1Change Log
4The following is a log of all user-facing changes to Stem, both released and
5unreleased. For a monthly report on work being done see my `development log
8* :ref:`versioning`
9* :ref:`unreleased`
10* :ref:`version_1.8`
11* :ref:`version_1.7`
12* :ref:`version_1.6`
13* :ref:`version_1.5`
14* :ref:`version_1.4`
15* :ref:`version_1.3`
16* :ref:`version_1.2`
17* :ref:`version_1.1`
18* :ref:`version_1.0`
20.. _versioning:
25Stem uses `semantic versioning <http://semver.org/>`_, which means that
26**versions consist of three numbers** (such as '**1.2.4**'). These are used to
27convey the kind of backward compatibility you can expect...
29 * The first value is the **major version**. This changes infrequently, and
30   indicates that backward incompatible changes have been made (such as the
31   removal of deprecated functions).
33 * The second value is the **minor version**. This is the most common kind of
34   release, and denotes that the improvements are backward compatible.
36 * The third value is the **patch version**. When a Stem release has a major
37   issue another release is made which fixes just that problem. These do not
38   contain substantial improvements or new features. This value is sometimes
39   left off to indicate all releases with a given major/minor version.
41.. _unreleased:
46The following are only available within Stem's `git repository
49.. _version_1.8:
51Version 1.8 (December 29th, 2019)
54`Stem 1.8 <http://blog.atagar.com/stem-release-1-8/>`_ is the final release in Stem’s 1.x series and with it `Python 2.x support <https://www.python.org/doc/sunset-python-2/>`_. Over a year in the making, this introduces `CollecTor <api/descriptor/collector.html>`_, `bandwidth metric <api/descriptor/bandwidth_file.html>`_, and `HSv3 descriptor support <api/descriptor/hidden_service.html#stem.descriptor.hidden_service.HiddenServiceDescriptorV3>`_.
56 * **Controller**
58  * Added :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_start_time` method to the :class:`~stem.control.Controller`
59  * Added :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_uptime` method to the :class:`~stem.control.Controller`
60  * Controller events could fail to be delivered in a timely fashion (:trac:`27173`)
61  * Adjusted :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_microdescriptors` fallback to also use '.new' cache files (:trac:`28508`)
62  * ExitPolicies could raise TypeError when read concurrently (:trac:`29899`)
63  * Moved the *arrived_at* attribute from :class:`~stem.response.event.Event` to :class:`~stem.response.__init__.ControlMessage`
64  * **STALE_DESC** :data:`~stem.Flag` (:spec:`d14164d`)
65  * **DORMANT** and **ACTIVE** :data:`~stem.Signal` (:spec:`4421149`)
66  * **QUERY_RATE_LIMITED** :data:`~stem.HSDescReason` (:spec:`bd80679`)
67  * **EXTOR** and **HTTPTUNNEL** :data:`~stem.control.Listener`
69 * **Descriptors**
71  * Added the `stem.descriptor.collector <api/descriptor/collector.html>`_ module (:trac:`17979`)
72  * Added `v3 hidden service descriptor support <api/descriptor/hidden_service.html>`_ (:trac:`31369`)
73  * `Bandwidth file support <api/descriptor/bandwidth_file.html>`_ (:trac:`29056`)
74  * `stem.descriptor.remote <api/descriptor/remote.html>`_ methods now raise :class:`stem.DownloadFailed`
75  * Check Ed25519 validity though the cryptography module rather than PyNaCl (:trac:`22022`)
76  * Download compressed descriptors by default (:trac:`29186`)
77  * Added :class:`~stem.descriptor.Compression` class
78  * Added :func:`stem.descriptor.remote.get_microdescriptors`
79  * Added :func:`stem.descriptor.remote.get_bandwidth_file` (:trac:`26902`)
80  * Added :class:`~stem.descriptor.networkstatus.DetachedSignature` parsing (:trac:`28495`)
81  * Added :func:`~stem.descriptor.__init__.Descriptor.from_str` method (:trac:`28450`)
82  * Added :func:`~stem.descriptor.__init__.Descriptor.type_annotation` method (:trac:`28397`)
83  * Added :func:`~stem.descriptor.networkstatus.NetworkStatusDocument.digest` method (:trac:`28398`)
84  * Added the **hash_type** and **encoding** arguments to `ServerDescriptor <api/descriptor/server_descriptor.html#stem.descriptor.server_descriptor.ServerDescriptor.digest>`_ and `ExtraInfo's <api/descriptor/extrainfo_descriptor.html#stem.descriptor.extrainfo_descriptor.ExtraInfoDescriptor.digest>`_ digest methods (:trac:`28398`)
85  * Added the network status vote's new bandwidth_file_digest attribute (:spec:`1b686ef`)
86  * Added :func:`~stem.descriptor.networkstatus.NetworkStatusDocumentV3.is_valid` and :func:`~stem.descriptor.networkstatus.NetworkStatusDocumentV3.is_fresh` methods (:trac:`28448`)
87  * Replaced :func:`~stem.descriptor.router_status_entry.RouterStatusEntryMicroV3` hex encoded **digest** attribute with a base64 encoded **microdescriptor_digest**
88  * Replaced the **digest** attribute of :class:`~stem.descriptor.microdescriptor.Microdescriptor` with a method by the same name (:trac:`28398`)
89  * Default the **version_flavor** attribute of :class:`~stem.descriptor.networkstatus.NetworkStatusDocumentV3` to 'ns' (:spec:`d97f8d9`)
90  * DescriptorDownloader crashed if **use_mirrors** is set (:trac:`28393`)
91  * Renamed stem.descriptor.hidden_service_descriptor to stem.descriptor.hidden_service
92  * Don't download from Serge, a bridge authority that frequently timeout
93  * Updated dizum authority's address (:trac:`31406`)
95 * **Client**
97  * Sockets with ORPorts errored if responses exceeded a hardcoded buffer size (:trac:`28961`)
99 * **Utilities**
101  * :func:`~stem.util.tor_tools.is_valid_hidden_service_address` now provides *true* if a v3 hidden servie address
102  * Fixed 'invalid escape sequence' python 3.6 warnings (:trac:`27270`)
104 * **Website**
106  * `Migrated to GitHub's issue tracker <https://github.com/torproject/stem/>`_
107  * Added NetBSD to our `download page <download.html>`_
108  * Describe `advanced listener usage <tutorials/tortoise_and_the_hare.html#advanced-listeners>`_
109  * Exemplify `manual SAFECOOKIE authentication <faq.html#i-m-using-safe-cookie-authentication>`_
110  * `Update PyPI links <https://packaging.python.org/guides/migrating-to-pypi-org/>`_ (:trac:`30137`)
112 * **Interpreter**
114  * tor-prompt is now ~34% faster when used to non-interactively invoke commands
116.. _version_1.7:
118Version 1.7 (October 7th, 2018)
121`Stem 1.7 <http://blog.atagar.com/stem-release-1-7/>`_ is a full year of
122improments. Most notably this adds the ability to `download descriptors through
125and the `stem.directory module <api/directory.html>`_.
127 * **Controller**
129  * Listener exceptions and malformed events no longer break further event processing (:trac:`27053`)
130  * Documented v3 hidden service support (:trac:`25124`, :spec:`6bd0a69`)
131  * Added the stem.control.MALFORMED_EVENTS event listener constant
132  * Added support for limiting the maximum number of streams for :func:`~stem.control.Controller.create_ephemeral_hidden_service` (:spec:`2fcb1c2`)
133  * Added a timeout argument to :class:`~stem.control.Controller` methods that could await a response (:trac:`26056`)
134  * Added a close_output argument to :class:`~stem.process.launch_tor`
135  * :func:`stem.connection.connect` crashed if its port argument was a string
136  * More reliable ExitPolicy resolution (:trac:`25739`)
137  * Fixed cache invalidation when another contorller calls SETCONF (:trac:`25821`)
138  * :func:`~stem.control.COntroller.create_hidden_service` failed when creating services with v2 options (:trac:`27446`)
139  * :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_info` commonly raised :class:`stem.ProtocolError` when it should provide a :class:`stem.OperationFailed`
140  * :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_microdescriptors` now reads microdescriptors from the control port rather than disk when available (:spec:`b5396d5`)
141  * Added the delivered_read, delivered_written, overhead_read, and overhead_written attributes to :class:`~stem.response.events.CircuitBandwidthEvent` (:spec:`fbb38ec`)
142  * The *config* attribute of :class:`~stem.response.events.ConfChangedEvent` couldn't represent tor configuration options with multiple values. It has been replaced with new *changed* and *unset* attributes.
143  * Replaced socket's :func:`~stem.socket.ControlPort.get_address`, :func:`~stem.socket.ControlPort.get_port`, and :func:`~stem.socket.ControlSocketFile.get_socket_path` with attributes
144  * :class:`~stem.response.ControlMessage` is now comparable and hashable
145  * Removed the 'raw' argument from :func:`~stem.socket.ControlSocket.send`
147 * **Descriptors**
149  * `stem.descriptor.remote <api/descriptor/remote.html>`_ can now download from relay ORPorts
150  * Zstd and lzma compression support (:spec:`1cb56af`)
151  * Moved the Directory classes into their own `stem.directory <api/directory.html>`_ module
152  * Added :func:`~stem.descriptor.remote.Directory.from_cache` and :func:`~stem.descriptor.remote.Directory.from_remote` to the :class:`~stem.descriptor.remote.DirectoryAuthority` subclass
153  * `Tor rearranged its files <https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2018-July/013287.html>`_, adjusted :func:`stem.descriptor.remote.Directory.from_remote` and :func:`stem.manual.Manual.from_remote` to account for this
154  * `Fallback directory v2 support <https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2017-December/012721.html>`_, which adds *nickname* and *extrainfo*
155  * Added the *orport_v6* attribute to the :class:`~stem.directory.Authority` class
156  * Added server descriptor's new is_hidden_service_dir attribute
157  * Added the network status vote's new bandwidth_file_headers attribute (:spec:`84591df`)
158  * Added the microdescriptor router status entry's new or_addresses attribute (:trac:`26405`, :spec:`fdc8f3e`)
159  * Don't retry downloading descriptors when we've timed out
160  * Don't download from tor26, an authority that frequently timeout
161  * Replaced Bifroest bridge authority with Serge (:trac:`26771`)
162  * `stem.descriptor.remote <api/descriptor/remote.html>`_  now consistently defaults **fall_back_to_authority** to false
163  * Deprecated `stem.descriptor.export <api/descriptor/export.html>`_. If you use it please `let us know <https://www.atagar.com/contact/>`_.
164  * Added :func:`~stem.descriptor.remote.their_server_descriptor`
165  * Added the reply_headers attribute to :class:`~stem.descriptor.remote.Query`
166  * Supplying a User-Agent when downloading descriptors
167  * Reduced maximum descriptors fetched by the remote module to match tor's new limit (:trac:`24743`)
168  * Consensus **shared_randomness_*_reveal_count** attributes undocumented, and unavailable if retrieved before their corresponding shared_randomness_*_value attribute (:trac:`25046`)
169  * Allow 'proto' line to have blank values (:spec:`a8455f4`)
171 * **Utilities**
173  * Fixed PyPy compatibility (:trac:`26207`)
174  * Python 3.6+ syntax error if test_tools.py imported (:trac:`26739`)
175  * Connection information from proc limited to 10,000 results
176  * Include attribute types in most equality checks and hashes
177  * Cache hash values of immutable classes
178  * More performant string concatenation `via bytearrays <https://docs.python.org/3/faq/programming.html#what-is-the-most-efficient-way-to-concatenate-many-strings-together>`_
179  * Functions using lru_cache could fail with a KeyError on Python 3.5 (:trac:`26412`)
181 * **Website**
183  * Added `terminal styling <tutorials/east_of_the_sun.html#terminal-styling>`_ to our utilities tutorial
184  * Added `multiprocessing <tutorials/east_of_the_sun.html#multiprocessing>`_ to our utilities tutorial
185  * Added a `descriptor download example <tutorials/examples/download_descriptor.html>`_
186  * Added a `relay connection summary example <tutorials/examples/relay_connections.html>`_
188 * **Version 1.7.1** (December 26th, 2018) - :func:`~stem.process.launch_tor`
189   compatibility with an upcoming log format change (:trac:`28731`)
191.. _version_1.6:
193Version 1.6 (November 5th, 2017)
196Year long accumulation of fixes and improvements in support of the `Nyx 2.0 release <http://blog.atagar.com/nyx-release-2-0/>`_.
198 * **Controller**
200  * :func:`~stem.process.launch_tor` raised a ValueError if invoked when outside the main thread
201  * Failure to authenticate could raise an improper response or hang (:trac:`22679`)
202  * Renamed :class:`~stem.response.events.ConnectionBandwidthEvent` type attribute to conn_type to avoid conflict with parent class (:trac:`21774`)
203  * Added 'force' argument to :func:`~stem.control.Controller.save_conf` (:spec:`5c82d5e`)
204  * Added the QUERY_NO_HSDIR :data:`~stem.HSDescReason` and recognizing unknown HSDir results (:spec:`1412d79`)
205  * Added the GUARD_WAIT :data:`~stem.CircStatus` (:spec:`6446210`)
206  * Unable to use cookie auth when path includes wide characters (chinese, japanese, etc)
207  * Tor change caused :func:`~stem.control.Controller.list_ephemeral_hidden_services` to provide empty strings if unset (:trac:`21329`)
208  * Better error message when :func:`~stem.control.Controller.set_conf` fails due to an option being immutable
209  * :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_ports` didn't provide ports for many representations of localhost (:trac:`24085`)
210  * :func:`~stem.control.Controller.is_geoip_unavailable` now determines if database is available right away
211  * Added the time attribute to :class:`~stem.response.events.StreamBwEvent` and :class:`~stem.response.events.CircuitBandwidthEvent` (:spec:`00b9daf`)
212  * Added the consensus_content attribute to :class:`~stem.response.events.NewConsensusEvent` and deprecated its 'desc'
213  * Deprecated :func:`~stem.control.Controller.is_geoip_unavailable`, this is now available via getinfo instead (:trac:`23237`, :spec:`dc973f8`)
214  * Deprecated :class:`~stem.respose.events.AuthDirNewDescEvent` (:trac:`22377`, :spec:`6e887ba`)
215  * Caching manual information as sqlite rather than stem.util.conf, making :func:`stem.manual.Manual.from_cache` about ~8x faster
216  * Added :func:`~stem.manual.database` to get a cursor for the manual cache
217  * Failed to parse torrcs without a port on ipv6 exit policy entries
218  * Resilient to 'Tor' prefix in 'GETINFO version' result (:spec:`c5ff1b1`)
219  * Added a **all_extra** parameter to :class:`stem.version.Version` and support for multiple parenthetical entries (:trac:`22110`, :spec:`b50917d`)
220  * Setting 'UseMicrodescriptors 1' in your torrc caused :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_network_statuses` to error (:trac:`24110`)
221  * Closing controller connection faster when under heavy event load
222  * Better messaging when unable to connect to tor on FreeBSD
223  * More succinct trace level logging
225 * **Descriptors**
227  * Supporting `descriptor creation <tutorials/mirror_mirror_on_the_wall.html#can-i-create-descriptors>`_ (:trac:`10227`)
228  * Support and validation for `ed25519 certificates <api/descriptor/certificate.html>`_ (`spec <https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/tree/cert-spec.txt>`_, :trac:`21558`)
229  * Added :func:`~stem.descriptor.networkstatus.NetworkStatusDocumentV3.validate_signatures` to check our key certificate signatures (:trac:`11045`)
230  * Moved from the deprecated `pycrypto <https://www.dlitz.net/software/pycrypto/>`_ module to `cryptography <https://pypi.org/project/cryptography/>`_ for validating signatures (:trac:`21086`)
231  * Sped descriptor reading by ~25% by deferring defaulting when validating
232  * Added server descriptor's new extra_info_sha256_digest attribute (:spec:`0f03581`)
233  * Added server descriptor's new protocol attribute (:spec:`eb4fb3c`)
234  * Added server descriptor's new bridge_distribution attribute (:trac:`21177`)
235  * Added extrainfo descriptor's new padding_counts attributes (:spec:`0803997`)
236  * Shared randomness properties weren't being read in votes (:trac:`21102`)
237  * Added bastet as a new authority (:trac:`23912`)
238  * Updated longclaw authority's address (:trac:`23592`)
240 * **Utilities**
242  * Support connection resolution on OpenBSD using fstat (:trac:`13807`)
243  * Added :func:`~stem.util.system.size_of`
244  * Added :func:`~stem.util.log.is_tracing`
245  * Added timeout argument to :func:`~stem.util.system.call`
246  * Added cwd argument to :func:`~stem.util.system.call`
247  * Added round argument to :func:`~stem.util.str_tools.size_label`
248  * Added :class:`~stem.util.test_tools.TimedTestRunner` and :func:`~stem.util.test_tools.test_runtimes`
249  * Supporting pid arguments in :func:`~stem.util.system.is_running`
250  * Made connection resolution via proc about 5x faster
251  * Normalized :func:`~stem.util.term.format` to return unicode
252  * Don't load vim swap files as configurations
254 * **Interpreter**
256  * Added a `'--run [command or path]' argument <tutorials/down_the_rabbit_hole.html#running-individual-commands>`_ to invoke specific commands (:trac:`21541`)
257  * Allowing interpreter to continue after tor shuts down (:trac:`22374`)
258  * Interpreter buffered an unbounded number of events, leaking memory over time
260 * **Website**
262  * Source code served by '[source]' links perpetually stale (:trac:`19521`)
264.. _version_1.5:
266Version 1.5 (November 20th, 2016)
269`Stem 1.5 <http://blog.atagar.com/stem-release-1-5/>`_ is a long overdue
270accumulation of seventeen months of improvements including dramatically
271improved python 3.x performance, `tor manual information <api/manual.html>`_,
272and much more.
274 * **Controller**
276  * Dramatic, 300x performance improvement for reading from the control port with python 3
277  * Added `stem.manual <api/manual.html>`_, which provides information available about Tor from `its manual <https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-manual.html.en>`_ (:trac:`8251`)
278  * :func:`~stem.connection.connect` and :func:`~stem.control.Controller.from_port` now connect to both port 9051 (relay's default) and 9151 (Tor Browser's default) (:trac:`16075`)
279  * :class:`~stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy` support for *accept6/reject6* and *\*4/6* wildcards (:trac:`16053`)
280  * Added `support for NETWORK_LIVENESS events <api/response.html#stem.response.events.NetworkLivenessEvent>`_ (:spec:`44aac63`)
281  * Added support for basic authentication to :func:`~stem.control.Controller.create_ephemeral_hidden_service` (:spec:`c2865d9`)
282  * Added support for non-anonymous services to :func:`~stem.control.Controller.create_ephemeral_hidden_service` (:spec:`b8fe774`)
283  * Added :func:`~stem.control.event_description` for getting human-friendly descriptions of tor events (:trac:`19061`)
284  * Added :func:`~stem.control.Controller.reconnect` to the :class:`~stem.control.Controller`
285  * Added :func:`~stem.control.Controller.is_set` to the :class:`~stem.control.Controller`
286  * Added :func:`~stem.control.Controller.is_user_traffic_allowed` to the :class:`~stem.control.Controller`
287  * Added the replica attribute to :class:`~stem.response.events.HSDescEvent` (:spec:`4989e73`)
288  * Added the NoEdConsensus :data:`~stem.Flag` (:spec:`dc99160`)
289  * Recognize listeners with IPv6 addresses in :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_listeners`
290  * :func:`~stem.process.launch_tor` could leave a lingering process during an unexpected exception (:trac:`17946`)
291  * IPv6 addresses could trigger errors in :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_listeners`, :class:`~stem.response.events.ORConnEvent`, and quite a few other things (:trac:`16174`)
292  * Don't obscure stacktraces, most notably :class:`~stem.control.Controller` getter methods with default values
293  * Classes with custom equality checks didn't provide a corresponding inequality method
295 * **Descriptors**
297  * `Shorthand functions for stem.descriptor.remote <api/descriptor/remote.html#stem.descriptor.remote.get_instance>`_
298  * Added `fallback directory information <api/descriptor/remote.html#stem.descriptor.remote.FallbackDirectory>`_.
299  * Support for ed25519 descriptor fields (:spec:`5a79d67`)
300  * Support downloading microdescriptor consensus with :func:~stem.descriptor.remote.DescriptorDownloader.get_consensus` (:spec`e788b8f`)
301  * Added consensus and vote's new shared randomness attributes (:spec:`9949f64`)
302  * Added server descriptor's new allow_tunneled_dir_requests attribute (:spec:`8bc30d6`)
303  * Server descriptor validation fails with 'extra-info-digest line had an invalid value' from additions in proposal 228 (:trac:`16227`)
304  * :class:`~stem.descriptor.server_descriptor.BridgeDescriptor` now has 'ntor_onion_key' like its unsanitized counterparts
305  * Replaced the :class:`~stem.descriptor.microdescriptor.Microdescriptor` identifier and identifier_type attributes with an identifiers hash since it can now appear multiple times (:spec:`09ff9e2`)
306  * Unable to read descriptors from data directories on Windows due to their CRLF newlines (:trac:`17051`)
307  * TypeError under python3 when using 'use_mirrors = True' (:trac:`17083`)
308  * Deprecated hidden service descriptor's *introduction_points_auth* field, which was never implemented in tor (:trac:`15190`, :spec:`9c218f9`)
309  * Deprecated :func:`~stem.descriptor.remote.DescriptorDownloader.get_microdescriptors` as it was never implemented in tor (:trac:`9271`)
310  * :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_hidden_service_descriptor` errored when provided a *servers* argument (:trac:`18401`)
311  * Fixed parsing of server descriptor's *allow-single-hop-exits* and *caches-extra-info* lines
312  * Bracketed IPv6 addresses were mistreated as being invalid content
313  * Better validation for non-ascii descriptor content
314  * Updated dannenberg's v3ident (:trac:`17906`)
315  * Removed urras as a directory authority (:trac:`19271`)
317 * **Utilities**
319  * IPv6 support in :func:`~stem.util.connection.get_connections` when resolving with proc, netstat, lsof, or ss (:trac:`18079`)
320  * The 'ss' connection resolver didn't work on Gentoo (:trac:`18079`)
321  * Recognize IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses in our utils (:trac:`18079`)
322  * Allow :func:`stem.util.conf.Config.set` to remove values when provided with a **None** value
323  * Support prefix and suffix issue strings in :func:`~stem.util.test_tools.pyflakes_issues`
324  * Additional information when :func:`~stem.util.system.call` fails through a :class:`~stem.util.system.CallError`
325  * Added **stem.util.system.SYSTEM_CALL_TIME** with the total time spent on system calls
326  * Added an **is_ipv6** value to :class:`~stem.util.connection.Connection` instances
327  * Added LINES attribute to :data:`~stem.util.term.Attr`
328  * Added :func:`~stem.util.system.pids_by_user`
329  * Added :func:`~stem.util.connection.address_to_int`
330  * Added :func:`~stem.util.term.encoding`
331  * Added :func:`~stem.util.__init__.datetime_to_unix`
333 * **Interpreter**
335  * Added a '--tor [path]' argument to specify the tor binary to run.
337 * **Website**
339  * `Comparison of our descriptor parsing libraries <tutorials/mirror_mirror_on_the_wall.html#are-there-any-other-parsing-libraries>`_
340  * Example for `custom path selection for circuits <tutorials/to_russia_with_love.html#custom-path-selection>`_ (:trac:`8728`)
341  * Example for `persisting ephemeral hidden service keys <tutorials/over_the_river.html#ephemeral-hidden-services>`_
343 * **Version 1.5.3** (December 5th, 2016) - including tests and site in the
344   release tarball
346 * **Version 1.5.4** (January 4th, 2017) - drop validation of the order of
347   fields in the tor consensus (:trac:`21059`)
349.. _version_1.4:
351Version 1.4 (May 13th, 2015)
354`Stem's 1.4 release <https://blog.torproject.org/blog/stem-release-14>`_ brings
355with it new hidden service capabilities. Most notably, `ephemeral hidden
356services <tutorials/over_the_river.html#ephemeral-hidden-services>`_ and the
357ability to `read hidden service descriptors
358<tutorials/over_the_river.html#hidden-service-descriptors>`_. This release also
359changes descriptor validation to now be opt-in rather than opt-out. When
360unvalidated content is lazy-loaded, `greatly improving our performance
363And last, Stem also now runs directly under both python2 and python3 without a
3642to3 conversion (:trac:`14075`)!
366 * **Controller**
368  * Added :class:`~stem.control.Controller` methods for a new style of hidden services that don't touch disk: :func:`~stem.control.Controller.list_ephemeral_hidden_services`, :func:`~stem.control.Controller.create_ephemeral_hidden_service`, and :func:`~stem.control.Controller.remove_ephemeral_hidden_service` (:spec:`f5ff369`)
369  * Added :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_hidden_service_descriptor` and `support for HS_DESC_CONTENT events <api/response.html#stem.response.events.HSDescContentEvent>`_ (:trac:`14847`, :spec:`aaf2434`)
370  * :func:`~stem.process.launch_tor_with_config` avoids writing a temporary torrc to disk if able (:trac:`13865`)
371  * :class:`~stem.response.events.CircuitEvent` support for the new SOCKS_USERNAME and SOCKS_PASSWORD arguments (:trac:`14555`, :spec:`2975974`)
372  * The 'strict' argument of :func:`~stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy.can_exit_to` didn't behave as documented (:trac:`14314`)
373  * Threads spawned for status change listeners were never joined on, potentially causing noise during interpreter shutdown
374  * Added support for specifying the authentication type and client names in :func:`~stem.control.Controller.create_hidden_service` (:trac:`14320`)
376 * **Descriptors**
378  * Lazy-loading descriptors, improving performance by 25-70% depending on what type it is (:trac:`14011`)
379  * Added `support for hidden service descriptors <api/descriptor/hidden_service.html>`_ (:trac:`15004`)
380  * When reading sanitised bridge descriptors (server or extrainfo), :func:`~stem.descriptor.__init__.parse_file` treated the whole file as a single descriptor
381  * The :class:`~stem.descriptor.networkstatus.DirectoryAuthority` 'fingerprint' attribute was actually its 'v3ident'
382  * Added consensus' new package attribute (:spec:`ab64534`)
383  * Added extra info' new hs_stats_end, hs_rend_cells, hs_rend_cells_attr, hs_dir_onions_seen, and hs_dir_onions_seen_attr attributes (:spec:`ddb630d`)
384  * Updating Faravahar's address (:trac:`14487`)
386 * **Utilities**
388  * Windows support for connection resolution (:trac:`14844`)
389  * :func:`stem.util.connection.port_usage` always returned None (:trac:`14046`)
390  * :func:`~stem.util.test_tools.stylistic_issues` and :func:`~stem.util.test_tools.pyflakes_issues` now provide namedtuples that also includes the line
391  * Added :func:`stem.util.system.tail`
392  * Proc connection resolution could fail on especially busy systems (:trac:`14048`)
394 * **Website**
396  * Added support and `instructions for tox <faq.html#how-do-i-test-compatibility-with-multiple-python-versions>`_ (:trac:`14091`)
397  * Added OSX to our `download page <download.html>`_ (:trac:`8588`)
398  * Updated our twitter example to work with the service's 1.1 API (:trac:`9003`)
400 * **Version 1.4.1** (May 18th, 2015) - fixed issue where descriptors couldn't
401   be unpickled (:trac:`16054`) and a parsing issue for router status entry
402   bandwidth lines (:trac:`16048`)
404.. _version_1.3:
406Version 1.3 (December 22nd, 2014)
409With `Stem's 1.3 release <https://blog.torproject.org/blog/stem-release-13>`_
410it's now much easier to `work with hidden services
411<tutorials/over_the_river.html>`_, 40% faster to read decriptors, and includes
412a myriad of other improvements. For a nice description of the changes this
413brings see `Nathan Willis' LWN article <http://lwn.net/Articles/632914/>`_.
415 * **Controller**
417  * Added :class:`~stem.control.Controller` methods to more easily work with hidden service configurations: :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_hidden_service_conf`, :func:`~stem.control.Controller.set_hidden_service_conf`, :func:`~stem.control.Controller.create_hidden_service`, and :func:`~stem.control.Controller.remove_hidden_service` (:trac:`12533`)
418  * Added :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_accounting_stats` to the :class:`~stem.control.Controller`
419  * Added :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_effective_rate` to the :class:`~stem.control.Controller`
420  * Added :func:`~stem.control.BaseController.connection_time` to the :class:`~stem.control.BaseController`
421  * Changed :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_microdescriptor`, :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_server_descriptor`, and :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_network_status` to get our own descriptor if no fingerprint or nickname is provided.
422  * Added :class:`~stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy` methods for more easily handling 'private' policies (the `default prefix <https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-manual.html.en#ExitPolicyRejectPrivate>`_) and the defaultly appended suffix. This includes :func:`~stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy.has_private`, :func:`~stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy.strip_private`, :func:`~stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy.has_default`, and :func:`~stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy.strip_default` :class:`~stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy` methods in addition to :func:`~stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyRule.is_private` and :func:`~stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyRule.is_default` for the :class:`~stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyRule`. (:trac:`10107`)
423  * Added the reason attribute to :class:`~stem.response.events.HSDescEvent` (:spec:`7908c8d`)
424  * :func:`~stem.process.launch_tor_with_config` could cause a "Too many open files" OSError if called too many times (:trac:`13141`)
425  * The :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_exit_policy` method errored if tor couldn't determine our external address
426  * The Controller's methods for retrieving descriptors could raise unexpected ValueErrors if tor didn't have any descriptors available
427  * Throwing a new :class:`~stem.DescriptorUnavailable` exception type when the :class:`~stem.control.Controller` can't provide the descriptor for a relay (:trac:`13879`)
429 * **Descriptors**
431  * Improved speed for parsing consensus documents by around 40% (:trac:`12859` and :trac:`13821`)
432  * Don't fail if consensus method 1 is not present, as it is no longer required (:spec:`fc8a6f0`)
433  * Include '\*.new' files when reading from a Tor data directory (:trac:`13756`)
434  * Updated the authorities we list, `replacing turtles with longclaw <https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-talk/2014-November/035650.html>`_ and `updating gabelmoo's address <https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-talk/2014-September/034898.html>`_
435  * Noting if authorities are also a bandwidth authority or not
436  * Microdescriptor validation issues could result in an AttributeError (:trac:`13904`)
438 * **Utilities**
440  * Added support for directories to :func:`stem.util.conf.Config.load`
441  * Changed :func:`stem.util.conf.uses_settings` to only provide a 'config' keyword arument if the decorated function would accept it
442  * Added :func:`stem.util.str_tools.crop`
443  * Added :func:`stem.util.proc.file_descriptors_used`
444  * Dropped the 'get_*' prefix from most function names. Old names will still work, but are a deprecated alias.
446 * **Interpreter**
448  * The /info command errored for relays without contact information
450 * **Website**
452  * Tutorial for `hidden services <tutorials/over_the_river.html>`_
453  * Example for `writing descriptors to disk and reading them back <tutorials/mirror_mirror_on_the_wall.html#saving-and-loading-descriptors>`_ (:trac:`13774`)
454  * Added Gentoo to our `download page <download.html>`_ and handful of testing revisions for that platform (:trac:`13904`)
455  * Tests for our tutorial examples (:trac:`11335`)
456  * Revised `GitWeb <https://gitweb.torproject.org/>`_ urls to work after its upgrade
458.. _version_1.2:
460Version 1.2 (June 1st, 2014)
463`Stem release 1.2 <https://blog.torproject.org/blog/stem-release-12>`_
464added our `interactive Tor interpreter <tutorials/down_the_rabbit_hole.html>`_
465among numerous other improvements and fixes.
467 * **Controller**
469  * New, better :func:`~stem.connection.connect` function that deprecates :func:`~stem.connection.connect_port` and :func:`~stem.connection.connect_socket_file`
470  * Added :func:`~stem.control.Controller.is_newnym_available` and :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_newnym_wait` methods to the :class:`~stem.control.Controller`
471  * Added :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_ports` and :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_listeners` methods to the :class:`~stem.control.Controller`
472  * Added :func:`~stem.control.Controller.drop_guards` (:trac:`10032`, :spec:`7c6c7fc`)
473  * Added the id attribute to :class:`~stem.response.events.ORConnEvent` (:spec:`6f2919a`)
474  * Added `support for CONN_BW events <api/response.html#stem.response.events.ConnectionBandwidthEvent>`_ (:spec:`6f2919a`)
475  * Added `support for CIRC_BW events <api/response.html#stem.response.events.CircuitBandwidthEvent>`_ (:spec:`6f2919a`)
476  * Added `support for CELL_STATS events <api/response.html#stem.response.events.CellStatsEvent>`_ (:spec:`6f2919a`)
477  * Added `support for TB_EMPTY events <api/response.html#stem.response.events.TokenBucketEmptyEvent>`_ (:spec:`6f2919a`)
478  * Added `support for HS_DESC events <api/response.html#stem.response.events.HSDescEvent>`_ (:trac:`10807`, :spec:`a67ac4d`)
479  * Changed :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_network_status` and :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_network_statuses` to provide :class:`~stem.descriptor.router_status_entry.RouterStatusEntryMicroV3` if Tor is using microdescriptors (:trac:`7646`)
480  * The :func:`~stem.connection.connect_port` and :func:`~stem.connection.connect_socket_file` didn't properly mark the Controller it returned as being authenticated, causing event listening among other things to fail
481  * The :func:`~stem.control.Controller.add_event_listener` method couldn't accept event types that Stem didn't already recognize
482  * The :class:`~stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy` class couldn't be pickled
483  * Tor instances spawned with :func:`~stem.process.launch_tor` and :func:`~stem.process.launch_tor_with_config` could hang due to unread stdout content, we now close stdout and stderr once tor finishes bootstrapping (:trac:`9862`)
485 * **Descriptors**
487  * Added tarfile support to :func:`~stem.descriptor.__init__.parse_file` (:trac:`10977`)
488  * Added microdescriptor's new identifier and identifier_type attributes (:spec:`22cda72`)
490 * **Utilities**
492  * Added the `stem.util.test_tools <api/util/test_tools.html>`_ module
493  * Started vending the `stem.util.tor_tools <api/util/tor_tools.html>`_ module
494  * Added :func:`stem.util.connection.port_usage`
495  * Added :func:`stem.util.system.files_with_suffix`
497 * **Interpreter**
499  * Initial release of our `interactive Tor interpreter <tutorials/down_the_rabbit_hole.html>`_!
501 * **Website**
503  * Added a section with `example scripts <tutorials/double_double_toil_and_trouble.html#scripts>`_.
504  * Made FAQ and other sections quite a bit more succinct.
506 * **Version 1.2.2** (June 7th, 2014) - fixed an issue where the stem.util.conf
507   module would fail under Python 2.6 with an AttributeError (:trac:`12223`)
509 * **Version 1.2.1** (June 3rd, 2014) - fixed an issue where descriptor
510   parsersing would fail under Python 3.x with a TypeError (:trac:`12185`)
512.. _version_1.1:
514Version 1.1 (October 14th, 2013)
517`Stem release 1.1 <https://blog.torproject.org/blog/stem-release-11>`_
518introduced `remote descriptor fetching <api/descriptor/remote.html>`_,
519`connection resolution <tutorials/east_of_the_sun.html#connection-resolution>`_
520and a myriad of smaller improvements and fixes.
522 * **Controller**
524  * :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_network_status` and :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_network_statuses` now provide v3 rather than v2 directory information (:trac:`7953`, :spec:`d2b7ebb`)
525  * :class:`~stem.response.events.AddrMapEvent` support for the new CACHED argument (:trac:`8596`, :spec:`25b0d43`)
526  * :func:`~stem.control.Controller.attach_stream` could encounter an undocumented 555 response (:trac:`8701`, :spec:`7286576`)
527  * :class:`~stem.descriptor.server_descriptor.RelayDescriptor` digest validation was broken when dealing with non-unicode content with Python 3 (:trac:`8755`)
528  * The :class:`~stem.control.Controller` use of cached content wasn't thread safe (:trac:`8607`)
529  * Added :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_user` method to the :class:`~stem.control.Controller`
530  * Added :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_pid` method to the :class:`~stem.control.Controller`
531  * :class:`~stem.response.events.StreamEvent` didn't recognize IPv6 addresses (:trac:`9181`)
532  * :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_conf` mistakenly cached hidden service related options (:trac:`9792`)
533  * Added `support for TRANSPORT_LAUNCHED events <api/response.html#stem.response.events.TransportLaunchedEvent>`_ (:spec:`48f6dd0`)
535 * **Descriptors**
537  * Added the `stem.descriptor.remote <api/descriptor/remote.html>`_ module.
538  * Added support for `TorDNSEL exit lists <api/descriptor/tordnsel.html>`_ (:trac:`8255`)
539  * The :class:`~stem.descriptor.reader.DescriptorReader` mishandled relative paths (:trac:`8815`)
541 * **Utilities**
543  * Connection resolution via the :func:`~stem.util.connection.get_connections` function (:trac:`7910`)
544  * :func:`~stem.util.system.set_process_name` inserted spaces between characters (:trac:`8631`)
545  * :func:`~stem.util.system.pid_by_name` can now pull for all processes with a given name
546  * :func:`~stem.util.system.call` ignored the subprocess' exit status
547  * Added :func:`stem.util.system.name_by_pid`
548  * Added :func:`stem.util.system.user`
549  * Added :func:`stem.util.system.start_time`
550  * Added :func:`stem.util.system.bsd_jail_path`
551  * Added :func:`stem.util.system.is_tarfile`
552  * Added :func:`stem.util.connection.is_private_address`
554 * **Website**
556  * Overhaul of Stem's `download page <download.html>`_. This included several
557    improvements, most notably the addition of PyPI, Ubuntu, Fedora, Slackware,
558    and FreeBSD.
559  * Replaced default sphinx header with a navbar menu.
560  * Added this change log.
561  * Added the `FAQ page <faq.html>`_.
562  * Settled on a `logo
563    <http://www.wpclipart.com/plants/assorted/P/plant_stem.png.html>`_ for
564    Stem.
565  * Expanded the `client usage tutorial <tutorials/to_russia_with_love.html>`_
566    to cover SocksiPy and include an example for polling Twitter.
567  * Subtler buttons for the frontpage (`before
568    <https://www.atagar.com/transfer/stem_frontpage/before.png>`_ and `after
569    <https://www.atagar.com/transfer/stem_frontpage/after.png>`_).
571 * **Version 1.1.1** (November 9th, 2013) - fixed an issue where imports of stem.util.system
572   would fail with an ImportError for pwd under Windows (:trac:`10072`)
574.. _version_1.0:
576Version 1.0 (March 26th, 2013)
579This was the `initial release of Stem
582 * **Version 1.0.1** (March 27th, 2013) - fixed an issue where installing with
583   Python 3.x (python3 setup.py install) resulted in a stacktrace