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1# community.zabbix.zabbix_proxy role
3![Zabbix Proxy](https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.zabbix/workflows/community.zabbix.zabbix_proxy/badge.svg)
5**Table of Contents**
7- [Overview](#overview)
8  * [Operating systems](#operating-systems)
9  * [Zabbix Versions](#zabbix-versions)
10- [Role Variables](#role-variables)
11  * [Main variables](#main-variables)
12    + [Overall Zabbix](#overall-zabbix)
13    + [SElinux](#selinux)
14    + [Zabbix Proxy](#zabbix-proxy)
15    + [Database specific](#database-specific)
16    + [TLS Specific configuration](#tls-specific-configuration)
17  * [proxy](#proxy)
18  * [Database](#database)
19    + [MySQL](#mysql)
20      - [Local Setup](#local-setup)
21      - [Separate Setup](#separate-setup)
22    + [PostgreSQL](#postgresql)
23      - [Local Setup](#local-setup-1)
24      - [Separate Setup](#separate-setup-1)
25    + [SQLite3](#sqlite3)
26  * [Zabbix API variables](#zabbix-api-variables)
27- [Example Playbook](#example-playbook)
28- [Molecule](#molecule)
29- [License](#license)
30- [Author Information](#author-information)
32# Overview
34## Operating systems
36This role will work on the following operating systems:
38 * Red Hat
39 * Debian
40 * Ubuntu
42So, you'll need one of those operating systems.. :-)
43Please send Pull Requests or suggestions when you want to use this role for other Operating systems.
45## Zabbix Versions
47See the following list of supported Operating systems with the Zabbix releases.
49| Zabbix              | 5.2 | 5.0 | 4.4 | 4.0 (LTS) | 3.0 (LTS) |
51| Red Hat Fam 8       |  V  |  V  | V   |           |           |
52| Red Hat Fam 7       |  V  |  V  | V   | V         | V         |
53| Red Hat Fam 6       |  V  |  V  |     |           | V         |
54| Red Hat Fam 5       |  V  |  V  |     |           | V         |
55| Fedora              |     |     | V   | V         |           |
56| Ubuntu 20.04 focal  |  V  |  V  |     |           |           |
57| Ubuntu 19.10 eoan   |     |     |     |           |           |
58| Ubuntu 18.04 bionic |  V  |  V  | V   | V         |           |
59| Ubuntu 16.04 xenial |  V  |  V  | V   | V         |           |
60| Ubuntu 14.04 trusty |  V  |  V  | V   | V         | V         |
61| Debian 10 buster    |  V  |  V  | V   |           |           |
62| Debian 9 stretch    |  V  |  V  | V   | V         |           |
63| Debian 8 jessie     |  V  |  V  | V   | V         | V         |
64| Debian 7 wheezy     |     |     |     | V         | V         |
65| macOS 10.15         |     |     | V   | V         |           |
66| macOS 10.14         |     |     | V   | V         |           |
68# Role Variables
70## Main variables
72The following is an overview of all available configuration default for this role.
74### Overall Zabbix
76* `zabbix_proxy_version`: This is the version of zabbix. Default: 5.2. Can be overridden to 5.0, 4.4, 4.0, 3.4, 3.2, 3.0, 2.4, or 2.2. Previously the variable `zabbix_version` was used directly but it could cause [some inconvenience](https://github.com/dj-wasabi/ansible-zabbix-agent/pull/303). That variable is maintained by retrocompativility.
77* `zabbix_repo`: Default: `zabbix`
78  * `epel`: install agent from EPEL repo
79  * `zabbix`: (default) install agent from Zabbix repo
80  * `other`: install agent from pre-existing or other repo
81* `zabbix_repo_yum`: A list with Yum repository configuration.
82* `zabbix_repo_yum_schema`: Default: `https`. Option to change the web schema for the yum repository(http/https)
83* `zabbix_repo_yum_disabled`: A string with repository names that should be disabled when installing Zabbix component specific packages. Is only used when `zabbix_repo_yum_enabled` contains 1 or more repositories. Default `*`.
84* `zabbix_repo_yum_enabled`: A list with repository names that should be enabled when installing Zabbix component specific packages.
86### SElinux
88* `zabbix_selinux`: Default: `False`. Enables an SELinux policy so that the Proxy will run.
90### Zabbix Proxy
92* `zabbix_proxy_ip`: The IP address of the host. When not provided, it will be determined via the `ansible_default_ipv4` fact.
93* `zabbix_server_host`: The ip or dns name for the zabbix-server machine.
94* `zabbix_server_port`: The port on which the zabbix-server is running. Default: 10051
95* `*zabbix_proxy_package_state`: Default: `present`. Can be overridden to `latest` to update packages
96* `zabbix_proxy_install_database_client`: Default: `True`. False does not install database client.
97* `zabbix_proxy_become_on_localhost`: Default: `True`. Set to `False` if you don't need to elevate privileges on localhost to install packages locally with pip.
98* `zabbix_proxy_manage_service`: Default: `True`. When you run multiple Zabbix proxies in a High Available cluster setup (e.g. pacemaker), you don't want Ansible to manage the zabbix-proxy service, because Pacemaker is in control of zabbix-proxy service.
99* `zabbix_install_pip_packages`: Default: `True`. Set to `False` if you don't want to install the required pip packages. Useful when you control your environment completely.
100* `zabbix_proxy_startpreprocessors`: Number of pre-forked instances of preprocessing workers. The preprocessing manager process is automatically started when a preprocessor worker is started.This parameter is supported since Zabbix 4.2.0.
101* `zabbix_proxy_username`: Default: `zabbix`. The name of the account on the host. Will only be used when `zabbix_repo: epel` is used.
102* `zabbix_proxy_userid`: The UID of the account on the host. Will only be used when `zabbix_repo: epel` is used.
103* `zabbix_proxy_groupname`: Default: `zabbix`. The name of the group of the user on the host. Will only be used when `zabbix_repo: epel` is used.
104* `zabbix_proxy_groupid`: The GID of the group on the host. Will only be used when `zabbix_repo: epel` is used.
105* `zabbix_proxy_include_mode`: Default: `0755`. The "mode" for the directory configured with `zabbix_proxy_include`.
106* `zabbix_proxy_conf_mode`: Default: `0644`. The "mode" for the Zabbix configuration file.
107* `zabbix_proxy_statsallowedip`: Default: ``. Allowed IP foe remote gathering of the ZabbixPorixy internal metrics.
109### Database specific
111* `zabbix_proxy_dbhost_run_install`: Default: `True`. When set to `True`, sql files will be executed on the host running the database.
112* `zabbix_proxy_database`: Default: `pgsql`. The type of database used. Can be: `mysql`, `pgsql` or `sqlite3`
113* `zabbix_proxy_database_long`: Default: `postgresql`. The type of database used, but long name. Can be: `mysql`, `postgresql` or `sqlite3`
114* `zabbix_proxy_dbhost`: The hostname on which the database is running. Will be ignored when `sqlite3` is used as database.
115* `zabbix_proxy_real_dbhost`: The hostname of the dbhost that is running behind a loadbalancer/VIP (loadbalancers doesn't accept ssh connections) Will be ignored when `sqlite3` is used as database.
116* `zabbix_proxy_dbname`: The database name which is used by the Zabbix Proxy.
117* `zabbix_proxy_dbuser`: The database username which is used by the Zabbix Proxy. Will be ignored when `sqlite3` is used as database.
118* `zabbix_proxy_dbpassword`: The database user password which is used by the Zabbix Proxy. Will be ignored when `sqlite3` is used as database.
119* `zabbix_proxy_dbport`: The database port which is used by the Zabbix Proxy. Will be ignored when `sqlite3` is used as database.
120* `zabbix_database_creation`: Default: `True`. When you don't want to create the database including user, you can set it to False.
121* `zabbix_proxy_install_database_client`: Default: `True`. False does not install database client. Default true
122* `zabbix_database_sqlload`:True / False. When you don't want to load the sql files into the database, you can set it to False.
123* `zabbix_proxy_dbencoding`: Default: `utf8`. The encoding for the MySQL database.
124* `zabbix_proxy_dbcollation`: Default: `utf8_bin`. The collation for the MySQL database.zabbix_proxy_
126### TLS Specific configuration
128These variables are specific for Zabbix 3.0 and higher:
130* `zabbix_proxy_tlsconnect`: How the agent should connect to server or proxy. Used for active checks.
131    Possible values:
132    * unencrypted
133    * psk
134    * cert
135* `zabbix_proxy_tlsaccept`: What incoming connections to accept.
136    Possible values:
137    * unencrypted
138    * psk
139    * cert
140* `zabbix_proxy_tlscafile`: Full pathname of a file containing the top-level CA(s) certificates for peer certificate verification.
141* `zabbix_proxy_tlscrlfile`: Full pathname of a file containing revoked certificates.
142* `zabbix_proxy_tlsservercertissuer`: Allowed server certificate issuer.
143* `zabbix_proxy_tlsservercertsubject`: Allowed server certificate subject.
144* `zabbix_proxy_tlscertfile`: Full pathname of a file containing the agent certificate or certificate chain.
145* `zabbix_proxy_tlskeyfile`: Full pathname of a file containing the agent private key.
146* `zabbix_proxy_dbtlsconnect`: Setting this option enforces to use TLS connection to database:
148`required` - connect using TLS
149`verify_ca` - connect using TLS and verify certificate
150`verify_full` - connect using TLS, verify certificate and verify that database identity specified by DBHost matches its certificate
152On `MySQL` starting from 5.7.11 and `PostgreSQL` the following values are supported: `required`, `verify`, `verify_full`. On MariaDB starting from version 10.2.6 `required` and `verify_full` values are supported.
153By default not set to any option and the behaviour depends on database configuration.
154This parameter is supported since Zabbix 5.0.0.
156* `zabbix_proxy_dbtlscafile`: Full pathname of a file containing the top-level CA(s) certificates for database certificate verification. This parameter is supported since Zabbix 5.0.0.
157* `zabbix_proxy_dbtlscertfile`: Full pathname of file containing Zabbix Proxy certificate for authenticating to database. This parameter is supported since Zabbix 5.0.0.
158* `zabbix_proxy_dbtlskeyfile`: Full pathname of file containing the private key for authenticating to database. This parameter is supported since Zabbix 5.0.0.
159* `zabbix_proxy_dbtlscipher`: The list of encryption ciphers that Zabbix Proxy permits for TLS protocols up through TLSv1.2. Supported only for MySQL.This parameter is supported since Zabbix 5.0.0.
160* `zabbix_proxy_dbtlscipher13`: The list of encryption ciphersuites that Zabbix Proxy permits for TLSv1.3 protocol. Supported only for MySQL, starting from version 8.0.16. This parameter is supported since Zabbix 5.0.0.
162## proxy
164When the target host does not have access to the internet, but you do have a proxy available then the following properties needs to be set to download the packages via the proxy:
166* `zabbix_http_proxy`
167* `zabbix_https_proxy`
169## Database
171With Zabbix Proxy you can make use of 2 different databases:
173* `mysql`
174* `postgresql`
175* `SQLite3`
177In the following paragraphs we dive into both setups.
179### MySQL
181To make the Zabbix Proxy work with a `MySQL` database, there are 2 types on setup:
1831. Local setup, `MySQL` running on same host as the Zabbix Proxy;
1842. Separate setup, `MySQL` running on a different host than the Zabbix Proxy.
186#### Local Setup
188We need to have the following dependencies met:
1901. Find an (Ansible) role that will install a `MySQL` instance on the host. Example: `geerlingguy.mysql` can be used, but also others can be used. Please make sure that before installing the Zabbix Proxy, you have a fully functional `MySQL` instance running.
1912. We need to set some variables, either as input for the playbook or set them into the `group_vars` or `host_vars` (Your preference choice). We need to set the following properties:
194zabbix_proxy_database: mysql
195zabbix_proxy_database_long: mysql
196zabbix_proxy_dbport: 3306
197zabbix_proxy_dbpassword: <SOME_SECRET_STRING>
200Please generate a value for the `zabbix_proxy_dbpassword` property (Maybe use `ansible-vault` for this). The zabbix-proxy role will create an database and username (With the provided value for the password) in `MySQL`.
2013. Execute the role by running the Ansible playbook that calls this role. At the end of this run, the Zabbix Proxy with `MySQL` will be running.
203#### Separate Setup
205We need to have the following dependencies met:
2071. We need to either have a `MySQL` instance running somewhere in the environment. If this is the case, we need to have a username/password combination that is allowed to create a database and an user account. If there isn't one, please make sure there is one.
2082. We need to set some variables, either as input for the playbook or set them into the `group_vars` or `host_vars` (Your preference choice). We need to set the following properties:
211zabbix_proxy_database: mysql
212zabbix_proxy_database_long: mysql
213zabbix_proxy_dbport: 3306
214zabbix_proxy_dbhost: mysql-host
215zabbix_proxy_dbhost_run_install: false
216zabbix_proxy_dbpassword: <SOME_SECRET_STRING>
217zabbix_proxy_privileged_host: '%'
218zabbix_proxy_mysql_login_host: mysql-host
219zabbix_proxy_mysql_login_user: root
220zabbix_proxy_mysql_login_password: changeme
221zabbix_proxy_mysql_login_port: 3306
224Please generate a value for the `zabbix_proxy_dbpassword` property (Maybe use `ansible-vault` for this). The zabbix-proxy role will create an database and username (With the provided value for the password) in `MySQL`.
226The `zabbix_proxy_privileged_host` can be set to the hostname/ip of the host running Zabbix Proxy for security related purposes. Also make sure that `zabbix_proxy_mysql_login_password` is set to the correct password for the user provided with `zabbix_proxy_mysql_login_host` to create a database and user in the `MySQL` instance.
2283. Execute the role by running the Ansible playbook that calls this role. At the end of this run, the Zabbix Proxy with `MySQL` on a different host will be running.
230### PostgreSQL
232To make the Zabbix Proxy work with a `PgSQL` database, there are 2 types on setup:
2341. Local setup, `PgSQL` running on same host as the Zabbix Proxy;
2352. Separate setup, `PgSQL` running on a different host than the Zabbix Proxy.
237#### Local Setup
239We need to have the following dependencies met:
2411. Find an (Ansible) role that will install a `PgSQL` instance on the host. Example: `geerlingguy.postgresql` can be used, but also others can be used. Please make sure that before installing the Zabbix Proxy, you have a fully functional `PgSQL` instance running.
2422. We need to set some variables, either as input for the playbook or set them into the `group_vars` or `host_vars` (Your preference choice). We need to set the following properties:
245zabbix_proxy_database: pgsql
246zabbix_proxy_database_long: postgresql
247zabbix_proxy_dbport: 5432
248zabbix_proxy_dbpassword: <SOME_SECRET_STRING>
251Please generate a value for the `zabbix_proxy_dbpassword` property (Maybe use `ansible-vault` for this). The zabbix-proxy role will create an database and username (With the provided value for the password) in `PgSQL`.
2523. Execute the role by running the Ansible playbook that calls this role. At the end of this run, the Zabbix Proxy with `PgSQL` will be running.
254#### Separate Setup
256We need to have the following dependencies met:
2581. We need to either have a `PgSQL` instance running somewhere in the environment. If this is the case, we need to have a username/password combination that is allowed to create a database and an user account. If there isn't one, please make sure there is one.
2592. We need to set some variables, either as input for the playbook or set them into the `group_vars` or `host_vars` (Your preference choice). We need to set the following properties:
262zabbix_proxy_database: pgsql
263zabbix_proxy_database_long: postgresql
264zabbix_proxy_dbport: 5432
265zabbix_proxy_dbhost: pgsql-host
266zabbix_proxy_dbhost_run_install: false
267zabbix_proxy_dbpassword: <SOME_SECRET_STRING>
268zabbix_proxy_privileged_host: '%'
269zabbix_proxy_pgsql_login_host: pgsql-host
270zabbix_proxy_pgsql_login_user: postgres
271zabbix_proxy_pgsql_login_password: changeme
272zabbix_proxy_pgsql_login_port: 5432
275Please generate a value for the `zabbix_proxy_dbpassword` property (Maybe use `ansible-vault` for this). The zabbix-proxy role will create an database and username (With the provided value for the password) in `PgSQL`.
277The `zabbix_proxy_privileged_host` can be set to the hostname/ip of the host running Zabbix Proxy for security related purposes. Also make sure that `zabbix_proxy_mysql_login_password` is set to the correct password for the user provided with `zabbix_proxy_mysql_login_host` to create a database and user in the `PgSQL` instance.
2793. Execute the role by running the Ansible playbook that calls this role. At the end of this run, the Zabbix Proxy with `PgSQL` on a different host will be running.zabbix_proxy_
281### SQLite3
283The SQLite3 can only be used on the same host as on which the Zabbix Proxy is running. If you want to use a seperate host for running the database for the proxy, please consider going for MySQL or PostGreSQL.
285The following properties needs to be set when using `SQLite3` as the database:
288zabbix_proxy_database: sqlite3
289zabbix_proxy_database_long: sqlite3
290zabbix_proxy_dbname: /path/to/sqlite3.db
293NOTE: When using `zabbix_proxy_dbname: zabbix_proxy` (Which is default with this role), it will automatically be stored on `/var/lib/zabbix/zabbix_proxy.db`
295## Zabbix API variables
297These variables need to be overridden when you want to make use of the zabbix-api for automatically creating and or updating hosts. Host encryption configuration will be set to match agent configuration.
299When `zabbix_api_create_proxy` is set to `True`, it will install on the host executing the Ansible playbook the `zabbix-api` python module.
301* `zabbix_url`: The url on which the Zabbix webpage is available. Example: http://zabbix.example.com
302* `zabbix_api_http_user`: The http user to access zabbix url with Basic Auth
303* `zabbix_api_http_password`: The http password to access zabbix url with Basic Auth
304* `zabbix_api_create_proxy`: When you want to enable the Zabbix API to create/delete the proxy. This has to be set to `True` if you want to make use of `zabbix_create_proxy`. Default: `False`
305* `zabbix_api_user`: Username of user which has API access.
306* `zabbix_api_pass`: Password for the user which has API access.
307* `zabbix_create_proxy`: present (Default) if the proxy needs to be created or absent if you want to delete it. This only works when `zabbix_api_create_proxy` is set to `True`.
308* `zabbix_proxy_status`: active (Default) if the proxy needs to be active or passive.
310# Example Playbook
312Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
315  - hosts: zabbix-proxy
316    roles:
317      - role: community.zabbix.zabbix_proxy
318        zabbix_server_host:
319        zabbix_proxy_database: mysql
320        zabbix_proxy_database_long: mysql
323# Molecule
325This role is configured to be tested with Molecule. You can find on this page some more information regarding Molecule:
327* http://werner-dijkerman.nl/2016/07/10/testing-ansible-roles-with-molecule-testinfra-and-docker/
328* http://werner-dijkerman.nl/2016/07/27/extending-ansible-role-testing-with-molecule-by-adding-group_vars-dependencies-and-using-travis-ci/
329* http://werner-dijkerman.nl/2016/07/31/testing-ansible-roles-in-a-cluster-setup-with-docker-and-molecule/
331With each Pull Request, Molecule will be executed via travis.ci. Pull Requests will only be merged once these tests run successfully.
333# License
335GNU General Public License v3.0 or later
337See LICENCE to see the full text.
339# Author Information
341Please send suggestion or pull requests to make this role better. Also let us know if you encounter any issues installing or using this role.
343Github: https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.zabbix