1#Generated by ResourceBundle Editor (http://eclipse-rbe.sourceforge.net)
2# Note that all of the labels should be in alphabetic order, with the exception of
3# labels that are not really expected to be translated, such as the ports at the end of this file
5acsrf.name = Anti-CSRF Ekstenzija
6acsrf.api.action.addOptionToken = Dodaje anti-CSRF token s nazivom, omogu\u0107en prema podrazumjevanim postavkama
8acsrf.api.action.removeOptionToken = Ukloni anti-CSRF token navedenog naziva
11acsrf.api.other.genForm = Generiranje obrasca za testiranje nedostatka anti-CSRF tokena - tipi\u010dno pozivan preko ZAP
13acsrf.api.view.optionTokensNames = Prika\u017ei imena svih anti-CSRF tokena
14acsrf.api.view.optionPartialMatchingEnabled = Define if ZAP should detect CSRF tokens by searching for partial matches
15acsrf.api.action.setOptionPartialMatchingEnabled = Define if ZAP should detect CSRF tokens by searching for partial matches.
18alert.add.popup             = Novo Upozorenje...
19alert.add.button.cancel     = Otka\u017ei
20alert.add.button.save       = Sa\u010duvaj
21alert.add.title             = Dodaj Upozorenje
22alert.deleteall.confirm = Are you sure you want to delete all alerts?
23alert.deleteall.button.tooltip = Delete All Alerts
24alert.edit.title            = Izmjeni Upozorenje
25alert.edit.button.tooltip = Izmjeni posljednje odabrano upozorenje.
26alert.label.attack			= Napad\:
27alert.label.tags			= Alert Tags\:
28alert.label.cweid			= CWE Id\:
29alert.label.desc			= Opis\:
30alert.label.evidence		= Dokaz\:
31alert.label.other			= Drugi Info\:
32alert.label.parameter		= Parametar\:
33alert.label.ref				= Referenca\:
34alert.label.reliability		= Pouzdanost\:
35alert.label.confidence		= Povjerenje\:
36alert.label.risk			= Rizik\:
37alert.label.solution		= Rje\u0161enje\:
38alert.label.url				= URL\:
39alert.label.wascid			= WASC Id\:
40alert.label.source = Izvor\:
42alert.api.action.addAlert = Add an alert associated with the given message ID, with the provided details. (The ID of the created alert is returned.)
43alert.api.action.addAlert.param.messageId = The ID of the message to which the alert should be associated.
44alert.api.action.addAlert.param.name = The name of the alert.
45alert.api.action.addAlert.param.riskId = The numeric risk representation (''0 - Informational'' through ''3 - High'').
46alert.api.action.addAlert.param.confidenceId = The numeric confidence representation (''1 - Low'' through ''3 - High'' [user set values ''0 - False Positive'', and ''4 - User Confirmed'' are also available]).
47alert.api.action.addAlert.param.description = The description to be set to the alert.
48alert.api.action.addAlert.param.param = The name of the parameter applicable to the alert.
49alert.api.action.addAlert.param.attack = The attack (ex\: injected string) used by the scan rule.
50alert.api.action.addAlert.param.otherInfo = Other information about the alert or test.
51alert.api.action.addAlert.param.solution = The solution for the alert.
52alert.api.action.addAlert.param.references = The reference details for the alert.
53alert.api.action.addAlert.param.evidence = The evidence associated with the alert.
54alert.api.action.addAlert.param.cweId = The CWE identifier associated with the alert.
55alert.api.action.addAlert.param.wascId = The WASC identifier associated with the alert.
56alert.api.action.updateAlert = Update the alert with the given ID, with the provided details.
57alert.api.action.updateAlert.param.id = The ID of the alert to update.
58alert.api.action.updateAlert.param.name = The name of the alert.
59alert.api.action.updateAlert.param.riskId = The numeric risk representation (''0 - Informational'' through ''3 - High'').
60alert.api.action.updateAlert.param.confidenceId = The numeric confidence representation (''1 - Low'' through ''3 - High'' [user set values ''0 - False Positive'', and ''4 - User Confirmed'' are also available]).
61alert.api.action.updateAlert.param.description = The description to be set to the alert.
62alert.api.action.updateAlert.param.param = The name of the parameter applicable to the alert.
63alert.api.action.updateAlert.param.attack = The attack (ex\: injected string) used by the scan rule.
64alert.api.action.updateAlert.param.otherInfo = Other information about the alert or test.
65alert.api.action.updateAlert.param.solution = The solution for the alert.
66alert.api.action.updateAlert.param.references = The reference details for the alert.
67alert.api.action.updateAlert.param.evidence = The evidence associated with the alert.
68alert.api.action.updateAlert.param.cweId = The CWE identifier associated with the alert.
69alert.api.action.updateAlert.param.wascId = The WASC identifier associated with the alert.
70alert.api.action.updateAlertsConfidence = Update the confidence of the alerts.
71alert.api.action.updateAlertsConfidence.param.ids = The IDs of the alerts to update (comma separated values).
72alert.api.action.updateAlertsConfidence.param.confidenceId = The numeric confidence representation (''1 - Low'' through ''3 - High'' [user set values ''0 - False Positive'', and ''4 - User Confirmed'' are also available]).
73alert.api.action.updateAlertsRisk = Update the risk of the alerts.
74alert.api.action.updateAlertsRisk.param.ids = The IDs of the alerts to update (comma separated values).
75alert.api.action.updateAlertsRisk.param.riskId = The numeric risk representation (''0 - Informational'' through ''3 - High'').
76alert.api.action.deleteAlert = Bri\u0161e upozorenje sa datim ID-em.
78alert.api.action.deleteAllAlerts = Bri\u0161e sva upozorenja trenutne sesije.
80alert.api.param.alertIds.illegal = The value [{0}] within the provided list [{1}] was invalid (required positive integer).
81alert.api.param.confidenceId.illegal = Parameter {0} is not a valid confidence ID (integer in interval [0, 4]).
82alert.api.param.riskId.illegal = Parameter {0} is not a valid risk ID (integer in interval [0, 3]).
83alert.api.view.alert = Gets the alert with the given ID, the corresponding HTTP message can be obtained with the ''messageId'' field and ''message'' API method
85alert.api.view.alerts = Gets the alerts raised by ZAP, optionally filtering by URL or riskId, and paginating with ''start'' position and ''count'' of alerts
90alert.api.view.alertsByRisk = Gets a summary of the alerts, optionally filtered by a ''url''. If ''recurse'' is true then all alerts that apply to urls that start with the specified ''url'' will be returned, otherwise only those on exactly the same ''url'' (ignoring url parameters)
93alert.api.view.alertCountsByRisk = Gets a count of the alerts, optionally filtered as per alertsPerRisk
96alert.api.view.alertsSummary = Gets number of alerts grouped by each risk level, optionally filtering by URL
98alert.api.view.numberOfAlerts = Gets the number of alerts, optionally filtering by URL or riskId
102alert.source.unknown = Nepoznat
103alert.source.active = Aktivno
104alert.source.manual = Upustvo
105alert.source.passive = Pasivno
106alert.source.tool = Alat
108alert.tags.table.key = Klju\u010d
109alert.tags.table.value = Vrijednost
110alert.tags.button.add = Add New Tag
111alert.tags.button.delete = Delete Tag
112alert.tags.button.modify = Modify Tag
113alert.tags.dialog.add.title = Add New Tag
114alert.tags.dialog.add.button.confirm = Dodaj
115alert.tags.dialog.add.key = Klju\u010d\:
116alert.tags.dialog.add.value = Vrijednost\:
117alert.tags.dialog.modify.title = Modify Tag
118alert.tags.dialog.modify.button.confirm = A\u017euriranje
119alert.tags.dialog.warning.title.repeated.key = Duplicated Alert Tag Key
120alert.tags.dialog.warning.body.repeated.key = An Alert Tag with the provided key already exists.
122alerts.name = Upozorenja Ekstenzija
123alerts.desc                 = Dopu\u0161ta vam pregled i upravljanje upozorenjima
124alerts.label.defaultMessage = Puni detalji o odabranom upozorenju \u0107e biti prikazani ovdje.\n\
126Mo\u017eete ru\u010dno dodati upozorenja desnim klikom na odre\u0111enu liniju u historijatu i odabrati ''Dodaj upozorenje''.\n\
128Tako\u0111er mo\u017eete izmjeniti postoje\u0107e upozorenje s dvostrukim klikom na njih.
129alert.optionspanel.name		= Upozorenja
130alert.optionspanel.button.overridesFilename = Odaberi...
131alert.optionspanel.label.overridesFilename = Alert Overrides File\:
132alert.optionspanel.label.maxinstances = Max Alert Instances in Report\:
133alert.optionspanel.label.mergerelated = Spajanje srodnih upozorenja u izvje\u0161taju
134alert.optionspanel.warn.badOverridesFilename = Invalid Alert Overrides File
135alerts.panel.mnemonic 		= a
136alerts.panel.title          = Upozorenja
137alerts.panel.linkWithSitesSelection.unselected.button.tooltip = Pove\u017ei s izabranim Sajtovima
138alerts.panel.linkWithSitesSelection.selected.button.tooltip = Otka\u010di iz izabranih Sajtova
140alerts.refresh.popup        = Ovje\u017ei stablo Upozorenja
141alerts.tree.title           = Upozorenja
142alerts.view.popup   		= Upozorenja za ovaj nod
144all.button.cancel = Otka\u017ei
145all.button.close  = Zatvori
146all.button.ok     = OK
147all.button.pin    = Zaka\u010di Tab
148all.button.remove = Ukloni
149all.button.save   = Sa\u010duvaj
150all.button.select = Odaberi...
151all.button.unpin  = Otka\u010di Tab
153all.prompt.dontshow = Ne prikazuj vi\u0161e ovu poruku
155anticsrf.desc = Rukuje anti cross site request forgery (CSRF) tokenima
156anticsrf.genForm.popup      = Generi\u0161i anti-CSRF test FORMU
158globalexcludeurl.desc = Upravlja dodavanjem Globalnim Isklju\u010divanjem URL-ova
159globalexcludeurl.name = Globalno isklju\u010denje URLs Ekstenzija
161api.name = API Ekstenzije
162api.desc                    = Pru\u017ea ostatak osnovnih API-a za upravljanje i pristup ZAP-a
163api.dialogue.browseApiNotEnabled.title = API Nije Omogu\u0107en
164api.dialogue.browseApiNotEnabled.message = API mora biti omogu\u0107en prije pregledavanja.\n\
165Da li \u017eelite omogu\u0107iti API-e?
166api.dialogue.browseApiNotEnabled.button.confirm.label = Omogu\u0107i i Pretra\u017ei API
167api.dialogue.browseApiNotEnabled.button.cancel.label = Otka\u017ei
168api.deprecated.option.endpoint = Opcija vi\u0161e nije u primjeni.
169api.error.already_exists    = Ve\u0107 Postoji
170api.error.bad_action        = Lo\u0161a Akcija
171api.error.bad_api_key		= Neispravan ili nedostaje API klju\u010d
172api.error.bad_format        = Lo\u0161 Format
173api.error.bad_type          = Lo\u0161 Tip
174api.error.bad_view          = Lo\u0161 Pogled
175api.error.bad_other         = Lo\u0161e Ostalo
176api.error.bad_pconn         = Lo\u0161a Stalna Veza
177api.error.bad_state = Lo\u0161e Stanje
178api.error.disabled          = Onemogu\u0107eno
179api.error.does_not_exist    = Ne Postoji
180api.error.href_not_found    = Poruka Nije Prona\u0111ena
181api.error.internal_error    = Interna gre\u0161ka
182api.error.missing_parameter = Nedostaje Parametar
183api.error.mode_violation	= Operacija nije dopu\u0161tena za trenutni mod
184api.error.no_implementor    = Nema implementatora
185api.error.no_access		    = Bez pristupa
186api.error.scan_in_progress  = Skeniranje u toku
187api.error.url_not_found     = URL Nije Na\u0111en u Drvu Pretra\u017eivanja
188api.error.illegal_parameter = Dati parametar ima ilegalnu ili neprepoznatu vrijednost
189api.error.context_not_found = Nije na\u0111en Kontekst koji odgovara parametru
190api.error.user_not_found 	= Nije na\u0111en Korisnik koji odgovara parametru
191api.error.url_not_in_context= Proslije\u0111eni url nije u zahtjevanom kontekstu
192api.error.bad_script_format = Desila se gre\u0161ka prilikom u\u010ditavanja skripte
193api.error.script_not_found	= Sktipta s datim imenom nije na\u0111ena
194api.error.bad_external_data = Vanjski podaci su nevalidni.
195api.html.action             = Akcija\:\u00a0
196api.html.actions            = Akcije
197api.html.component          = Komponenta\:
198api.html.components         = Komponente
199api.html.deprecated.endpoint = <strong>API Endpoint zastario.</strong> Njegovo kori\u0161tenje je povu\u010deno, on \u0107e biti uklonjeno u budu\u0107oj verziji.
200api.html.format             = Output Format
201api.html.formMethod         = Form Method
202api.html.other              = Drugi\:\u00a0
203api.html.others             = Drugi
204api.html.pconn              = Stalna Veza\:
205api.html.pconns             = Stalne veze
206api.html.shortcuts			= Pre\u010dice
207api.html.title              = ZAP API UI
208api.html.view               = Pogled\:
209api.html.views              = Pogledi
210api.home.links.header		= <h2>Linkovi</h2>
211api.home.links.api.enabled	= <li><a href\="/UI">Lokalni API</a></li>
212api.home.links.api.disabled	= <li>Lokalni API onemogu\u0107en - ovo se mo\u017ee omogu\u0107iti Alati / Opcije... / </li>
213api.home.links.online		= <li><a href\="https\://www.zaproxy.org/">ZAP Website</a></li>\n\
214<li><a href\="https\://groups.google.com/group/zaproxy-users">ZAP User Group</a></li>\n\
215<li><a href\="https\://groups.google.com/group/zaproxy-develop">ZAP Developer Group</a></li>\n\
216<li><a href\="https\://github.com/zaproxy/zaproxy/issues">Report an issue</a></li>
217api.home.cacert	= <h2>HTTPS Warnings Prevention</h2>\n\
218<p>To avoid HTTPS Warnings <a href\="/OTHER/core/other/rootcert{0}">download</a> and \n\
219<a href\="https\://www.zaproxy.org/docs/desktop/ui/dialogs/options/dynsslcert/\#install" target\="_blank">\n\
220install CA root Certificate</a> in your Mobile device or computer.</p>
221api.home.proxypac			= <h2>Proxy Configuration</h2>\n\
222<p>To use ZAP effectively it is recommended that you configure your browser to proxy via ZAP.</p><p></p>\n\
223<p>The easiest way to do this is to launch your browser from ZAP via the "Quick Start / Manual Explore" panel - it will be configured to proxy via ZAP and ignore any certificate warnings.<br>\n\
224Alternatively you can configure your browser manually or use the generated <a href\="/OTHER/core/other/proxy.pac{0}">PAC file</a>.</p>
225api.home.topmsg				= <h1>Dobrodo\u0161li u OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP)</h1>\n\
226<p>ZAP je jednostavan alat za kori\u0161enje integrisanih penetracijskih testova za nala\u017eenje ranjivosti u web aplikacijama.</p><p></p>\n\
227<p>Imajte na umu da napadate apliakcije za koje imate izri\u010dito odobrenje za testiranje.</p>
228api.menu.tools.url			= Pretra\u017ei API-je
229api.options.button.generateKey = Generirati Slu\u010dajni Klju\u010d
230api.options.enabled         = Omogu\u0107eno
231api.options.uiEnabled       = Web UI Enabled
232api.options.enableJSONP		= Omogu\u0107i JSONP
233api.options.label.apiKey = API klju\u010d\:
234api.options.postactions     = Ograni\u010dite akcije na POST metode
235api.options.secure			= Secure Only
236api.options.title           = API
237api.options.disableKey		= Onemogu\u0107i API klju\u010d
238api.options.reportPermErrors	= Prijavi pogre\u0161ke dopu\u0161tenja putem API-ja
239api.options.noKeyForSafeOps	= Ne zahtijeva API klju\u010d za sigurne operacije
240api.options.incErrors		= Izvijesti detalje gre\u0161ke preko API-ja
241api.options.autofillKey		= Automatsko popunjavanje API klju\u010da u API UI
242api.options.label.testingWarning	= <html>* Sljede\u0107e opcije treba koristiti samo za testiranje kao \u0161to mogu lak\u0161e napasti ZAP</html>
243api.options.nokey.error		= Morate dostaviti API klju\u010d ili ga eksplicitno onemogu\u0107iti.
244api.options.addr.add.title = Dodaj Dozvoljenu Adresu
245api.options.addr.add.button.confirm = Dodaj
246api.options.addr.field.label.domain = Adresa\:
247api.options.addr.field.label.regex = Regex\:
248api.options.addr.field.label.enabled = Omogu\u0107eno\:
249api.options.addr.modify.title = Izmjeni Dozvoljenu Adresu
250api.options.addr.modify.button.confirm = Promijeni
251api.options.addr.warning.invalid.regex.title = Regex Dopu\u0161tene Adrese Nije Validan
252api.options.addr.warning.invalid.regex.text = Regular expression nije ispravan.
253api.options.addr.table.header.enabled	= Omogu\u0107eno
254api.options.addr.table.header.regex	= Regex
255api.options.addr.table.header.value	= Adresa
256api.options.addr.dialog.remove.title = Ukloni Dozvoljenu Adresu
257api.options.addr.dialog.remove.text = Da li ste sigurni da \u017eelite ukloniti odabranu Adresu?
258api.options.addr.dialog.remove.button.cancel = Otka\u017ei
259api.options.addr.dialog.remove.button.confirm = Ukloni
260api.options.addr.dialog.remove.checkbox.label = Ne prikazuj vi\u0161e ovu poruku
261api.options.addr.title				= Adrese smiju koristiti API
263ascan.activeActionPrefix = Aktivno skeniranje\: {0}
264ascan.name = Aktivno Skeniranje Ekstenzija
265ascan.api.action.addExcludedParam = Dodaje novi parametar isklju\u010den iz skeniranja koriste\u0107i navedeni naziv. Po \u017eelji postavlja ako je nova stavka odnosi se na specifi\u010dan URL (zadani, sve URL-ove) i postavlja ID vrste parametra (zadani ID bilo kojeg tipa). Tipovi ID-ova se mogu dobiti s pogledom excludedParamTypes.
273ascan.api.action.modifyExcludedParam = Modificira parametar isklju\u010den iz skeniranja. Omogu\u0107uje da izmijenite naziv, URL i vrstu parametra. Parametar je odabran s njegovim indeksom, koji se mo\u017ee dobiti s pogledom excludedParams.
278ascan.api.action.removeExcludedParam = Uklanja parametar isklju\u010den iz skeniranja s navedenim indeksom. Indeks se mo\u017ee dobiti s pogledom excludedParams.
280ascan.api.action.clearExcludedFromScan = Brisanje regexova URL-ova isklju\u010denih iz aktivnih skeniranja.
281ascan.api.action.disableAllScanners = Disables all scanners of the scan policy with the given name, or the default if none given.
283ascan.api.action.disableScanners = Disables the scanners with the given IDs (comma separated list of IDs) of the scan policy with the given name, or the default if none given.
286ascan.api.action.enableAllScanners = Enables all scanners of the scan policy with the given name, or the default if none given.
288ascan.api.action.enableScanners = Enables the scanners with the given IDs (comma separated list of IDs) of the scan policy with the given name, or the default if none given.
291ascan.api.action.excludeFromScan = Dodaje regex URL-ova koji bi trebali biti isklju\u010deni iz aktivnih skeniranja.
304ascan.api.action.scan = Pokre\u0107e aktivni skener prema zadanom URL-u i/ili kontekstu. Po \u017eelji, parametar "recurse" mo\u017ee se koristiti za skeniranje URL-ova pod zadanim URL-om, parametar "inScopeOnly" mo\u017ee se koristiti za ograni\u010davanje skeniranja na URL-ove koji su u opsegu (zanemareni ako je naveden kontekst), parametar "scanPolicyName" dopu\u0161ta da odredite pravilo skeniranja (ako se nitko ne navodi da koristi zadanu postavku skeniranja), parametri "metoda" i "postData" dopu\u0161taju odabir zadanog zahtjeva zajedno s danim URL-om.
312ascan.api.action.scanAsUser = Aktivno Skeniranje iz perspektive korisnika, dobiveno pomo\u0107u zadanog kontekstnog ID-a i User ID-a. Detalje potra\u017eite u akciji "skeniranje".
323ascan.api.action.setOptionAddQueryParam = Sets whether or not the active scanner should add a query param to GET requests which do not have parameters to start with.
337ascan.api.action.setOptionInjectPluginIdInHeader = Odre\u0111uje ho\u0107e li ili ne aktivni skener ubaciti zaglavlje HTTP zahtjeva X-ZAP-Scan-ID, s ID-om skenera koji \u0161alje zahtjeve.
355ascan.api.action.setOptionScanNullJsonValues = Sets whether or not the active scanner should scan null JSON values.
356ascan.api.action.setOptionScanNullJsonValues.param.Boolean = true to scan null values, false otherwise.
384ascan.api.action.importScanPolicy = Uvodi Politiku skeniranja pomo\u0107u datog puta sistema datoteka.
386ascan.api.action.skipScanner = Preska\u010de skener pomo\u0107u zadanih ID-ova skeniranja i skenera.
394ascan.api.view.alertsIds = Dobiva ID-ove upozorenja prikupljenih tokom skeniranja s datim ID-om. Upozorenje se mo\u017ee dobiti sa osnovnim prikazom ''upozorenja''.
397ascan.api.view.excludedParams = Dobiva sve parametre koji su isklju\u010deni. Za svaki parametar prikazuju se sljede\u0107i nazivi\: naziv, URL i tip parametra.
398ascan.api.view.excludedParamTypes = Dobiva sve vrste isklju\u010denih parametara. Za svaku vrstu prikazuju se\: ID i ime.
399ascan.api.view.messagesIds = Dobiva ID poruka poslanih tokom skeniranja s datim ID-om. Poruka se mo\u017ee dobiti s osnovnim prikazom "poruka".
401ascan.api.view.optionAddQueryParam = Tells whether or not the active scanner should add a query parameter to GET request that don''t have parameters to start with.
406ascan.api.view.optionExcludedParamList = Koristi pogled excludedParams umjesto.
409ascan.api.view.optionInjectPluginIdInHeader = Odre\u0111uje ho\u0107e li ne aktivni skener ubaciti zaglavlje HTTP zahtjeva X-ZAP-Scan-ID, s ID-om skenera koji \u0161alje zahtjeve.
418ascan.api.view.optionScanHeadersAllRequests = Odre\u0111uje ho\u0107e li ili ne HTTP zaglavlja svih zahtjeva biti skenirana ili ne. Ne samo zahtjevi koji \u0161alju parametre, putem upita ili tijela za zahtjev.
419ascan.api.view.optionScanNullJsonValues = Tells whether or not the active scanner should scan null JSON values.
427ascan.api.view.excludedFromScan = Dobiva regexe URL-ova isklju\u010denih iz aktivnih skeniranja.
431ascan.api.view.scanners = Gets the scanners, optionally, of the given scan policy and/or scanner policy/category ID.
437ascan.api.action.setOptionScanHeadersAllRequests = Odre\u0111uje ho\u0107e li ili ne HTTP zaglavlja svih zahtjeva biti skenirana. Ne samo zahtjevi koji \u0161alju parametre, putem upita ili tijela zahtjeva.
439ascan.attack.icon.title		= Attack Mode Queue
440ascan.attack.scan			= Napad Mod Skener
441ascan.attack.prompt			= Pretra\u017ei sve \u010dvorove kada je promjenjen opseg? \n\
443Ako oAko odaberete ovu mogu\u0107nost ZAP \u0107e skenirati sve \u010dvorove trenutno u opsegu\n\
445i reskanirat \u0107e sve \u010dvorove u opsegu ako se opseg promijeni.
446ascan.attack.prompt.no.scope	= \n\
448NOTE\: There is currently nothing in scope.\n\
450Create or enable scope for one or more contexts to take advantage of {0}.\n\
452ascan.custom.button.pt.add	= Dodaj
453ascan.custom.button.pt.rem	= Ukloni
454ascan.custom.button.reset	= Reset
455ascan.custom.button.scan	= Startaj Sken
456ascan.custom.label.adv		= Show Advanced Options
457ascan.custom.label.context	= Kontekst\:
458ascan.custom.label.disableiv = Disable Non-custom Input Vectors
459ascan.custom.label.inscope	= Samo u Opsegu\:
460ascan.custom.label.recurse	= Rekurzivno\:
461ascan.custom.label.policy	= Politika\:
462ascan.custom.label.start	= Starting Point\:
463ascan.custom.label.user		= Korisnik\:
464ascan.custom.label.vectors	= Vektori\:\u00a0
465ascan.custom.popup			= Aktivno Skeniranje...
466ascan.custom.tab.tech		= Tehnologija
467ascan.custom.tab.tech.node	= Tehnologija
468ascan.custom.title			= Aktivno Skeniranje
469ascan.custom.tab.custom		= Prilago\u0111eni vektori
470ascan.custom.tab.input		= Ulazni vektori
471ascan.custom.tab.policy		= Politika
472ascan.custom.tab.scope		= Opseg
473ascan.custom.tab.filter     = Filter
474ascan.custom.tab.sequence	= Sekvenca
475ascan.custom.tooltip.policy = Koristi tab Politike za izmjenu politika u '' napredni'' mod
476ascan.custom.notSafe.error = Aktivna skeniranja nisu omogu\u0107ena u \u201csigurnom\u201d na\u010dinu rada.
477ascan.custom.nostart.error	= Morate odabrati po\u010detnu ta\u010dku
478ascan.custom.status.recurse = Prilago\u0111eni vektori se mogu postaviti samo ako je opcija Rekurzivno isklju\u010dena.
479ascan.custom.status.highlight = Ozna\u010dite znakove koje \u017eelite dodati ili ukloniti i kliknite odgovaraju\u0107e dugme.
480ascan.custom.targetNotInScope.error = Sljede\u0107i cilj nije dopu\u0161ten u "Za\u0161ti\u0107en" modu\:\n\
482ascan.custom.warn.disabled	= Ulazni vektori onemogu\u0107eni preko Prilago\u0111eni Vektori taba
484ascan.desc                     = Active scanner, uglavnom baziran na orginalnom Paros aktivnom skeneru, ali s dodatnim testima
486ascan.options.anticsrf.label   = Handle anti-CSRF tokens.
487ascan.options.apply.label		= Prihvati
488ascan.options.attackOnStart.label = Allow Attack Mode to be enabled on startup.
489ascan.options.attackPrompt.label = In Attack Mode prompt to rescan nodes when scope changed.
490ascan.options.attackRescan.label = In Attack Mode always rescan nodes when scope changed.
491ascan.options.delayInMs.label  = Delay When Scanning (In Milliseconds)\:
492ascan.options.go.button			= Idi
493ascan.options.level.label	   = Podrazumjevano Prag Upozoravanje\:
494ascan.options.level.default	   = Podrazumjevano
495ascan.options.level.off		   = Isklju\u010deno
496ascan.options.level.low		   = Nisko
497ascan.options.level.low.label  = (Vi\u0161e ozna\u010denih potencijalnih problema)
498ascan.options.level.medium	   = Srednje
499ascan.options.level.medium.label = (Zadani prag)
500ascan.options.level.high	   = Visoko
501ascan.options.level.high.label = (Manje ozna\u010denih potencijalnih problema)
502ascan.options.maxChart.label	= Max Progress Chart in Mins\:
503ascan.options.maxChart.tooltip  = Displaying very large charts may cause memory problems. Set to zero to disable the charting.
504ascan.options.maxRes.label	   = Max Results to List\:
505ascan.options.maxRes.tooltip   = Displaying a large number of results can significantly increase the time a scan takes.
506ascan.options.maxRule.label		= Maximum Rule Duration (minutes; 0 is unlimited)\:
507ascan.options.maxScan.label		= Maximum Scan Duration (minutes; 0 is unlimited)\:
508ascan.options.numHosts.label   = Number of Hosts Scanned Concurrently\:
509ascan.options.numThreads.label = Concurrent Scanning Threads per Host\:
510ascan.options.rules.label		= Pravila
511ascan.options.pluginHeader.label	= Inject plugin ID in header for all active scan requests.
512ascan.options.policy.ascan.label	= Default Active Scan Policy\:
513ascan.options.policy.attack.label	= Attack Mode Scan Policy\:
514ascan.options.strength.label   = Podrazumjevana Ja\u010dina Napada\:
515ascan.options.strength.default = Podrazumjevano
516ascan.options.strength.off	   = Isklju\u010deno
517ascan.options.strength.low	   = Nisko
518ascan.options.strength.low.label  = (Manje napada)
519ascan.options.strength.medium   = Srednje
520ascan.options.strength.medium.label = (Podrazumjevani napadi)
521ascan.options.strength.high	   = Visoko
522ascan.options.strength.high.label = (Jo\u0161 napada)
523ascan.options.strength.insane   = Ludo
524ascan.options.strength.insane.label = (PUNO vi\u0161e napada)
525ascan.options.strengthTo.label		= Snage Do
526ascan.options.thresholdTo.label		= Threshold To
528scan.filter.filtercriteria.include = Message should include one of the following {0} values\: {1}
529scan.filter.filtercriteria.exclude = Message should not include the following {0} value\: {1}
530scan.filter.filterType.Tag = Tag
531scan.filter.filterType.HttpMethod = HTTP Method
532scan.filter.filterType.HttpStatusCode = HTTP Status Code
533scan.filter.filterType.URLPattern = URL Pattern
535scan.filter.button.clear            = O\u010disti
536scan.filter.badregex.warning		   = Neispravan regex\: {0}
537scan.filter.label.codes             = Kodovi\:
538scan.filter.label.desc              = Select the required filters below. You can select multiple rows in each element. Only the messages that match the selections will be scanned.
539scan.filter.label.methods           = Metode\:
540scan.filter.label.urlexcregex	   = URL exc regex\:\u00a0
541scan.filter.label.urlincregex	   = URL Inc Regex\:
542scan.filter.label.incTags = Include Tags\:
543scan.filter.label.excTags = Exclude Tags\:
546# Prob need to move ;)
547ascan.policymgr.button.add		= Dodaj
548ascan.policymgr.button.import	= Uvoz
549ascan.policymgr.button.modify	= Promijeni
550ascan.policymgr.button.remove	= Ukloni
551ascan.policymgr.button.export	= Izvoz
552ascan.policymgr.default.name	= Podrazmjevana Politika
553ascan.policymgr.table.policy	= Naziv politike
554ascan.policymgr.title			= Upravitelj Politika Skeniranja
555ascan.policymgr.warn.delete		= Are you sure you want to delete this Policy?
557ascan.options.title            = Aktivno Skeniranje
558ascan.panel.mnemonic           = a
559ascan.panel.title              = Aktivno Skeniranje
560ascan.policy.button.disableall = Onemogu\u0107i Svi
561ascan.policy.button.enableall  = Omogu\u0107i Sve
562ascan.policy.button.load	   = U\u010ditaj Politiku
563ascan.policy.button.save	   = Spasi Politiku
564ascan.policy.button.saveas     = Spremanje Pravila Kao...
565ascan.policy.dialog.footer     = Granice i snage mogu se mijenjati tako da kliknete na njih
566ascan.policy.dialog.title      = Politika Skeniranja
567ascan.policy.level.default		= Podrazumjevano
568ascan.policy.level.high			= Visoko
569ascan.policy.level.insane		= Ludo
570ascan.policy.level.low			= Nisko
571ascan.policy.level.medium		= Srednje
572ascan.policy.level.off			= Isklju\u010deno
573ascan.policy.load.error			= Nije uspjelo u\u010ditavanje datoteke s pravilima, za detalje pogledajte log
574ascan.policy.save.error			= Nije uspjelo spa\u0161avanje datoteke s pravilima, za detalje pogledajte log
575ascan.policy.name.default		= Podrazmjevana Politika
576ascan.policy.name.label			= Naziv politike\:
577ascan.policy.namedialog.name.label = Novi Naziv Pravila\:
578ascan.policy.namedialog.title	= Sa\u010duvaj Pravilo Kao
579ascan.policy.table.category    = Kategorija
580ascan.policy.table.enabled     = Omogu\u0107eno
581ascan.policy.table.threshold   = Prag
582ascan.policy.table.strength    = Ja\u010dina
583ascan.policy.table.testname    = Naziv Testa
584ascan.policy.table.quality     = Kvalitet
585ascan.policy.table.quality.all			= Svi
586ascan.policy.title             = Politika Skeniranja
587ascan.policy.unfulfilled.dependencies = Skener nije mogu\u0107e omogu\u0107iti zbog neispunjenih zavisnosti.
588ascan.policy.warn.badname		= Naziv politike ne mora sadr\u017eavati znakove\: {0}
589ascan.policy.warn.exists		= Politika s ovim nazivom ve\u0107 postoji
590ascan.policy.warn.noname		= Morate unijeti naziv politike
591ascan.scope.popup              = Aktivno Skeniranje u \u010ditavom Opsegu
592ascan.site.popup               = Active Scan Site
593ascan.subtree.popup            = Active Scan Subtree
594ascan.toolbar.ascans.label     = Trenutni Skenovi\:
595ascan.toolbar.button.clear     = O\u010disti zavr\u0161ena skeniranja
596ascan.toolbar.button.options   = Mogu\u0107nosti Aktivnog Skeniranja
597ascan.toolbar.button.pause     = Pauziraj Aktivno Skeniranje
598ascan.toolbar.button.new	   = Novi Sken
599ascan.toolbar.button.stop      = Stopiraj Aktivno Skeniranje
600ascan.toolbar.button.unpause   = Nastavi Aktivno Skeniranje
601ascan.toolbar.confirm.clear    = Da li ste sigurni da \u017eelite izbrisati sva zavr\u0161ena skeniranja?
602ascan.toolbar.newalerts.label  = New Alerts\:
603ascan.toolbar.requests.label   = Num Requests\:
604ascan.toolbar.progress.label   = Progres\:
605ascan.toolbar.progress.select  = --Odaberite Sken--
606ascan.url.popup                = Aktivno Skeniranje jednog URL-a
607ascan.panel.tab.scannedMessages   = Sent Messages
608ascan.panel.tab.filteredMessages  = Filtered Messages\t
609ascan.filter.table.header.url  = URL\t
610ascan.filter.table.header.reason = Razlog
612ascan.toolbar.button.progress   = Prika\u017ei detalje napretka skeniranja
613ascan.progress.chart.time		= Vrijeme
614ascan.progress.chart.responses	= Odgovori / sekundi
615ascan.progress.chart.1xx		= 1xx
616ascan.progress.chart.2xx		= 2xx
617ascan.progress.chart.3xx		= 3xx
618ascan.progress.chart.4xx		= 4xx
619ascan.progress.chart.5xx		= 5xx
620ascan.progress.copyclipboard.button.label = Kopiraj u klipbord
621ascan.progress.copyclipboard.button.tooltip = Kopira sadr\u017eaj tablice u me\u0111uspremnik
622ascan.progress.copyclipboard.error = Kopiranje sadr\u017eaja u me\u0111uspremnik nije uspjelo.
623ascan.progress.label.completed  = Zavr\u0161eno
624ascan.progress.label.host		= Host\:
625ascan.progress.label.pending    = Na \u010dekanju
626ascan.progress.label.running    = Pokrenuto
627ascan.progress.label.skipped    = Presko\u010deno
628ascan.progress.label.skippedWithReason = Presko\u010deno, {0}.
629ascan.progress.label.skipped.reason.dependency = zavisnost presko\u010dena
630ascan.progress.label.skipped.reason.user = korisni\u010dkom akcijom
631ascan.progress.label.skipped.reason.techs = skener ne cilja odabrane tehnologije
632ascan.progress.label.skipped.reason.maxRule = prekora\u010deno maks vrijeme pravila
633ascan.progress.label.skipped.reason.maxScan = prekora\u010deno maks vrijeme skeniranja
634ascan.progress.label.skipped.reason.nonodes = no nodes to scan
635ascan.progress.label.skipped.reason.noinputvectors = no input vectors enabled
636ascan.progress.label.totals		= Ukupni
637ascan.progress.label.skipaction	= Presko\u010di trenutnu izvr\u0161avanje aktivne skripte
638ascan.progress.tab.chart		= Odgovor Grafikon
639ascan.progress.tab.progress		= Progres
640ascan.progress.table.analyser = Analizator
641ascan.progress.table.name		= Plugin
642ascan.progress.table.progress	= Progres
643ascan.progress.table.time		= Proteklo
644ascan.progress.table.reqs		= Zahtjevi
645ascan.progress.table.alerts = Upozorenja
646ascan.progress.table.status		= Status
647ascan.progress.title            = {0} Skeniranje u toku
648ascan.scripts.activescanner.title	= Skripta aktivnih pravila skeniranja
649ascan.scripts.interface.active.error = Predvidjena skripta za Aktivna Pravila ({0}) ne implementira zahtjevani interfejs. Primjere potra\u017eite u \u0161ablonima.
650ascan.scripts.skip.reason = nijedna skripta nije omogu\u0107ena
651ascan.scripts.type.active		= Aktivna Pravika
652ascan.scripts.type.active.desc	= Active Rules scripts run when you run the Active Scanner.\n\
655You must enable them before they will be used.\n\
659variant.options.title = Aktivni Sken Ulazni Vektori
660variant.options.injectable.label             = Ubacivaju\u0107i Ciljevi\:
661variant.options.injectable.querystring.label = URL Query String
662variant.options.injectable.addqueryparam.label = Add URL Query Parameter?
663variant.options.injectable.addqueryparam.toolTip = <html>Causes ZAP to add a parameter to GET requests that don''t have one.<br>This may increase scan time, however, it may also reveal issues that would otherwise go un-noticed.</html>
664variant.options.injectable.postdata.label    = POST Podaci
665variant.options.injectable.headers.label     = HTTP Zaglavlja (mo\u017ee usporiti testiranje)
666variant.options.injectable.headersAllRequests.label = Svi zahtjevi
667variant.options.injectable.headersAllRequests.toolTip = <html>Dopu\u0161ta skeniranje HTTP Zaglavlja svih zahtjeva.<br>Ne samo zahtjeve koji \u0161alju parametre, kroz upit ili tijelo zahtjeva.</html>
668variant.options.injectable.cookie.label      = Podatak o Kola\u010du (mo\u017ee usporiti testiranje)
669variant.options.injectable.urlpath.label     = URL Put (mo\u017ee usporiti testiranje)
671variant.options.rpc.label           = Ugra\u0111eni Ulazni Vektor Hendleri\:
672variant.options.rpc.multipart.label = Vi\u0161eulazni Form-Podaci
673variant.options.rpc.xml.label       = XML tag/atribut
674variant.options.rpc.json.label      = JSON
675variant.options.rpc.json.nulls.label = Scan Null Values
676variant.options.rpc.gwt.label       = Google Web Toolkit
677variant.options.rpc.odata.label     = OData Id/Filter
678variant.options.rpc.dwr.label       = Direktni Web Remoting
680variant.options.rpc.custom.label    = Omogu\u0107ite Skript Ulazne Vektore
681variant.scripts.interface.variant.error = Predvi\u0111ena skripta za Skriptni Ulazni Vektor ({0}) ne imeplementira zahtjevani interfejs. Primjere potra\u017eite u \u0161ablonima.
682variant.scripts.type.variant        = Input Vector
683variant.scripts.type.variant.desc   = Input Vector scripts run when you run the Active Scanner. They can also modify how nodes are represented in the Sites tree\n\
686You must enable them before they will be used.\n\
690variant.param.type.all   = Bilo koji
691variant.param.type.query = QueryString
692variant.param.type.postdata = PostData
693variant.param.type.path = URLPath
694variant.param.type.header = Zaglavlje
695variant.param.type.cookie = Kola\u010di\u0107
696variant.param.type.json = JSON
697variant.param.type.graphql.inline = GraphQL Inline Arguments
698variant.param.type.multipart.contenttype = Content-Type (Multipart Form-Data)
699variant.param.type.multipart.dataparam =  Parameter (non-file) (Multipart Form-Data)
700variant.param.type.multipart.filename = File Name (Multipart Form-Data)
701variant.param.type.multipart.fileparam = File Content (Multipart Form-Data)
703variant.options.excludedparam.label.tokens = <html><body><p>Prikazani parametri \u0107e biti ignorisani od strane Skenera, ako oba wildcarded URL-a i specifi\u010dne lokacije odgovaraju.</p></body></html>
704variant.options.excludedparam.table.header.url = URL
705variant.options.excludedparam.table.header.type = Gdje
706variant.options.excludedparam.table.header.name = Naziv
707variant.options.excludedparam.dialog.token.remove.title = Ukloni Parameter koji treba biti Isklju\u010den
708variant.options.excludedparam.dialog.token.remove.text = Da li ste sigurni da \u017eelite ukloniti odre\u0111eni Parametar?
709variant.options.excludedparam.dialog.token.remove.button.confirm = Ukloni
710variant.options.excludedparam.dialog.token.remove.button.cancel = Otka\u017ei
711variant.options.excludedparam.dialog.token.remove.checkbox.label = Ne prikazuj vi\u0161e ovu poruku
712variant.options.excludedparam.dialog.token.add.title = Add a parameter that needs to be excluded
713variant.options.excludedparam.dialog.token.add.button.confirm = Dodaj
714variant.options.excludedparam.dialog.token.warning.name.repeated.title = Duplicirani Isklju\u010deni Parametar
715variant.options.excludedparam.dialog.token.warning.name.repeated.text = Isklju\u010deni Parametar s istim imenom ve\u0107 postoji.
716variant.options.excludedparam.dialog.token.warning.invalid.regex.title = Neispravan Regular Expression
717variant.options.excludedparam.dialog.token.warning.invalid.regex.field.name = Navedene regular expression za naziv nije ispravan.
718variant.options.excludedparam.dialog.token.modify.title = Izmjeni postoje\u0107i Isklju\u010deni Parametar
719variant.options.excludedparam.dialog.token.modify.button.confirm = Promijeni
721attack.site.popup = Napad
723authentication.api.action.setAuthenticationMethod = Sets the authentication method for the context with the given ID.
727authentication.api.action.setLoggedInIndicator = Sets the logged in indicator for the context with the given ID.
730authentication.api.action.setLoggedOutIndicator = Sets the logged out indicator for the context with the given ID.
734authentication.api.view.getAuthenticationMethod = Gets the name of the authentication method for the context with the given ID.
736authentication.api.view.getAuthenticationMethodConfigParams = Gets the configuration parameters for the authentication method with the given name.
738authentication.api.view.getLoggedInIndicator = Gets the logged in indicator for the context with the given ID.
740authentication.api.view.getLoggedOutIndicator = Gets the logged out indicator for the context with the given ID.
742authentication.api.view.getSupportedAuthenticationMethods = Gets the name of the authentication methods.
743authentication.name = Autentikacija Ekstenzija
744authentication.panel.title					= Autentikacija
745authentication.panel.label.description 		= <html><p>Ovaj panel vam omogu\u0107ava konfigurisanje autentikacijske sheme kori\u0161tene za ovaj Kontekst.<p><html>
746authentication.panel.label.typeSelect 		= Trenutno odabrani Autentikacijski metod za Kontekst\:\u00a0
747authentication.panel.label.noConfigPanel 	= <html><i>Ovaj metod je upotpunosti konfigurisan i ne zahtjeva nikakvu konfiguraciju.<i></html>
748authentication.panel.label.loggedIn 		= Regex pattern used to identify Logged In messages\:
749authentication.panel.label.loggedOut 		= Regex pattern used to identify Logged Out messages\:
750authentication.panel.error.illegalPattern	= Jedan od obrazaca koji ste definisali za kontekst {0} nije validan.
751authentication.popup.indicator.loggedIn 	= {0} \: Autentikacijski Logged-in indikator
752authentication.popup.indicator.loggedOut 	= {0} \: Autentikacijski Logged-out indikator
753authentication.panel.label.configTitle		= Konfiguri\u0161i Autentikacijski Metod
754authentication.panel.label.verifTitle		= Configure Authentication Verification
755authentication.panel.label.strategy         = Verification Strategy\:
756authentication.panel.label.strategy.each_req = Check every Request
757authentication.panel.label.strategy.each_resp = Check every Response
758authentication.panel.label.strategy.each_req_resp = Check every Request or Response
759authentication.panel.label.strategy.poll_url = Poll the Specified URL
760authentication.panel.label.freq				= Poll Frequency\:
761authentication.panel.label.units.requests   = Requests
762authentication.panel.label.units.seconds    = Seconds
763authentication.panel.label.pollurl          = URL to Poll for Verification\:
764authentication.panel.error.nopollurl        = The URL to Poll must be specified for context {0}
765authentication.panel.error.badpollurl       = The URL to Poll for context {0} is invalid
766authentication.panel.error.badpollheaders	= The Poll Headers for context {0} are invalid, they should be one per line with the header and value separated by a colon
767authentication.panel.label.polldata         = Poll Request POST Data (if any)\:
768authentication.panel.label.pollheaders      = Additional Poll Request Headers\:
769authentication.dialog.confirmChange.label	= Changing the Authentication Method will reset the Users'' credentials defined for this Context. Are you sure?
770authentication.dialog.confirmChange.title	= Promijeni Autentikacijski Metod
771authentication.output.indicatorsNotSet		= Inidkatori nisu bili podeseni za identifikaciju autentikacije. Uz pretpostavku odgovor je autenticiran za {0}.
772authentication.output.failure				= Authentication failure\: {0}
773authentication.output.success 				= Autentikacija je uspje\u0161na.
774authentication.method.manual.name 							= Ru\u010dna Autentikacija
775authentication.method.manual.field.session 					= Postoje\u0107a Http Sesija\:
776authentication.method.manual.field.description				= <html><p><small>* If the HTTP sessions that you are interested in are not present in the selection box, <br/>make sure you have included the <i>Site</i> to which the HTTP sessions correspond<br/> in the proper <b>Context</b>.<br/>The HTTP Session is optional as you may manage the session in another way.</small></p><html>
777authentication.method.fb.name								= Form-based Autentikacija
778authentication.method.fb.popup.login.request = {0} \: Forma-baziran Autent Login Zahtjev
779authentication.method.jb.name = JSON-based Authentication
780authentication.method.jb.popup.login.request = {0} \: JSON-based Auth Login Request
781authentication.method.pb.field.label.postData				= Login Request POST Data (if any)\:
782authentication.method.pb.field.label.postDataRequired = Login Request POST Data *\:
783authentication.method.pb.field.label.loginPageUrl			= URL to GET Login Page\:
784authentication.method.pb.field.label.loginUrl				= Login Form Target URL *\:
785authentication.method.pb.field.label.usernameParam			= Username Parameter *\:
786authentication.method.pb.field.label.passwordParam			= Password Parameter *\:
787authentication.method.pb.field.label.description			= <html><small>The <i>username</i> and <i>password</i> fields will be replaced, during authentication, with the username and password corresponding to application''s users.</small><html>
788authentication.method.pb.dialog.error.url.text = The login url you have inserted is not a valid URL.
789authentication.method.pb.dialog.error.postData.text = The POST Data is required.
790authentication.method.fb.credentials.field.label.user		= Korisni\u010dko ime\:
791authentication.method.fb.credentials.field.label.pass		= Lozinka\:
792authentication.method.fb.dialog.error.nofields.text 		= Nazivi polja obrasca za upis korisni\u010dkog imena i \u0161ifre moraju se konfigurisati za ovaj na\u010din provjere autenti\u010dnosti.
793authentication.method.fb.credentials.dialog.error.user.text	= Korisni\u010dko ime trenutnog korisnika mora biti konfigurisano.
794authentication.method.fb.dialog.error.title 				= Gre\u0161ka u Konfiguraciji
795authentication.method.http.name								= HTTP/NTLM Autentikacija
796authentication.method.http.field.label.hostname				= Hostname\:
797authentication.method.http.field.label.port					= Port\:
798authentication.method.http.field.label.realm				= Oblast\:
799authentication.method.http.dialog.error.url.text			= Unijeli ste neva\u017ee\u0107u vrijednost naziva glavnog ra\u010dunara za HTTP autentikaciju.
800authentication.method.script.name							= Skriptom-bazirana Autentikacija
801authentication.method.script.type							= Autentikacija
802authentication.method.script.type.desc						= Authentication scripts run when you an authentication is needed.\n\
804The script must be properly configured in the Session Properties -> Authentication panel with a ''Script-based Authentication Method''\n\
807authentication.method.script.field.label.scriptName			= Skripta\:
808authentication.method.script.field.label.notLoaded			= <html><body><p>Nijedna skripta jo\u0161 nije u\u010ditana. Odaberite Skripta u okviru iznad i kliknite dugme "U\u010ditaj".</p></body></html>
809authentication.method.script.load.errorScriptNotFound		= Neuspje\u0161na potraga za kontekstom Autentikacijske skripte\:\n\
811authentication.method.script.dialog.error.title				= Script Loading Error
812authentication.method.script.dialog.error.text.interface	= Predvidjena Autentikacijska skripta ({0}) ne implementira zahtjevani interfejs. Primjere potra\u017eite u \u0161ablonima.
813authentication.method.script.dialog.error.text.loading		= Do\u0161lo je do gre\u0161ke prilikom u\u010ditavanja odabrane skripte za autentikaciju\: {0}
814authentication.method.script.dialog.error.text.required		= Niste konfigurisali vrijednost za tra\u017eeno polje\: {0}
815authentication.method.script.dialog.error.text.notLoaded	= Morate u\u010ditati Autentikacijsku Skriptu.
816authentication.method.script.dialog.error.text.notLoadedNorConfigured = Potrebno je u\u010ditati i podesiti skriptu za autentikaciju.
817authentication.method.script.dialog.loggedInOutIndicatorsInScript.toolTip = Definisano u skripti za provjeru valjanosti.
819authorization.name = Authorization Extension
820authorization.panel.title									= Autorizacija
821authorization.panel.label.description 						= Ova plo\u010da vam omogu\u0107ava pode\u0161avanje kako se obra\u0111uju autorizirani/neautorizirani zahtjevi u va\u0161oj web-aplikaciji.
822authorization.detection.basic.name 							= Basic Autorizacija Detektovana
823authorization.detection.basic.field.intro					= Kada se primi neovla\u0161teni zahtjev, server daje odgovor prate\u0107i sljede\u0107e uslove\:
824authorization.detection.basic.field.statusCode 				= HTTP Status Kod\:
825authorization.detection.basic.field.headerPattern			= Zaglavlje sadr\u017ei regex\:
826authorization.detection.basic.field.bodyPattern				= Tijelo sadr\u017ei regex\:
827authorization.detection.basic.field.composition.and			= Svi gore navedeni uslovi se moraju ispuniti
828authorization.detection.basic.field.composition.or			= Bar jedan od gore navedenih uslova mora biti ispunjen
829authorization.detection.basic.error.illegalPattern			= Jedan od obrazaca koji ste definisali za kontekst {0} nije validan.
830authorization.api.view.getAuthorizationDetectionMethod		= Dobiva svu konfiguraciju metode otkrivanja autorizacije koja je trenutno postavljena za kontekst.
832authorization.api.action.setBasicAuthorizationDetectionMethod	= Postavlja metodu otkrivanja autorizacije za kontekst kao onaj koji identificira neautorizirane poruke na osnovu\: koda statusa poruke ili regex obrasca u zaglavlju ili tijelu odgovora. Tako\u0111er, ili se svi uslovi moraju podudarati ili se samo neki, mo\u017ee se odrediti putem parametra logicOperator koji prihva\u0107a dvije vrijednosti\: "AND" (zadano), "OR" - I / ILI.
840autoupdate.api.action.downloadLatestRelease = Preuzmi zadnju verziju ako postoji
841autoupdate.api.action.installAddon = Installs or updates the specified add-on, returning when complete (i.e. not asynchronously)
861autoupdate.api.action.uninstallAddon = Deinstalira navedeni dodatak
864autoupdate.api.view.latestVersionNumber = Vra\u0107a broj zadnje verzije
865autoupdate.api.view.isLatestVersion = Vrati ''istinito'' ako je ZAP zadnje verzije
866autoupdate.api.view.installedAddons = Vrati listu svih instaliranih dodataka
867autoupdate.api.view.localAddons = Returns a list with all local add-ons, installed or not.
868autoupdate.api.view.newAddons = Return a list of any add-ons that have been added to the Marketplace since the last check for updates
882autoupdate.api.view.updatedAddons = Return a list of any add-ons that have been changed in the Marketplace since the last check for updates
883autoupdate.api.view.marketplaceAddons = Return a list of all of the add-ons on the ZAP Marketplace (this information is read once and then cached)
884autoupdate.desc = Dopusti ZAP-u provjeru nove verzije
885autoupdate.name = Automatski a\u017eurirana ekstenzija
887break.api.action.addHttpBreakpoint = Adds a custom HTTP breakpoint. The string is the string to match. Location may be one of\: url, request_header, request_body, response_header or response_body. Match may be\: contains or regex. Inverse (match) may be true or false. Lastly, ignorecase (when matching the string) may be true or false.
893break.api.action.break = Controls the global break functionality. The type may be one of\: http-all, http-request or http-response. The state may be true (for turning break on for the specified type) or false (for turning break off). Scope is not currently used.
897break.api.action.continue = Submits the currently intercepted message and unsets the global request/response breakpoints
898break.api.action.drop = Odbacuje trenutnu presretnutu poruku
899break.api.action.removeHttpBreakpoint = Removes the specified breakpoint
905break.api.action.setHttpMessage = Prepisuje trenutno presretenu poruku sa datim podacima
908break.api.action.step = Predaje trenutno presretenu poruku, sljede\u0107i zahtjev ili odgovor \u0107e automatski biti presreten
910break.api.view.httpMessage = Returns the HTTP message currently intercepted (if any)
911break.api.view.isBreakAll = Returns True if ZAP will break on both requests and responses
912break.api.view.isBreakRequest = Returns True if ZAP will break on requests
913break.api.view.isBreakResponse = Returns True if ZAP will break on responses
914break.api.pconn.waitForHttpBreak = Waits until an HTTP breakpoint has been hit, at which point it returns the message. \n\
915Poll is the number of milliseconds ZAP will pause between checking for breakpoints being hit (default 500). \n\
916If keepalive is zero or less then the response will be returned as a Server Sent Event, otherwise it is used as the frequency in seconds at which \n\
917''keepalive'' events should be returned and the response is sent as a standard response.
918brk.add.button.add                = Dodaj
919brk.add.button.cancel             = Otka\u017ei
920brk.add.error.history             = Gre\u0161ka dobijanja Historijata
921brk.add.popup                     = Prekid...
922brk.add.title                     = Add Breakpoint
923brk.alwaysOnTop.message			  = By default ZAP will remain on top of all other windows when a breakpoint is hit.\n\
925Press ''Cancel'' to disable this feature.\n\
927This option can changed via Tools/Breakpoints
928brk.checkBox.fixLength            = Update Content Length
929brk.brkpoint.add.title            = Add Breakpoint
930brk.brkpoint.edit.title           = Edit Breakpoint
931brk.brkpoint.error.nostr	      = Morate unijeti string
932brk.brkpoint.error.regex	      = Neispravan Regular Expression
933brk.brkpoint.location.label		  = Lokacija\:
934brk.brkpoint.location.request_body		= Zaglavlje tijela
935brk.brkpoint.location.request_header	= Zaglavlje zahtjeva
936brk.brkpoint.location.response_body		= Tijelo odgovora
937brk.brkpoint.location.response_header	= Zaglavlje odgovora
938brk.brkpoint.location.url 				= URL
939brk.brkpoint.match.contains		  = Sadr\u017ei
940brk.brkpoint.match.label		  = Odgovara\:
941brk.brkpoint.match.regex		  = Regex
942brk.brkpoint.string.label		  = String\:
943brk.brkpoint.ignorecase.label	  = Ignoriraj v-m slova\:
944brk.brkpoint.inverse.label		  = Inverzno\:
945brk.brkpoint.warn.urlfragment   = Pattern shouldn''t include URL fragment (\#)
946brk.brkpoint.onscope            = Break if out of scope
947brk.edit.button.save              = Spasi
948brk.edit.popup                    = Izmjeni...
949brk.edit.title                    = Edit Breakpoint
950brk.desc                          = Dopu\u0161ta vam presretanje i izmjenu razhtjeva i odgovora
951brk.dialogue.confirmDropMessage.title = Potvrdi uklanjanje uhva\u0107ene poruke
952brk.dialogue.confirmDropMessage.option.dontAskAgain = Ne pitaj vi\u0161e
953brk.dialogue.confirmDropMessage.message = Are you sure you want to drop the trapped message?
954brk.dialogue.confirmDropMessage.button.confirm.label = Otpusti
955brk.dialogue.confirmDropMessage.button.cancel.label = Otka\u017ei
956brk.name = Ektenzija Ta\u010dkaprekida
957brk.optionspanel.name             = Ta\u010dke prekida
958brk.optionspanel.option.alwaysOnTop.label	= ZAP always on top when breakpoint hit
959brk.optionspanel.option.breakmode.label	= Break Buttons Mode\:
960brk.optionspanel.option.breakmode.dual.label	= Odvojena Zahtjevi i Odgovori dugmad
961brk.optionspanel.option.breakmode.simple.label	= Pojedina\u010dno kombinovano dugme
962brk.optionspanel.option.confirmDropMessage.label = Potvrdi uklanjanje uhva\u0107ene poruke
963brk.optionspanel.option.inScopeOnly.label = Only break on messages in scope
964brk.optionspanel.option.showBreakFilteringButtons.label = Show buttons to select the requests you don''t want ZAP to break on
965brk.optionspanel.option.javaScriptUrlRegex.label = Javascript URL regex\:
966brk.optionspanel.option.cssAndFontsUrlRegex.label = CSS and Fonts URL regex\:
967brk.optionspanel.option.multimediaUrlRegex.label = Multimedia URL regex\:
968brk.optionspanel.option.notpossibletoshowtip = Can not show this buttons when break buttons are only in the toolbar
969brk.panel.mnemonic    		      = b
970brk.panel.title                   = Ta\u010dke prekida
971brk.panel.warn.datainvalid = Unable to set the data to the message.
972brk.remove.popup                  = Ukloni
973brk.table.header.condition        = Uslovi
974brk.table.header.enabled          = Omogu\u0107eno
975brk.table.header.type             = Vrsta
976brk.toolbar.button.all.set		  = Set break on all requests and responses
977brk.toolbar.button.all.unset 	  = Unset break on all requests and responses
978brk.toolbar.button.bin            = Bin zahtjev ili odgovor
979brk.toolbar.button.brkpoint       = Add a custom HTTP breakpoint...
980brk.toolbar.button.brkjavascript.set   = Set can break on JavaScript
981brk.toolbar.button.brkjavascript.unset = Set ignore breaks on JavaScript files
982brk.toolbar.button.brkcssfonts.set   = Set can break on CSS and Fonts
983brk.toolbar.button.brkcssfonts.unset = Set ignore breaks on CSS and Fonts
984brk.toolbar.button.brkmultimedia.set   = Set can break on Multimedia
985brk.toolbar.button.brkmultimedia.unset = Set ignore breaks on Multimedia
986brk.toolbar.button.brkOnlyOnScope.set   = Set break only in scope
987brk.toolbar.button.brkOnlyOnScope.unset = Unset break only in scope
988brk.toolbar.button.cont           = Submit and continue to next breakpoint
989brk.toolbar.button.request.set    = Postavi prekid na sve zahtjeve
990brk.toolbar.button.request.unset  = Ukloni prekid sa svih zahtjeva
991brk.toolbar.button.response.set   = Postavi prekid na svim odgovorima
992brk.toolbar.button.response.unset = Ukloni prekid sa svih odgovora
993brk.toolbar.button.step           = Po\u0161alji i nastavi prema sljede\u0107em zahtjevu ili odgovoru
995callback.name = Callback Ekstenzija
996callback.desc							= Provides a URL suitable for calling from target sites
997callback.options.title					= Povratna adresa
998callback.options.label.localaddress 	= Lokalna adresa (npr.\:
999callback.options.label.remoteaddress 	= Remote Adresa\:
1000callback.options.label.secure 			= Sigurno\:
1001callback.options.label.rndport 			= Slu\u010dajni Port\:
1002callback.options.label.port 			= Specificiraj Port\:
1003callback.options.label.testurl 			= Test URL\:
1004callback.test.msg						= Received test callback\: {0} from {1}
1005callback.panel.name				        = Callbacks
1006callback.panel.clear.button.label		= O\u010disti
1007callback.panel.clear.button.toolTip		= Clear Callbacks
1008callback.panel.options.button.label		= Opcije
1009callback.panel.table.column.handler		= Handler
1010callback.panel.table.column.referer		= Referer
1011callback.handler.none.name				= No callback handler
1012callback.handler.test.name				= Test Handler
1014certificates.pkcs11.drivers.button.add           = Dodaj
1015certificates.pkcs11.drivers.button.browse        = Pregledaj
1016certificates.pkcs11.drivers.button.close         = Zatvori
1017certificates.pkcs11.drivers.button.delete        = Obri\u0161i
1018certificates.pkcs11.drivers.label.name           = Naziv
1019certificates.pkcs11.drivers.label.path           = Putanja (Put do DLL za PKCS\#11 podr\u0161ke - uobi\u010dajno isporu\u010den sa smartcard softverom)
1020certificates.pkcs11.drivers.label.slot           = Slot
1021certificates.pkcs11.drivers.label.slotIndex      = Slot Index
1022certificates.pkcs11.drivers.title                = PKCS\#11 drajver
1023certificates.pkcs11.label.experimentalSliSupport = Omogu\u0107ite eksperimentalni Index Slot Listu podr\u0161ku
1025cfu.button.addons.browse = Upravljaj Dodacima
1026cfu.button.addons.download = Preuzmi Odabrani
1027cfu.button.addons.info = Vi\u0161e Informacija
1028cfu.button.addons.install = Instaliraj Odabrano
1029cfu.button.addons.installall = Install All
1030cfu.button.addons.uninstall = Deinstaliraj Odabrano
1031cfu.button.addons.update = A\u017euriranje Odabranog
1032cfu.button.addons.updateAll = A\u017eurirati sve
1033cfu.button.checkForUpdates = Provjeri za novu verziju
1034cfu.button.zap.download = Preuzmi ZAP
1035cfu.button.zap.options =  Mogu\u0107nosti preuzimanja
1036cfu.button.zap.relnotes = Pregled obavijesti o izdanju
1037cfu.check.checking     = Provjeri da li postoji nova verzija...
1038cfu.check.failed       = Dogodila se gre\u0161ka.  Molimo pogledajte ru\u010dno za nove verzije
1039cfu.check.upd.downloaded   = Sve nove verzije su preuzete, za detalje pogledajte tab Izlaz.
1040cfu.check.upd.downloading  = Preuzimanje novih verzija. Mo\u017eete zatvoriti ovaj dijalog i preuzimanja \u0107e se nastaviti u pozadini.
1041cfu.check.zap.downloaded   = ZAP preuzimanje u {0}
1042cfu.check.zap.downloading  = Preuzimanje ZAP-a. Mo\u017eete zatvoriti ovaj dijalog i preuzimanje \u0107e se nastaviti u pozadini.
1043cfu.check.zap.latest   = ZAP is up-to-date ({0})
1044cfu.check.zap.newer    = There is a more recent version of OWASP ZAP\: {0}
1046cfu.cmdline.addondown		= Dodatak preuzet u\: {0}
1047cfu.cmdline.addondown.failed = Neuspio poku\u0161aj preuzimanja dodatka za\: {0}
1048cfu.cmdline.addoninst		= Dodatak je ve\u0107 instaliran\: {0}
1049cfu.cmdline.addonurl		= Preuzimanje dodatka sa\: {0}
1050cfu.cmdline.addoninst.error = It''s recommended to restart ZAP. Not all add-ons were successfully installed.
1051cfu.cmdline.addoninst.uninstalls.required = Not installing add-on(s). The installation would require uninstalling the following add-ons\: {0}
1052cfu.cmdline.addonuninst.uninstalls.required = Not uninstalling add-on(s). The uninstallation would require uninstalling the following add-ons\: {0}
1053cfu.cmdline.install.help	= Installs the add-on with specified ID from the ZAP Marketplace
1054cfu.cmdline.installall.help	= Install all available add-ons from the ZAP Marketplace
1055cfu.cmdline.list.help		= Lista svih instaliranih dodataka
1056cfu.cmdline.update.help		= Update all changed add-ons from the ZAP Marketplace
1057cfu.cmdline.noaddon			= Failed to find Add-on\: {0}
1058cfu.cmdline.nocfu			= Neuspio poziv za provjeru a\u017euriranja
1059cfu.cmdline.uninstallfail	= Failed to uninstall Add-on {0}
1060cfu.cmdline.uninstallok		= Uninstalled Add-on {0}
1061cfu.cmdline.uninstall.help	= Uninstalls the Add-on with specified ID
1062cfu.cmdline.updated			= Zavr\u0161ena provjera a\u017euriranja dodatka
1064cfu.confirm.launch     = Zadnja verzija ZAP izdanja\: {0} je preuzeta na\n\
1066Pokreni ovu datoteku i zatvori ZAP?
1067cfu.confirmation.dialogue.message.addOnNewerJavaVersion=Dodatak zahtjeva noviju verziju Jave.
1068cfu.confirmation.dialogue.message.addOnsNewerJavaVersion=Odabrani dodaci zahtijevaju noviju Java verziju\:
1069cfu.confirmation.dialogue.message.someAddOnsNewerJavaVersion=Some of the add-ons require a newer Java version.
1070cfu.confirmation.dialogue.message.someUnnamedSelectedAddOnsNewerJavaVersion=Some of the selected add-ons required a newer Java version.
1071cfu.confirmation.dialogue.message.continueWithInstallation=Nastavljate li s instalacijom?
1072cfu.confirmation.dialogue.message.continueWithUninstallation=Nastavljate li sa deinstalacijom?
1073cfu.confirmation.dialogue.message.continueWithUpdate=Nastavljate li sa a\u017euriranjem?
1074cfu.confirmation.dialogue.message.requiredChanges=The following changes are required by the selected add-on(s)\:
1075cfu.confirmation.dialogue.message.requiredSuggestedChanges=The following changes are required and suggested by the selected add-on(s)\:
1076cfu.confirmation.dialogue.message.selectedAddOnNewerJavaVersion=The selected add-on requires a newer Java version\: {0}\n\
1077The add-on will not run until ZAP is run with newer Java version.\n\
1079cfu.confirmation.dialogue.message.selectedAddOnsNewerJavaVersion=Odabrani dodaci zahtijevaju noviju verziju Java programa.
1080cfu.confirmation.dialogue.message.someSelectedAddOnsNewerJavaVersion=Some of the selected add-ons require a newer Java version\:
1081cfu.confirmation.dialogue.message.suggestedChanges=The following changes are suggested by the selected or installed add-on(s)\:
1082cfu.confirmation.dialogue.tab.header.extensionSoftUnloads=Soft Unload Extensions
1083cfu.confirmation.dialogue.tab.header.extensionUnloads=Ukloni Ekstenzije
1085cfu.confirmation.dialogue.tab.header.optionalAddOns=Opcionalni Dodaci
1086cfu.confirmation.dialogue.tab.header.selectedAddOns=Odabrani Dodatke
1087cfu.confirmation.dialogue.tab.header.softUninstalls=Soft Deinstalacija
1090cfu.confirmation.dialogue.message.uninstallsRequiredByAddOnsDownloading=Neki od dodataka koji \u0107e biti deinstalirani su potrebni drugim\n\
1091dodacima koji su bili preuzeti, a koji vi\u0161e ne\u0107e funkcionirati.
1092cfu.confirmation.dialogue.message.warnAddOnsNotRunJavaVersion=The add-ons will not run until ZAP is run with newer Java version.
1093cfu.confirmation.dialogue.message.warnUnknownNumberAddOnsNotRunJavaVersion=The add-on(s) will not run until ZAP is run with newer Java version.
1094cfu.downloads.icon.title = Preuzimanja
1095cfu.download.failed    = Nije uspjelo
1096cfu.options.downloaddir.label	= Direktorij za preuzimanje\:
1097cfu.file.menu.loadaddon = U\u010ditaj Dodatak datoteku...
1098cfu.file.menu.loadaddon.mnemonic = l
1099cfu.generic.table.header.extension = Ekstenzija
1100cfu.generic.table.header.addOn = Dodatak
1101cfu.generic.table.header.version = Verzija
1102cfu.generic.table.header.minimumJavaVersion = Minimalna Java verzija
1103cfu.generic.table.header.selectInstall = Install?
1104cfu.help.menu.check    = Provjeri za novu verziju...
1105cfu.help.menu.check.mnemonic   = u
1106cfu.kali.options = <html><body><h3>Kali Download Options</h3><br>There is a more recent version of ZAP available for Kali.<br>\n\
1107To install it either\:<ul>\n\
1108<li>Type the following on the command line\: "apt-get update; apt-get install zaproxy"</li>\n\
1109<li>Use a graphical package management tool such as "synaptic" to update the "zaproxy" package</li>\n\
1110</ul>In both cases root privileges are required.</body></html>
1111cfu.label.cfuonstart = Provjeri novu verziju na startanju?
1112cfu.label.dir.border   = Direktoriji Dodataka
1113cfu.label.addons.border = Dodaci
1114cfu.label.norecentcfu =  You have not checked for updates for over 3 months.\n\
1115ZAP is updated regularly, so you are probably\n\
1117running with out of date add-ons.\n\
1119Check for new updates now?\n\
1122cfu.label.oldzap = This version of ZAP was created over a year ago\!\n\
1123ZAP is updated regularly, so you are probably\n\
1125running with an out of date release.\n\
1127Check for a new version now?\n\
1130cfu.label.outofdateaddons = Dodaci su zastarjeli?
1131cfu.label.outofdatezap = ZAP zastario\!
1132cfu.label.selectAddOnForDetails = Select an add-on above to see more details.
1133cfu.label.zap.border   = ZAP Jezgra
1134cfu.manage.title    		   = Upravljaj Dodacima
1135cfu.options.dialog.dirs.remove.title	= Ukloni direktorije dodataka
1136cfu.options.dialog.dirs.remove.text		= Are you sure you want to remove the selected directory?
1137cfu.options.dialog.dirs.remove.button.confirm	= Ukloni
1138cfu.options.dialog.dirs.remove.button.cancel	= Otka\u017ei
1139cfu.options.dialog.dirs.remove.checkbox.label	= Ne prikazuj vi\u0161e ovu poruku
1140cfu.options.dir.border 				= Direktoriji
1141cfu.options.downloadNewRelease 		= Automatski preuzmi novu verziju ZAP-a (bi\u0107ete pitani za instaliranje)
1142cfu.options.downloadNewRelease.kali = Automatically download new ZAP releases (disabled on Kali)
1143cfu.options.checkAddonUpdates		= Provjeri novu verziju dodataka koje imate instalirane
1144cfu.options.installAddonUpdates		= Automatski instaliraj nove verzije dodataka koji su ve\u0107 instalirani
1145cfu.options.installScannerRules		= Automatski instaliraj novu verziju skener pravila koje imate instalirane
1146cfu.options.new.border = Novi Dodatak
1147cfu.options.reportReleaseAddons		= Prijavi dodatke koji su nove finalne verzije
1148cfu.options.reportBetaAddons		= Prijavi nove dodatke beta kvaliteta
1149cfu.options.reportAlphaAddons		= Prijavi nove dodatke alfa kvaliteta
1150cfu.options.startUp    = Provjeri Novu verziju na startanju
1151cfu.options.table.header.dir		= Direktoriji dodataka
1152cfu.options.title      = Provjeri za novu verziju
1153cfu.options.updates.border = A\u017euriranje dodataka
1154cfu.options.zap.border	= ZAP Izdanja
1155cfu.output.downloading = Preuzimanje {0} do {1}
1156cfu.output.installing  = Instaliranje novog dodatka {0} verzija {1}
1157cfu.output.installing.finished = Finished installing new add-on {0} version {1}
1158cfu.output.replacing  = Zamjena dodatka {0} verzija {1}
1159cfu.output.replace.failed = Neuspje\u0161na dinami\u010dka zamijena dodatka {0} verzija {1} - nova verzija \u0107e se u\u010ditati kada se ZAP resrtarta
1160cfu.output.uninstalled  = Deinstalacija dodatka {0} verzija {1}
1161cfu.output.uninstall.failed = Neuspje\u0161no dinami\u010dko deinstaliranje dodatka {0} verzija {1} - ovaj dodatak ne\u0107e biti u\u010ditan kada se sljede\u0107i put ZAP restarta
1162cfu.status.alpha       = Alfa
1163cfu.status.beta        = Beta
1164cfu.status.example     = Primjer
1165cfu.status.release     = Finalno izdanje
1166cfu.status.weekly      = Sedmi\u010dno
1167cfu.status.unknown     = Nepoznat
1168cfu.tab.installed		= Instalirano
1169cfu.tab.browse			= Market
1170cfu.table.header.author = Autor
1171cfu.table.header.changes  = Promjene
1172cfu.table.header.desc  = Opis
1173cfu.table.header.download = Preuzmi
1174cfu.table.header.file = Datoteka
1175cfu.table.header.id    = ID
1176cfu.table.header.info = Info
1177cfu.table.header.repo = Repo
1178cfu.table.header.select  = Odaberi
1179cfu.table.header.name  = Naziv
1180cfu.table.header.notbefore = Ne Prije Verzije
1181cfu.table.header.notfrom = Ne Iz Verzije
1182cfu.table.header.progress = Progres
1183cfu.table.header.status = Status
1184cfu.table.header.update = A\u017euriranje
1185cfu.table.header.version = Verzija
1186cfu.table.header.dependencies = Zavisnosti
1187cfu.table.label.failed = Nije uspjelo
1188cfu.table.label.new		= * NOVO *
1189cfu.table.label.restartRequired = Restars zahtijevan
1190cfu.table.label.update = A\u017euriranje
1191cfu.title.relnotes     = <h1>ZAP {0} Napomene uz izdavanje</h1>\u00a0
1192cfu.uninstall.failed = Not all add-ons were successfully uninstalled.\n\
1193Some functionalities might no longer work correctly.\n\
1194It''s recommended to restart ZAP.
1195cfu.uninstall.confirm	= Jeste li sigunu da \u017eelite deinstalirati ovaj dodatak?
1196cfu.uninstall.dependentAddOns.confirm = The following dependent add-ons will also be uninstalled\:
1197cfu.uninstall.dependentAddonsAndExtensions.confirm = The following dependent add-ons will also be uninstalled and extensions unloaded\:
1198cfu.uninstall.dependentExtensions.confirm = The following dependent extensions will be unloaded\:
1199cfu.uninstall.message.activeActions = <html>The following actions are still active\:<ul>{0}</ul>Stop all active actions and continue with uninstallation?</html>
1200cfu.uninstall.message.resourcesNotSavedAndActiveActions = <html>There are unsaved resources and there are active actions\:<br>Unsaved resources\:<ul>{0}</ul>Active actions\:<ul>{1}</ul>Discard all of these resources, stop the actions and continue with uninstallation?</html>
1201cfu.uninstall.message.resourcesNotSaved   = <html>The following resources have not been saved\:<ul>{0}</ul>Discard all of these resources and continue with uninstallation?</html>
1202cfu.uninstallation.progress.dialogue.currentAddOn = {0} verzija {1}
1203cfu.uninstallation.progress.dialogue.uninstallExtension =  {0} od {1}
1204cfu.uninstallation.progress.dialogue.uninstallingActiveScanner = Removing active scanner {0} of {1}
1205cfu.uninstallation.progress.dialogue.uninstallingExtension = Removing extension {0} of {1}
1206cfu.uninstallation.progress.dialogue.uninstallingFile = Removing file {0} of {1}
1207cfu.uninstallation.progress.dialogue.uninstallingPassiveScanner = Removing passive scanner {0} of {1}
1209cfu.uninstallation.progress.dialogue.title = Deinstaliranje dodataka
1210cfu.uninstallation.progress.dialogue.uninstalling = Deinstalacija\:
1211cfu.update.message.activeActions = <html>The following actions are still active\:<ul>{0}</ul>Stop all active actions and continue with update?</html>
1212cfu.update.message.resourcesNotSavedAndActiveActions = <html>There are unsaved resources and there are active actions\:<br>Unsaved resources\:<ul>{0}</ul>Active actions\:<ul>{1}</ul>The changes might be lost if the update fails and the actions will be stopped.<br>Continue with update?</html>
1213cfu.update.message.resourcesNotSaved   = <html>The following resources have not been saved\:<ul>{0}</ul>The changes might be lost if the update fails. Continue with update?</html>
1214cfu.warn.addon.with.extensions.with.missing.requirements = Opcionalni Dodaci\:
1215cfu.warn.addon.with.missing.requirements = Nedostaju\u0107i zahtjevi\:
1216cfu.warn.addon.with.missing.requirements.addon = Dodatak "{0}"
1217cfu.warn.addon.with.missing.requirements.addon.id = Dodatak s ID-om "{0}"
1218cfu.warn.addon.with.missing.requirements.addon.version = Add-on "{0}" with version matching "{1}" (found version {2})
1219cfu.warn.addon.with.missing.requirements.libs = Bundled libraries
1220cfu.warn.addon.with.missing.requirements.libs.dependency = Bundled libraries of dependency\: "{0}"
1221cfu.warn.addon.with.missing.requirements.unknown = Unknown (refer to log file for more information)
1222cfu.warn.addon.with.missing.requirements.javaversion = Minimalna verzija Jave\: {0} (na\u0111ena\: "{1}")
1223cfu.warn.addon.with.missing.requirements.javaversion.dependency = Minimum Java version\: {0} (found\: "{1}") by dependency\: "{2}"
1224cfu.warn.addon.with.missing.requirements.javaversion.unknown = nepoznato
1225cfu.warn.addOnOlderVersion = Add-on not installed\!\n\
1227A newer version of the add-on is already installed\:\n\
1228Installed\: {0} ({1})\n\
1229Being installed\: {2} ({3})
1230cfu.warn.addOnSameVersion = The same version of the add-on is already installed\:\n\
1231Installed\: {0} ({1})\n\
1232Being installed\: {2} ({3})\n\
1234Reinstall the add-on?
1235cfu.warn.addOnNotRunnable.message = The add-on will not run until the following requirements are fulfilled\:
1236cfu.warn.addOnNotRunnable.question = Nastavljate li sa instalacijom?
1237cfu.warn.cantload      = Ne mo\u017ee se u\u010ditati specifi\u010dni dodatak\:\n\
1238Ne prije \= {0}\n\
1239Ne od \= {1}
1240cfu.warn.invalidAddOn = The selected file is not a valid ZAP add-on{0}
1241cfu.warn.invalidAddOn.invalidLib = .\n\
1242It declared missing/invalid library.
1244The path is not valid.
1246The file does not have a "zap" extension.
1248The file is not readable.
1249cfu.warn.invalidAddOn.errorZip = .\n\
1250A ZIP error occurred while reading the file\:\n\
1252cfu.warn.invalidAddOn.ioError = .\n\
1253An I/O error occurred while reading the file\:\n\
1256The manifest (ZapAddOn.xml) is missing.
1257cfu.warn.invalidAddOn.invalidManifest = .\n\
1258The manifest (ZapAddOn.xml) is invalid\:\n\
1260cfu.warn.addOnAlreadyExists = Add-on not installed\!\n\
1262An add-on with the same name already exists in the ZAP home "plugin" directory\:\n\
1263Source\: {0}\n\
1264Target\: {1}
1265cfu.warn.unableToCopyAddOn = Dodatan nije instalisan\!\n\
1267Dodatak nije mogu\u0107e kopirati  u ZAP "plugin" direktorij.\n\
1268Provjerite imate li prava pisanja u direktorij\:\n\
1270cfu.warn.nolaunch      = Zadnja ZAP verzija\: {0} je preuzeta u  \n\
1272Ovu datoteku trebate ru\u010dno otvoriti.
1273cfu.warn.badhash		= Unexpected hash for {0}\n\
1274This file has been deleted.
1275cfu.warn.badurl			= Unable to securely access the\n\
1276''Check for updates'' service
1278# Note dont translate the option strings - they are hardcoded
1279cmdline.help	= Usage\:\n\
1280\t{0} [Options]\n\
1282Core options\:\n\
1284\t-version                 Reports the ZAP version\n\
1286\t-cmd                     Run inline (exits when command line options complete)\n\
1288\t-daemon                  Starts ZAP in ''daemon'' mode, i.e. without a UI\n\
1290\t-config <kvpair>         Overrides the specified ''key\=value'' pair in the configuration file\n\
1292\t-configfile <path>       Overrides the ''key\=value'' pairs with those in the specified properties file\n\
1294\t-dir <dir>               Uses the specified directory instead of the default one\n\
1296\t-installdir <dir>        Overrides the code that detects where ZAP has been installed with the specified directory\n\
1298\t-h                       Shows all of the command line options available, including those added by add-ons\n\
1300\t-help                    The same as -h\n\
1302\t-newsession <path>       Creates a new session at the given location\n\
1304\t-session <path>          Opens the given session after starting ZAP\n\
1306\t-host <host>             Overrides the host used for proxying specified in the configuration file\n\
1308\t-port <port>             Overrides the port used for proxying specified in the configuration file\n\
1310\t-lowmem                  Use the database instead of memory as much as possible - this is still experimental\n\
1312\t-experimentaldb          Use the experimental generic database code, which is not surprisingly also still experimental\n\
1314\t-nostdout                Disables the default logging through standard output\n\
1316\t-silent                  Ensures ZAP does not make any unsolicited requests, including ''check for updates''\n\
1318Add-on options\:\n\
1321cmp.desc                       = Poredi 2 sesije i generi\u0161i HTML datoteku uz prikaz razlika
1322cmp.file.menu.compare          = Poredi s drugom Sesijom...
1323cmp.name = Uporedi ekstenziju
1324cmp.report.button.allurls      = Bilo koja sesija
1325cmp.report.button.bothsessions = Obje sesije
1326cmp.report.button.session1     = Samo sesija 1
1327cmp.report.button.session2     = Samo sesija 2
1328cmp.report.header.method       = Metod
1329cmp.report.header.url          = URL
1331conn.options.defaultUserAgent	 = Zadani Korisni\u010dki agent\:
1332conn.options.dns.title = DNS
1333conn.options.dns.ttlSuccessfulQueries.label = TTL Successful Queries (in seconds)\:
1334conn.options.dns.ttlSuccessfulQueries.toolTip = <html>Defines for how long the successful DNS queries should be cached\:<ul>\n\
1335<li>Negative number, cache forever;</li>\n\
1336<li>Zero, disables caching;</li>\n\
1337<li>Positive number, the number of seconds the queries will be cached.</li></ul>\n\
1338<strong>Note\:</strong> Changes are applied after a restart.</html>
1339conn.options.general             = Op\u0161ta Konfiguracija
1340conn.options.proxy.address       = Adresa/Naziv Domene\:
1341conn.options.proxy.address.empty = Prazno naziv proxy lanca.
1342conn.options.proxy.username.empty = Empty proxy chain user name.
1343conn.options.proxy.auth.auth     = Proxy Authentication
1344conn.options.proxy.auth.password = Lozinka (pohranjena u \u010ditljivom tekstu)\:
1345conn.options.proxy.auth.passprompt = Lozinka\:
1346conn.options.proxy.auth.showpass = Show Password?
1347conn.options.proxy.auth.prompt   = Pitaj za proxy kredencijale na startanju
1348conn.options.proxy.auth.realm    = Oblast\:
1349conn.options.proxy.auth.required = Odlazni proxy server zahtjeva autentikaciju
1350conn.options.proxy.auth.username = Korisni\u010dko Ime\:
1351conn.options.proxy.port          = Port (e.g. 8080)\:
1352conn.options.proxy.skipAddresses = <html><p>Presko\u010di IP adresu ili naziv domene ispod (* za zamjenske znakove, nazivi odvojeni ;)\:</p></html>
1353conn.options.proxy.error.response.msg=\tYour "Options / Connection / Use Proxy Chain" settings might be incorrect.
1354conn.options.proxy.excluded.domain.add.title = Dodavanje Isklju\u010denja Domena
1355conn.options.proxy.excluded.domain.add.button.confirm = Dodaj
1356conn.options.proxy.excluded.domain.field.label.domain = Domena\:
1357conn.options.proxy.excluded.domain.field.label.regex = Regex\:
1358conn.options.proxy.excluded.domain.field.label.enabled = Omogu\u0107eno\:
1359conn.options.proxy.excluded.domain.modify.title = Promijeni Doman Isklju\u010denja
1360conn.options.proxy.excluded.domain.modify.button.confirm = Promijeni
1361conn.options.proxy.excluded.domain.warning.invalid.regex.title = Domain Exclusion Regex Invalid
1362conn.options.proxy.excluded.domain.warning.invalid.regex.text = Regular expression nije ispravan.
1363conn.options.proxy.excluded.domain.table.header.enabled = Omogu\u0107eno
1364conn.options.proxy.excluded.domain.table.header.regex = Regex
1365conn.options.proxy.excluded.domain.table.header.value = IP Adresa/Domena
1366conn.options.proxy.excluded.domain.dialog.remove.title = Ukloni Domen Isklju\u010denja
1367conn.options.proxy.excluded.domain.dialog.remove.text = Are you sure you want to remove the selected domain exclusion?
1368conn.options.proxy.excluded.domain.dialog.remove.button.cancel = Otka\u017ei
1369conn.options.proxy.excluded.domain.dialog.remove.button.confirm = Ukloni
1370conn.options.proxy.excluded.domain.dialog.remove.checkbox.label = Ne prikazuj vi\u0161e ovu poruku
1371conn.options.proxy.useProxyChain = Use Proxy Chain
1372conn.options.socks.title = SOCKS Proxy
1373conn.options.socks.enabled = Omogu\u0107eno
1374conn.options.socks.host = Host\:
1375conn.options.socks.host.empty = The SOCKS host is empty.
1376conn.options.socks.port = Port\:
1377conn.options.socks.version = Version\:
1378conn.options.socks.dns = Use SOCKS'' DNS
1379conn.options.socks.dns.tooltip = Only supported with version 5.
1380conn.options.socks.username = Korisni\u010dko Ime\:
1381conn.options.socks.password = Lozinka\:
1382conn.options.singleCookieRequestHeader = Zaglavlje Jednog Cookie Zahtjeva
1383conn.options.httpStateEnabled = Enable (Global) HTTP State
1384conn.options.timeout             = Timeout (in seconds)\:
1385conn.options.title               = Konekcija
1386conn.options.useProxy            = Koristi odlazni proxy server
1388#context.exclude.popup              = Exclude
1389context.allInScope				   = Sve u opsegu
1390context.create.title			   = Novi kontekst
1391context.create.warning.noname      = You must supply a context name
1392context.general                    = Kontekst
1393context.ddn.dialog.add.title       = Add Data Driven Node
1394context.ddn.dialog.modify.title    = Modify Data Driven Node
1395context.ddn.dialog.remove.text     = Are you sure you want to remove the selected Structural Modifier?
1396context.ddn.dialog.remove.title    = Remove Structural Modifier
1399context.ddn.dialog.type            = Vrsta\:
1400context.ddn.dialog.type.data       = Data Driven Node
1401context.ddn.dialog.type.struct     = Strukturalni parametar
1402context.ddn.dialog.regex           = Regex Definicija\:
1403context.ddn.dialog.name            = Naziv\:
1404context.ddn.dialog.error.name      = You must supply a name that contains only alpha numeric characters
1405context.ddn.dialog.error.regex     = You must supply a valid regex pattern that includes 2 or 3 regex groups.\n\
1406See the help for more information
1408context.ddn.table.header.type      = Vrsta
1409context.ddn.table.header.regex     = Regex
1410context.ddn.table.header.name      = Naziv
1412context.ddn.table.type.data        = Podaci
1413context.ddn.table.type.struct      = Struktura
1415context.default.name			   = Default Context
1416context.delete.popup			   = Obri\u0161i
1417context.delete.warning			   = Are you sure you want to remove this context?
1418context.delete.warning.multiple	   = Are you sure you want to remove the contexts\:\n\
1420context.error.name.empty = The context name must be provided.
1421context.error.name.duplicated = A context with same name already exists.
1422context.error.name.unknown = The context name is invalid.
1423context.exclude.popup              = Isklju\u010di iz Konteksta
1424context.export.error			   = Failed to export Context\:\n\
1426context.export.error.exists		   = The file exists and ''overwrite'' not selected
1427context.export.error.noaccess	   = You do not have permissions to write to the selected directory
1428context.export.error.nofile		   = Morate odabrati validnu datoteku
1429context.export.error.nocontext	   = You must select a context to export
1430context.export.label.context	   = Kontekst\:
1431context.export.label.dir		   = Direktorij\:
1432context.export.label.file		   = Ime datoteke\:
1433context.export.label.overwrite	   = Prepi\u0161i\:
1434context.export.title			   = Izvoz Kontekst
1435context.export.tooltip			   = Select one Context in order to export it
1436context.export.urls.menu 		   = Export URLs for Context(s)
1437context.flag.popup                 = Ozna\u010di kao Kontekst\u00a0
1438context.flag.popup.datadriven      = {0} \: Data Driven Node
1439context.include.popup              = Uklju\u010di u Kontekst
1440context.includesite.popup          = Include Site in Context
1441context.import.error			   = Failed to import Context\:\n\
1443context.inscope.label              = U Opsegu
1444context.inscope.popup			   = Dodaj u Opseg
1445context.label.desc                 = Opis
1446context.label.exclude              = URL-ovi koji \u0107e biti isklju\u010deni iz konteksta
1447context.label.include              = URL-ovi koji \u0107e biti usklju\u010deni u kontekst
1448context.label.name                 = Naziv Konteksta
1449context.label.top            	   = Top Node\:
1450context.list                       = Konteksti
1451context.list.table.index		   = Indeks
1452context.list.table.name			   = Kontekst
1453context.list.table.inscope		   = U Opsegu
1454context.name.prefix.label          = Kontekst\:
1455context.new.title                  = Novi kontekst
1456context.prefixName				   = Kontekst\: {0}
1457context.outscope.popup			   = Ukloni iz opsega
1458context.scope.exclude.title        = Isklju\u010di iz Konteksta
1459context.scope.include.title        = Uklju\u010di u Kontekst
1460context.struct.label.post.kvpsep   = POST Key Value Pair Separators\:
1461context.struct.label.post.kvsep	   = POST Key Value Separators\:
1462context.struct.label.struct		   = Strukturni modifikatori\:
1463context.struct.label.url.kvpsep	   = URL Key Value Pair Separators\:
1464context.struct.label.url.kvsep	   = URL Key Value Separators\:
1465context.struct.warning.stdparser.dup = The Key value pair separators and Key value separators must not contain the same characters
1466context.struct.warning.stdparser.nokvpsep = You must supply at least one Key value pair separator
1467context.struct.warning.stdparser.nokvsep = You must supply at least one Key value separator
1468context.struct.title			   = Struktura
1469context.technology.title           = Tehnologija
1470context.technology.tree.root       = Tehnologija
1472context.api.view.context				= List the information about the named context
1473context.api.view.context.param.contextName = The name of the context
1474context.api.view.contextList            = Lista kontekst imena trenutne sesije
1475context.api.view.excludeRegexs          = Lista isklju\u010denih regexs za kontekst
1476context.api.view.excludeRegexs.param.contextName = The name of the context
1477context.api.view.includeRegexs          = Lista uklju\u010denih regexs za kontekst
1478context.api.view.includeRegexs.param.contextName = The name of the context
1479context.api.view.technologyList = Lists the names of all built in technologies
1480context.api.view.includedTechnologyList = Lists the names of all technologies included in a context
1481context.api.view.includedTechnologyList.param.contextName = The name of the context
1482context.api.view.excludedTechnologyList = Lists the names of all technologies excluded from a context
1483context.api.view.excludedTechnologyList.param.contextName = The name of the context
1484context.api.view.urls = Lists the URLs accessed through/by ZAP, that belong to the context with the given name.
1485context.api.view.urls.param.contextName = The name of the context
1486context.api.action.excludeFromContext   = Dodaj isklju\u010divanje regexa u kontekstu
1487context.api.action.excludeFromContext.param.contextName = The name of the context
1489context.api.action.includeInContext     = Dodaj uklju\u010divanje regexa u kontekstu
1490context.api.action.includeInContext.param.contextName = The name of the context
1492context.api.action.setContextCheckingStrategy     = Set the checking strategy for a context - this defines how ZAP checks that a request is authenticated
1493context.api.action.setContextCheckingStrategy.param.contextName = The name of the context
1494context.api.action.setContextCheckingStrategy.param.checkingStrategy = One of EACH_RESP, EACH_REQ, EACH_REQ_RESP, POLL_URL
1495context.api.action.setContextCheckingStrategy.param.pollUrl = The URL for ZAP to poll, must be supplied if checkingStrategy \= POLL_URL, otherwise ignored
1496context.api.action.setContextCheckingStrategy.param.pollData = The POST data to supply to the pollUrl, option and only takes effect if checkingStrategy \= POLL_URL
1497context.api.action.setContextCheckingStrategy.param.pollHeaders = Any additional headers that need to be added to the poll request, separated by ''\n\
1498'' characters, only takes effect if checkingStrategy \= POLL_URL
1499context.api.action.setContextCheckingStrategy.param.pollFrequency = An integer greater than zero, must be supplied if checkingStrategy \= POLL_URL, otherwise ignored
1500context.api.action.setContextCheckingStrategy.param.pollFrequencyUnits =  One of REQUESTS, SECONDS, must be supplied if checkingStrategy \= POLL_URL, otherwise ignored
1501context.api.action.setContextRegexs     = Set the regexs to include and exclude for a context, both supplied as JSON string arrays
1502context.api.action.setContextRegexs.param.contextName = The name of the context
1505context.api.action.newContext     = Kreiraj novi kontekst u trenutnoj sesiji
1506context.api.action.newContext.param.contextName = The name of the context
1507context.api.action.removeContext = Removes a context in the current session
1508context.api.action.removeContext.param.contextName = The name of the context
1509context.api.action.exportContext = Exports the context with the given name to a file. If a relative file path is specified it will be resolved against the "contexts" directory in ZAP "home" dir.
1510context.api.action.exportContext.param.contextName = The name of the context
1512context.api.action.importContext = Imports a context from a file. If a relative file path is specified it will be resolved against the "contexts" directory in ZAP "home" dir.
1514context.api.action.setContextInScope     = Podesi kontekst u opsegu  (konteksti su podrazumijevano u opsegu)
1515context.api.action.setContextInScope.param.contextName = The name of the context
1517context.api.action.includeContextTechnologies = Uklju\u010duje tehnologije sa navedenim nazivima, odvojene zarezom, u kontekst
1518context.api.action.includeContextTechnologies.param.contextName = The name of the context
1520context.api.action.includeAllContextTechnologies = Uklju\u010duje sve ugra\u0111ene tehnologije u kontekst
1521context.api.action.includeAllContextTechnologies.param.contextName = The name of the context
1522context.api.action.excludeContextTechnologies = Isklju\u010duje tehnologije s navedenim nazivima, odvojene zarezom, iz konteksta
1523context.api.action.excludeContextTechnologies.param.contextName = The name of the context
1525context.api.action.excludeAllContextTechnologies = Excludes all built in technologies from a context
1526context.api.action.excludeAllContextTechnologies.param.contextName = The name of the context
1528copy.copy.popup = Kopiraj
1529copy.desc       = Pru\u017ea desni klik opciju za kopiranje ozna\u010denog teksta u klipbord
1531core.api.action.accessUrl = Convenient and simple action to access a URL, optionally following redirections. Returns the request sent and response received and followed redirections, if any. Other actions are available which offer more control on what is sent, like, ''sendRequest'' or ''sendHarRequest''.
1534core.api.action.excludeFromProxy = Adds a regex of URLs that should be excluded from the local proxies.
1536core.api.action.clearExcludedFromProxy = Clears the regexes of URLs excluded from the local proxies.
1537core.api.action.deleteSiteNode = Deletes the site node found in the Sites Tree on the basis of the URL, HTTP method, and post data (if applicable and specified).
1541core.api.action.deleteAlert = Bri\u0161e upozorenje sa datim ID-em.
1543core.api.action.deleteAllAlerts = Bri\u0161e sva upozorenja trenutne sesije.
1544core.api.action.generateRootCA = Generates a new Root CA certificate for the local proxies.
1545core.api.action.loadSession = Loads the session with the given name. If a relative path is specified it will be resolved against the "session" directory in ZAP "home" dir.
1547core.api.action.newSession = Creates a new session, optionally overwriting existing files. If a relative path is specified it will be resolved against the "session" directory in ZAP "home" dir.
1551core.api.action.saveSession = Saves the session.
1552core.api.action.saveSession.param.name = The name (or path) of the session. If a relative path is specified it will be resolved against the "session" directory in ZAP "home" dir.
1553core.api.action.saveSession.param.overwrite = If existing files should be overwritten, attempting to overwrite the files of the session already in use/saved will lead to an error ("already_exists").
1554core.api.action.sendRequest = Sends the HTTP request, optionally following redirections. Returns the request sent and response received and followed redirections, if any. The Mode is enforced when sending the request (and following redirections), custom manual requests are not allowed in ''Safe'' mode nor in ''Protected'' mode if out of scope.
1559core.api.action.setMode = Sets the mode, which may be one of [safe, protect, standard, attack]
1561core.api.action.setOptionDnsTtlSuccessfulQueries = Sets the TTL (in seconds) of successful DNS queries (applies after ZAP restart).
1563core.api.action.snapshotSession = Snapshots the session, optionally with the given name, and overwriting existing files. If no name is specified the name of the current session with a timestamp appended is used. If a relative path is specified it will be resolved against the "session" directory in ZAP "home" dir.
1566core.api.action.shutdown = Ugasi ZAP
1567core.api.action.addProxyChainExcludedDomain = Adds a domain to be excluded from the outgoing proxy, using the specified value. Optionally sets if the new entry is enabled (default, true) and whether or not the new value is specified as a regex (default, false).
1571core.api.action.modifyProxyChainExcludedDomain = Modifies a domain excluded from the outgoing proxy. Allows to modify the value, if enabled or if a regex. The domain is selected with its index, which can be obtained with the view proxyChainExcludedDomains.
1576core.api.action.removeProxyChainExcludedDomain = Removes a domain excluded from the outgoing proxy, with the given index. The index can be obtained with the view proxyChainExcludedDomains.
1578core.api.action.enableAllProxyChainExcludedDomains = Enables all domains excluded from the outgoing proxy.
1579core.api.action.disableAllProxyChainExcludedDomains = Disables all domains excluded from the outgoing proxy.
1580core.api.action.disableClientCertificate = Disables the option for use of client certificates.
1581core.api.action.enablePKCS12ClientCertificate = Enables use of a PKCS12 client certificate for the certificate with the given file system path, password, and optional index.
1597core.api.action.setOptionProxyChainSkipName = Use actions [add|modify|remove]ProxyChainExcludedDomain instead.
1601core.api.action.setOptionDefaultUserAgent = Sets the user agent that ZAP should use when creating HTTP messages (for example, spider messages or CONNECT requests to outgoing proxy).
1603core.api.action.setOptionMaximumAlertInstances = Sets the maximum number of alert instances to include in a report. A value of zero is treated as unlimited.
1605core.api.action.setOptionMergeRelatedAlerts = Sets whether or not related alerts will be merged in any reports generated.
1607core.api.action.setOptionAlertOverridesFilePath = Sets (or clears, if empty) the path to the file with alert overrides.
1611core.api.action.setOptionTimeoutInSecs = Sets the connection time out (in seconds).
1613core.api.action.setOptionUseProxyChain = Sets whether or not the outgoing proxy should be used. The address/hostname of the outgoing proxy must be set to enable this option.
1617core.api.action.setOptionUseSocksProxy = Sets whether or not the SOCKS proxy should be used.
1618core.api.action.setOptionUseSocksProxy.param.Boolean = true if the SOCKS proxy should be used, false otherwise.
1620core.api.other.messagesHar = Gets the HTTP messages sent through/by ZAP, in HAR format, optionally filtered by URL and paginated with ''start'' position and ''count'' of messages
1624core.api.other.messagesHarById = Gets the HTTP messages with the given IDs, in HAR format.
1626core.api.other.sendHarRequest = Sends the first HAR request entry, optionally following redirections. Returns, in HAR format, the request sent and response received and followed redirections, if any. The Mode is enforced when sending the request (and following redirections), custom manual requests are not allowed in ''Safe'' mode nor in ''Protected'' mode if out of scope.
1629core.api.other.htmlreport = Generi\u0161e izvje\u0161taj u HTML formatu
1630core.api.other.jsonreport = Generi\u0161e izvje\u0161taj u JSON formatu
1631core.api.other.mdreport = Generi\u0161e izvje\u0161taj u Markdown formatu
1632core.api.other.messageHar = Dobijajte poruku s pripadaju\u0107im ID-em u HAR formatu
1637core.api.other.xmlreport = Generi\u0161e izvje\u0161taj u XML formatu
1638core.api.other.rootcert = Gets the Root CA certificate used by the local proxies.
1639core.api.view.alert = Gets the alert with the given ID, the corresponding HTTP message can be obtained with the ''messageId'' field and ''message'' API method
1641core.api.view.alerts = Gets the alerts raised by ZAP, optionally filtering by URL or riskId, and paginating with ''start'' position and ''count'' of alerts
1646core.api.view.alertsSummary = Gets number of alerts grouped by each risk level, optionally filtering by URL
1648core.api.view.childNodes = Gets the child nodes underneath the specified URL in the Sites tree
1650core.api.view.numberOfAlerts = Gets the number of alerts, optionally filtering by URL or riskId
1654core.api.view.hosts = Gets the name of the hosts accessed through/by ZAP
1655core.api.view.sites = Gets the sites accessed through/by ZAP (scheme and domain)
1656core.api.view.urls = Gets the URLs accessed through/by ZAP, optionally filtering by (base) URL.
1658core.api.view.message = Gets the HTTP message with the given ID. Returns the ID, request/response headers and bodies, cookies, note, type, RTT, and timestamp.
1660core.api.view.messages = Gets the HTTP messages sent by ZAP, request and response, optionally filtered by URL and paginated with ''start'' position and ''count'' of messages
1664core.api.view.messagesById = Gets the HTTP messages with the given IDs.
1666core.api.view.mode = Gets the mode
1667core.api.view.numberOfMessages = Gets the number of messages, optionally filtering by URL
1669core.api.view.optionDnsTtlSuccessfulQueries = Gets the TTL (in seconds) of successful DNS queries.
1672core.api.view.optionProxyChainSkipName = Use view proxyChainExcludedDomains instead.
1679core.api.view.optionProxyExcludedDomains = Use view proxyChainExcludedDomains instead.
1680core.api.view.optionProxyExcludedDomainsEnabled = Use view proxyChainExcludedDomains instead.
1681core.api.view.optionDefaultUserAgent =  Gets the user agent that ZAP should use when creating HTTP messages (for example, spider messages or CONNECT requests to outgoing proxy).
1682core.api.view.optionMaximumAlertInstances = Gets the maximum number of alert instances to include in a report.
1683core.api.view.optionMergeRelatedAlerts = Gets whether or not related alerts will be merged in any reports generated.
1684core.api.view.optionAlertOverridesFilePath = Gets the path to the file with alert overrides.
1686core.api.view.optionTimeoutInSecs = Gets the connection time out (in seconds).
1689core.api.view.optionUseSocksProxy = Gets whether or not the SOCKS proxy should be used.
1690core.api.view.proxyChainExcludedDomains = Gets all the domains that are excluded from the outgoing proxy. For each domain the following are shown\: the index, the value (domain), if enabled, and if specified as a regex.
1691core.api.view.version = Preuzmi ZAP verziju
1692core.api.view.excludedFromProxy = Gets the regular expressions, applied to URLs, to exclude from the local proxies.
1693core.api.view.sessionLocation = Gets the location of the current session file
1694core.api.view.zapHomePath = Gets the path to ZAP''s home directory.
1696core.api.depreciated.alert = Use the API endpoint with the same name in the ''alert'' component instead.
1697core.api.depreciated.report = Use the ''generate'' API endpoint the ''reports'' component instead.
1702custompages.desc=Custom Pages Definition
1704custompages.dialog.add.title=Add Custom Page
1708custompages.dialog.add.field.label.regex=Is Regex?
1710custompages.dialog.add.field.label.contentlocation=Content Location\:
1711custompages.dialog.add.field.content.empty.warn=The "Content" field can''t be blank or simply wildcard (.*).
1713custompages.dialog.modify.title=Modify Custom Page
1718custompages.dialog.remove.checkbox.label=Ne prikazuj vi\u0161e ovu poruku
1719custompages.dialog.remove.text=Are you sure you want to remove the selected Custom Page?
1720custompages.dialog.remove.title=Remove Custom Page
1722custompages.panel.description=Define custom pages for error conditions, etc.
1723custompages.panel.title=Custom Page
1725custompages.popup.indicator = {0} \: Custom Page Indicator
1726custompages.popup.url =  {0} \: Custom Page URL
1728custompages.name = Custom Pages Extension
1732custompages.table.header.contentlocation=Content Location
1733custompages.table.header.isregex=Is RegEx?
1734custompages.table.header.type=Custom Page Type
1736custompages.type.error=Error Page
1737custompages.type.notfound=Not Found
1741database.optionspanel.name = Baza
1742database.optionspanel.option.compact.label = Sa\u017eimanje (na izlasku)
1743database.optionspanel.option.recoveryLog.label = Log oporavka
1744database.optionspanel.option.recoveryLog.tooltip = <html>Controls whether or not database''s recovery log is enabled.<br>Improves the performance of the database when disabled but might lead to data loss if ZAP is exited abruptly.<br>Note\: current session will be unaffected, changes take effect on new and opened sessions.</html>
1745database.optionspanel.option.request.body.size.label = Maximum Request Body Size
1746database.optionspanel.option.response.body.size.label = Maximum Response Body Size
1748database.optionspanel.option.newsessionopt.label		= Default Option\:
1749database.optionspanel.option.newsessionopt.unspecified	= Neodre\u0111eno
1750database.optionspanel.option.newsessionopt.timestamped	= Persist with timestamped name
1751database.optionspanel.option.newsessionopt.userspec		= Persist with user specified name
1752database.optionspanel.option.newsessionopt.temporary	= Do not automatically persist
1753database.optionspanel.option.newsessionprompt.label		= Prompt for persistence options on new session
1755database.newsession.button.start = Start
1756database.newsession.question	= <html><body><b>Do you want to persist the ZAP Session?</b></body</html>
1757database.newsession.prompt.label = Remember my choice and do not ask me again.
1758database.newsession.prompt.note = <html><body>You can always change your decision via the Options / Database screen </body</html>
1759database.newsession.temporary 	= <html><body>No, I do not want to persist this session at this moment in time</body</html>
1760database.newsession.timestamped = <html><body>Yes, I want to persist this session with name based on the current timestamp</body</html>
1761database.newsession.userspec	= <html><body>Yes, I want to persist this session but I want to specify the name and location</body</html>
1763dynssl.button.generate           = Generisati
1764dynssl.button.import             = Uvoz
1765dynssl.button.later              = Kasnije
1766dynssl.desc                      = Kreira dinami\u010dke SSL certifikate za dopu\u0161tanje SSL komunikacije kako bi se presreo bez upozorenja generisanih od pregledniha\u00a0
1767dynssl.filter.file				 = config.xml ili *.pem datoteke
1768dynssl.label.rootca              = Root CA certifikat
1769dynssl.importpem.failedreadfile = Failed to read the selected .pem file\:\n\
1771dynssl.importpem.nocertsection = No certificate section found in the .pem file.\n\
1772It should contain the certificate surrounded with the tokens\:\n\
1776dynssl.importpem.certnobase64 = The certificate is not properly base64 encoded.
1777dynssl.importpem.noprivkeysection = No private key section found in the .pem file.\n\
1778It should contain the private key surrounded with the tokens\:\n\
1782dynssl.importpem.privkeynobase64 = The private key is not properly base64 encoded.
1783dynssl.importpem.failedkeystore = Failed to create the KeyStore from the .pem file\:\n\
1785dynssl.importpem.failed.title = Error Import Root CA Cert .pem File
1786dynssl.message1.filecouldntloaded = Failed to import Root CA certificate from the config file.\n\
1787Please see log file for details.
1788dynssl.message1.title            = Gre\u0161ka kod uvoza
1789dynssl.message2.caalreadyexists  = Root CA certificat ve\u0107 postoji.
1790dynssl.message2.title            = Prepi\u0161i postoje\u0107i certifikat?
1791dynssl.message2.wanttooverwrite  = Da li \u017eelite prepisati trenuti certifikat?
1792dynssl.message2.willreplace      = Kreiranje novog certifikata \u0107e zamijeniti postoje\u0107i.
1793dynssl.message.nocertinconf = The selected configuration file does not have a certificate.
1794dynssl.message.nocertinconf.title = No Root CA Certificate
1795dynssl.name = Dynamic SSL Certificates Extension
1796dynssl.options.name              = Dinami\u010dki SSL certifikati
1797dynssl.text.createnow            = Idi na opcije panel i kreiraj sada certifikat.
1798dynssl.text.notnow               = Ne sada, ali kreiraj certifikat kasnije.
1799dynssl.text.sslwontwork          = SSL ne\u0107e raditi ako niste kreirali i importali OWASP ZAP CA root certificat. Mo\u017eete kreirati takav certifikat bili kada u meniju opcije, prema tome ne morate ga kreirati sada.
1800dynssl.warn.cert.expired = ZAPs Root CA certificate has expired as of {0} (now\: {1}).\n\
1801You should regenerate it and re-install it in your browsers.\n\
1803Regenerate the certificate and go to the relevant options screen now?
1804dynssl.warn.cert.failed			= Failed to create Root CA certificate\: {0}
1805dynssl.cmdline.certload			= Loads the Root CA certificate from the specified file name
1806dynssl.cmdline.certload.done	= Root CA certificate loaded from {0}
1807dynssl.cmdline.certfulldump		= Dumps the Root CA full certificate (including the private key) into the specified file name, this is suitable for importing into ZAP
1808dynssl.cmdline.certpubdump		= Dumps the Root CA public certificate into the specified file name, this is suitable for importing into browsers
1809dynssl.cmdline.certdump.done	= Root CA certificate written to {0}
1810dynssl.cmdline.error.noread		= Cannot read file {0}
1811dynssl.cmdline.error.nowrite	= Cannot write to file {0}
1812dynssl.cmdline.error.write		= Error writing Root CA certificate to {0}
1814edit.find.button.cancel = Otka\u017ei
1815edit.find.button.find   = Tra\u017ei
1816edit.find.label.what    = Na\u0111i \u0161ta\:
1817edit.find.label.notfound = String not found.
1818edit.find.popup         = Tra\u017ei...
1819edit.find.title         = Tra\u017ei
1820edit.name = Edit Menu Extension
1822exportUrls.popup = Izvoz svih URL-ova u Datoteku...
1823exportUrls.popup.selected = Export Selected URLs to File...
1824exportUrls.popup.context.error = Molimo Vas da izaberete kontekst.
1826export.button.name = Izvoz
1827export.button.success = Uspje\u0161an izvoz\!
1828export.button.error = Gre\u0161ka pri izvozu\:
1829export.button.default.filename = Untitled.csv
1831ext.desc = Omogu\u0107uje konfiguraciju koje ektenzije se u\u010ditaju kada se ZAP starta\u00a0
1832ext.name = Extension Configuration Extension
1834file.format.ascii       = ASCII tekst datoteka
1835file.format.html        = ASCII HTML datoteka
1836file.format.json        = JSON datoteka
1837file.format.md          = ASCII Markdown File
1838file.format.xml         = ASCII XML datoteka
1839file.format.zap.addon   = ZAP Dodaci
1840file.format.zap.context	= ZAP Kontekst
1841file.format.zap.policy	= ZAP Politike
1842file.format.zap.session = ZAP Sesija
1843file.load.error         = Gre\u0161ka u\u010ditavanja datoteke iz
1844file.overwrite.warning  = Datoteka postoji.  Da \= prepi\u0161i, Ne \= dodaj?
1845file.save.error         = Gre\u0161ka snimanja datoteke u
1847flag.site.popup = Ozna\u010di kao
1849forcedUser.api.view.isForcedUserModeEnabled = Returns ''true'' if ''forced user'' mode is enabled, ''false'' otherwise
1850forcedUser.api.view.getForcedUser = Gets the user (ID) set as ''forced user'' for the given context (ID)
1852forcedUser.api.action.setForcedUser = Sets the user (ID) that should be used in ''forced user'' mode for the given context (ID)
1855forcedUser.api.action.setForcedUserModeEnabled = Sets if ''forced user'' mode should be enabled or not
1858forcedUser.name = Forced User Extension
1859forceduser.panel.title						= Forced User
1860forceduser.panel.label.description			= Select the user that will be used for all the requests made for this context, if the ''Forced User'' mode is enabled\:
1861forceduser.toolbar.button.disabled 	= Forced User Mode disabled - Configure at least one Forced User for a Context to enable
1862forceduser.toolbar.button.on 		= Forced User Mode enabled - click to disable
1863forceduser.toolbar.button.off	 	= Forced User Mode disabled - click to enable
1864forceduser.menuitem.label = Enable Forced User Mode
1866footer.alerts.high.tooltip   = Upozorena visokog prioriteta
1867footer.alerts.info.tooltip   = Informativni prioriteti upozorenja
1868footer.alerts.label          = <html>&nbsp;Upozorenja&nbsp;</html>
1869footer.alerts.low.tooltip    = Upozorenja niskog prioriteta
1870footer.alerts.medium.tooltip = Upozorenja srednjeg prioriteta
1871footer.primary.proxy = Primary Proxy\: {0}
1872footer.proxy.representation = {0}\:{1}
1873footer.proxy.tooltip = <html>Primary Proxy\:<br>{0}<html>
1874footer.proxy.tooltip.enabled.alts = Alternate (Enabled)\:<br>{0}
1875footer.proxy.tooltip.disabled.alts = Alternate (Disabled)\:<br>{0}
1876footer.scans.label           = Trenutni Skenovi
1878form.dialog.button.cancel = Otka\u017ei
1880generic.error.internal.title = Interna gre\u0161ka
1881generic.error.internal.msg = An error occurred while performing the action.\n\
1882Consider reporting the error with following details\:
1883generic.filter.label = Filter\:
1884generic.filter.tooltip = The filtering system supports regular expressions.
1885generic.options.panel.security.protocols.title = Sigurnosni protokoli
1886generic.options.panel.security.protocols.ssl2hello.label = SSLv2Hello
1887generic.options.panel.security.protocols.ssl3.label = SSL 3
1888generic.options.panel.security.protocols.tlsv1.label = TLS 1
1889generic.options.panel.security.protocols.tlsv1.1.label = TLS 1.1
1890generic.options.panel.security.protocols.tlsv1.2.label = TLS 1.2
1891generic.options.panel.security.protocols.tlsv1.3.label = TLS 1.3
1892generic.options.panel.security.protocols.protocol.not.supported.tooltip = Protokol nije podr\u017ean od JRE
1893generic.options.panel.security.protocols.error.no.protocols.selected = Morate odabrati bar jedan sigurnosni protokol.
1894generic.options.panel.security.protocols.error.just.sslv2hello.selected = SSLv2Hello mora biti odabran zajedno s drugim sigurnosnim protokolima.
1895generic.value.disabled	= Onemogu\u0107eno
1896generic.value.text.separator.comma = {0}, {1}
1897generic.value.time.duration.value.unit = {0} {1}
1898generic.value.time.duration.unit.milliseconds = ms
1899generic.value.time.duration.unit.seconds = s
1900generic.value.time.duration.unit.minutes = min
1901generic.value.time.duration.unit.hours = h
1902generic.value.size.bytes.value.unit = {0} {1}
1903generic.value.size.bytes.unit.bytes = bajta
1904generic.value.size.bytes.unit.kibytes = KiB
1905generic.value.size.bytes.unit.mibytes = MiB
1906generic.value.size.bytes.unit.gibytes = GiB
1908help.button.tooltip = OWASP ZAP Korisni\u010dko Upustvo
1909help.dialog.button.tooltip = Help for this dialog
1910help.desc           = OWASP ZAP Korisni\u010dko Upustvo
1911help.error.nohelp	= User Guide not installed - download the ''help'' add-on from the marketplace
1912help.menu.guide     = OWASP ZAP Korisni\u010dko Upustvo
1913help.name = Pomo\u0107 Ekstenzija
1915history.addnote.title                  = Dodaj Bilje\u0161ku
1916history.browser.popup                  = Otvori URL u Pretra\u017eiva\u010du
1917history.browser.warning                = Neuspjeli prikaz HTTP poruke u pregledniku.
1918history.browser.disabled               = Displaying HTTP messages in browser is disabled as ZAP appears to be running in a container
1919history.delete.popup                   = Obri\u0161i (od pregleda)
1920history.export.messages.popup          = Izvoz Poruka u Datoteku...
1921history.export.messages.select.warning = Odaberite HTTP poruke u panelu Historija prije izvoza u datoteku.
1922history.export.response.popup          = Export Response(s) to File...
1923history.export.response.select.warning = Odaberite HTTP poruke u panelu Historija prije izvoza u datoteku.
1924history.filter.button.apply            = Prihvati
1925history.filter.button.clear            = O\u010disti
1926history.filter.button.filter           = Filter
1927history.filter.badregex.warning		   = Neispravan regex\: {0}
1928history.filter.desc.label.alerts = Upozorenja
1929history.filter.desc.label.codes = Kodovi
1930history.filter.desc.label.methods = Metode
1931history.filter.desc.label.notes = Zabilje\u0161ke
1932history.filter.desc.label.tags = Tagovi
1933history.filter.desc.label.urlexcregex = URL isklj. Regex
1934history.filter.desc.label.urlincregex = URL uklj. Regex
1935history.filter.label.alerts            = Upozorenja\:
1936history.filter.label.codes             = Kodovi\:
1937history.filter.label.desc              = Select the required filters below. You can select multiple rows in each element. An element is not used for filtering if none of the rows in it are selected.
1938history.filter.label.filter            = Filter\:
1939history.filter.label.methods           = Metode\:
1940history.filter.label.notes             = Zabilje\u0161ke\:
1941history.filter.label.off               = Isklju\u010deno
1942history.filter.label.on                = UKLJU\u010cENO
1943history.filter.label.tags              = Tagovi\:
1944history.filter.notes.absent            = Odsutan
1945history.filter.notes.ignore            = Ignori\u0161i
1946history.filter.notes.present           = Prisutan
1947history.filter.title                   = Filter historije
1948history.filter.label.urlexcregex	   = URL exc regex\:\u00a0
1949history.filter.label.urlincregex	   = URL uklj. Regex\:
1950history.linkWithSitesSelection.unselected.button.tooltip = Pove\u017ei s izabranim Sajtovima
1951history.linkWithSitesSelection.selected.button.tooltip = Otka\u010di iz izabranih Sajtova
1952history.managetags.button.add          = Dodaj
1953history.managetags.button.delete       = Obri\u0161i
1954history.managetags.button.save         = Spasi
1955history.managetags.label.addtag        = Dodaj Tag\:
1956history.managetags.label.currenttags   = Trenutni tag\:
1957history.managetags.title               = Manage History Tags
1958history.name = Istorijat Ekstenzija
1959history.note.popup                     = Zabilje\u0161ka...
1960history.panel.mnemonic		           = h
1961history.panel.title                    = Historija
1962history.purge.popup                    = Obri\u0161i
1963history.purge.warning                  = Jeste li sigurni da \u017eelite obrisati zapis(e)?
1964history.resend.popup                   = Ponovno...
1965history.scan.warning                   = Gre\u0161ka dobijanja Historijata.
1966history.scope.button.selected          = Prika\u017ei sve URL-ove
1967history.scope.button.unselected        = Prika\u017ei samo URL-ove u Opsegu
1968history.showinhistory.popup            = Prika\u017ei u Histori tabu
1969history.showresponse.popup             = Prika\u017ei odgovor u Pretra\u017eiva\u010du
1970history.tags.popup                     = Manage History Tags...
1972httpSessions.api.view.sessions = Gets the sessions for the given site. Optionally returning just the session with the given name.
1975httpSessions.api.view.activeSession = Gets the name of the active session for the given site.
1977httpSessions.api.view.defaultSessionTokens = Gets the default session tokens.
1978httpSessions.api.view.sessionTokens = Gets the names of the session tokens for the given site.
1980httpSessions.api.view.sites = Gets all of the sites that have sessions.
1981httpSessions.api.action.createEmptySession = Creates an empty session for the given site. Optionally with the given name.
1984httpSessions.api.action.removeSession = Removes the session from the given site.
1987httpSessions.api.action.setActiveSession = Sets the given session as active for the given site.
1990httpSessions.api.action.unsetActiveSession = Unsets the active session of the given site.
1992httpSessions.api.action.addSessionToken = Adds the session token to the given site.
1995httpSessions.api.action.removeSessionToken = Removes the session token from the given site.
1998httpSessions.api.action.setSessionTokenValue = Sets the value of the session token of the given session for the given site.
2003httpSessions.api.action.renameSession = Renames the session of the given site.
2007httpSessions.api.action.addDefaultSessionToken = Adds a default session token with the given name and enabled state.
2010httpSessions.api.action.setDefaultSessionTokenEnabled = Sets whether or not the default session token with the given name is enabled.
2013httpSessions.api.action.removeDefaultSessionToken = Removes the default session token with the given name.
2016httpsessions.panel.mnemonic				= h
2017httpsessions.panel.title				= Http Sesije
2018httpsessions.name = HTTP Sessions Extension
2019httpsessions.toolbar.site.label			= Sajt\:
2020httpsessions.toolbar.site.select		= --Odaberi Sajt--
2021httpsessions.toolbar.newsession.tooltip = Forsiraj novu sesiju
2022httpsessions.toolbar.newsession.label	= Nove Sesije
2023httpsessions.toolbar.options.button		= Opcije
2024httpsessions.session.defaultName		= Sesija {0}
2025httpsessions.desc						= Upravljanje ektenzijama HTTP sesija
2026httpsessions.table.header.name			= Naziv
2027httpsessions.table.header.active		= Aktivno
2028httpsessions.table.header.tokens		= Vrijednosti Token Sesija
2029httpsessions.table.header.matched		= Poruke Uparene
2030httpsessions.popup.find = Find Related Messages
2031httpsessions.popup.session.active.set	= Postavi aktivno
2032httpsessions.popup.session.active.unset	= Postavi neaktivno
2033httpsessions.popup.session.copyToken    = Copy Session Token Value to Clipboard
2034httpsessions.popup.session.remove		= Ukloni sesiju
2035httpsessions.popup.session.addUser		= Add as ''Manual Auth'' User for Context...
2036httpsessions.api.error.rename			= Ne mo\u017ee se preimenovati jer se ne mo\u017ee na\u0107i sesija ili ime ve\u0107 postoji
2037httpsessions.options.title				= Http Sesije
2038httpsessions.options.table.header.token		= Naziv Tokena
2039httpsessions.options.label.tokens       = <html><p>Uobi\u010dajeni sesijski tokeni (neosetljiv na veli\u010dinu slova)</p><p><i>* Ako ste dodati ili promijeniti bilo koji od token imena onda MORATE posjetiti stranice koje sadr\u017ee te tokene prije nego \u0161to su prepoznati.</i></p></html>
2040httpsessions.options.label.proxyOnly	= Omogu\u0107i samo za Proxy (nije preporu\u010deno)
2041httpsessions.options.table.header.enabled = Omogu\u0107eno
2042httpsessions.options.dialog.token.add.button.cancel           = Otka\u017ei
2043httpsessions.options.dialog.token.add.button.confirm          = Dodaj
2044httpsessions.options.dialog.token.add.title                   = Dodaj HTTP Sesijski Token
2045httpsessions.options.dialog.token.field.label.enabled         = Omogu\u0107eno\:
2046httpsessions.options.dialog.token.field.label.name            = Token\:
2047httpsessions.options.dialog.token.modify.button.confirm       = Promijeni
2048httpsessions.options.dialog.token.modify.title                = Promijeni HTTP Sesijski Token
2049httpsessions.options.dialog.token.remove.button.cancel        = Otka\u017ei
2050httpsessions.options.dialog.token.remove.button.confirm       = Ukloni
2051httpsessions.options.dialog.token.remove.checkbox.label       = Ne prikazuj vi\u0161e ovu poruku
2052httpsessions.options.dialog.token.remove.text                 = Da li ste sigurni da \u017eelite ukloniti odabrani token?
2053httpsessions.options.dialog.token.remove.title                = Ukloni HTTP Sesijski Token
2054httpsessions.options.dialog.token.warning.name.repeated.text  = HTTP Sesijski token s datim imenom ve\u0107 postoji.
2055httpsessions.options.dialog.token.warning.name.repeated.title = Dupli Naziv HTTP Sesijskog Tokena
2057http.panel.model.header.warn.malformed = Failed to parse the header, is it well-formed?
2058http.panel.model.header.warn.notfound  = No header found.
2059http.panel.component.warn.datainvalid = Unable to switch components, failed to set the data to the message.
2060http.panel.noSuitableComponentFound = Odgovaraju\u0107a komponenta nije na\u0111ena za prikaz poruke.
2061http.panel.component.all.tooltip = Kombinirani prikaz za zaglavlje i tijelo
2062http.panel.component.split.body = Tijelo\:
2063http.panel.component.split.header = Zaglavlje\:\u00a0
2064http.panel.component.split.tooltip = Podjeli prikaz za zaglavlje i tijelo
2065http.panel.name = Combined HTTP Panels Extension
2066http.panel.request.mnemonic		 = r
2067http.panel.request.title 		 = Zahtjev
2068http.panel.requestAndResponse.title = Request & Response
2069http.panel.response.mnemonic	 = r
2070http.panel.response.title 		 = Odgovor
2071http.panel.view.formtable.ext.name = HTTP Panel Form Table View Extension
2072http.panel.view.hex.ext.name = HTTP Panel Hex View Extension
2073http.panel.view.hex.name         = Hex
2074http.panel.view.image.ext.name = HTTP Panel Image View Extension
2075http.panel.view.image.name       = Slika
2076http.panel.view.largerequest.name = Veliki Zahtjev
2077http.panel.view.largerequest.ext.name = HTTP Panel Large Request View Extension
2078http.panel.view.largerequest.split.warning = <html><p>Very large request body ({0} bytes) - switch views (using the pulldown currently showing ''Body\: Large Request'' above) to display.</p>\n\
2079<p>Be aware that this message may take some time to load.</p>\n\
2080<p>You can change the minimum message size used for the ''Large Request'' view via Options / Display.</p></html>
2081http.panel.view.largerequest.all.warning = <html><p>Very large request body ({0} bytes) - switch views (using the pulldown currently showing ''Body\: Large Request'' above)to display.</p>\n\
2082<p>Be aware that this message may take some time to load.</p>\n\
2083<p>You can change the minimum message size used for the ''Large Request'' view via Options / Display.</p></html>
2084http.panel.view.largeresponse.ext.name = HTTP Panel Large Response View Extension
2085http.panel.view.largeresponse.name = Veliki Odgovor
2086http.panel.view.largeresponse.split.warning = <html><p>Vrlo veliki odgovor tijela - prebaciti preglede za prikaz <p> Budite svjesni da u\u010ditavanje ove poruke mo\u017ee potrajati neko vrijeme.</html>\u00a0
2087http.panel.view.largeresponse.all.warning = Vrlo veliki odgovor tijela - prebaciti preglede za prikaz.\n\
2088Budite svjesni da u\u010ditavanje ove poruke mo\u017ee potrajati neko vrijeme.
2089http.panel.view.posttable.ext.name = HTTP Panel Post Table View Extension
2090http.panel.view.requestquery.ext.name = HTTP Panel Query Table View Extension
2091http.panel.view.syntaxhighlighter.ext.name = HTTP Panel Syntax Highlighter View Extension
2092http.panel.view.warn.datainvalid = Unable to switch views, failed to set the data to the message.
2094http.panel.view.text.name        = Tekst
2095http.panel.view.table.name       = Tabela
2096http.panel.view.tablev2.name       = Table (adv)
2097http.panel.view.table.paramName  = Naziv Parametra
2098http.panel.view.table.paramValue = Vrijednost
2099http.panel.view.tableparam.addins = Dodaci
2100http.panel.view.tableparam.type = Vrsta
2101http.panel.view.tableparam.functions = Funkcije
2102http.panel.view.syntaxtext.popup.view.label                    = Pregled
2103http.panel.view.syntaxtext.popup.view.antiAliasing             = Anti-Aliasing
2104http.panel.view.syntaxtext.popup.view.showLineNumbers          = Prika\u017ei Brojeve Linija
2105http.panel.view.syntaxtext.popup.view.codeFolding = Code Folding
2106http.panel.view.syntaxtext.popup.view.wordWrap                 = Prelom Rije\u010di
2107http.panel.view.syntaxtext.popup.view.highlightCurrentLine     = Ozna\u010di Trenutnu Liniju
2108http.panel.view.syntaxtext.popup.view.fadeCurrentHighlightLine = Skini sjen\u010denje s Trenutno Ozna\u010dene Linije
2109http.panel.view.syntaxtext.popup.view.showWhitespaceCharacters = Prika\u017ei Razmak Karaktere
2110http.panel.view.syntaxtext.popup.view.showNewlineCharacters    = Prika\u017ei Karaktere Nove linije
2111http.panel.view.syntaxtext.popup.view.markOccurrences          = Ozna\u010di Pojavljivanja
2112http.panel.view.syntaxtext.popup.view.roundedSelectionEdges    = Zaobljeni Rubovi Izbora
2113http.panel.view.syntaxtext.popup.view.bracketMatching          = Zagrade Koje se sla\u017eu
2114http.panel.view.syntaxtext.popup.view.animatedBracketMatching  = Animirane Zagrade Koje se sla\u017eu
2115http.panel.view.syntaxtext.popup.syntax.label        = Sintaksa
2116http.panel.view.syntaxtext.popup.syntax.autoDetect   = Auto Detekcija
2117http.panel.view.syntaxtext.syntax.plain              = Obi\u010dan
2118http.panel.view.syntaxtext.syntax.css                = CSS
2119http.panel.view.syntaxtext.syntax.html               = HTML
2120http.panel.view.syntaxtext.syntax.javascript         = JavaScript
2121http.panel.view.syntaxtext.syntax.json               = JSON
2122http.panel.view.syntaxtext.syntax.xml                = XML
2123http.panel.view.syntaxtext.syntax.xWwwFormUrlencoded = x-www-form-urlencoded
2125jvm.options.title				= JVM
2126jvm.options.error.writing		= Failed to save JVM Options in property file {0}\:\n\
2127 {1}
2128jvm.options.label.jvmoptions	= JVM Options\:
2129jvm.options.warning.restart		= Changes to the JVM Options will only be applied when the program is restarted.
2130jvm.options.memory.size = Size\: {0}
2131jvm.options.memory.used = Used\: {0}
2132jvm.options.memory.max = Max\: {0}
2134keyboard.api.cheatsheet.header		= <head><title>OWASP ZAP Keyboard shortcuts</title></head><body><H1>OWASP ZAP Keyboard shortcuts</H1>\n\
2135<table border\="0"><tr><th>Action</th><th></th><th>Modifiers</th><th>Key</th></tr>
2136keyboard.api.cheatsheet.tablerow	= <tr><td>{0}</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>{1}</td><td>{2}</td></tr>
2137keyboard.api.cheatsheet.footer		= </table><br/>Generated by the OWASP ZAP API</body>
2138keyboard.api.other.cheatsheetActionOrder = Lists the keyboard shortcuts sorted by action, optionally, showing actions without shortcut set.
2139keyboard.api.other.cheatsheetKeyOrder = Lists the keyboard shortcuts sorted by keyboard shortcut, optionally, showing actions without shortcut set.
2140keyboard.desc						= Adds support for configurable keyboard shortcuts for all of the ZAP menus.
2141keyboard.key.alt					= Alt
2142keyboard.key.control				= Control
2143keyboard.key.down					= Dole
2144keyboard.key.left					= Lijevo
2145keyboard.key.right					= Desno
2146keyboard.key.shift					= Shift
2147keyboard.key.up						= Gore
2148keyboard.name = Keyboard Configuration Extension
2150keyboard.options.button.cheatAction = ''Action'' Cheatsheet
2151keyboard.options.button.cheatAction.tooltip = <html><body>Generates an HTML keyboard shortcuts cheatsheet sorted by ''action''<br>This is only available if the API is enabled</body></html>
2152keyboard.options.button.cheatKey = ''Key'' Cheatsheet
2153keyboard.options.button.cheatKey.tooltip = <html><body>Generates an HTML keyboard shortcuts cheatsheet sorted by ''key''<br>This is only available if the API is enabled</body></html>
2154keyboard.dialog.button.save		= Set
2155keyboard.dialog.label.action	= Akcija\:\u00a0
2156keyboard.dialog.label.key		= Klju\u010d\:
2157keyboard.dialog.label.control	= Control\:
2158keyboard.dialog.label.alt		= Alt\:
2159keyboard.dialog.label.shift		= Shift\:
2160keyboard.dialog.title			= Edit Keyboard Shortcut
2161keyboard.dialog.warning.dup		= Ve\u0107 se koristi za\: {0}
2162keyboard.options.button.reset	= Reset
2163keyboard.options.table.header.menu	= Meni
2164keyboard.options.table.header.key	= Klju\u010d
2165keyboard.options.table.header.mods	= Modifikatori
2166keyboard.options.title			= Tastatura
2168localProxies.api.action.addAdditionalProxy = Adds an new proxy using the details supplied.
2174localProxies.api.action.removeAdditionalProxy = Removes the additional proxy with the specified address and port.
2178localProxies.api.view.additionalProxies = Gets all of the additional proxies that have been configured.
2180locale.options.label.change   = <html><body><p>Mo\u017eete promijeniti svoje jezik odabirom <br> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Alati / Opcije... / Prikaz ekrana</body></html>
2181locale.options.label.language = Molimo odaberite Va\u0161 jezik\:
2183log4j.desc                  = Logiraj gre\u0161ke u Izlaz tab samo u development modu
2184log4j.icon.title			= Gre\u0161ke
2185log4j.name = Log4j Ekstenzija
2186log4j.tools.menu.gc         = Pokreni Skuplja\u010d Sme\u0107a (GC)
2188manReq.name = Manual Request Editor Extension
2189manReq.button.send             = Po\u0161alji
2190manReq.button.send.tooltip = Alt+Enter
2191manReq.button.send.tooltip.mac = Control+Option+Return
2192manReq.warn.datainvalid = Unable to set the data to the message.
2193manReq.checkBox.fixLength      = Update Content Length
2194manReq.checkBox.followRedirect = Prati preusmjerenje
2195manReq.checkBox.useSession     = Koristi trenutno pra\u0107enje sesije
2196manReq.checkBox.useCookies     = Accept cookies
2197manReq.checkBox.useCSRF        = Regenerate Anti-CSRF Token
2198manReq.dialog.title            = Ru\u010dni Editor Zahtjeva
2199manReq.pullDown.method         = Metod
2200manReq.pullDown.method.warn = Unable to change the method, failed to set the data to the message.
2201manReq.tab.request             = Zahtjev
2202manReq.tab.response            = Odgovor
2203manReq.display.tabs            = Odvoji tabove za Zahtjeve i Odgovore
2204manReq.display.above           = Zahtjev prikazan iznad Odgovora
2205manReq.display.sidebyside      = Zahtjev i Odgovor jedan pored drugog
2206manReq.label.timeLapse		   = Vrijeme\:\u00a0
2207manReq.label.contentLength     = Du\u017eina tijela\:\u00a0
2208manReq.label.totalLength       = Ukupna du\u017eina\:\u00a0
2209manReq.label.totalLengthBytes  = bajta
2210manReq.outofscope.warning      = Odredi\u0161ni URL nije u opsegu
2211manReq.outofscope.redirection.warning = A redirection was not followed because it was out of scope\:\n\
2213manReq.safe.warning            = Manuelni zahtjevi nisu dozvoljeni u Sigurnom modu
2215menu.analyse                  = Analiza
2216menu.analyse.mnemonic         = a
2217menu.analyse.scan             = Skeniraj
2218menu.analyse.scanAll          = Skeniraj Sve
2219menu.analyse.scanPolicy       = Politika Skeniranja...
2220menu.analyse.spider           = Pauk...
2221menu.edit                     = Izmjeni
2222menu.edit.mnemonic            = e
2223menu.edit.find                = Tra\u017ei...
2224menu.edit.find.mnemonic       = f
2225menu.edit.search.next.item                = Next Result
2226menu.edit.search.next.item.mnemonic       = n
2227menu.edit.search.previous.item            = Previous Result
2228menu.edit.search.previous.item.mnemonic   = p
2229menu.edit.search              = Tra\u017ei...
2230menu.edit.search.item = Tra\u017ei...
2231menu.edit.search.item.mnemonic = s
2232menu.edit.zapmode	       = ZAP mod
2233menu.file                     = Datoteka
2234menu.file.mnemonic            = f
2235menu.file.closeSession        = Trenutne sesije \u0107e biti zatvorene. Kreiraj novu sesiju?
2236menu.file.closeSession.mnemonic = f
2237menu.file.context.create      = Novi kontekst...
2238menu.file.context.export	  = Izvezi kontekst...
2239menu.file.context.import	  = Uvezi kontekst...
2240menu.file.discardSession      = Trenutna sesija nije spa\u0161ena. Odbaci i kreiraj novu sesiju?
2241menu.file.error.selectedCurrentSession.msg = Invalid file, it is the current session.
2242menu.file.error.selectedCurrentSession.title = Current Session Selected
2243menu.file.exit                = Iza\u0111i
2244menu.file.exit.delete         = Izlaz i brisanje sesije...
2245menu.file.exit.delete.warning = Da li ste sigurni da \u017eelite izbrisati sesiju?\n\
2246Bit \u0107e trajno izbrisana\!
2247menu.file.exit.message.activeActions = <html>The following actions are still active\:<ul>{0}</ul>Stop all active actions and exit?</html>
2248menu.file.exit.message.resourcesNotSavedAndActiveActions = <html>There are unsaved resources and there are still active actions\:<br>Unsaved resources\:<ul>{0}</ul>Active actions\:<ul>{1}</ul>Stop all active actions, discard all of these resources and exit?</html>
2249menu.file.exit.message.resourcesNotSaved   = <html>The following resources have not been saved\:<ul>{0}</ul>Exit and discard all of these resources?</html>
2250menu.file.exit.message.sessionResNotSaved  = The current session
2251menu.file.exit.mnemonic		  = e
2252menu.file.loadSession         = U\u010ditavanje sesijske datoteke.  Molimo sa\u010dekajte ...
2253menu.file.loadSession.mnemonic = l
2254menu.file.newSession.wait.dialogue = Creating new session file. Please wait...
2255menu.file.newSession          = Nove Sesije
2256menu.file.newSession.error    = Gre\u0161ka kod kreiranja nove sesije
2257menu.file.newSession.mnemonic = n
2258menu.file.openSession         = Otvori Sesiju...
2259menu.file.openSession.error   = Gre\u0161ka kod otvaranja sesije
2260menu.file.openSession.errorFile = Error opening session file.
2261menu.file.openSession.mnemonic = o
2262menu.file.persistSession      = Spa\u0161avanje Session...
2263menu.file.persistSession.error = Gre\u0161ka u spa\u0161avanju sesije
2264menu.file.properties          = Svojstva Sesije...
2265menu.file.properties.mnemonic = p
2266menu.file.save                = Spasi
2267menu.file.saveAs              = Spasi kao...
2268menu.file.savingSession       = Spa\u0161avanje sesijske datoteke.  Molimo sa\u010dekajte ...
2269menu.file.savingSession.error = Gre\u0161ka u spa\u0161avanju sesijske datoteke.
2270menu.file.savingSnapshot      = Spa\u0161avanje snimka sesije
2271menu.file.session.activeactions = <html>The following actions are still active\:<ul>{0}</ul>Stop all active actions and continue?</html>
2272menu.file.sessionExists.error = Sesija je ve\u0107 bila spa\u0161ena na disk.\n\
2273Ne morate je ponovno spasiti.
2274menu.file.sessionNotExist.error = Mo\u017eete samo sa\u010duvati sesiju koja je bila spa\u0161ena na disk.
2275menu.file.sessionProperties   = Svojstva Sesije...
2276menu.file.snapshot.activeactions = <html>No actions can be active to snapshot the session\:<ul>{0}</ul></html>
2277menu.file.shuttingDown        = Ugasi server i bazu...
2278menu.file.snapshotSession     = Snimak sesije
2279menu.file.snapshotSession.error = Gre\u0161ka u spa\u0161avanju snimka sesije
2280menu.file.snapshotSession.mnemonic = s
2281menu.help                     = Pomo\u0107
2282menu.help.mnemonic            = h
2283menu.help.about               = O OWASP ZAP
2284menu.help.zap.support = Podr\u0161ka info...
2285menu.help.about.mnemonic      = a
2286menu.import                   = Uvoz
2287menu.import.mnemonic          = i
2288menu.online                   = Online
2289menu.online.mnemonic          = o
2290menu.report                   = Izvje\u0161taj
2291menu.report.mnemonic          = r
2292menu.report.html.generate     = Generi\u0161i HTML Izvje\u0161taj...
2293menu.tools                    = Alati
2294menu.tools.mnemonic           = t
2295menu.tools.ascanadv			  = Aktivno Skeniranje...
2296menu.tools.brk.cont           = Submit and Continue to Next Breakpoint
2297menu.tools.brk.cont.mnemonic  = c
2298menu.tools.brk.custom         = Add a Custom HTTP Breakpoint...
2299menu.tools.brk.custom.mnemonic = p
2300menu.tools.brk.drop           = Bin zahtjev ili odgovor
2301menu.tools.brk.drop.mnemonic  = b
2302menu.tools.brk.req			  = Toggle Break on All Requests
2303menu.tools.brk.req.mnemonic	  = b
2304menu.tools.brk.resp			  = Toggle Break on All Responses
2305menu.tools.brk.resp.mnemonic  = r
2306menu.tools.brk.step           = Po\u0161alji i nastavi prema sljede\u0107em zahtjevu ili odgovoru
2307menu.tools.brk.step.mnemonic  = s
2308menu.tools.filter             = Filter...
2309menu.tools.manReq             = Ru\u010dni Editor Zahtjeva...
2310menu.tools.options            = Opcije...
2311menu.tools.options.mnemonic   = o
2312menu.tools.options.errorSavingOptions = Gre\u0161ka prilikom spa\u0161avanja mogu\u0107nosti.
2313menu.tools.spider			  = Pauk...
2314menu.view                     = Pregled
2315menu.view.mnemonic            = v
2316menu.view.enableImage         = Omogu\u0107i Slike u Historiji
2317menu.view.showtab             = Prika\u017ei tab
2318menu.view.tab				  = {0} Tab
2319menu.view.tabs.hide		      = Hide Unpinned Tabs
2320menu.view.tabs.pin            = Pin All Visible Tabs
2321menu.view.tabs.show			  = Prika\u017ei sve kartice
2322menu.view.tabs.unpin          = Unpin All Tabs
2324multiple.options.regexes.table.header.regex = Regex
2325multiple.options.regexes.dialog.add.regex.title = Add Regular Expression
2326multiple.options.regexes.dialog.add.regex.button.confirm = Dodaj
2327multiple.options.regexes.dialog.export.button = Izvoz
2328multiple.options.regexes.dialog.export.error = Failed to export Regex patterns.\n\
2331multiple.options.regexes.dialog.import.button = Uvoz
2332multiple.options.regexes.dialog.import.error = Failed to import Regex patterns.\n\
2335multiple.options.regexes.dialog.modify.regex.title = Modify Regular Expression
2336multiple.options.regexes.dialog.modify.regex.button.confirm = Promijeni
2337multiple.options.regexes.dialog.remove.regex.title = Remove Regular Expression
2338multiple.options.regexes.dialog.remove.regex.text = Are you sure you want to remove the selected regular expression?
2339multiple.options.regexes.dialog.remove.regex.button.cancel = Otka\u017ei
2340multiple.options.regexes.dialog.remove.regex.button.confirm = Ukloni
2341multiple.options.regexes.dialog.remove.regex.checkbox.label = Ne prikazuj vi\u0161e ovu poruku
2342multiple.options.regexes.dialog.regex.invalid.title = Neispravan Regular Expression
2343multiple.options.regexes.dialog.regex.invalid.text = The provided regular expression is not valid\:\n\
2345multiple.options.regexes.dialog.regex.invalid.alreadyExist.title = Duplicated Regular Expression
2346multiple.options.regexes.dialog.regex.invalid.alreadyExist.text = Regular expression already exists.
2347multiple.options.regexes.dialog.regex.label = Regex\:
2349multiple.options.panel.add.button.label                         = Dodaj...
2350multiple.options.panel.disableAll.button.label                  = Onemogu\u0107i Svi
2351multiple.options.panel.enableAll.button.label                   = Omogu\u0107i Sve
2352multiple.options.panel.modify.button.label                      = Promijeni...
2353multiple.options.panel.remove.button.label                      = Ukloni
2354multiple.options.panel.removeWithoutConfirmation.checkbox.label = Remove Without Confirmation
2356multiple.options.panel.ordered.move.top.button.label = Vrh
2357multiple.options.panel.ordered.move.top.button.tooltip = Moves the selected element to top position.
2358multiple.options.panel.ordered.move.up.button.label = Gore
2359multiple.options.panel.ordered.move.up.button.tooltip = Moves the selected element up one position.
2360multiple.options.panel.ordered.move.down.button.label = Dole
2361multiple.options.panel.ordered.move.down.button.tooltip = Moves the selected element down one position.
2362multiple.options.panel.ordered.move.bottom.button.label = Dno
2363multiple.options.panel.ordered.move.bottom.button.tooltip = Moves the selected element to bottom position.
2365network.ssl.error.connect = An exception occurred while attempting to connect to\:
2366network.ssl.error.exception = The exception was\: \n\
2368network.ssl.error.exception.rootcause = Glavni uzrok\:\n\
2370network.ssl.error.help = Sljede\u0107i dokument mo\u017ee pomo\u0107i u rje\u0161avanju ovog kvara\: \n\
2372network.ssl.error.help.url = https\://www.zaproxy.org/faq/how-to-connect-to-an-https-site-that-reports-a-handshake-failure/
2374output.panel.clear.button.label = O\u010disti
2375output.panel.clear.button.toolTip = Clear Output Panel
2377options.acsrf.table.header.token             = Token
2378options.acsrf.label.tokens            = <html><body><p>Ovi tokeni su tretirani kao anti CSRF tokeni.</p><p>Trenutno samo su podr\u017eani FORM parametarski tokeni</p><p>Svi nazovi tokena su tretirani kao neosjetljivi na velika-mala slova.</p><p>Ako dodate ili promjeniti bilo koji naziv tokena MORATE ponovo posjetiti stranice koje sadr\u017ee ove tokene prije nego \u0161to \u0107e biti prepoznati</p> </body></html>
2379options.acsrf.title                   = Anti CSRF Tokeni
2380options.acsrf.SearchForPartialMatching = Use params as Anti-CSRF token if its name contain one of the tokens (partial matching).
2382options.acsrf.dialog.token.add.button.cancel           = Otka\u017ei
2383options.acsrf.dialog.token.add.button.confirm          = Dodaj
2384options.acsrf.dialog.token.add.title                   = Dodaj Anti CSRF Token
2385options.acsrf.dialog.token.field.label.enabled         = Omogu\u0107eno\:
2386options.acsrf.dialog.token.field.label.name            = Token\:
2387options.acsrf.dialog.token.modify.button.confirm       = Promijeni
2388options.acsrf.dialog.token.modify.title                = Promijeni Anti CSRF Token
2389options.acsrf.dialog.token.remove.button.cancel        = Otka\u017ei
2390options.acsrf.dialog.token.remove.button.confirm       = Ukloni
2391options.acsrf.dialog.token.remove.checkbox.label       = Ne prikazuj vi\u0161e ovu poruku
2392options.acsrf.dialog.token.remove.text                 = Da li ste sigurni da \u017eelite ukloniti odabrani token?
2393options.acsrf.dialog.token.remove.title                = Uklonni Anti CSRF Token
2394options.acsrf.dialog.token.warning.name.repeated.text  = Anti CSRF token s istim imenom ve\u0107 postoji.
2395options.acsrf.dialog.token.warning.name.repeated.title = Dupliciraj Naziv Anti CSRF Tokena
2396options.acsrf.table.header.enabled               = Omogu\u0107eno
2398options.display.timestamp.format.combobox.tooltip = Select or enter a timestamp format (based on Java SimpleDateFormat). \n\
2399Press enter to see it applied to the example. \n\
2400(If applying your format fails a default will be used.)
2401options.display.timestamp.format.outputtabtimestamps.label = Display timestamps on output tabs?
2403# TODO alpha code
2404options.globalexcludeurl.dialog.token.add.button.cancel           = Otka\u017ei
2405options.globalexcludeurl.dialog.token.add.button.confirm          = Dodaj
2406options.globalexcludeurl.dialog.token.add.title                   = Add Global Exclude URL Regex
2407options.globalexcludeurl.dialog.token.field.label.enabled         = Omogu\u0107eno\:
2408options.globalexcludeurl.dialog.token.field.label.name            = URL Regex\:
2409options.globalexcludeurl.dialog.token.field.label.description     = Opis\:
2410options.globalexcludeurl.dialog.token.modify.button.confirm       = Promijeni
2411options.globalexcludeurl.dialog.token.modify.title                = Modify Global Exclude URL Regex
2412options.globalexcludeurl.dialog.token.remove.button.cancel        = Otka\u017ei
2413options.globalexcludeurl.dialog.token.remove.button.confirm       = Ukloni
2414options.globalexcludeurl.dialog.token.remove.checkbox.label       = Ne prikazuj vi\u0161e ovu poruku
2415options.globalexcludeurl.dialog.token.remove.text                 = Are you sure you want to remove the selected URL regex?
2416options.globalexcludeurl.dialog.token.remove.title                = Remove Global Exclude URL Regex
2417options.globalexcludeurl.dialog.token.warning.name.repeated.text  = Another regex for this Global Exclude URL already exists.
2418options.globalexcludeurl.dialog.token.warning.name.repeated.title = Duplicated Global Exclude URL Regex
2419options.globalexcludeurl.table.header.token                       = Regex URL
2420options.globalexcludeurl.table.header.enabled                     = Omogu\u0107eno
2421options.globalexcludeurl.table.header.description                 = Opis
2422options.globalexcludeurl.label.tokens            = <html><body><p>These regex URLs will be ignored by the Proxy, Scanner, and Spider when activated. See the help pages for more information.</p></body></html>
2423options.globalexcludeurl.title                   = Global Exclude URL
2425# this is displayed in the three proxy/spider/scanner ignore config panels
2426options.globalexcludeurl.seeglobalconfig         = Note\: URLs in Options / Global Exclude URL will also be ignored.
2429options.cert.button.browse            = Pregledaj
2430options.cert.button.delete            = Obri\u0161i
2431options.cert.button.keystore          = Add to KeyStore
2432options.cert.button.pkcs11            = Add to KeyStore
2433options.cert.button.setactive         = Postavi aktivno
2434options.cert.error                    = Gre\u0161ka
2435options.cert.error.accesskeystore     = Error accessing KeyStore\:
2436options.cert.error.crypto             = Kripto API jo\u0161 uvijek ne radi - Izvinite
2437options.cert.error.fingerprint        = Gre\u0161ka u izra\u010dunavanju klju\u010da otiska\:\u00a0
2438options.cert.error.password           = Mo\u017eda va\u0161a lozina ili driver nisu dobri.
2439options.cert.error.password.blank 	  = Ostavili ste prazno PIN polje.
2440options.cert.error.pkcs11			  = Poku\u0161ajte ponovo dodati PKCS\#11 driver...
2441options.cert.error.pkcs11notavailable = <html><body><p>Zahtjevani Sun PKCS\#11 provider nije dostupan.</p><p>Za vi\u0161e informacija posjetite stranicu\:</p></body></html>
2442options.cert.error.pkcs11notavailable.sun.hyperlink = http\://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/security/p11guide.html\#Requirements
2443options.cert.error.pkcs11notavailable.sun.hyperlink.text = Sun PKCS\#11 Provider
2444options.cert.error.pkcs11notavailable.ibm.hyperlink = http\://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/java7sdk/v7r0/topic/com.ibm.java.security.component.71.doc/security-component/pkcs11implDocs/ibmpkcs11.html
2445options.cert.error.pkcs11notavailable.ibm.hyperlink.text = IBMPKCS11Impl Davatelj
2446options.cert.error.pkcs12nopass       = PKCS\#12 datoteke bez lozinke nisu podr\u017eane.
2447options.cert.error.usepassfile        = Molimo koristite datoteku za\u0161ti\u0107enu lozinkom.
2448options.cert.error.wrongpassword      = Neispravan PKCS\#11 PIN ili lozinka
2449options.cert.error.wrongpasswordlast  = (Posljednji poku\u0161aj prije blokiranja smart kartice)
2450options.cert.label.activecerts        = Aktivni certifikat
2451options.cert.label.addkeystore        = <html><body><p> Dodajte va\u0161e skladi\u0161te klju\u010deva i odaberite \u017eeljeni certifikat.</p><p>Postavke za certifikat ne\u0107e biti pohranjene u mogu\u0107nosti, a vi \u0107ete morati omogu\u0107iti certifikat sljede\u0107i put kada ponovo restartate ZAP.</p></body></html>
2452options.cert.label.client.cert        = Klijentski certifikat
2453options.cert.label.driver             = Driver
2454options.cert.label.enableunsafesslrenegotiation	= Omogu\u0107i nesigurno SSL/TLS ponovno pregovaranje
2455options.cert.label.enableunsafesslrenegotiationwarning = Da biste omogu\u0107ili nesigurno ponovno SSL / TLS pregovaranje morate ga uklju\u010diti prije uspostavljanja bilo koje HTTPS veze.\n\
2456Ako to ne radi, restartajte ZAP i omogu\u0107ite ovu prvu opciju.
2457options.cert.label.enterpassword      = Unesi lozinku
2458options.cert.label.file               = Datoteka
2459options.cert.label.keystore           = Spremi\u0161te Klju\u010deva
2460options.cert.label.password           = Lozinka
2461options.cert.label.pincode            = PIN Kod
2462options.cert.label.useclientcert      = Koristi klijentski certifikat
2463options.cert.tab.cryptoapi            = KriptoAPI
2464options.cert.tab.keystore             = Spremi\u0161te Klju\u010deva
2465options.cert.tab.pkcs                 = PKCS\#12
2466options.cert.tab.pkcs11               = PKCS\#11
2467options.cert.title               = Klijentski certifikat
2468options.dialog.title = Opcije
2469options.dialog.rootName = Opcije
2470options.dialog.reset.button = Reset to Factory Defaults
2471options.dialog.reset.warn = Da li ste sigurni da \u017eelite resetovati sve opcije?\n\
2473Ovaj postupak odmah stupa na snagu odmah i ne mo\u017ee se poni\u0161titi\!
2474options.dialog.reset.error = Resetovanje opcija nije uspjelo\:\n\
2476options.dialog.reset.error.panel = Failed to reset {0} options panel\:\n\
2478options.dialog.save.error = Failed to save the options\:\n\
2480options.name = Opcije ekstenzije
2481options.ext.button.openurl            = Otvori Po\u010detnu stranicu u Pretra\u017eiva\u010du
2482options.ext.label.author              = Autor
2483options.ext.label.core                = Jezgro
2484options.ext.label.enabled             = Omogu\u0107eno
2485options.ext.label.extension           = Ekstenzija
2486options.ext.label.iscore              = Da
2487options.ext.label.name                = Naziv
2488options.ext.label.addon = Dodatak
2489options.ext.label.url                 = Po\u010detna stranica
2490options.ext.title                     = Ekstenzija
2491options.ext.label.enable              = <html><body>Omogu\u0107avanje ili onemogu\u0107avanje ekstenzija bi\u0107e prihva\u0107eno nakon restarta.</body></html>
2492options.lang.file.chooser.description = ZAP jezi\u010dka datoteka
2493options.lang.importer.browse                      = Pregledaj...
2494options.lang.importer.button                      = Uvoz
2495options.lang.importer.dialog.message.error        = Uvoz nije uspio\: Nema jezi\u010dne datoteke u jezi\u010dnom paketu
2496options.lang.importer.dialog.message.filenotfound = Uvoz nije uspio\: Jezi\u010dna datoteka nije ispravna ili ne postoji\u00a0
2497options.lang.importer.dialog.message.success      = Uspje\u0161no uvezeno {0} jezi\u010dkih datoteka
2498options.lang.importer.dialog.title                = Jezi\u010dki Paket Uvoznik
2499options.lang.importer.label                       = Uvoz novog jezi\u010dkog paketa (*.zaplang datoteka)\:
2500options.lang.label.restart                        = <html><body><p>Promjene na Jeziku ili Prikazu \u0107e biti vidljive samo kada se program ponovo pokrene.</p></body></html>
2501options.lang.selector.label                       = Jezik\:
2502options.lang.title                                = Jezik
2503options.lang.usesystemslocaleformat.label = Use system''s locale ({0}) for formatting.
2504options.lang.usesystemslocaleformat.tooltip = Sets whether or not the system''s locale should be used for formatting dates, numbers, and/or currencies.
2505options.proxy.additional.title = Dodatni proksiji
2506options.proxy.local.label.alwaysDecodeGzip = Always unzip gzipped content
2507options.proxy.local.label.behindnat = Iza NAT-a
2508options.proxy.local.label.browser     = <html><body><br><p>Podesite proxy preglednika koriste\u0107i postavke iznad.  Port http i https port moraju biti isti port kao gore.</p></body></html>
2509options.proxy.local.label.removeUnsupportedEncodings = Remove Unsupported Encodings
2510options.proxy.local.label.address = Adresa\:
2511options.proxy.local.label.port        = Port (e.g. 8080)\:
2512options.proxy.local.title             = Lokalni Proxy
2513options.proxy.local.tooltip.alwaysDecodeGzip = <html>Always automatically unzip gzipped content. This option is needed for applications that ignore the modified "Accept-Encoding" header<br>\n\
2514This option should be always enabled unless the decoding breaks the application being tested.<br>\n\
2515The messages encoded will not be correctly scanned (either by passive and active scanners).</html>
2516options.proxy.local.tooltip.behindnat = <html>Indicates that the Local Proxy (ZAP) is behind NAT.<br>When selected ZAP will attempt to determine the public IP address,<br>to properly detect and handle requests with the public IP address.<br>Refer to the help page for more details.</html>
2517options.proxy.local.tooltip.removeUnsupportedEncodings = <html>Allows the Local Proxy to remove unsupported encodings from the "Accept-Encoding" request-header field, <br>\n\
2518so no (unsupported) encoding transformations are done to the response.<br>\n\
2519This option should be always enabled unless when testing the encoding transformations.<br>\n\
2520The HTTP responses encoded with unsupported encodings will not be correctly scanned (either by passive and active scanners).</html>
2522options.proxy.dialog.proxy.warning.dup.title = Duplicated Proxy
2523options.proxy.dialog.proxy.warning.dup.message = A proxy with this address and port is already defined
2524options.proxy.dialog.proxy.warning.fail.title = Invalid Proxy
2525options.proxy.dialog.proxy.warning.fail.message = Unable to listen on this address and port\: {0}\:{1}
2526options.proxy.dialog.proxy.add.title			= Add Local Proxy
2527options.proxy.dialog.proxy.add.button.confirm	= Dodaj
2528options.proxy.dialog.proxy.modify.button.confirm = Promijeni
2529options.proxy.dialog.proxy.modify.title			= Modify Local Proxy
2530options.proxy.dialog.proxy.remove.button.cancel        = Otka\u017ei
2531options.proxy.dialog.proxy.remove.button.confirm       = Ukloni
2532options.proxy.dialog.proxy.remove.checkbox.label       = Ne prikazuj vi\u0161e ovu poruku
2533options.proxy.dialog.proxy.remove.text                 = Are you sure you want to remove the selected Proxy?
2534options.proxy.dialog.proxy.remove.title                = Remove Local Proxy
2536options.script.table.header.dir       = Direktorij
2537options.script.label.dirs             = <html><body><p>Scripts will be loaded from these directories.</p>\n\
2538<p>The scripts must be in subdirectories named after the relevant script type (such as ''active'', ''passive'', ''proxy'', etc.) and must have an appropriate extension for the script language used.</p>\n\
2539<p>Scripts that cannot be written to will be added to the Templates section.</p> </body></html>
2540options.script.title                   = Skripte
2541options.script.dialog.dirs.add.button.cancel           = Otka\u017ei
2542options.script.dialog.dirs.add.button.confirm          = Dodaj
2543options.script.dialog.dirs.modify.button.confirm       = Promijeni
2544options.script.dialog.dirs.noscripts.warning           = The selected directory does not appear to contain any valid scripts.\n\
2545Add the directory anyway?
2546options.script.dialog.dirs.remove.button.cancel        = Otka\u017ei
2547options.script.dialog.dirs.remove.button.confirm       = Ukloni
2548options.script.dialog.dirs.remove.checkbox.label       = Ne prikazuj vi\u0161e ovu poruku
2549options.script.dialog.dirs.remove.text                 = Are you sure you want to remove the selected directories?
2550options.script.dialog.dirs.remove.title                = Remove Script Directories
2552output.panel.mnemonic		= o
2553output.panel.title 			= Izlaz
2555paramcontainer.panel.search.tooltip = Click to search or press ''Enter''
2556paramcontainer.panel.clear.tooltip = Clear Search Results
2558params.anticsrf.add.popup	= Add Name as Anti-CSRF Token
2559params.anticsrf.remove.popup	= Remove Name as Anti-CSRF Token
2560params.api.view.params		= Pokazuje parametre za odre\u0111ene stranice, odnosno za sve web stranice, ako stranica nije navedena
2563params.desc                 = Rezimiraj i analiziraj FORM i URL parametare, kao i kola\u010di\u0107e
2564params.name = Parameters Extension
2565params.panel.mnemonic		= p
2566params.panel.title          = Parametri
2567params.search.popup			= Tra\u017ei
2568params.session.add.popup	= Ozna\u010di kao Sesijski token
2569params.session.remove.popup	= Ukloni oznaku za Sesijski token
2570params.table.header.flags   = Zastavice
2571params.table.header.name    = Naziv
2572params.table.header.numvals = \# Vrijednosti
2573params.table.header.pcchange = % Promjena
2574params.table.header.type    = Vrsta
2575params.table.header.used    = Kori\u0161ten
2576params.table.header.values  = Vrijednosti
2577params.toolbar.site.label   = Sajt\:
2578params.toolbar.site.select  = --Odaberi Sajt--
2579params.type.cookie			= Kola\u010di\u0107
2580params.type.form			= FORM
2581params.type.url				= URL
2582params.type.header          = Zaglavlje
2583params.type.multipart = Multipart
2585paste.desc        = Provides a right click option to paste text from the clipboard
2586paste.paste.popup = Zalijepi
2588proxy.error.host.unknown = Unknown host
2589proxy.error.port = Cannot listen on port {0}\:{1} - try specifying a different port for ZAP to use
2590proxy.error.port.retry = Proxy port {0} was in use. Try\:
2591proxy.error.address = Cannot listen on address
2592proxy.error.generic = An error occurred while starting the proxy\:\n\
2594proxy.error.readtimeout = Failed to read {0} within {1} seconds, check to see if the site is available and if so consider adjusting ZAP''s read time out in the Connection options panel.
2597proxies.name							= Lokalni Proksi
2598proxies.desc							= Manages the local proxy configurations
2599proxies.options.table.header.enabled	= Omogu\u0107eno
2600proxies.options.table.header.address	= Adresa
2601proxies.options.table.header.port		= Port
2602proxies.options.title					= Lokalni Proksi
2604pscan.activeAction = Passive scanning {0} messages
2605pscan.api.action.setEnabled = Sets whether or not the passive scanning is enabled (Note\: the enabled state is not persisted).
2607pscan.api.action.setScanOnlyInScope = Sets whether or not the passive scan should be performed only on messages that are in scope.
2609pscan.api.action.enableAllScanners = Omogu\u0107uje sve pasivne skenere
2610pscan.api.action.enableAllTags = Enables all passive scan tags.
2611pscan.api.action.disableAllScanners = Disables all passive scanners
2612pscan.api.action.enableScanners = Enables all passive scanners with the given IDs (comma separated list of IDs)
2614pscan.api.action.disableAllTags = Disables all passive scan tags.
2615pscan.api.action.disableScanners = Disables all passive scanners with the given IDs (comma separated list of IDs)
2617pscan.api.action.setScannerAlertThreshold = Sets the alert threshold of the passive scanner with the given ID, accepted values for alert threshold\: OFF, DEFAULT, LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH
2620pscan.api.action.setMaxAlertsPerRule = Sets the maximum number of alerts a passive scan rule should raise.
2623pscan.api.view.currentRule = Show information about the passive scan rule currently being run (if any).
2624pscan.api.view.scanners = Lists all passive scanners with its ID, name, enabled state and alert threshold.
2625pscan.api.view.recordsToScan	= Broj zapisa koje pasivni skener jo\u0161 ima skenirati
2626pscan.api.view.scanOnlyInScope = Tells whether or not the passive scan should be performed only on messages that are in scope.
2627pscan.api.view.maxAlertsPerRule = Gets the maximum number of alerts a passive scan rule should raise.
2628pscan.desc                                  = Pasivni skener
2629pscan.footer.label = Passive Scan Queue
2630pscan.name = Pasivni Sken Ekstenzija
2631pscan.options.header                        = <html><body><p>Sljede\u0107a pravila pasivnog skeniranja rules su definisana.</p><p>Novi ili promjenjana pravila primjenjuju samo na nove zahtjeve, a ne na postoje\u0107e.</p></body></html>
2633pscan.options.level.label	   = Passive Alert Threshold\:
2635pscan.options.dialog.scanner.field.label.config                  = Tag\:
2636pscan.options.dialog.scanner.field.label.editRequestHeaderRegex  = Zaglavlje Zahtjeva Regex\:
2637pscan.options.dialog.scanner.field.label.editRequestUrlRegex     = URL Zahtjev Regex\:
2638pscan.options.dialog.scanner.field.label.editResponseBodyRegex   = Regex Tijelo Odgovora\:
2639pscan.options.dialog.scanner.field.label.editResponseHeaderRegex = Regex Zaglavlje Odgovora\:
2640pscan.options.dialog.scanner.field.label.enabled                 = Omogu\u0107eno\:
2641pscan.options.dialog.scanner.field.label.name                    = Naziv\:
2642pscan.options.main.name = Passive Scanner
2643pscan.options.main.label.scanOnlyInScope = Only scan messages in scope
2644pscan.options.main.label.scanFuzzerMessages = Include traffic from the Fuzzer when passive scanning
2645pscan.options.main.label.maxAlertsPerRule = Max alerts any rule can raise\:
2646pscan.options.main.label.maxBodySizeInBytes = Max body size in bytes to scan\:
2647pscan.options.name                          = Pasivni Sken
2648pscan.options.table.header.enabled                 = Omogu\u0107eno
2649pscan.options.table.header.name                    = Naziv
2650pscan.options.table.header.configuration = Tag
2651pscan.options.dialog.scanner.add.button.confirm             = Dodaj
2652pscan.options.dialog.scanner.add.title                      = Dodaj Pravilo za Pasivni Sken
2653pscan.options.dialog.scanner.modify.title                = Izmjeni Pravilo za Pasivni Sken
2654pscan.options.dialog.scanner.modify.button.confirm       = Promijeni
2655pscan.options.dialog.scanner.remove.button.cancel        = Otka\u017ei
2656pscan.options.dialog.scanner.remove.button.confirm       = Ukloni
2657pscan.options.dialog.scanner.remove.checkbox.label       = Ne prikazuj vi\u0161e ovu poruku
2658pscan.options.dialog.scanner.remove.text                 = Jeste li sigurni da \u017eelite ukloniti odabrano pravilo za pasivno skeniranje?
2659pscan.options.dialog.scanner.remove.title                = Ukloni Pravilo Pasivnog Skeniranja
2660pscan.options.dialog.scanner.button.label.command           = ...
2661pscan.options.dialog.scanner.button.label.workingDir        = ...
2662pscan.options.dialog.scanner.warning.name.repeated.text = Pravilo za pasivno skeniranje s datim imenom ve\u0107 postoji.
2663pscan.options.dialog.scanner.warning.name.repeated.title = Dupiran Naziv Pravila za Pasivno Skeniranje
2664pscan.options.dialog.scanner.warning.invalid.regex.title = Invalid Regular Expression
2665pscan.options.dialog.scanner.warning.invalid.requestHeaderRegex  = The provided regular expression for request header is invalid.
2666pscan.options.dialog.scanner.warning.invalid.requestUrlRegex     = The provided regular expression for request URL is invalid.
2667pscan.options.dialog.scanner.warning.invalid.responseBodyRegex   = The provided regular expression for response body is invalid.
2668pscan.options.dialog.scanner.warning.invalid.responseHeaderRegex = The provided regular expression for response header is invalid.
2670pscan.options.policy.title         		= Pasivna Sken Pravila
2671pscan.options.policy.apply.label		= Prihvati
2672pscan.options.policy.go.button			= Idi
2673pscan.options.policy.rules.label		= Pravila
2674pscan.options.policy.thresholdTo.label	= Threshold To
2676pscan.stats.passivescanner.title	= Stats Passive Scan Rule
2677pscan.scripts.passivescanner.title	= Skripta za pravilo pasivnog skeniranja
2678pscan.scripts.interface.passive.error = The provided Passive Rules script ({0}) does not implement the required interface.\n\
2679Please refer to the provided templates for examples.
2680pscan.scripts.type.passive			= Pasivna Pravila
2681pscan.scripts.type.passive.desc		= Passive Rules scripts run when the Passive Scanner runs.\n\
2684You must enable them before they will be used.\n\
2688report.complete.warning=Generisan izvje\u0161taj skeniranja.\n\
2689Molimo pregledajte datoteku na\: {0}
2691ruleConfig.api.action.resetRuleConfigValue		= Reset the specified rule configuration, which must already exist
2693ruleConfig.api.action.resetAllRuleConfigValues	= Reset all of the rule configurations
2694ruleConfig.api.action.setRuleConfigValue		= Set the specified rule configuration, which must already exist
2698ruleConfig.api.view.ruleConfigValue				= Show the specified rule configuration
2700ruleConfig.api.view.allRuleConfigs				= Show all of the rule configurations
2701ruleconfig.desc					= Active and passive rule configuration
2702ruleconfig.dialog.button.reset	= Reset
2703ruleconfig.dialog.label.key		= Klju\u010d\:
2704ruleconfig.dialog.label.value	= Vrijednost\:
2705ruleconfig.dialog.label.default	= Zadano\:
2706ruleconfig.dialog.label.desc	= Opis\:
2707ruleconfig.dialog.title			= Edit Rule Configuration
2708ruleconfig.name = Scanner Rule Configuration Extension
2709ruleconfig.options.button.reset	= Reset All to Defaults
2710ruleconfig.options.table.header.key		= Klju\u010d
2711ruleconfig.options.table.header.default	= Podrazumjevano
2712ruleconfig.options.table.header.value	= Vrijednost
2713ruleconfig.options.title 		= Rule Configuration
2715rules.common.sleep = The length of time in seconds used for timing attacks
2716rules.cookie.ignorelist = A comma separated list of cookie names. \n\
2717Cookies included in this list will be ignored when scanning for cookie related issues.
2718rules.csrf.ignorelist = A comma separated list of identifiers. \n\
2719Any FORMs with a name or ID that matches one of these identifiers will be ignored when scanning for missing anti-CSRF tokens. \n\
2720Only use this feature to ignore FORMs that you know are safe, for example search forms.
2721rules.csrf.ignore.attname = The name of an HTML attribute that can be used to indicate that a form does not need an anti-CSRF Token. If ''rules.csrf.ignore.attvalue'' is specified then this must also match the attribute''s value. If found any related alerts will be raised at INFO level.
2722rules.csrf.ignore.attvalue = The value of an HTML attribute named by ''rules.csrf.ignore.attname'' that can be used to indicate that a form does not need an anti-CSRF Token. If found any related alerts will be raised at INFO level.
2723rules.domains.trusted = A comma separated list of URL regex patterns. Any URLs that match the patterns will be considered trusted domains and the issues ignored.
2724rules.domxss.browserid = The ID of the browser to be used by DOM XSS scan rule. The IDs supported are documented in the help of DOM XSS add-on.
2726scanner.category.browser = Klijentski pretra\u017eiva\u010d
2727scanner.category.info    = Prikupljanje informacija
2728scanner.category.inject  = Ubacivanje
2729scanner.category.misc    = \t\n\
2731scanner.category.server  = Sigurnost servera
2732scanner.category.undef   = Nedefinisano
2733scanner.delete.popup     = Obri\u0161i
2734scanner.delete.confirm   = Jeste li sigurnu da \u017eelite obrisati upozorenje(a)?
2735scanner.edit.popup       = Izmjeni...
2736scanner.false.positive.popup = Mark as False Positive
2737scanner.save.warning     = Gre\u0161ka u spa\u0161avanju politike.
2739script.api.view.globalVar = Gets the value of the global variable with the given key. Returns an API error (DOES_NOT_EXIST) if no value was previously set.
2741script.api.view.globalCustomVar = Gets the value (string representation) of a global custom variable. Returns an API error (DOES_NOT_EXIST) if no value was previously set.
2742script.api.view.globalCustomVar.param.varKey = The key of the variable.
2743script.api.view.globalVars = Gets all the global variables (key/value pairs).
2744script.api.view.globalCustomVars = Gets all the global custom variables (key/value pairs, the value is the string representation).
2745script.api.view.listEngines = Lists the script engines available
2746script.api.view.listScripts = Lists the scripts available, with its engine, name, description, type and error state.
2747script.api.view.listTypes = Lists the script types available.
2748script.api.view.scriptVar = Gets the value of the variable with the given key for the given script. Returns an API error (DOES_NOT_EXIST) if no script with the given name exists or if no value was previously set.
2751script.api.view.scriptCustomVar = Gets the value (string representation) of a custom variable. Returns an API error (DOES_NOT_EXIST) if no script with the given name exists or if no value was previously set.
2752script.api.view.scriptCustomVar.param.scriptName = The name of the script.
2753script.api.view.scriptCustomVar.param.varKey = The key of the variable.
2754script.api.view.scriptVars = Gets all the variables (key/value pairs) of the given script. Returns an API error (DOES_NOT_EXIST) if no script with the given name exists.
2756script.api.view.scriptCustomVars = Gets all the custom variables (key/value pairs, the value is the string representation) of a script. Returns an API error (DOES_NOT_EXIST) if no script with the given name exists.
2757script.api.view.scriptCustomVars.param.scriptName = The name of the script.
2758script.api.action.enable = Enables the script with the given name
2760script.api.action.clearGlobalVar = Clears the global variable with the given key.
2762script.api.action.clearGlobalCustomVar = Clears a global custom variable.
2763script.api.action.clearGlobalCustomVar.param.varKey = The key of the variable.
2764script.api.action.clearGlobalVars = Clears the global variables.
2765script.api.action.clearScriptVar = Clears the variable with the given key of the given script. Returns an API error (DOES_NOT_EXIST) if no script with the given name exists.
2768script.api.action.clearScriptCustomVar = Clears a script custom variable.
2769script.api.action.clearScriptCustomVar.param.scriptName = The name of the script.
2770script.api.action.clearScriptCustomVar.param.varKey = The key of the variable.
2771script.api.action.clearScriptVars = Clears the variables of the given script. Returns an API error (DOES_NOT_EXIST) if no script with the given name exists.
2773script.api.action.disable = Disables the script with the given name
2775script.api.action.load = Loads a script into ZAP from the given local file, with the given name, type and engine, optionally with a description, and a charset name to read the script (the charset name is required if the script is not in UTF-8, for example, in ISO-8859-1).
2782script.api.action.remove = Removes the script with the given name
2784script.api.action.runStandAloneScript = Runs the stand alone script with the given name
2786script.api.action.setGlobalVar = Sets the value of the global variable with the given key.
2789script.api.action.setScriptVar = Sets the value of the variable with the given key of the given script. Returns an API error (DOES_NOT_EXIST) if no script with the given name exists.
2794script.cmdline.help					= Run the specified script from commandline or load in GUI
2795script.cmdline.nofile				= Skripta nije prona\u0111ena\: {0}
2796script.cmdline.noread				= Skripta nije \u010ditljiva\: {0}
2797script.cmdline.noext				= Script does not have an extension\: {0}
2798script.cmdline.noengine				= Script Engine not found for extension\: {0}
2800script.desc							= Skript integracija
2801script.info.scriptsNotAdded.message = It was not possible to add the following scripts because of errors\:
2802script.info.scriptsNotAdded.table.column.scriptName = Naziv skripte
2803script.info.scriptsNotAdded.table.column.scriptEngine = Mehanizam za skripte
2804script.info.scriptsNotAdded.table.column.errorCause = Gre\u0161ka/Uzrok
2805script.info.scriptsNotAdded.error.missingType = Nedostaje vrsta skripte\: {0}
2806script.info.scriptsNotAdded.error.invalidChars =  Invalid Character Sequence (UTF-8)
2807script.info.scriptsNotAdded.error.other = (more details in log file)
2808script.interface.httpsender.error   = No script interface found for HttpSender script
2809script.interface.proxy.error		= Skript interfejs nije prona\u0111en za Proxy skripte
2810script.interface.targeted.error		= Skript interfejs nije prona\u0111en za Ciljane skripte
2811script.name = Script Extension
2812script.tree.root					= Skripting
2813script.tree.scripts					= Skripte
2814script.tree.templates				= Templejt
2815script.type.httpsender              = HTTP Po\u0161iljalac
2816script.type.httpsender.desc         = HTTP Sender scripts run against every request/response sent/received by ZAP.\n\
2818This includes the proxied messages, messages sent during active scanner, fuzzer, ...\n\
2821You must enable them before they will be used.
2822script.type.inline					= U liniji
2823script.type.library					= Biblioteka
2824script.type.proxy					= Proxy
2825script.type.proxy.desc				= Proxy skripte se pokre\u0107u protiv svakog zahtjeva i odgovora koji prolazi kroz ZAP.
2826script.type.sequence				= Sekvenca
2827script.type.sitemodifier			= Site Modifier
2828script.type.sitemodifier.desc		= Site Modifier scripts can change the structure of the application as understood by ZAP by changing the Sites Tree as new requests and responses are added.\n\
2831script.type.standalone				= Samostalni
2832script.type.standalone.desc			= Samostalne skripte su skripte koje \u0107e se ru\u010dno pokrenuti..\n\
2835Pokre\u0107ete ih koriste\u0107i dugme ''Pokreni'' u alatnoj traci.
2836script.type.targeted				= Ciljana
2837script.type.targeted.desc			= Ciljane skripte su skripte koje djeluju na odre\u0111enom URL-u ili skupini URL-ova.\n\
2840Mo\u017eete ih pozvati desnim klikom na novi u stablu Sajtovi ili na listi odgovora i odabirom ''Pokreni s Skriptom''.
2841script.resource						= Skripta\: {0}
2844search.api.other.harByHeaderRegex = Returns the HTTP messages, in HAR format, that match the given regular expression in the header(s) optionally filtered by URL and paginated with ''start'' position and ''count'' of messages.
2849search.api.other.harByRequestRegex = Returns the HTTP messages, in HAR format, that match the given regular expression in the request optionally filtered by URL and paginated with ''start'' position and ''count'' of messages.
2854search.api.other.harByResponseRegex = Returns the HTTP messages, in HAR format, that match the given regular expression in the response optionally filtered by URL and paginated with ''start'' position and ''count'' of messages.
2859search.api.other.harByUrlRegex = Returns the HTTP messages, in HAR format, that match the given regular expression in the URL optionally filtered by URL and paginated with ''start'' position and ''count'' of messages.
2864search.api.view.messagesByHeaderRegex = Returns the HTTP messages that match the given regular expression in the header(s) optionally filtered by URL and paginated with ''start'' position and ''count'' of messages.
2869search.api.view.messagesByRequestRegex = Returns the HTTP messages that match the given regular expression in the request optionally filtered by URL and paginated with ''start'' position and ''count'' of messages.
2874search.api.view.messagesByResponseRegex = Returns the HTTP messages that match the given regular expression in the response optionally filtered by URL and paginated with ''start'' position and ''count'' of messages.
2879search.api.view.messagesByUrlRegex = Returns the HTTP messages that match the given regular expression in the URL optionally filtered by URL and paginated with ''start'' position and ''count'' of messages.
2884search.api.view.urlsByHeaderRegex = Returns the URLs of the HTTP messages that match the given regular expression in the header(s) optionally filtered by URL and paginated with ''start'' position and ''count'' of messages.
2889search.api.view.urlsByRequestRegex = Returns the URLs of the HTTP messages that match the given regular expression in the request optionally filtered by URL and paginated with ''start'' position and ''count'' of messages.
2894search.api.view.urlsByResponseRegex = Returns the URLs of the HTTP messages that match the given regular expression in the response optionally filtered by URL and paginated with ''start'' position and ''count'' of messages.
2899search.api.view.urlsByUrlRegex = Returns the URLs of the HTTP messages that match the given regular expression in the URL optionally filtered by URL and paginated with ''start'' position and ''count'' of messages.
2904search.desc                        = Pretra\u017ei poruke za stringove i regular expressions\u00a0
2905search.name = Pretraga Ekstenzija
2906search.optionspanel.name           = Tra\u017ei
2907search.optionspanel.option.max.results.gui = Maximum results show in "Search" tab\:
2908search.panel.title                 = Tra\u017ei
2909search.results.table.header.match  = Odgovara
2910search.toolbar.error.invalid.regex = The provided regular expression is invalid.
2911search.toolbar.button.options      = Opcije
2912search.toolbar.label.inverse	   = Inverzno\:
2913search.toolbar.label.next          = Sljede\u0107i
2914search.toolbar.label.number.of.matches = Number of Matches\: {0}
2915search.toolbar.label.previous      = Prethodni
2916search.toolbar.label.search	       = Tra\u017ei
2917search.toolbar.label.status.searching = Searching...
2918search.toolbar.label.status.complete = Complete
2919search.toolbar.label.type.all      = Svi
2920search.toolbar.label.type.header   = Zaglavlje
2921search.toolbar.label.type.request  = Zahtjev
2922search.toolbar.label.type.response = Odgovor
2923search.toolbar.label.type.url      = URL
2924search.toolbar.tooltip.inverse	   = Prika\u017ei poruku koja NE ODGOVARA regular expressionu
2925search.toolbar.tooltip.next        = Odaberi sljede\u0107i rezultat
2926search.toolbar.tooltip.previous    = Odaberi prethodni rezultat
2927search.toolbar.tooltip.regex       = Regular expression u pretrazi za
2928search.toolbar.warn.regex.match.empty.string.text = The provided regular expression matches an empty string.\n\
2929This might result in multiple unwanted results.\n\
2930Search anyway?
2931search.toolbar.warn.regex.match.empty.string.title = Possible Incorrect Regular Expression
2932search.toolbar.warn.regex.match.empty.string.button.cancel = Otka\u017ei
2933search.toolbar.warn.regex.match.empty.string.button.search = Tra\u017ei
2934search.toolbar.tooltip.search	   = Tra\u017ei
2935search.toolbar.tooltip.scope.selected    = Pretra\u017ei sve URL-ove
2936search.toolbar.tooltip.scope.unselected  = Pretra\u017ei samo URL-ove u Opsegu
2938session.ascan.exclude.title        = Isklju\u010di iz skenera
2939session.ascan.label.ignore         = URL-ovi koji \u0107e ignorisati aktivni skener\u00a0
2940session.desc                       = Manage Session Tokens
2941session.dialog.title               = Sesija
2942session.general                    = Op\u0161ti
2943session.general.error.persist.session.props = Failed to persist the session properties (e.g. name, description).
2944session.generate.popup             = Analiza Sesijskih tokena...
2945session.label.desc                 = Opis
2946session.label.loc				   = Location
2947session.label.name                 = Naziv Sesije
2948session.properties.title           = Svojstva Sesije
2949session.proxy.exclude.title        = Isklju\u010di od proxya
2950session.proxy.label.ignore         = URL-ovi \u0107e biti ignorisani od proxya\u00a0
2951session.scope.exclude.title        = Isklju\u010di iz Opsega
2952session.scope.include.title        = Uklju\u010di u Opseg
2953session.select.session			   = Session\:
2954session.select.title			   = Open Session
2955session.spider.exclude.title       = Isklju\u010di iz pauka
2956session.spider.label.ignore        = URLs which will be ignored by the spiders (standard and AJAX)
2957session.untitled                   = Sesija Bez Naslova
2959session.method.script.dialog.error.title			= Script Loading Error
2960session.method.script.dialog.error.text.interface	= The provided Session Management script ({0}) does not implement the required interface. Please take a look at the provided templates for examples.
2961session.method.script.dialog.error.text.loading		= An error has occurred while loading the selected Session Management script\: {0}
2962session.method.script.dialog.error.text.notLoadedNorConfigured = You need to load and configure a Session Management Script.
2963session.method.script.field.label.scriptName		= Skripta\:
2964session.method.script.field.label.notLoaded			= <html><body><p>Nijedna skripta jo\u0161 nije u\u010ditana. Odaberite Skripta u okviru iznad i kliknite dugme "U\u010ditaj".</p></body></html>
2965session.method.script.load.errorScriptNotFound		= Failed to find context''s Session Management script\:\n\
2967session.method.script.type							= Upravljanje Sesijama
2968session.method.script.type.desc						= Session Management scripts run to handle custom session management.\n\
2970The script must be properly configured in the Session Properties -> Session Management panel with a ''Script-based Session Management Method''\n\
2974sessionManagement.api.view.getSessionManagementMethod = Gets the name of the session management method for the context with the given ID.
2976sessionManagement.api.view.getSessionManagementMethodConfigParams = Gets the configuration parameters for the session management method with the given name.
2978sessionManagement.api.view.getSupportedSessionManagementMethods = Gets the name of the session management methods.
2979sessionManagement.api.action.setSessionManagementMethod = Sets the session management method for the context with the given ID.
2984sessionmanagement.name = Session Management Extension
2985sessionmanagement.panel.title				= Upravljanje Sesijama
2986sessionmanagement.panel.config.title 		= Configure Session Management Method
2987sessionmanagement.panel.label.description 	= <html><p>This panel allows you to configure the session management method used for this Context.<p><html>
2988sessionmanagement.panel.label.typeSelect 	= Currently selected Session Management method for the Context\:
2989sessionmanagement.panel.label.noConfigPanel = <html><i>Ovaj metod je upotpunosti konfigurisan i ne zahtjeva nikakvu konfiguraciju.<i></html>
2990sessionmanagement.method.cb.name 			= Cookie-based Session Management
2991sessionmanagement.method.ha.name 			= HTTP Authentication Session Management
2992sessionmanagement.method.sc.name 			= Script-based Session Management
2994siterefresh.desc           = Dodaje stavku u meniju za osvje\u017eavanje stabla Sajtova
2995siterefresh.name = Refresh Sites Tree Extension
2996siterefresh.popop          = Osvje\u017eava stablo Sajtova
2998siteselect.dialog.title		= Select Node
2999siteselect.button.select	= Odaberi
3001sites.delete.popup         = Obri\u0161i (od pregleda)
3002sites.exclude.ascan.popup  = Skener
3003sites.exclude.popup        = Isklju\u010di iz
3004sites.exclude.proxy.popup  = Proxy
3005sites.exclude.scope.popup  = Opseg Sesije
3006sites.exclude.spider.popup = Pauk
3007sites.filter.title         = Filter Sites Tree
3008sites.include.scope.popup  = Uklju\u010di u Opseg Sesije
3009sites.panel.mnemonic	   = s
3010sites.panel.title          = Sajtovi
3011sites.purge.popup          = Obri\u0161i
3012sites.purge.warning        = Are you sure you want to delete the node(s)?\n\
3013This will delete all of the messages associated with the deleted Site Tree nodes.
3014sites.resend.popup         = Ponovno...
3015sites.spider.popup         = Pauk...
3016sites.showinsites.popup    = Prika\u017ei u tabu Sajtovi
3018spider.activeActionPrefix = Spidering\: {0}
3019spider.api.action.clearExcludedFromScan = Clears the regexes of URLs excluded from the spider scans.
3020spider.api.action.excludeFromScan = Adds a regex of URLs that should be excluded from the spider scans.
3022spider.api.action.setOptionAcceptCookies = Sets whether or not a spider process should accept cookies while spidering.
3024spider.api.action.setOptionSendRefererHeader = Sets whether or not the ''Referer'' header should be sent while spidering.
3026spider.api.action.addDomainAlwaysInScope = Adds a new domain that''s always in scope, using the specified value. Optionally sets if the new entry is enabled (default, true) and whether or not the new value is specified as a regex (default, false).
3030spider.api.action.modifyDomainAlwaysInScope = Modifies a domain that''s always in scope. Allows to modify the value, if enabled or if a regex. The domain is selected with its index, which can be obtained with the view domainsAlwaysInScope.
3041spider.api.action.removeDomainAlwaysInScope = Removes a domain that''s always in scope, with the given index. The index can be obtained with the view domainsAlwaysInScope.
3046spider.api.action.enableAllDomainsAlwaysInScope = Enables all domains that are always in scope.
3047spider.api.action.disableAllDomainsAlwaysInScope = Disables all domains that are always in scope.
3048spider.api.action.setOptionMaxChildren = Sets the maximum number of child nodes (per node) that can be crawled, 0 means no limit.
3050spider.api.action.setOptionMaxDepth = Sets the maximum depth the spider can crawl, 0 for unlimited depth.
3052spider.api.action.setOptionMaxParseSizeBytes = Sets the maximum size, in bytes, that a response might have to be parsed. This allows the spider to skip big responses/files.
3054spider.api.action.scan = Runs the spider against the given URL (or context). Optionally, the ''maxChildren'' parameter can be set to limit the number of children scanned, the ''recurse'' parameter can be used to prevent the spider from seeding recursively, the parameter ''contextName'' can be used to constrain the scan to a Context and the parameter ''subtreeOnly'' allows to restrict the spider under a site''s subtree (using the specified ''url'').
3060spider.api.action.scanAsUser = Runs the spider from the perspective of a User, obtained using the given Context ID and User ID. See ''scan'' action for more details.
3091spider.api.action.setOptionScopeString = Use actions [add|modify|remove]DomainAlwaysInScope instead.
3105spider.api.view.addedNodes = Returns a list of the names of the nodes added to the Sites tree by the specified scan.
3107spider.api.view.allUrls = Returns a list of unique URLs from the history table based on HTTP messages added by the Spider.
3108spider.api.view.domainsAlwaysInScope = Gets all the domains that are always in scope. For each domain the following are shown\: the index, the value (domain), if enabled, and if specified as a regex.
3109spider.api.view.optionAcceptCookies = Gets whether or not a spider process should accept cookies while spidering.
3110spider.api.view.optionMaxChildren = Gets the maximum number of child nodes (per node) that can be crawled, 0 means no limit.
3111spider.api.view.optionMaxDepth = Gets the maximum depth the spider can crawl, 0 if unlimited.
3112spider.api.view.optionMaxParseSizeBytes = Gets the maximum size, in bytes, that a response might have to be parsed.
3113spider.api.view.optionSendRefererHeader = Gets whether or not the ''Referer'' header should be sent while spidering.
3114spider.api.view.excludedFromScan = Gets the regexes of URLs excluded from the spider scans.
3117spider.api.view.optionDomainsAlwaysInScope = Use view domainsAlwaysInScope instead.
3118spider.api.view.optionDomainsAlwaysInScopeEnabled = Use view domainsAlwaysInScope instead.
3142spider.custom.button.reset	= Reset
3143spider.custom.button.scan	= Startaj Sken
3144spider.custom.label.adv		= Show Advanced Options
3145spider.custom.label.context	= Kontekst\:
3146spider.custom.label.maxChildren		= Maximum Children to Crawl (0 is unlimited)\:
3147spider.custom.label.maxDepth		= Maximum Depth to Crawl (0 is unlimited)\:
3148spider.custom.label.maxDuration		= Maximum Duration (minutes; 0 is unlimited)\:
3149spider.custom.label.maxParseSizeBytes = Maximum Parse Size (bytes)\:
3150spider.custom.label.acceptcookies = Prihvati kola\u010di\u0107e\:
3151spider.custom.label.sendReferer		= Send ''Referer'' Header\:
3152spider.custom.label.postForms		= POST Forms\:
3153spider.custom.label.parseComments	= Parse HTML Comments\:
3154spider.custom.label.parseRobots		= Parse ''robots.txt''\:
3155spider.custom.label.sitemap			= Parse ''sitemap.xml''\:
3156spider.custom.label.parseSvn		= Parse SVN Metadata\:
3157spider.custom.label.parseGit		= Parse Git Metadata\:
3158spider.custom.label.handleOdata		= Handle OData Parameters\:
3160spider.custom.label.processForms	= Process Forms\:
3161spider.custom.label.recurse = Rekurzivno\:
3162spider.custom.label.start	= Starting Point\:
3163spider.custom.label.spiderSubtreeOnly = Spider Subtree Only
3164spider.custom.label.user	= Korisnik\:
3165spider.custom.popup			= Pauk...
3166spider.custom.title			= Pauk
3167spider.custom.tab.adv		= Napredno
3168spider.custom.tab.scope		= Opseg
3169spider.custom.notSafe.error = Spider scans are not allowed in ''Safe'' mode.
3170spider.custom.nostart.error	= Morate odabrati po\u010detnu ta\u010dku
3171spider.custom.noStartSubtreeOnly.error = A site node must be selected or a URL manually introduced, to spider a site''s subtree.
3172spider.custom.targetNotInScope.error = Sljede\u0107i cilj nije dopu\u0161ten u "Za\u0161ti\u0107en" modu\:\n\
3175spider.desc                     = Pauk se koristi za automatsko tra\u017eenje URL-ova na sajtu
3176spider.label.inScope            = URI na\u0111en tokom pretrage\:
3177spider.label.outOfScope         = URI na\u0111en ali van opsega pretrage\:
3178spider.name = Spider Extension
3179spider.options.label.depth      = Maximum Depth to Crawl (0 is unlimited)\:
3180spider.options.label.domains    = <html><p>Domene su uvijek ''u  opsegu'' (koristite ''*'' kao "bilo koja sekvenca karakters" i '';'' za odvajanje \u0161ablona)</p></html
3181spider.options.domains.in.scope.add.title = Add Domain Always In Scope
3182spider.options.domains.in.scope.add.button.confirm = Dodaj
3183spider.options.domains.in.scope.field.label.domain = Domena\:
3184spider.options.domains.in.scope.field.label.regex = Regex\:
3185spider.options.domains.in.scope.field.label.enabled = Omogu\u0107eno\:
3186spider.options.domains.in.scope.modify.title = Modify Domain Always In Scope
3187spider.options.domains.in.scope.modify.button.confirm = Promijeni
3188spider.options.domains.in.scope.warning.invalid.regex.title = Domain Always In Scope Regex Invalid
3189spider.options.domains.in.scope.warning.invalid.regex.text = Regular expression nije ispravan.
3190spider.options.domains.in.scope.table.header.enabled = Omogu\u0107eno
3191spider.options.domains.in.scope.table.header.regex = Regex
3192spider.options.domains.in.scope.table.header.value = Domain
3193spider.options.domains.in.scope.dialog.remove.title = Remove Domain Always In Scope
3194spider.options.domains.in.scope.dialog.remove.text = Are you sure you want to remove the selected domain?
3195spider.options.domains.in.scope.dialog.remove.button.cancel = Otka\u017ei
3196spider.options.domains.in.scope.dialog.remove.button.confirm = Ukloni
3197spider.options.domains.in.scope.dialog.remove.checkbox.label = Ne prikazuj vi\u0161e ovu poruku
3198spider.options.label.acceptcookies = Accept Cookies
3199spider.options.label.sendRefererHeader = Send "Referer" header
3200spider.options.label.post       = POST forme (preporu\u010deno ali mogu generisati ne\u017eeljene zahtjeve)
3201spider.options.label.processform= Procesiranje formi ( forme se obra\u0111aju i GET upiti proslje\u0111eni )
3202spider.options.label.threads    = Number of Threads Used\:
3203spider.options.label.comments	= Parsanje HTML Komentara\u00a0\u00a0
3204spider.options.label.duration	= Maximum Duration (minutes; 0 is unlimited)\:
3205spider.options.label.maxChildren = Maximum Children to Crawl (0 is unlimited)\:
3206spider.options.label.maxParseSizeBytes = Maximum Parse Size (bytes)\:
3207spider.options.label.robotstxt 	= Parsaj ''robots.txt'' datoteke za nove URI-ove
3208spider.options.label.sitemapxml = Parse ''sitemap.xml'' files for new URIs
3209spider.options.label.svnentries = Parse SVN metadata files for new URIs
3210spider.options.label.git 		= Parse Git metadata files for new URIs
3211spider.options.label.handlehodataparameters = Upravljanje OData-specifi\u010dnim parametrima
3212spider.options.label.handleparameters				= Obrada parametara upita za provjeru posje\u0107enih URI-ova\:
3213spider.options.value.handleparameters.useAll 		= Razmotrite oba parametra ime i vrijednost
3214spider.options.value.handleparameters.ignoreValue 	= Razmotrite samo naziv parametra
3215spider.options.value.handleparameters.ignoreAll 	= Potpuno ignori\u0161i paramtere
3217spider.options.title            = Pauk
3218spider.panel.emptyView	        = Prvo morate posjetiti web stranicu putem preglednika i odaberite URL/direktorij/\u010dvor u prikazanoj plo\u010di ''Sajtovi''.
3219spider.panel.mnemonic			= d
3220spider.panel.title              = Pauk
3221spider.panel.tab.addednodes		= Added Nodes
3222spider.panel.tab.messages = Messages
3223spider.panel.tab.urls = URL-ovi
3224spider.parsefilter.reason.empty = Empty Message
3225spider.parsefilter.reason.maxsize = Maks veli\u010dina
3226spider.parsefilter.reason.nottext = Nije tekst
3227spider.parsefilter.reason.maxchildren = Maks djece
3228spider.task.message.skipped.stopped = Pauk stopiran
3229spider.task.message.skipped.maxdepth = Maks dubina
3230spider.task.message.skipped.ioerror = I/O gre\u0161ka
3231spider.table.header.uri 		= URI
3232spider.table.header.inScope    	= Obra\u0111eno
3233spider.table.header.method    	= Metod
3234spider.table.header.flags    	= Zastavice
3235spider.table.flags.seed = Sjeme
3236spider.table.flags.outofcontext = Van konteksta
3237spider.table.flags.outofscope = Van opsega
3238spider.table.flags.illegalprotocol = Nedopu\u0161teni protokol
3239spider.table.flags.userrules = Korisni\u010dka pravila
3240spider.table.messages.header.processed = Obra\u0111eno
3241spider.table.messages.column.processed.successfully = Uspje\u0161no
3242spider.toolbar.found.label    	= | URI-ova Na\u0111eno\:
3243spider.toolbar.added.label		= \u010cvor dodan\:
3244spider.toolbar.ascans.label     = Trenutni Skenovi\:
3245spider.toolbar.button.clear     = O\u010disti zavr\u0161ena skeniranja
3246spider.toolbar.button.new		= Novi Sken
3247spider.toolbar.button.options   = Opcije Pauka
3248spider.toolbar.button.pause     = Pauziraj Pauka
3249spider.toolbar.button.stop      = Stopiraj Pauka
3250spider.toolbar.button.unpause   = Nastavi Pauka
3251spider.toolbar.progress.label	= Progres\:
3252spider.toolbar.progress.select	= --Odaberite Sken--
3253spider.url.popup				= URL Pauka
3254spider.subtree.popup			= Podstablo Pauka
3255spider.scope.popup				= Pauk u \u010ditavom Opsegu\u00a0
3256spider.site.popup               = Pauk Sajt
3257spider.context.popup            = Kontekst Pauka...
3258spider.url.user.popup			= Spider URL as User...
3259spider.context.user.popup		= Spider Context as User...
3261start.cmdline.badfile		= File type is not supported ''{0}''
3262start.cmdline.badparam		= Unsupported option ''{0}''.;
3263start.cmdline.nofile		= File not found ''{0}''
3264start.cmdline.noparam		= Missing parameters for option ''{0}''
3265start.cmdline.noread		= Datoteka nije \u010ditljiva ''{0}''
3266start.db.error      = Pristup bazi podataka nije mogu\u0107\n\
3267Mo\u017eda je pokrenut jo\u0161 jedan ZAP proces?\n\
3269start.gui.cmdline.invalid.session.options = Invalid command line session options\:\n\
3270option ''{0}'' not allowed with option ''{1}''\n\
3272A new empty session will be created in {2}
3273start.gui.cmdline.session.does.not.exist = Session given at command line does not exist.\n\
3275A new empty session will be created in {0}
3276start.gui.cmdline.newsession.already.exist = New session given at command line already exists.\n\
3278A new empty session will be created in {0}
3279start.gui.dialog.fatal.error.title = Pokretanje ZAP-a nije uspjelo
3280start.gui.dialog.fatal.error.message = A fatal error occurred that prevents ZAP from start.\n\
3281Consider reporting the error with following details\:
3282start.gui.headless = ZAP GUI is not supported on a headless environment.\n\
3283Run ZAP inline or in daemon mode, use {0} command line argument for more details.
3284start.gui.warn.addOnsOrExtensionsNoLongerRunning = The following add-ons, or its extensions, will no longer be run\n\
3285until its requirements are restored\:
3286start.splash.start			= Starting ZAP...\n\
3288start.splash.tips.loading	= Loading ZAP Tips and Tricks...
3289start.splash.tips.none		= No ZAP Tips and Tricks available \:(
3290start.splash.tips.title		= ZAP Tips and Tricks\:\n\
3293start.title.error   = ZAP nije mogu\u0107e startati
3294start.unknown.error = Neo\u010dekivana gre\u0161ka. Molimo prijavite ovaj problem.
3296state.name = Session State Extension
3298stats.api.view.stats				= Statistika
3300stats.api.view.allSitesStats		= Gets all of the site based statistics, optionally filtered by a key prefix
3302stats.api.view.optionInMemoryEnabled	= Returns ''true'' if in memory statistics are enabled, otherwise returns ''false''
3303stats.api.view.optionStatsdEnabled	= Returns ''true'' if a Statsd server has been correctly configured, otherwise returns ''false''
3304stats.api.view.optionStatsdHost		= Gets the Statsd service hostname
3305stats.api.view.optionStatsdPort		= Gets the Statsd service port
3306stats.api.view.optionStatsdPrefix	= Gets the prefix to be applied to all stats sent to the configured Statsd service
3307stats.api.view.siteStats			= Gets all of the global statistics, optionally filtered by a key prefix
3310stats.api.action.clearStats			= Clears all of the statistics
3312stats.api.action.setOptionInMemoryEnabled	= Sets whether in memory statistics are enabled
3314stats.api.action.setOptionStatsdHost	= Sets the Statsd service hostname, supply an empty string to stop using a Statsd service
3316stats.api.action.setOptionStatsdPort	= Sets the Statsd service port
3318stats.api.action.setOptionStatsdPrefix	= Sets the prefix to be applied to all stats sent to the configured Statsd service
3321stats.desc							= Statistika
3322stats.name = Statistics Extension
3323stats.options.error.statsd.host.bad	= Invalid Statsd Hostname
3324stats.options.label.statsd.host		= Statsd Hostname\:
3325stats.options.label.statsd.port		= Statsd Port\:
3326stats.options.label.statsd.prefix	= Statsd Prefix\:
3327stats.options.mem.enabled			= In Memory Statistics Enabled
3328stats.options.statsd.enabled		= Statsd Server Enabled
3329stats.options.statsd.panel			= Statsd Server Details
3330stats.options.title 				= Statistika
3332std.menu.ext.name = Standard Menus Extension
3334stdexts.copyurls.popup = Kopiraj URL-ove u klipbord
3335stdexts.desc = Skup zajedni\u010dkih popup menija za razne zadatke
3337support.home.directory.label = ZAP Home Directory\:
3338support.install.directory.label = ZAP Installation Directory\:
3339support.installed.addons.label = Installed Add-ons\:
3340support.java.version.label = Verzija programa Java\:
3341support.laf.label = Look and Feel\:
3342support.locale.display.label = Display Locale\:
3343support.locale.format.label = Format Locale\:
3344support.locale.system.label = System''s Locale\:
3345support.operating.system.label = Operating System\:
3346support.open.button = Open
3347support.open.button.tooltip = Open ZAP''s Home Directory
3348support.version.label = Version\:
3350tab.break               = Prekid
3351tab.doubleClick.warning = Vi ste dvostruko kliknuli na tabu.\n\
3352Tab prozor \u0107e sada biti maksimiziran -\n\
3353mo\u017eete se vratiti na tab prozor na prethodnu\n\
3354veli\u010dinu dvostrukim klikom na tab opet.\n\
3355Odaberite Odustani kako bi zadr\u017eali tab prozor kao \u0161to je jeste.\u00a0
3356tab.sites               = Sajtovi
3358target.allInScope			= Sve u opsegu
3359target.empty				= Empty
3361technologies.db = DB
3362technologies.lang = Jezik
3363technologies.os = OS
3364technologies.scm = SCM
3365technologies.ws = WS
3367timestamp.format.datetime = yyyy-MM-dd HH\:mm\:ss
3368timestamp.format.timeonly = HH\:mm\:ss
3369# The following delimiter is used between timestamps and messages that are being stamped
3370timestamp.format.delimiter\ \=\ \:=
3372uiutils.desc = Core UI related functionality.
3373uiutils.name = Core UI Extension
3375users.api.action.newUser = Creates a new user with the given name for the context with the given ID.
3376users.api.action.newUser.param.contextId = The Context Id
3378users.api.action.removeUser = Removes the user with the given ID that belongs to the context with the given ID.
3379users.api.action.removeUser.param.contextId =  The Context Id
3380users.api.action.removeUser.param.userId = The User Id
3381users.api.action.setAuthenticationCredentials = Sets the authentication credentials for the user with the given ID that belongs to the context with the given ID.
3382users.api.action.setAuthenticationCredentials.param.contextId = The Context Id
3383users.api.action.setAuthenticationCredentials.param.userId = The User Id
3385users.api.action.setAuthenticationState = Sets fields in the authentication state for the user identified by the Context and User Ids.
3386users.api.action.setAuthenticationState.param.contextId = The Context Id
3387users.api.action.setAuthenticationState.param.userId = The User Id
3388users.api.action.setAuthenticationState.param.lastPollResult = Last Poll Result - optional, should be ''true'' or ''false''.
3389users.api.action.setAuthenticationState.param.lastPollTimeInMs = Last Poll Time in Milliseconds - optional, should be a long or ''NOW'' for the current time in ms.
3390users.api.action.setAuthenticationState.param.requestsSinceLastPoll = Requests Since Last Poll - optional, should be an integer.
3391users.api.action.setCookie = Sets the specified cookie for the user identified by the Context and User Ids.
3392users.api.action.setCookie.param.contextId = The Context Id
3393users.api.action.setCookie.param.userId = The User Id
3394users.api.action.setCookie.param.domain = The Cookie Domain
3395users.api.action.setCookie.param.name = The Cookie Name
3396users.api.action.setCookie.param.value = The Cookie Value
3397users.api.action.setCookie.param.path = The Cookie Path - optional default no path
3398users.api.action.setCookie.param.secure = If the Cookie is secure - optional default false
3399users.api.action.setUserEnabled = Sets whether or not the user, with the given ID that belongs to the context with the given ID, should be enabled.
3400users.api.action.setUserEnabled.param.contextId = The Context Id
3401users.api.action.setUserEnabled.param.userId = The User Id
3403users.api.action.setUserName = Renames the user with the given ID that belongs to the context with the given ID.
3404users.api.action.setUserName.param.contextId = The Context Id
3405users.api.action.setUserName.param.userId = The User Id
3407users.api.action.authenticateAsUser = Tries to authenticate as the identified user, returning the authentication request and whether it appears to have succeeded.
3408users.api.action.authenticateAsUser.param.contextId = The Context Id
3409users.api.action.authenticateAsUser.param.userId = The User Id
3410users.api.action.pollAsUser = Tries to poll as the identified user, returning the authentication request and whether it appears to have succeeded. \n\
3411This will only work if the polling verification strategy has been configured.
3412users.api.action.pollAsUser.param.contextId = The Context Id
3413users.api.action.pollAsUser.param.userId = The User Id
3415users.api.view.getAuthenticationCredentials = Gets the authentication credentials of the user with given ID that belongs to the context with the given ID.
3416users.api.view.getAuthenticationCredentials.param.contextId = The Context Id
3417users.api.view.getAuthenticationCredentials.param.userId = the User Id
3418users.api.view.getAuthenticationCredentialsConfigParams = Gets the configuration parameters for the credentials of the context with the given ID.
3419users.api.view.getAuthenticationCredentialsConfigParams.param.contextId = The Context Id
3420users.api.view.getAuthenticationSession = Gets the authentication session information for the user identified by the Context and User Ids, e.g. cookies and realm credentials.
3421users.api.view.getAuthenticationSession.param.contextId = The Context Id
3422users.api.view.getAuthenticationSession.param.userId = The User Id
3423users.api.view.getAuthenticationState = Gets the authentication state information for the user identified by the Context and User Ids.
3424users.api.view.getAuthenticationState.param.contextId = The Context Id
3425users.api.view.getAuthenticationState.param.userId = The User Id
3426users.api.view.usersList = Gets a list of users that belong to the context with the given ID, or all users if none provided.
3427users.api.view.usersList.param.contextId = The Context Id
3428users.api.view.getUserById = Gets the data of the user with the given ID that belongs to the context with the given ID.
3429users.api.view.getUserById.param.contextId = The Context Id
3430users.api.view.getUserById.param.userId = The User Id
3431users.panel.title 							= Korisnici
3432users.panel.description						= Users which can be used for various operations for this context.
3433users.table.header.enabled 					= Omogu\u0107eno
3434users.table.header.name 					= Naziv
3435users.table.header.id						= ID
3436users.dialog.add.title 						= Dodaj novog korisnika
3437users.dialog.add.button.confirm 			= Dodaj
3438users.dialog.add.field.label.name 			= Korisni\u010dko Ime\:
3439users.dialog.add.field.label.enabled 		= Omogu\u0107eno\:
3440users.dialog.modify.title 					= Promijeni postoje\u0107eg korisnika
3441users.dialog.modify.button.confirm 			= Promijeni
3442users.dialog.remove.button.cancel        	= Otka\u017ei
3443users.dialog.remove.button.confirm       	= Ukloni
3444users.dialog.remove.checkbox.label       	= Ne prikazuj vi\u0161e ovu poruku
3445users.dialog.remove.text           			= Da li ste sigurni da \u017eelite ukloniti odabranog korisnika?
3446users.dialog.remove.title          			= Ukloni korisnika
3447users.name = Korisni\u010dka ekstenzija
3449view.cert.title = Certifikat
3450view.cert.button.close = Zatvori
3452view.dialog.dontPrompt       		= Ne prikazuj vi\u0161e ovu poruku
3453view.dialog.remember				= Remember my choice and do not show this message again
3454view.href.table.header.timestamp.request = Req. Timestamp
3455view.href.table.header.timestamp.response = Resp. Timestamp
3456view.href.table.header.hrefid		= ID
3457view.href.table.header.hreftype		= Vrsta
3458view.href.table.header.hreftype.name = Source
3459view.href.table.header.method		= Metod
3460view.href.table.header.url			= URL
3461view.href.table.header.code			= Kod
3462view.href.table.header.reason		= Razlog
3463view.href.table.header.rtt			= RTT
3464view.href.table.header.sessionid	= Sesija
3465view.href.table.header.size.message	= Veli\u010dina
3466view.href.table.header.size.requestheader = Size Req. Header
3467view.href.table.header.size.requestbody = Size Req. Body
3468view.href.table.header.size.responseheader = Size Resp. Header
3469view.href.table.header.size.responsebody = Size Resp. Body
3470view.href.table.header.highestalert	= Highest Alert
3471view.href.table.header.hostname = Host Name
3472view.href.table.header.note         = Zabilje\u0161ka
3473view.href.table.header.pathandquery = Path and Query
3474view.href.table.header.tags			= Tagovi
3475view.href.table.cell.alert.risk.label.high   = Visoko
3476view.href.table.cell.alert.risk.label.medium = Srednje
3477view.href.table.cell.alert.risk.label.low    = Nisko
3478view.href.table.cell.alert.risk.label.info   = Informativni
3479view.href.table.cell.alert.risk.label.undefined = Nedefinisano
3480view.href.type.name.auth = Auth
3481view.href.type.name.proxy = Proxy
3482view.href.type.name.manual = Upustvo
3483view.href.type.name.undefined = Nedefinisano
3485view.options.label.advancedview             = Aktivirajte napredni pogled
3486view.options.label.allowAppsInContainers	= Enable app integration in containers
3487view.options.label.askonexit                = Pitaj za snimanje podataka na izlasku
3488view.options.label.brkPanelView             = Prika\u017ei dugmad prekida\:
3489view.options.label.brkPanelView.both        = Panel prekida i alatna traka
3490view.options.label.brkPanelView.breakonly   = Samo u panelu prekida
3491view.options.label.brkPanelView.toolbaronly = Samo u alatnoj traci
3492view.options.label.display                  = Prikaz\:
3493view.options.label.display.bottom           = Maximise bottom (History, etc.) tabs
3494view.options.label.display.horizontal       = Horizontalno
3495view.options.label.display.left             = Maksimiziraj lijevi tab (Sajtova)
3496view.options.label.display.full             = Full Layout
3497view.options.label.display.tabs             = Tabovi
3498view.options.label.display.vertical         = Uspravno
3499view.options.label.exampleText				= Example text (default size)
3500view.options.label.fontExample				= Font Example\:
3501view.options.label.fontName					= Naziv slova\:
3502view.options.label.fontSize         		= Veli\u010dina slova\:
3503view.options.label.generalFont              = General Font
3504view.options.label.workPanelsFont           = Work Panels Font
3505view.options.label.largeRequestSize			= Large request view min size\:
3506view.options.label.largeResponseSize		= Large response view min size\:
3507view.options.label.lookandfeel              = Look and Feel\:
3508view.options.label.processImages            = Obradi slike u HTTP zahtjevima/odgovorima
3509view.options.label.responsepanelpos         = Response Panel Position\:
3510view.options.label.responsepanelpos.above   = Request Shown Above Response
3511view.options.label.responsepanelpos.sideBySide = Panels Side by Side
3512view.options.label.responsepanelpos.tabs    = Tabs Side by Side
3513view.options.label.responsepanelpos.tabSideBySide = Side by Side in Tab
3514view.options.label.showSplashScreen			= Show splash screen
3515view.options.label.showlocalconnectrequests = Show (local) CONNECT requests
3516view.options.label.scaleImages				= Scale Images\:
3517view.options.label.showTabNames             = Show Tab Names
3518view.options.label.showMainToolbar          = Prika\u017ei u glavnoj traci alata
3519view.options.label.wmuihandler              = Dopusti Window Upravitenju upravljanje ZAP prozoru
3520view.options.title                          = Prikaz
3521view.options.warn.applylaf                  = <html><br>Dynamically applying the new Look and Feel.<br>You may need to restart ZAP if you see any UI glitches.<br><br></html>
3522view.table.autoscroll.label = Auto-Scroll
3523view.table.autoscroll.tooltip = Auto-scrolls when new entries are added to the table, if the scroll bar is at the bottom.
3524view.table.useJustBytes.label = Show Bytes Only
3525view.table.useJustBytes.tooltip = <html>Shows byte values without conversion to bigger units.<br />For example, a value of 1024 bytes is shown as "1024 bytes" instead of "1 KiB".</html>
3526view.toolbar.expandInfo                     = Pro\u0161iri Informacijske Tabove
3527view.toolbar.expandSites                    = Pro\u0161iti Tab Sajtovi
3528view.toolbar.expandFull                     = Full Layout
3529view.toolbar.showNames                      = Show tab names and tab icons
3530view.toolbar.showIcons                      = Show tab icons and hide tab names
3531view.toolbar.messagePanelsPosition.tabSideBySide = Request and Response panels side by side in the same tab
3532view.toolbar.messagePanelsPosition.tabs     = Tabovi Zahtjeva i Odgovora jedno pored drugog
3533view.toolbar.messagePanelsPosition.above    = Zahtjev prikazan iznad Odgovora
3534view.toolbar.messagePanelsPosition.above.disabled = (Not supported in Full Layout) Request shown above Response
3535view.toolbar.messagePanelsPosition.sideBySide = Plo\u010de Zahtjeva i Odgovora jedno pored drugog
3536view.toolbar.messagePanelsPosition.sideBySide.disabled = (Not supported in Full Layout) Request and Response panels side by side
3537view.toolbar.mode.attack.select				= Mod NAPAD
3538view.toolbar.mode.protect.select            = Za\u0161ti\u0107eni mod
3539view.toolbar.mode.safe.select               = Sigurni mod
3540view.toolbar.mode.standard.select           = Standardni mod
3541view.toolbar.mode.tooltip 	          		= <html>\n\
3542Sigurni mod\: ne\u0107e vam omogu\u0107iti da u\u010dinite ne\u0161to potencijalno opasno<br>\n\
3543Za\u0161ti\u0107eni mod\: samo \u0107e vam omogu\u0107iti da u\u010dinite potencijalno opasne stvari na stvarima u opsegu<br>\n\
3544Standardni mod\: omogu\u0107it \u0107e vam da u\u010dinite potencijalno opasne stvari na bilo \u010demu\!</html>
3545view.toolbar.switchLookAndFeel				= Dynamically switch the Look and Feel
3547writable.file.chooser.write.diskspace.warning.dialog.message=There is less than 5MB available, would you like to continue the operation?
3548writable.file.chooser.write.diskspace.warning.dialog.title=Low Disk Space
3549writable.file.chooser.write.overwrite.dialog.message=The selected file already exists. Do you want to replace it?
3550writable.file.chooser.write.overwrite.dialog.title=Postoje\u0107a datoteka
3551writable.file.chooser.write.permission.dialog.title=Permissions Failure
3552writable.file.chooser.write.permission.dir.dialog.message=Directory not writable\:\n\
3554Please select a different location.
3555writable.file.chooser.write.permission.file.dialog.message=File not writable\:\n\
3557Please select a different location.
3559messagelocationspanel.add.location.warning.locations.overlap = Selected location not valid.\n\
3560The selected location overlaps an already added location.
3561messagelocationspanel.add.location.tooltip = To add a location you must select it first in the message.
3562messagelocationspanel.dialog.remove.location.button.cancel = Otka\u017ei
3563messagelocationspanel.dialog.remove.location.button.confirm = Ukloni
3564messagelocationspanel.dialog.remove.location.checkbox.label = Ne prikazuj vi\u0161e ovu poruku
3565messagelocationspanel.dialog.remove.location.text = Are you sure you want to remove the selected message location?
3566messagelocationspanel.dialog.remove.location.title = Ukloni Poruku Lokacija
3568messagelocations.table.header.location = Lokacija
3569messagelocations.table.header.value = Vrijednost
3571messagelocation.text.highlight.colorpicker = Odaberi boju
3573messagelocation.http.text.location.header = Zaglavlje
3574messagelocation.http.text.location.body = Tijelo
3575messagelocation.http.text.location.unknown = Nepoznat