1// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
3// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
5package source
7import (
8	"context"
9	"fmt"
10	"go/ast"
11	"go/constant"
12	"go/scanner"
13	"go/token"
14	"go/types"
15	"math"
16	"sort"
17	"strconv"
18	"strings"
19	"sync"
20	"time"
21	"unicode"
23	"golang.org/x/tools/go/ast/astutil"
24	"golang.org/x/tools/internal/event"
25	"golang.org/x/tools/internal/imports"
26	"golang.org/x/tools/internal/lsp/fuzzy"
27	"golang.org/x/tools/internal/lsp/protocol"
28	"golang.org/x/tools/internal/lsp/snippet"
29	errors "golang.org/x/xerrors"
32type CompletionItem struct {
33	// Label is the primary text the user sees for this completion item.
34	Label string
36	// Detail is supplemental information to present to the user.
37	// This often contains the type or return type of the completion item.
38	Detail string
40	// InsertText is the text to insert if this item is selected.
41	// Any of the prefix that has already been typed is not trimmed.
42	// The insert text does not contain snippets.
43	InsertText string
45	Kind protocol.CompletionItemKind
47	// An optional array of additional TextEdits that are applied when
48	// selecting this completion.
49	//
50	// Additional text edits should be used to change text unrelated to the current cursor position
51	// (for example adding an import statement at the top of the file if the completion item will
52	// insert an unqualified type).
53	AdditionalTextEdits []protocol.TextEdit
55	// Depth is how many levels were searched to find this completion.
56	// For example when completing "foo<>", "fooBar" is depth 0, and
57	// "fooBar.Baz" is depth 1.
58	Depth int
60	// Score is the internal relevance score.
61	// A higher score indicates that this completion item is more relevant.
62	Score float64
64	// snippet is the LSP snippet for the completion item. The LSP
65	// specification contains details about LSP snippets. For example, a
66	// snippet for a function with the following signature:
67	//
68	//     func foo(a, b, c int)
69	//
70	// would be:
71	//
72	//     foo(${1:a int}, ${2: b int}, ${3: c int})
73	//
74	// If Placeholders is false in the CompletionOptions, the above
75	// snippet would instead be:
76	//
77	//     foo(${1:})
78	snippet *snippet.Builder
80	// Documentation is the documentation for the completion item.
81	Documentation string
83	// obj is the object from which this candidate was derived, if any.
84	// obj is for internal use only.
85	obj types.Object
88// Snippet is a convenience returns the snippet if available, otherwise
89// the InsertText.
90// used for an item, depending on if the callee wants placeholders or not.
91func (i *CompletionItem) Snippet() string {
92	if i.snippet != nil {
93		return i.snippet.String()
94	}
95	return i.InsertText
98// Scoring constants are used for weighting the relevance of different candidates.
99const (
100	// stdScore is the base score for all completion items.
101	stdScore float64 = 1.0
103	// highScore indicates a very relevant completion item.
104	highScore float64 = 10.0
106	// lowScore indicates an irrelevant or not useful completion item.
107	lowScore float64 = 0.01
110// matcher matches a candidate's label against the user input. The
111// returned score reflects the quality of the match. A score of zero
112// indicates no match, and a score of one means a perfect match.
113type matcher interface {
114	Score(candidateLabel string) (score float32)
117// prefixMatcher implements case sensitive prefix matching.
118type prefixMatcher string
120func (pm prefixMatcher) Score(candidateLabel string) float32 {
121	if strings.HasPrefix(candidateLabel, string(pm)) {
122		return 1
123	}
124	return -1
127// insensitivePrefixMatcher implements case insensitive prefix matching.
128type insensitivePrefixMatcher string
130func (ipm insensitivePrefixMatcher) Score(candidateLabel string) float32 {
131	if strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(candidateLabel), string(ipm)) {
132		return 1
133	}
134	return -1
137// completer contains the necessary information for a single completion request.
138type completer struct {
139	snapshot Snapshot
140	pkg      Package
141	qf       types.Qualifier
142	opts     *completionOptions
144	// filename is the name of the file associated with this completion request.
145	filename string
147	// file is the AST of the file associated with this completion request.
148	file *ast.File
150	// pos is the position at which the request was triggered.
151	pos token.Pos
153	// path is the path of AST nodes enclosing the position.
154	path []ast.Node
156	// seen is the map that ensures we do not return duplicate results.
157	seen map[types.Object]bool
159	// items is the list of completion items returned.
160	items []CompletionItem
162	// surrounding describes the identifier surrounding the position.
163	surrounding *Selection
165	// inference contains information we've inferred about ideal
166	// candidates such as the candidate's type.
167	inference candidateInference
169	// enclosingFunc contains information about the function enclosing
170	// the position.
171	enclosingFunc *funcInfo
173	// enclosingCompositeLiteral contains information about the composite literal
174	// enclosing the position.
175	enclosingCompositeLiteral *compLitInfo
177	// deepState contains the current state of our deep completion search.
178	deepState deepCompletionState
180	// matcher matches the candidates against the surrounding prefix.
181	matcher matcher
183	// methodSetCache caches the types.NewMethodSet call, which is relatively
184	// expensive and can be called many times for the same type while searching
185	// for deep completions.
186	methodSetCache map[methodSetKey]*types.MethodSet
188	// mapper converts the positions in the file from which the completion originated.
189	mapper *protocol.ColumnMapper
191	// startTime is when we started processing this completion request. It does
192	// not include any time the request spent in the queue.
193	startTime time.Time
196// funcInfo holds info about a function object.
197type funcInfo struct {
198	// sig is the function declaration enclosing the position.
199	sig *types.Signature
201	// body is the function's body.
202	body *ast.BlockStmt
205type compLitInfo struct {
206	// cl is the *ast.CompositeLit enclosing the position.
207	cl *ast.CompositeLit
209	// clType is the type of cl.
210	clType types.Type
212	// kv is the *ast.KeyValueExpr enclosing the position, if any.
213	kv *ast.KeyValueExpr
215	// inKey is true if we are certain the position is in the key side
216	// of a key-value pair.
217	inKey bool
219	// maybeInFieldName is true if inKey is false and it is possible
220	// we are completing a struct field name. For example,
221	// "SomeStruct{<>}" will be inKey=false, but maybeInFieldName=true
222	// because we _could_ be completing a field name.
223	maybeInFieldName bool
226type importInfo struct {
227	importPath string
228	name       string
229	pkg        Package
232type methodSetKey struct {
233	typ         types.Type
234	addressable bool
237// A Selection represents the cursor position and surrounding identifier.
238type Selection struct {
239	content string
240	cursor  token.Pos
241	mappedRange
244func (p Selection) Prefix() string {
245	return p.content[:p.cursor-p.spanRange.Start]
248func (p Selection) Suffix() string {
249	return p.content[p.cursor-p.spanRange.Start:]
252func (c *completer) setSurrounding(ident *ast.Ident) {
253	if c.surrounding != nil {
254		return
255	}
256	if !(ident.Pos() <= c.pos && c.pos <= ident.End()) {
257		return
258	}
260	c.surrounding = &Selection{
261		content: ident.Name,
262		cursor:  c.pos,
263		// Overwrite the prefix only.
264		mappedRange: newMappedRange(c.snapshot.FileSet(), c.mapper, ident.Pos(), ident.End()),
265	}
267	switch c.opts.matcher {
268	case Fuzzy:
269		c.matcher = fuzzy.NewMatcher(c.surrounding.Prefix())
270	case CaseSensitive:
271		c.matcher = prefixMatcher(c.surrounding.Prefix())
272	default:
273		c.matcher = insensitivePrefixMatcher(strings.ToLower(c.surrounding.Prefix()))
274	}
277func (c *completer) getSurrounding() *Selection {
278	if c.surrounding == nil {
279		c.surrounding = &Selection{
280			content:     "",
281			cursor:      c.pos,
282			mappedRange: newMappedRange(c.snapshot.FileSet(), c.mapper, c.pos, c.pos),
283		}
284	}
285	return c.surrounding
288// found adds a candidate completion. We will also search through the object's
289// members for more candidates.
290func (c *completer) found(ctx context.Context, cand candidate) {
291	obj := cand.obj
293	if obj.Pkg() != nil && obj.Pkg() != c.pkg.GetTypes() && !obj.Exported() {
294		// obj is not accessible because it lives in another package and is not
295		// exported. Don't treat it as a completion candidate.
296		return
297	}
299	if c.inDeepCompletion() {
300		// When searching deep, just make sure we don't have a cycle in our chain.
301		// We don't dedupe by object because we want to allow both "foo.Baz" and
302		// "bar.Baz" even though "Baz" is represented the same types.Object in both.
303		for _, seenObj := range c.deepState.chain {
304			if seenObj == obj {
305				return
306			}
307		}
308	} else {
309		// At the top level, dedupe by object.
310		if c.seen[obj] {
311			return
312		}
313		c.seen[obj] = true
314	}
316	// If we are running out of budgeted time we must limit our search for deep
317	// completion candidates.
318	if c.shouldPrune() {
319		return
320	}
322	// If we know we want a type name, don't offer non-type name
323	// candidates. However, do offer package names since they can
324	// contain type names, and do offer any candidate without a type
325	// since we aren't sure if it is a type name or not (i.e. unimported
326	// candidate).
327	if c.wantTypeName() && obj.Type() != nil && !isTypeName(obj) && !isPkgName(obj) {
328		return
329	}
331	if c.matchingCandidate(&cand) {
332		cand.score *= highScore
333	} else if isTypeName(obj) {
334		// If obj is a *types.TypeName that didn't otherwise match, check
335		// if a literal object of this type makes a good candidate.
337		// We only care about named types (i.e. don't want builtin types).
338		if _, isNamed := obj.Type().(*types.Named); isNamed {
339			c.literal(ctx, obj.Type(), cand.imp)
340		}
341	}
343	// Lower score of method calls so we prefer fields and vars over calls.
344	if cand.expandFuncCall {
345		if sig, ok := obj.Type().Underlying().(*types.Signature); ok && sig.Recv() != nil {
346			cand.score *= 0.9
347		}
348	}
350	// Prefer private objects over public ones.
351	if !obj.Exported() && obj.Parent() != types.Universe {
352		cand.score *= 1.1
353	}
355	// Favor shallow matches by lowering score according to depth.
356	cand.score -= cand.score * c.deepState.scorePenalty()
358	if cand.score < 0 {
359		cand.score = 0
360	}
362	cand.name = c.deepState.chainString(obj.Name())
363	matchScore := c.matcher.Score(cand.name)
364	if matchScore > 0 {
365		cand.score *= float64(matchScore)
367		// Avoid calling c.item() for deep candidates that wouldn't be in the top
368		// MaxDeepCompletions anyway.
369		if !c.inDeepCompletion() || c.deepState.isHighScore(cand.score) {
370			if item, err := c.item(ctx, cand); err == nil {
371				c.items = append(c.items, item)
372			}
373		}
374	}
376	c.deepSearch(ctx, cand)
379// candidate represents a completion candidate.
380type candidate struct {
381	// obj is the types.Object to complete to.
382	obj types.Object
384	// score is used to rank candidates.
385	score float64
387	// name is the deep object name path, e.g. "foo.bar"
388	name string
390	// expandFuncCall is true if obj should be invoked in the completion.
391	// For example, expandFuncCall=true yields "foo()", expandFuncCall=false yields "foo".
392	expandFuncCall bool
394	// takeAddress is true if the completion should take a pointer to obj.
395	// For example, takeAddress=true yields "&foo", takeAddress=false yields "foo".
396	takeAddress bool
398	// addressable is true if a pointer can be taken to the candidate.
399	addressable bool
401	// makePointer is true if the candidate type name T should be made into *T.
402	makePointer bool
404	// dereference is a count of how many times to dereference the candidate obj.
405	// For example, dereference=2 turns "foo" into "**foo" when formatting.
406	dereference int
408	// imp is the import that needs to be added to this package in order
409	// for this candidate to be valid. nil if no import needed.
410	imp *importInfo
413// ErrIsDefinition is an error that informs the user they got no
414// completions because they tried to complete the name of a new object
415// being defined.
416type ErrIsDefinition struct {
417	objStr string
420func (e ErrIsDefinition) Error() string {
421	msg := "this is a definition"
422	if e.objStr != "" {
423		msg += " of " + e.objStr
424	}
425	return msg
428// Completion returns a list of possible candidates for completion, given a
429// a file and a position.
431// The selection is computed based on the preceding identifier and can be used by
432// the client to score the quality of the completion. For instance, some clients
433// may tolerate imperfect matches as valid completion results, since users may make typos.
434func Completion(ctx context.Context, snapshot Snapshot, fh FileHandle, protoPos protocol.Position) ([]CompletionItem, *Selection, error) {
435	ctx, done := event.Start(ctx, "source.Completion")
436	defer done()
438	startTime := time.Now()
440	pkg, pgf, err := getParsedFile(ctx, snapshot, fh, NarrowestPackage)
441	if err != nil {
442		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("getting file for Completion: %w", err)
443	}
444	spn, err := pgf.Mapper.PointSpan(protoPos)
445	if err != nil {
446		return nil, nil, err
447	}
448	rng, err := spn.Range(pgf.Mapper.Converter)
449	if err != nil {
450		return nil, nil, err
451	}
452	// Completion is based on what precedes the cursor.
453	// Find the path to the position before pos.
454	path, _ := astutil.PathEnclosingInterval(pgf.File, rng.Start-1, rng.Start-1)
455	if path == nil {
456		return nil, nil, errors.Errorf("cannot find node enclosing position")
457	}
459	pos := rng.Start
461	// Check if completion at this position is valid. If not, return early.
462	switch n := path[0].(type) {
463	case *ast.BasicLit:
464		// Skip completion inside any kind of literal.
465		return nil, nil, nil
466	case *ast.CallExpr:
467		if n.Ellipsis.IsValid() && pos > n.Ellipsis && pos <= n.Ellipsis+token.Pos(len("...")) {
468			// Don't offer completions inside or directly after "...". For
469			// example, don't offer completions at "<>" in "foo(bar...<>").
470			return nil, nil, nil
471		}
472	case *ast.Ident:
473		// reject defining identifiers
474		if obj, ok := pkg.GetTypesInfo().Defs[n]; ok {
475			if v, ok := obj.(*types.Var); ok && v.IsField() && v.Embedded() {
476				// An anonymous field is also a reference to a type.
477			} else {
478				objStr := ""
479				if obj != nil {
480					qual := types.RelativeTo(pkg.GetTypes())
481					objStr = types.ObjectString(obj, qual)
482				}
483				return nil, nil, ErrIsDefinition{objStr: objStr}
484			}
485		}
486	}
488	opts := snapshot.View().Options()
489	c := &completer{
490		pkg:                       pkg,
491		snapshot:                  snapshot,
492		qf:                        qualifier(pgf.File, pkg.GetTypes(), pkg.GetTypesInfo()),
493		filename:                  fh.URI().Filename(),
494		file:                      pgf.File,
495		path:                      path,
496		pos:                       pos,
497		seen:                      make(map[types.Object]bool),
498		enclosingFunc:             enclosingFunction(path, pkg.GetTypesInfo()),
499		enclosingCompositeLiteral: enclosingCompositeLiteral(path, rng.Start, pkg.GetTypesInfo()),
500		opts: &completionOptions{
501			matcher:           opts.Matcher,
502			deepCompletion:    opts.DeepCompletion,
503			unimported:        opts.UnimportedCompletion,
504			documentation:     opts.CompletionDocumentation,
505			fullDocumentation: opts.HoverKind == FullDocumentation,
506			placeholders:      opts.Placeholders,
507			literal:           opts.LiteralCompletions && opts.InsertTextFormat == protocol.SnippetTextFormat,
508			budget:            opts.CompletionBudget,
509		},
510		// default to a matcher that always matches
511		matcher:        prefixMatcher(""),
512		methodSetCache: make(map[methodSetKey]*types.MethodSet),
513		mapper:         pgf.Mapper,
514		startTime:      startTime,
515	}
517	if c.opts.deepCompletion {
518		// Initialize max search depth to unlimited.
519		c.deepState.maxDepth = -1
520	}
522	var cancel context.CancelFunc
523	if c.opts.budget == 0 {
524		ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)
525	} else {
526		ctx, cancel = context.WithDeadline(ctx, c.startTime.Add(c.opts.budget))
527	}
528	defer cancel()
530	if surrounding := c.containingIdent(pgf.Src); surrounding != nil {
531		c.setSurrounding(surrounding)
532	}
534	c.inference = expectedCandidate(ctx, c)
536	defer c.sortItems()
538	// If we're inside a comment return comment completions
539	for _, comment := range pgf.File.Comments {
540		if comment.Pos() < rng.Start && rng.Start <= comment.End() {
541			c.populateCommentCompletions(ctx, comment)
542			return c.items, c.getSurrounding(), nil
543		}
544	}
546	// Struct literals are handled entirely separately.
547	if c.wantStructFieldCompletions() {
548		if err := c.structLiteralFieldName(ctx); err != nil {
549			return nil, nil, err
550		}
551		return c.items, c.getSurrounding(), nil
552	}
554	if lt := c.wantLabelCompletion(); lt != labelNone {
555		c.labels(ctx, lt)
556		return c.items, c.getSurrounding(), nil
557	}
559	if c.emptySwitchStmt() {
560		// Empty switch statements only admit "default" and "case" keywords.
561		c.addKeywordItems(map[string]bool{}, highScore, CASE, DEFAULT)
562		return c.items, c.getSurrounding(), nil
563	}
565	switch n := path[0].(type) {
566	case *ast.Ident:
567		// Is this the Sel part of a selector?
568		if sel, ok := path[1].(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok && sel.Sel == n {
569			if err := c.selector(ctx, sel); err != nil {
570				return nil, nil, err
571			}
572		} else if obj, ok := pkg.GetTypesInfo().Defs[n]; ok {
573			// reject defining identifiers
575			if v, ok := obj.(*types.Var); ok && v.IsField() && v.Embedded() {
576				// An anonymous field is also a reference to a type.
577			} else {
578				objStr := ""
579				if obj != nil {
580					qual := types.RelativeTo(pkg.GetTypes())
581					objStr = types.ObjectString(obj, qual)
582				}
583				return nil, nil, ErrIsDefinition{objStr: objStr}
584			}
585		} else if err := c.lexical(ctx); err != nil {
586			return nil, nil, err
587		}
588	// The function name hasn't been typed yet, but the parens are there:
589	//   recv.‸(arg)
590	case *ast.TypeAssertExpr:
591		// Create a fake selector expression.
592		if err := c.selector(ctx, &ast.SelectorExpr{X: n.X}); err != nil {
593			return nil, nil, err
594		}
596	case *ast.SelectorExpr:
597		if err := c.selector(ctx, n); err != nil {
598			return nil, nil, err
599		}
601	// At the file scope, only keywords are allowed.
602	case *ast.BadDecl, *ast.File:
603		c.addKeywordCompletions()
605	default:
606		// fallback to lexical completions
607		if err := c.lexical(ctx); err != nil {
608			return nil, nil, err
609		}
610	}
612	// Statement candidates offer an entire statement in certain
613	// contexts, as opposed to a single object. Add statement candidates
614	// last because they depend on other candidates having already been
615	// collected.
616	c.addStatementCandidates()
618	return c.items, c.getSurrounding(), nil
621// containingIdent returns the *ast.Ident containing pos, if any. It
622// synthesizes an *ast.Ident to allow completion in the face of
623// certain syntax errors.
624func (c *completer) containingIdent(src []byte) *ast.Ident {
625	// In the normal case, our leaf AST node is the identifer being completed.
626	if ident, ok := c.path[0].(*ast.Ident); ok {
627		return ident
628	}
630	pos, tkn, lit := c.scanToken(src)
631	if !pos.IsValid() {
632		return nil
633	}
635	fakeIdent := &ast.Ident{Name: lit, NamePos: pos}
637	if _, isBadDecl := c.path[0].(*ast.BadDecl); isBadDecl {
638		// You don't get *ast.Idents at the file level, so look for bad
639		// decls and use the manually extracted token.
640		return fakeIdent
641	} else if c.emptySwitchStmt() {
642		// Only keywords are allowed in empty switch statements.
643		// *ast.Idents are not parsed, so we must use the manually
644		// extracted token.
645		return fakeIdent
646	} else if tkn.IsKeyword() {
647		// Otherwise, manually extract the prefix if our containing token
648		// is a keyword. This improves completion after an "accidental
649		// keyword", e.g. completing to "variance" in "someFunc(var<>)".
650		return fakeIdent
651	}
653	return nil
656// scanToken scans pgh's contents for the token containing pos.
657func (c *completer) scanToken(contents []byte) (token.Pos, token.Token, string) {
658	tok := c.snapshot.FileSet().File(c.pos)
660	var s scanner.Scanner
661	s.Init(tok, contents, nil, 0)
662	for {
663		tknPos, tkn, lit := s.Scan()
664		if tkn == token.EOF || tknPos >= c.pos {
665			return token.NoPos, token.ILLEGAL, ""
666		}
668		if len(lit) > 0 && tknPos <= c.pos && c.pos <= tknPos+token.Pos(len(lit)) {
669			return tknPos, tkn, lit
670		}
671	}
674func (c *completer) sortItems() {
675	sort.SliceStable(c.items, func(i, j int) bool {
676		// Sort by score first.
677		if c.items[i].Score != c.items[j].Score {
678			return c.items[i].Score > c.items[j].Score
679		}
681		// Then sort by label so order stays consistent. This also has the
682		// effect of prefering shorter candidates.
683		return c.items[i].Label < c.items[j].Label
684	})
687// emptySwitchStmt reports whether pos is in an empty switch or select
688// statement.
689func (c *completer) emptySwitchStmt() bool {
690	block, ok := c.path[0].(*ast.BlockStmt)
691	if !ok || len(block.List) > 0 || len(c.path) == 1 {
692		return false
693	}
695	switch c.path[1].(type) {
696	case *ast.SwitchStmt, *ast.TypeSwitchStmt, *ast.SelectStmt:
697		return true
698	default:
699		return false
700	}
703// populateCommentCompletions yields completions for exported
704// symbols immediately preceding comment.
705func (c *completer) populateCommentCompletions(ctx context.Context, comment *ast.CommentGroup) {
706	// Using the comment position find the line after
707	file := c.snapshot.FileSet().File(comment.End())
708	if file == nil {
709		return
710	}
712	line := file.Line(comment.End())
713	if file.LineCount() < line+1 {
714		return
715	}
717	nextLinePos := file.LineStart(line + 1)
718	if !nextLinePos.IsValid() {
719		return
720	}
722	// comment is valid, set surrounding as word boundaries around cursor
723	c.setSurroundingForComment(comment)
725	// Using the next line pos, grab and parse the exported symbol on that line
726	for _, n := range c.file.Decls {
727		if n.Pos() != nextLinePos {
728			continue
729		}
730		switch node := n.(type) {
731		// handle const, vars, and types
732		case *ast.GenDecl:
733			for _, spec := range node.Specs {
734				switch spec := spec.(type) {
735				case *ast.ValueSpec:
736					for _, name := range spec.Names {
737						if name.String() == "_" || !name.IsExported() {
738							continue
739						}
740						obj := c.pkg.GetTypesInfo().ObjectOf(name)
741						c.found(ctx, candidate{obj: obj, score: stdScore})
742					}
743				case *ast.TypeSpec:
744					if spec.Name.String() == "_" || !spec.Name.IsExported() {
745						continue
746					}
747					obj := c.pkg.GetTypesInfo().ObjectOf(spec.Name)
748					c.found(ctx, candidate{obj: obj, score: stdScore})
749				}
750			}
751		// handle functions
752		case *ast.FuncDecl:
753			if node.Name.String() == "_" || !node.Name.IsExported() {
754				continue
755			}
757			obj := c.pkg.GetTypesInfo().ObjectOf(node.Name)
758			if obj == nil || obj.Pkg() != nil && obj.Pkg() != c.pkg.GetTypes() {
759				continue
760			}
762			// We don't want expandFuncCall inside comments. We add this directly to the
763			// completions list because using c.found sets expandFuncCall to true by default
764			item, err := c.item(ctx, candidate{
765				obj:            obj,
766				name:           obj.Name(),
767				expandFuncCall: false,
768				score:          stdScore,
769			})
770			if err != nil {
771				continue
772			}
773			c.items = append(c.items, item)
774		}
775	}
778// sets word boundaries surrounding a cursor for a comment
779func (c *completer) setSurroundingForComment(comments *ast.CommentGroup) {
780	var cursorComment *ast.Comment
781	for _, comment := range comments.List {
782		if c.pos >= comment.Pos() && c.pos <= comment.End() {
783			cursorComment = comment
784			break
785		}
786	}
787	// if cursor isn't in the comment
788	if cursorComment == nil {
789		return
790	}
792	// index of cursor in comment text
793	cursorOffset := int(c.pos - cursorComment.Pos())
794	start, end := cursorOffset, cursorOffset
795	for start > 0 && isValidIdentifierChar(cursorComment.Text[start-1]) {
796		start--
797	}
798	for end < len(cursorComment.Text) && isValidIdentifierChar(cursorComment.Text[end]) {
799		end++
800	}
802	c.surrounding = &Selection{
803		content: cursorComment.Text[start:end],
804		cursor:  c.pos,
805		mappedRange: newMappedRange(c.snapshot.FileSet(), c.mapper,
806			token.Pos(int(cursorComment.Slash)+start), token.Pos(int(cursorComment.Slash)+end)),
807	}
810// isValidIdentifierChar returns true if a byte is a valid go identifier character
811// i.e unicode letter or digit or undescore
812func isValidIdentifierChar(char byte) bool {
813	charRune := rune(char)
814	return unicode.In(charRune, unicode.Letter, unicode.Digit) || char == '_'
817func (c *completer) wantStructFieldCompletions() bool {
818	clInfo := c.enclosingCompositeLiteral
819	if clInfo == nil {
820		return false
821	}
823	return clInfo.isStruct() && (clInfo.inKey || clInfo.maybeInFieldName)
826func (c *completer) wantTypeName() bool {
827	return c.inference.typeName.wantTypeName
830// See https://golang.org/issue/36001. Unimported completions are expensive.
831const (
832	maxUnimportedPackageNames = 5
833	unimportedMemberTarget    = 100
836// selector finds completions for the specified selector expression.
837func (c *completer) selector(ctx context.Context, sel *ast.SelectorExpr) error {
838	// Is sel a qualified identifier?
839	if id, ok := sel.X.(*ast.Ident); ok {
840		if pkgName, ok := c.pkg.GetTypesInfo().Uses[id].(*types.PkgName); ok {
841			c.packageMembers(ctx, pkgName.Imported(), stdScore, nil)
842			return nil
843		}
844	}
846	// Invariant: sel is a true selector.
847	tv, ok := c.pkg.GetTypesInfo().Types[sel.X]
848	if ok {
849		return c.methodsAndFields(ctx, tv.Type, tv.Addressable(), nil)
850	}
852	// Try unimported packages.
853	if id, ok := sel.X.(*ast.Ident); ok && c.opts.unimported {
854		if err := c.unimportedMembers(ctx, id); err != nil {
855			return err
856		}
857	}
858	return nil
861func (c *completer) unimportedMembers(ctx context.Context, id *ast.Ident) error {
862	// Try loaded packages first. They're relevant, fast, and fully typed.
863	known, err := c.snapshot.CachedImportPaths(ctx)
864	if err != nil {
865		return err
866	}
868	var paths []string
869	for path, pkg := range known {
870		if pkg.GetTypes().Name() != id.Name {
871			continue
872		}
873		paths = append(paths, path)
874	}
876	var relevances map[string]int
877	if len(paths) != 0 {
878		if err := c.snapshot.View().RunProcessEnvFunc(ctx, func(opts *imports.Options) error {
879			var err error
880			relevances, err = imports.ScoreImportPaths(ctx, opts.Env, paths)
881			return err
882		}); err != nil {
883			return err
884		}
885	}
886	sort.Slice(paths, func(i, j int) bool {
887		return relevances[paths[i]] > relevances[paths[j]]
888	})
890	for _, path := range paths {
891		pkg := known[path]
892		if pkg.GetTypes().Name() != id.Name {
893			continue
894		}
895		imp := &importInfo{
896			importPath: path,
897			pkg:        pkg,
898		}
899		if imports.ImportPathToAssumedName(path) != pkg.GetTypes().Name() {
900			imp.name = pkg.GetTypes().Name()
901		}
902		c.packageMembers(ctx, pkg.GetTypes(), unimportedScore(relevances[path]), imp)
903		if len(c.items) >= unimportedMemberTarget {
904			return nil
905		}
906	}
908	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
909	defer cancel()
911	var mu sync.Mutex
912	add := func(pkgExport imports.PackageExport) {
913		mu.Lock()
914		defer mu.Unlock()
915		if _, ok := known[pkgExport.Fix.StmtInfo.ImportPath]; ok {
916			return // We got this one above.
917		}
919		// Continue with untyped proposals.
920		pkg := types.NewPackage(pkgExport.Fix.StmtInfo.ImportPath, pkgExport.Fix.IdentName)
921		for _, export := range pkgExport.Exports {
922			score := unimportedScore(pkgExport.Fix.Relevance)
923			c.found(ctx, candidate{
924				obj:   types.NewVar(0, pkg, export, nil),
925				score: score,
926				imp: &importInfo{
927					importPath: pkgExport.Fix.StmtInfo.ImportPath,
928					name:       pkgExport.Fix.StmtInfo.Name,
929				},
930			})
931		}
932		if len(c.items) >= unimportedMemberTarget {
933			cancel()
934		}
935	}
936	return c.snapshot.View().RunProcessEnvFunc(ctx, func(opts *imports.Options) error {
937		return imports.GetPackageExports(ctx, add, id.Name, c.filename, c.pkg.GetTypes().Name(), opts.Env)
938	})
941// unimportedScore returns a score for an unimported package that is generally
942// lower than other candidates.
943func unimportedScore(relevance int) float64 {
944	return (stdScore + .1*float64(relevance)) / 2
947func (c *completer) packageMembers(ctx context.Context, pkg *types.Package, score float64, imp *importInfo) {
948	scope := pkg.Scope()
949	for _, name := range scope.Names() {
950		obj := scope.Lookup(name)
951		c.found(ctx, candidate{
952			obj:         obj,
953			score:       score,
954			imp:         imp,
955			addressable: isVar(obj),
956		})
957	}
960func (c *completer) methodsAndFields(ctx context.Context, typ types.Type, addressable bool, imp *importInfo) error {
961	mset := c.methodSetCache[methodSetKey{typ, addressable}]
962	if mset == nil {
963		if addressable && !types.IsInterface(typ) && !isPointer(typ) {
964			// Add methods of *T, which includes methods with receiver T.
965			mset = types.NewMethodSet(types.NewPointer(typ))
966		} else {
967			// Add methods of T.
968			mset = types.NewMethodSet(typ)
969		}
970		c.methodSetCache[methodSetKey{typ, addressable}] = mset
971	}
973	for i := 0; i < mset.Len(); i++ {
974		c.found(ctx, candidate{
975			obj:         mset.At(i).Obj(),
976			score:       stdScore,
977			imp:         imp,
978			addressable: addressable || isPointer(typ),
979		})
980	}
982	// Add fields of T.
983	eachField(typ, func(v *types.Var) {
984		c.found(ctx, candidate{
985			obj:         v,
986			score:       stdScore - 0.01,
987			imp:         imp,
988			addressable: addressable || isPointer(typ),
989		})
990	})
992	return nil
995// lexical finds completions in the lexical environment.
996func (c *completer) lexical(ctx context.Context) error {
997	scopes := collectScopes(c.pkg.GetTypesInfo(), c.path, c.pos)
998	scopes = append(scopes, c.pkg.GetTypes().Scope(), types.Universe)
1000	var (
1001		builtinIota = types.Universe.Lookup("iota")
1002		builtinNil  = types.Universe.Lookup("nil")
1003	)
1005	// Track seen variables to avoid showing completions for shadowed variables.
1006	// This works since we look at scopes from innermost to outermost.
1007	seen := make(map[string]struct{})
1009	// Process scopes innermost first.
1010	for i, scope := range scopes {
1011		if scope == nil {
1012			continue
1013		}
1015	Names:
1016		for _, name := range scope.Names() {
1017			declScope, obj := scope.LookupParent(name, c.pos)
1018			if declScope != scope {
1019				continue // Name was declared in some enclosing scope, or not at all.
1020			}
1022			// If obj's type is invalid, find the AST node that defines the lexical block
1023			// containing the declaration of obj. Don't resolve types for packages.
1024			if !isPkgName(obj) && !typeIsValid(obj.Type()) {
1025				// Match the scope to its ast.Node. If the scope is the package scope,
1026				// use the *ast.File as the starting node.
1027				var node ast.Node
1028				if i < len(c.path) {
1029					node = c.path[i]
1030				} else if i == len(c.path) { // use the *ast.File for package scope
1031					node = c.path[i-1]
1032				}
1033				if node != nil {
1034					if resolved := resolveInvalid(c.snapshot.FileSet(), obj, node, c.pkg.GetTypesInfo()); resolved != nil {
1035						obj = resolved
1036					}
1037				}
1038			}
1040			// Don't use LHS of value spec in RHS.
1041			if vs := enclosingValueSpec(c.path); vs != nil {
1042				for _, ident := range vs.Names {
1043					if obj.Pos() == ident.Pos() {
1044						continue Names
1045					}
1046				}
1047			}
1049			// Don't suggest "iota" outside of const decls.
1050			if obj == builtinIota && !c.inConstDecl() {
1051				continue
1052			}
1054			// Rank outer scopes lower than inner.
1055			score := stdScore * math.Pow(.99, float64(i))
1057			// Dowrank "nil" a bit so it is ranked below more interesting candidates.
1058			if obj == builtinNil {
1059				score /= 2
1060			}
1062			// If we haven't already added a candidate for an object with this name.
1063			if _, ok := seen[obj.Name()]; !ok {
1064				seen[obj.Name()] = struct{}{}
1065				c.found(ctx, candidate{
1066					obj:         obj,
1067					score:       score,
1068					addressable: isVar(obj),
1069				})
1070			}
1071		}
1072	}
1074	if c.inference.objType != nil {
1075		if named, _ := deref(c.inference.objType).(*types.Named); named != nil {
1076			// If we expected a named type, check the type's package for
1077			// completion items. This is useful when the current file hasn't
1078			// imported the type's package yet.
1080			if named.Obj() != nil && named.Obj().Pkg() != nil {
1081				pkg := named.Obj().Pkg()
1083				// Make sure the package name isn't already in use by another
1084				// object, and that this file doesn't import the package yet.
1085				if _, ok := seen[pkg.Name()]; !ok && pkg != c.pkg.GetTypes() && !alreadyImports(c.file, pkg.Path()) {
1086					seen[pkg.Name()] = struct{}{}
1087					obj := types.NewPkgName(0, nil, pkg.Name(), pkg)
1088					imp := &importInfo{
1089						importPath: pkg.Path(),
1090					}
1091					if imports.ImportPathToAssumedName(pkg.Path()) != pkg.Name() {
1092						imp.name = pkg.Name()
1093					}
1094					c.found(ctx, candidate{
1095						obj:   obj,
1096						score: stdScore,
1097						imp:   imp,
1098					})
1099				}
1100			}
1101		}
1102	}
1104	if c.opts.unimported {
1105		if err := c.unimportedPackages(ctx, seen); err != nil {
1106			return err
1107		}
1108	}
1110	if t := c.inference.objType; t != nil {
1111		t = deref(t)
1113		// If we have an expected type and it is _not_ a named type, see
1114		// if an object literal makes a good candidate. For example, if
1115		// our expected type is "[]int", this will add a candidate of
1116		// "[]int{}".
1117		if _, named := t.(*types.Named); !named {
1118			c.literal(ctx, t, nil)
1119		}
1120	}
1122	// Add keyword completion items appropriate in the current context.
1123	c.addKeywordCompletions()
1125	return nil
1128func collectScopes(info *types.Info, path []ast.Node, pos token.Pos) []*types.Scope {
1129	// scopes[i], where i<len(path), is the possibly nil Scope of path[i].
1130	var scopes []*types.Scope
1131	for _, n := range path {
1132		// Include *FuncType scope if pos is inside the function body.
1133		switch node := n.(type) {
1134		case *ast.FuncDecl:
1135			if node.Body != nil && nodeContains(node.Body, pos) {
1136				n = node.Type
1137			}
1138		case *ast.FuncLit:
1139			if node.Body != nil && nodeContains(node.Body, pos) {
1140				n = node.Type
1141			}
1142		}
1143		scopes = append(scopes, info.Scopes[n])
1144	}
1145	return scopes
1148func (c *completer) unimportedPackages(ctx context.Context, seen map[string]struct{}) error {
1149	var prefix string
1150	if c.surrounding != nil {
1151		prefix = c.surrounding.Prefix()
1152	}
1153	count := 0
1155	known, err := c.snapshot.CachedImportPaths(ctx)
1156	if err != nil {
1157		return err
1158	}
1159	var paths []string
1160	for path, pkg := range known {
1161		if !strings.HasPrefix(pkg.GetTypes().Name(), prefix) {
1162			continue
1163		}
1164		paths = append(paths, path)
1165	}
1167	var relevances map[string]int
1168	if len(paths) != 0 {
1169		if err := c.snapshot.View().RunProcessEnvFunc(ctx, func(opts *imports.Options) error {
1170			var err error
1171			relevances, err = imports.ScoreImportPaths(ctx, opts.Env, paths)
1172			return err
1173		}); err != nil {
1174			return err
1175		}
1176	}
1177	sort.Slice(paths, func(i, j int) bool {
1178		return relevances[paths[i]] > relevances[paths[j]]
1179	})
1181	for _, path := range paths {
1182		pkg := known[path]
1183		if _, ok := seen[pkg.GetTypes().Name()]; ok {
1184			continue
1185		}
1186		imp := &importInfo{
1187			importPath: path,
1188			pkg:        pkg,
1189		}
1190		if imports.ImportPathToAssumedName(path) != pkg.GetTypes().Name() {
1191			imp.name = pkg.GetTypes().Name()
1192		}
1193		if count >= maxUnimportedPackageNames {
1194			return nil
1195		}
1196		c.found(ctx, candidate{
1197			obj:   types.NewPkgName(0, nil, pkg.GetTypes().Name(), pkg.GetTypes()),
1198			score: unimportedScore(relevances[path]),
1199			imp:   imp,
1200		})
1201		count++
1202	}
1204	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
1205	defer cancel()
1207	var mu sync.Mutex
1208	add := func(pkg imports.ImportFix) {
1209		mu.Lock()
1210		defer mu.Unlock()
1211		if _, ok := seen[pkg.IdentName]; ok {
1212			return
1213		}
1214		if _, ok := relevances[pkg.StmtInfo.ImportPath]; ok {
1215			return
1216		}
1218		if count >= maxUnimportedPackageNames {
1219			cancel()
1220			return
1221		}
1223		// Do not add the unimported packages to seen, since we can have
1224		// multiple packages of the same name as completion suggestions, since
1225		// only one will be chosen.
1226		obj := types.NewPkgName(0, nil, pkg.IdentName, types.NewPackage(pkg.StmtInfo.ImportPath, pkg.IdentName))
1227		c.found(ctx, candidate{
1228			obj:   obj,
1229			score: unimportedScore(pkg.Relevance),
1230			imp: &importInfo{
1231				importPath: pkg.StmtInfo.ImportPath,
1232				name:       pkg.StmtInfo.Name,
1233			},
1234		})
1235		count++
1236	}
1237	return c.snapshot.View().RunProcessEnvFunc(ctx, func(opts *imports.Options) error {
1238		return imports.GetAllCandidates(ctx, add, prefix, c.filename, c.pkg.GetTypes().Name(), opts.Env)
1239	})
1242// alreadyImports reports whether f has an import with the specified path.
1243func alreadyImports(f *ast.File, path string) bool {
1244	for _, s := range f.Imports {
1245		if importPath(s) == path {
1246			return true
1247		}
1248	}
1249	return false
1252// importPath returns the unquoted import path of s,
1253// or "" if the path is not properly quoted.
1254func importPath(s *ast.ImportSpec) string {
1255	t, err := strconv.Unquote(s.Path.Value)
1256	if err != nil {
1257		return ""
1258	}
1259	return t
1262func nodeContains(n ast.Node, pos token.Pos) bool {
1263	return n != nil && n.Pos() <= pos && pos <= n.End()
1266func (c *completer) inConstDecl() bool {
1267	for _, n := range c.path {
1268		if decl, ok := n.(*ast.GenDecl); ok && decl.Tok == token.CONST {
1269			return true
1270		}
1271	}
1272	return false
1275// structLiteralFieldName finds completions for struct field names inside a struct literal.
1276func (c *completer) structLiteralFieldName(ctx context.Context) error {
1277	clInfo := c.enclosingCompositeLiteral
1279	// Mark fields of the composite literal that have already been set,
1280	// except for the current field.
1281	addedFields := make(map[*types.Var]bool)
1282	for _, el := range clInfo.cl.Elts {
1283		if kvExpr, ok := el.(*ast.KeyValueExpr); ok {
1284			if clInfo.kv == kvExpr {
1285				continue
1286			}
1288			if key, ok := kvExpr.Key.(*ast.Ident); ok {
1289				if used, ok := c.pkg.GetTypesInfo().Uses[key]; ok {
1290					if usedVar, ok := used.(*types.Var); ok {
1291						addedFields[usedVar] = true
1292					}
1293				}
1294			}
1295		}
1296	}
1298	switch t := clInfo.clType.(type) {
1299	case *types.Struct:
1300		for i := 0; i < t.NumFields(); i++ {
1301			field := t.Field(i)
1302			if !addedFields[field] {
1303				c.found(ctx, candidate{
1304					obj:   field,
1305					score: highScore,
1306				})
1307			}
1308		}
1310		// Add lexical completions if we aren't certain we are in the key part of a
1311		// key-value pair.
1312		if clInfo.maybeInFieldName {
1313			return c.lexical(ctx)
1314		}
1315	default:
1316		return c.lexical(ctx)
1317	}
1319	return nil
1322func (cl *compLitInfo) isStruct() bool {
1323	_, ok := cl.clType.(*types.Struct)
1324	return ok
1327// enclosingCompositeLiteral returns information about the composite literal enclosing the
1328// position.
1329func enclosingCompositeLiteral(path []ast.Node, pos token.Pos, info *types.Info) *compLitInfo {
1330	for _, n := range path {
1331		switch n := n.(type) {
1332		case *ast.CompositeLit:
1333			// The enclosing node will be a composite literal if the user has just
1334			// opened the curly brace (e.g. &x{<>) or the completion request is triggered
1335			// from an already completed composite literal expression (e.g. &x{foo: 1, <>})
1336			//
1337			// The position is not part of the composite literal unless it falls within the
1338			// curly braces (e.g. "foo.Foo<>Struct{}").
1339			if !(n.Lbrace < pos && pos <= n.Rbrace) {
1340				// Keep searching since we may yet be inside a composite literal.
1341				// For example "Foo{B: Ba<>{}}".
1342				break
1343			}
1345			tv, ok := info.Types[n]
1346			if !ok {
1347				return nil
1348			}
1350			clInfo := compLitInfo{
1351				cl:     n,
1352				clType: deref(tv.Type).Underlying(),
1353			}
1355			var (
1356				expr    ast.Expr
1357				hasKeys bool
1358			)
1359			for _, el := range n.Elts {
1360				// Remember the expression that the position falls in, if any.
1361				if el.Pos() <= pos && pos <= el.End() {
1362					expr = el
1363				}
1365				if kv, ok := el.(*ast.KeyValueExpr); ok {
1366					hasKeys = true
1367					// If expr == el then we know the position falls in this expression,
1368					// so also record kv as the enclosing *ast.KeyValueExpr.
1369					if expr == el {
1370						clInfo.kv = kv
1371						break
1372					}
1373				}
1374			}
1376			if clInfo.kv != nil {
1377				// If in a *ast.KeyValueExpr, we know we are in the key if the position
1378				// is to the left of the colon (e.g. "Foo{F<>: V}".
1379				clInfo.inKey = pos <= clInfo.kv.Colon
1380			} else if hasKeys {
1381				// If we aren't in a *ast.KeyValueExpr but the composite literal has
1382				// other *ast.KeyValueExprs, we must be on the key side of a new
1383				// *ast.KeyValueExpr (e.g. "Foo{F: V, <>}").
1384				clInfo.inKey = true
1385			} else {
1386				switch clInfo.clType.(type) {
1387				case *types.Struct:
1388					if len(n.Elts) == 0 {
1389						// If the struct literal is empty, next could be a struct field
1390						// name or an expression (e.g. "Foo{<>}" could become "Foo{F:}"
1391						// or "Foo{someVar}").
1392						clInfo.maybeInFieldName = true
1393					} else if len(n.Elts) == 1 {
1394						// If there is one expression and the position is in that expression
1395						// and the expression is an identifier, we may be writing a field
1396						// name or an expression (e.g. "Foo{F<>}").
1397						_, clInfo.maybeInFieldName = expr.(*ast.Ident)
1398					}
1399				case *types.Map:
1400					// If we aren't in a *ast.KeyValueExpr we must be adding a new key
1401					// to the map.
1402					clInfo.inKey = true
1403				}
1404			}
1406			return &clInfo
1407		default:
1408			if breaksExpectedTypeInference(n) {
1409				return nil
1410			}
1411		}
1412	}
1414	return nil
1417// enclosingFunction returns the signature and body of the function
1418// enclosing the given position.
1419func enclosingFunction(path []ast.Node, info *types.Info) *funcInfo {
1420	for _, node := range path {
1421		switch t := node.(type) {
1422		case *ast.FuncDecl:
1423			if obj, ok := info.Defs[t.Name]; ok {
1424				return &funcInfo{
1425					sig:  obj.Type().(*types.Signature),
1426					body: t.Body,
1427				}
1428			}
1429		case *ast.FuncLit:
1430			if typ, ok := info.Types[t]; ok {
1431				return &funcInfo{
1432					sig:  typ.Type.(*types.Signature),
1433					body: t.Body,
1434				}
1435			}
1436		}
1437	}
1438	return nil
1441func (c *completer) expectedCompositeLiteralType() types.Type {
1442	clInfo := c.enclosingCompositeLiteral
1443	switch t := clInfo.clType.(type) {
1444	case *types.Slice:
1445		if clInfo.inKey {
1446			return types.Typ[types.Int]
1447		}
1448		return t.Elem()
1449	case *types.Array:
1450		if clInfo.inKey {
1451			return types.Typ[types.Int]
1452		}
1453		return t.Elem()
1454	case *types.Map:
1455		if clInfo.inKey {
1456			return t.Key()
1457		}
1458		return t.Elem()
1459	case *types.Struct:
1460		// If we are completing a key (i.e. field name), there is no expected type.
1461		if clInfo.inKey {
1462			return nil
1463		}
1465		// If we are in a key-value pair, but not in the key, then we must be on the
1466		// value side. The expected type of the value will be determined from the key.
1467		if clInfo.kv != nil {
1468			if key, ok := clInfo.kv.Key.(*ast.Ident); ok {
1469				for i := 0; i < t.NumFields(); i++ {
1470					if field := t.Field(i); field.Name() == key.Name {
1471						return field.Type()
1472					}
1473				}
1474			}
1475		} else {
1476			// If we aren't in a key-value pair and aren't in the key, we must be using
1477			// implicit field names.
1479			// The order of the literal fields must match the order in the struct definition.
1480			// Find the element that the position belongs to and suggest that field's type.
1481			if i := exprAtPos(c.pos, clInfo.cl.Elts); i < t.NumFields() {
1482				return t.Field(i).Type()
1483			}
1484		}
1485	}
1486	return nil
1489// typeModifier represents an operator that changes the expected type.
1490type typeModifier struct {
1491	mod      typeMod
1492	arrayLen int64
1495type typeMod int
1497const (
1498	star     typeMod = iota // pointer indirection for expressions, pointer indicator for types
1499	address                 // address operator ("&")
1500	chanRead                // channel read operator ("<-")
1501	slice                   // make a slice type ("[]" in "[]int")
1502	array                   // make an array type ("[2]" in "[2]int")
1505type objKind int
1507const (
1508	kindArray objKind = 1 << iota
1509	kindSlice
1510	kindChan
1511	kindMap
1512	kindStruct
1513	kindString
1514	kindFunc
1517// candidateInference holds information we have inferred about a type that can be
1518// used at the current position.
1519type candidateInference struct {
1520	// objType is the desired type of an object used at the query position.
1521	objType types.Type
1523	// objKind is a mask of expected kinds of types such as "map", "slice", etc.
1524	objKind objKind
1526	// variadic is true if we are completing the initial variadic
1527	// parameter. For example:
1528	//   append([]T{}, <>)      // objType=T variadic=true
1529	//   append([]T{}, T{}, <>) // objType=T variadic=false
1530	variadic bool
1532	// modifiers are prefixes such as "*", "&" or "<-" that influence how
1533	// a candidate type relates to the expected type.
1534	modifiers []typeModifier
1536	// convertibleTo is a type our candidate type must be convertible to.
1537	convertibleTo types.Type
1539	// typeName holds information about the expected type name at
1540	// position, if any.
1541	typeName typeNameInference
1543	// assignees are the types that would receive a function call's
1544	// results at the position. For example:
1545	//
1546	// foo := 123
1547	// foo, bar := <>
1548	//
1549	// at "<>", the assignees are [int, <invalid>].
1550	assignees []types.Type
1552	// variadicAssignees is true if we could be completing an inner
1553	// function call that fills out an outer function call's variadic
1554	// params. For example:
1555	//
1556	// func foo(int, ...string) {}
1557	//
1558	// foo(<>)         // variadicAssignees=true
1559	// foo(bar<>)      // variadicAssignees=true
1560	// foo(bar, baz<>) // variadicAssignees=false
1561	variadicAssignees bool
1564// typeNameInference holds information about the expected type name at
1565// position.
1566type typeNameInference struct {
1567	// wantTypeName is true if we expect the name of a type.
1568	wantTypeName bool
1570	// modifiers are prefixes such as "*", "&" or "<-" that influence how
1571	// a candidate type relates to the expected type.
1572	modifiers []typeModifier
1574	// assertableFrom is a type that must be assertable to our candidate type.
1575	assertableFrom types.Type
1577	// wantComparable is true if we want a comparable type.
1578	wantComparable bool
1580	// seenTypeSwitchCases tracks types that have already been used by
1581	// the containing type switch.
1582	seenTypeSwitchCases []types.Type
1585// expectedCandidate returns information about the expected candidate
1586// for an expression at the query position.
1587func expectedCandidate(ctx context.Context, c *completer) (inf candidateInference) {
1588	inf.typeName = expectTypeName(c)
1590	if c.enclosingCompositeLiteral != nil {
1591		inf.objType = c.expectedCompositeLiteralType()
1592	}
1595	for i, node := range c.path {
1596		switch node := node.(type) {
1597		case *ast.BinaryExpr:
1598			// Determine if query position comes from left or right of op.
1599			e := node.X
1600			if c.pos < node.OpPos {
1601				e = node.Y
1602			}
1603			if tv, ok := c.pkg.GetTypesInfo().Types[e]; ok {
1604				switch node.Op {
1605				case token.LAND, token.LOR:
1606					// Don't infer "bool" type for "&&" or "||". Often you want
1607					// to compose a boolean expression from non-boolean
1608					// candidates.
1609				default:
1610					inf.objType = tv.Type
1611				}
1612				break Nodes
1613			}
1614		case *ast.AssignStmt:
1615			// Only rank completions if you are on the right side of the token.
1616			if c.pos > node.TokPos {
1617				i := exprAtPos(c.pos, node.Rhs)
1618				if i >= len(node.Lhs) {
1619					i = len(node.Lhs) - 1
1620				}
1621				if tv, ok := c.pkg.GetTypesInfo().Types[node.Lhs[i]]; ok {
1622					inf.objType = tv.Type
1623				}
1625				// If we have a single expression on the RHS, record the LHS
1626				// assignees so we can favor multi-return function calls with
1627				// matching result values.
1628				if len(node.Rhs) <= 1 {
1629					for _, lhs := range node.Lhs {
1630						inf.assignees = append(inf.assignees, c.pkg.GetTypesInfo().TypeOf(lhs))
1631					}
1632				} else {
1633					// Otherwse, record our single assignee, even if its type is
1634					// not available. We use this info to downrank functions
1635					// with the wrong number of result values.
1636					inf.assignees = append(inf.assignees, c.pkg.GetTypesInfo().TypeOf(node.Lhs[i]))
1637				}
1638			}
1639			return inf
1640		case *ast.ValueSpec:
1641			if node.Type != nil && c.pos > node.Type.End() {
1642				inf.objType = c.pkg.GetTypesInfo().TypeOf(node.Type)
1643			}
1644			return inf
1645		case *ast.CallExpr:
1646			// Only consider CallExpr args if position falls between parens.
1647			if node.Lparen < c.pos && c.pos <= node.Rparen {
1648				// For type conversions like "int64(foo)" we can only infer our
1649				// desired type is convertible to int64.
1650				if typ := typeConversion(node, c.pkg.GetTypesInfo()); typ != nil {
1651					inf.convertibleTo = typ
1652					break Nodes
1653				}
1655				if tv, ok := c.pkg.GetTypesInfo().Types[node.Fun]; ok {
1656					if sig, ok := tv.Type.(*types.Signature); ok {
1657						numParams := sig.Params().Len()
1658						if numParams == 0 {
1659							return inf
1660						}
1662						exprIdx := exprAtPos(c.pos, node.Args)
1664						// If we have one or zero arg expressions, we may be
1665						// completing to a function call that returns multiple
1666						// values, in turn getting passed in to the surrounding
1667						// call. Record the assignees so we can favor function
1668						// calls that return matching values.
1669						if len(node.Args) <= 1 && exprIdx == 0 {
1670							for i := 0; i < sig.Params().Len(); i++ {
1671								inf.assignees = append(inf.assignees, sig.Params().At(i).Type())
1672							}
1674							// Record that we may be completing into variadic parameters.
1675							inf.variadicAssignees = sig.Variadic()
1676						}
1678						// Make sure not to run past the end of expected parameters.
1679						if exprIdx >= numParams {
1680							inf.objType = sig.Params().At(numParams - 1).Type()
1681						} else {
1682							inf.objType = sig.Params().At(exprIdx).Type()
1683						}
1685						if sig.Variadic() && exprIdx >= (numParams-1) {
1686							// If we are completing a variadic param, deslice the variadic type.
1687							inf.objType = deslice(inf.objType)
1688							// Record whether we are completing the initial variadic param.
1689							inf.variadic = exprIdx == numParams-1 && len(node.Args) <= numParams
1690						}
1691					}
1692				}
1694				if funIdent, ok := node.Fun.(*ast.Ident); ok {
1695					obj := c.pkg.GetTypesInfo().ObjectOf(funIdent)
1697					if obj != nil && obj.Parent() == types.Universe {
1698						// Defer call to builtinArgType so we can provide it the
1699						// inferred type from its parent node.
1700						defer func() {
1701							inf = c.builtinArgType(obj, node, inf)
1702							inf.objKind = c.builtinArgKind(ctx, obj, node)
1703						}()
1705						// The expected type of builtin arguments like append() is
1706						// the expected type of the builtin call itself. For
1707						// example:
1708						//
1709						// var foo []int = append(<>)
1710						//
1711						// To find the expected type at <> we "skip" the append()
1712						// node and get the expected type one level up, which is
1713						// []int.
1714						continue Nodes
1715					}
1716				}
1718				return inf
1719			}
1720		case *ast.ReturnStmt:
1721			if c.enclosingFunc != nil {
1722				sig := c.enclosingFunc.sig
1723				// Find signature result that corresponds to our return statement.
1724				if resultIdx := exprAtPos(c.pos, node.Results); resultIdx < len(node.Results) {
1725					if resultIdx < sig.Results().Len() {
1726						inf.objType = sig.Results().At(resultIdx).Type()
1727					}
1728				}
1729			}
1730			return inf
1731		case *ast.CaseClause:
1732			if swtch, ok := findSwitchStmt(c.path[i+1:], c.pos, node).(*ast.SwitchStmt); ok {
1733				if tv, ok := c.pkg.GetTypesInfo().Types[swtch.Tag]; ok {
1734					inf.objType = tv.Type
1735				}
1736			}
1737			return inf
1738		case *ast.SliceExpr:
1739			// Make sure position falls within the brackets (e.g. "foo[a:<>]").
1740			if node.Lbrack < c.pos && c.pos <= node.Rbrack {
1741				inf.objType = types.Typ[types.Int]
1742			}
1743			return inf
1744		case *ast.IndexExpr:
1745			// Make sure position falls within the brackets (e.g. "foo[<>]").
1746			if node.Lbrack < c.pos && c.pos <= node.Rbrack {
1747				if tv, ok := c.pkg.GetTypesInfo().Types[node.X]; ok {
1748					switch t := tv.Type.Underlying().(type) {
1749					case *types.Map:
1750						inf.objType = t.Key()
1751					case *types.Slice, *types.Array:
1752						inf.objType = types.Typ[types.Int]
1753					}
1754				}
1755			}
1756			return inf
1757		case *ast.SendStmt:
1758			// Make sure we are on right side of arrow (e.g. "foo <- <>").
1759			if c.pos > node.Arrow+1 {
1760				if tv, ok := c.pkg.GetTypesInfo().Types[node.Chan]; ok {
1761					if ch, ok := tv.Type.Underlying().(*types.Chan); ok {
1762						inf.objType = ch.Elem()
1763					}
1764				}
1765			}
1766			return inf
1767		case *ast.RangeStmt:
1768			if nodeContains(node.X, c.pos) {
1769				inf.objKind |= kindSlice | kindArray | kindMap | kindString
1770				if node.Value == nil {
1771					inf.objKind |= kindChan
1772				}
1773			}
1774			return inf
1775		case *ast.StarExpr:
1776			inf.modifiers = append(inf.modifiers, typeModifier{mod: star})
1777		case *ast.UnaryExpr:
1778			switch node.Op {
1779			case token.AND:
1780				inf.modifiers = append(inf.modifiers, typeModifier{mod: address})
1781			case token.ARROW:
1782				inf.modifiers = append(inf.modifiers, typeModifier{mod: chanRead})
1783			}
1784		case *ast.DeferStmt, *ast.GoStmt:
1785			inf.objKind |= kindFunc
1786			return inf
1787		default:
1788			if breaksExpectedTypeInference(node) {
1789				return inf
1790			}
1791		}
1792	}
1794	return inf
1797// applyTypeModifiers applies the list of type modifiers to a type.
1798// It returns nil if the modifiers could not be applied.
1799func (ci candidateInference) applyTypeModifiers(typ types.Type, addressable bool) types.Type {
1800	for _, mod := range ci.modifiers {
1801		switch mod.mod {
1802		case star:
1803			// For every "*" indirection operator, remove a pointer layer
1804			// from candidate type.
1805			if ptr, ok := typ.Underlying().(*types.Pointer); ok {
1806				typ = ptr.Elem()
1807			} else {
1808				return nil
1809			}
1810		case address:
1811			// For every "&" address operator, add another pointer layer to
1812			// candidate type, if the candidate is addressable.
1813			if addressable {
1814				typ = types.NewPointer(typ)
1815			} else {
1816				return nil
1817			}
1818		case chanRead:
1819			// For every "<-" operator, remove a layer of channelness.
1820			if ch, ok := typ.(*types.Chan); ok {
1821				typ = ch.Elem()
1822			} else {
1823				return nil
1824			}
1825		}
1826	}
1828	return typ
1831// applyTypeNameModifiers applies the list of type modifiers to a type name.
1832func (ci candidateInference) applyTypeNameModifiers(typ types.Type) types.Type {
1833	for _, mod := range ci.typeName.modifiers {
1834		switch mod.mod {
1835		case star:
1836			// For every "*" indicator, add a pointer layer to type name.
1837			typ = types.NewPointer(typ)
1838		case array:
1839			typ = types.NewArray(typ, mod.arrayLen)
1840		case slice:
1841			typ = types.NewSlice(typ)
1842		}
1843	}
1844	return typ
1847// matchesVariadic returns true if we are completing a variadic
1848// parameter and candType is a compatible slice type.
1849func (ci candidateInference) matchesVariadic(candType types.Type) bool {
1850	return ci.variadic && ci.objType != nil && types.AssignableTo(candType, types.NewSlice(ci.objType))
1853// findSwitchStmt returns an *ast.CaseClause's corresponding *ast.SwitchStmt or
1854// *ast.TypeSwitchStmt. path should start from the case clause's first ancestor.
1855func findSwitchStmt(path []ast.Node, pos token.Pos, c *ast.CaseClause) ast.Stmt {
1856	// Make sure position falls within a "case <>:" clause.
1857	if exprAtPos(pos, c.List) >= len(c.List) {
1858		return nil
1859	}
1860	// A case clause is always nested within a block statement in a switch statement.
1861	if len(path) < 2 {
1862		return nil
1863	}
1864	if _, ok := path[0].(*ast.BlockStmt); !ok {
1865		return nil
1866	}
1867	switch s := path[1].(type) {
1868	case *ast.SwitchStmt:
1869		return s
1870	case *ast.TypeSwitchStmt:
1871		return s
1872	default:
1873		return nil
1874	}
1877// breaksExpectedTypeInference reports if an expression node's type is unrelated
1878// to its child expression node types. For example, "Foo{Bar: x.Baz(<>)}" should
1879// expect a function argument, not a composite literal value.
1880func breaksExpectedTypeInference(n ast.Node) bool {
1881	switch n.(type) {
1882	case *ast.FuncLit, *ast.CallExpr, *ast.IndexExpr, *ast.SliceExpr, *ast.CompositeLit:
1883		return true
1884	default:
1885		return false
1886	}
1889// expectTypeName returns information about the expected type name at position.
1890func expectTypeName(c *completer) typeNameInference {
1891	var (
1892		wantTypeName        bool
1893		wantComparable      bool
1894		modifiers           []typeModifier
1895		assertableFrom      types.Type
1896		seenTypeSwitchCases []types.Type
1897	)
1900	for i, p := range c.path {
1901		switch n := p.(type) {
1902		case *ast.FieldList:
1903			// Expect a type name if pos is in a FieldList. This applies to
1904			// FuncType params/results, FuncDecl receiver, StructType, and
1905			// InterfaceType. We don't need to worry about the field name
1906			// because completion bails out early if pos is in an *ast.Ident
1907			// that defines an object.
1908			wantTypeName = true
1909			break Nodes
1910		case *ast.CaseClause:
1911			// Expect type names in type switch case clauses.
1912			if swtch, ok := findSwitchStmt(c.path[i+1:], c.pos, n).(*ast.TypeSwitchStmt); ok {
1913				// The case clause types must be assertable from the type switch parameter.
1914				ast.Inspect(swtch.Assign, func(n ast.Node) bool {
1915					if ta, ok := n.(*ast.TypeAssertExpr); ok {
1916						assertableFrom = c.pkg.GetTypesInfo().TypeOf(ta.X)
1917						return false
1918					}
1919					return true
1920				})
1921				wantTypeName = true
1923				// Track the types that have already been used in this
1924				// switch's case statements so we don't recommend them.
1925				for _, e := range swtch.Body.List {
1926					for _, typeExpr := range e.(*ast.CaseClause).List {
1927						// Skip if type expression contains pos. We don't want to
1928						// count it as already used if the user is completing it.
1929						if typeExpr.Pos() < c.pos && c.pos <= typeExpr.End() {
1930							continue
1931						}
1933						if t := c.pkg.GetTypesInfo().TypeOf(typeExpr); t != nil {
1934							seenTypeSwitchCases = append(seenTypeSwitchCases, t)
1935						}
1936					}
1937				}
1939				break Nodes
1940			}
1941			return typeNameInference{}
1942		case *ast.TypeAssertExpr:
1943			// Expect type names in type assert expressions.
1944			if n.Lparen < c.pos && c.pos <= n.Rparen {
1945				// The type in parens must be assertable from the expression type.
1946				assertableFrom = c.pkg.GetTypesInfo().TypeOf(n.X)
1947				wantTypeName = true
1948				break Nodes
1949			}
1950			return typeNameInference{}
1951		case *ast.StarExpr:
1952			modifiers = append(modifiers, typeModifier{mod: star})
1953		case *ast.CompositeLit:
1954			// We want a type name if position is in the "Type" part of a
1955			// composite literal (e.g. "Foo<>{}").
1956			if n.Type != nil && n.Type.Pos() <= c.pos && c.pos <= n.Type.End() {
1957				wantTypeName = true
1958			}
1959			break Nodes
1960		case *ast.ArrayType:
1961			// If we are inside the "Elt" part of an array type, we want a type name.
1962			if n.Elt.Pos() <= c.pos && c.pos <= n.Elt.End() {
1963				wantTypeName = true
1964				if n.Len == nil {
1965					// No "Len" expression means a slice type.
1966					modifiers = append(modifiers, typeModifier{mod: slice})
1967				} else {
1968					// Try to get the array type using the constant value of "Len".
1969					tv, ok := c.pkg.GetTypesInfo().Types[n.Len]
1970					if ok && tv.Value != nil && tv.Value.Kind() == constant.Int {
1971						if arrayLen, ok := constant.Int64Val(tv.Value); ok {
1972							modifiers = append(modifiers, typeModifier{mod: array, arrayLen: arrayLen})
1973						}
1974					}
1975				}
1977				// ArrayTypes can be nested, so keep going if our parent is an
1978				// ArrayType.
1979				if i < len(c.path)-1 {
1980					if _, ok := c.path[i+1].(*ast.ArrayType); ok {
1981						continue Nodes
1982					}
1983				}
1985				break Nodes
1986			}
1987		case *ast.MapType:
1988			wantTypeName = true
1989			if n.Key != nil {
1990				wantComparable = nodeContains(n.Key, c.pos)
1991			} else {
1992				// If the key is empty, assume we are completing the key if
1993				// pos is directly after the "map[".
1994				wantComparable = c.pos == n.Pos()+token.Pos(len("map["))
1995			}
1996			break Nodes
1997		case *ast.ValueSpec:
1998			wantTypeName = nodeContains(n.Type, c.pos)
1999			break Nodes
2000		case *ast.TypeSpec:
2001			wantTypeName = nodeContains(n.Type, c.pos)
2002		default:
2003			if breaksExpectedTypeInference(p) {
2004				return typeNameInference{}
2005			}
2006		}
2007	}
2009	return typeNameInference{
2010		wantTypeName:        wantTypeName,
2011		wantComparable:      wantComparable,
2012		modifiers:           modifiers,
2013		assertableFrom:      assertableFrom,
2014		seenTypeSwitchCases: seenTypeSwitchCases,
2015	}
2018func (c *completer) fakeObj(T types.Type) *types.Var {
2019	return types.NewVar(token.NoPos, c.pkg.GetTypes(), "", T)
2022// anyCandType reports whether f returns true for any candidate type
2023// derivable from c. For example, from "foo" we might derive "&foo",
2024// and "foo()".
2025func (c *candidate) anyCandType(f func(t types.Type, addressable bool) bool) bool {
2026	if c.obj == nil || c.obj.Type() == nil {
2027		return false
2028	}
2030	objType := c.obj.Type()
2032	if f(objType, c.addressable) {
2033		return true
2034	}
2036	// If c is a func type with a single result, offer the result type.
2037	if sig, ok := objType.Underlying().(*types.Signature); ok {
2038		if sig.Results().Len() == 1 && f(sig.Results().At(0).Type(), false) {
2039			// Mark the candidate so we know to append "()" when formatting.
2040			c.expandFuncCall = true
2041			return true
2042		}
2043	}
2045	var (
2046		seenPtrTypes map[types.Type]bool
2047		ptrType      = objType
2048		ptrDepth     int
2049	)
2051	// Check if dereferencing c would match our type inference. We loop
2052	// since c could have arbitrary levels of pointerness.
2053	for {
2054		ptr, ok := ptrType.Underlying().(*types.Pointer)
2055		if !ok {
2056			break
2057		}
2059		ptrDepth++
2061		// Avoid pointer type cycles.
2062		if seenPtrTypes[ptrType] {
2063			break
2064		}
2066		if _, named := ptrType.(*types.Named); named {
2067			// Lazily allocate "seen" since it isn't used normally.
2068			if seenPtrTypes == nil {
2069				seenPtrTypes = make(map[types.Type]bool)
2070			}
2072			// Track named pointer types we have seen to detect cycles.
2073			seenPtrTypes[ptrType] = true
2074		}
2076		if f(ptr.Elem(), false) {
2077			// Mark the candidate so we know to prepend "*" when formatting.
2078			c.dereference = ptrDepth
2079			return true
2080		}
2082		ptrType = ptr.Elem()
2083	}
2085	// Check if c is addressable and a pointer to c matches our type inference.
2086	if c.addressable && f(types.NewPointer(objType), false) {
2087		// Mark the candidate so we know to prepend "&" when formatting.
2088		c.takeAddress = true
2089		return true
2090	}
2092	return false
2095// matchingCandidate reports whether cand matches our type inferences.
2096// It mutates cand's score in certain cases.
2097func (c *completer) matchingCandidate(cand *candidate) bool {
2098	if isTypeName(cand.obj) {
2099		return c.matchingTypeName(cand)
2100	} else if c.wantTypeName() {
2101		// If we want a type, a non-type object never matches.
2102		return false
2103	}
2105	if c.inference.candTypeMatches(cand) {
2106		return true
2107	}
2109	candType := cand.obj.Type()
2110	if candType == nil {
2111		return false
2112	}
2114	if sig, ok := candType.Underlying().(*types.Signature); ok {
2115		if c.inference.assigneesMatch(cand, sig) {
2116			// Invoke the candidate if its results are multi-assignable.
2117			cand.expandFuncCall = true
2118			return true
2119		}
2120	}
2122	// Default to invoking *types.Func candidates. This is so function
2123	// completions in an empty statement (or other cases with no expected type)
2124	// are invoked by default.
2125	cand.expandFuncCall = isFunc(cand.obj)
2127	return false
2130// candTypeMatches reports whether cand makes a good completion
2131// candidate given the candidate inference. cand's score may be
2132// mutated to downrank the candidate in certain situations.
2133func (ci *candidateInference) candTypeMatches(cand *candidate) bool {
2134	expTypes := make([]types.Type, 0, 2)
2135	if ci.objType != nil {
2136		expTypes = append(expTypes, ci.objType)
2137		if ci.variadic {
2138			expTypes = append(expTypes, types.NewSlice(ci.objType))
2139		}
2140	}
2142	return cand.anyCandType(func(candType types.Type, addressable bool) bool {
2143		// Take into account any type modifiers on the expected type.
2144		candType = ci.applyTypeModifiers(candType, addressable)
2145		if candType == nil {
2146			return false
2147		}
2149		if ci.convertibleTo != nil && types.ConvertibleTo(candType, ci.convertibleTo) {
2150			return true
2151		}
2153		if len(expTypes) == 0 {
2154			// If we have no expected type but were able to apply type
2155			// modifiers to our candidate type, count that as a match. This
2156			// handles cases like:
2157			//
2158			//   var foo chan int
2159			//   <-fo<>
2160			//
2161			// There is no exected type at "<>", but we were able to apply
2162			// the "<-" type modifier to "foo", so it matches.
2163			if len(ci.modifiers) > 0 {
2164				return true
2165			}
2167			// If we have no expected type, fall back to checking the
2168			// expected "kind" of object, if available.
2169			if ci.kindMatches(candType) {
2170				if ci.objKind == kindFunc {
2171					cand.expandFuncCall = true
2172				}
2173				return true
2174			}
2175		}
2177		for _, expType := range expTypes {
2178			matches, untyped := ci.typeMatches(expType, candType)
2179			if !matches {
2180				continue
2181			}
2183			// Lower candidate score for untyped conversions. This avoids
2184			// ranking untyped constants above candidates with an exact type
2185			// match. Don't lower score of builtin constants, e.g. "true".
2186			if untyped && !types.Identical(candType, expType) && cand.obj.Parent() != types.Universe {
2187				cand.score /= 2
2188			}
2190			return true
2191		}
2193		return false
2194	})
2197// typeMatches reports whether an object of candType makes a good
2198// completion candidate given the expected type expType. It also
2199// returns a second bool which is true if both types are basic types
2200// of the same kind, and at least one is untyped.
2201func (ci *candidateInference) typeMatches(expType, candType types.Type) (bool, bool) {
2202	// Handle untyped values specially since AssignableTo gives false negatives
2203	// for them (see https://golang.org/issue/32146).
2204	if candBasic, ok := candType.Underlying().(*types.Basic); ok {
2205		if wantBasic, ok := expType.Underlying().(*types.Basic); ok {
2206			// Make sure at least one of them is untyped.
2207			if isUntyped(candType) || isUntyped(expType) {
2208				// Check that their constant kind (bool|int|float|complex|string) matches.
2209				// This doesn't take into account the constant value, so there will be some
2210				// false positives due to integer sign and overflow.
2211				if candBasic.Info()&types.IsConstType == wantBasic.Info()&types.IsConstType {
2212					return true, true
2213				}
2214			}
2215		}
2216	}
2218	// AssignableTo covers the case where the types are equal, but also handles
2219	// cases like assigning a concrete type to an interface type.
2220	return types.AssignableTo(candType, expType), false
2223// kindMatches reports whether candType's kind matches our expected
2224// kind (e.g. slice, map, etc.).
2225func (ci *candidateInference) kindMatches(candType types.Type) bool {
2226	return ci.objKind&candKind(candType) > 0
2229// assigneesMatch reports whether an invocation of sig matches the
2230// number and type of any assignees.
2231func (ci *candidateInference) assigneesMatch(cand *candidate, sig *types.Signature) bool {
2232	if len(ci.assignees) == 0 {
2233		return false
2234	}
2236	// Uniresult functions are always usable and are handled by the
2237	// normal, non-assignees type matching logic.
2238	if sig.Results().Len() == 1 {
2239		return false
2240	}
2242	var numberOfResultsCouldMatch bool
2243	if ci.variadicAssignees {
2244		numberOfResultsCouldMatch = sig.Results().Len() >= len(ci.assignees)-1
2245	} else {
2246		numberOfResultsCouldMatch = sig.Results().Len() == len(ci.assignees)
2247	}
2249	// If our signature doesn't return the right number of values, it's
2250	// not a match, so downrank it. For example:
2251	//
2252	//  var foo func() (int, int)
2253	//  a, b, c := <> // downrank "foo()" since it only returns two values
2254	if !numberOfResultsCouldMatch {
2255		cand.score /= 2
2256		return false
2257	}
2259	// If at least one assignee has a valid type, and all valid
2260	// assignees match the corresponding sig result value, the signature
2261	// is a match.
2262	allMatch := false
2263	for i := 0; i < sig.Results().Len(); i++ {
2264		var assignee types.Type
2266		// If we are completing into variadic parameters, deslice the
2267		// expected variadic type.
2268		if ci.variadicAssignees && i >= len(ci.assignees)-1 {
2269			assignee = ci.assignees[len(ci.assignees)-1]
2270			if elem := deslice(assignee); elem != nil {
2271				assignee = elem
2272			}
2273		} else {
2274			assignee = ci.assignees[i]
2275		}
2277		if assignee == nil {
2278			continue
2279		}
2281		allMatch, _ = ci.typeMatches(assignee, sig.Results().At(i).Type())
2282		if !allMatch {
2283			break
2284		}
2285	}
2286	return allMatch
2289func (c *completer) matchingTypeName(cand *candidate) bool {
2290	if !c.wantTypeName() {
2291		return false
2292	}
2294	typeMatches := func(candType types.Type) bool {
2295		// Take into account any type name modifier prefixes.
2296		candType = c.inference.applyTypeNameModifiers(candType)
2298		if from := c.inference.typeName.assertableFrom; from != nil {
2299			// Don't suggest the starting type in type assertions. For example,
2300			// if "foo" is an io.Writer, don't suggest "foo.(io.Writer)".
2301			if types.Identical(from, candType) {
2302				return false
2303			}
2305			if intf, ok := from.Underlying().(*types.Interface); ok {
2306				if !types.AssertableTo(intf, candType) {
2307					return false
2308				}
2309			}
2310		}
2312		if c.inference.typeName.wantComparable && !types.Comparable(candType) {
2313			return false
2314		}
2316		// Skip this type if it has already been used in another type
2317		// switch case.
2318		for _, seen := range c.inference.typeName.seenTypeSwitchCases {
2319			if types.Identical(candType, seen) {
2320				return false
2321			}
2322		}
2324		// We can expect a type name and have an expected type in cases like:
2325		//
2326		//   var foo []int
2327		//   foo = []i<>
2328		//
2329		// Where our expected type is "[]int", and we expect a type name.
2330		if c.inference.objType != nil {
2331			return types.AssignableTo(candType, c.inference.objType)
2332		}
2334		// Default to saying any type name is a match.
2335		return true
2336	}
2338	t := cand.obj.Type()
2340	if typeMatches(t) {
2341		return true
2342	}
2344	if !isInterface(t) && typeMatches(types.NewPointer(t)) {
2345		cand.makePointer = true
2346		return true
2347	}
2349	return false
2352// candKind returns the objKind of candType, if any.
2353func candKind(candType types.Type) objKind {
2354	switch t := candType.Underlying().(type) {
2355	case *types.Array:
2356		return kindArray
2357	case *types.Slice:
2358		return kindSlice
2359	case *types.Chan:
2360		return kindChan
2361	case *types.Map:
2362		return kindMap
2363	case *types.Pointer:
2364		// Some builtins handle array pointers as arrays, so just report a pointer
2365		// to an array as an array.
2366		if _, isArray := t.Elem().Underlying().(*types.Array); isArray {
2367			return kindArray
2368		}
2369	case *types.Basic:
2370		if t.Info()&types.IsString > 0 {
2371			return kindString
2372		}
2373	case *types.Signature:
2374		return kindFunc
2375	}
2377	return 0