1"""Context management tools for xonsh."""
2import sys
3import textwrap
4import builtins
5from collections.abc import Mapping
8class Block(object):
9    """This is a context manager for obtaining a block of lines without actually
10    executing the block. The lines are accessible as the 'lines' attribute.
11    This must be used as a macro.
12    """
14    __xonsh_block__ = str
16    def __init__(self):
17        """
18        Attributes
19        ----------
20        lines : list of str or None
21            Block lines as if split by str.splitlines(), if available.
22        glbs : Mapping or None
23            Global execution context, ie globals().
24        locs : Mapping or None
25            Local execution context, ie locals().
26        """
27        self.lines = self.glbs = self.locs = None
29    def __enter__(self):
30        if not hasattr(self, "macro_block"):
31            raise XonshError(self.__class__.__name__ + " must be entered as a macro!")
32        self.lines = self.macro_block.splitlines()
33        self.glbs = self.macro_globals
34        if self.macro_locals is not self.macro_globals:
35            # leave locals as None when it is the same as globals
36            self.locs = self.macro_locals
37        return self
39    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
40        pass
43class Functor(Block):
44    """This is a context manager that turns the block into a callable
45    object, bound to the execution context it was created in.
46    """
48    def __init__(self, args=(), kwargs=None, rtn=""):
49        """
50        Parameters
51        ----------
52        args : Sequence of str, optional
53            A tuple of argument names for the functor.
54        kwargs : Mapping of str to values or list of item tuples, optional
55            Keyword argument names and values, if available.
56        rtn : str, optional
57            Name of object to return, if available.
59        Attributes
60        ----------
61        func : function
62            The underlying function object. This defaults to none and is set
63            after the the block is exited.
64        """
65        super().__init__()
66        self.func = None
67        self.args = args
68        if kwargs is None:
69            self.kwargs = []
70        elif isinstance(kwargs, Mapping):
71            self.kwargs = sorted(kwargs.items())
72        else:
73            self.kwargs = kwargs
74        self.rtn = rtn
76    def __enter__(self):
77        super().__enter__()
78        body = textwrap.indent(self.macro_block, "    ")
79        uid = hash(body) + sys.maxsize  # should always be a positive int
80        name = "__xonsh_functor_{uid}__".format(uid=uid)
81        # construct signature string
82        sig = rtn = ""
83        sig = ", ".join(self.args)
84        kwstr = ", ".join([k + "=None" for k, _ in self.kwargs])
85        if len(kwstr) > 0:
86            sig = kwstr if len(sig) == 0 else sig + ", " + kwstr
87        # construct return string
88        rtn = str(self.rtn)
89        if len(rtn) > 0:
90            rtn = "    return " + rtn + "\n"
91        # construct function string
92        fstr = "def {name}({sig}):\n{body}\n{rtn}"
93        fstr = fstr.format(name=name, sig=sig, body=body, rtn=rtn)
94        glbs = self.glbs
95        locs = self.locs
96        execer = builtins.__xonsh_execer__
97        execer.exec(fstr, glbs=glbs, locs=locs)
98        if locs is not None and name in locs:
99            func = locs[name]
100        elif name in glbs:
101            func = glbs[name]
102        else:
103            raise ValueError("Functor block could not be found in context.")
104        if len(self.kwargs) > 0:
105            func.__defaults__ = tuple(v for _, v in self.kwargs)
106        self.func = func
107        return self
109    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
110        pass
112    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
113        """Dispatches to func."""
114        if self.func is None:
115            msg = "{} block with 'None' func not callable"
116            raise AttributeError(msg.formst(self.__class__.__name__))
117        return self.func(*args, **kwargs)