1// +build codecgen.exec
3// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
4// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
6package codec
8// DO NOT EDIT. THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED FROM gen-dec-(map|array).go.tmpl
10const genDecMapTmpl = `
11{{var "v"}} := *{{ .Varname }}
12{{var "l"}} := r.ReadMapStart()
13{{var "bh"}} := z.DecBasicHandle()
14if {{var "v"}} == nil {
15	{{var "rl"}} := z.DecInferLen({{var "l"}}, {{var "bh"}}.MaxInitLen, {{ .Size }})
16	{{var "v"}} = make(map[{{ .KTyp }}]{{ .Typ }}, {{var "rl"}})
17	*{{ .Varname }} = {{var "v"}}
19var {{var "mk"}} {{ .KTyp }}
20var {{var "mv"}} {{ .Typ }}
21var {{var "mg"}}, {{var "mdn"}} {{if decElemKindPtr}}, {{var "ms"}}, {{var "mok"}}{{end}} bool
22if {{var "bh"}}.MapValueReset {
23	{{if decElemKindPtr}}{{var "mg"}} = true
24	{{else if decElemKindIntf}}if !{{var "bh"}}.InterfaceReset { {{var "mg"}} = true }
25	{{else if not decElemKindImmutable}}{{var "mg"}} = true
26	{{end}} }
27if {{var "l"}} != 0 {
28{{var "hl"}} := {{var "l"}} > 0
29	for {{var "j"}} := 0; ({{var "hl"}} && {{var "j"}} < {{var "l"}}) || !({{var "hl"}} || r.CheckBreak()); {{var "j"}}++ {
30	r.ReadMapElemKey() {{/* z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey{{ .Sfx }}) */}}
31	{{ $x := printf "%vmk%v" .TempVar .Rand }}{{ decLineVarK $x }}
32{{ if eq .KTyp "interface{}" }}{{/* // special case if a byte array. */}}if {{var "bv"}}, {{var "bok"}} := {{var "mk"}}.([]byte); {{var "bok"}} {
33		{{var "mk"}} = string({{var "bv"}})
34	}{{ end }}{{if decElemKindPtr}}
35	{{var "ms"}} = true{{end}}
36	if {{var "mg"}} {
37		{{if decElemKindPtr}}{{var "mv"}}, {{var "mok"}} = {{var "v"}}[{{var "mk"}}]
38		if {{var "mok"}} {
39			{{var "ms"}} = false
40		} {{else}}{{var "mv"}} = {{var "v"}}[{{var "mk"}}] {{end}}
41	} {{if not decElemKindImmutable}}else { {{var "mv"}} = {{decElemZero}} }{{end}}
42	r.ReadMapElemValue() {{/* z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue{{ .Sfx }}) */}}
43	{{var "mdn"}} = false
44	{{ $x := printf "%vmv%v" .TempVar .Rand }}{{ $y := printf "%vmdn%v" .TempVar .Rand }}{{ decLineVar $x $y }}
45	if {{var "mdn"}} {
46		if {{ var "bh" }}.DeleteOnNilMapValue { delete({{var "v"}}, {{var "mk"}}) } else { {{var "v"}}[{{var "mk"}}] = {{decElemZero}} }
47	} else if {{if decElemKindPtr}} {{var "ms"}} && {{end}} {{var "v"}} != nil {
48		{{var "v"}}[{{var "mk"}}] = {{var "mv"}}
49	}
51} // else len==0: TODO: Should we clear map entries?
52r.ReadMapEnd() {{/* z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd{{ .Sfx }}) */}}
55const genDecListTmpl = `
56{{var "v"}} := {{if not isArray}}*{{end}}{{ .Varname }}
57{{var "h"}}, {{var "l"}} := z.DecSliceHelperStart() {{/* // helper, containerLenS */}}{{if not isArray}}
58var {{var "c"}} bool {{/* // changed */}}
59_ = {{var "c"}}{{end}}
60if {{var "l"}} == 0 {
61	{{if isSlice }}if {{var "v"}} == nil {
62		{{var "v"}} = []{{ .Typ }}{}
63		{{var "c"}} = true
64	} else if len({{var "v"}}) != 0 {
65		{{var "v"}} = {{var "v"}}[:0]
66		{{var "c"}} = true
67	} {{else if isChan }}if {{var "v"}} == nil {
68		{{var "v"}} = make({{ .CTyp }}, 0)
69		{{var "c"}} = true
70	} {{end}}
71} else {
72	{{var "hl"}} := {{var "l"}} > 0
73	var {{var "rl"}} int
74	_ =  {{var "rl"}}
75	{{if isSlice }} if {{var "hl"}} {
76	if {{var "l"}} > cap({{var "v"}}) {
77		{{var "rl"}} = z.DecInferLen({{var "l"}}, z.DecBasicHandle().MaxInitLen, {{ .Size }})
78		if {{var "rl"}} <= cap({{var "v"}}) {
79			{{var "v"}} = {{var "v"}}[:{{var "rl"}}]
80		} else {
81			{{var "v"}} = make([]{{ .Typ }}, {{var "rl"}})
82		}
83		{{var "c"}} = true
84	} else if {{var "l"}} != len({{var "v"}}) {
85		{{var "v"}} = {{var "v"}}[:{{var "l"}}]
86		{{var "c"}} = true
87	}
88	} {{end}}
89	var {{var "j"}} int
90    // var {{var "dn"}} bool
91	for {{var "j"}} = 0; ({{var "hl"}} && {{var "j"}} < {{var "l"}}) || !({{var "hl"}} || r.CheckBreak()); {{var "j"}}++ { // bounds-check-elimination
92		{{if not isArray}} if {{var "j"}} == 0 && {{var "v"}} == nil {
93			if {{var "hl"}} {
94				{{var "rl"}} = z.DecInferLen({{var "l"}}, z.DecBasicHandle().MaxInitLen, {{ .Size }})
95			} else {
96				{{var "rl"}} = {{if isSlice}}8{{else if isChan}}64{{end}}
97			}
98			{{var "v"}} = make({{if isSlice}}[]{{ .Typ }}{{else if isChan}}{{.CTyp}}{{end}}, {{var "rl"}})
99			{{var "c"}} = true
100		}{{end}}
101		{{var "h"}}.ElemContainerState({{var "j"}})
102        {{/* {{var "dn"}} = r.TryDecodeAsNil() */}}{{/* commented out, as decLineVar handles this already each time */}}
103        {{if isChan}}{{ $x := printf "%[1]vvcx%[2]v" .TempVar .Rand }}var {{$x}} {{ .Typ }}
104		{{ decLineVar $x }}
105		{{var "v"}} <- {{ $x }}
106        // println(">>>> sending ", {{ $x }}, " into ", {{var "v"}}) // TODO: remove this
107        {{else}}{{/* // if indefinite, etc, then expand the slice if necessary */}}
108		var {{var "db"}} bool
109		if {{var "j"}} >= len({{var "v"}}) {
110			{{if isSlice }} {{var "v"}} = append({{var "v"}}, {{ zero }})
111			{{var "c"}} = true
112			{{else}} z.DecArrayCannotExpand(len(v), {{var "j"}}+1); {{var "db"}} = true
113			{{end}}
114		}
115		if {{var "db"}} {
116			z.DecSwallow()
117		} else {
118			{{ $x := printf "%[1]vv%[2]v[%[1]vj%[2]v]" .TempVar .Rand }}{{ decLineVar $x }}
119		}
120        {{end}}
121	}
122	{{if isSlice}} if {{var "j"}} < len({{var "v"}}) {
123		{{var "v"}} = {{var "v"}}[:{{var "j"}}]
124		{{var "c"}} = true
125	} else if {{var "j"}} == 0 && {{var "v"}} == nil {
126		{{var "v"}} = make([]{{ .Typ }}, 0)
127		{{var "c"}} = true
128	} {{end}}
130{{var "h"}}.End()
131{{if not isArray }}if {{var "c"}} {
132	*{{ .Varname }} = {{var "v"}}
136const genEncChanTmpl = `
138switch timeout{{.Sfx}} :=  z.EncBasicHandle().ChanRecvTimeout; {
139case timeout{{.Sfx}} == 0: // only consume available
140	for {
141		select {
142		case b{{.Sfx}} := <-{{.Chan}}:
143			{{ .Slice }} = append({{.Slice}}, b{{.Sfx}})
144		default:
145			break {{.Label}}
146		}
147	}
148case timeout{{.Sfx}} > 0: // consume until timeout
149	tt{{.Sfx}} := time.NewTimer(timeout{{.Sfx}})
150	for {
151		select {
152		case b{{.Sfx}} := <-{{.Chan}}:
153			{{.Slice}} = append({{.Slice}}, b{{.Sfx}})
154		case <-tt{{.Sfx}}.C:
155			// close(tt.C)
156			break {{.Label}}
157		}
158	}
159default: // consume until close
160	for b{{.Sfx}} := range {{.Chan}} {
161		{{.Slice}} = append({{.Slice}}, b{{.Sfx}})
162	}