2# (c) 2017 Red Hat Inc.
4# This file is part of Ansible
6# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9# (at your option) any later version.
11# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14# GNU General Public License for more details.
16# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17# along with Ansible.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
21__metaclass__ = type
24author: Ansible Networking Team
25netconf: junos
26short_description: Use junos netconf plugin to run netconf commands on Juniper JUNOS
27  platform
29- This junos plugin provides low level abstraction apis for sending and receiving
30  netconf commands from Juniper JUNOS network devices.
31version_added: 1.0.0
33  ncclient_device_handler:
34    type: str
35    default: junos
36    description:
37    - Specifies the ncclient device handler name for Juniper junos network os. To
38      identify the ncclient device handler name refer ncclient library documentation.
41import json
42import re
44from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text, to_native
45from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
46from ansible.errors import AnsibleConnectionFailure
47from ansible.plugins.netconf import NetconfBase, ensure_ncclient
50    from ncclient import manager
51    from ncclient.operations import RPCError
52    from ncclient.transport.errors import SSHUnknownHostError
53    from ncclient.xml_ import to_ele, to_xml, new_ele, sub_ele
55    HAS_NCCLIENT = True
56except (
57    ImportError,
58    AttributeError,
59):  # paramiko and gssapi are incompatible and raise AttributeError not ImportError
60    HAS_NCCLIENT = False
63class Netconf(NetconfBase):
64    def get_text(self, ele, tag):
65        try:
66            return to_text(
67                ele.find(tag).text, errors="surrogate_then_replace"
68            ).strip()
69        except AttributeError:
70            pass
72    @ensure_ncclient
73    def get_device_info(self):
74        device_info = dict()
75        device_info["network_os"] = "junos"
76        ele = new_ele("get-software-information")
77        data = self.execute_rpc(to_xml(ele))
78        reply = to_ele(data)
79        sw_info = reply.find(".//software-information")
81        device_info["network_os_version"] = self.get_text(
82            sw_info, "junos-version"
83        )
84        device_info["network_os_hostname"] = self.get_text(
85            sw_info, "host-name"
86        )
87        device_info["network_os_model"] = self.get_text(
88            sw_info, "product-model"
89        )
91        return device_info
93    def execute_rpc(self, name):
94        """
95        RPC to be execute on remote device
96        :param name: Name of rpc in string format
97        :return: Received rpc response from remote host
98        """
99        return self.rpc(name)
101    @ensure_ncclient
102    def load_configuration(
103        self, format="xml", action="merge", target="candidate", config=None
104    ):
105        """
106        Load given configuration on device
107        :param format: Format of configuration (xml, text, set)
108        :param action: Action to be performed (merge, replace, override, update)
109        :param target: The name of the configuration datastore being edited
110        :param config: The configuration to be loaded on remote host in string format
111        :return: Received rpc response from remote host in string format
112        """
113        if config:
114            if format == "xml":
115                config = to_ele(config)
117        try:
118            return self.m.load_configuration(
119                format=format, action=action, target=target, config=config
120            ).data_xml
121        except RPCError as exc:
122            raise Exception(to_xml(exc.xml))
124    def get_capabilities(self):
125        result = dict()
126        result["rpc"] = self.get_base_rpc() + [
127            "commit",
128            "discard_changes",
129            "validate",
130            "lock",
131            "unlock",
132            "copy_copy",
133            "execute_rpc",
134            "load_configuration",
135            "get_configuration",
136            "command",
137            "reboot",
138            "halt",
139        ]
140        result["network_api"] = "netconf"
141        result["device_info"] = self.get_device_info()
142        result["server_capabilities"] = list(self.m.server_capabilities)
143        result["client_capabilities"] = list(self.m.client_capabilities)
144        result["session_id"] = self.m.session_id
145        result["device_operations"] = self.get_device_operations(
146            result["server_capabilities"]
147        )
148        return json.dumps(result)
150    @staticmethod
151    @ensure_ncclient
152    def guess_network_os(obj):
153        """
154        Guess the remote network os name
155        :param obj: Netconf connection class object
156        :return: Network OS name
157        """
158        try:
159            m = manager.connect(
160                host=obj._play_context.remote_addr,
161                port=obj._play_context.port or 830,
162                username=obj._play_context.remote_user,
163                password=obj._play_context.password,
164                key_filename=obj.key_filename,
165                hostkey_verify=obj.get_option("host_key_checking"),
166                look_for_keys=obj.get_option("look_for_keys"),
167                allow_agent=obj._play_context.allow_agent,
168                timeout=obj.get_option("persistent_connect_timeout"),
169                # We need to pass in the path to the ssh_config file when guessing
170                # the network_os so that a jumphost is correctly used if defined
171                ssh_config=obj._ssh_config,
172            )
173        except SSHUnknownHostError as exc:
174            raise AnsibleConnectionFailure(to_native(exc))
176        guessed_os = None
177        for c in m.server_capabilities:
178            if re.search("junos", c):
179                guessed_os = "junos"
181        m.close_session()
182        return guessed_os
184    def get_configuration(self, format="xml", filter=None):
185        """
186        Retrieve all or part of a specified configuration.
187        :param format: format in which configuration should be retrieved
188        :param filter: specifies the portion of the configuration to retrieve
189               as either xml string rooted in <configuration> element
190        :return: Received rpc response from remote host in string format
191        """
192        if filter is not None:
193            if not isinstance(filter, string_types):
194                raise AnsibleConnectionFailure(
195                    "get configuration filter should be of type string,"
196                    " received value '%s' is of type '%s'"
197                    % (filter, type(filter))
198                )
199            filter = to_ele(filter)
201        return self.m.get_configuration(format=format, filter=filter).data_xml
203    def compare_configuration(self, rollback=0):
204        """
205        Compare the candidate configuration with running configuration
206        by default. The candidate configuration can be compared with older
207        committed configuration by providing rollback id.
208        :param rollback: Rollback id of previously commited configuration
209        :return: Received rpc response from remote host in string format
210        """
211        return self.m.compare_configuration(rollback=rollback).data_xml
213    def halt(self):
214        """reboot the device"""
215        return self.m.halt().data_xml
217    def reboot(self):
218        """reboot the device"""
219        return self.m.reboot().data_xml
221    # Due to issue in ncclient commit() method for Juniper (https://github.com/ncclient/ncclient/issues/238)
222    # below commit() is a workaround which build's raw `commit-configuration` xml with required tags and uses
223    # ncclient generic rpc() method to execute rpc on remote host.
224    # Remove below method after the issue in ncclient is fixed.
225    @ensure_ncclient
226    def commit(
227        self,
228        confirmed=False,
229        check=False,
230        timeout=None,
231        comment=None,
232        synchronize=False,
233        at_time=None,
234    ):
235        """
236        Commit the candidate configuration as the device's new current configuration.
237        Depends on the `:candidate` capability.
238        A confirmed commit (i.e. if *confirmed* is `True`) is reverted if there is no
239        followup commit within the *timeout* interval. If no timeout is specified the
240        confirm timeout defaults to 600 seconds (10 minutes).
241        A confirming commit may have the *confirmed* parameter but this is not required.
242        Depends on the `:confirmed-commit` capability.
243        :param confirmed: whether this is a confirmed commit
244        :param check: Check correctness of syntax
245        :param timeout: specifies the confirm timeout in seconds
246        :param comment: Message to write to commit log
247        :param synchronize: Synchronize commit on remote peers
248        :param at_time: Time at which to activate configuration changes
249        :return: Received rpc response from remote host
250        """
251        obj = new_ele("commit-configuration")
252        if confirmed:
253            sub_ele(obj, "confirmed")
254        if check:
255            sub_ele(obj, "check")
256        if synchronize:
257            sub_ele(obj, "synchronize")
258        if at_time:
259            subele = sub_ele(obj, "at-time")
260            subele.text = str(at_time)
261        if comment:
262            subele = sub_ele(obj, "log")
263            subele.text = str(comment)
264        if timeout:
265            subele = sub_ele(obj, "confirm-timeout")
266            subele.text = str(timeout)
267        return self.rpc(obj)