform TAS3 Credentials
1217  * and Privacy Negotiation call. For this to work, there must be discovery registration
1218  * for service type urn:tas3:cpn-agent as well.
1219  *
1220  * Does not affect metadata. */
1221 #define ZXID_CPN_ENA 0
1223 /*(c) Kludgy options for AZ debugging
1224  * Also work-around bugs of others.
1225  *
1226  * 0x01:: prevent WS-Security header in SOAP XACML requests.
1227  *
1228  * Does not affect metadata. */
1229 #define ZXID_AZ_OPT 0
1231 /*(c) Authorization failure mode
1232  * 0x00:: Any failure is Deny (sane default)
1233  * 0x01:: Missing PDP_URL or PDP_CALL_URL is Permit (allows you to
1234  *     run code that makes explicit az calls even if you do not have PDP)
1235  * 0x02:: Network connectivity error is Permit (emergency panic
1236  *     option - do not enable unless you are willing to assume
1237  *     the liability: that failure to contact PDP is interpretted as Permit
1238  *     may be the express objective of the attack you are under)
1239  * 0x03:: Combine the two above: Missing URL or no connectivity is Permit
1240  * 0x04:: Always return Permit (only for development use)
1241  *
1242  * Does not affect metadata. */
1243 #define ZXID_AZ_FAIL_MODE 0
1245 /* Use these constants in code */
1246 #define ZXID_AZ_FAIL_MODE0_DENY 0
1248 #define ZXID_AZ_FAIL_MODE2_NET_FAIL 2
1251 /*(c) Which version of XACML to speak
1252  * E.g. "2.0" or "2.0-cd1" or "xac-soap"
1253  *
1254  * Does not affect metadata. */
1256 #define ZXID_XASP_VERS "2.0"
1258 /*(c) What to pass in XACML PolicySetIdReference when calling PDP
1259  * Empty means not to pass PolicySetIdReference.
1260  *
1261  * Does not affect metadata. */
1262 #define ZXID_XA_POLICY_SET_ID_REF ""  /* *** implement */
1264 /*(c) Common XACML Attributes for PEPs (compile)
1265  * Format ns$A$rule$b$ext
1266  *
1267  * The ZXID_COMMAP can only be specified at compile time. At run time
1268  * each map has to be specified separately, sorry.
1269  * The order of processing rules has not been fixed yet, but
1270  * currently (Feb2011/R0.76) the first rule is processed last, e.g.
1271  * the "env$*$$$" stanza that appears as first, below, causes
1272  * all other attributes to be considered environment attributes.
1273  * See documentation for INMAP for syntax of the stanzas.
1274  *
1275  * Does not affect metadata. */
1276 #define ZXID_COMMAP       "env$*$$$;subj$idpnid$rename$urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject:subject-id$;subj$urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject:subject-id$$$;subj$urn:oid:$$$;subj$urn:oid:$$$;subj$eduPersonAffiliation$$$;subj$eduPersonEntitlement$$$;subj$role$$$;rsrc$rs$unsb64-inf$urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:resource:resource-id$;rsrc$urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:resource:resource-id$$$;rsrc$Resource$rename$urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:resource:resource-id$;act$Action$rename$urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:action:action-id$;act$urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:action:action-id$$$;env$ZXID_PEPvers$$$;$cookie$del$$;$setcookie$del$$;$setptmcookie$del$$"
1278 /*(c) XACML Attributes for SSO / frontchannel request in PEP
1279  * Format ns$A$rule$b$ext
1280  *
1281  * Does not affect metadata. */
1282 #define ZXID_PEPMAP       ZXID_COMMAP
1284 /*(c) XACML Attributes for Request Outbound PEP at WSC (1)
1285  * Format ns$A$rule$b$ext
1286  *
1287  * Does not affect metadata. */
1290 /*(c) XACML Attributes for Request Inbound PEP at WSP (2)
1291  * Format ns$A$rule$b$ext
1292  *
1293  * Does not affect metadata. */
1296 /*(c) XACML Attributes for Response Outbound PEP at WSP (3)
1297  * Format ns$A$rule$b$ext
1298  *
1299  * Does not affect metadata. */
1302 /*(c) XACML Attributes for Response Inbound PEP at WSC (4)
1303  * Format ns$A$rule$b$ext
1304  *
1305  * Does not affect metadata. */
1308 //#define ZXID_XACML2_SUBJ  "idpnid=$idpnid&role=$role"
1309 //#define ZXID_XACML2_RSRC  "URL=$URL"
1310 //#define ZXID_XACML2_ACT   "Action=$Action"
1311 //#define ZXID_XACML2_ENV   "ZXID_PEPVers"
1313 /*(c) Default AAMAP
1314  * Pass all attributes (except dangerous ones) through.
1315  *
1316  * idpsesid is blocked on grounds of being a sessionwide correlation handle.
1317  *
1318  * Does not affect metadata. */
1319 #define ZXID_DEFAULT_IDP_AAMAP "$*$$$;$idpsesid$del$$"  /* (compile) */
1321 /*(c) Whitelists and blacklists for the primitive SSO local PDP
1322  * Comma separated lists.
1323  *
1324  * Do not affect metadata. */
1326 #define ZXID_LOCALPDP_ROLE_PERMIT 0   /* Whitelist of roles, comma separated (empty: anything goes) */
1327 #define ZXID_LOCALPDP_ROLE_DENY   "local_deny"      /* Blacklist of roles, comma separated */
1328 #define ZXID_LOCALPDP_IDPNID_PERMIT 0 /* Whitelist of permitted users, comma separated (empty: anything goes) */
1329 #define ZXID_LOCALPDP_IDPNID_DENY "denynid" /* Blacklist of denied users, comma separated */
1331 /*(c) Obligations
1332  * Obligations we are willing to respect (unless an explicit UsageDirectives header
1333  * is specified by caller), require, generate, and accept. Examples:
1334  *
1335  *   WSC_LOCALPDP_OBL_PLEDGE=urn:tas3:sol1:contract-fwk=urn:syn-trust:obl:base-contract:2012-11
1336  *   WSC_LOCALPDP_OBL_PLEDGE=urn:tas3:sol1:contract-fwk=urn:syn-trust:obl:base-contract:2012-11%26urn:tas3:sol1:xborder=urn:tas3:sol1:xdom:eu
1337  *   WSC_LOCALPDP_OBL_PLEDGE=urn:tas3:sol1:contract-fwk=urn:syn-trust:obl:base-contract:2012-11$urn:tas3:sol1:xborder=urn:tas3:sol1:xdom:eu
1338  *
1339  * Since SOL expressions are parsed according to URL query string
1340  * rules and since the configuration directives are also parsed
1341  * according to query string rules, a problem arises with multipart SOL
1342  * expressions. The second expression shows how to use URL quoting
1343  * (%26) to protect the SOL ampersand from being processed by the
1344  * configuration file. Since this is such a common situation, a
1345  * special separator dollar ($, 0x24) may be used instead, as
1346  * illustrated in third example.
1347  *
1348  * Multiple WSP_LOCALPDP_OBL_REQ and WSP_LOCALPDP_OBL_EMIT directives
1349  * accumulate.  Special pledge name "reset" can be used to reset the
1350  * list.
1351  *
1352  * See further discussion in tas3-proto.pd section 2.12 Simple Obligations Language (SOL).
1353  *
1354  * Does not affect metadata. */
1355 #define ZXID_WSC_LOCALPDP_OBL_PLEDGE  0  /* String: WSC pledged obligations in SOL notation */
1356 #define ZXID_WSP_LOCALPDP_OBL_REQ     0  /* String: WSP required obligations in SOL notation */
1357 #define ZXID_WSP_LOCALPDP_OBL_EMIT    0  /* String: WSP obligations emitted on resp */
1358 #define ZXID_WSC_LOCALPDP_OBL_ACCEPT  0  /* String: WSC acceptable obligations in SOL notation */
1360 /*(c) Unix Group Authorization
1361  *
1362  *  UNIX_GRP_AZ_MAP=affil$attr$val$group$ext
1363  *
1364  * where
1365  *
1366  * affil:: Specifies who is allowed to supply the attribute. Typically
1367  *     the IdP EntityID. Specifying '**' accepts any IdP, but this
1368  *     is problematic if different IdPs use same attribute name to
1369  *     mean different things. Suffix and prefix matching can be
1370  *     performed using "**" and "*".
1371  * attr:: The name of the SSO attribute, e.g "role" or "o" (organization).
1372  *     Can also be specified as "*", which is interpretted as any
1373  *     user from the IdP specified in affil. No other wildcarding.
1374  * val:: The value of the attribute that needs to match. Prefix and
1375  *     suffix matching using "*" and "**" is supported. Use | to
1376  *     supply alternatives.
1377  * group:: The Unix group name.
1378  * ext:: Extension field.
1379  *
1380  * Leave as empty (null) to disable the feature.
1381  *
1382  * Does not affect metadata. */
1384 #define ZXID_UNIX_GRP_AZ_MAP 0
1386 /*(c) Enable obsolete ciphers
1387  * Enable CBC (instead of GCM) and PKCS#1 v1.5 padding, both of which
1388  * are vulnearable and can compromise modern crypto through Backwards
1389  * Compatibility Attacks.
1390  * See paper: Tibor Jager, Kenneth G. Paterson, Juraj Somorovsky: "One Bad Apple: Backwards Compatibility Attacks on State-of-the-Art Cryptography", 2013 http://www.nds.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/research/publications/backwards-compatibility/ /t/BackwardsCompatibilityAttacks.pdf
1391  *
1392  * Does not affect metadata. */
1393 #define ZXID_BACKWARDS_COMPAT_ENA 0 /* safe default, 1=enable acceptance of old unsafe ciphers, 2=use old unsafe ciphers when generating protocol messages, 3=be backwards compatible in input and output */
1398 /*(c) String used as SignatureMethod@Algorithm
1399  * Typically a special URL like "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1".
1400  * The public key part must agree with certificate used for signature. The
1401  * hash part is used for choosing a hash algorithm. If specified as 0 or "0",
1402  * the public key part is determined from the certificate and the hash
1403  * part from the XMLDSIG_DIGEST_ALGO. Since the mapping is
1404  * nontrivial, not all combinations can be autodetected.
1405  */
1406 #define ZXID_XMLDSIG_SIG_METH 0
1408 /*(c) Digest algorithm to use when generating XMLDSIG signatures
1409  * The string is used as Reference/DigestMethod@Algorithm and is also
1410  * used to choose (by looking at the local part of the URL) the actual
1411  * digest algorithm for the crypto engine.
1412  * If XMLDSIG_SIG_METH is specified as 0 or "0", as it often is, this
1413  * option also determines the hash algorithm part for the signature.
1414  * Special value 0 means to use the same hash algorithm as in
1415  * signing certificate.
1416  * Traditional default value (as of 2015): "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1"
1417  */
1420 /*(c) Digest algorithm to use when generating SAML blob (not XMLDSIG) signatures
1421  * Blob signatures occur in SAML2 messages where XML signature
1422  * is not used, e.g. redirect bindings and POST bindings.
1424  * configuration options are used.
1425  * The string, such as "SHA1" or "SHA256" should be understood
1426  * by OpenSSL EVP_get_digestbyname(3) API. If passed as 0 or "0"
1427  * the default hash algorithm is used ("SHA1" as of 2015).
1428  */
1431 /*(c) Digest algorithm to use when generating blob (not XMLDSIG or SAML) signatures
1432  * Blob signatures occur in several places where XML signature
1433  * is not used. For example when performing signed logging or audit bus operations.
1434  * The string, such as "SHA1" or "SHA256" should be understood
1435  * by OpenSSL EVP_get_digestbyname(3) API. If passed as 0 or "0"
1436  * the default hash algorithm is used ("SHA256" as of 2015).
1437  */
1440 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1441 /*(c) Change current working directory
1442  * Apache httpd sometimes changes working directory unpredictably
1443  * (usually to /). This is in violation of Apache httpd documentation,
1444  * but apparently the bug has not gotten fixed as of 2013. This seems
1445  * to be related to mod_rewrite. Use this option to change working
1446  * directory back to whatever you desire, such as document root of a
1447  * virtual host so that relative paths to templates, etc. work. 0 means
1448  * not to change (i.e. leave working directory as-is, even if unpredictably
1449  * changed to wrong value).
1450  *
1451  * Does not affect metadata. */
1452 #define ZXID_WD 0
1454 /*(c) Simple API HTML customization.
1455  * These allow simple branding and customization.
1456  * If these options are not enough for you, consider simply rendering your own forms. */
1458 /*(c) Whether to show more technical fields in the GUI
1459  * Normally they are hidden and POST profile is used.
1460  * Does not affect metadata. */
1461 #define ZXID_SHOW_TECH 0
1463 /*(c) Body tag for some old ZXID generated pages
1464  * Edit this to change the colors. But usually
1465  * you should be editing stylesheet or template.
1466  * Does not affect metadata. */
1467 #define ZXID_BODY_TAG "<body bgcolor=white>"  /* (compile) */
1469 /*(c) IdP Selector Page URL
1470  * If the IDP_SEL_TEMPL_FILE or IDP_SEL_TEMPL, above, is not sufficient for
1471  * your customization needs, you can provide URL to page of your own design.
1472  * This page will receive as query string argument the relay state.
1473  * 0 (zero) disables.
1474  *
1475  * Does not affect metadata. */
1477 #define ZXID_IDP_SEL_PAGE 0
1479 /*(c) Path for Template for IdP Selector Page
1480  * This template is used
1481  * by Service Provider to render the SP "login" screen which really
1482  * is the IdP selection screen (as the authentication login is done
1483  * on IdP side).
1484  *
1485  * Does not affect metadata. */
1486 #define ZXID_IDP_SEL_TEMPL_FILE "idpsel.html"
1488 /*(c) Template for IdP Selector Page
1489  * Used if the path does not work. This is really meant to be the last resort.
1490  *
1491  * Does not affect metadata. */
1493 #define ZXID_IDP_SEL_TEMPL "<title>SP SSO: Choose IdP</title>"\
1494   "<link type=\"text/css\" rel=stylesheet href=\"idpsel.css\"><body bgcolor=white>"\
1495   "<h1 class=zxtop>SP Federated SSO (user NOT logged in, no session)</h1>"\
1496   "<form method=get action=\"!!URL\">"\
1497   "<div class=zxerr>!!ERR</div><div class=zxmsg>!!MSG</div><div class=zxdbg>!!DBG</div>"\
1498   "<h3>Login Using New IdP</h3>"\
1499   "<i>A new IdP is one whose metadata we do not have yet. We need to know "\
1500   "the IdP URL (aka Entity ID) in order to fetch the metadata using the "\
1501   "well known location method. You will need to ask the adminstrator of "\
1502   "the IdP to tell you what the EntityID is.</i>"\
1503   "<p>IdP URL <input name=e size=60><input type=submit name=l0 value=\" Login \"><br>"\
1504   "Entity ID of this SP (click on the link to fetch the SP metadata): <a href=\"!!EID\">!!EID</a>"\
1505   "<p>!!IDP_LIST<h3>Technical options</h3>"\
1506   "<input type=hidden name=fc value=1><input type=hidden name=fn value=prstnt>"\
1507   "<!-- built-in defaults, see IDP_SEL_TEMPL in zxidconf.h and zxid-conf.pd for explanation -->"\
1508   "<input type=hidden name=fr value=\"!!FR\">"\
1509   "<input type=hidden name=fq value=\"\">"\
1510   "<input type=hidden name=fy value=\"\">"\
1511   "<input type=hidden name=fa value=\"\">"\
1512   "<input type=hidden name=fm value=\"\">"\
1513   "<input type=hidden name=fp value=0>"\
1514   "<input type=hidden name=ff value=0>"\
1515   "</form>"\
1516   "<div class=zxbot>!!VERSION (builtin)</div>"
1518 /*(c) Choose the method for rendeing IdP list.
1519  *
1520  * - 0 = popup menu
1521  * - 1 = buttons
1522  * - 2 = branded image buttons (a la "nascar")
1523  *
1524  * This configuration option is effective if !!IDP_LIST variable
1525  * is used in template. The variables !!IDP_POPUP, !!IDP_BUTTON, and !!IDP_BRAND
1526  * in template override this option.
1527  *
1528  * Do not affect metadata. */
1529 #define ZXID_IDP_LIST_METH 0
1531 #define ZXID_IDP_LIST_POPUP   0
1532 #define ZXID_IDP_LIST_BUTTON  1
1533 #define ZXID_IDP_LIST_BRAND   2
1535 /*(c) Create New User Page
1536  * If user clicks "Create New User" (o=N) he is redirected to this page.
1537  * E.g. "zxidnewuser.pl"
1538  *
1539  * Does not affect metadata. */
1541 #define ZXID_NEW_USER_PAGE "zxidnewuser.pl"
1543 /*(c) Recover Password Page
1544  * If user clicks on recover password link (o=W), redirect to this page.
1545  * E.g. "zxidrecoverpw.pl"
1546  *
1547  * Does not affect metadata. */
1549 #define ZXID_RECOVER_PASSWD "zxidrecoverpw.pl"
1551 /*(c) Attribute selection page
1552  * If attribute selection is desired during SSO, redirect to this page.
1553  * E.g. "zxidatsel.pl"
1554  *
1555  * Does not affect metadata. */
1557 #define ZXID_ATSEL_PAGE 0
1559 /*(c) Authentication Page URL
1560  * If the template customization options are not sufficient, you can
1561  * provide URL to page of your own design. If set, takes priority over AN_TEMPL_FILE.
1562  * 0 (zero) disables.
1563  *
1564  * Does not affect metadata. */
1566 #define ZXID_AN_PAGE 0
1568 /*(c) Path for Template for IdP Authentication Page
1569  * Does not affect metadata. */
1571 #define ZXID_AN_TEMPL_FILE "an-main.html"
1573 /*(c) Template for IdP Authentication Page
1574  * Used if the path does not work. This is really meant to be the last resort.
1575  *
1576  * Does not affect metadata. */
1578 #define ZXID_AN_TEMPL "<title>IdP: Authentication</title>"\
1579   "<link type=\"text/css\" rel=stylesheet href=\"an.css\"><body bgcolor=white>"\
1580   "<form method=get action=\"!!URL\">"\
1581   "<h1 class=zxtop>IdP Authentication for Federated SSO</h1>"\
1582   "<p>Entity ID of this IdP (click for the IdP metadata): <a href=\"!!EID\">!!EID</a><br>"\
1583   "<p>Login requested by <img src=\"!!SP_BUTTON_URL\"> !!SP_DPY_NAME (<a href=\"!!SP_EID\">!!SP_EID</a>)"\
1584   "<div class=zxerr>!!ERR</div><div class=zxmsg>!!MSG</div><div class=zxdbg>!!DBG</div>"\
1585   "User NOT logged in, no session."\
1586   "<h3>Please authenticate using one of the following methods:</h3>"\
1587   "<!--input type=checkbox name=at> Adjust attribute sharing after authentication-->"\
1588   "<ol><li> Yubikey <a href=\"http://yubico.com\"><img src=\"yubiright_16x16.gif\" width=16 height=16 border=0></a>:<input name=au><input type=submit name=alp value=\" Login \">"\
1589   "<li> User: <input name=au> Password: <input type=password name=ap><input type=submit name=alp value=\" Login \">"\
1590   "<li><input type=submit name=an value=\" Create New User \"></ol>"\
1591   "<input type=hidden name=fc value=1><input type=hidden name=fn value=prstnt><br>"\
1592   "<input type=hidden name=fq value=\"\"><input type=hidden name=fy value=\"\"><input type=hidden name=fa value=\"\"><input type=hidden name=fm value=\"\"><input type=hidden name=fp value=0><input type=hidden name=ff value=0><!-- ZXID built-in defaults, see AN_TEMPL zxidconf.h-->"\
1593   "<input type=hidden name=ar value=\"!!SSOREQ\">"\
1594   "<input type=hidden name=zxapp value=\"!!ZXAPP\">"\
1595   "</form><div class=zxbot>!!VERSION (builtin)</div>"
1597 /*(c) Path for Template for POST profile page
1598  * Does not affect metadata. */
1600 #define ZXID_POST_TEMPL_FILE "post.html"
1602 /*(c) Template for POST profile page
1603  * Used if the path does not work. This is really meant to be the last resort.
1604  *
1605  * Does not affect metadata. */
1607 #define ZXID_POST_TEMPL "<title>Post Profile</title>"\
1608   "<link type=\"text/css\" rel=stylesheet href=\"an.css\">"\
1609   "<body bgcolor=white OnLoad=\"document.forms[0].submit()\">"\
1610   "<form method=post action=\"!!ACTION_URL\">"\
1611   "<h1 class=zxtop>POST Profile POST</h1>"\
1612   "<div class=zxerr>!!ERR</div><div class=zxmsg>!!MSG</div><div class=zxdbg>!!DBG</div>"\
1613   "<input type=hidden name=!!SAML_ART value=\"!!SAML_RESP\">!!RS!!SIG"\
1614   "<input type=submit name=ok value=\" If JavaScript is not on, please click here to complete the transaction \">"\
1615   "</form><div class=zxbot>!!VERSION (builtin)</div>"
1617 /*(c) Error Page URL
1618  * If the template customization options are not sufficient, you can
1619  * provide URL to page of your own design. If set, takes priority over ERR_TEMPL_FILE.
1620  * 0 (zero) disables.
1621  *
1622  * Does not affect metadata. */
1624 #define ZXID_ERR_PAGE 0
1626 /*(c) Path for Template for Error Page
1627  *
1628  * Does not affect metadata. */
1630 #define ZXID_ERR_TEMPL_FILE "err.html"
1632 /*(c) Template for Error Page
1633  * Used if the path does not work. This is really meant to be the last resort.
1634  *
1635  * Does not affect metadata. */
1637 #define ZXID_ERR_TEMPL "<title>ZXID: Error</title>"\
1638   "<link type=\"text/css\" rel=stylesheet href=\"an.css\"><body bgcolor=white>"\
1639   "<form method=get action=\"!!URL\">"\
1640   "<h1 class=zxtop>ZXID Error Message</h1>"\
1641   "<div class=zxerr>!!ERR</div><div class=zxmsg>!!MSG</div><div class=zxdbg>!!DBG</div>"\
1642   "<input type=hidden name=zxapp value=\"!!ZXAPP\">"\
1643   "</form><div class=zxbot>!!VERSION (builtin)</div>"
1645 #define ZXID_MGMT_START "<title>ZXID SP Mgmt</title><link type=\"text/css\" rel=stylesheet href=\"idpsel.css\"><body bgcolor=white><h1 class=zxtop>ZXID SP Management (user logged in, session active)</h1>\n"
1647 #define ZXID_MGMT_LOGOUT "<input type=submit name=gl value=\" Local Logout \">\n<input type=submit name=gr value=\" Single Logout (R) \">\n<input type=submit name=gs value=\" Single Logout (S) \">\n"
1649 #define ZXID_MGMT_DEFED "<input type=submit name=gt value=\" Defederate (R) \">\n<input type=submit name=gu value=\" Defederate (S) \">\n"
1651 #define ZXID_MGMT_FOOTER  "<div class=zxbot>"
1652 #define ZXID_MGMT_END     "</div>"
1654 /*(c) ECHO - Print to debug out that given line in configuration has been reached.
1655  * Used for debugging complex sequences of VPATH and INCLUDE. */
1657 /* FYI, ERR config file option already has another meaning: error log */
1659 /*(c) INFO - Like ECHO, but prints at debug level INFO.
1660  */
1662 /*(c) WARN - Like ECHO, but prints at debug level WARN.
1663  */
1665 /*(c) DIE - Like ECHO, but prints at debug level ERR and the aborts (exits) the process.
1666  */
1668 /*(c) REM - Remark. A comment that is not printed anywhere. Alternate mechanism
1669  * when compated to using hash sign ("#") in configuration files.  */
1671 /*(c) PRAGMA - Implementation dependent config parsing time option. Ignore if not understood.
1672  */
1674 #endif