1 /***********************************************************************
2  *                                                                      *
3  *               This software is part of the ast package               *
4  *          Copyright (c) 1982-2013 AT&T Intellectual Property          *
5  *                      and is licensed under the                       *
6  *                 Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0                  *
7  *                    by AT&T Intellectual Property                     *
8  *                                                                      *
9  *                A copy of the License is available at                 *
10  *          http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html           *
11  *         (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842)         *
12  *                                                                      *
13  *              Information and Software Systems Research               *
14  *                            AT&T Research                             *
15  *                           Florham Park NJ                            *
16  *                                                                      *
17  *                    David Korn <dgkorn@gmail.com>                     *
18  *                                                                      *
19  ***********************************************************************/
20 //
21 // David Korn
22 // AT&T Labs
23 //
24 // Interface definitions for shell command language.
25 //
26 #ifndef _SHELL_H
27 #define _SHELL_H 1
29 #include <stdbool.h>
30 #include <stdint.h>
31 #include <sys/stat.h>
33 #define SH_VERSION 20120720
35 #include "ast.h"
36 #include "cdt.h"
37 #include "defs.h"
38 #include "fault.h"
39 #include "name.h"
40 #include "shcmd.h"
41 #include "stk.h"
43 #if USE_SPAWN
44 #include "spawnvex.h"
45 #endif  // USE_SPAWN
47 typedef void (*Shinit_f)(Shell_t *, int);
49 #define SH_CFLAG 0
50 #define SH_HISTORY 1      // used also as a state
51 #define SH_ERREXIT 2      // used also as a state
52 #define SH_VERBOSE 3      // used also as a state
53 #define SH_MONITOR 4      // used also as a state
54 #define SH_INTERACTIVE 5  // used also as a state
55 #define SH_RESTRICTED 6
56 #define SH_XTRACE 7
57 #define SH_KEYWORD 8
58 #define SH_NOUNSET 9
59 #define SH_NOGLOB 10
60 #define SH_ALLEXPORT 11
61 #define SH_IGNOREEOF 13
62 #define SH_NOCLOBBER 14
63 #define SH_MARKDIRS 15
64 #define SH_BGNICE 16
65 #define SH_VI 17
66 // The "viraw" option no longer has any effect as its behavior is now always eanbled.
67 #define SH_VIRAW 18
68 #define SH_TFLAG 19
69 #define SH_TRACKALL 20
70 #define SH_SFLAG 21
71 #define SH_NOEXEC 22
72 #define SH_GMACS 24
73 #define SH_EMACS 25
74 #define SH_PRIVILEGED 26
75 #define SH_SUBSHARE 27  // subshell shares state with parent
76 #define SH_NOLOG 28
77 #define SH_NOTIFY 29
78 #define SH_DICTIONARY 30
79 #define SH_PIPEFAIL 32
80 #define SH_GLOBSTARS 33
81 // #define SH_XARGS 34
82 #define SH_RC 35
83 #define SH_SHOWME 36
84 #define SH_LETOCTAL 37
86 // Error messages.
87 extern const char e_defpath[];
88 extern const char e_found[];
89 extern const char e_nospace[];
90 extern const char e_format[];
91 extern const char e_number[];
92 extern const char e_restricted[];
93 extern const char e_recursive[];
94 extern const char *e_version;
95 extern const char *ksh_version;
97 typedef struct sh_scope {
98     struct sh_scope *par_scope;
99     int argc;
100     char **argv;
101     char *cmdname;
102     char *filename;
103     char *funname;
104     int64_t lineno;
105     Dt_t *var_tree;
106     struct sh_scope *self;
107 } Shscope_t;
109 //
110 // Saves the state of the shell.
111 //
112 struct Shell_s {
113     Shopt_t options;         // set -o options
114     Dt_t *var_tree;          // for shell variables
115     Dt_t *fun_tree;          // for shell functions
116     Dt_t *alias_tree;        // for alias names
117     Dt_t *bltin_tree;        // for builtin commands
118     Shscope_t *topscope;     // pointer to top-level scope
119     int inlineno;            // line number of current input file
120     int exitval;             // most recent exit value
121     unsigned char trapnote;  // set when trap/signal is pending
122     char shcomp;             // set when running shcomp
123     short subshell;          // set for virtual subshell
124     Stk_t *stk;              // stack pointer
125     int pwdfd;               // file descriptor for pwd
126     // Everything below this line is private and should not be touched by a plugin.
127     struct shared *gd;    // global data
128     struct sh_scoped st;  // scoped information
129     Sfio_t *heredocs;     // current here-doc temp file
130     Sfio_t *funlog;       // for logging function definitions
131     int **fdptrs;         // pointer to file numbers
132     int savexit;
133     char *lastarg;
134     char *lastpath;    // last alsolute path found
135     int path_err;      // last error on path search
136     Dt_t *track_tree;  // for tracked aliases*/
137     Dt_t *var_base;    // global level variables
138     Dt_t *openmatch;
139     Dt_t *namref_root;
140     Namval_t *namespace;   // current active namespace*/
141     Namval_t *last_table;  // last table used in last nv_open
142     Namval_t *prev_table;  // previous table used in nv_open
143     Namval_t *oldnp;       // last valid parent node
144     Namval_t **nodelist;   // for decl commands
145     Sfio_t *outpool;       // output stream pool
146     long timeout;          // read timeout
147     long curenv;           // current subshell number
148     long jobenv;           // subshell number for jobs
149     int infd;              // input file descriptor
150     short nextprompt;      // next prompt is PS<nextprompt>
151     short poolfiles;
152     Namval_t *posix_fun;  // points to last name() function
153     char *outbuff;        // pointer to output buffer
154     char *errbuff;        // pointer to stderr buffer
155     char *prompt;         // pointer to prompt string
156     char *shname;         // shell name
157     char *comdiv;         // points to sh -c argument
158     char *prefix;         // prefix for compound assignment
159     checkpt_t *jmplist;   // longjmp return stack plus other data
160     char *fifo;           // fifo name for process sub
161     int oldexit;
162     pid_t bckpid;  // background process id
163     pid_t cpid;
164     pid_t spid;  // subshell process id
165     pid_t pipepid;
166     pid_t outpipepid;
167     pid_t *procsub;  // pids for >() argument
168     int nprocsub;    // number of pids in procsub
169     int topfd;
170     int errorfd;
171     int savesig;
172     unsigned char *sigflag;  // pointer to signal states
173     char intrap;
174     char login_sh;
175     char lastbase;
176     char forked;
177     char binscript;
178     char deftype;
179     char funload;
180     char used_pos;  // used postional parameter
181     bool echo_universe_valid;
182     char winch;
183     char inarith;           // set when in ((...))
184     char indebug;           // set when in debug trap
185     unsigned char ignsig;   // ignored signal in subshell
186     unsigned char lastsig;  // last signal received
187     char pathinit;          // pathinit called from subshell
188     char comsub;            // set when in $() comsub
189     char subshare;          // set when in ${..} comsub
190     char toomany;           // set when out of fd's
191     char instance;          // in set_instance
192     char decomma;           // decimal_point=','
193     char redir0;            // redirect of 0
194     char intrace;           // set when trace expands PS4
195     char *readscript;       // set before reading a script
196     int subdup;             // bitmask for dups of 1
197     int *inpipe;            // input pipe pointer
198     int *outpipe;           // output pipe pointer
199     int cpipe[3];
200     int coutpipe;
201     int inuse_bits;
202     struct argnod *envlist;
203     struct dolnod *arglist;
204     int fn_depth;
205     int fn_reset;
206     int dot_depth;
207     int hist_depth;
208     int xargmin;
209     int xargmax;
210     int xargexit;
211     int nenv;
212     int lexsize;
213     Sflong_t sigval;
214     mode_t mask;
215     Env_t *env;
216     void *init_context;
217     void *mac_context;
218     Lex_t *lex_context;
219     struct Shell_arg *arg_context;
220     void *job_context;
221     Pathcomp_t *pathlist;
222     Pathcomp_t *defpathlist;
223     Pathcomp_t *cdpathlist;
224     char **argaddr;
225     void *optlist;
226     siginfo_ll_t **siginfo;
227 #if USE_SPAWN
228     Spawnvex_t *vex;
229     Spawnvex_t *vexp;
230 #endif  // USE_SPAWN
231     struct sh_scoped global;
232     checkpt_t checkbase;
233     Shinit_f userinit;
234     Shbltin_f bltinfun;
235     Shbltin_t bltindata;
236     char *cur_line;
237     int offsets[10];
238     Sfio_t **sftable;
239     unsigned int *fdstatus;
240     const char *pwd;
241     checkpt_t *jmpbuffer;
242     void *mktype;
243     Sfio_t *strbuf;
244     Sfio_t *strbuf2;
245     Dt_t *first_root;
246     Dt_t *prefix_root;
247     Dt_t *last_root;
248     Dt_t *prev_root;
249     Dt_t *fpathdict;
250     Dt_t *typedict;
251     Dt_t *inpool;
252     Dt_t *transdict;
253     char ifstable[256];
254     unsigned long test;
255     Shopt_t offoptions;
256     Shopt_t glob_options;
257     Namval_t *typeinit;
258     Namfun_t nvfun;
259     char *mathnodes;
260     void *coshell;
261     char *bltin_dir;
262     char exittrap;
263     char errtrap;
264     char end_fn;
265 };
267 // Flags for sh_parse.
268 #define SH_NL 1   // treat new-lines as ;
269 #define SH_EOF 2  // EOF causes syntax error
271 // Symbolic values for sh_iogetiop.
272 #define SH_IOCOPROCESS (-2)
273 #define SH_IOHISTFILE (-3)
275 // Symbolic value for sh_fdnotify.
276 #define SH_FDCLOSE (-1)
278 extern int sh_access(const char *, int);
279 extern int sh_chdir(const char *);
280 extern int sh_close(int);
281 extern void sh_delay(double);
282 extern int sh_dup(int);
283 extern int sh_exec(Shell_t *, const Shnode_t *, int);
284 extern int sh_fchdir(int);
285 extern int sh_fcntl(int, int, ...);
286 extern int (*sh_fdnotify(int (*)(int, int)))(int, int);
287 extern char *sh_fmtq(const char *);
288 extern char *sh_fmtqf(const char *, int, int);
289 extern Shell_t *sh_getinterp(void);
290 extern Shell_t *sh_init(int, char *[], Shinit_f);
291 extern Sfio_t *sh_iogetiop(int, int);
292 extern int sh_main(int, char *[], Shinit_f);
293 extern int sh_open(const char *, int, ...);
294 extern Shnode_t *sh_parse(Shell_t *, Sfio_t *, int);
295 extern int sh_pipe(int[]);
296 extern ssize_t sh_read(int, void *, size_t);
297 extern off_t sh_seek(int, off_t, int);
298 extern void sh_sigcheck(Shell_t *);
299 extern int sh_stat(const char *, struct stat *);
300 extern void sh_subfork(void);
301 extern mode_t sh_umask(mode_t);
302 extern int sh_waitsafe(void);
303 extern ssize_t sh_write(int, const void *, size_t);
305 extern Namval_t *sh_addbuiltin(Shell_t *, const char *, int (*)(int, char *[], Shbltin_t *),
306                                void *);
307 extern int sh_eval(Shell_t *, Sfio_t *, int);
308 extern void sh_exit(Shell_t *, int);
309 extern Sfio_t *sh_fd2sfio(Shell_t *, int);
310 extern int sh_fun(Shell_t *, Namval_t *, Namval_t *, char *[]);
311 extern int sh_funscope(Shell_t *, int, char *[], int (*)(void *), void *, int);
312 extern Shscope_t *sh_getscope(Shell_t *, int, int);
313 extern void sh_menu(Shell_t *, Sfio_t *, int, char *[]);
314 extern Sfio_t *sh_pathopen(Shell_t *, const char *);
315 extern int sh_reinit(Shell_t *, char *[]);
316 extern int sh_run(Shell_t *, int, char *[]);
317 extern Shscope_t *sh_setscope(Shell_t *, Shscope_t *);
318 extern Sfdouble_t sh_strnum(Shell_t *, const char *, char **, int);
319 extern int sh_trap(Shell_t *, const char *, int);
321 #define sh_ptr(np) ((np)->nvshell)
323 //
324 // Direct access to sh is obsolete, use sh_getinterp() instead.
325 //
326 extern Shell_t sh;
328 #define SH_EXITSIG 0400               // signal exit bit
329 #define SH_EXITMASK (SH_EXITSIG - 1)  // normal exit status bits
331 #endif  // _SHELL_H