1                           PGP::Sign To-Do List
3Here's a list of things that have occurred to me that I'd like to see
4added to PGP::Sign at some point, in no particular order.  The amount of
5development time I have for PGP::Sign is extremely limited, and therefore
6most of these are unlikely to ever be done without help.  Pull requests or
7mailed patches are welcome.
9 * PGP::Sign currently hard-codes --textmode processing.  This should be
10   configurable via the object constructor to allow use with binary data.
12 * All of the information about a signature should be available, not just
13   the user ID and whether or not it verified.  The most important
14   additional information to provide is the full key ID (fingerprint).
15   This probably implies there should be a separate method call alongside
16   verify() that returns a rich object.
18 * Information about why a signature verification failed isn't provided to
19   the caller, and the additional parsable error tokens returned by GnuPG
20   aren't taken advantage of.  The caller should be able to get
21   information about exactly why a signature verification failed (no
22   public key found, bad signature, malformed data, etc.).
24 * PGP::Sign throws text exceptions on errors, which doesn't allow the
25   caller to cleanly separate the type of failure, the exit status of
26   GnuPG, and GnuPG's standard output and standard error.  It should
27   instead throw a rich object that supports accessor methods for those
28   details.