1.. _community.aws.aws_codepipeline_module:
8**Create or delete AWS CodePipelines**
11Version added: 1.0.0
13.. contents::
14   :local:
15   :depth: 1
20- Create or delete a CodePipeline on AWS.
26The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
28- boto
29- boto3
30- botocore
31- python >= 2.6
37.. raw:: html
39    <table  border=0 cellpadding=0 class="documentation-table">
40        <tr>
41            <th colspan="2">Parameter</th>
42            <th>Choices/<font color="blue">Defaults</font></th>
43            <th width="100%">Comments</th>
44        </tr>
45            <tr>
46                <td colspan="2">
47                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
48                    <b>artifact_store</b>
49                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
50                    <div style="font-size: small">
51                        <span style="color: purple">dictionary</span>
52                         / <span style="color: red">required</span>
53                    </div>
54                </td>
55                <td>
56                </td>
57                <td>
58                        <div>Location information where artifacts are stored (on S3). Dictionary with fields type and location.</div>
59                </td>
60            </tr>
61                                <tr>
62                    <td class="elbow-placeholder"></td>
63                <td colspan="1">
64                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
65                    <b>location</b>
66                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
67                    <div style="font-size: small">
68                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
69                    </div>
70                </td>
71                <td>
72                </td>
73                <td>
74                        <div>Bucket name for artifacts.</div>
75                </td>
76            </tr>
77            <tr>
78                    <td class="elbow-placeholder"></td>
79                <td colspan="1">
80                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
81                    <b>type</b>
82                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
83                    <div style="font-size: small">
84                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
85                    </div>
86                </td>
87                <td>
88                </td>
89                <td>
90                        <div>Type of the artifacts storage (only &#x27;S3&#x27; is currently supported).</div>
91                </td>
92            </tr>
94            <tr>
95                <td colspan="2">
96                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
97                    <b>aws_access_key</b>
98                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
99                    <div style="font-size: small">
100                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
101                    </div>
102                </td>
103                <td>
104                </td>
105                <td>
106                        <div>AWS access key. If not set then the value of the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_ACCESS_KEY or EC2_ACCESS_KEY environment variable is used.</div>
107                        <div>If <em>profile</em> is set this parameter is ignored.</div>
108                        <div>Passing the <em>aws_access_key</em> and <em>profile</em> options at the same time has been deprecated and the options will be made mutually exclusive after 2022-06-01.</div>
109                        <div style="font-size: small; color: darkgreen"><br/>aliases: ec2_access_key, access_key</div>
110                </td>
111            </tr>
112            <tr>
113                <td colspan="2">
114                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
115                    <b>aws_ca_bundle</b>
116                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
117                    <div style="font-size: small">
118                        <span style="color: purple">path</span>
119                    </div>
120                </td>
121                <td>
122                </td>
123                <td>
124                        <div>The location of a CA Bundle to use when validating SSL certificates.</div>
125                        <div>Only used for boto3 based modules.</div>
126                        <div>Note: The CA Bundle is read &#x27;module&#x27; side and may need to be explicitly copied from the controller if not run locally.</div>
127                </td>
128            </tr>
129            <tr>
130                <td colspan="2">
131                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
132                    <b>aws_config</b>
133                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
134                    <div style="font-size: small">
135                        <span style="color: purple">dictionary</span>
136                    </div>
137                </td>
138                <td>
139                </td>
140                <td>
141                        <div>A dictionary to modify the botocore configuration.</div>
142                        <div>Parameters can be found at <a href='https://botocore.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/reference/config.html#botocore.config.Config'>https://botocore.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/reference/config.html#botocore.config.Config</a>.</div>
143                        <div>Only the &#x27;user_agent&#x27; key is used for boto modules. See <a href='http://boto.cloudhackers.com/en/latest/boto_config_tut.html#boto'>http://boto.cloudhackers.com/en/latest/boto_config_tut.html#boto</a> for more boto configuration.</div>
144                </td>
145            </tr>
146            <tr>
147                <td colspan="2">
148                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
149                    <b>aws_secret_key</b>
150                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
151                    <div style="font-size: small">
152                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
153                    </div>
154                </td>
155                <td>
156                </td>
157                <td>
158                        <div>AWS secret key. If not set then the value of the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SECRET_KEY, or EC2_SECRET_KEY environment variable is used.</div>
159                        <div>If <em>profile</em> is set this parameter is ignored.</div>
160                        <div>Passing the <em>aws_secret_key</em> and <em>profile</em> options at the same time has been deprecated and the options will be made mutually exclusive after 2022-06-01.</div>
161                        <div style="font-size: small; color: darkgreen"><br/>aliases: ec2_secret_key, secret_key</div>
162                </td>
163            </tr>
164            <tr>
165                <td colspan="2">
166                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
167                    <b>debug_botocore_endpoint_logs</b>
168                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
169                    <div style="font-size: small">
170                        <span style="color: purple">boolean</span>
171                    </div>
172                </td>
173                <td>
174                        <ul style="margin: 0; padding: 0"><b>Choices:</b>
175                                    <li><div style="color: blue"><b>no</b>&nbsp;&larr;</div></li>
176                                    <li>yes</li>
177                        </ul>
178                </td>
179                <td>
180                        <div>Use a botocore.endpoint logger to parse the unique (rather than total) &quot;resource:action&quot; API calls made during a task, outputing the set to the resource_actions key in the task results. Use the aws_resource_action callback to output to total list made during a playbook. The ANSIBLE_DEBUG_BOTOCORE_LOGS environment variable may also be used.</div>
181                </td>
182            </tr>
183            <tr>
184                <td colspan="2">
185                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
186                    <b>ec2_url</b>
187                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
188                    <div style="font-size: small">
189                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
190                    </div>
191                </td>
192                <td>
193                </td>
194                <td>
195                        <div>Url to use to connect to EC2 or your Eucalyptus cloud (by default the module will use EC2 endpoints). Ignored for modules where region is required. Must be specified for all other modules if region is not used. If not set then the value of the EC2_URL environment variable, if any, is used.</div>
196                        <div style="font-size: small; color: darkgreen"><br/>aliases: aws_endpoint_url, endpoint_url</div>
197                </td>
198            </tr>
199            <tr>
200                <td colspan="2">
201                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
202                    <b>name</b>
203                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
204                    <div style="font-size: small">
205                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
206                         / <span style="color: red">required</span>
207                    </div>
208                </td>
209                <td>
210                </td>
211                <td>
212                        <div>Name of the pipeline</div>
213                </td>
214            </tr>
215            <tr>
216                <td colspan="2">
217                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
218                    <b>profile</b>
219                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
220                    <div style="font-size: small">
221                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
222                    </div>
223                </td>
224                <td>
225                </td>
226                <td>
227                        <div>Uses a boto profile. Only works with boto &gt;= 2.24.0.</div>
228                        <div>Using <em>profile</em> will override <em>aws_access_key</em>, <em>aws_secret_key</em> and <em>security_token</em> and support for passing them at the same time as <em>profile</em> has been deprecated.</div>
229                        <div><em>aws_access_key</em>, <em>aws_secret_key</em> and <em>security_token</em> will be made mutually exclusive with <em>profile</em> after 2022-06-01.</div>
230                        <div style="font-size: small; color: darkgreen"><br/>aliases: aws_profile</div>
231                </td>
232            </tr>
233            <tr>
234                <td colspan="2">
235                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
236                    <b>region</b>
237                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
238                    <div style="font-size: small">
239                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
240                    </div>
241                </td>
242                <td>
243                </td>
244                <td>
245                        <div>The AWS region to use. If not specified then the value of the AWS_REGION or EC2_REGION environment variable, if any, is used. See <a href='http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html#ec2_region'>http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html#ec2_region</a></div>
246                        <div style="font-size: small; color: darkgreen"><br/>aliases: aws_region, ec2_region</div>
247                </td>
248            </tr>
249            <tr>
250                <td colspan="2">
251                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
252                    <b>role_arn</b>
253                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
254                    <div style="font-size: small">
255                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
256                         / <span style="color: red">required</span>
257                    </div>
258                </td>
259                <td>
260                </td>
261                <td>
262                        <div>ARN of the IAM role to use when executing the pipeline</div>
263                </td>
264            </tr>
265            <tr>
266                <td colspan="2">
267                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
268                    <b>security_token</b>
269                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
270                    <div style="font-size: small">
271                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
272                    </div>
273                </td>
274                <td>
275                </td>
276                <td>
277                        <div>AWS STS security token. If not set then the value of the AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN or EC2_SECURITY_TOKEN environment variable is used.</div>
278                        <div>If <em>profile</em> is set this parameter is ignored.</div>
279                        <div>Passing the <em>security_token</em> and <em>profile</em> options at the same time has been deprecated and the options will be made mutually exclusive after 2022-06-01.</div>
280                        <div style="font-size: small; color: darkgreen"><br/>aliases: aws_security_token, access_token</div>
281                </td>
282            </tr>
283            <tr>
284                <td colspan="2">
285                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
286                    <b>stages</b>
287                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
288                    <div style="font-size: small">
289                        <span style="color: purple">list</span>
290                         / <span style="color: purple">elements=dictionary</span>
291                         / <span style="color: red">required</span>
292                    </div>
293                </td>
294                <td>
295                </td>
296                <td>
297                        <div>List of stages to perform in the CodePipeline. List of dictionaries containing name and actions for each stage.</div>
298                </td>
299            </tr>
300                                <tr>
301                    <td class="elbow-placeholder"></td>
302                <td colspan="1">
303                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
304                    <b>actions</b>
305                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
306                    <div style="font-size: small">
307                        <span style="color: purple">list</span>
308                         / <span style="color: purple">elements=dictionary</span>
309                    </div>
310                </td>
311                <td>
312                </td>
313                <td>
314                        <div>List of action configurations for that stage.</div>
315                        <div>See the boto3 documentation for full documentation of suboptions:</div>
316                        <div><a href='https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/reference/services/codepipeline.html#CodePipeline.Client.create_pipeline'>https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/reference/services/codepipeline.html#CodePipeline.Client.create_pipeline</a></div>
317                </td>
318            </tr>
319            <tr>
320                    <td class="elbow-placeholder"></td>
321                <td colspan="1">
322                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
323                    <b>name</b>
324                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
325                    <div style="font-size: small">
326                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
327                    </div>
328                </td>
329                <td>
330                </td>
331                <td>
332                        <div>Name of the stage (step) in the codepipeline</div>
333                </td>
334            </tr>
336            <tr>
337                <td colspan="2">
338                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
339                    <b>state</b>
340                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
341                    <div style="font-size: small">
342                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
343                    </div>
344                </td>
345                <td>
346                        <ul style="margin: 0; padding: 0"><b>Choices:</b>
347                                    <li><div style="color: blue"><b>present</b>&nbsp;&larr;</div></li>
348                                    <li>absent</li>
349                        </ul>
350                </td>
351                <td>
352                        <div>Create or remove code pipeline</div>
353                </td>
354            </tr>
355            <tr>
356                <td colspan="2">
357                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
358                    <b>validate_certs</b>
359                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
360                    <div style="font-size: small">
361                        <span style="color: purple">boolean</span>
362                    </div>
363                </td>
364                <td>
365                        <ul style="margin: 0; padding: 0"><b>Choices:</b>
366                                    <li>no</li>
367                                    <li><div style="color: blue"><b>yes</b>&nbsp;&larr;</div></li>
368                        </ul>
369                </td>
370                <td>
371                        <div>When set to &quot;no&quot;, SSL certificates will not be validated for boto versions &gt;= 2.6.0.</div>
372                </td>
373            </tr>
374            <tr>
375                <td colspan="2">
376                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
377                    <b>version</b>
378                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
379                    <div style="font-size: small">
380                        <span style="color: purple">integer</span>
381                    </div>
382                </td>
383                <td>
384                </td>
385                <td>
386                        <div>Version number of the pipeline. This number is automatically incremented when a pipeline is updated.</div>
387                </td>
388            </tr>
389    </table>
390    <br/>
396.. note::
397   - for details of the parameters and returns see http://boto3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/services/codepipeline.html
398   - If parameters are not set within the module, the following environment variables can be used in decreasing order of precedence ``AWS_URL`` or ``EC2_URL``, ``AWS_PROFILE`` or ``AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE``, ``AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`` or ``AWS_ACCESS_KEY`` or ``EC2_ACCESS_KEY``, ``AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`` or ``AWS_SECRET_KEY`` or ``EC2_SECRET_KEY``, ``AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN`` or ``EC2_SECURITY_TOKEN``, ``AWS_REGION`` or ``EC2_REGION``, ``AWS_CA_BUNDLE``
399   - Ansible uses the boto configuration file (typically ~/.boto) if no credentials are provided. See https://boto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/boto_config_tut.html
400   - ``AWS_REGION`` or ``EC2_REGION`` can be typically be used to specify the AWS region, when required, but this can also be configured in the boto config file
407.. code-block:: yaml
409    # Note: These examples do not set authentication details, see the AWS Guide for details.
411    # Example for creating a pipeline for continuous deploy of Github code to an ECS cluster (container)
412    - community.aws.aws_codepipeline:
413        name: my_deploy_pipeline
414        role_arn: arn:aws:iam::123456:role/AWS-CodePipeline-Service
415        artifact_store:
416          type: S3
417          location: my_s3_codepipline_bucket
418        stages:
419          - name: Get_source
420            actions:
421              -
422                name: Git_pull
423                actionTypeId:
424                  category: Source
425                  owner: ThirdParty
426                  provider: GitHub
427                  version: '1'
428                outputArtifacts:
429                  - { name: my-app-source }
430                configuration:
431                  Owner: mediapeers
432                  Repo: my_gh_repo
433                  PollForSourceChanges: 'true'
434                  Branch: master
435                  # Generate token like this:
436                  # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codepipeline/latest/userguide/GitHub-rotate-personal-token-CLI.html
437                  # GH Link: https://github.com/settings/tokens
438                  OAuthToken: 'abc123def456'
439                runOrder: 1
440          - name: Build
441            actions:
442              -
443                name: CodeBuild
444                actionTypeId:
445                  category: Build
446                  owner: AWS
447                  provider: CodeBuild
448                  version: '1'
449                inputArtifacts:
450                  - { name: my-app-source }
451                outputArtifacts:
452                  - { name: my-app-build }
453                configuration:
454                  # A project with that name needs to be setup on AWS CodeBuild already (use code_build module).
455                  ProjectName: codebuild-project-name
456                runOrder: 1
457          - name: ECS_deploy
458            actions:
459              -
460                name: ECS_deploy
461                actionTypeId:
462                  category: Deploy
463                  owner: AWS
464                  provider: ECS
465                  version: '1'
466                inputArtifacts:
467                  - { name: vod-api-app-build }
468                configuration:
469                  # an ECS cluster with that name needs to be setup on AWS ECS already (use ecs_cluster and ecs_service module)
470                  ClusterName: ecs-cluster-name
471                  ServiceName: ecs-cluster-service-name
472                  FileName: imagedefinitions.json
473        region: us-east-1
474        state: present
478Return Values
480Common return values are documented `here <https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/reference_appendices/common_return_values.html#common-return-values>`_, the following are the fields unique to this module:
482.. raw:: html
484    <table border=0 cellpadding=0 class="documentation-table">
485        <tr>
486            <th colspan="3">Key</th>
487            <th>Returned</th>
488            <th width="100%">Description</th>
489        </tr>
490            <tr>
491                <td colspan="3">
492                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="return-"></div>
493                    <b>pipeline</b>
494                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#return-" title="Permalink to this return value"></a>
495                    <div style="font-size: small">
496                      <span style="color: purple">complex</span>
497                    </div>
498                </td>
499                <td>success</td>
500                <td>
501                            <div>Returns the dictionary describing the code pipeline configuration.</div>
502                    <br/>
503                </td>
504            </tr>
505                                <tr>
506                    <td class="elbow-placeholder">&nbsp;</td>
507                <td colspan="2">
508                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="return-"></div>
509                    <b>artifact_store</b>
510                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#return-" title="Permalink to this return value"></a>
511                    <div style="font-size: small">
512                      <span style="color: purple">complex</span>
513                    </div>
514                </td>
515                <td>always</td>
516                <td>
517                            <div>Information about where the build artifacts are stored</div>
518                    <br/>
519                </td>
520            </tr>
521                                <tr>
522                    <td class="elbow-placeholder">&nbsp;</td>
523                    <td class="elbow-placeholder">&nbsp;</td>
524                <td colspan="1">
525                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="return-"></div>
526                    <b>encryption_key</b>
527                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#return-" title="Permalink to this return value"></a>
528                    <div style="font-size: small">
529                      <span style="color: purple">string</span>
530                    </div>
531                </td>
532                <td>when configured</td>
533                <td>
534                            <div>The encryption key used to encrypt the artifacts store, such as an AWS KMS key.</div>
535                    <br/>
536                </td>
537            </tr>
538            <tr>
539                    <td class="elbow-placeholder">&nbsp;</td>
540                    <td class="elbow-placeholder">&nbsp;</td>
541                <td colspan="1">
542                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="return-"></div>
543                    <b>location</b>
544                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#return-" title="Permalink to this return value"></a>
545                    <div style="font-size: small">
546                      <span style="color: purple">string</span>
547                    </div>
548                </td>
549                <td>always</td>
550                <td>
551                            <div>The location of the artifacts storage (s3 bucket name)</div>
552                    <br/>
553                        <div style="font-size: smaller"><b>Sample:</b></div>
554                        <div style="font-size: smaller; color: blue; word-wrap: break-word; word-break: break-all;">my_s3_codepipline_bucket</div>
555                </td>
556            </tr>
557            <tr>
558                    <td class="elbow-placeholder">&nbsp;</td>
559                    <td class="elbow-placeholder">&nbsp;</td>
560                <td colspan="1">
561                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="return-"></div>
562                    <b>type</b>
563                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#return-" title="Permalink to this return value"></a>
564                    <div style="font-size: small">
565                      <span style="color: purple">string</span>
566                    </div>
567                </td>
568                <td>always</td>
569                <td>
570                            <div>The type of the artifacts store, such as S3</div>
571                    <br/>
572                        <div style="font-size: smaller"><b>Sample:</b></div>
573                        <div style="font-size: smaller; color: blue; word-wrap: break-word; word-break: break-all;">S3</div>
574                </td>
575            </tr>
577            <tr>
578                    <td class="elbow-placeholder">&nbsp;</td>
579                <td colspan="2">
580                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="return-"></div>
581                    <b>name</b>
582                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#return-" title="Permalink to this return value"></a>
583                    <div style="font-size: small">
584                      <span style="color: purple">string</span>
585                    </div>
586                </td>
587                <td>always</td>
588                <td>
589                            <div>Name of the CodePipeline</div>
590                    <br/>
591                        <div style="font-size: smaller"><b>Sample:</b></div>
592                        <div style="font-size: smaller; color: blue; word-wrap: break-word; word-break: break-all;">my_deploy_pipeline</div>
593                </td>
594            </tr>
595            <tr>
596                    <td class="elbow-placeholder">&nbsp;</td>
597                <td colspan="2">
598                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="return-"></div>
599                    <b>role_arn</b>
600                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#return-" title="Permalink to this return value"></a>
601                    <div style="font-size: small">
602                      <span style="color: purple">string</span>
603                    </div>
604                </td>
605                <td>always</td>
606                <td>
607                            <div>ARN of the IAM role attached to the code pipeline</div>
608                    <br/>
609                        <div style="font-size: smaller"><b>Sample:</b></div>
610                        <div style="font-size: smaller; color: blue; word-wrap: break-word; word-break: break-all;">arn:aws:iam::123123123:role/codepipeline-service-role</div>
611                </td>
612            </tr>
613            <tr>
614                    <td class="elbow-placeholder">&nbsp;</td>
615                <td colspan="2">
616                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="return-"></div>
617                    <b>stages</b>
618                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#return-" title="Permalink to this return value"></a>
619                    <div style="font-size: small">
620                      <span style="color: purple">list</span>
621                    </div>
622                </td>
623                <td>always</td>
624                <td>
625                            <div>List of stages configured for this pipeline</div>
626                    <br/>
627                </td>
628            </tr>
629            <tr>
630                    <td class="elbow-placeholder">&nbsp;</td>
631                <td colspan="2">
632                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="return-"></div>
633                    <b>version</b>
634                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#return-" title="Permalink to this return value"></a>
635                    <div style="font-size: small">
636                      <span style="color: purple">integer</span>
637                    </div>
638                </td>
639                <td>always</td>
640                <td>
641                            <div>The version number of the pipeline. This number is auto incremented when pipeline params are changed.</div>
642                    <br/>
643                </td>
644            </tr>
646    </table>
647    <br/><br/>
657- Stefan Horning (@stefanhorning) <horning@mediapeers.com>