1 //! # Diesel
2 //!
3 //! Diesel is an ORM and query builder designed to reduce the boilerplate for database interactions.
4 //! If this is your first time reading this documentation,
5 //! we recommend you start with the [getting started guide].
6 //! We also have [many other long form guides].
7 //!
8 //! [getting started guide]: https://diesel.rs/guides/getting-started/
9 //! [many other long form guides]: https://diesel.rs/guides
10 //!
11 //! # Where to find things
12 //!
13 //! ## Declaring your schema
14 //!
15 //! For Diesel to validate your queries at compile time
16 //! it requires you to specify your schema in your code,
17 //! which you can do with [the `table!` macro][`table!`].
18 //! `diesel print-schema` or `infer_schema!` can be used
19 //! to automatically generate these macro calls
20 //! (by connecting to your database and querying its schema).
21 //!
22 //! [`table!`]: macro.table.html
23 //!
24 //! ## Getting started
25 //!
26 //! Queries usually start from either a table, or a function like [`update`].
27 //! Those functions can be found [here](#functions).
28 //!
29 //! Diesel provides a [`prelude` module](prelude),
30 //! which exports most of the typically used traits and types.
31 //! We are conservative about what goes in this module,
32 //! and avoid anything which has a generic name.
33 //! Files which use Diesel are expected to have `use diesel::prelude::*;`.
34 //!
35 //! [`update`]: fn.update.html
36 //!
37 //! ## Constructing a query
38 //!
39 //! The tools the query builder gives you can be put into these three categories:
40 //!
41 //! - "Query builder methods" are things that map to portions of a whole query
42 //!   (such as `ORDER` and `WHERE`). These methods usually have the same name
43 //!   as the SQL they map to, except for `WHERE` which is called `filter` in Diesel
44 //!   (To not conflict with the Rust keyword).
45 //!   These methods live in [the `query_dsl` module](query_dsl).
46 //! - "Expression methods" are things you would call on columns
47 //!   or other individual values.
48 //!   These methods live in [the `expression_methods` module](expression_methods)
49 //!   You can often find these by thinking "what would this be called"
50 //!   if it were a method
51 //!   and typing that into the search bar
52 //!   (e.g. `LIKE` is called `like` in Diesel).
53 //!   Most operators are named based on the Rust function which maps to that
54 //!   operator in [`std::ops`][]
55 //!   (For example `==` is called `.eq`, and `!=` is called `.ne`).
56 //! - "Bare functions" are normal SQL functions
57 //!   such as `sum`.
58 //!   They live in [the `dsl` module](dsl).
59 //!   Diesel only supports a very small number of these functions.
60 //!   You can declare additional functions you want to use
61 //!   with [the `sql_function!` macro][`sql_function!`].
62 //!
63 //! [`std::ops`]: //doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/ops/index.html
64 //! [`sql_function!`]: macro.sql_function.html
65 //!
66 //! ## Serializing and Deserializing
67 //!
68 //! Types which represent the result of a SQL query implement
69 //! a trait called [`Queryable`].
70 //!
71 //! Diesel maps "Rust types" (e.g. `i32`) to and from "SQL types"
72 //! (e.g. [`diesel::sql_types::Integer`]).
73 //! You can find all the types supported by Diesel in [the `sql_types` module](sql_types).
74 //! These types are only used to represent a SQL type.
75 //! You should never put them on your `Queryable` structs.
76 //!
77 //! To find all the Rust types which can be used with a given SQL type,
78 //! see the documentation for that SQL type.
79 //!
80 //! To find all the SQL types which can be used with a Rust type,
81 //! go to the docs for either [`ToSql`] or [`FromSql`],
82 //! go to the "Implementors" section,
83 //! and find the Rust type you want to use.
84 //!
85 //! [`Queryable`]: deserialize/trait.Queryable.html
86 //! [`diesel::sql_types::Integer`]: sql_types/struct.Integer.html
87 //! [`ToSql`]: serialize/trait.ToSql.html
88 //! [`FromSql`]: deserialize/trait.FromSql.html
89 //!
90 //! ## Getting help
91 //!
92 //! If you run into problems, Diesel has a very active Gitter room.
93 //! You can come ask for help at
94 //! [gitter.im/diesel-rs/diesel](https://gitter.im/diesel-rs/diesel)
96 #![cfg_attr(
97     feature = "large-tables",
98     deprecated(
99         since = "1.2.0",
100         note = "The large-tables feature has been renamed to 32-column-tables"
101     )
102 )]
103 #![cfg_attr(
104     feature = "huge-tables",
105     deprecated(
106         since = "1.2.0",
107         note = "The huge-tables feature has been renamed to 64-column-tables"
108     )
109 )]
110 #![cfg_attr(
111     feature = "x32-column-tables",
112     deprecated(
113         since = "1.2.1",
114         note = "The x32-column-tables feature has been reanmed to 32-column-tables. The x was a workaround for a bug in crates.io that has since been resolved"
115     )
116 )]
117 #![cfg_attr(
118     feature = "x64-column-tables",
119     deprecated(
120         since = "1.2.1",
121         note = "The x64-column-tables feature has been reanmed to 64-column-tables. The x was a workaround for a bug in crates.io that has since been resolved"
122     )
123 )]
124 #![cfg_attr(
125     feature = "x128-column-tables",
126     deprecated(
127         since = "1.2.1",
128         note = "The x128-column-tables feature has been reanmed to 128-column-tables. The x was a workaround for a bug in crates.io that has since been resolved"
129     )
130 )]
131 #![cfg_attr(feature = "unstable", feature(specialization, try_from))]
132 // Built-in Lints
133 #![deny(
134     missing_debug_implementations,
135     missing_copy_implementations,
136     missing_docs
137 )]
138 // Clippy lints
139 #![allow(
140     clippy::option_map_unwrap_or_else,
141     clippy::option_map_unwrap_or,
142     clippy::match_same_arms,
143     clippy::type_complexity,
144     clippy::redundant_field_names,
145     // we don't fix that in backports
146     unused_parens
147 )]
148 #![cfg_attr(test, allow(clippy::option_map_unwrap_or, clippy::result_unwrap_used))]
149 #![warn(
150     clippy::option_unwrap_used,
151     clippy::result_unwrap_used,
152     clippy::print_stdout,
153     clippy::wrong_pub_self_convention,
154     clippy::mut_mut,
155     clippy::non_ascii_literal,
156     clippy::similar_names,
157     clippy::unicode_not_nfc,
158     clippy::enum_glob_use,
159     clippy::if_not_else,
160     clippy::items_after_statements,
161     clippy::used_underscore_binding
162 )]
164 #[cfg(feature = "postgres")]
165 #[macro_use]
166 extern crate bitflags;
167 extern crate byteorder;
168 #[macro_use]
169 extern crate diesel_derives;
170 #[doc(hidden)]
171 pub use diesel_derives::*;
173 #[macro_use]
174 mod macros;
176 #[cfg(test)]
177 #[macro_use]
178 extern crate cfg_if;
180 #[cfg(test)]
181 pub mod test_helpers;
183 pub mod associations;
184 pub mod backend;
185 pub mod connection;
186 pub mod data_types;
187 pub mod deserialize;
188 #[macro_use]
189 pub mod expression;
190 pub mod expression_methods;
191 #[doc(hidden)]
192 pub mod insertable;
193 pub mod query_builder;
194 pub mod query_dsl;
195 pub mod query_source;
196 #[cfg(feature = "r2d2")]
197 pub mod r2d2;
198 pub mod result;
199 pub mod serialize;
200 #[macro_use]
201 pub mod sql_types;
202 pub mod migration;
203 pub mod row;
204 pub mod types;
206 #[cfg(feature = "mysql")]
207 pub mod mysql;
208 #[cfg(feature = "postgres")]
209 pub mod pg;
210 #[cfg(feature = "sqlite")]
211 pub mod sqlite;
213 mod type_impls;
214 mod util;
216 pub mod dsl {
217     //! Includes various helper types and bare functions which are named too
218     //! generically to be included in prelude, but are often used when using Diesel.
220     #[doc(inline)]
221     pub use helper_types::*;
223     #[doc(inline)]
224     pub use expression::dsl::*;
226     #[doc(inline)]
227     pub use query_builder::functions::{
228         delete, insert_into, insert_or_ignore_into, replace_into, select, sql_query, update,
229     };
230 }
232 pub mod helper_types {
233     //! Provide helper types for concisely writing the return type of functions.
234     //! As with iterators, it is unfortunately difficult to return a partially
235     //! constructed query without exposing the exact implementation of the
236     //! function. Without higher kinded types, these various DSLs can't be
237     //! combined into a single trait for boxing purposes.
238     //!
239     //! All types here are in the form `<FirstType as
240     //! DslName<OtherTypes>>::Output`. So the return type of
241     //! `users.filter(first_name.eq("John")).order(last_name.asc()).limit(10)` would
242     //! be `Limit<Order<FindBy<users, first_name, &str>, Asc<last_name>>>`
243     use super::query_builder::locking_clause as lock;
244     use super::query_dsl::methods::*;
245     use super::query_dsl::*;
246     use super::query_source::joins;
248     #[doc(inline)]
249     pub use expression::helper_types::*;
251     /// Represents the return type of `.select(selection)`
252     pub type Select<Source, Selection> = <Source as SelectDsl<Selection>>::Output;
254     /// Represents the return type of `.filter(predicate)`
255     pub type Filter<Source, Predicate> = <Source as FilterDsl<Predicate>>::Output;
257     /// Represents the return type of `.filter(lhs.eq(rhs))`
258     pub type FindBy<Source, Column, Value> = Filter<Source, Eq<Column, Value>>;
260     /// Represents the return type of `.for_update()`
261     #[cfg(feature = "with-deprecated")]
262     #[allow(deprecated)]
263     pub type ForUpdate<Source> = <Source as ForUpdateDsl>::Output;
265     /// Represents the return type of `.for_update()`
266     #[cfg(not(feature = "with-deprecated"))]
267     pub type ForUpdate<Source> = <Source as LockingDsl<lock::ForUpdate>>::Output;
269     /// Represents the return type of `.for_no_key_update()`
270     pub type ForNoKeyUpdate<Source> = <Source as LockingDsl<lock::ForNoKeyUpdate>>::Output;
272     /// Represents the return type of `.for_share()`
273     pub type ForShare<Source> = <Source as LockingDsl<lock::ForShare>>::Output;
275     /// Represents the return type of `.for_key_share()`
276     pub type ForKeyShare<Source> = <Source as LockingDsl<lock::ForKeyShare>>::Output;
278     /// Represents the return type of `.skip_locked()`
279     pub type SkipLocked<Source> = <Source as ModifyLockDsl<lock::SkipLocked>>::Output;
281     /// Represents the return type of `.no_wait()`
282     pub type NoWait<Source> = <Source as ModifyLockDsl<lock::NoWait>>::Output;
284     /// Represents the return type of `.find(pk)`
285     pub type Find<Source, PK> = <Source as FindDsl<PK>>::Output;
287     /// Represents the return type of `.or_filter(predicate)`
288     pub type OrFilter<Source, Predicate> = <Source as OrFilterDsl<Predicate>>::Output;
290     /// Represents the return type of `.order(ordering)`
291     pub type Order<Source, Ordering> = <Source as OrderDsl<Ordering>>::Output;
293     /// Represents the return type of `.then_order_by(ordering)`
294     pub type ThenOrderBy<Source, Ordering> = <Source as ThenOrderDsl<Ordering>>::Output;
296     /// Represents the return type of `.limit()`
297     pub type Limit<Source> = <Source as LimitDsl>::Output;
299     /// Represents the return type of `.offset()`
300     pub type Offset<Source> = <Source as OffsetDsl>::Output;
302     /// Represents the return type of `.inner_join(rhs)`
303     pub type InnerJoin<Source, Rhs> =
304         <Source as JoinWithImplicitOnClause<Rhs, joins::Inner>>::Output;
306     /// Represents the return type of `.left_join(rhs)`
307     pub type LeftJoin<Source, Rhs> =
308         <Source as JoinWithImplicitOnClause<Rhs, joins::LeftOuter>>::Output;
310     use super::associations::HasTable;
311     use super::query_builder::{AsChangeset, IntoUpdateTarget, UpdateStatement};
312     /// Represents the return type of `update(lhs).set(rhs)`
313     pub type Update<Target, Changes> = UpdateStatement<
314         <Target as HasTable>::Table,
315         <Target as IntoUpdateTarget>::WhereClause,
316         <Changes as AsChangeset>::Changeset,
317     >;
319     /// Represents the return type of `.into_boxed::<'a, DB>()`
320     pub type IntoBoxed<'a, Source, DB> = <Source as BoxedDsl<'a, DB>>::Output;
322     /// Represents the return type of `.distinct()`
323     pub type Distinct<Source> = <Source as DistinctDsl>::Output;
325     /// Represents the return type of `.distinct_on(expr)`
326     #[cfg(feature = "postgres")]
327     pub type DistinctOn<Source, Expr> = <Source as DistinctOnDsl<Expr>>::Output;
329     /// Represents the return type of `.single_value()`
330     pub type SingleValue<Source> = <Source as SingleValueDsl>::Output;
332     /// Represents the return type of `.nullable()`
333     pub type NullableSelect<Source> = <Source as SelectNullableDsl>::Output;
334 }
336 pub mod prelude {
337     //! Re-exports important traits and types. Meant to be glob imported when using Diesel.
338     pub use associations::{GroupedBy, Identifiable};
339     pub use connection::Connection;
340     #[deprecated(
341         since = "1.1.0",
342         note = "Explicitly `use diesel::deserialize::Queryable"
343     )]
344     pub use deserialize::Queryable;
345     pub use expression::{
346         AppearsOnTable, BoxableExpression, Expression, IntoSql, SelectableExpression,
347     };
348     pub use expression_methods::*;
349     #[doc(inline)]
350     pub use insertable::Insertable;
351     #[doc(hidden)]
352     pub use query_dsl::GroupByDsl;
353     pub use query_dsl::{BelongingToDsl, JoinOnDsl, QueryDsl, RunQueryDsl, SaveChangesDsl};
355     pub use query_source::{Column, JoinTo, QuerySource, Table};
356     pub use result::{ConnectionError, ConnectionResult, OptionalExtension, QueryResult};
358     #[cfg(feature = "mysql")]
359     pub use mysql::MysqlConnection;
360     #[cfg(feature = "postgres")]
361     pub use pg::PgConnection;
362     #[cfg(feature = "sqlite")]
363     pub use sqlite::SqliteConnection;
364 }
366 pub use prelude::*;
367 #[doc(inline)]
368 pub use query_builder::debug_query;
369 #[doc(inline)]
370 pub use query_builder::functions::{
371     delete, insert_into, insert_or_ignore_into, replace_into, select, sql_query, update,
372 };
373 pub use result::Error::NotFound;
375 pub(crate) mod diesel {
376     pub use super::*;
377 }