1 /* The "32bit hash" in public_keys, x509super, requests, certs and crls
2  * is used to quickly find items in the DB by reference.
3  * It consists of the first 4 bytes of a SHA1 hash.
4  * Collisions are of course possible.
5  *
6  * All binaries are stored Base64 encoded in a column of type
7  * ' B64_BLOB ' It is defined here as 'VARCHAR(8000)'
8  */
10 #define B64_BLOB "VARCHAR(8000)"
12 /*
13  * The B64(DER(something)) function means DER encode something
14  * and then Base64 encode that.
15  * So finally this is PEM without newlines, header and footer
16  *
17  * Dates are alway stored as 'CHAR(15)' in the
18  * ASN.1 Generalized time 'yyyyMMddHHmmssZ' format
19  */
21 #define DB_DATE "CHAR(15)"
23 /*
24  * Configuration settings from
25  *  the Options dialog, window size, last export directory,
26  *  default key type and size,
27  *  table column (position, sort order, visibility)
28  */
30 	schemas[0]
31 << "CREATE TABLE settings ("
32 	"key_ CHAR(20) UNIQUE, "        // mySql does not like 'key' or 'option"
33 	"value " B64_BLOB ")"
34 << "INSERT INTO settings (key_, value) VALUES ('schema', '" SCHEMA_VERSION "')"
36 /*
37  * All items (keys, tokens, requests, certs, crls, templates)
38  * are stored here with the primary key and some common data
39  * The other tables containing the details reference the 'id'
40  * as FOREIGN KEY.
41  */
42 << "CREATE TABLE items("
44 	"name VARCHAR(128), "                // Internal name of the item
45 	"type INTEGER, "                // enum pki_type
46 	"source INTEGER, "                // enum pki_source
47 	"date " DB_DATE ", "                // Time of insertion (creation/import)
48 	"comment VARCHAR(2048), "
49 	"stamp INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, " // indicate concurrent access
52 /*
53  * Storage of public keys. Private keys and tokens also store
54  * their public part here.
55  */
56 << "CREATE TABLE public_keys ("
57 	"item INTEGER, "                // reference to items(id)
58 	"type CHAR(4), "                // RSA DSA EC (as text)
59 	"hash INTEGER, "                // 32 bit hash
60 	"len INTEGER, "                        // key size in bits
61 	"\"public\" " B64_BLOB ", "        // B64(DER(public key))
62 	"FOREIGN KEY (item) REFERENCES items (id))"
64 /*
65  * The private part of RSA, DSA, EC keys.
66  * references to 'items' and 'public_keys'
67  */
68 << "CREATE TABLE private_keys ("
69 	"item INTEGER, "                // reference to items(id)
70 	"ownPass INTEGER, "                // Encrypted by DB pwd or own pwd
71 	"private " B64_BLOB ", "        // B64(Encrypt(DER(private key)))
72 	"FOREIGN KEY (item) REFERENCES items (id))"
74 /*
75  * Smart cards or other PKCS#11 tokens
76  * references to 'items' and 'public_keys'
77  */
78 << "CREATE TABLE tokens ("
79 	"item INTEGER, "                  // reference to items(id)
80 	"card_manufacturer VARCHAR(64), " // Card location data
81 	"card_serial VARCHAR(64), "          // as text
82 	"card_model VARCHAR(64), "
83 	"card_label VARCHAR(64), "
84 	"slot_label VARCHAR(64), "
85 	"object_id VARCHAR(64), "          // Unique ID on the token
86 	"FOREIGN KEY (item) REFERENCES items (id))"
88 /*
89  * Encryption and hash mechanisms supported by a token
90  */
91 << "CREATE TABLE token_mechanism ("
92 	"item INTEGER, "                // reference to items(id)
93 	"mechanism INTEGER, "                // PKCS#11: CK_MECHANISM_TYPE
94 	"FOREIGN KEY (item) REFERENCES items (id))"
96 /*
97  * An X509 Super class, consisting of a
98  *  - Distinguishd name hash
99  *  - Referenced key in the database
100  *  - hash of the public key, used for lookups if there
101  *    is no key to reference
102  * used by Requests and certificates and the use-counter of keys:
103  * 'SELECT from x509super WHERE pkey=?'
104  */
105 << "CREATE TABLE x509super ("
106 	"item INTEGER, "                // reference to items(id)
107 	"subj_hash INTEGER, "           // 32 bit hash of the Distinguished name
108 	"pkey INTEGER, "                // reference to the key items(id)
109 	"key_hash INTEGER, "            // 32 bit hash of the public key
110 	"FOREIGN KEY (item) REFERENCES items (id), "
111 	"FOREIGN KEY (pkey) REFERENCES items (id)) "
113 /*
114  * PKCS#10 Certificate request details
115  * also takes information from the 'x509super' table.
116  */
117 << "CREATE TABLE requests ("
118 	"item INTEGER, "                // reference to items(id)
119 	"hash INTEGER, "                // 32 bit hash of the request
120 	"signed INTEGER, "              // Whether it was once signed.
121 	"request " B64_BLOB ", "        // B64(DER(PKCS#10 request))
122 	"FOREIGN KEY (item) REFERENCES items (id)) "
124 /*
125  * X509 certificate details
126  * also takes information from the 'x509super' table.
127  * The content of the columns: hash, iss_hash, serial, ca
128  * can also be retrieved directly from the certificate, but are good
129  * to lurk around for faster lookup
130  */
131 << "CREATE TABLE certs ("
132 	"item INTEGER, "                // reference to items(id)
133 	"hash INTEGER, "                // 32 bit hash of the cert
134 	"iss_hash INTEGER, "            // 32 bit hash of the issuer DN
135 	"serial VARCHAR(64), "          // Serial number of the certificate
136 	"issuer INTEGER, "              // The items(id) of the issuer or NULL
137 	"ca INTEGER, "                  // CA: yes / no from BasicConstraints
138 	"cert " B64_BLOB ", "           // B64(DER(certificate))
139 	"FOREIGN KEY (item) REFERENCES items (id), "
140 	"FOREIGN KEY (issuer) REFERENCES items (id)) "
142 /*
143  * X509 cartificate Authority data
144  */
145 << "CREATE TABLE authority ("
146 	"item INTEGER, "                // reference to items(id)
147 	"template INTEGER, "            // items(id) of the default template
148 	"crlExpire " DB_DATE ", "       // CRL expiry date
149 	"crlNo INTEGER, "               // Last CRL Number
150 	"crlDays INTEGER, "             // CRL days until renewal
151 	"dnPolicy VARCHAR(1024), "      // DistinguishedName policy (UNUSED)
152 	"FOREIGN KEY (item) REFERENCES items (id), "
153 	"FOREIGN KEY (template) REFERENCES items (id)) "
155 /*
156  * Storage of CRLs
157  */
158 << "CREATE TABLE crls ("
159 	"item INTEGER, "                // reference to items(id)
160 	"hash INTEGER, "                // 32 bit hash of the CRL
161 	"num INTEGER, "                 // Number of revoked certificates
162 	"iss_hash INTEGER, "            // 32 bit hash of the issuer DN
163 	"issuer INTEGER, "              // The items(id) of the issuer or NULL
164 	"crl " B64_BLOB ", "            // B64(DER(revocation list))
165 	"FOREIGN KEY (item) REFERENCES items (id), "
166 	"FOREIGN KEY (issuer) REFERENCES items (id)) "
168 /*
169  * Revocations (serial, date, reason, issuer) used to create new
170  * CRLs. 'Manage revocations'
171  */
172 << "CREATE TABLE revocations ("
173 	"caId INTEGER, "                // reference to certs(item)
174 	"serial VARCHAR(64), "          // Serial of the revoked certificate
175 	"date " DB_DATE ", "            // Time of creating the revocation
176 	"invaldate " DB_DATE ", "       // Time of invalidation
177 	"crlNo INTEGER, "               // Crl Number of CRL of first appearance
178 	"reasonBit INTEGER, "           // Bit number of the revocation reason
179 	"FOREIGN KEY (caId) REFERENCES items (id))"
181 /*
182  * Templates
183  */
184 << "CREATE TABLE templates ("
185 	"item INTEGER, "                // reference to items(id)
186 	"version INTEGER, "             // Version of the template format
187 	"template " B64_BLOB ", "       // The base64 encoded template
188 	"FOREIGN KEY (item) REFERENCES items (id))"
190 /* Views */
191 << "CREATE VIEW view_public_keys AS SELECT "
192 	"items.id, items.name, items.type AS item_type, items.date, "
193 	"items.source, items.comment, "
194 	"public_keys.type as key_type, public_keys.len, public_keys.\"public\", "
195 	"private_keys.ownPass, "
196 	"tokens.card_manufacturer, tokens.card_serial, tokens.card_model, "
197 	"tokens.card_label, tokens.slot_label, tokens.object_id "
198 	"FROM public_keys LEFT JOIN items ON public_keys.item = items.id "
199 	"LEFT JOIN private_keys ON private_keys.item = public_keys.item "
200 	"LEFT JOIN tokens ON public_keys.item = tokens.item"
202 << "CREATE VIEW view_certs AS SELECT "
203 	"items.id, items.name, items.type, items.date AS item_date, "
204 	"items.source, items.comment, "
205 	"x509super.pkey, "
206 	"certs.serial AS certs_serial, certs.issuer, certs.ca, certs.cert, "
207 	"authority.template, authority.crlExpire, "
208 	"authority.crlNo AS auth_crlno, authority.crlDays, authority.dnPolicy, "
209 	"revocations.serial, revocations.date, revocations.invaldate, "
210 	"revocations.crlNo, revocations.reasonBit "
211 	"FROM certs LEFT JOIN items ON certs.item = items.id "
212 	"LEFT JOIN x509super ON x509super.item = certs.item "
213 	"LEFT JOIN authority ON authority.item = certs.item "
214 	"LEFT JOIN revocations ON revocations.caId = certs.issuer "
215 	                        "AND revocations.serial = certs.serial"
217 << "CREATE VIEW view_requests AS SELECT "
218 	"items.id, items.name, items.type, items.date, "
219 	"items.source, items.comment, "
220 	"x509super.pkey, "
221 	"requests.request, requests.signed "
222 	"FROM requests LEFT JOIN items ON requests.item = items.id "
223 	"LEFT JOIN x509super ON x509super.item = requests.item"
225 << "CREATE VIEW view_crls AS SELECT "
226 	"items.id, items.name, items.type, items.date, "
227 	"items.source, items.comment, "
228 	"crls.num, crls.issuer, crls.crl "
229 	"FROM crls LEFT JOIN items ON crls.item = items.id "
231 << "CREATE VIEW view_templates AS SELECT "
232 	"items.id, items.name, items.type, items.date, "
233 	"items.source, items.comment, "
234 	"templates.version, templates.template "
235 	"FROM templates LEFT JOIN items ON templates.item = items.id"
237 << "CREATE VIEW view_private AS SELECT "
238 	"name, private FROM private_keys JOIN items ON "
239 	"items.id = private_keys.item"
242 << "CREATE INDEX i_settings_key_ ON settings (key_)"
243 << "CREATE INDEX i_items_id ON items (id)"
244 << "CREATE INDEX i_public_keys_item ON public_keys (item)"
245 << "CREATE INDEX i_public_keys_hash ON public_keys (hash)"
246 << "CREATE INDEX i_private_keys_item ON private_keys (item)"
247 << "CREATE INDEX i_tokens_item ON tokens (item)"
248 << "CREATE INDEX i_token_mechanism_item ON token_mechanism (item)"
249 << "CREATE INDEX i_x509super_item ON x509super (item)"
250 << "CREATE INDEX i_x509super_subj_hash ON x509super (subj_hash)"
251 << "CREATE INDEX i_x509super_key_hash ON x509super (key_hash)"
252 << "CREATE INDEX i_x509super_pkey ON x509super (pkey)"
253 << "CREATE INDEX i_requests_item ON requests (item)"
254 << "CREATE INDEX i_requests_hash ON requests (hash)"
255 << "CREATE INDEX i_certs_item ON certs (item)"
256 << "CREATE INDEX i_certs_hash ON certs (hash)"
257 << "CREATE INDEX i_certs_iss_hash ON certs (iss_hash)"
258 << "CREATE INDEX i_certs_serial ON certs (serial)"
259 << "CREATE INDEX i_certs_issuer ON certs (issuer)"
260 << "CREATE INDEX i_certs_ca ON certs (ca)"
261 << "CREATE INDEX i_authority_item ON authority (item)"
262 << "CREATE INDEX i_crls_item ON crls (item)"
263 << "CREATE INDEX i_crls_hash ON crls (hash)"
264 << "CREATE INDEX i_crls_iss_hash ON crls (iss_hash)"
265 << "CREATE INDEX i_crls_issuer ON crls (issuer)"
266 << "CREATE INDEX i_revocations_caId_serial ON revocations (caId, serial)"
267 << "CREATE INDEX i_templates_item ON templates (item)"
268 << "CREATE INDEX i_items_stamp ON items (stamp)"
270 	;
271 /* Schema Version 2: Views added to quickly load the data */
273 /* Schema Version 3: Add indexes over hashes and primary, foreign keys */
275 /* Schema Version 4: Add private key view to extract a private key with:
276 	mysql:      mysql -sNp -u xca xca_msq -e
277 	or sqlite:  sqlite3 ~/sqlxdb.xdb
278 	or psql:    psql -t -h -U xca -d xca_pg -c
279 	        'SELECT private FROM view_private WHERE name=\"pk8key\";' |\
280 	        base64 -d | openssl pkcs8 -inform DER
281  * First mysql/psql will ask for a password and then OpenSSL will ask for
282  * the database password.
283  */
285 /* Schema Version 5: Extend settings value size from 1024 to B64_BLOB
286  * SQLite does not support 'ALTER TABLE settings MODIFY ...'
287  */
289 	schemas[5]
290 << "ALTER TABLE settings RENAME TO __settings"
291 << "CREATE TABLE settings ("
292 	"key_ CHAR(20) UNIQUE, "        // mySql does not like 'key' or 'option'
293 	"value " B64_BLOB ")"
294 << "INSERT INTO settings(key_, value) "
295 	"SELECT key_, value "
296 	"FROM __settings"
297 << "DROP TABLE __settings"
298 << "UPDATE settings SET value='6' WHERE key_='schema'"
299 	;
301 	schemas[6]
303 << "CREATE INDEX i_items_del ON items (del)"
304 << "UPDATE settings SET value='7' WHERE key_='schema'"
305 	;
307 /* When adding new tables or views, also add them to the list
308  * in XSqlQuery::rewriteQuery(QString) in lib/sql.cpp
309  */