2Package swift provides an easy to use interface to Swift / Openstack Object Storage / Rackspace Cloud Files
4Standard Usage
6Most of the work is done through the Container*() and Object*() methods.
8All methods are safe to use concurrently in multiple go routines.
10Object Versioning
12As defined by http://docs.openstack.org/api/openstack-object-storage/1.0/content/Object_Versioning-e1e3230.html#d6e983 one can create a container which allows for version control of files.  The suggested method is to create a version container for holding all non-current files, and a current container for holding the latest version that the file points to.  The container and objects inside it can be used in the standard manner, however, pushing a file multiple times will result in it being copied to the version container and the new file put in it's place.  If the current file is deleted, the previous file in the version container will replace it.  This means that if a file is updated 5 times, it must be deleted 5 times to be completely removed from the system.
14Rackspace Sub Module
16This module specifically allows the enabling/disabling of Rackspace Cloud File CDN management on a container.  This is specific to the Rackspace API and not Swift/Openstack, therefore it has been placed in a submodule.  One can easily create a RsConnection and use it like the standard Connection to access and manipulate containers and objects.
19package swift