2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4# Copyright: (c) 2017, Noah Sparks <nsparks@outlook.com>
5# Copyright: (c) 2017, Henrik Wallström <henrik@wallstroms.nu>
6# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
10module: win_iis_webbinding
11short_description: Configures a IIS Web site binding
13     - Creates, removes and configures a binding to an existing IIS Web site.
15  name:
16    description:
17      - Names of web site.
18    type: str
19    required: yes
20    aliases: [ website ]
21  state:
22    description:
23      - State of the binding.
24    type: str
25    choices: [ absent, present ]
26    default: present
27  port:
28    description:
29      - The port to bind to / use for the new site.
30    type: str
31    default: 80
32  ip:
33    description:
34      - The IP address to bind to / use for the new site.
35    type: str
36    default: '*'
37  host_header:
38    description:
39      - The host header to bind to / use for the new site.
40      - If you are creating/removing a catch-all binding, omit this parameter rather than defining it as '*'.
41    type: str
42  protocol:
43    description:
44      - The protocol to be used for the Web binding (usually HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP).
45    type: str
46    default: http
47  certificate_hash:
48    description:
49      - Certificate hash (thumbprint) for the SSL binding. The certificate hash is the unique identifier for the certificate.
50    type: str
51  certificate_store_name:
52    description:
53      - Name of the certificate store where the certificate for the binding is located.
54    type: str
55    default: my
56  ssl_flags:
57    description:
58      - This parameter is only valid on Server 2012 and newer.
59      - Primarily used for enabling and disabling server name indication (SNI).
60      - Set to C(0) to disable SNI.
61      - Set to C(1) to enable SNI.
62    type: str
64- module: community.windows.win_iis_virtualdirectory
65- module: community.windows.win_iis_webapplication
66- module: community.windows.win_iis_webapppool
67- module: community.windows.win_iis_website
69  - Noah Sparks (@nwsparks)
70  - Henrik Wallström (@henrikwallstrom)
73EXAMPLES = r'''
74- name: Add a HTTP binding on port 9090
75  community.windows.win_iis_webbinding:
76    name: Default Web Site
77    port: 9090
78    state: present
80- name: Remove the HTTP binding on port 9090
81  community.windows.win_iis_webbinding:
82    name: Default Web Site
83    port: 9090
84    state: absent
86- name: Remove the default http binding
87  community.windows.win_iis_webbinding:
88    name: Default Web Site
89    port: 80
90    ip: '*'
91    state: absent
93- name: Add a HTTPS binding
94  community.windows.win_iis_webbinding:
95    name: Default Web Site
96    protocol: https
97    port: 443
98    ip:
99    certificate_hash: B0D0FA8408FC67B230338FCA584D03792DA73F4C
100    state: present
102- name: Add a HTTPS binding with host header and SNI enabled
103  community.windows.win_iis_webbinding:
104    name: Default Web Site
105    protocol: https
106    port: 443
107    host_header: test.com
108    ssl_flags: 1
109    certificate_hash: D1A3AF8988FD32D1A3AF8988FD323792DA73F4C
110    state: present
113RETURN = r'''
115  description:
116    - The state of the website being targetted
117    - Can be helpful in case you accidentally cause a binding collision
118      which can result in the targetted site being stopped
119  returned: always
120  type: str
121  sample: "Started"
123  description:
124    - The type of operation performed
125    - Can be removed, updated, matched, or added
126  returned: on success
127  type: str
128  sample: "removed"
130  description:
131    - Information on the binding being manipulated
132  returned: on success
133  type: dict
134  sample: |-
135    "binding_info": {
136      "bindingInformation": "",
137      "certificateHash": "FF3910CE089397F1B5A77EB7BAFDD8F44CDE77DD",
138      "certificateStoreName": "MY",
139      "hostheader": "",
140      "ip": "",
141      "port": 443,
142      "protocol": "https",
143      "sslFlags": "not supported"
144    }