1# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
2# vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 noet :
4# This file is part of Fail2Ban.
6# Fail2Ban is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9# (at your option) any later version.
11# Fail2Ban is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14# GNU General Public License for more details.
16# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17# along with Fail2Ban; if not, write to the Free Software
18# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
20Fail2Ban  reads log file that contains password failure report
21and bans the corresponding IP addresses using firewall rules.
23This tools can test regular expressions for "fail2ban".
26__author__ = "Fail2Ban Developers"
27__copyright__ = """Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Cyril Jaquier, 2008- Fail2Ban Contributors
28Copyright of modifications held by their respective authors.
29Licensed under the GNU General Public License v2 (GPL).
31Written by Cyril Jaquier <cyril.jaquier@fail2ban.org>.
32Many contributions by Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Steven Hiscocks, Sergey G. Brester (sebres)."""
34__license__ = "GPL"
36import getopt
37import logging
38import os
39import shlex
40import sys
41import time
42import time
43import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
44from optparse import OptionParser, Option
46from configparser import NoOptionError, NoSectionError, MissingSectionHeaderError
48try: # pragma: no cover
49	from ..server.filtersystemd import FilterSystemd
50except ImportError:
51	FilterSystemd = None
53from ..version import version, normVersion
54from .filterreader import FilterReader
55from ..server.filter import Filter, FileContainer
56from ..server.failregex import Regex, RegexException
58from ..helpers import str2LogLevel, getVerbosityFormat, FormatterWithTraceBack, getLogger, \
59  extractOptions, PREFER_ENC
60# Gets the instance of the logger.
61logSys = getLogger("fail2ban")
63def debuggexURL(sample, regex, multiline=False, useDns="yes"):
64	args = {
65		're': Regex._resolveHostTag(regex, useDns=useDns),
66		'str': sample,
67		'flavor': 'python'
68	}
69	if multiline: args['flags'] = 'm'
70	return 'https://www.debuggex.com/?' + urllib.parse.urlencode(args)
72def output(args): # pragma: no cover (overriden in test-cases)
73	print(args)
75def shortstr(s, l=53):
76	"""Return shortened string
77	"""
78	if len(s) > l:
79		return s[:l-3] + '...'
80	return s
82def pprint_list(l, header=None):
83	if not len(l):
84		return
85	if header:
86		s = "|- %s\n" % header
87	else:
88		s = ''
89	output( s + "|  " + "\n|  ".join(l) + '\n`-' )
91def journal_lines_gen(flt, myjournal): # pragma: no cover
92	while True:
93		try:
94			entry = myjournal.get_next()
95		except OSError:
96			continue
97		if not entry:
98			break
99		yield flt.formatJournalEntry(entry)
101def dumpNormVersion(*args):
102	output(normVersion())
103	sys.exit(0)
105usage = lambda: "%s [OPTIONS] <LOG> <REGEX> [IGNOREREGEX]" % sys.argv[0]
107class _f2bOptParser(OptionParser):
108	def format_help(self, *args, **kwargs):
109		""" Overwritten format helper with full ussage."""
110		self.usage = ''
111		return "Usage: " + usage() + "\n" + __doc__ + """
113  string                a string representing a log line
114  filename              path to a log file (/var/log/auth.log)
115  systemd-journal       search systemd journal (systemd-python required),
116                        optionally with backend parameters, see `man jail.conf`
117                        for usage and examples (systemd-journal[journalflags=1]).
120  string                a string representing a 'failregex'
121  filter                name of filter, optionally with options (sshd[mode=aggressive])
122  filename              path to a filter file (filter.d/sshd.conf)
125  string                a string representing an 'ignoreregex'
126  filename              path to a filter file (filter.d/sshd.conf)
127\n""" + OptionParser.format_help(self, *args, **kwargs) + """\n
128Report bugs to https://github.com/fail2ban/fail2ban/issues\n
129""" + __copyright__ + "\n"
132def get_opt_parser():
133	# use module docstring for help output
134	p = _f2bOptParser(
135				usage=usage(),
136				version="%prog " + version)
138	p.add_options([
139		Option("-c", "--config", default='/usr/local/etc/fail2ban',
140			   help="set alternate config directory"),
141		Option("-d", "--datepattern",
142			   help="set custom pattern used to match date/times"),
143		Option("--timezone", "--TZ", action='store', default=None,
144			   help="set time-zone used by convert time format"),
145		Option("-e", "--encoding", default=PREFER_ENC,
146			   help="File encoding. Default: system locale"),
147		Option("-r", "--raw", action='store_true', default=False,
148			   help="Raw hosts, don't resolve dns"),
149		Option("--usedns", action='store', default=None,
150			   help="DNS specified replacement of tags <HOST> in regexp "
151			        "('yes' - matches all form of hosts, 'no' - IP addresses only)"),
152		Option("-L", "--maxlines", type=int, default=0,
153			   help="maxlines for multi-line regex."),
154		Option("-m", "--journalmatch",
155			   help="journalctl style matches overriding filter file. "
156			   "\"systemd-journal\" only"),
157		Option('-l', "--log-level",
158			   dest="log_level",
159			   default='critical',
160			   help="Log level for the Fail2Ban logger to use"),
161		Option('-V', action="callback", callback=dumpNormVersion,
162			   help="get version in machine-readable short format"),
163		Option('-v', '--verbose', action="count", dest="verbose",
164			   default=0,
165			   help="Increase verbosity"),
166		Option("--verbosity", action="store", dest="verbose", type=int,
167			   help="Set numerical level of verbosity (0..4)"),
168		Option("--verbose-date", "--VD", action='store_true',
169			   help="Verbose date patterns/regex in output"),
170		Option("-D", "--debuggex", action='store_true',
171			   help="Produce debuggex.com urls for debugging there"),
172		Option("--no-check-all", action="store_false", dest="checkAllRegex", default=True,
173			   help="Disable check for all regex's"),
174		Option("-o", "--out", action="store", dest="out", default=None,
175			   help="Set token to print failure information only (row, id, ip, msg, host, ip4, ip6, dns, matches, ...)"),
176		Option("--print-no-missed", action='store_true',
177			   help="Do not print any missed lines"),
178		Option("--print-no-ignored", action='store_true',
179			   help="Do not print any ignored lines"),
180		Option("--print-all-matched", action='store_true',
181			   help="Print all matched lines"),
182		Option("--print-all-missed", action='store_true',
183			   help="Print all missed lines, no matter how many"),
184		Option("--print-all-ignored", action='store_true',
185			   help="Print all ignored lines, no matter how many"),
186		Option("-t", "--log-traceback", action='store_true',
187			   help="Enrich log-messages with compressed tracebacks"),
188		Option("--full-traceback", action='store_true',
189			   help="Either to make the tracebacks full, not compressed (as by default)"),
190		])
192	return p
195class RegexStat(object):
197	def __init__(self, failregex):
198		self._stats = 0
199		self._failregex = failregex
200		self._ipList = list()
202	def __str__(self):
203		return "%s(%r) %d failed: %s" \
204		  % (self.__class__, self._failregex, self._stats, self._ipList)
206	def inc(self):
207		self._stats += 1
209	def getStats(self):
210		return self._stats
212	def getFailRegex(self):
213		return self._failregex
215	def appendIP(self, value):
216		self._ipList.append(value)
218	def getIPList(self):
219		return self._ipList
222class LineStats(object):
223	"""Just a convenience container for stats
224	"""
225	def __init__(self, opts):
226		self.tested = self.matched = 0
227		self.matched_lines = []
228		self.missed = 0
229		self.missed_lines = []
230		self.ignored = 0
231		self.ignored_lines = []
232		if opts.debuggex:
233			self.matched_lines_timeextracted = []
234			self.missed_lines_timeextracted = []
235			self.ignored_lines_timeextracted = []
237	def __str__(self):
238		return "%(tested)d lines, %(ignored)d ignored, %(matched)d matched, %(missed)d missed" % self
240	# just for convenient str
241	def __getitem__(self, key):
242		return getattr(self, key) if hasattr(self, key) else ''
245class Fail2banRegex(object):
247	def __init__(self, opts):
248		# set local protected members from given options:
249		self.__dict__.update(dict(('_'+o,v) for o,v in opts.__dict__.items()))
250		self._opts = opts
251		self._maxlines_set = False		  # so we allow to override maxlines in cmdline
252		self._datepattern_set = False
253		self._journalmatch = None
255		self.share_config=dict()
256		self._filter = Filter(None)
257		self._prefREMatched = 0
258		self._prefREGroups = list()
259		self._ignoreregex = list()
260		self._failregex = list()
261		self._time_elapsed = None
262		self._line_stats = LineStats(opts)
264		if opts.maxlines:
265			self.setMaxLines(opts.maxlines)
266		else:
267			self._maxlines = 20
268		if opts.journalmatch is not None:
269			self.setJournalMatch(shlex.split(opts.journalmatch))
270		if opts.timezone:
271			self._filter.setLogTimeZone(opts.timezone)
272		if opts.datepattern:
273			self.setDatePattern(opts.datepattern)
274		if opts.usedns:
275			self._filter.setUseDns(opts.usedns)
276		self._filter.returnRawHost = opts.raw
277		self._filter.checkFindTime = False
278		self._filter.checkAllRegex = opts.checkAllRegex and not opts.out
279		# ignore pending (without ID/IP), added to matches if it hits later (if ID/IP can be retreved)
280		self._filter.ignorePending = opts.out
281		# callback to increment ignored RE's by index (during process):
282		self._filter.onIgnoreRegex = self._onIgnoreRegex
283		self._backend = 'auto'
285	def output(self, line):
286		if not self._opts.out: output(line)
288	def decode_line(self, line):
289		return FileContainer.decode_line('<LOG>', self._encoding, line)
291	def encode_line(self, line):
292		return line.encode(self._encoding, 'ignore')
294	def setDatePattern(self, pattern):
295		if not self._datepattern_set:
296			self._filter.setDatePattern(pattern)
297			self._datepattern_set = True
298			if pattern is not None:
299				self.output( "Use      datepattern : %s : %s" % (
300					pattern, self._filter.getDatePattern()[1], ) )
302	def setMaxLines(self, v):
303		if not self._maxlines_set:
304			self._filter.setMaxLines(int(v))
305			self._maxlines_set = True
306			self.output( "Use         maxlines : %d" % self._filter.getMaxLines() )
308	def setJournalMatch(self, v):
309		self._journalmatch = v
311	def _dumpRealOptions(self, reader, fltOpt):
312		realopts = {}
313		combopts = reader.getCombined()
314		# output all options that are specified in filter-argument as well as some special (mostly interested):
315		for k in ['logtype', 'datepattern'] + list(fltOpt.keys()):
316			# combined options win, but they contain only a sub-set in filter expected keys,
317			# so get the rest from definition section:
318			try:
319				realopts[k] = combopts[k] if k in combopts else reader.get('Definition', k)
320			except NoOptionError: # pragma: no cover
321				pass
322		self.output("Real  filter options : %r" % realopts)
324	def readRegex(self, value, regextype):
325		assert(regextype in ('fail', 'ignore'))
326		regex = regextype + 'regex'
327		# try to check - we've case filter?[options...]?:
328		basedir = self._opts.config
329		fltFile = None
330		fltOpt = {}
331		if regextype == 'fail':
332			fltName, fltOpt = extractOptions(value)
333			if fltName is not None:
334				if "." in fltName[~5:]:
335					tryNames = (fltName,)
336				else:
337					tryNames = (fltName, fltName + '.conf', fltName + '.local')
338				for fltFile in tryNames:
339					if not "/" in fltFile:
340						if os.path.basename(basedir) == 'filter.d':
341							fltFile = os.path.join(basedir, fltFile)
342						else:
343							fltFile = os.path.join(basedir, 'filter.d', fltFile)
344					else:
345						basedir = os.path.dirname(fltFile)
346					if os.path.isfile(fltFile):
347						break
348					fltFile = None
349		# if it is filter file:
350		if fltFile is not None:
351			if (basedir == self._opts.config
352				or os.path.basename(basedir) == 'filter.d'
353				or ("." not in fltName[~5:] and "/" not in fltName)
354			):
355				## within filter.d folder - use standard loading algorithm to load filter completely (with .local etc.):
356				if os.path.basename(basedir) == 'filter.d':
357					basedir = os.path.dirname(basedir)
358				fltName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fltName))[0]
359				self.output( "Use %11s filter file : %s, basedir: %s" % (regex, fltName, basedir) )
360			else:
361				## foreign file - readexplicit this file and includes if possible:
362				self.output( "Use %11s file : %s" % (regex, fltName) )
363				basedir = None
364				if not os.path.isabs(fltName): # avoid join with "filter.d" inside FilterReader
365					fltName = os.path.abspath(fltName)
366			if fltOpt:
367				self.output( "Use   filter options : %r" % fltOpt )
368			reader = FilterReader(fltName, 'fail2ban-regex-jail', fltOpt, share_config=self.share_config, basedir=basedir)
369			ret = None
370			try:
371				if basedir is not None:
372					ret = reader.read()
373				else:
374					## foreign file - readexplicit this file and includes if possible:
375					reader.setBaseDir(None)
376					ret = reader.readexplicit()
377			except Exception as e:
378				output("Wrong config file: %s" % (str(e),))
379				if self._verbose: raise(e)
380			if not ret:
381				output( "ERROR: failed to load filter %s" % value )
382				return False
383			# set backend-related options (logtype):
384			reader.applyAutoOptions(self._backend)
385			# get, interpolate and convert options:
386			reader.getOptions(None)
387			# show real options if expected:
388			if self._verbose > 1 or logSys.getEffectiveLevel()<=logging.DEBUG:
389				self._dumpRealOptions(reader, fltOpt)
390			# to stream:
391			readercommands = reader.convert()
393			regex_values = {}
394			for opt in readercommands:
395				if opt[0] == 'multi-set':
396					optval = opt[3]
397				elif opt[0] == 'set':
398					optval = opt[3:]
399				else: # pragma: no cover
400					continue
401				try:
402					if opt[2] == "prefregex":
403						for optval in optval:
404							self._filter.prefRegex = optval
405					elif opt[2] == "addfailregex":
406						stor = regex_values.get('fail')
407						if not stor: stor = regex_values['fail'] = list()
408						for optval in optval:
409							stor.append(RegexStat(optval))
410							#self._filter.addFailRegex(optval)
411					elif opt[2] == "addignoreregex":
412						stor = regex_values.get('ignore')
413						if not stor: stor = regex_values['ignore'] = list()
414						for optval in optval:
415							stor.append(RegexStat(optval))
416							#self._filter.addIgnoreRegex(optval)
417					elif opt[2] == "maxlines":
418						for optval in optval:
419							self.setMaxLines(optval)
420					elif opt[2] == "datepattern":
421						for optval in optval:
422							self.setDatePattern(optval)
423					elif opt[2] == "addjournalmatch": # pragma: no cover
424						if self._opts.journalmatch is None:
425							self.setJournalMatch(optval)
426				except ValueError as e: # pragma: no cover
427					output( "ERROR: Invalid value for %s (%r) " \
428						  "read from %s: %s" % (opt[2], optval, value, e) )
429					return False
431		else:
432			self.output( "Use %11s line : %s" % (regex, shortstr(value)) )
433			regex_values = {regextype: [RegexStat(value)]}
435		for regextype, regex_values in regex_values.items():
436			regex = regextype + 'regex'
437			setattr(self, "_" + regex, regex_values)
438			for regex in regex_values:
439				getattr(
440					self._filter,
441					'add%sRegex' % regextype.title())(regex.getFailRegex())
442		return True
444	def _onIgnoreRegex(self, idx, ignoreRegex):
445		self._lineIgnored = True
446		self._ignoreregex[idx].inc()
448	def testRegex(self, line, date=None):
449		orgLineBuffer = self._filter._Filter__lineBuffer
450		# duplicate line buffer (list can be changed inplace during processLine):
451		if self._filter.getMaxLines() > 1:
452			orgLineBuffer = orgLineBuffer[:]
453		fullBuffer = len(orgLineBuffer) >= self._filter.getMaxLines()
454		is_ignored = self._lineIgnored = False
455		try:
456			found = self._filter.processLine(line, date)
457			lines = []
458			ret = []
459			for match in found:
460				if not self._opts.out:
461					# Append True/False flag depending if line was matched by
462					# more than one regex
463					match.append(len(ret)>1)
464					regex = self._failregex[match[0]]
465					regex.inc()
466					regex.appendIP(match)
467				if not match[3].get('nofail'):
468					ret.append(match)
469				else:
470					is_ignored = True
471			if self._opts.out: # (formated) output - don't need stats:
472				return None, ret, None
473			# prefregex stats:
474			if self._filter.prefRegex:
475				pre = self._filter.prefRegex
476				if pre.hasMatched():
477					self._prefREMatched += 1
478					if self._verbose:
479						if len(self._prefREGroups) < self._maxlines:
480							self._prefREGroups.append(pre.getGroups())
481						else:
482							if len(self._prefREGroups) == self._maxlines:
483								self._prefREGroups.append('...')
484		except RegexException as e: # pragma: no cover
485			output( 'ERROR: %s' % e )
486			return None, 0, None
487		if self._filter.getMaxLines() > 1:
488			for bufLine in orgLineBuffer[int(fullBuffer):]:
489				if bufLine not in self._filter._Filter__lineBuffer:
490					try:
491						self._line_stats.missed_lines.pop(
492							self._line_stats.missed_lines.index("".join(bufLine)))
493						if self._debuggex:
494							self._line_stats.missed_lines_timeextracted.pop(
495								self._line_stats.missed_lines_timeextracted.index(
496									"".join(bufLine[::2])))
497					except ValueError:
498						pass
499					# if buffering - add also another lines from match:
500					if self._print_all_matched:
501						if not self._debuggex:
502							self._line_stats.matched_lines.append("".join(bufLine))
503						else:
504							lines.append(bufLine[0] + bufLine[2])
505					self._line_stats.matched += 1
506					self._line_stats.missed -= 1
507		if lines: # pre-lines parsed in multiline mode (buffering)
508			lines.append(self._filter.processedLine())
509			line = "\n".join(lines)
510		return line, ret, (is_ignored or self._lineIgnored)
512	def _prepaireOutput(self):
513		"""Prepares output- and fetch-function corresponding given '--out' option (format)"""
514		ofmt = self._opts.out
515		if ofmt in ('id', 'ip'):
516			def _out(ret):
517				for r in ret:
518					output(r[1])
519		elif ofmt == 'msg':
520			def _out(ret):
521				for r in ret:
522					for r in r[3].get('matches'):
523						if not isinstance(r, str):
524							r = ''.join(r for r in r)
525						output(r)
526		elif ofmt == 'row':
527			def _out(ret):
528				for r in ret:
529					output('[%r,\t%r,\t%r],' % (r[1],r[2],dict((k,v) for k, v in r[3].items() if k != 'matches')))
530		elif '<' not in ofmt:
531			def _out(ret):
532				for r in ret:
533					output(r[3].get(ofmt))
534		else: # extended format with tags substitution:
535			from ..server.actions import Actions, CommandAction, BanTicket
536			def _escOut(t, v):
537				# use safe escape (avoid inject on pseudo tag "\x00msg\x00"):
538				if t not in ('msg',):
539					return v.replace('\x00', '\\x00')
540				return v
541			def _out(ret):
542				rows = []
543				wrap = {'NL':0}
544				for r in ret:
545					ticket = BanTicket(r[1], time=r[2], data=r[3])
546					aInfo = Actions.ActionInfo(ticket)
547					# if msg tag is used - output if single line (otherwise let it as is to wrap multilines later):
548					def _get_msg(self):
549						if not wrap['NL'] and len(r[3].get('matches', [])) <= 1:
550							return self['matches']
551						else: # pseudo tag for future replacement:
552							wrap['NL'] = 1
553							return "\x00msg\x00"
554					aInfo['msg'] = _get_msg
555					# not recursive interpolation (use safe escape):
556					v = CommandAction.replaceDynamicTags(ofmt, aInfo, escapeVal=_escOut)
557					if wrap['NL']: # contains multiline tags (msg):
558						rows.append((r, v))
559						continue
560					output(v)
561				# wrap multiline tag (msg) interpolations to single line:
562				for r, v in rows:
563					for r in r[3].get('matches'):
564						if not isinstance(r, str):
565							r = ''.join(r for r in r)
566						r = v.replace("\x00msg\x00", r)
567						output(r)
568		return _out
571	def process(self, test_lines):
572		t0 = time.time()
573		if self._opts.out: # get out function
574			out = self._prepaireOutput()
575		for line in test_lines:
576			if isinstance(line, tuple):
577				line_datetimestripped, ret, is_ignored = self.testRegex(line[0], line[1])
578				line = "".join(line[0])
579			else:
580				line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
581				if line.startswith('#') or not line:
582					# skip comment and empty lines
583					continue
584				line_datetimestripped, ret, is_ignored = self.testRegex(line)
586			if self._opts.out: # (formated) output:
587				if len(ret) > 0 and not is_ignored: out(ret)
588				continue
590			if is_ignored:
591				self._line_stats.ignored += 1
592				if not self._print_no_ignored and (self._print_all_ignored or self._line_stats.ignored <= self._maxlines + 1):
593					self._line_stats.ignored_lines.append(line)
594					if self._debuggex:
595						self._line_stats.ignored_lines_timeextracted.append(line_datetimestripped)
596			elif len(ret) > 0:
597				self._line_stats.matched += 1
598				if self._print_all_matched:
599					self._line_stats.matched_lines.append(line)
600					if self._debuggex:
601						self._line_stats.matched_lines_timeextracted.append(line_datetimestripped)
602			else:
603				self._line_stats.missed += 1
604				if not self._print_no_missed and (self._print_all_missed or self._line_stats.missed <= self._maxlines + 1):
605					self._line_stats.missed_lines.append(line)
606					if self._debuggex:
607						self._line_stats.missed_lines_timeextracted.append(line_datetimestripped)
608			self._line_stats.tested += 1
610		self._time_elapsed = time.time() - t0
612	def printLines(self, ltype):
613		lstats = self._line_stats
614		assert(lstats.missed == lstats.tested - (lstats.matched + lstats.ignored))
615		lines = lstats[ltype]
616		l = lstats[ltype + '_lines']
617		multiline = self._filter.getMaxLines() > 1
618		if lines:
619			header = "%s line(s):" % (ltype.capitalize(),)
620			if self._debuggex:
621				if ltype == 'missed' or ltype == 'matched':
622					regexlist = self._failregex
623				else:
624					regexlist = self._ignoreregex
625				l = lstats[ltype + '_lines_timeextracted']
626				if lines < self._maxlines or getattr(self, '_print_all_' + ltype):
627					ans = [[]]
628					for arg in [l, regexlist]:
629						ans = [ x + [y] for x in ans for y in arg ]
630					b = [a[0] +  ' | ' + a[1].getFailRegex() + ' |  ' +
631						debuggexURL(self.encode_line(a[0]), a[1].getFailRegex(),
632							multiline, self._opts.usedns) for a in ans]
633					pprint_list([x.rstrip() for x in b], header)
634				else:
635					output( "%s too many to print.  Use --print-all-%s " \
636						  "to print all %d lines" % (header, ltype, lines) )
637			elif lines < self._maxlines or getattr(self, '_print_all_' + ltype):
638				pprint_list([x.rstrip() for x in l], header)
639			else:
640				output( "%s too many to print.  Use --print-all-%s " \
641					  "to print all %d lines" % (header, ltype, lines) )
643	def printStats(self):
644		if self._opts.out: return True
645		output( "" )
646		output( "Results" )
647		output( "=======" )
649		def print_failregexes(title, failregexes):
650			# Print title
651			total, out = 0, []
652			for cnt, failregex in enumerate(failregexes):
653				match = failregex.getStats()
654				total += match
655				if (match or self._verbose):
656					out.append("%2d) [%d] %s" % (cnt+1, match, failregex.getFailRegex()))
658				if self._verbose and len(failregex.getIPList()):
659					for ip in failregex.getIPList():
660						timeTuple = time.localtime(ip[2])
661						timeString = time.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", timeTuple)
662						out.append(
663							"    %s  %s%s" % (
664								ip[1],
665								timeString,
666								ip[-1] and " (multiple regex matched)" or ""))
668			output( "\n%s: %d total" % (title, total) )
669			pprint_list(out, " #) [# of hits] regular expression")
670			return total
672		# Print prefregex:
673		if self._filter.prefRegex:
674			#self._filter.prefRegex.hasMatched()
675			pre = self._filter.prefRegex
676			out = [pre.getRegex()]
677			if self._verbose:
678				for grp in self._prefREGroups:
679					out.append("    %s" % (grp,))
680			output( "\n%s: %d total" % ("Prefregex", self._prefREMatched) )
681			pprint_list(out)
683		# Print regex's:
684		total = print_failregexes("Failregex", self._failregex)
685		_ = print_failregexes("Ignoreregex", self._ignoreregex)
688		if self._filter.dateDetector is not None:
689			output( "\nDate template hits:" )
690			out = []
691			for template in self._filter.dateDetector.templates:
692				if self._verbose or template.hits:
693					out.append("[%d] %s" % (template.hits, template.name))
694					if self._verbose_date:
695						out.append("    # weight: %.3f (%.3f), pattern: %s" % (
696							template.weight, template.template.weight,
697							getattr(template, 'pattern', ''),))
698						out.append("    # regex:   %s" % (getattr(template, 'regex', ''),))
699			pprint_list(out, "[# of hits] date format")
701		output( "\nLines: %s" % self._line_stats, )
702		if self._time_elapsed is not None:
703			output( "[processed in %.2f sec]" % self._time_elapsed, )
704		output( "" )
706		if self._print_all_matched:
707			self.printLines('matched')
708		if not self._print_no_ignored:
709			self.printLines('ignored')
710		if not self._print_no_missed:
711			self.printLines('missed')
713		return True
715	def file_lines_gen(self, hdlr):
716		for line in hdlr:
717			yield self.decode_line(line)
719	def start(self, args):
721		cmd_log, cmd_regex = args[:2]
723		if cmd_log.startswith("systemd-journal"): # pragma: no cover
724			self._backend = 'systemd'
726		try:
727			if not self.readRegex(cmd_regex, 'fail'): # pragma: no cover
728				return False
729			if len(args) == 3 and not self.readRegex(args[2], 'ignore'): # pragma: no cover
730				return False
731		except RegexException as e:
732			output( 'ERROR: %s' % e )
733			return False
735		if os.path.isfile(cmd_log):
736			try:
737				hdlr = open(cmd_log, 'rb')
738				self.output( "Use         log file : %s" % cmd_log )
739				self.output( "Use         encoding : %s" % self._encoding )
740				test_lines = self.file_lines_gen(hdlr)
741			except IOError as e: # pragma: no cover
742				output( e )
743				return False
744		elif cmd_log.startswith("systemd-journal"): # pragma: no cover
745			if not FilterSystemd:
746				output( "Error: systemd library not found. Exiting..." )
747				return False
748			self.output( "Use         systemd journal" )
749			self.output( "Use         encoding : %s" % self._encoding )
750			backend, beArgs = extractOptions(cmd_log)
751			flt = FilterSystemd(None, **beArgs)
752			flt.setLogEncoding(self._encoding)
753			myjournal = flt.getJournalReader()
754			journalmatch = self._journalmatch
755			self.setDatePattern(None)
756			if journalmatch:
757				flt.addJournalMatch(journalmatch)
758				self.output( "Use    journal match : %s" % " ".join(journalmatch) )
759			test_lines = journal_lines_gen(flt, myjournal)
760		else:
761			# if single line parsing (without buffering)
762			if self._filter.getMaxLines() <= 1 and '\n' not in cmd_log:
763				self.output( "Use      single line : %s" % shortstr(cmd_log.replace("\n", r"\n")) )
764				test_lines = [ cmd_log ]
765			else: # multi line parsing (with and without buffering)
766				test_lines = cmd_log.split("\n")
767				self.output( "Use      multi line : %s line(s)" % len(test_lines) )
768				for i, l in enumerate(test_lines):
769					if i >= 5:
770						self.output( "| ..." ); break
771					self.output( "| %2.2s: %s" % (i+1, shortstr(l)) )
772				self.output( "`-" )
774		self.output( "" )
776		self.process(test_lines)
778		if not self.printStats():
779			return False
781		return True
784def exec_command_line(*args):
785	logging.exitOnIOError = True
786	parser = get_opt_parser()
787	(opts, args) = parser.parse_args(*args)
788	errors = []
789	if opts.print_no_missed and opts.print_all_missed: # pragma: no cover
790		errors.append("ERROR: --print-no-missed and --print-all-missed are mutually exclusive.")
791	if opts.print_no_ignored and opts.print_all_ignored: # pragma: no cover
792		errors.append("ERROR: --print-no-ignored and --print-all-ignored are mutually exclusive.")
794	# We need 2 or 3 parameters
795	if not len(args) in (2, 3):
796		errors.append("ERROR: provide both <LOG> and <REGEX>.")
797	if errors:
798		parser.print_help()
799		sys.stderr.write("\n" + "\n".join(errors) + "\n")
800		sys.exit(255)
802	if not opts.out:
803		output( "" )
804		output( "Running tests" )
805		output( "=============" )
806		output( "" )
808	# Log level (default critical):
809	opts.log_level = str2LogLevel(opts.log_level)
810	logSys.setLevel(opts.log_level)
812	# Add the default logging handler
813	stdout = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
815	fmt = '%(levelname)-1.1s: %(message)s' if opts.verbose <= 1 else ' %(message)s'
817	if opts.log_traceback:
818		Formatter = FormatterWithTraceBack
819		fmt = (opts.full_traceback and ' %(tb)s' or ' %(tbc)s') + fmt
820	else:
821		Formatter = logging.Formatter
823	# Custom log format for the verbose tests runs
824	stdout.setFormatter(Formatter(getVerbosityFormat(opts.verbose, fmt)))
825	logSys.addHandler(stdout)
827	try:
828		fail2banRegex = Fail2banRegex(opts)
829	except Exception as e:
830		if opts.verbose or logSys.getEffectiveLevel()<=logging.DEBUG:
831			logSys.critical(e, exc_info=True)
832		else:
833			output( 'ERROR: %s' % e )
834		sys.exit(255)
836	if not fail2banRegex.start(args):
837		sys.exit(255)