1# Copyright (c) 2018 Remy Leone
2# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
4from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
6__metaclass__ = type
9    name: nb_inventory
10    plugin_type: inventory
11    author:
12        - Remy Leone (@sieben)
13        - Anthony Ruhier (@Anthony25)
14        - Nikhil Singh Baliyan (@nikkytub)
15        - Sander Steffann (@steffann)
16        - Douglas Heriot (@DouglasHeriot)
17    short_description: NetBox inventory source
18    description:
19        - Get inventory hosts from NetBox
20    extends_documentation_fragment:
21        - constructed
22        - inventory_cache
23    options:
24        plugin:
25            description: token that ensures this is a source file for the 'netbox' plugin.
26            required: True
27            choices: ['netbox.netbox.nb_inventory']
28        api_endpoint:
29            description: Endpoint of the NetBox API
30            required: True
31            env:
32                - name: NETBOX_API
33        validate_certs:
34            description:
35                - Allows connection when SSL certificates are not valid. Set to C(false) when certificates are not trusted.
36            default: True
37            type: boolean
38        cert:
39            description:
40                - Certificate path
41            default: False
42        key:
43            description:
44                - Certificate key path
45            default: False
46        ca_path:
47            description:
48                - CA path
49            default: False
50        follow_redirects:
51            description:
52                - Determine how redirects are followed.
53                - By default, I(follow_redirects) is set to uses urllib2 default behavior.
54            default: urllib2
55            choices: ['urllib2', 'all', 'yes', 'safe', 'none']
56        config_context:
57            description:
58                - If True, it adds config_context in host vars.
59                - Config-context enables the association of arbitrary data to devices and virtual machines grouped by
60                  region, site, role, platform, and/or tenant. Please check official netbox docs for more info.
61            default: False
62            type: boolean
63        flatten_config_context:
64            description:
65                - If I(config_context) is enabled, by default it's added as a host var named config_context.
66                - If flatten_config_context is set to True, the config context variables will be added directly to the host instead.
67            default: False
68            type: boolean
69            version_added: "0.2.1"
70        flatten_local_context_data:
71            description:
72                - If I(local_context_data) is enabled, by default it's added as a host var named local_context_data.
73                - If flatten_local_context_data is set to True, the config context variables will be added directly to the host instead.
74            default: False
75            type: boolean
76            version_added: "0.3.0"
77        flatten_custom_fields:
78            description:
79                - By default, host custom fields are added as a dictionary host var named custom_fields.
80                - If flatten_custom_fields is set to True, the fields will be added directly to the host instead.
81            default: False
82            type: boolean
83            version_added: "0.2.1"
84        token:
85            required: False
86            description:
87              - NetBox API token to be able to read against NetBox.
88              - This may not be required depending on the NetBox setup.
89            env:
90                # in order of precedence
91                - name: NETBOX_TOKEN
92                - name: NETBOX_API_KEY
93        plurals:
94            description:
95                - If True, all host vars are contained inside single-element arrays for legacy compatibility with old versions of this plugin.
96                - Group names will be plural (ie. "sites_mysite" instead of "site_mysite")
97                - The choices of I(group_by) will be changed by this option.
98            default: True
99            type: boolean
100            version_added: "0.2.1"
101        interfaces:
102            description:
103                - If True, it adds the device or virtual machine interface information in host vars.
104            default: False
105            type: boolean
106            version_added: "0.1.7"
107        services:
108            description:
109                - If True, it adds the device or virtual machine services information in host vars.
110            default: True
111            type: boolean
112            version_added: "0.2.0"
113        fetch_all:
114            description:
115                - By default, fetching interfaces and services will get all of the contents of NetBox regardless of query_filters applied to devices and VMs.
116                - When set to False, separate requests will be made fetching interfaces, services, and IP addresses for each device_id and virtual_machine_id.
117                - If you are using the various query_filters options to reduce the number of devices, you may find querying Netbox faster with fetch_all set to False.
118                - For efficiency, when False, these requests will be batched, for example /api/dcim/interfaces?limit=0&device_id=1&device_id=2&device_id=3
119                - These GET request URIs can become quite large for a large number of devices. If you run into HTTP 414 errors, you can adjust the max_uri_length option to suit your web server.
120            default: True
121            type: boolean
122            version_added: "0.2.1"
123        group_by:
124            description:
125                - Keys used to create groups. The I(plurals) option controls which of these are valid.
126                - I(rack_group) is supported on NetBox versions 2.10 or lower only
127                - I(location) is supported on NetBox versions 2.11 or higher only
128            type: list
129            choices:
130                - sites
131                - site
132                - location
133                - tenants
134                - tenant
135                - racks
136                - rack
137                - rack_group
138                - rack_role
139                - tags
140                - tag
141                - device_roles
142                - role
143                - device_types
144                - device_type
145                - manufacturers
146                - manufacturer
147                - platforms
148                - platform
149                - region
150                - cluster
151                - cluster_type
152                - cluster_group
153                - is_virtual
154                - services
155                - status
156            default: []
157        group_names_raw:
158            description: Will not add the group_by choice name to the group names
159            default: False
160            type: boolean
161            version_added: "0.2.0"
162        query_filters:
163            description: List of parameters passed to the query string for both devices and VMs (Multiple values may be separated by commas)
164            type: list
165            default: []
166        device_query_filters:
167            description: List of parameters passed to the query string for devices (Multiple values may be separated by commas)
168            type: list
169            default: []
170        vm_query_filters:
171            description: List of parameters passed to the query string for VMs (Multiple values may be separated by commas)
172            type: list
173            default: []
174        timeout:
175            description: Timeout for Netbox requests in seconds
176            type: int
177            default: 60
178        max_uri_length:
179            description:
180                - When fetch_all is False, GET requests to NetBox may become quite long and return a HTTP 414 (URI Too Long).
181                - You can adjust this option to be smaller to avoid 414 errors, or larger for a reduced number of requests.
182            type: int
183            default: 4000
184            version_added: "0.2.1"
185        virtual_chassis_name:
186            description:
187                - When a device is part of a virtual chassis, use the virtual chassis name as the Ansible inventory hostname.
188                - The host var values will be from the virtual chassis master.
189            type: boolean
190            default: False
191        dns_name:
192            description:
193                - Force IP Addresses to be fetched so that the dns_name for the primary_ip of each device or VM is set as a host_var.
194                - Setting interfaces will also fetch IP addresses and the dns_name host_var will be set.
195            type: boolean
196            default: False
197        ansible_host_dns_name:
198            description:
199                - If True, sets DNS Name (fetched from primary_ip) to be used in ansible_host variable, instead of IP Address.
200            type: boolean
201            default: False
202        compose:
203            description: List of custom ansible host vars to create from the device object fetched from NetBox
204            default: {}
205            type: dict
208EXAMPLES = """
209# netbox_inventory.yml file in YAML format
210# Example command line: ansible-inventory -v --list -i netbox_inventory.yml
212plugin: netbox.netbox.nb_inventory
213api_endpoint: http://localhost:8000
214validate_certs: True
215config_context: False
217  - device_roles
219  - role: network-edge-router
221  - has_primary_ip: 'true'
223# has_primary_ip is a useful way to filter out patch panels and other passive devices
225# Query filters are passed directly as an argument to the fetching queries.
226# You can repeat tags in the query string.
229  - role: server
230  - tag: web
231  - tag: production
233# See the NetBox documentation at https://netbox.readthedocs.io/en/stable/rest-api/overview/
234# the query_filters work as a logical **OR**
236# Prefix any custom fields with cf_ and pass the field value with the regular NetBox query string
239  - cf_foo: bar
241# NetBox inventory plugin also supports Constructable semantics
242# You can fill your hosts vars using the compose option:
244plugin: netbox.netbox.nb_inventory
246  foo: last_updated
247  bar: display_name
248  nested_variable: rack.display_name
250# You can use keyed_groups to group on properties of devices or VMs.
251# NOTE: It's only possible to key off direct items on the device/VM objects.
252plugin: netbox.netbox.nb_inventory
254  - prefix: status
255    key: status.value
258import json
259import uuid
260import math
261from functools import partial
262from sys import version as python_version
263from threading import Thread
264from typing import Iterable
265from itertools import chain
266from collections import defaultdict
267from ipaddress import ip_interface
268from packaging import specifiers, version
270from ansible.plugins.inventory import BaseInventoryPlugin, Constructable, Cacheable
271from ansible.module_utils.ansible_release import __version__ as ansible_version
272from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
273from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text, to_native
274from ansible.module_utils.urls import open_url
275from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib import error as urllib_error
276from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode
279class InventoryModule(BaseInventoryPlugin, Constructable, Cacheable):
280    NAME = "netbox.netbox.nb_inventory"
282    def _fetch_information(self, url):
283        results = None
284        cache_key = self.get_cache_key(url)
286        # get the user's cache option to see if we should save the cache if it is changing
287        user_cache_setting = self.get_option("cache")
289        # read if the user has caching enabled and the cache isn't being refreshed
290        attempt_to_read_cache = user_cache_setting and self.use_cache
292        # attempt to read the cache if inventory isn't being refreshed and the user has caching enabled
293        if attempt_to_read_cache:
294            try:
295                results = self._cache[cache_key]
296                need_to_fetch = False
297            except KeyError:
298                # occurs if the cache_key is not in the cache or if the cache_key expired
299                # we need to fetch the URL now
300                need_to_fetch = True
301        else:
302            # not reading from cache so do fetch
303            need_to_fetch = True
305        if need_to_fetch:
306            self.display.v("Fetching: " + url)
307            try:
308                response = open_url(
309                    url,
310                    headers=self.headers,
311                    timeout=self.timeout,
312                    validate_certs=self.validate_certs,
313                    follow_redirects=self.follow_redirects,
314                    client_cert=self.cert,
315                    client_key=self.key,
316                    ca_path=self.ca_path,
317                )
318            except urllib_error.HTTPError as e:
319                """This will return the response body when we encounter an error.
320                This is to help determine what might be the issue when encountering an error.
321                Please check issue #294 for more info.
322                """
323                # Prevent inventory from failing completely if the token does not have the proper permissions for specific URLs
324                if e.code == 403:
325                    self.display.display(
326                        "Permission denied: {0}. This may impair functionality of the inventory plugin.".format(
327                            url
328                        ),
329                        color="red",
330                    )
331                    # Need to return mock response data that is empty to prevent any failures downstream
332                    return {"results": [], "next": None}
334                raise AnsibleError(to_native(e.fp.read()))
336            try:
337                raw_data = to_text(response.read(), errors="surrogate_or_strict")
338            except UnicodeError:
339                raise AnsibleError(
340                    "Incorrect encoding of fetched payload from NetBox API."
341                )
343            try:
344                results = json.loads(raw_data)
345            except ValueError:
346                raise AnsibleError("Incorrect JSON payload: %s" % raw_data)
348            # put result in cache if enabled
349            if user_cache_setting:
350                self._cache[cache_key] = results
352        return results
354    def get_resource_list(self, api_url):
355        """Retrieves resource list from netbox API.
356        Returns:
357           A list of all resource from netbox API.
358        """
359        if not api_url:
360            raise AnsibleError("Please check API URL in script configuration file.")
362        resources = []
364        # Handle pagination
365        while api_url:
366            api_output = self._fetch_information(api_url)
367            resources.extend(api_output["results"])
368            api_url = api_output["next"]
370        return resources
372    def get_resource_list_chunked(self, api_url, query_key, query_values):
373        # Make an API call for multiple specific IDs, like /api/ipam/ip-addresses?limit=0&device_id=1&device_id=2&device_id=3
374        # Drastically cuts down HTTP requests comnpared to 1 request per host, in the case where we don't want to fetch_all
376        # Make sure query_values is subscriptable
377        if not isinstance(query_values, list):
378            query_values = list(query_values)
380        def query_string(value, separator="&"):
381            return separator + query_key + "=" + str(value)
383        # Calculate how many queries we can do per API call to stay within max_url_length
384        largest_value = str(max(query_values, default=0))  # values are always id ints
385        length_per_value = len(query_string(largest_value))
386        chunk_size = math.floor((self.max_uri_length - len(api_url)) / length_per_value)
388        # Sanity check, for case where max_uri_length < (api_url + length_per_value)
389        if chunk_size < 1:
390            chunk_size = 1
392        if self.api_version in specifiers.SpecifierSet("~=2.6.0"):
393            # Issue netbox-community/netbox#3507 was fixed in v2.7.5
394            # If using NetBox v2.7.0-v2.7.4 will have to manually set max_uri_length to 0,
395            # but it's probably faster to keep fetch_all: True
396            # (You should really just upgrade your Netbox install)
397            chunk_size = 1
399        resources = []
401        for i in range(0, len(query_values), chunk_size):
402            chunk = query_values[i : i + chunk_size]
403            # process chunk of size <= chunk_size
404            url = api_url
405            for value in chunk:
406                url += query_string(value, "&" if "?" in url else "?")
408            resources.extend(self.get_resource_list(url))
410        return resources
412    @property
413    def group_extractors(self):
415        # List of group_by options and hostvars to extract
417        # Some keys are different depending on plurals option
418        extractors = {
419            "disk": self.extract_disk,
420            "memory": self.extract_memory,
421            "vcpus": self.extract_vcpus,
422            "status": self.extract_status,
423            "config_context": self.extract_config_context,
424            "local_context_data": self.extract_local_context_data,
425            "custom_fields": self.extract_custom_fields,
426            "region": self.extract_regions,
427            "cluster": self.extract_cluster,
428            "cluster_group": self.extract_cluster_group,
429            "cluster_type": self.extract_cluster_type,
430            "is_virtual": self.extract_is_virtual,
431            self._pluralize_group_by("site"): self.extract_site,
432            self._pluralize_group_by("tenant"): self.extract_tenant,
433            self._pluralize_group_by("rack"): self.extract_rack,
434            "rack_role": self.extract_rack_role,
435            self._pluralize_group_by("tag"): self.extract_tags,
436            self._pluralize_group_by("role"): self.extract_device_role,
437            self._pluralize_group_by("platform"): self.extract_platform,
438            self._pluralize_group_by("device_type"): self.extract_device_type,
439            self._pluralize_group_by("manufacturer"): self.extract_manufacturer,
440        }
442        # Locations were added in 2.11 replacing rack-groups.
443        if self.api_version >= version.parse("2.11"):
444            extractors.update(
445                {"location": self.extract_location,}
446            )
447        else:
448            extractors.update(
449                {"rack_group": self.extract_rack_group,}
450            )
452        if self.services:
453            extractors.update(
454                {"services": self.extract_services,}
455            )
457        if self.interfaces:
458            extractors.update(
459                {"interfaces": self.extract_interfaces,}
460            )
462        if self.interfaces or self.dns_name or self.ansible_host_dns_name:
463            extractors.update(
464                {"dns_name": self.extract_dns_name,}
465            )
467        return extractors
469    def _pluralize_group_by(self, group_by):
470        mapping = {
471            "site": "sites",
472            "tenant": "tenants",
473            "rack": "racks",
474            "tag": "tags",
475            "role": "device_roles",
476            "platform": "platforms",
477            "device_type": "device_types",
478            "manufacturer": "manufacturers",
479        }
481        if self.plurals:
482            mapped = mapping.get(group_by)
483            return mapped or group_by
484        else:
485            return group_by
487    def _pluralize(self, extracted_value):
488        # If plurals is enabled, wrap in a single-element list for backwards compatibility
489        if self.plurals:
490            return [extracted_value]
491        else:
492            return extracted_value
494    def _objects_array_following_parents(
495        self, initial_object_id, object_lookup, object_parent_lookup
496    ):
497        objects = []
499        object_id = initial_object_id
501        # Keep looping until the object has no parent
502        while object_id is not None:
503            object_slug = object_lookup[object_id]
505            if object_slug in objects:
506                # Won't ever happen - defensively guard against infinite loop
507                break
509            objects.append(object_slug)
511            # Get the parent of this object
512            object_id = object_parent_lookup[object_id]
514        return objects
516    def extract_disk(self, host):
517        return host.get("disk")
519    def extract_vcpus(self, host):
520        return host.get("vcpus")
522    def extract_status(self, host):
523        return host["status"]
525    def extract_memory(self, host):
526        return host.get("memory")
528    def extract_platform(self, host):
529        try:
530            return self._pluralize(self.platforms_lookup[host["platform"]["id"]])
531        except Exception:
532            return
534    def extract_services(self, host):
535        try:
536            services_lookup = (
537                self.vm_services_lookup
538                if host["is_virtual"]
539                else self.device_services_lookup
540            )
542            return list(services_lookup[host["id"]].values())
544        except Exception:
545            return
547    def extract_device_type(self, host):
548        try:
549            return self._pluralize(self.device_types_lookup[host["device_type"]["id"]])
550        except Exception:
551            return
553    def extract_rack(self, host):
554        try:
555            return self._pluralize(self.racks_lookup[host["rack"]["id"]])
556        except Exception:
557            return
559    def extract_rack_group(self, host):
560        # A host may have a rack. A rack may have a rack_group. A rack_group may have a parent rack_group.
561        # Produce a list of rack_groups:
562        # - it will be empty if the device has no rack, or the rack has no rack_group
563        # - it will have 1 element if the rack's group has no parent
564        # - it will have multiple elements if the rack's group has a parent group
566        rack = host.get("rack", None)
567        if not isinstance(rack, dict):
568            # Device has no rack
569            return None
571        rack_id = rack.get("id", None)
572        if rack_id is None:
573            # Device has no rack
574            return None
576        return self._objects_array_following_parents(
577            initial_object_id=self.racks_group_lookup[rack_id],
578            object_lookup=self.rack_groups_lookup,
579            object_parent_lookup=self.rack_group_parent_lookup,
580        )
582    def extract_rack_role(self, host):
583        try:
584            return self.racks_role_lookup[host["rack"]["id"]]
585        except Exception:
586            return
588    def extract_site(self, host):
589        try:
590            return self._pluralize(self.sites_lookup[host["site"]["id"]])
591        except Exception:
592            return
594    def extract_tenant(self, host):
595        try:
596            return self._pluralize(self.tenants_lookup[host["tenant"]["id"]])
597        except Exception:
598            return
600    def extract_device_role(self, host):
601        try:
602            if "device_role" in host:
603                return self._pluralize(
604                    self.device_roles_lookup[host["device_role"]["id"]]
605                )
606            elif "role" in host:
607                return self._pluralize(self.device_roles_lookup[host["role"]["id"]])
608        except Exception:
609            return
611    def extract_config_context(self, host):
612        try:
613            if self.flatten_config_context:
614                # Don't wrap in an array if we're about to flatten it to separate host vars
615                return host["config_context"]
616            else:
617                return self._pluralize(host["config_context"])
618        except Exception:
619            return
621    def extract_local_context_data(self, host):
622        try:
623            if self.flatten_local_context_data:
624                # Don't wrap in an array if we're about to flatten it to separate host vars
625                return host["local_context_data"]
626            else:
627                return self._pluralize(host["local_context_data"])
628        except Exception:
629            return
631    def extract_manufacturer(self, host):
632        try:
633            return self._pluralize(
634                self.manufacturers_lookup[host["device_type"]["manufacturer"]["id"]]
635            )
636        except Exception:
637            return
639    def extract_primary_ip(self, host):
640        try:
641            address = host["primary_ip"]["address"]
642            return str(ip_interface(address).ip)
643        except Exception:
644            return
646    def extract_primary_ip4(self, host):
647        try:
648            address = host["primary_ip4"]["address"]
649            return str(ip_interface(address).ip)
650        except Exception:
651            return
653    def extract_primary_ip6(self, host):
654        try:
655            address = host["primary_ip6"]["address"]
656            return str(ip_interface(address).ip)
657        except Exception:
658            return
660    def extract_tags(self, host):
661        try:
662            tag_zero = host["tags"][0]
663            # Check the type of the first element in the "tags" array.
664            # If a dictionary (Netbox >= 2.9), return an array of tags' slugs.
665            if isinstance(tag_zero, dict):
666                return list(sub["slug"] for sub in host["tags"])
667            # If a string (Netbox <= 2.8), return the original "tags" array.
668            elif isinstance(tag_zero, str):
669                return host["tags"]
670        # If tag_zero fails definition (no tags), return the empty array.
671        except Exception:
672            return host["tags"]
674    def extract_interfaces(self, host):
675        try:
677            interfaces_lookup = (
678                self.vm_interfaces_lookup
679                if host["is_virtual"]
680                else self.device_interfaces_lookup
681            )
683            interfaces = list(interfaces_lookup[host["id"]].values())
685            before_netbox_v29 = bool(self.ipaddresses_intf_lookup)
686            # Attach IP Addresses to their interface
687            for interface in interfaces:
688                if before_netbox_v29:
689                    interface["ip_addresses"] = list(
690                        self.ipaddresses_intf_lookup[interface["id"]].values()
691                    )
692                else:
693                    interface["ip_addresses"] = list(
694                        self.vm_ipaddresses_intf_lookup[interface["id"]].values()
695                        if host["is_virtual"]
696                        else self.device_ipaddresses_intf_lookup[
697                            interface["id"]
698                        ].values()
699                    )
700                    interface["tags"] = list(sub["slug"] for sub in interface["tags"])
702            return interfaces
703        except Exception:
704            return
706    def extract_custom_fields(self, host):
707        try:
708            return host["custom_fields"]
709        except Exception:
710            return
712    def extract_regions(self, host):
713        # A host may have a site. A site may have a region. A region may have a parent region.
714        # Produce a list of regions:
715        # - it will be empty if the device has no site, or the site has no region set
716        # - it will have 1 element if the site's region has no parent
717        # - it will have multiple elements if the site's region has a parent region
719        site = host.get("site", None)
720        if not isinstance(site, dict):
721            # Device has no site
722            return []
724        site_id = site.get("id", None)
725        if site_id is None:
726            # Device has no site
727            return []
729        return self._objects_array_following_parents(
730            initial_object_id=self.sites_region_lookup[site_id],
731            object_lookup=self.regions_lookup,
732            object_parent_lookup=self.regions_parent_lookup,
733        )
735    def extract_location(self, host):
736        # A host may have a location. A location may have a parent location.
737        # Produce a list of locations:
738        # - it will be empty if the device has no location
739        # - it will have 1 element if the device's location has no parent
740        # - it will have multiple elements if the location has a parent location
742        try:
743            location_id = host["location"]["id"]
744        except (KeyError, TypeError):
745            # Device has no location
746            return []
748        return self._objects_array_following_parents(
749            initial_object_id=location_id,
750            object_lookup=self.locations_lookup,
751            object_parent_lookup=self.locations_parent_lookup,
752        )
754    def extract_cluster(self, host):
755        try:
756            # cluster does not have a slug
757            return host["cluster"]["name"]
758        except Exception:
759            return
761    def extract_cluster_group(self, host):
762        try:
763            return self.clusters_group_lookup[host["cluster"]["id"]]
764        except Exception:
765            return
767    def extract_cluster_type(self, host):
768        try:
769            return self.clusters_type_lookup[host["cluster"]["id"]]
770        except Exception:
771            return
773    def extract_is_virtual(self, host):
774        return host.get("is_virtual")
776    def extract_dns_name(self, host):
777        # No primary IP assigned
778        if not host.get("primary_ip"):
779            return None
781        before_netbox_v29 = bool(self.ipaddresses_lookup)
782        if before_netbox_v29:
783            ip_address = self.ipaddresses_lookup.get(host["primary_ip"]["id"])
784        else:
785            if host["is_virtual"]:
786                ip_address = self.vm_ipaddresses_lookup.get(host["primary_ip"]["id"])
787            else:
788                ip_address = self.device_ipaddresses_lookup.get(
789                    host["primary_ip"]["id"]
790                )
792        # Don"t assign a host_var for empty dns_name
793        if ip_address.get("dns_name") == "":
794            return None
796        return ip_address.get("dns_name")
798    def refresh_platforms_lookup(self):
799        url = self.api_endpoint + "/api/dcim/platforms/?limit=0"
800        platforms = self.get_resource_list(api_url=url)
801        self.platforms_lookup = dict(
802            (platform["id"], platform["slug"]) for platform in platforms
803        )
805    def refresh_sites_lookup(self):
806        url = self.api_endpoint + "/api/dcim/sites/?limit=0"
807        sites = self.get_resource_list(api_url=url)
808        self.sites_lookup = dict((site["id"], site["slug"]) for site in sites)
810        def get_region_for_site(site):
811            # Will fail if site does not have a region defined in Netbox
812            try:
813                return (site["id"], site["region"]["id"])
814            except Exception:
815                return (site["id"], None)
817        # Dictionary of site id to region id
818        self.sites_region_lookup = dict(map(get_region_for_site, sites))
820    def refresh_regions_lookup(self):
821        url = self.api_endpoint + "/api/dcim/regions/?limit=0"
822        regions = self.get_resource_list(api_url=url)
823        self.regions_lookup = dict((region["id"], region["slug"]) for region in regions)
825        def get_region_parent(region):
826            # Will fail if region does not have a parent region
827            try:
828                return (region["id"], region["parent"]["id"])
829            except Exception:
830                return (region["id"], None)
832        # Dictionary of region id to parent region id
833        self.regions_parent_lookup = dict(
834            filter(lambda x: x is not None, map(get_region_parent, regions))
835        )
837    def refresh_locations_lookup(self):
838        # Locations were added in v2.11. Return empty lookups for previous versions.
839        if self.api_version < version.parse("2.11"):
840            return
842        url = self.api_endpoint + "/api/dcim/locations/?limit=0"
843        locations = self.get_resource_list(api_url=url)
844        self.locations_lookup = dict(
845            (location["id"], location["slug"]) for location in locations
846        )
848        def get_location_parent(location):
849            # Will fail if location does not have a parent location
850            try:
851                return (location["id"], location["parent"]["id"])
852            except Exception:
853                return (location["id"], None)
855        def get_location_site(location):
856            # Locations MUST be assigned to a site
857            return (location["id"], location["site"]["id"])
859        # Dictionary of location id to parent location id
860        self.locations_parent_lookup = dict(
861            filter(None, map(get_location_parent, locations))
862        )
863        # Location to site lookup
864        self.locations_site_lookup = dict(map(get_location_site, locations))
866    def refresh_tenants_lookup(self):
867        url = self.api_endpoint + "/api/tenancy/tenants/?limit=0"
868        tenants = self.get_resource_list(api_url=url)
869        self.tenants_lookup = dict((tenant["id"], tenant["slug"]) for tenant in tenants)
871    def refresh_racks_lookup(self):
872        url = self.api_endpoint + "/api/dcim/racks/?limit=0"
873        racks = self.get_resource_list(api_url=url)
874        self.racks_lookup = dict((rack["id"], rack["name"]) for rack in racks)
876        def get_group_for_rack(rack):
877            try:
878                return (rack["id"], rack["group"]["id"])
879            except Exception:
880                return (rack["id"], None)
882        def get_role_for_rack(rack):
883            try:
884                return (rack["id"], rack["role"]["slug"])
885            except Exception:
886                return (rack["id"], None)
888        self.racks_group_lookup = dict(map(get_group_for_rack, racks))
889        self.racks_role_lookup = dict(map(get_role_for_rack, racks))
891    def refresh_rack_groups_lookup(self):
892        # Locations were added in v2.11 replacing rack groups. Do nothing for 2.11+
893        if self.api_version >= version.parse("2.11"):
894            return
896        url = self.api_endpoint + "/api/dcim/rack-groups/?limit=0"
897        rack_groups = self.get_resource_list(api_url=url)
898        self.rack_groups_lookup = dict(
899            (rack_group["id"], rack_group["slug"]) for rack_group in rack_groups
900        )
902        def get_rack_group_parent(rack_group):
903            try:
904                return (rack_group["id"], rack_group["parent"]["id"])
905            except Exception:
906                return (rack_group["id"], None)
908        # Dictionary of rack group id to parent rack group id
909        self.rack_group_parent_lookup = dict(map(get_rack_group_parent, rack_groups))
911    def refresh_device_roles_lookup(self):
912        url = self.api_endpoint + "/api/dcim/device-roles/?limit=0"
913        device_roles = self.get_resource_list(api_url=url)
914        self.device_roles_lookup = dict(
915            (device_role["id"], device_role["slug"]) for device_role in device_roles
916        )
918    def refresh_device_types_lookup(self):
919        url = self.api_endpoint + "/api/dcim/device-types/?limit=0"
920        device_types = self.get_resource_list(api_url=url)
921        self.device_types_lookup = dict(
922            (device_type["id"], device_type["slug"]) for device_type in device_types
923        )
925    def refresh_manufacturers_lookup(self):
926        url = self.api_endpoint + "/api/dcim/manufacturers/?limit=0"
927        manufacturers = self.get_resource_list(api_url=url)
928        self.manufacturers_lookup = dict(
929            (manufacturer["id"], manufacturer["slug"]) for manufacturer in manufacturers
930        )
932    def refresh_clusters_lookup(self):
933        url = self.api_endpoint + "/api/virtualization/clusters/?limit=0"
934        clusters = self.get_resource_list(api_url=url)
936        def get_cluster_type(cluster):
937            # Will fail if cluster does not have a type (required property so should always be true)
938            try:
939                return (cluster["id"], cluster["type"]["slug"])
940            except Exception:
941                return (cluster["id"], None)
943        def get_cluster_group(cluster):
944            # Will fail if cluster does not have a group (group is optional)
945            try:
946                return (cluster["id"], cluster["group"]["slug"])
947            except Exception:
948                return (cluster["id"], None)
950        self.clusters_type_lookup = dict(map(get_cluster_type, clusters))
951        self.clusters_group_lookup = dict(map(get_cluster_group, clusters))
953    def refresh_services(self):
954        url = self.api_endpoint + "/api/ipam/services/?limit=0"
955        services = []
957        if self.fetch_all:
958            services = self.get_resource_list(url)
959        else:
960            device_services = self.get_resource_list_chunked(
961                api_url=url,
962                query_key="device_id",
963                query_values=self.devices_lookup.keys(),
964            )
965            vm_services = self.get_resource_list_chunked(
966                api_url=url,
967                query_key="virtual_machine_id",
968                query_values=self.vms_lookup.keys(),
969            )
970            services = chain(device_services, vm_services)
972        # Construct a dictionary of dictionaries, separately for devices and vms.
973        # Allows looking up services by device id or vm id
974        self.device_services_lookup = defaultdict(dict)
975        self.vm_services_lookup = defaultdict(dict)
977        for service in services:
978            service_id = service["id"]
980            if service.get("device"):
981                self.device_services_lookup[service["device"]["id"]][
982                    service_id
983                ] = service
985            if service.get("virtual_machine"):
986                self.vm_services_lookup[service["virtual_machine"]["id"]][
987                    service_id
988                ] = service
990    def refresh_interfaces(self):
992        url_device_interfaces = self.api_endpoint + "/api/dcim/interfaces/?limit=0"
993        url_vm_interfaces = (
994            self.api_endpoint + "/api/virtualization/interfaces/?limit=0"
995        )
997        device_interfaces = []
998        vm_interfaces = []
1000        if self.fetch_all:
1001            device_interfaces = self.get_resource_list(url_device_interfaces)
1002            vm_interfaces = self.get_resource_list(url_vm_interfaces)
1003        else:
1004            device_interfaces = self.get_resource_list_chunked(
1005                api_url=url_device_interfaces,
1006                query_key="device_id",
1007                query_values=self.devices_lookup.keys(),
1008            )
1009            vm_interfaces = self.get_resource_list_chunked(
1010                api_url=url_vm_interfaces,
1011                query_key="virtual_machine_id",
1012                query_values=self.vms_lookup.keys(),
1013            )
1015        # Construct a dictionary of dictionaries, separately for devices and vms.
1016        # For a given device id or vm id, get a lookup of interface id to interface
1017        # This is because interfaces may be returned multiple times when querying for virtual chassis parent and child in separate queries
1018        self.device_interfaces_lookup = defaultdict(dict)
1019        self.vm_interfaces_lookup = defaultdict(dict)
1021        # /dcim/interfaces gives count_ipaddresses per interface. /virtualization/interfaces does not
1022        self.devices_with_ips = set()
1024        for interface in device_interfaces:
1025            interface_id = interface["id"]
1026            device_id = interface["device"]["id"]
1028            # Check if device_id is actually a device we've fetched, and was not filtered out by query_filters
1029            if device_id not in self.devices_lookup:
1030                continue
1032            # Check if device_id is part of a virtual chasis
1033            # If so, treat its interfaces as actually part of the master
1034            device = self.devices_lookup[device_id]
1035            virtual_chassis_master = self._get_host_virtual_chassis_master(device)
1036            if virtual_chassis_master is not None:
1037                device_id = virtual_chassis_master
1039            self.device_interfaces_lookup[device_id][interface_id] = interface
1041            # Keep track of what devices have interfaces with IPs, so if fetch_all is False we can avoid unnecessary queries
1042            if interface["count_ipaddresses"] > 0:
1043                self.devices_with_ips.add(device_id)
1045        for interface in vm_interfaces:
1046            interface_id = interface["id"]
1047            vm_id = interface["virtual_machine"]["id"]
1049            self.vm_interfaces_lookup[vm_id][interface_id] = interface
1051    # Note: depends on the result of refresh_interfaces for self.devices_with_ips
1052    def refresh_ipaddresses(self):
1053        url = (
1054            self.api_endpoint
1055            + "/api/ipam/ip-addresses/?limit=0&assigned_to_interface=true"
1056        )
1057        ipaddresses = []
1059        if self.fetch_all:
1060            ipaddresses = self.get_resource_list(url)
1061        else:
1062            device_ips = self.get_resource_list_chunked(
1063                api_url=url,
1064                query_key="device_id",
1065                query_values=list(self.devices_with_ips),
1066            )
1067            vm_ips = self.get_resource_list_chunked(
1068                api_url=url,
1069                query_key="virtual_machine_id",
1070                query_values=self.vms_lookup.keys(),
1071            )
1073            ipaddresses = chain(device_ips, vm_ips)
1075        # Construct a dictionary of lists, to allow looking up ip addresses by interface id
1076        # Note that interface ids share the same namespace for both devices and vms so this is a single dictionary
1077        self.ipaddresses_intf_lookup = defaultdict(dict)
1078        # Construct a dictionary of the IP addresses themselves
1079        self.ipaddresses_lookup = defaultdict(dict)
1080        # NetBox v2.9 and onwards
1081        self.vm_ipaddresses_intf_lookup = defaultdict(dict)
1082        self.vm_ipaddresses_lookup = defaultdict(dict)
1083        self.device_ipaddresses_intf_lookup = defaultdict(dict)
1084        self.device_ipaddresses_lookup = defaultdict(dict)
1086        for ipaddress in ipaddresses:
1087            # As of NetBox v2.9 "assigned_object_x" replaces "interface"
1088            if ipaddress.get("assigned_object_id"):
1089                interface_id = ipaddress["assigned_object_id"]
1090                ip_id = ipaddress["id"]
1091                # We need to copy the ipaddress entry to preserve the original in case caching is used.
1092                ipaddress_copy = ipaddress.copy()
1094                if ipaddress["assigned_object_type"] == "virtualization.vminterface":
1095                    self.vm_ipaddresses_lookup[ip_id] = ipaddress_copy
1096                    self.vm_ipaddresses_intf_lookup[interface_id][
1097                        ip_id
1098                    ] = ipaddress_copy
1099                else:
1100                    self.device_ipaddresses_lookup[ip_id] = ipaddress_copy
1101                    self.device_ipaddresses_intf_lookup[interface_id][
1102                        ip_id
1103                    ] = ipaddress_copy  # Remove "assigned_object_X" attributes, as that's redundant when ipaddress is added to an interface
1105                del ipaddress_copy["assigned_object_id"]
1106                del ipaddress_copy["assigned_object_type"]
1107                del ipaddress_copy["assigned_object"]
1108                continue
1110            if not ipaddress.get("interface"):
1111                continue
1112            interface_id = ipaddress["interface"]["id"]
1113            ip_id = ipaddress["id"]
1115            # We need to copy the ipaddress entry to preserve the original in case caching is used.
1116            ipaddress_copy = ipaddress.copy()
1118            self.ipaddresses_intf_lookup[interface_id][ip_id] = ipaddress_copy
1119            self.ipaddresses_lookup[ip_id] = ipaddress_copy
1120            # Remove "interface" attribute, as that's redundant when ipaddress is added to an interface
1121            del ipaddress_copy["interface"]
1123    @property
1124    def lookup_processes(self):
1125        lookups = [
1126            self.refresh_sites_lookup,
1127            self.refresh_regions_lookup,
1128            self.refresh_locations_lookup,
1129            self.refresh_tenants_lookup,
1130            self.refresh_racks_lookup,
1131            self.refresh_rack_groups_lookup,
1132            self.refresh_device_roles_lookup,
1133            self.refresh_platforms_lookup,
1134            self.refresh_device_types_lookup,
1135            self.refresh_manufacturers_lookup,
1136            self.refresh_clusters_lookup,
1137        ]
1139        if self.interfaces:
1140            lookups.append(self.refresh_interfaces)
1142        if self.services:
1143            lookups.append(self.refresh_services)
1145        return lookups
1147    @property
1148    def lookup_processes_secondary(self):
1149        lookups = []
1151        # IP addresses are needed for either interfaces or dns_name options
1152        if self.interfaces or self.dns_name or self.ansible_host_dns_name:
1153            lookups.append(self.refresh_ipaddresses)
1155        return lookups
1157    def refresh_lookups(self, lookups):
1159        # Exceptions that occur in threads by default are printed to stderr, and ignored by the main thread
1160        # They need to be caught, and raised in the main thread to prevent further execution of this plugin
1162        thread_exceptions = []
1164        def handle_thread_exceptions(lookup):
1165            def wrapper():
1166                try:
1167                    lookup()
1168                except Exception as e:
1169                    # Save for the main-thread to re-raise
1170                    # Also continue to raise on this thread, so the default handler can run to print to stderr
1171                    thread_exceptions.append(e)
1172                    raise e
1174            return wrapper
1176        thread_list = []
1178        try:
1179            for lookup in lookups:
1180                thread = Thread(target=handle_thread_exceptions(lookup))
1181                thread_list.append(thread)
1182                thread.start()
1184            for thread in thread_list:
1185                thread.join()
1187            # Wait till we've joined all threads before raising any exceptions
1188            for exception in thread_exceptions:
1189                raise exception
1191        finally:
1192            # Avoid retain cycles
1193            thread_exceptions = None
1195    def fetch_api_docs(self):
1196        openapi = self._fetch_information(
1197            self.api_endpoint + "/api/docs/?format=openapi"
1198        )
1200        self.api_version = version.parse(openapi["info"]["version"])
1201        self.allowed_device_query_parameters = [
1202            p["name"] for p in openapi["paths"]["/dcim/devices/"]["get"]["parameters"]
1203        ]
1204        self.allowed_vm_query_parameters = [
1205            p["name"]
1206            for p in openapi["paths"]["/virtualization/virtual-machines/"]["get"][
1207                "parameters"
1208            ]
1209        ]
1211    def validate_query_parameter(self, parameter, allowed_query_parameters):
1212        if not (isinstance(parameter, dict) and len(parameter) == 1):
1213            self.display.warning(
1214                "Warning query parameters %s not a dict with a single key." % parameter
1215            )
1216            return None
1218        k = tuple(parameter.keys())[0]
1219        v = tuple(parameter.values())[0]
1221        if not (k in allowed_query_parameters or k.startswith("cf_")):
1222            msg = "Warning: %s not in %s or starting with cf (Custom field)" % (
1223                k,
1224                allowed_query_parameters,
1225            )
1226            self.display.warning(msg=msg)
1227            return None
1228        return k, v
1230    def filter_query_parameters(self, parameters, allowed_query_parameters):
1231        return filter(
1232            lambda parameter: parameter is not None,
1233            # For each element of query_filters, test if it's allowed
1234            map(
1235                # Create a partial function with the device-specific list of query parameters
1236                partial(
1237                    self.validate_query_parameter,
1238                    allowed_query_parameters=allowed_query_parameters,
1239                ),
1240                parameters,
1241            ),
1242        )
1244    def refresh_url(self):
1245        device_query_parameters = [("limit", 0)]
1246        vm_query_parameters = [("limit", 0)]
1247        device_url = self.api_endpoint + "/api/dcim/devices/?"
1248        vm_url = self.api_endpoint + "/api/virtualization/virtual-machines/?"
1250        # Add query_filtes to both devices and vms query, if they're valid
1251        if isinstance(self.query_filters, Iterable):
1252            device_query_parameters.extend(
1253                self.filter_query_parameters(
1254                    self.query_filters, self.allowed_device_query_parameters
1255                )
1256            )
1258            vm_query_parameters.extend(
1259                self.filter_query_parameters(
1260                    self.query_filters, self.allowed_vm_query_parameters
1261                )
1262            )
1264        if isinstance(self.device_query_filters, Iterable):
1265            device_query_parameters.extend(
1266                self.filter_query_parameters(
1267                    self.device_query_filters, self.allowed_device_query_parameters
1268                )
1269            )
1271        if isinstance(self.vm_query_filters, Iterable):
1272            vm_query_parameters.extend(
1273                self.filter_query_parameters(
1274                    self.vm_query_filters, self.allowed_vm_query_parameters
1275                )
1276            )
1278        # When query_filters is Iterable, and is not empty:
1279        # - If none of the filters are valid for devices, do not fetch any devices
1280        # - If none of the filters are valid for VMs, do not fetch any VMs
1281        # If either device_query_filters or vm_query_filters are set,
1282        # device_query_parameters and vm_query_parameters will have > 1 element so will continue to be requested
1283        if self.query_filters and isinstance(self.query_filters, Iterable):
1284            if len(device_query_parameters) <= 1:
1285                device_url = None
1287            if len(vm_query_parameters) <= 1:
1288                vm_url = None
1290        # Append the parameters to the URLs
1291        if device_url:
1292            device_url = device_url + urlencode(device_query_parameters)
1293        if vm_url:
1294            vm_url = vm_url + urlencode(vm_query_parameters)
1296        # Exclude config_context if not required
1297        if not self.config_context:
1298            if device_url:
1299                device_url = device_url + "&exclude=config_context"
1300            if vm_url:
1301                vm_url = vm_url + "&exclude=config_context"
1303        return device_url, vm_url
1305    def fetch_hosts(self):
1306        device_url, vm_url = self.refresh_url()
1308        self.devices_list = []
1309        self.vms_list = []
1311        if device_url:
1312            self.devices_list = self.get_resource_list(device_url)
1314        if vm_url:
1315            self.vms_list = self.get_resource_list(vm_url)
1317        # Allow looking up devices/vms by their ids
1318        self.devices_lookup = {device["id"]: device for device in self.devices_list}
1319        self.vms_lookup = {vm["id"]: vm for vm in self.vms_list}
1321        # There's nothing that explicitly says if a host is virtual or not - add in a new field
1322        for host in self.devices_list:
1323            host["is_virtual"] = False
1325        for host in self.vms_list:
1326            host["is_virtual"] = True
1328    def extract_name(self, host):
1329        # An host in an Ansible inventory requires an hostname.
1330        # name is an unique but not required attribute for a device in NetBox
1331        # We default to an UUID for hostname in case the name is not set in NetBox
1332        # Use virtual chassis name if set by the user.
1333        if self.virtual_chassis_name and self._get_host_virtual_chassis_master(host):
1334            return host["virtual_chassis"]["name"] or str(uuid.uuid4())
1335        else:
1336            return host["name"] or str(uuid.uuid4())
1338    def generate_group_name(self, grouping, group):
1340        # Check for special case - if group is a boolean, just return grouping name instead
1341        # eg. "is_virtual" - returns true for VMs, should put them in a group named "is_virtual", not "is_virtual_True"
1342        if isinstance(group, bool):
1343            if group:
1344                return grouping
1345            else:
1346                # Don't create the inverse group
1347                return None
1349        # Special case. Extract name from service, which is a hash.
1350        if grouping == "services":
1351            group = group["name"]
1352            grouping = "service"
1354        if grouping == "status":
1355            group = group["value"]
1357        if self.group_names_raw:
1358            return group
1359        else:
1360            return "_".join([grouping, group])
1362    def add_host_to_groups(self, host, hostname):
1363        site_group_by = self._pluralize_group_by("site")
1365        for grouping in self.group_by:
1367            # Don't handle regions here since no hosts are ever added to region groups
1368            # Sites and locations are also specially handled in the main()
1369            if grouping in ["region", site_group_by, "location"]:
1370                continue
1372            if grouping not in self.group_extractors:
1373                raise AnsibleError(
1374                    'group_by option "%s" is not valid. Check group_by documentation or check the plurals option. It can determine what group_by options are valid.'
1375                    % grouping
1376                )
1378            groups_for_host = self.group_extractors[grouping](host)
1380            if not groups_for_host:
1381                continue
1383            # Make groups_for_host a list if it isn't already
1384            if not isinstance(groups_for_host, list):
1385                groups_for_host = [groups_for_host]
1387            for group_for_host in groups_for_host:
1388                group_name = self.generate_group_name(grouping, group_for_host)
1390                if not group_name:
1391                    continue
1393                # Group names may be transformed by the ansible TRANSFORM_INVALID_GROUP_CHARS setting
1394                # add_group returns the actual group name used
1395                transformed_group_name = self.inventory.add_group(group=group_name)
1396                self.inventory.add_host(group=transformed_group_name, host=hostname)
1398    def _add_site_groups(self):
1399        # Map site id to transformed group names
1400        self.site_group_names = dict()
1402        for site_id, site_name in self.sites_lookup.items():
1403            site_group_name = self.generate_group_name(
1404                self._pluralize_group_by("site"), site_name
1405            )
1406            # Add the site group to get its transformed name
1407            site_transformed_group_name = self.inventory.add_group(
1408                group=site_group_name
1409            )
1410            self.site_group_names[site_id] = site_transformed_group_name
1412    def _add_region_groups(self):
1413        # Mapping of region id to group name
1414        region_transformed_group_names = self._setup_nested_groups(
1415            "region", self.regions_lookup, self.regions_parent_lookup
1416        )
1418        # Add site groups as children of region groups
1419        for site_id in self.sites_lookup:
1420            region_id = self.sites_region_lookup.get(site_id, None)
1421            if region_id is None:
1422                continue
1424            self.inventory.add_child(
1425                region_transformed_group_names[region_id],
1426                self.site_group_names[site_id],
1427            )
1429    def _add_location_groups(self):
1430        # Mapping of location id to group name
1431        self.location_group_names = self._setup_nested_groups(
1432            "location", self.locations_lookup, self.locations_parent_lookup
1433        )
1435        # Add location to site groups as children
1436        for location_id, location_slug in self.locations_lookup.items():
1437            if self.locations_parent_lookup.get(location_id, None):
1438                # Only top level locations should be children of sites
1439                continue
1441            site_transformed_group_name = self.site_group_names[
1442                self.locations_site_lookup[location_id]
1443            ]
1445            self.inventory.add_child(
1446                site_transformed_group_name, self.location_group_names[location_id]
1447            )
1449    def _setup_nested_groups(self, group, lookup, parent_lookup):
1450        # Mapping of id to group name
1451        transformed_group_names = dict()
1453        # Create groups for each object
1454        for obj_id in lookup:
1455            group_name = self.generate_group_name(group, lookup[obj_id])
1456            transformed_group_names[obj_id] = self.inventory.add_group(group=group_name)
1458        # Now that all groups exist, add relationships between them
1459        for obj_id in lookup:
1460            group_name = transformed_group_names[obj_id]
1461            parent_id = parent_lookup.get(obj_id, None)
1462            if parent_id is not None and parent_id in transformed_group_names:
1463                parent_name = transformed_group_names[parent_id]
1464                self.inventory.add_child(parent_name, group_name)
1466        return transformed_group_names
1468    def _fill_host_variables(self, host, hostname):
1469        extracted_primary_ip = self.extract_primary_ip(host=host)
1470        if extracted_primary_ip:
1471            self.inventory.set_variable(hostname, "ansible_host", extracted_primary_ip)
1473        if self.ansible_host_dns_name:
1474            extracted_dns_name = self.extract_dns_name(host=host)
1475            if extracted_dns_name:
1476                self.inventory.set_variable(
1477                    hostname, "ansible_host", extracted_dns_name
1478                )
1480        extracted_primary_ip4 = self.extract_primary_ip4(host=host)
1481        if extracted_primary_ip4:
1482            self.inventory.set_variable(hostname, "primary_ip4", extracted_primary_ip4)
1484        extracted_primary_ip6 = self.extract_primary_ip6(host=host)
1485        if extracted_primary_ip6:
1486            self.inventory.set_variable(hostname, "primary_ip6", extracted_primary_ip6)
1488        for attribute, extractor in self.group_extractors.items():
1489            extracted_value = extractor(host)
1491            # Compare with None, not just check for a truth comparison - allow empty arrays, etc to be host vars
1492            if extracted_value is None:
1493                continue
1495            # Special case - all group_by options are single strings, but tag is a list of tags
1496            # Keep the groups named singular "tag_sometag", but host attribute should be "tags":["sometag", "someothertag"]
1497            if attribute == "tag":
1498                attribute = "tags"
1500            if attribute == "region":
1501                attribute = "regions"
1503            if attribute == "location":
1504                attribute = "locations"
1506            if attribute == "rack_group":
1507                attribute = "rack_groups"
1509            # Flatten the dict into separate host vars, if enabled
1510            if isinstance(extracted_value, dict) and (
1511                (attribute == "config_context" and self.flatten_config_context)
1512                or (attribute == "custom_fields" and self.flatten_custom_fields)
1513                or (
1514                    attribute == "local_context_data"
1515                    and self.flatten_local_context_data
1516                )
1517            ):
1518                for key, value in extracted_value.items():
1519                    self.inventory.set_variable(hostname, key, value)
1520            else:
1521                self.inventory.set_variable(hostname, attribute, extracted_value)
1523    def _get_host_virtual_chassis_master(self, host):
1524        virtual_chassis = host.get("virtual_chassis", None)
1526        if not virtual_chassis:
1527            return None
1529        master = virtual_chassis.get("master", None)
1531        if not master:
1532            return None
1534        return master.get("id", None)
1536    def main(self):
1537        # Get info about the API - version, allowed query parameters
1538        self.fetch_api_docs()
1540        self.fetch_hosts()
1542        # Interface, and Service lookup will depend on hosts, if option fetch_all is false
1543        self.refresh_lookups(self.lookup_processes)
1545        # Looking up IP Addresses depends on the result of interfaces count_ipaddresses field
1546        # - can skip any device/vm without any IPs
1547        self.refresh_lookups(self.lookup_processes_secondary)
1549        # If we're grouping by regions, hosts are not added to region groups
1550        # If we're grouping by locations, hosts may be added to the site or location
1551        # - the site groups are added as sub-groups of regions
1552        # - the location groups are added as sub-groups of sites
1553        # So, we need to make sure we're also grouping by sites if regions or locations are enabled
1554        site_group_by = self._pluralize_group_by("site")
1555        if (
1556            site_group_by in self.group_by
1557            or "location" in self.group_by
1558            or "region" in self.group_by
1559        ):
1560            self._add_site_groups()
1562        # Create groups for locations. Will be a part of site groups.
1563        if "location" in self.group_by and self.api_version >= version.parse("2.11"):
1564            self._add_location_groups()
1566        # Create groups for regions, containing the site groups
1567        if "region" in self.group_by:
1568            self._add_region_groups()
1570        for host in chain(self.devices_list, self.vms_list):
1572            virtual_chassis_master = self._get_host_virtual_chassis_master(host)
1573            if (
1574                virtual_chassis_master is not None
1575                and virtual_chassis_master != host["id"]
1576            ):
1577                # Device is part of a virtual chassis, but is not the master
1578                continue
1580            hostname = self.extract_name(host=host)
1581            self.inventory.add_host(host=hostname)
1582            self._fill_host_variables(host=host, hostname=hostname)
1584            strict = self.get_option("strict")
1586            # Composed variables
1587            self._set_composite_vars(
1588                self.get_option("compose"), host, hostname, strict=strict
1589            )
1591            # Complex groups based on jinja2 conditionals, hosts that meet the conditional are added to group
1592            self._add_host_to_composed_groups(
1593                self.get_option("groups"), host, hostname, strict=strict
1594            )
1596            # Create groups based on variable values and add the corresponding hosts to it
1597            self._add_host_to_keyed_groups(
1598                self.get_option("keyed_groups"), host, hostname, strict=strict
1599            )
1600            self.add_host_to_groups(host=host, hostname=hostname)
1602            # Special processing for sites and locations as those groups were already created
1603            if getattr(self, "location_group_names", None) and host.get("location"):
1604                # Add host to location group when host is assigned to the location
1605                self.inventory.add_host(
1606                    group=self.location_group_names[host["location"]["id"]],
1607                    host=hostname,
1608                )
1609            elif getattr(self, "site_group_names", None) and host.get("site"):
1610                # Add host to site group when host is NOT assigned to a location
1611                self.inventory.add_host(
1612                    group=self.site_group_names[host["site"]["id"]], host=hostname,
1613                )
1615    def parse(self, inventory, loader, path, cache=True):
1616        super(InventoryModule, self).parse(inventory, loader, path)
1617        self._read_config_data(path=path)
1618        self.use_cache = cache
1620        # Netbox access
1621        token = self.get_option("token")
1622        # Handle extra "/" from api_endpoint configuration and trim if necessary, see PR#49943
1623        self.api_endpoint = self.get_option("api_endpoint").strip("/")
1624        self.timeout = self.get_option("timeout")
1625        self.max_uri_length = self.get_option("max_uri_length")
1626        self.validate_certs = self.get_option("validate_certs")
1627        self.follow_redirects = self.get_option("follow_redirects")
1628        self.config_context = self.get_option("config_context")
1629        self.flatten_config_context = self.get_option("flatten_config_context")
1630        self.flatten_local_context_data = self.get_option("flatten_local_context_data")
1631        self.flatten_custom_fields = self.get_option("flatten_custom_fields")
1632        self.plurals = self.get_option("plurals")
1633        self.interfaces = self.get_option("interfaces")
1634        self.services = self.get_option("services")
1635        self.fetch_all = self.get_option("fetch_all")
1636        self.headers = {
1637            "User-Agent": "ansible %s Python %s"
1638            % (ansible_version, python_version.split(" ")[0]),
1639            "Content-type": "application/json",
1640        }
1641        self.cert = self.get_option("cert")
1642        self.key = self.get_option("key")
1643        self.ca_path = self.get_option("ca_path")
1644        if token:
1645            self.headers.update({"Authorization": "Token %s" % token})
1647        # Filter and group_by options
1648        self.group_by = self.get_option("group_by")
1649        self.group_names_raw = self.get_option("group_names_raw")
1650        self.query_filters = self.get_option("query_filters")
1651        self.device_query_filters = self.get_option("device_query_filters")
1652        self.vm_query_filters = self.get_option("vm_query_filters")
1653        self.virtual_chassis_name = self.get_option("virtual_chassis_name")
1654        self.dns_name = self.get_option("dns_name")
1655        self.ansible_host_dns_name = self.get_option("ansible_host_dns_name")
1657        self.main()