1// Code generated by smithy-go-codegen DO NOT EDIT.
3package types
5import (
6	"time"
9// The Assignment data structure represents a single assignment of a HIT to a
10// Worker. The assignment tracks the Worker's efforts to complete the HIT, and
11// contains the results for later retrieval.
12type Assignment struct {
14	// The date and time the Worker accepted the assignment.
15	AcceptTime *time.Time
17	// The Worker's answers submitted for the HIT contained in a QuestionFormAnswers
18	// document, if the Worker provides an answer. If the Worker does not provide any
19	// answers, Answer may contain a QuestionFormAnswers document, or Answer may be
20	// empty.
21	Answer *string
23	// If the Worker has submitted results and the Requester has approved the results,
24	// ApprovalTime is the date and time the Requester approved the results. This value
25	// is omitted from the assignment if the Requester has not yet approved the
26	// results.
27	ApprovalTime *time.Time
29	// A unique identifier for the assignment.
30	AssignmentId *string
32	// The status of the assignment.
33	AssignmentStatus AssignmentStatus
35	// If results have been submitted, AutoApprovalTime is the date and time the
36	// results of the assignment results are considered Approved automatically if they
37	// have not already been explicitly approved or rejected by the Requester. This
38	// value is derived from the auto-approval delay specified by the Requester in the
39	// HIT. This value is omitted from the assignment if the Worker has not yet
40	// submitted results.
41	AutoApprovalTime *time.Time
43	// The date and time of the deadline for the assignment. This value is derived from
44	// the deadline specification for the HIT and the date and time the Worker accepted
45	// the HIT.
46	Deadline *time.Time
48	// The ID of the HIT.
49	HITId *string
51	// If the Worker has submitted results and the Requester has rejected the results,
52	// RejectionTime is the date and time the Requester rejected the results.
53	RejectionTime *time.Time
55	// The feedback string included with the call to the ApproveAssignment operation or
56	// the RejectAssignment operation, if the Requester approved or rejected the
57	// assignment and specified feedback.
58	RequesterFeedback *string
60	// If the Worker has submitted results, SubmitTime is the date and time the
61	// assignment was submitted. This value is omitted from the assignment if the
62	// Worker has not yet submitted results.
63	SubmitTime *time.Time
65	// The ID of the Worker who accepted the HIT.
66	WorkerId *string
69// An object representing a Bonus payment paid to a Worker.
70type BonusPayment struct {
72	// The ID of the assignment associated with this bonus payment.
73	AssignmentId *string
75	// A string representing a currency amount.
76	BonusAmount *string
78	// The date and time of when the bonus was granted.
79	GrantTime *time.Time
81	// The Reason text given when the bonus was granted, if any.
82	Reason *string
84	// The ID of the Worker to whom the bonus was paid.
85	WorkerId *string
88// The HIT data structure represents a single HIT, including all the information
89// necessary for a Worker to accept and complete the HIT.
90type HIT struct {
92	// The length of time, in seconds, that a Worker has to complete the HIT after
93	// accepting it.
94	AssignmentDurationInSeconds *int64
96	// The amount of time, in seconds, after the Worker submits an assignment for the
97	// HIT that the results are automatically approved by Amazon Mechanical Turk. This
98	// is the amount of time the Requester has to reject an assignment submitted by a
99	// Worker before the assignment is auto-approved and the Worker is paid.
100	AutoApprovalDelayInSeconds *int64
102	// The date and time the HIT was created.
103	CreationTime *time.Time
105	// A general description of the HIT.
106	Description *string
108	// The date and time the HIT expires.
109	Expiration *time.Time
111	// The ID of the HIT Group of this HIT.
112	HITGroupId *string
114	// A unique identifier for the HIT.
115	HITId *string
117	// The ID of the HIT Layout of this HIT.
118	HITLayoutId *string
120	// Indicates the review status of the HIT. Valid Values are NotReviewed |
121	// MarkedForReview | ReviewedAppropriate | ReviewedInappropriate.
122	HITReviewStatus HITReviewStatus
124	// The status of the HIT and its assignments. Valid Values are Assignable |
125	// Unassignable | Reviewable | Reviewing | Disposed.
126	HITStatus HITStatus
128	// The ID of the HIT type of this HIT
129	HITTypeId *string
131	// One or more words or phrases that describe the HIT, separated by commas. Search
132	// terms similar to the keywords of a HIT are more likely to have the HIT in the
133	// search results.
134	Keywords *string
136	// The number of times the HIT can be accepted and completed before the HIT becomes
137	// unavailable.
138	MaxAssignments *int32
140	// The number of assignments for this HIT that are available for Workers to accept.
141	NumberOfAssignmentsAvailable *int32
143	// The number of assignments for this HIT that have been approved or rejected.
144	NumberOfAssignmentsCompleted *int32
146	// The number of assignments for this HIT that are being previewed or have been
147	// accepted by Workers, but have not yet been submitted, returned, or abandoned.
148	NumberOfAssignmentsPending *int32
150	// Conditions that a Worker's Qualifications must meet in order to accept the HIT.
151	// A HIT can have between zero and ten Qualification requirements. All requirements
152	// must be met in order for a Worker to accept the HIT. Additionally, other actions
153	// can be restricted using the ActionsGuarded field on each
154	// QualificationRequirement structure.
155	QualificationRequirements []QualificationRequirement
157	// The data the Worker completing the HIT uses produce the results. This is either
158	// either a QuestionForm, HTMLQuestion or an ExternalQuestion data structure.
159	Question *string
161	// An arbitrary data field the Requester who created the HIT can use. This field is
162	// visible only to the creator of the HIT.
163	RequesterAnnotation *string
165	// A string representing a currency amount.
166	Reward *string
168	// The title of the HIT.
169	Title *string
172// The HITLayoutParameter data structure defines parameter values used with a
173// HITLayout. A HITLayout is a reusable Amazon Mechanical Turk project template
174// used to provide Human Intelligence Task (HIT) question data for CreateHIT.
175type HITLayoutParameter struct {
177	// The name of the parameter in the HITLayout.
178	//
179	// This member is required.
180	Name *string
182	// The value substituted for the parameter referenced in the HITLayout.
183	//
184	// This member is required.
185	Value *string
188// The Locale data structure represents a geographical region or location.
189type Locale struct {
191	// The country of the locale. Must be a valid ISO 3166 country code. For example,
192	// the code US refers to the United States of America.
193	//
194	// This member is required.
195	Country *string
197	// The state or subdivision of the locale. A valid ISO 3166-2 subdivision code. For
198	// example, the code WA refers to the state of Washington.
199	Subdivision *string
202// The NotificationSpecification data structure describes a HIT event notification
203// for a HIT type.
204type NotificationSpecification struct {
206	// The target for notification messages. The Destination’s format is determined by
207	// the specified Transport:
208	//
209	// * When Transport is Email, the Destination is your
210	// email address.
211	//
212	// * When Transport is SQS, the Destination is your queue URL.
213	//
214	// *
215	// When Transport is SNS, the Destination is the ARN of your topic.
216	//
217	// This member is required.
218	Destination *string
220	// The list of events that should cause notifications to be sent. Valid Values:
221	// AssignmentAccepted | AssignmentAbandoned | AssignmentReturned |
222	// AssignmentSubmitted | AssignmentRejected | AssignmentApproved | HITCreated |
223	// HITExtended | HITDisposed | HITReviewable | HITExpired | Ping. The Ping event is
224	// only valid for the SendTestEventNotification operation.
225	//
226	// This member is required.
227	EventTypes []EventType
229	// The method Amazon Mechanical Turk uses to send the notification. Valid Values:
230	// Email | SQS | SNS.
231	//
232	// This member is required.
233	Transport NotificationTransport
235	// The version of the Notification API to use. Valid value is 2006-05-05.
236	//
237	// This member is required.
238	Version *string
241// When MTurk encounters an issue with notifying the Workers you specified, it
242// returns back this object with failure details.
243type NotifyWorkersFailureStatus struct {
245	// Encoded value for the failure type.
246	NotifyWorkersFailureCode NotifyWorkersFailureCode
248	// A message detailing the reason the Worker could not be notified.
249	NotifyWorkersFailureMessage *string
251	// The ID of the Worker.
252	WorkerId *string
255// This data structure is the data type for the AnswerKey parameter of the
256// ScoreMyKnownAnswers/2011-09-01 Review Policy.
257type ParameterMapEntry struct {
259	// The QuestionID from the HIT that is used to identify which question requires
260	// Mechanical Turk to score as part of the ScoreMyKnownAnswers/2011-09-01 Review
261	// Policy.
262	Key *string
264	// The list of answers to the question specified in the MapEntry Key element. The
265	// Worker must match all values in order for the answer to be scored correctly.
266	Values []string
269// Name of the parameter from the Review policy.
270type PolicyParameter struct {
272	// Name of the parameter from the list of Review Polices.
273	Key *string
275	// List of ParameterMapEntry objects.
276	MapEntries []ParameterMapEntry
278	// The list of values of the Parameter
279	Values []string
282// The Qualification data structure represents a Qualification assigned to a user,
283// including the Qualification type and the value (score).
284type Qualification struct {
286	// The date and time the Qualification was granted to the Worker. If the Worker's
287	// Qualification was revoked, and then re-granted based on a new Qualification
288	// request, GrantTime is the date and time of the last call to the
289	// AcceptQualificationRequest operation.
290	GrantTime *time.Time
292	// The value (score) of the Qualification, if the Qualification has an integer
293	// value.
294	IntegerValue *int32
296	// The Locale data structure represents a geographical region or location.
297	LocaleValue *Locale
299	// The ID of the Qualification type for the Qualification.
300	QualificationTypeId *string
302	// The status of the Qualification. Valid values are Granted | Revoked.
303	Status QualificationStatus
305	// The ID of the Worker who possesses the Qualification.
306	WorkerId *string
309// The QualificationRequest data structure represents a request a Worker has made
310// for a Qualification.
311type QualificationRequest struct {
313	// The Worker's answers for the Qualification type's test contained in a
314	// QuestionFormAnswers document, if the type has a test and the Worker has
315	// submitted answers. If the Worker does not provide any answers, Answer may be
316	// empty.
317	Answer *string
319	// The ID of the Qualification request, a unique identifier generated when the
320	// request was submitted.
321	QualificationRequestId *string
323	// The ID of the Qualification type the Worker is requesting, as returned by the
324	// CreateQualificationType operation.
325	QualificationTypeId *string
327	// The date and time the Qualification request had a status of Submitted. This is
328	// either the time the Worker submitted answers for a Qualification test, or the
329	// time the Worker requested the Qualification if the Qualification type does not
330	// have a test.
331	SubmitTime *time.Time
333	// The contents of the Qualification test that was presented to the Worker, if the
334	// type has a test and the Worker has submitted answers. This value is identical to
335	// the QuestionForm associated with the Qualification type at the time the Worker
336	// requests the Qualification.
337	Test *string
339	// The ID of the Worker requesting the Qualification.
340	WorkerId *string
343// The QualificationRequirement data structure describes a Qualification that a
344// Worker must have before the Worker is allowed to accept a HIT. A requirement may
345// optionally state that a Worker must have the Qualification in order to preview
346// the HIT, or see the HIT in search results.
347type QualificationRequirement struct {
349	// The kind of comparison to make against a Qualification's value. You can compare
350	// a Qualification's value to an IntegerValue to see if it is LessThan,
351	// LessThanOrEqualTo, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqualTo, EqualTo, or NotEqualTo the
352	// IntegerValue. You can compare it to a LocaleValue to see if it is EqualTo, or
353	// NotEqualTo the LocaleValue. You can check to see if the value is In or NotIn a
354	// set of IntegerValue or LocaleValue values. Lastly, a Qualification requirement
355	// can also test if a Qualification Exists or DoesNotExist in the user's profile,
356	// regardless of its value.
357	//
358	// This member is required.
359	Comparator Comparator
361	// The ID of the Qualification type for the requirement.
362	//
363	// This member is required.
364	QualificationTypeId *string
366	// Setting this attribute prevents Workers whose Qualifications do not meet this
367	// QualificationRequirement from taking the specified action. Valid arguments
368	// include "Accept" (Worker cannot accept the HIT, but can preview the HIT and see
369	// it in their search results), "PreviewAndAccept" (Worker cannot accept or preview
370	// the HIT, but can see the HIT in their search results), and
371	// "DiscoverPreviewAndAccept" (Worker cannot accept, preview, or see the HIT in
372	// their search results). It's possible for you to create a HIT with multiple
373	// QualificationRequirements (which can have different values for the ActionGuarded
374	// attribute). In this case, the Worker is only permitted to perform an action when
375	// they have met all QualificationRequirements guarding the action. The actions in
376	// the order of least restrictive to most restrictive are Discover, Preview and
377	// Accept. For example, if a Worker meets all QualificationRequirements that are
378	// set to DiscoverPreviewAndAccept, but do not meet all requirements that are set
379	// with PreviewAndAccept, then the Worker will be able to Discover, i.e. see the
380	// HIT in their search result, but will not be able to Preview or Accept the HIT.
381	// ActionsGuarded should not be used in combination with the RequiredToPreview
382	// field.
383	ActionsGuarded HITAccessActions
385	// The integer value to compare against the Qualification's value. IntegerValue
386	// must not be present if Comparator is Exists or DoesNotExist. IntegerValue can
387	// only be used if the Qualification type has an integer value; it cannot be used
388	// with the Worker_Locale QualificationType ID. When performing a set comparison by
389	// using the In or the NotIn comparator, you can use up to 15 IntegerValue elements
390	// in a QualificationRequirement data structure.
391	IntegerValues []int32
393	// The locale value to compare against the Qualification's value. The local value
394	// must be a valid ISO 3166 country code or supports ISO 3166-2 subdivisions.
395	// LocaleValue can only be used with a Worker_Locale QualificationType ID.
396	// LocaleValue can only be used with the EqualTo, NotEqualTo, In, and NotIn
397	// comparators. You must only use a single LocaleValue element when using the
398	// EqualTo or NotEqualTo comparators. When performing a set comparison by using the
399	// In or the NotIn comparator, you can use up to 30 LocaleValue elements in a
400	// QualificationRequirement data structure.
401	LocaleValues []Locale
403	// DEPRECATED: Use the ActionsGuarded field instead. If RequiredToPreview is true,
404	// the question data for the HIT will not be shown when a Worker whose
405	// Qualifications do not meet this requirement tries to preview the HIT. That is, a
406	// Worker's Qualifications must meet all of the requirements for which
407	// RequiredToPreview is true in order to preview the HIT. If a Worker meets all of
408	// the requirements where RequiredToPreview is true (or if there are no such
409	// requirements), but does not meet all of the requirements for the HIT, the Worker
410	// will be allowed to preview the HIT's question data, but will not be allowed to
411	// accept and complete the HIT. The default is false. This should not be used in
412	// combination with the ActionsGuarded field.
413	//
414	// Deprecated: This member has been deprecated.
415	RequiredToPreview *bool
418// The QualificationType data structure represents a Qualification type, a
419// description of a property of a Worker that must match the requirements of a HIT
420// for the Worker to be able to accept the HIT. The type also describes how a
421// Worker can obtain a Qualification of that type, such as through a Qualification
422// test.
423type QualificationType struct {
425	// The answers to the Qualification test specified in the Test parameter.
426	AnswerKey *string
428	// Specifies that requests for the Qualification type are granted immediately,
429	// without prompting the Worker with a Qualification test. Valid values are True |
430	// False.
431	AutoGranted *bool
433	// The Qualification integer value to use for automatically granted Qualifications,
434	// if AutoGranted is true. This is 1 by default.
435	AutoGrantedValue *int32
437	// The date and time the Qualification type was created.
438	CreationTime *time.Time
440	// A long description for the Qualification type.
441	Description *string
443	// Specifies whether the Qualification type is one that a user can request through
444	// the Amazon Mechanical Turk web site, such as by taking a Qualification test.
445	// This value is False for Qualifications assigned automatically by the system.
446	// Valid values are True | False.
447	IsRequestable *bool
449	// One or more words or phrases that describe theQualification type, separated by
450	// commas. The Keywords make the type easier to find using a search.
451	Keywords *string
453	// The name of the Qualification type. The type name is used to identify the type,
454	// and to find the type using a Qualification type search.
455	Name *string
457	// A unique identifier for the Qualification type. A Qualification type is given a
458	// Qualification type ID when you call the CreateQualificationType operation.
459	QualificationTypeId *string
461	// The status of the Qualification type. A Qualification type's status determines
462	// if users can apply to receive a Qualification of this type, and if HITs can be
463	// created with requirements based on this type. Valid values are Active |
464	// Inactive.
465	QualificationTypeStatus QualificationTypeStatus
467	// The amount of time, in seconds, Workers must wait after taking the Qualification
468	// test before they can take it again. Workers can take a Qualification test
469	// multiple times if they were not granted the Qualification from a previous
470	// attempt, or if the test offers a gradient score and they want a better score. If
471	// not specified, retries are disabled and Workers can request a Qualification only
472	// once.
473	RetryDelayInSeconds *int64
475	// The questions for a Qualification test associated with this Qualification type
476	// that a user can take to obtain a Qualification of this type. This parameter must
477	// be specified if AnswerKey is present. A Qualification type cannot have both a
478	// specified Test parameter and an AutoGranted value of true.
479	Test *string
481	// The amount of time, in seconds, given to a Worker to complete the Qualification
482	// test, beginning from the time the Worker requests the Qualification.
483	TestDurationInSeconds *int64
486// Both the AssignmentReviewReport and the HITReviewReport elements contains the
487// ReviewActionDetail data structure. This structure is returned multiple times for
488// each action specified in the Review Policy.
489type ReviewActionDetail struct {
491	// The unique identifier for the action.
492	ActionId *string
494	// The nature of the action itself. The Review Policy is responsible for examining
495	// the HIT and Assignments, emitting results, and deciding which other actions will
496	// be necessary.
497	ActionName *string
499	// The date when the action was completed.
500	CompleteTime *time.Time
502	// Present only when the Results have a FAILED Status.
503	ErrorCode *string
505	// A description of the outcome of the review.
506	Result *string
508	// The current disposition of the action: INTENDED, SUCCEEDED, FAILED, or
510	Status ReviewActionStatus
512	// The specific HITId or AssignmentID targeted by the action.
513	TargetId *string
515	// The type of object in TargetId.
516	TargetType *string
519// HIT Review Policy data structures represent HIT review policies, which you
520// specify when you create a HIT.
521type ReviewPolicy struct {
523	// Name of a Review Policy: SimplePlurality/2011-09-01 or
524	// ScoreMyKnownAnswers/2011-09-01
525	//
526	// This member is required.
527	PolicyName *string
529	// Name of the parameter from the Review policy.
530	Parameters []PolicyParameter
533// Contains both ReviewResult and ReviewAction elements for a particular HIT.
534type ReviewReport struct {
536	// A list of ReviewAction objects for each action specified in the Review Policy.
537	ReviewActions []ReviewActionDetail
539	// A list of ReviewResults objects for each action specified in the Review Policy.
540	ReviewResults []ReviewResultDetail
543// This data structure is returned multiple times for each result specified in the
544// Review Policy.
545type ReviewResultDetail struct {
547	// A unique identifier of the Review action result.
548	ActionId *string
550	// Key identifies the particular piece of reviewed information.
551	Key *string
553	// Specifies the QuestionId the result is describing. Depending on whether the
554	// TargetType is a HIT or Assignment this results could specify multiple values. If
555	// TargetType is HIT and QuestionId is absent, then the result describes results of
556	// the HIT, including the HIT agreement score. If ObjectType is Assignment and
557	// QuestionId is absent, then the result describes the Worker's performance on the
558	// HIT.
559	QuestionId *string
561	// The HITID or AssignmentId about which this result was taken. Note that HIT-level
562	// Review Policies will often emit results about both the HIT itself and its
563	// Assignments, while Assignment-level review policies generally only emit results
564	// about the Assignment itself.
565	SubjectId *string
567	// The type of the object from the SubjectId field.
568	SubjectType *string
570	// The values of Key provided by the review policies you have selected.
571	Value *string
574// The WorkerBlock data structure represents a Worker who has been blocked. It has
575// two elements: the WorkerId and the Reason for the block.
576type WorkerBlock struct {
578	// A message explaining the reason the Worker was blocked.
579	Reason *string
581	// The ID of the Worker who accepted the HIT.
582	WorkerId *string