1This folder contains XML Security Library examples.
31. Files List
6    README              This file.
7    Makefile            *nix makefile.
8    Makefile.w32        Win32 makefile.
9    cacert.pem          Root (trusted) certificate
10    ca2cert.pem         CA (trusted) certificate (signed with cacert.pem)
11    rsakey.pem          Private PEM key file
12    rsapub.pem          Public PEM key file
13    rsacert.pem         Certificate for rsakey.pem signed with ca2cert.pem
14    deskey.bin          A DES keys
15    sign1.c             Signing with a template file
16    sign1-tmpl.xml      An example template file for sign1 example
17    sign1-res.xml       The result of processing sign1_tmpl.xml by sign1.c
18    sign2.c             Signing a file with a dynamicaly created template
19    sign2-doc.xml       An example XML file for signing by sign2.c
20    sign2-res.xml       The result of signing sign2-doc.xml by sign2.c
21    sign3.c             Signing a file with a dynamicaly created template and an X509 certificate
22    sign3-doc.xml       An example XML file for signing by sign3.c
23    sign3-res.xml       The result of signing sign3-doc.xml by sign3.c
24    verify1.c           Verifying a signed document with a single key
25    verify2.c           Verifying a signed document using keys manager
26    verify3.c           Verifying a signed document using X509 certificate
27    verify4.c           Verifying a simple SAML response using X509 certificate
28    verify4-tmpl.xml    An example template file with a simple SAML response for verify4 example
29    verify4-res.xml     Signed simple SAML response for verification by verify4.c
30    encrypt1.c          Encrypting binary data with a template file
31    encrypt1-res.xml    An example template file for encrypt1.c
32    encrypt1-tmpl.xml   The result of processing encrypt1_tmpl.xml by encrypt1.c
33    encrypt2.c          Encrypting XML file using a dynamicaly created template
34    encrypt2-doc.xml    An example XML file for encryption by encrypt2.c
35    encrypt2-res.xml    The result of encryptin encrypt2-doc.xml by encrypt2.c
36    encrypt2.c          Encrypting XML file using a session DES key
37    encrypt2-doc.xml    An example XML file for encryption by encrypt3.c
38    encrypt2-res.xml    The result of encryptin encrypt3-doc.xml by encrypt3.c
39    decrypt1.c          Decrypting binary data using a single key
40    decrypt2.c          Decrypting binary data using keys manager
41    decrypt3.c          Decrypting binary file using custom keys manager
42    xmldsigverify.c     CGI script for signatures verifications
442. Building Examples
48    Just run the usual 'make' command (assuming that xmlsec, libxml and
49    all other required libraries are already installed).
52    - Add paths to include and library files for xmlsec, libxml2, libexslt and
53    openssl or nss to the environment variables INCLUDE and LIB.
54    - Edit 'Makefile.w32' file and specify correct crypto engine (openssl or
55    nss for now). You can also specify necessary include and library paths
56    or change from static linking to using DLLs.
57    - Run 'nmake -f Makefile.w32'
59    If something does not work, check the README file in the top level
60    "win32" folder and have fun :)
62Other platforms:
63    If none of the above works for you and you've managed to compile xmlsec
64    library by yourself then you probably know what to do.
683. Runnning Examples.
71The following are just examples and you can use the programs from this
72folder with any other input files:
74    ./sign1    sign1-tmpl.xml    rsakey.pem
75    ./sign2    sign2-doc.xml     rsakey.pem
76    ./sign3    sign3-doc.xml     rsakey.pem rsacert.pem
78    ./verify1  sign1-res.xml     rsapub.pem
79    ./verify1  sign2-res.xml     rsapub.pem
80    ./verify2  sign1-res.xml     rsapub.pem
81    ./verify2  sign2-res.xml     rsapub.pem
82    ./verify3  sign3-res.xml     ca2cert.pem cacert.pem
83    ./verify4  verify4-res.xml   ca2cert.pem cacert.pem
85    ./encrypt1 encrypt1-tmpl.xml deskey.bin
86    ./encrypt2 encrypt2-doc.xml  deskey.bin
87    ./encrypt3 encrypt3-doc.xml  rsakey.pem
89    ./decrypt1 encrypt1-res.xml  deskey.bin
90    ./decrypt1 encrypt2-res.xml  deskey.bin
91    ./decrypt2 encrypt1-res.xml  deskey.bin
92    ./decrypt2 encrypt2-res.xml  deskey.bin
93    ./decrypt3 encrypt1-res.xml
94    ./decrypt3 encrypt2-res.xml
95    ./decrypt3 encrypt3-res.xml
974. Using xmlsec command line tool.
99For Windows, use "xmlsec" instead of "xmlsec1":
101    xmlsec1 sign --privkey rsakey.pem --output sign1.xml sign1-tmpl.xml
102    xmlsec1 verify --pubkey rsapub.pem sign1.xml
103    xmlsec1 verify --pubkey rsapub.pem sign1-res.xml
104    xmlsec1 verify --pubkey rsapub.pem sign2-res.xml
105    xmlsec1 verify --trusted ca2cert.pem --trusted cacert.pem sign3-res.xml
106    xmlsec1 verify --trusted ca2cert.pem --trusted cacert.pem verify4-res.xml
108    xmlsec1 encrypt --deskey deskey.bin  --binary-data binary.dat --output encrypt1.xml encrypt1-tmpl.xml
109    xmlsec1 decrypt --deskey deskey.bin encrypt1.xml
110    xmlsec1 decrypt --deskey deskey.bin encrypt1-res.xml
111    xmlsec1 decrypt --deskey deskey.bin encrypt2-res.xml
112    xmlsec1 decrypt --privkey rsakey.pem encrypt3-res.xml