1 /*
2  * (c) Copyright 1992 by Panagiotis Tsirigotis
3  * (c) Sections Copyright 1998-2001 by Rob Braun
4  * All rights reserved.  The file named COPYRIGHT specifies the terms
5  * and conditions for redistribution.
6  */
8 #include "config.h"
9 #include <sys/types.h>
10 #include <syslog.h>
11 #include <string.h>
12 #include <netinet/in.h>
13 #include <stdlib.h>
14 #include <fcntl.h>
15 #include <unistd.h>
17 #ifdef HAVE_RPC_RPC_H
18 #include <rpc/rpc.h>
19 #endif
22 #include <rpc/rpcent.h>
23 #endif
25 #ifdef HAVE_NETDB_H
26 #include <netdb.h>
27 #endif
29 #include "str.h"
30 #include "sio.h"
31 #include "confparse.h"
32 #include "msg.h"
33 #include "xconfig.h"
34 #include "parse.h"
35 #include "special.h"
36 #include "sconst.h"
37 #include "env.h"
38 #include "sconf.h"
39 #include "sensor.h"
40 #include "inet.h"
41 #include "main.h"
43 extern int inetd_compat;
45 /*
46  * Pset iterator used by functions in this file.
47  * It lives only when get_configuration is called (i.e. it is created and
48  * destroyed each time). This is because the pset it is iterating on
49  * changes.
50  */
51 static psi_h iter ;
fix_server_argv(struct service_config * scp)53 static status_e fix_server_argv( struct service_config *scp )
54 {
55    char *server_name ;
56    const char *func = "fix_server_argv" ;
58    if( SC_SERVER(scp) == NULL )
59    {
60       msg( LOG_ERR, func,
61            "Must specify a server in %s", SC_NAME(scp));
62       return( FAILED );
63    }
65    if( SC_NAMEINARGS( scp ) ) {
66       if( !SC_SPECIFIED(scp, A_SERVER_ARGS ) ){
67          msg( LOG_ERR, func,
68               "Must specify server args if using NAMEINARGS flag");
69          return( FAILED );
70       }
72       return ( OK );
73    }
75    /*
76     * Check if the user specified any server arguments.
77     * If not, then the server_argv has not been allocated yet,
78     * so malloc it (size 2)
79     * Put in argv[ 0 ] the last component of the server pathname
80     */
81    if ( ! SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_SERVER_ARGS ) )
82    {
83       SC_SERVER_ARGV(scp) = (char **) malloc( 2 * sizeof( char * ) ) ;
84       if ( SC_SERVER_ARGV(scp) == NULL )
85       {
86          out_of_memory( func ) ;
87          return( FAILED ) ;
88       }
89       SC_SERVER_ARGV(scp)[ 0 ] = NULL ;
90       SC_SERVER_ARGV(scp)[ 1 ] = NULL ;
91       SC_PRESENT( scp, A_SERVER_ARGS ) ;
92    }
94    /*
95     * Determine server name
96     */
97    server_name = strrchr( SC_SERVER(scp), '/' ) ;
98    if ( server_name == NULL )
99       server_name = SC_SERVER(scp) ;
100    else
101       server_name++ ;      /* skip the '/' */
103    /*
104     * Place it in argv[ 0 ]
105     */
106    SC_SERVER_ARGV(scp)[ 0 ] = new_string( server_name ) ;
107    if ( SC_SERVER_ARGV(scp)[ 0 ] == NULL )
108    {
109       out_of_memory( func ) ;
110       return( FAILED ) ;
111    }
112    return( OK ) ;
113 }
117 #define USE_DEFAULT( scp, def, attr_id )   \
118          ( ! SC_SPECIFIED( scp, attr_id ) && SC_SPECIFIED( def, attr_id ) )
120 /*
121  * Fill the service configuration with attributes that were not
122  * explicitly specified. These can be:
123  *      1) implied attributes (like the server name in argv[0])
124  *      2) attributes from 'defaults' so that we won't need to check
125  *         'defaults' anymore.
126  *      3) default values (like the service instance limit)
127  */
service_fill(struct service_config * scp,struct service_config * def)128 static status_e service_fill( struct service_config *scp,
129                             struct service_config *def )
130 {
131    const char *func = "service_fill" ;
133    /* Note: if the service was specified, it won't be honored. */
134    if( (SC_REDIR_ADDR(scp) != NULL) ) {
135        if ( SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_SERVER ) && SC_SERVER(scp))
136           free(SC_SERVER(scp));
137        SC_SERVER(scp) = new_string( "/bin/true" );
138        SC_SPECIFY(scp, A_SERVER);
139    }
141    if ( ! SC_IS_INTERNAL( scp ) && fix_server_argv( scp ) == FAILED )
142       return( FAILED ) ;
144    /*
145     * FIXME: Should all these set SPECIFY or PRESENT ?
146     * PRESENT means that either a default or specified value.
147     * SPECIFIED means that the user specified a value.
148     * PRESENT makes more sense for default values. -SG
149     */
150    if ( ! SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_INSTANCES ) )
151    {
153                                                      : DEFAULT_INSTANCE_LIMIT ;
154       SC_PRESENT( scp, A_INSTANCES ) ;
155    }
157    if ( (! SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_UMASK )) && SC_SPECIFIED( def, A_UMASK ) )
158    {
159       SC_UMASK(scp) = SC_UMASK(def);
160       SC_SPECIFY( scp, A_UMASK );
161    }
163    if ( ! SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_PER_SOURCE ) )
164    {
165       SC_PER_SOURCE(scp) = SC_SPECIFIED( def, A_PER_SOURCE ) ?
167       SC_SPECIFY( scp, A_PER_SOURCE ) ;
168    }
170 #ifdef HAVE_MDNS
171    if ( ! SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_MDNS ) )
172    {
173       SC_MDNS(scp) = SC_SPECIFIED( def, A_MDNS ) ? SC_MDNS(def) : YES;
174       SC_SPECIFY( scp, A_MDNS );
175    }
176 #endif
178    if ( ! SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_GROUPS ) )
179    {
180       SC_GROUPS(scp) = SC_SPECIFIED( def, A_GROUPS ) ? SC_GROUPS(def) : NO;
181       SC_SPECIFY( scp, A_GROUPS );
182    }
184    if ( ! SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_CPS ) )
185    {
186       SC_TIME_CONN_MAX(scp) = SC_SPECIFIED( def, A_CPS ) ?
188       SC_TIME_WAIT(scp) = SC_SPECIFIED( def, A_CPS ) ?
189          SC_TIME_WAIT(def) : DEFAULT_LOOP_TIME;
190       SC_TIME_REENABLE(scp) = 0;
191    }
193 #ifdef HAVE_LOADAVG
194    if ( ! SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_MAX_LOAD ) ) {
195       SC_MAX_LOAD(scp) = SC_SPECIFIED( def, A_MAX_LOAD ) ? SC_MAX_LOAD(def) : 0;
196       SC_SPECIFY( scp, A_MAX_LOAD ) ;
197    }
198 #endif
200    /*
201     * we need to check a few things. A_BIND can be specified & sc_bind_addr
202     * is NULL. This means the address couldn't be determined in bind_parser
203     * and it was stored into sc_orig_bind_addr. We unset the attribute
204     * so that its processed correctly.
205     */
206    if (SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_BIND ) && SC_BIND_ADDR(scp) == NULL)
207       M_CLEAR( scp->sc_specified_attributes, A_BIND ) ;
209    if ( (! SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_BIND )) && (SC_ORIG_BIND_ADDR(scp) == 0) ) {
210       if ( SC_SPECIFIED( def, A_BIND ) ) {
211          SC_BIND_ADDR(scp) = (union xsockaddr *)malloc(sizeof(union xsockaddr));
212          if( SC_BIND_ADDR(scp) == NULL ) {
213             msg(LOG_ERR, func, "can't allocate space for bind addr");
214             return( FAILED );
215          }
216          memcpy(SC_BIND_ADDR(scp), SC_BIND_ADDR(def), sizeof(union xsockaddr));
217          SC_SPECIFY( scp, A_BIND ) ;
218       }
219       else if ( SC_ORIG_BIND_ADDR(def) )
220          SC_ORIG_BIND_ADDR(scp) = new_string( SC_ORIG_BIND_ADDR(def) );
221    }
223    if ( ! SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_V6ONLY ) ) {
224       SC_V6ONLY(scp) = SC_SPECIFIED( def, A_V6ONLY ) ? SC_V6ONLY(def) : NO;
225    }
227    if ( ! SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_DENY_TIME ) )
228    {
229       SC_DENY_TIME(scp) = SC_SPECIFIED( def, A_DENY_TIME ) ?
230          SC_DENY_TIME(def)  : 0 ;
231       SC_SPECIFY( scp, A_DENY_TIME ) ;
232    }
234    if ( (!SC_IPV4( scp )) && (!SC_IPV6( scp )) )
235    {
236       /*
237        * If bind is specified, check the address and see what family is
238        * available. If not, then use default.
239        */
240       if ( SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_BIND ) && !SC_ORIG_BIND_ADDR(scp) )
241       {
242 	  if ( SAIN(SC_BIND_ADDR(scp))->sin_family == AF_INET )
243              M_SET(SC_XFLAGS(scp), SF_IPV4);
244 	  else
245              M_SET(SC_XFLAGS(scp), SF_IPV6);
246       }
247       else
248          M_SET(SC_XFLAGS(scp), SF_IPV4);
249    }
251    if (SC_ORIG_BIND_ADDR(scp))
252    {
253       /*
254        * If we are here, we have a dual stack machine with multiple
255        * entries for a domain name. We can finally use the flags for
256        * a hint to see which one to use.
257        */
258       struct addrinfo hints, *res;
260       memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
261       hints.ai_flags = AI_CANONNAME;
262       if (SC_IPV6(scp))
263          hints.ai_family = AF_INET6;
264       else
265          hints.ai_family = AF_INET;
267       if( getaddrinfo(SC_ORIG_BIND_ADDR(scp), NULL, &hints, &res) < 0 )
268       {
269          msg(LOG_ERR, func, "bad address given for: %s", SC_NAME(scp));
270          return( FAILED );
271       }
273       if( (res == NULL) || (res->ai_addr == NULL) )
274       {
275          msg(LOG_ERR, func, "no addresses returned for: %s", SC_NAME(scp));
276 	 return( FAILED );
277       }
279       if( (res->ai_family == AF_INET) || (res->ai_family == AF_INET6) )
280       {
281          SC_BIND_ADDR(scp) = (union xsockaddr *)
282             malloc(sizeof(union xsockaddr));
283          if( SC_BIND_ADDR(scp) == NULL )
284          {
285             msg(LOG_ERR, func, "can't allocate space for bind addr of: %s",
286                 SC_NAME(scp));
287             return( FAILED );
288          }
289          memset(SC_BIND_ADDR(scp), 0, sizeof(union xsockaddr));
290          memcpy(SC_BIND_ADDR(scp), res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen);
291          free(SC_ORIG_BIND_ADDR(scp));
292          SC_ORIG_BIND_ADDR(scp) = 0;
293  	 SC_SPECIFY( scp, A_BIND );
294       }
295       freeaddrinfo(res);
296    }
298    /* This should be removed if sock_stream is ever something other than TCP,
299     * or sock_dgram is ever something other than UDP.
300     */
301    if ( (! SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_PROTOCOL )) &&
302 	( SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_SOCKET_TYPE ) ) )
303    {
304       struct protoent *pep ;
306       if( SC_SOCKET_TYPE(scp) == SOCK_STREAM ) {
307          if( (pep = getprotobyname( "tcp" )) != NULL ) {
308             SC_PROTONAME(scp) = new_string ( "tcp" );
309             if( SC_PROTONAME(scp) == NULL )
310                return( FAILED );
311             SC_PROTOVAL(scp) = pep->p_proto ;
312             SC_SPECIFY(scp, A_PROTOCOL);
313          }
314       }
316       if( SC_SOCKET_TYPE(scp) == SOCK_DGRAM ) {
317          if( (pep = getprotobyname( "udp" )) != NULL ) {
318             SC_PROTONAME(scp) = new_string ( "udp" );
319             if( SC_PROTONAME(scp) == NULL )
320                return( FAILED );
321             SC_PROTOVAL(scp) = pep->p_proto ;
322             SC_SPECIFY(scp, A_PROTOCOL);
323          }
324       }
325    }
326    if ( ( SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_PROTOCOL )) &&
327         (! SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_SOCKET_TYPE ) ) )
328    {
329       if( (SC_PROTONAME(scp) != NULL) && EQ("tcp", SC_PROTONAME(scp)) )
330       {
331             SC_SOCKET_TYPE(scp) = SOCK_STREAM;
332             SC_SPECIFY(scp, A_SOCKET_TYPE);
333       }
335       if( (SC_PROTONAME(scp) != NULL) && EQ("udp", SC_PROTONAME(scp)) )
336       {
337             SC_SOCKET_TYPE(scp) = SOCK_DGRAM;
338             SC_SPECIFY(scp, A_SOCKET_TYPE);
339       }
340    }
342    /*
343     * Next assign a port based on service name if not specified. Based
344     * on the code immediately before this, if either a socket_type or a
345     * protocol is specied, the other gets set appropriately. We will only
346     * use protocol for this code.
347     */
348    if (! SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_PORT ) && ! SC_IS_MUXCLIENT( scp ) &&
349                                         ! SC_IS_RPC( scp )) {
350        if ( SC_IS_UNLISTED( scp ) ) {
351           msg(LOG_ERR, func, "Unlisted service: %s must have a port entry",
352               SC_NAME(scp));
353           return(FAILED);
354        }
355        if ( SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_PROTOCOL ) ) {
356           /*
357            * Look up the service based on the protocol and service name.
358 	   * If not found, don't worry. Message will be emitted in
359 	   * check_entry().
360            */
361          struct servent *sep = getservbyname( SC_NAME(scp),
362                                            SC_PROTONAME(scp) ) ;
363          if ( sep != NULL ) {
364             /* s_port is in network-byte-order */
365             SC_PORT(scp) = ntohs(sep->s_port);
366             SC_SPECIFY(scp, A_PORT);
367          }
368          else {
369             msg(LOG_ERR, func,
370              "Port not specified and can't find service: %s with getservbyname",
371                SC_NAME(scp));
372             return(FAILED);
373          }
374       }
375       else {
376          msg(LOG_ERR, func,
377              "Port not specified for service: %s and no protocol given",
378              SC_NAME(scp));
379          return(FAILED);
380       }
381    }
383    if ( USE_DEFAULT( scp, def, A_LOG_ON_SUCCESS ) )
384    {
385       SC_LOG_ON_SUCCESS(scp) = SC_LOG_ON_SUCCESS(def) ;
386       SC_SPECIFY( scp, A_LOG_ON_SUCCESS ) ;
387    }
389    if ( USE_DEFAULT( scp, def, A_LOG_ON_FAILURE ) )
390    {
391       SC_LOG_ON_FAILURE(scp) = SC_LOG_ON_FAILURE(def) ;
392       SC_SPECIFY( scp, A_LOG_ON_FAILURE ) ;
393    }
395    if ( USE_DEFAULT( scp, def, A_LOG_TYPE ) )
396    {
397       struct log *dlp = SC_LOG( def ) ;
398       struct log *slp = SC_LOG( scp ) ;
400       switch ( LOG_GET_TYPE( dlp ) )
401       {
402          case L_NONE:
403             LOG_SET_TYPE( slp, L_NONE ) ;
404             break ;
406          case L_SYSLOG:
407             *slp = *dlp ;
408             break ;
410          case L_FILE:
411             LOG_SET_TYPE( slp, L_COMMON_FILE ) ;
412             break ;
414          default:
415             msg( LOG_ERR, func,
416                         "bad log type: %d", (int) LOG_GET_TYPE( dlp ) ) ;
417             return( FAILED ) ;
418       }
419       SC_SPECIFY( scp, A_LOG_TYPE ) ;
420    }
421    if ( setup_environ( scp, def ) == FAILED )
422       return( FAILED ) ;
423    return( OK ) ;
424 }
remove_disabled_services(struct configuration * confp)427 static void remove_disabled_services( struct configuration *confp )
428 {
429    pset_h disabled_services ;
430    pset_h enabled_services ;
431    struct service_config *scp ;
432    struct service_config *defaults = confp->cnf_defaults ;
434    if( SC_SPECIFIED( defaults, A_ENABLED ) ) {
435       enabled_services = SC_ENABLED(defaults) ;
438       /* Mark all the services disabled */
439       for ( scp = SCP( psi_start( iter ) ) ; scp ; scp = SCP( psi_next(iter) ) )
440          SC_DISABLE( scp );
442       /* Enable the selected services */
443       for ( scp = SCP( psi_start( iter ) ) ; scp ; scp = SCP( psi_next(iter) ) )
444       {
445          register char *sid = SC_ID( scp ) ;
446          register unsigned u ;
448          for ( u = 0 ; u < pset_count( enabled_services ) ; u++ ) {
449             if ( EQ( sid, (char *) pset_pointer( enabled_services, u ) ) ) {
450                SC_ENABLE( scp );
451                break;
452             }
453          }
454       }
455    }
457    /* Remove any services that are left marked disabled */
458    for ( scp = SCP( psi_start( iter ) ) ; scp ; scp = SCP( psi_next(iter)) ){
459       if( SC_IS_DISABLED( scp ) ) {
460          msg(LOG_DEBUG, "remove_disabled_services", "removing %s", SC_NAME(scp));
461          SC_DISABLE( scp );
462          sc_free(scp);
463          psi_remove(iter);
464       }
465    }
467    if ( ! SC_SPECIFIED( defaults, A_DISABLED ) )
468       return ;
470    disabled_services = SC_DISABLED(defaults) ;
472    for ( scp = SCP( psi_start( iter ) ) ; scp ; scp = SCP( psi_next( iter ) ) )
473    {
474       register char *sid = SC_ID( scp ) ;
475       register unsigned u ;
477       for ( u = 0 ; u < pset_count( disabled_services ) ; u++ )
478          if ( EQ( sid, (char *) pset_pointer( disabled_services, u ) ) )
479          {
480             sc_free( scp ) ;
481             psi_remove( iter ) ;
482             break ;
483          }
484    }
485 }
488 /*
489  * Check if all required attributes have been specified
490  */
service_attr_check(struct service_config * scp)491 static status_e service_attr_check( struct service_config *scp )
492 {
493    mask_t         necessary_and_specified ;
494    mask_t         necessary_and_missing ;
495    mask_t         must_specify = NECESSARY_ATTRS ; /* socket_type & wait */
496    unsigned int   attr_id ;
497    const char    *attr_name ;
498    const char    *func = "service_attr_check" ;
500    /*
501     * Determine what attributes must be specified
502     */
503    if ( ! SC_IS_INTERNAL( scp ) )
504    {  /* user & server */
505       M_OR( must_specify, must_specify, NECESSARY_ATTRS_EXTERNAL ) ;
506       if ( SC_IS_UNLISTED( scp ) )
507       {
508          if ( ! SC_IS_MUXCLIENT( scp ) ) /* protocol, & port */
509          {
510             M_OR( must_specify, must_specify, NECESSARY_ATTRS_UNLISTED ) ;
511          }
512          else  /* Don't need port for TCPMUX CLIENT */
513          {
514            M_OR( must_specify, must_specify, NECESSARY_ATTRS_UNLISTED_MUX ) ;
515          }
516       }
517    }
519    if ( SC_IS_RPC( scp ) )
520    {
521       M_CLEAR( must_specify, A_PORT ); /* port is already known for RPC */
522       /* protocol & rpc_version */
523       M_OR( must_specify, must_specify, NECESSARY_ATTRS_RPC ) ;
524       if ( SC_IS_UNLISTED( scp ) ) /* rpc_number */
525          M_OR( must_specify, must_specify, NECESSARY_ATTRS_RPC_UNLISTED ) ;
526    }
527    else
528    {
529       if ( SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_REDIR ) )
530          M_CLEAR( must_specify, A_SERVER ); /* server isn't used */
531    }
533    if( SC_IPV4( scp ) && SC_IPV6( scp ) ) {
534       msg( LOG_ERR, func,
535          "Service %s specified as both IPv4 and IPv6 - DISABLING",
536 	 SC_NAME(scp));
537       return FAILED ;
538    }
540    /*
541     * Check if all necessary attributes have been specified
542     *
543     * NOTE: None of the necessary attributes can belong to "defaults"
544     *         This is why we use the sc_attributes_specified mask instead
545     *         of the sc_attributes_present mask.
546     */
548    M_AND( necessary_and_specified,
549                   scp->sc_specified_attributes, must_specify ) ;
550    M_XOR( necessary_and_missing, necessary_and_specified, must_specify ) ;
552    if ( M_ARE_ALL_CLEAR( necessary_and_missing) )
553       return OK ;
555    /*
556     * Print names of missing attributes
557     */
558    for ( attr_id = 0 ; attr_id < SERVICE_ATTRIBUTES ; attr_id++ )
559       if ( M_IS_SET( necessary_and_missing, attr_id ) &&
560                   ( attr_name = attr_name_lookup( attr_id ) ) != NULL )
561       {
562          msg( LOG_ERR, func,
563             "Service %s missing attribute %s - DISABLING",
564 	    SC_ID(scp), attr_name ) ;
565       }
566    return FAILED ;
567 }
570 /*
571  * Perform validity checks on the whole entry. At this point, all
572  * attributes have been read and we can do an integrated check that
573  * all parameters make sense.
574  *
575  * Also does the following:
576  *      1. If this is an internal service, it finds the function that
577  *         implements it
578  *      2. For RPC services, it finds the program number
579  *      3. For non-RPC services, it finds the port number.
580  */
check_entry(struct service_config * scp,const struct configuration * confp)581 static status_e check_entry( struct service_config *scp,
582                              const struct configuration *confp )
583 {
584    const char *func = "check_entry" ;
585    unsigned int u;
586    const pset_h sconfs = CNF_SERVICE_CONFS( confp ) ;
588    /*
589     * Make sure the service id is unique
590     */
591    for ( u = 0 ; u < pset_count( sconfs ) ; u++ )
592    {
593       int diff = 1;
594       const struct service_config *tmp_scp = SCP( pset_pointer( sconfs, u ) );
595       if (tmp_scp == scp)
596          break; /* Don't check ourselves, or anything after us */
597       if ( EQ( SC_ID(tmp_scp), SC_ID(scp) ) )
598       {
599          diff = 0;
600       }
601       if( SC_BIND_ADDR(tmp_scp) == NULL)
602          continue; /* problem entry, skip it */
603       if ( (SC_PORT(scp) != SC_PORT(tmp_scp)) ||
604            (SC_PROTOVAL(scp) != SC_PROTOVAL(tmp_scp)) )
605          continue; /* if port or protocol are different, its OK */
606       if (SC_BIND_ADDR(scp) != NULL)
607       {
608          if (SC_BIND_ADDR(scp)->sa.sa_family !=
609              SC_BIND_ADDR(tmp_scp)->sa.sa_family)
610             continue;
611          if (SC_BIND_ADDR(scp)->sa.sa_family == AF_INET)
612          {
613             if (memcmp(&SC_BIND_ADDR(scp)->sa_in.sin_addr,
614                        &SC_BIND_ADDR(tmp_scp)->sa_in.sin_addr,
615                        sizeof(struct in_addr) ) )
616                continue;
617          }
618          else /* We assume that all bad address families are weeded out */
619          {
620             if (memcmp(&SC_BIND_ADDR(scp)->sa_in6.sin6_addr,
621                        &SC_BIND_ADDR(tmp_scp)->sa_in6.sin6_addr,
622                        sizeof(struct in6_addr) ) )
623                continue;
624          }
625       }
626       if( SC_IS_DISABLED( tmp_scp ) ||
627                SC_IS_DISABLED(scp) )
628       {
629          /*
630           * Allow multiple configs, as long as all but one are
631           * disabled.
632           */
633          continue;
634       }
635 #if defined(HAVE_RPC_RPCENT_H) || defined(HAVE_NETDB_H)
636       if ( SC_IS_RPC( scp ) && SC_IS_RPC ( tmp_scp ) )
637       {
638          const struct rpc_data *rdp1 = SC_RPCDATA( scp ) ;
639          const struct rpc_data *rdp2 = SC_RPCDATA( tmp_scp ) ;
640          if ( rdp1->rd_program_number != rdp2->rd_program_number )
641            continue;
642         if ( rdp1->rd_min_version > rdp2->rd_max_version ||
643              rdp1->rd_max_version < rdp2->rd_min_version )
644           continue;
645       }
646 #endif
647       if (diff)
648          msg( LOG_ERR, func,
649          "service: %s id: %s is unique but its identical to "
650 		"service: %s id: %s - DISABLING",
651            SC_NAME(scp), SC_ID(scp), SC_NAME(tmp_scp), SC_ID(tmp_scp) ) ;
652       else
653          msg( LOG_ERR, func,
654            "service: %s id: %s not unique or is a duplicate - DISABLING",
655            SC_NAME(scp), SC_ID(scp) ) ;
656       return FAILED ;
657    } /* for */
659    /*
660     * Currently, we cannot intercept:
661     *      1) internal services
662     *      2) multi-threaded services
663     * We clear the INTERCEPT flag without disabling the service.
664     */
665    if ( SC_IS_INTERCEPTED( scp ) )
666    {
667       if ( SC_IS_INTERNAL( scp ) )
668       {
669          msg( LOG_ERR, func,
670             "Internal services cannot be intercepted: %s ", SC_ID(scp) ) ;
671          M_CLEAR( SC_XFLAGS(scp), SF_INTERCEPT ) ;
672       }
673       if ( SC_WAIT(scp) == NO )
674       {
675          msg( LOG_ERR, func,
676             "Multi-threaded services cannot be intercepted: %s", SC_ID(scp) ) ;
677          M_CLEAR( SC_XFLAGS(scp), SF_INTERCEPT ) ;
678       }
679    }
681    /* Steer the lost sheep home */
682    if ( SC_SENSOR( scp ) )
683       M_SET( SC_TYPE(scp), ST_INTERNAL );
685    if ( SC_IS_INTERNAL( scp ) )
686    {   /* If SENSOR flagged redirect to internal builtin function. */
687       if ( SC_SENSOR( scp ) )
688       {
689 	 init_sensor();
690          SC_BUILTIN(scp) =
691             builtin_find( "sensor", SC_SOCKET_TYPE(scp) );
692       }
693       else
694          SC_BUILTIN(scp) =
695             builtin_find( SC_NAME(scp), SC_SOCKET_TYPE(scp) );
696       if (SC_BUILTIN(scp) == NULL )
697          return( FAILED ) ;
698    }
700 #ifdef LABELED_NET
701       if (SC_LABELED_NET(scp)) {
702          if ( SC_IS_INTERNAL( scp ) ) {
703             msg( LOG_ERR, func,
704                "Internal services cannot support labeled networking: %s",
705                SC_ID(scp) ) ;
706             return( FAILED ) ;
707          }
708          if ( SC_SOCKET_TYPE(scp) != SOCK_STREAM ) {
709             msg( LOG_ERR, func,
710                "Non-stream socket types cannot support labeled networking: %s",
711                SC_ID(scp) ) ;
712             return( FAILED ) ;
713          }
714          if ( SC_WAITS( scp ) ) {
715             msg( LOG_ERR, func,
716                "Tcp wait services cannot support labeled networking: %s",
717                SC_ID(scp) ) ;
718             return( FAILED ) ;
719          }
720          if ( SC_REDIR_ADDR( scp ) != NULL) {
721             msg( LOG_ERR, func,
722                "Redirected services cannot support labeled networking: %s",
723                SC_ID(scp) ) ;
724             return( FAILED ) ;
725          }
726       }
727 #endif
729    if ( SC_IS_MUXCLIENT( scp ) )
730    {
731 	   if ( !SC_IS_UNLISTED( scp ) )
732 	   {
733                msg(LOG_ERR, func,
734                    "Service: %s (tcpmux) should have UNLISTED in type.",
735 		   SC_NAME(scp));
736 	       return( FAILED );
737 	   }
739 	   if (!EQ("tcp", SC_PROTONAME(scp)))
740 	   {
741                msg(LOG_ERR, func,
742                    "Service: %s (tcpmux) should have tcp in protocol.",
743 		   SC_NAME(scp));
744 	       return( FAILED );
745 	   }
746    }
748 /* #ifndef NO_RPC */
749 #if defined(HAVE_RPC_RPCENT_H) || defined(HAVE_NETDB_H)
750    if ( SC_IS_RPC( scp ) && !SC_IS_UNLISTED( scp ) )
751    {
752       struct rpcent *rep = (struct rpcent *)getrpcbyname( SC_NAME(scp) ) ;
754       if ( rep == NULL )
755       {
756          msg( LOG_ERR, func, "unknown RPC service: %s", SC_NAME(scp) ) ;
757          return( FAILED ) ;
758       }
759       SC_RPCDATA( scp )->rd_program_number = rep->r_number ;
760    }
761    else
762 #endif   /* ! NO_RPC */
763    {
764        if ( !SC_IS_UNLISTED( scp ) )
765        {
766           uint16_t service_port ;
767           struct servent *sep ;
769           /*
770            * Check if a protocol was specified. Based on the code in
771 	   * service_fill, if either socket_type or protocol is specified,
772 	   * the other one is filled in. Protocol should therefore always
773 	   * be filled in unless they made a mistake. Then verify it is the
774 	   * proper protocol for the given service.
775            * We don't need to check MUXCLIENTs - they aren't in /etc/services.
776            */
777           if ( SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_PROTOCOL ) )
778           {
779              sep = getservbyname( SC_NAME(scp), SC_PROTONAME(scp) ) ;
780              if ( (sep == NULL) )
781              {
782                 msg( LOG_ERR, func,
783                    "service/protocol combination not in /etc/services: %s/%s",
784                    SC_NAME(scp), SC_PROTONAME(scp) ) ;
785                 return( FAILED ) ;
786              }
787           }
788           else
789           {
790              msg( LOG_ERR, func,
791                "A protocol or a socket_type must be specified for service: %s.",
792                 SC_NAME(scp) ) ;
793              return( FAILED ) ;
794           }
796           /* s_port is in network-byte-order */
797           service_port = ntohs(sep->s_port);
799           /*
800            * If a port was specified, it must be the right one
801            */
802           if ( SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_PORT ) &&
803                SC_PORT(scp) != service_port )
804           {
805              msg( LOG_ERR, func, "Service %s expects port %d, not %d",
806                   SC_NAME(scp), service_port, SC_PORT(scp) ) ;
807              return( FAILED ) ;
808           }
809       } /* if not unlisted */
810     }
811     if ( SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_REDIR ))
812     {
813        if ( SC_SOCKET_TYPE( scp ) != SOCK_STREAM )
814        {
815           msg( LOG_ERR, func,
816  	      "Only tcp sockets are supported for redirected service %s",
817  	      SC_NAME(scp));
818           return FAILED;
819        }
820        if ( SC_WAITS( scp ) )
821        {
822           msg( LOG_ERR, func,
823  	      "Redirected service %s must not wait", SC_NAME(scp));
824           return FAILED;
825        }
826        if ( SC_NAMEINARGS( scp ) )
827        {
828           msg( LOG_ERR, func,
829  	      "Redirected service %s should not have NAMEINARGS flag set",
830 	      SC_NAME(scp));
831           return FAILED;
832        }
833     }
834     else /* Not a redirected service */
835     {
836        if( M_IS_SET( SC_LOG_ON_SUCCESS(scp), LO_TRAFFIC ) )
837        {
838           msg( LOG_ERR, func,
839              "Service %s should not have TRAFFIC flag set since its"
840              " not redirected", SC_NAME(scp));
841           return FAILED;
842        }
843     }
845    if ( SC_NAMEINARGS(scp) )
846    {
847       if (SC_IS_INTERNAL( scp ) )
848       {
849          msg( LOG_ERR, func,
850               "Service %s is INTERNAL and has NAMEINARGS flag set",
851 	      SC_NAME(scp) );
852          return FAILED;
853       }
854       else if (!SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_SERVER_ARGS) )
855       {
856          msg( LOG_ERR, func,
857               "Service %s has NAMEINARGS flag set and no server_args",
858 	      SC_NAME(scp) );
859          return FAILED;
860       }
861    }
863    if ( service_attr_check( scp ) == FAILED )
864       return( FAILED ) ;
866    return( OK ) ;
867 }
869 /*
870  * Get a configuration from the specified file.
871  */
get_conf(int fd,struct configuration * confp)872 static status_e get_conf( int fd, struct configuration *confp )
873 {
874    parse_conf_file( fd, confp, ps.ros.config_file ) ;
875    parse_end() ;
876    return( OK ) ;
877 }
880 #define CHECK_AND_CLEAR( scp, mask, mask_name )                               \
881    if ( M_IS_SET( mask, LO_USERID ) )                                         \
882    {                                                                          \
883       msg( LOG_WARNING, func,                                                 \
884       "%s service: clearing USERID option from %s", SC_ID(scp), mask_name ) ; \
885       M_CLEAR( mask, LO_USERID ) ;                                            \
886    }
888 /*
889  * Get a configuration by reading the configuration file.
890  */
cnf_get(struct configuration * confp)891 status_e cnf_get( struct configuration *confp )
892 {
893    int config_fd ;
894    struct service_config *scp ;
895    const char *func = "get_configuration" ;
897    if ( cnf_init( confp, &config_fd, &iter ) == FAILED )
898       return( FAILED ) ;
900    else if ( get_conf( config_fd, confp ) == FAILED )
901    {
902       Sclose( config_fd ) ;
903       cnf_free( confp ) ;
904       psi_destroy( iter ) ;
905       return( FAILED ) ;
906    }
908    /* get_conf eventually calls Srdline, try Sclosing to unmmap memory. */
909    Sclose( config_fd );
910    if( inetd_compat ) {
911       current_file = "/etc/inetd.conf";
912       config_fd = open(current_file, O_RDONLY);
913       if( config_fd >= 0 ) {
914          parse_inet_conf_file( config_fd, confp );
915          parse_end() ;
916          /*
917 	  * parse_inet_conf eventually calls Srdline, try Sclosing to
918 	  * unmmap memory.
919 	  */
920          Sclose(config_fd);
921       }
922    }
924    remove_disabled_services( confp ) ;
926    for ( scp = SCP( psi_start( iter ) ) ; scp ; scp = SCP( psi_next( iter ) ) )
927    {
928       /*
929        * Fill the service configuration from the defaults.
930        * We do this so that we don't have to look at the defaults any more.
931        */
932       if ( service_fill( scp, confp->cnf_defaults ) == FAILED )
933       {
934          sc_free( scp ) ;
935          psi_remove( iter ) ;
936          continue ;
937       }
939       if ( check_entry( scp, confp ) == FAILED )
940       {
941          sc_free( scp ) ;
942          psi_remove( iter ) ;
943          continue ;
944       }
946       /*
947        * If the INTERCEPT flag is set, change this service to an internal
948        * service using the special INTERCEPT builtin.
949        */
950       if ( SC_IS_INTERCEPTED( scp ) )
951       {
952          const builtin_s *bp ;
954          bp = spec_find( INTERCEPT_SERVICE_NAME, SC_SOCKET_TYPE(scp) ) ;
955          if ( bp == NULL )
956          {
957             msg( LOG_ERR, func, "removing service %s", SC_ID( scp ) ) ;
958             sc_free( scp ) ;
959             psi_remove( iter ) ;
960             continue ;
961          }
963          SC_BUILTIN(scp) = bp ;
964          M_SET( SC_TYPE(scp), ST_INTERNAL ) ;
965       }
967       /*
968        * Clear the USERID flag for the identity service because
969        * it may lead to loops (for example, remote xinetd issues request,
970        * local xinetd issues request to remote xinetd etc.)
971        * We identify the identity service by its (protocol,port) combination.
972        */
973       if ( SC_PORT(scp) == IDENTITY_SERVICE_PORT &&
974                                        SC_PROTOVAL(scp) == IPPROTO_TCP )
975       {
976          CHECK_AND_CLEAR( scp, SC_LOG_ON_SUCCESS(scp), "log_on_success" ) ;
977          CHECK_AND_CLEAR( scp, SC_LOG_ON_FAILURE(scp), "log_on_failure" ) ;
978       }
979    }
981    psi_destroy( iter ) ;
983    if ( debug.on && debug.fd != -1 )
984       cnf_dump( confp, debug.fd ) ;
986    endservent() ;
987    endprotoent() ;
988 #ifndef NO_RPC
989    endrpcent() ;
990 #endif
991    return( OK ) ;
992 }